高中英语教案:必修二(Unit3 Computers--Period6 Assessment)

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高中英语教案:必修二(Unit3 Computers--Period6 Assessment)

Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period is to help the Ss to elevate their acquisition about computers androids and IT and their ability of employing the words,expressions,grammar learned in this unit.‎ Teaching Aims:‎ ‎1.Elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about computers,androids and IT.‎ ‎2.Elevate the Ss ability of using the words and expressions and grammar learned in this unit.‎ Teaching Important and Difficult Point:‎ Help the Ss learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased.‎ Teaching Methods:‎ ‎1.Question-and-answer activity.‎ ‎2.Pair work and group work to make the students work in class.‎ Teaching Aids:‎ ‎1.A multimedia. ‎ ‎2.A blackboard.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls.‎ Ss:Good morning,Miss.‎ Step 2 Revision T:So far we have finished this unit which is about...?‎ Ss:It’s about the history and development of computers.‎ S1:I have learned tremendous about the computers,androids and I’ve made up my mind to learn computer science in the future if possible.‎ T:Terrific.‎ Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about computers.Now work with your partners and finish these questions first.‎ 非测试性评价 ‎1.To what extent are computer and Internet becoming part of your life?‎ I use the computer and/or Internet to:‎ ‎—type my homework ‎—draw pictures ‎ ‎—play games ‎—communicate with my friends ‎ ‎—gather related information for my lessons.‎ ‎—buy the things I like,eg: books and clothes.‎ ‎—listen to music ‎—watch movies.‎ ‎2.What else do you think the computer and Internet will help you to do?‎ ‎_______________________________________________‎ ‎3.Which part(s)of the computer do you think need(s)more improvement?Why?You can use Exercise ‎1 in the workbook(P56)as reference for the parts of the computer.‎ ‎_______________________________________________‎ ‎4.Look at the flow chart explaining how the computer technology has been developing and complete it with your partners.Then give a brief oral presentation on the development of computer technology with the help of the chart.When you’re preparing it,you can refer to the reading passage on Page 18 of the Student’s Book.Your oral presentation will be less than three minutes.‎ 测试性评价 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.In c with most educated people,he prefers classical music to jazz.‎ ‎2.The invention of computer was a ______(技术的) revolution.‎ ‎3.He is quite clever a boy though he looks s -minded.‎ ‎4.In the past 20 years,my hometown has t changed.‎ ‎5.Computers are often used to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the I .‎ ‎6.There are many ways of ______(通讯) in the modern world,such as telephone,fax,and so on.‎ ‎7.In the early 1960s,computers were connected by a n ,so that people could share information and talk to each other.‎ ‎8.He is so clever that he is considered to have high ______(智力).‎ ‎9.She was ______(徘徊) up and down the road,not knowing what to and where to go.‎ ‎10.Could you tell me the advantages and d of being famous?‎ Possible answers:1.common 2.technological 3.simple 4.totally 5.Internet 6.communication 7.network 8.intell-igence 9.wandering 10.disadvantages Ⅱ.句型转换/完成句子 ‎1.Personally,I think the team who won first place cheated.‎ ‎______ ______ ______,I think the team who won first place cheated.‎ ‎2.I’m afraid something urgent has risen;I won’t be able to see you tonight.‎ I’m afraid something urgent has ______ ______;I won’t be able to see you tonight.‎ ‎3.As time ______ ______(流逝),my memory seems to get worse.‎ ‎4.They’ve bought many books which are ______ ______(适合) teenagers.‎ ‎5.The new type of mobile phone is expensive.______,it’s worth buying it.‎ ‎6.He was foolish enough to accept her invitation.‎ He was ______ foolish ______ he accepted her invitation.‎ ‎7.How are you going to ______ ______(处理) the water pollution of the area?‎ ‎8.You have to ______ ______ ______(做出决定) whether to accept the job or not.‎ Possible answers:1.In my opinion 2.come up 3.goes by 4.suitable for 5.Anyway/Anyhow 6.so,that 7.deal with 8.make a choice Step 4 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 Computers Period 6‎ In my opinion so...that come up deal+with ‎ goes by make a choice suitable...for Step 5 Record after Teaching Activities and Research:‎ ‎ ‎ Whether or not should the computer be used in teaching?‎ Suppose your classroom has been equipped with a computer.Your teachers have used a lot the computer in their teaching.Some of your classmates are for using the computer in teaching,but the others are against using the computer in teaching,and you try to work in two sides:‎ ‎1.Bring this topic to your classmates,and divide the class into two sides,each of which has several small groups.‎ ‎2.Make a list of the advantages/disadvantages about using the computer in teaching based on the opinions or ideas of those who are for/against using the computer in teaching.‎ ‎3.Share your list with other groups,put your lists together to make one comprehensive list out of what each groups has come up.‎ ‎4.You may also want to read and surf the Internet about different views on using the computer in teaching to find more reasons to support your ideas.‎ ‎5.Then,come to a reasonable decision about whether or not the computer should be used in teaching.‎ ‎6.Create a debate in class on whether or not the computer should be used in teaching.‎ ‎7.While debating,you will try to use the following expressions.‎ I think that... Yes,I think so. I don’t think so. I agree that... I don’t agree. I’m afraid not. In my opinion,In addition, Besides, First...,second..., In a word/In brief

