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高考冲刺卷(三)‎ 第一部分 听力(略)‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎21.Encouraged by his father,my cousin quickly developed a for table tennis,and specialized in the sport later.‎ A.taste B.talent C.concern D.plan 答案 A 解析 句意为:在他父亲的鼓励下,我的堂弟很快喜欢上了乒乓球,后来专攻了这项运动。taste爱好,志趣,符合语境。develop a taste for sth. 开始喜欢某物。talent天资,天赋;concern担心,忧虑;plan计划。‎ ‎22.About 70 to 75 bicycles will be to Jacksonville according to a bike-share program that VeoRide,an Indiana company,is expected to roll out later this year.‎ A.applied B.classified C.circulated D.allocated 答案 D 解析 句意为:根据印第安纳州的VeoRide 公司预计在今年晚些时候推出的一项共享单车计划,大约有70到75辆自行车会被分配到杰克逊维尔市。allocate分配,配给,符合语境。apply应用;classify分类;circulate循环,传播。‎ ‎23.By the end of October,214 project agreements with investors from outside Hainan,according to the Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce.‎ A.have been signed B.had been signed C.have signed D.had signed 答案 B 解析 句意为:据海南省商务厅统计,截至10月底,海南已与海南之外的投资者签署了214份项目协议。根据句中的“By the end of October”可知,此处表示到某个时间已经完成的动作,应用过去完成时;又agreements与sign之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故选B。‎ ‎24.It won’t be long before we complete our scheme. you want to make any change,please keep me informed before tomorrow.‎ A.Shall B.Could C.Should D.Might 答案 C 解析 句意为:我们很快会完成我们的方案。如果你想作任何改变的话,请在明天之前告诉我。should“(表示可能)假如,万一”,符合语境。此处涉及条件状语从句中省略if,将should提到句首,句子用倒装语序的情况。‎ ‎25.When Jackson was young,he was really a child,always hanging out,coming home late and making his parents upset.‎ A.contrary B.contradictory C.conservative D.considerate 答案 A 解析 句意为:杰克逊小的时候是一个非常叛逆的孩子,他总是在外面闲逛,回家很晚并让父母失望。contrary乖戾的,逆反的,符合语境。contradictory矛盾的;conservative保守的,守旧的;considerate体贴的,考虑周到的。‎ ‎26.This plan looks good ,but few people believe that it will work in a real-world environment.‎ A.on average B.on paper C.in place D.in store 答案 B 解析 句意为:理论上讲,这个计划看起来很好,但是很少人相信它会在真实环境中奏效。空处与句中的“in a real-world environment”相对,on paper理论上,符合语境。on average平均来看;in place在正确位置;in store准备着,即将发生(在某人身上)。‎ ‎27.The second season of Memoirs of Canton, a documentary series Cantonese culture,ran on CCTV’s documentary channel recently.‎ A.having reflected B.to reflect C.reflecting D.reflected 答案 C 解析 句意为:最近,反映广东文化的系列纪录片《广府春秋》第二季在中央电视台纪录频道播出了。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词,reflect与series之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作后置定语。故选C。‎ ‎28.If your skin easily,it’s important to wear sun-protective clothing or a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.‎ A.burns B.was burnt C.will burn D.is burning 答案 A 解析 句意为:如果你的皮肤容易晒伤,穿防晒服或涂抹防晒指数高的防晒霜对于保护皮肤免受阳光照射是很重要的。此处应用一般现在时来说明your skin的特性;又burn可作及物动词,表示“使晒伤”,也可作不及物动词,表示“晒伤”,故结合选项可知选A。‎ ‎29. it took China 30 years to finally release the classic Japanese animation My Neighbour Totoro in mainland cinemas,fans of Hayao Miyazaki felt delighted.‎ A.Unless B.Since C.Now that D.Even though 答案 D 解析 分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”,应用even though。‎ ‎30.One of the features of the hotel to be built next month is that it should at least 90 percent of the area for non-smokers.‎ A.lay down B.put away C.set aside D.give out 答案 C 解析 句意为:下个月要建的旅馆的特征之一就是有百分之九十的地方要留给不吸烟的客人。set aside留出(时间/空间/金钱),符合语境。lay down放下,规定;put away 把……收拾起来;give out分发。‎ ‎31.With her light hair and blue eyes,Mary seems to her mother,but in character she is more like her father.‎ A.take to B.take on C.take in D.take after 答案 D 解析 句意为:玛丽有浅色头发和蓝眼睛,这使她看上去像她的母亲,但在性格上她更像她父亲。take to喜欢上;take on承担,呈现;take in领会,欺骗;take after(外貌或行为)像(父或母)。故选D。‎ ‎32.Against medical experts have been saying for years,a new study suggests salt may not be as bad for the heart as commonly believed.‎ A.that B.which C.what D.how 答案 C 解析 句意为:和医学专家这些年说的正相反,一项新的研究表明盐对于心脏可能并没有人们所普遍认为的那么不好。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语,表示“……的东西(事情)”,应用what。‎ ‎33.It’s here.I can’t get a job because I haven’t got any experience,but without a job,how can I get experience?‎ A.a wet blanket B.a catch-22‎ C.a white lie D.a tough nut 答案 B 解析 句意为:这是个让人左右为难的处境。因为没有工作经验我找不到工作,但是没有工作,我又哪来的工作经验呢?a catch-22进退维谷的局面,无法摆脱的困境,符合语境。a wet blanket泼冷水的人,扫兴的人;a white lie善意的谎言;a tough nut难对付的人。