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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.random adj.         任意的;随机的 ‎2.tension n. 紧张关系 ‎3.autonomous adj. 自治的;有自治权的 ‎4.defeat n. 失败 ‎5.aid n.[纵联1] 帮助 ‎6.glory n. 光荣;荣誉 ‎7.abstract adj. 抽象的 ‎8.sorrow n.[纵联2] 悲伤;悲痛 ‎9.consistent adj. 一致的;吻合的 ‎10.deliberately adv. 蓄意地,故意地 ‎11.pray v. 祷告;祈祷 ‎12.swear v. 起誓保证 ‎13.acute adj. 剧烈的;激烈的 ‎14.dignity n. 尊贵;尊严 ‎15.authority n. 权力;权威 ‎16.grasp n. 控制 ‎17.scholar n. (文或英)学生 ‎18.faith n. 宗教信仰 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.witness v. 目击,亲眼看见;亲身经历 ‎2.burst v. 爆炸 ‎3.view v. 看,观察 ‎4.decade n. 十年 ‎5.deed n. 行为 ‎6.accuse v. 指责 ‎7.accustomed adj. 习惯的 ‎ ‎8.acknowledge v. 承认;认为 ‎9.foresee v. 预知;预见 ‎ ‎10._impact n.[纵联3] 影响,作用 ‎11.broad adj. 丰富的;广泛的 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.relief n.安慰;宽慰→relieve v.安慰;宽慰 ‎2.sympathy n.同情;同情心→sympathetic adj.同情的;有同情心的 ‎3.stable adj.稳定的;安定的→stability n.稳定;安定 ‎4.consult v.咨询;请教→consultant n.顾问 [纵联4]‎ ‎5.dramatic adj.给人深刻印象的;戏剧性的→drama n.戏剧 ‎6.observation n.观察;监视→observe v.观察;观测;遵守 ‎7.assume v.假定,假设→assumption n.假定,假设 ‎8.patience n.耐心→patient adj.耐心的 n.病人→patiently adv.耐心地 ‎9.depend v.依靠;取决于→dependent adj.依赖的→dependence n.依赖,依靠→independence n. 独立;自立 ‎10.advanced adj.高级的,先进的→advance v.& n.前进;进步;进展 ‎11.devotion n.忠诚→devote v.致力→devoted adj.忠诚的 ‎12.invasion n.入侵→invade v.侵略,侵占→invader n.侵略者 ‎13.commitment n.忠诚;奉献→commit v.保证;承诺,忠于;投入;犯(罪)‎ 纵联1.有多少“帮助”可以提供?‎ ‎①aid n.&v.         帮助 ‎②help n.&v. 帮助 ‎③assist v. 帮助 ‎④assistance n. 帮助;援助 ‎⑤favour n.&v. 帮助;帮忙 ‎⑥do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 ‎⑦give sb. a hand 给某人帮助 纵联2.“悲伤”一族来聚会 ‎①sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛 ②sorrowful adj.悲伤的 ‎③sad adj.难过的 ④sadness n.悲伤 ‎⑤grief n.悲痛;忧伤 ⑥miserable adj.悲惨的 ‎⑦mournful adj.悲哀的 ⑧heartbroken adj.悲伤的 纵联3.“影响”知多少 ‎①impact n.影响 ②affect v.影响 ‎③effect n.影响;作用;效果 ④influence n.&v.影响 纵联4.后缀ant能找到“人”‎ ‎①consultant顾问 ②applicant申请人 ‎③assistant助手 ④immigrant移民 ‎⑤contestant竞赛者 ⑥servant仆人;佣人 ‎⑦accountant会计 ⑧inhabitant居民 单元话题——征服宇宙 子话题1 天文知识 ‎①planet n.行星 ②universe n.宇宙 ‎③globe n.地球仪,地球 ④gravity n.重力,万有引力 ‎⑤orbit n.运行轨道 ⑥atmosphere n.大气层,大气 ‎⑦astronomy n.天文学 ⑧astronomer n.天文学家 ‎⑨astronaut n.宇航员 ⑩Milky Way银河 ‎⑪black hole黑洞 ⑫solar system太阳系 子话题2 宇宙探索 ‎①telescope n.望远镜 ②space n.太空 ‎③rocket n.火箭 ④explore v.探索 ‎⑤exploration n.探索 ⑥spacecraft n.太空飞船 ‎⑦track v.追踪 ⑧mission n.计划 ‎⑨spacewalk n.太空行走 ⑩artificial satellite人造卫星 ‎⑪manned spaceship载人飞船 ⑫Big Bang宇宙大爆炸 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2012·福建高考阅读E)We acknowledge❶ that this change may be difficult for some school staff, particularly whose own children are educated in other __❷__ (authority).‎ ‎①写出acknowledge在句中的含义:承认;认为;其同义词为:admit ‎②用authority的正确形式填空:authorities,在句中意为:部门;当局 ‎2.(2010·江苏高考阅读D)We foresee❶ that in the coming decades❷, millions of people will migrate to the western regions,where the land is empty and resources unused.‎ ‎①选择foresee在句中的含义:__C__ ‎ A.看到  B.想象   C.预见   D.预兆 ‎②写出decades在句中的含义:十年 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示词补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)电影放映完后,每个班级应当进行讨论,欢迎所有学生发表评论并表达他们对这部影片的看法。(view)‎ After the film, each class is supposed to have a discussion and all the students are welcome to make comments and express_their_views_about_the_film.‎ ‎2.