‎ ‎34.All of us couldn’t understand why he left without saying anything in such an important event _________ we expected to hear his voice.‎ A.that B.which C.when D.where 答案 D 解析 句意为:我们所有人都不能理解在如此重要的场合下他一句话都没说就离开了,我们原本期待会听到他的意见。分析句子结构可知,此处应用关系副词where引导定语从句,先行词event在此表示抽象的地点概念。‎ ‎35.—I’ve decided to go back to school for some training in programming.‎ ‎— ,Philip.When would you like to start?‎ A.Good for you B.You said it C.You are kidding me D.Take my word for it 答案 A 解析 句意为:——我决定回学校进修程序设计。——太好了,菲利普。你打算何时开始?good for you(称赞某人)真行,真棒,符合语境。you said it 你说对了;you are kidding me你在开玩笑吧;take my word for it相信我的话。‎ 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ Happy Maggie During my childhood I experienced greater hardships than most people go through in a lifetime.In my short 17 years of life,I have been 36 five divorces of my parents.Having a new stepmother or stepfather every few years was 37 ,but the constant moving was worse.My father’s cancer diagnosis 38 me apart,and his two heart attacks and 39 with diabetes put a huge pressure on the family.By age 13,I was 40 and emotionally scarred.I felt like I had no one to 41 and that nothing would ever get better.Then I met Maggie,and my attitude towards life changed.‎ For many summers,I 42 at a horse-riding camp for people with special needs.We taught children and adults specialized skills 43 their abilities.For example,we would teach a child with autism(自闭症) 44 skills,or a child with cerebral palsy(脑瘫) strength-building exercise.Each volunteer was 45 a specific child during eight weeks.A few weeks later,I was asked to 46 another volunteer who was sick.That was the day my 47 on life changed forever.‎ As I began to work with her,I looked through her file to get more information,which was ‎ ‎48 .She had been physically abused as a newborn and throughout her infancy.Her birth parents 49 her so badly that they caused her a serious brain injury by the age of two.Her skull had been broken;however,the amazing thing about Maggie was her 50 attitude.‎ When I met Maggie,she was 12,and she would say 51 but “I’m happy!”.If you asked her “How old are you?”,“I’m happy”she replied each time.Everyone at the camp 52 her “Happy Maggie”.‎ My life growing up was a huge struggle, 53 Maggie taught me not to get in the way of happiness.Nothing bad in life should be enough to change 54 I am.She gave me 55 .If I learned anything from Maggie,it would be,no matter what,be happy.‎ 语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者在经历了一系列的挫折后,感觉无助和沮丧,于是选择在夏天自愿加入给特殊人群设立的骑马营地。在营地里作者遇到了从出生到婴儿期都在遭受虐待的玛吉,并被她永不灰心的“快乐”态度所打动,改变了作者的人生观。‎ ‎36.A.beyond B.with C.through D.in 答案 C 解析 beyond超出;with用,随着;through通过,经历;in在……里面。句意为:在我短短的十七年的生命中,我已经经历了五次父母离婚。through此处表示“经历”,故选C。‎ ‎37.A.rough B.exciting C.charming D.independent 答案 A 解析 rough令人不快的,艰难的;exciting令人兴奋的;charming迷人的;independent独立的。句意为:每隔几年就有一个继父或者继母是很令人不快的。故选A。‎ ‎38.A.broke B.tore C.defeated D.turned 答案 B 解析 break打破;tear撕开;defeat击败;turn转动。句意为:我父亲的癌症诊断使我崩溃了。tear sb. apart撕开,使……崩溃,故选B。‎ ‎39.A.recovery B.suffering C.concern D.battle 答案 D 解析 recovery恢复;suffering受苦;concern关心;battle斗争。根据上文可知,父亲得了癌症,经历了两次与心脏病以及和糖尿病的战斗给家庭带来了巨大的压力。battle with与……战斗,故选D。‎ ‎40.A.depressed B.confused C.confident D.pleased 答案 A 解析 depressed沮丧的;confused困惑的;confident自信的;pleased高兴的。根据下文的“emotionally scarred”可知,作者非常“沮丧”,故选A。‎ ‎41.A.look after B.turn to C.appeal to D.take after 答案 B 解析 look after照顾;turn to转向,求助于;appeal to吸引,呼吁;take after与……相像。句意为:我感觉就好像我没有任何人可以求助,没有什么会好起来。turn to sb. 求助于某人,故选B。‎ ‎42.A.volunteered B.handled C.admitted D.recommended 答案 A 解析 volunteer自愿;handle处理;admit承认;recommend推荐。根据下文“Each volunteer was...”可知,作者是自愿去了骑马俱乐部,故选A。‎ ‎43.A.compared with B.based on C.judging from D.owing to 答案 B 解析 compared with与……相比较;based on以……为基础;judging from根据……判断;owing to由于。根据空后的their abilities可知,作者是基于他们的能力教孩子或者成人特殊技能,故选B。‎ ‎44.A.analyzing B.creating C.communicating D.calculating 答案 C 解析 analyzing分析;creating创造;communicating交流;calculating计算。根据空前的“a child with autism(自闭症)”可知,我们会教他沟通技能。故选C。‎ ‎45.A.acquired B.separated C.promoted D.assigned 答案 D 解析 acquire取得;separate分开;promote促进;assign委派。根据语境可知,每个志愿者会被委派给一个特殊的孩子,故选D。‎ ‎46.A.interview B.employ C.replace D.dismiss 答案 C 解析 interview采访;employ雇用;replace代替;dismiss解散。根据下文“another volunteer who was sick”可知,作者是去代替一名生病的志愿者,故选C。‎ ‎47.A.decision B.evaluation C.principle D.outlook 答案 D 解析 decision决定;evaluation评价;principle原则;outlook展望,观点。根据下文可知,正是那一天永远改变了作者的人生观,故选D。‎ ‎48.A.heart-breaking B.spirit-lifting C.disappointing D.surprising 答案 A 解析 heart-breaking令人心碎的;spirit-lifting激励的;disappointing令人失望的;surprising令人惊讶的。根据“She had been physically abused as a newborn and throughout her infancy.”可知,这个孩子从出生到整个婴儿期都被虐待,作者了解到了这一令人心碎的信息,故选A。‎ ‎49.A.tended B.treated C.opposed D.protected 答案 B 解析 tend倾向,照顾;treat对待;oppose反对;protect保护。句意为:她的亲生父母对她很不好,以至于在她两岁时就给她造成了严重的脑损伤。此处表示亲生父母对待她不好,故选B。‎ ‎50.A.unreasonable B.unacceptable C.unforgettable D.unsinkable 答案 D 解析 unreasonable不合理的;unacceptable不能接受的;unforgettable难忘的;unsinkable不会下沉的,不灰心的。根据下文可知,玛吉是个永不灰心的孩子,故选D。‎ ‎51.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something 答案 C 解析 everything一切;anything任何事;nothing 没什么;something某事。句意为:当我遇到玛吉时,她12岁,她只会说“我很开心!”nothing but只有,故选C。‎ ‎52.A.gave B.complained C.translated D.nicknamed 答案 D 解析 give给予;complain抱怨;translate翻译;nickname给……取绰号。根据“Happy Maggie”可知,营地里的人都给她取绰号为“快乐的玛吉”,故选D。‎ ‎53.A.and B.yet C.so D.otherwise 答案 B 解析 and并且;yet然而,但是;so因此;otherwise 否则。句意为:我的成长是一场巨大的痛苦,但玛吉教会我不要成为幸福的绊脚石。前后文为转折关系,故选B。‎ ‎54.A.why B.where C.who D.that 答案 C 解析 why表原因,为何;where表地点,哪里;who指人,谁;that那个。句意为:生活中没有什么坏事足以改变我。本句引导宾语从句,指人,故选C。‎ ‎55.A.hope B.ambition C.strength D.lesson 答案 A 解析 hope希望;ambition野心;strength力量;lesson课程。根据文章可知,玛吉给了作者希望,故选A。‎ 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Smooth 2010 Gran Reserva(特级珍藏)...HALF price while stocks last!‎ Now only£119.88£59.88 per case,plus free delivery.‎ A gorgeous 7-year-old Gran Reserva from Spain for under £5 a bottle?Grab a case while you can!‎ As famous wine critic Robert Parker says,“Spain leads the world to wonderful wine bargains of character and soul.” And one of our favorites is this velvety(醇和的) 2010 Gran Reserva from Valencia.It’s been wowing judges for years and in 2016 won “Best of Show” at the famous MUNDUS VINI.Above the orange groves and paella rice fields of Valencia,conditions are ideal for grape growing.Winemaker Maria Angeles Camara selects the finest,hand-harvested Tempranillo for this wine,which she ages for 30 months in oak(橡木) followed by years in bottle in the cellar(地窖).‎ A wonderfully fragrant,silky red with dark,juicy flavors and soft vanilla tones,Palacio del Conde is in its element with mixed tapas,roast chicken or lamb and strong cheeses.‎ Order 12 bottles today for a remarkable £59.88 and SAVE £60.Delivery (usually ‎ ‎£7.99) is FREE.Terms and conditions apply—see below.‎ ORDER TODAY ORDER ONLINE AT sundaytimeswineclub.co.uk/W7F1C OR CALL 03330 142 776‎ ‎8∶30 am to 19∶30 pm Monday to Friday ‎9∶00 am to 18∶00 pm Saturday ‎10∶00 am to 16∶00 pm Sunday THE CLUB’S GUARANTEE—IF YOU AREN’T HAPPY WITH A BOTTLE,DON’T PAY FOR IT 语篇解读 本文是一则广告,主要向读者推荐了一款制作精良、味道醇厚的西班牙葡萄酒并吸引人们来购买。‎ ‎56.What can we know about the recommended Palacio del Conde?‎ A.It’s stored in oak all the time.‎ B.It contains superior paella rice.‎ C.It sells best both at home and abroad.‎ D.It’s made from high-quality raw materials.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据文中的“Above the orange groves and paella rice fields of Valencia,conditions are ideal for grape growing.Winemaker Maria Angeles Camara selects the finest,hand-harvested Tempranillo for this wine”可知,这款葡萄酒由产地优良、品种优良的葡萄酿造而成。故选D。‎ ‎57.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?‎ A.To attract people to a famous wine cellar.‎ B.To briefly introduce a classic wine brand.‎ C.To appeal to people to buy a Spanish wine.‎ D.To popularize people’s knowledge of wine.‎ 答案 C 解析 写作意图题。根据文中的“Smooth 2010 Gran Reserva(特级珍藏)...HALF price while stocks last!”“Now only£119.88£59.88 per case,plus free delivery.”“Order 12 bottles today for a remarkable £59.88 and SAVE £60.Delivery (usually £7.99) is FREE.Terms and conditions apply—see below.”等订购信息可知,作者写作本文主要是吸引人们购买这款葡萄酒中的特级珍藏。故选C。