(2017·江苏高考书面表达)中国的电影票房收入见证了从2012年的170亿元到2015年的超过400亿元的持续增长。(witness)‎ The boxoffice income of Chinese movies witness_a_constant_increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.accustomed adj.习惯的;通常的;惯常的 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)be accustomed/used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事(表示状态)‎ get/become accustomed/used to (doing) sth.‎ ‎ 习惯于(做)某事(表示动作)‎ ‎(2)accustom vt. 使习惯于 accustom oneself/sb. to (doing) sth. 使自己/某人习惯于(做)某事 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①The students quickly accustomed themselves (they)to the new timetable, which excited the teachers.‎ ‎②As we all know, English people are accustomed to driving (drive) on the left.‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎③有很多有趣的事情做,我最终习惯了享受我的学校生活。‎ Having lots of interesting things to do, I finally became/got_used/accustomed_to_enjoying_my_school_life.‎ ‎2.assume v.假定,假设;认为;设想 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)assume sb./sth. to be    假定/假设某人/某事为 assume that ... 假设……;认为……‎ It is/was generally assumed that ... 普遍认为……‎ ‎(2)assumption n. 假定,假设,设想 on the assumption that ... 假定……,假设……‎ assuming (that) ... 假定……(作状语)‎ ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①Assuming (assume) that he isn't that lucky, what shall we do to comfort him?‎ ‎②We are working on the assumption (assume) that everyone invited will turn up.‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎③普遍认为,压力是工作过重所致。‎ It_is_generally_assumed_that_stress_is_caused_by_too_much_work.‎ ‎3.acknowledge v.承认;认为;告知收到(信件、礼物等);答谢 ‎[记牢]‎ acknowledge sth./that ...  承认……‎ acknowledge doing ... 承认做过……‎ acknowledge ... as/to be 认为……是(常用被动形式)‎ It is widely/universally acknowledged that ...‎ ‎ 普遍认为……‎ ‎[练通] ‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①With no solid evidence, he refused to acknowledge stealing (steal) the lady's purse.‎ ‎②Mark Twain is acknowledged_to_be (be) one of the best writers in America.‎ 句型转换 ‎③People widely acknowledge that (=It_is_widely_acknowledged_that) the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival is a big event in Chinese history and is bound to benefit billions of Chinese farmers.‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎④我们认为这种变化对于一些学校员工来说是很困难的。‎ We acknowledge_that this change may be difficult for some school staff.‎ ‎4.accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)accuse sb. of (doing) sth.=charge sb. with (doing) sth. 指责/控告某人(做)某事 accuse sb. for sth. 为某事指责某人 ‎(2)accusation n. 指责;谴责;控告 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①To our great relief, the producers got accused(accuse) and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.‎ ‎②I remembered stories where people offered their hand but were later accused of causing the accidents.‎ ‎[写美] 句型转换 ‎③Her son was accused of cheating in the exam, which made it difficult for her to go to sleep.‎ ‎→Her son was_charged_with_cheating_in the exam, which made it difficult for her to go to sleep.‎ ‎5.consult v.咨询;请教;商量,磋商;查阅;顾及 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)consult sb. about sth.    向某人请教/咨询某事 consult with sb. about sth. 与某人商量/磋商某事 consult a doctor 向医生求诊 ‎(2)consultant n. 顾问 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Why didn't you consult with me about such an important matter?‎ ‎②By the time I arrived at the ward, my consultant (consult) was already there.