‎ B When you were at school,the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your weekends going to work.There was homework to do,sport to play and fun to have.But our parents probably persuaded us to find a job to earn some money and get some life experience.When I was a teenager I had a paper round:delivering newspapers to people’s homes.I then progressed to a Saturday job in a supermarket:stacking shelves and working at the checkout.‎ Today in the UK you are allowed to work from the age of 13,and many children do take up part-time jobs.It’s one of those things that are seen almost as a rite of passage(成人仪式).It’s a taste of independence and sometimes a useful thing to put on your CV(简历).Teenagers agree that it teaches valuable lessons about working with adults and also about managing their money.‎ Some research has shown that not taking up a Saturday or holiday job could be deleterious to a person later on.A 2015 study by the UK Commission on Employment and Skills found that not participating in part-time work at school age had been blamed by employer’s organizations for young adults being ill-prepared for full-time employment,but despite this,recent statistics have shown that the number of schoolchildren in the UK with a part-time job has fallen by a fifth in the past five years.‎ So,does this mean that British teenagers are now afraid of hard work? Probably not.Some experts feel that young people feel going out to work will affect their performance at school,and they are under more pressure now to study hard and get good exam results and a good job in the long term.However,Geoff Barton,general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders,told BBC News that “Properly regulated(控制的) part-time work is a good way of helping young people learn skills that they will need in their working lives.” In reality,it’s all about getting the right balance between doing part-time work and having enough time to study and rest.‎ 语篇解读 本文为一篇议论文。研究和调查表明,适当的兼职会让学生们学会独立、获取阅历、为将来工作做好准备,同时还要在做兼职和有足够的时间学习和休息之间取得平衡。‎ ‎58.How did the author feel about doing part-time jobs on weekends when he was a teenager?‎ A.Unwilling. B.Interested.‎ C.Delighted. D.Angry.‎ 答案 A 解析 观点态度题。根据第一段第一句“When you were at school,the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your weekends going to work.”可知,作者认为当你在学校的时候,你可能最不想做的事情就是周末去上班。故作者的态度是不情愿的,选A。‎ ‎59.Which of the following may NOT be the benefit of school children’s doing part-time jobs?‎ A.Learning to be independent.‎ B.Gaining some life experience.‎ C.Being prepared for future jobs.‎ D.Spending what they earn as they like.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“to find a job to earn some money and get some life experience”,第二段中的“It’s a taste of independence...it teaches valuable lessons about working with adults”及第三段中的“not participating in part-time work...being ill-prepared for full-time employment”可知,兼职会让学生学会独立、获取生活阅历和为将来工作做好准备。故选D项。‎ ‎60.What does the underlined word “deleterious” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A.Valuable. B.Harmful.‎ C.Necessary. D.Impossible.‎ 答案 B 解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的调研内容可知,该研究表明,雇主们一直将年轻人对全职工作准备不足归咎于他们在上学时没有做兼职工作。故学生不做兼职工作可能对以后的生活有害,选项B符合题意。‎ C Feeding birds is a popular way to watch wildlife.But experts say it might put wild birds at risk.‎ Feeding birds is not necessary for their survival except in extreme weather conditions.Feeders(喂食器) can definitely help birds get through that kind of weather.But most birds eat insects and show little interest in bird feeders.For those birds,we can grow native plants in a natural environment.Birds which are fond of eating seeds will be more likely to come to feeders if there is some cover nearby.This lets them feed and then fly to protective areas,such as in trees.‎ The most common mistake people make with their bird feeders is that they put feeders in places where birds are easily frightened by passers-by,risk being hurt by cats,or risk flying into windows.‎ So set up a bird feeder at least one meter away from a window.That way,if a bird gets frightened,it won’t get killed when it hits the glass.Owners of cats should keep them inside home so they can’t hurt the birds.‎ Some birds are more aggressive at feeders.They eat a lot and do not leave much food for other birds.A solution is to put the food in more than one place by using different kinds of seeds or fruits.This can also increase the number and diversity of birds in your neighborhood.But don’t feed wild birds anything salty,like potato chips,or food that could choke them,like bread.‎ Pay attention to food quality and freshness.Unprotected food left too long in feeders will turn moldy(发霉),which can kill wildlife.‎ Another word of advice:Always provide a supply of clean water for birds,but use care when ‎ looking for the right birdbath.If the birdbaths are too deep for birds,putting a few large stones in the water can give the birds a place to sit.‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,人们在喂鸟的时候无意中会给鸟儿带来危险,文章具体解释了这些危险并提出了安全喂鸟的建议。‎ ‎61.What’s the most common mistake about feeding birds?‎ A.Putting feeders in improper places.‎ B.Providing food in inappropriate time.‎ C.Leaving feeders unprotected.‎ D.Supplying dirty and deep water.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容可知人们在喂鸟的时候,最常见的错误是把喂鸟器放在错误的地方,这样给鸟儿带来了很多危险。故A项正确。‎ ‎62.Which of the following may not be suitable for feeding birds?‎ A.Seeds. B.Bread. C.Fruit. D.Insects.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段最后一句“But don’t feed wild birds anything salty,like potato chips,or food that could choke them,like bread.”可知,作者建议人们不要喂给鸟儿薯条和面包,因为这些食物不适合喂鸟。故B项正确。‎ ‎63.The author advises helping more birds by .‎ A.increasing the number of feeders B.cleaning the birds with clean water C.putting more large stones in the feeders D.keeping aggressive birds away from the feeders 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段第三句“A solution is to put the food in more than one place by using different kinds of seeds or fruits.”可知,作者建议我们把食物放在多个地方,并提供不同种类的食物。这样做,自然是要增加喂鸟器的数量。故A项正确。‎ ‎64.What is the text mainly about?‎ A.Problems with bird feeding.‎ B.Where to place bird feeders.‎ C.Popular ways of protecting wild birds.‎ D.How to feed wild birds safely and healthily.‎ 答案 D 解析 主旨大意题。根据第一段内容可知,本文主要讲述的是喂鸟会给鸟儿带来一定的危险;第三段介绍了具体的危险,后四段里提出具体的安全喂鸟的建议。故D项符合本文中心思想。‎ D I hung another ornament(装饰品) on the tree when my husband,John,was on his way to get another box of decorations.I’d never been crazy about Christmas. John and the kids had always done their best to make me happy with the holiday spirit,but this Christmas their efforts would be especially hopeless.‎ My salary as a teacher had decreased. John’s government salary was frozen.There wasn’t much money to go around,and presents were just a dream.John put on a brave face as usual,and the kids acted like it was no big deal.But for me that brought back memories of my childhood.I’d never forget how embarrassed I’d felt when we returned from the Christmas break back in elementary school.‎ ‎“I got the delicious food for Christmas!” one of my friends shouted in the lunchroom.“I got the clothes!”another girl said,standing up to show her green blouse, matching a beautiful skirt and shiny new shoes.Everyone cheered.I looked down at the cafeteria table,pretending to be absorbed in my bread.“And what did you get,Lori?” someone asked.‎ ‎“So many presents,I can’t remember!” I lied. My parents gave us plenty of love,but love was the only thing we had.Mom and Dad always had a hard time living within their means,and the situation was even worse then than that now.Christmas presents were practical: a book,or a game for the whole family to share.I felt shame at lying to my friends,but I didn’t know how to tell them the truth.What if they felt sorry for me?I couldn’t bear it.‎ By the time I married John, I’d long since decided Christmas just wasn’t for me.John had never heard of such a thing.“How can you not like Christmas?” he wanted to know.“Too much pressure,too many expectations and too big a disappointment,” I said.And I felt exactly the same way now,only worse.‎ I looked down at the tree skirt.Empty,just like Christmas when I was growing up.“What’s wrong?” John asked.“Nothing,” I said.I was lying to him just like I’d lied to my friends in the school lunchroom.“Can you pass me another ornament?” I asked John.“Sure,” he said,digging in the box.“But first let me find a place of honor for my favorite one.” He searched the tree for just the right branch to hold the delicate red glass bulb(电灯泡) with the “Merry Christmas”writing. It was a precious reminder of his childhood,and he took great pleasure in hanging it on our tree every year.‎ ‎“I’ll never forget all the trouble you took replacing it when it broke,”John said.What else could I have done?I had never known anything to upset my husband so much—especially at Christmastime.The tree had fallen over and several ornaments broke,but this one was unique.It was fine if I didn’t have any Christmas spirit.I was used to that.But John was a different story ‎ altogether.He took a step back to admire the replacement I’d finally found after endlessly searching on foot and surfing the Internet. It was an exact replacement for the ornament he loved! I had worked hard to make things right for John.And I did it because I loved to see my Christmas-loving husband full of holiday joy.No cutback or salary freeze could take that joy away.No wrapped gift under the tree could match it.And that’s what made us rich today, even if our tree skirt sat empty of presents.I adjusted one of the tree lights so it was directly on John’s beloved ornament.The words on it shone.‎ After all this time, I finally understood its message.Christmas was the season to celebrate the love I had for my husband,my family,or those who loved us all.How could anyone not like Christmas?‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的工资降低了,她丈夫的政府薪金也被冻结了,这让这个圣诞节蒙上了阴影。作者由此联想到自己儿时贫穷的圣诞节更觉沮丧,但是在家人的努力之下,作者终于明白圣诞节的意义不是在于金钱,而在于对家人的爱。‎ ‎65.The writer expected a cold Christmas that winter because of .‎ A.the cold weather B.her kids’ reluctance C.the financial difficulty D.her husband’s unemployment 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“but this Christmas their efforts would be especially hopeless”和第二段中的“My salary as a teacher had decreased.John’s government salary was frozen...But for me that brought back memories of my childhood.”可知,那时作者的工资降低了,她丈夫的政府薪金也被冻结了,所以经济相当困难,更不用说圣诞礼物之类的东西。尽管丈夫和孩子们都情绪高涨,但作者还是觉得那个圣诞节不会很快乐。‎ ‎66.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 imply?‎ A.It’s difficult for the writer’s parents to make ends meet.‎ B.It’s hard for the writer’s family to separate from each other.‎ C.The writer’s parents always spent less on Christmas presents.‎ D.The writer’s parents were worried about the coming of Christmas.‎ 答案 A 解析 句意理解题。根据文中关于作者儿时家庭状况的描写及画线部分后面的“and the situation was even worse then than that now”可知,画线部分表示的应是小时候作者的家庭在经济上有困难,他们只能量入为出,勉强维持生计。故选A。make ends meet意为“使收支相抵,勉强维持生计”。‎ ‎67.What was the writer ashamed of in the school lunchroom?‎ A.Being laughed at by her classmates.‎ B.Receiving no Christmas gifts.‎ C.Being born into a poor family.‎ D.Lying to her classmates.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I felt shame at lying to my friends”可知,作者因对朋友的不诚实而感到羞愧。故选D。‎ ‎68.Why did the writer’s husband value the bulb?‎ A.It was pleasurable to hang it up.‎ B.It held his childhood memories.‎ C.It was a gift given by his parents.‎ D.It was the only decoration he had.‎ 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“But first let me find a place of honor for my favorite one.”和“It was a precious reminder of his childhood.”可知,那个电灯泡之所以对作者的丈夫很重要,是因为它承载着他童年的回忆。故选B。‎ ‎69.What can we infer from Paragraph 7?‎ A.The initial red glass bulb had broken before.‎ B.It was the writer who made the tree fall over.‎ C.Nothing can take John’s joy away at Christmastime.‎ D.It was on the Internet that the red glass bulb was bought.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第七段中的“I’ll never forget all the trouble you took replacing it when it broke”和“The tree had fallen over and several ornaments broke,but this one was unique”可推知,原先的那个电灯泡因为圣诞树倒下而摔坏了。故选A。‎ ‎70.Which of the following brought the writer her Christmas spirit?‎ A.The shine of the Christmas tree.‎ B.The “Merry Christmas” bulb.‎ C.Her love for her family.‎ D.Her family’s efforts.‎ 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据最后两段的内容可知,作者通过帮助丈夫“重获”最爱的电灯泡,重新认识了圣诞节,明白了圣诞节是个向丈夫、家人或爱自己的人表达爱的日子,并由此喜欢上了圣诞节,有了圣诞精神,因此是作者对家人的爱让她感受到了圣诞氛围,拥有了圣诞精神。‎ 第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。‎ 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。‎ Have you ever been so absorbed in a conversation at a party that you failed to notice that someone new is standing only six inches away from you,trying to get your attention?It’s possible that you were so distracted that you didn’t notice someone approaching you.But it’s also entirely likely that you were experiencing change blindness.‎ Change blindness is a phenomenon that occurs when a person is unable to notice visual changes in their environment,despite the fact that they are often rather obvious.In cases of change blindness,the person isn’t failing to notice small or insignificant changes,but will probably miss big changes,like someone standing next to them waving their hand.‎ Early experiments with change blindness focused largely on memory and perception when viewing pictures.For example,a person might be shown a photograph of a street scene in Egypt and told to memorize the image.Following that,they would be shown the same picture with certain elements added or taken away and asked to identify what’s different.Very often the individual could recall the larger aspects of the picture but couldn’t recognize the smaller changes.‎ In the 1990s,researcher Daniel Simons conducted a fascinating study into change blindness that many people find unbelievable.In Simons’ study,he asked participants to watch a video of a basketball being passed around between several people,with a particular focus on the basketball itself.When the experiment was over,Simons found that a large number of participants were so focused on watching the basketball being passed around that they failed to notice a man in a gorilla suit jumping around in front of the camera.‎ It’s important to note that the change in Simons’ video wasn’t subtle;the gorilla is very obviously taking up much of the frame.Simons concluded that participants were experiencing inattentive blindness,which is when a person fails to notice a major change because they are so focused on another task.In this case,because participants were asked to focus on the movement of the basketball,their brains prioritized that task in order to do it properly,thereby missing the other things happening in the video.‎ In the case of Simons’ study,participants engaged what’s referred to as attentive selection,which is when a person selects certain things to focus on in order to achieve a task and filters out anything that is unrelated to the objective.‎ There are a number of theories about what causes a person’s inability to recognize obvious changes in their environment,but most agree that the phenomenon is related to sensory processing.Broadly speaking,our brains have a limited capacity to detect and process everything in our environment.Instead,what the brain does is choose certain things to process,evaluate and store,‎ which allows other things to be missed or filtered out.‎ In simple terms,change blindness has a great deal to do with where a person directs their attention.In the case of the gorilla and the basketball,people focused their attention almost exclusively on one thing,which caused them to miss other elements or changes.Given that attention is often at the root of change blindness,a person’s age or mental and physical health can influence how well they will notice changes in stimuli.‎ Title:Change Blindness ‎71. of change blindness Change blindness is a surprising perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a person recognizes minor changes in scenes while large changes go 72. .‎ Experiments with change blindness ‎·The main 73. of early experiments was memory and perception.‎ ‎·Individuals were found to be 74. at recalling the smaller details in the same picture previously shown to them.‎ Research in the 1990s ‎·In Simons’ study,participants were asked to pay special attention to the 75. basketball,during which time a man wearing a gorilla suit jumping around in front of the camera.‎ ‎·Contrary to popular belief,with their attention fixed on the basketball,many participants reported that the “gorilla” 76. their notice.‎ ‎·It is concluded that participants fail to recognize something big but unrelated to the objective when their brains are programmed to consider some task as a top 77. .‎ ‎78. of change blindness ‎·The brain makes 79. about what to be dealt with because of its limited capacity.‎ ‎·Although attention is closely 80. to change blindness,age and health are other factors that play a role.‎ 语篇解读 文章介绍了change blindness这一现象的定义、相关的实验及实验结果和出现这种现象的原因。‎ ‎71.答案 Definition/Concept 解析 根据第二段内容及右侧表格的内容可知此处是change blindness的定义或概念。故填Definition/Concept。‎ ‎72.答案 unnoticed 解析 根据第二段第一句的“when a person is unable to notice visual changes”中的unable to notice以及第二句内容可知填unnoticed。‎ ‎73.答案 focus 解析 根据第三段第一句“Early experiments with change blindness focused largely on memory and perception when viewing pictures.”可知,早期实验的焦点是记忆和认知能力,故填focus。‎ ‎74.答案 poor 解析 根据第三段末句“Very often the individual could recall the larger aspects of the picture but couldn’t recognize the smaller changes.”可知,个体不能辨认那些小的变化,在此方面不擅长,故填poor。‎ ‎75.答案 moving 解析 根据第四段中“he asked participants to watch a video of a basketball being passed around between several people”可知,实验时让参加者们看互相传递篮球的视频,由此可知是“运动的”篮球,故填moving。‎ ‎76.答案 escaped 解析 根据第四段的“participants were so focused on watching the basketball being passed around that they failed to notice a man in a gorilla suit jumping around in front of the camera”可知,人们太专注于篮球,却没注意从相机前跳过的穿着大猩猩服装的人。此处指逃离他们的视线,根据failed to notice可知填escaped。‎ ‎77.答案 priority 解析 根据第五段的“their brains prioritized that task in order to do it properly”可知,为了正确地完成任务,他们的大脑优先注意这个任务。此处指“优先,首选”,根据prioritized故填priority。‎ ‎78.答案 Causes 解析 根据倒数第二段第一句和右侧表格内容可知此处在讲这种现象的原因,原因有两点用复数形式,故填 Causes。‎ ‎79.答案 choices 解析 根据倒数第二段第二、三句可知,由于大脑观察、加工事物的能力有限,它会选择某些事情去加工、评价和储存。此处指做出选择,根据choose填choices。‎ ‎80.答案 related/linked 解析 根据最后一段的“change blindness has a great deal to do with where a person directs their attention”中的has a great deal to do with可知是“有关,相关”之意,故填related/linked。‎ 第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎81.请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。‎ Li Jiang,15 May,Sunny Today,I was excited to have finished my homework although we had much more than usual.In English reading,I met several new words that caused me trouble in understanding the passage,but unlike many of my classmates,I didn’t search for answers online.My mother was very happy because she always tells me not to use the Internet to find keys.‎ Su Hua,15 May,Sunny This morning,Mr Li praised me for my nice performance in maths homework.Some of the classmates admired me with their smiles,but some gave me sneering looks.In fact,I felt much ashamed because yesterday I was too tired to do my homework.I found all the answers online and copied them onto the homework.Should I tell Mr Li the truth tomorrow?‎ 写作内容 ‎1.用约30个单词概述所给材料的主要内容;‎ ‎2.用约120个单词发表你对“上网搜答案”这种现象的看法,内容包括:‎ ‎(1)该现象可能产生的影响;‎ ‎(2)你认为应该如何应对。‎ 写作要求 ‎1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;‎ ‎2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;‎ ‎3.不必写标题。‎ 评分标准 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。‎ 参考范文 As the above diaries show,nowadays,some students turn to the Internet for answers to their problems when doing their homework,while some who are more disciplined just turn a deaf ear to it.‎ From my point of view,relying on the Internet to solve our problems can have bad impacts on us.On the one hand,since we always settle the troubles by searching for solutions online,we would become very lazy and don’t bother to think up answers by ourselves,which would hold back the development of creative thinking.On the other hand,the answers online may be inaccurate or wrong.If we use them without thinking the credibility of them,we may make serious mistakes someday.‎ Thus,when we come across some difficulties,we’d better try our best to find possible solutions.If we make great efforts and still can’t come up with answers,then we can search for solutions online.But we should question the correctness of these answers before we adopt them.‎