‎ 补全句子 ‎③It is not good to_consult_a_dictionary too often while you are doing some reading.‎ 当你阅读时很频繁的查词典是不好的。‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎④由于我今年六月即将毕业并打算不久后到英国深造,所以我想向你咨询一下雅思考试。‎ As I am graduating this June and planning to further study in Britain soon, I want_to_consult_you_about_IELTS.‎ ‎[词汇过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects. Why do we often assume (认为) that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings?‎ ‎2.She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed (目击).‎ ‎3.Her assistant was accused (控告) of theft and arrested by the police.‎ ‎4.A large number of young people are accustomed_(习惯的) to ordering more food on the Internet.‎ ‎5.It is universally acknowledged (承认) that dogs have a good sense of smell.‎ ‎6.We don't intend to sign any documents without consulting (咨询) our lawyer.‎ ‎7.Learning to walk again after his accident required great patience (耐心).‎ ‎8.Thinking of the days, when he was looked down upon as a poor peasant, he was in great sorrow (悲伤).‎ ‎9.There is no doubt that burning oil and coal will have a great impact_ (影响) on the air quality.‎ ‎10.Life is a series of choices and we can't always foresee_ (预知) the consequences.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I felt relieved (relief) that many classmates began to give up their bad habits.‎ ‎2.Of all the consultants (consult), only Mr Wang gave us some proposals in point.‎ ‎3.My father always tells me that observation (observe) is the best teacher.‎ ‎4.His assumption (assume) about that human can clone animals has been confirmed in the end.‎ ‎5.Whenever they find me upset, they will communicate with me patiently_ (patient).‎ ‎6.Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent (depend) on each other.‎ ‎7.The newlybuilt laboratory has been equipped with the most advanced_ (advance) instruments.‎ ‎8.In recent years, there have been large numbers of volunteers ‎ devoting (devote) their time and effort to people in need.‎ Ⅲ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.自从2018年以来,他习惯了的乡村生活发生了很大变化。(accustomed)‎ The country life he_was_accustomed_to has changed greatly since 2018.‎ ‎2.他们可能害怕他们被错误地控告撞倒了这个老人。(accuse)‎ They probably fear that they are_wrongly_accused_of_knocking down the old man.‎ ‎3.大家普遍认为你是一位优秀的学生。(acknowledge)‎ It_is_universally/widely_acknowledged_that you are a excellent student.‎ ‎4.在我们接受公司的帮助之前,我们必须与工人们商量一下。(consult)‎ Before we can accept the firm's offer, we must consult_with_the_workers.‎ ‎5.现在我已经长大了,不用太依赖我的父母了。(depend)‎ Now I have grown up and don't have to depend_so_much_on_my_parents.‎ ‎(一)课前自主学习 ‎1.in_spite_of [串记1]       不管,尽管,不顾 ‎2.at_the_very_beginning_of 在……一开始的时候 ‎3.a_series_of 一系列的;一连串的 ‎4.accuse_sb.of_doing_sth._ 指责某人某事 ‎5.pray_for 祈望;祈求 ‎6.be_similar_to 与……相似的 ‎7.set_out 开始做;着手进行;陈述 ‎8.in_relief 欣慰地 ‎9.break_out [串记2] 爆发 ‎10.make/have_an_impact_on [串记3] 对……有影响 ‎[同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.不可“不管;不顾”‎ ‎①in spite of尽管;不管 ②despite尽管;不管 ‎③regardless of不管;不顾 ④no matter不管,无论 ‎⑤leave alone不管;不理 串记2.无被动语态短语多总结 ‎①break out爆发 ②belong to属于 ‎③consist of由……组成 ④come true变成现实 ‎⑤take place发生 ⑥date back to追溯到 串记3.聚焦“对……有影响”短语 ‎①make/have an impact on ②have an effect on ‎③have influence on/upon ④impact on/upon ‎ ‎⑤make a difference to ‎1.set foot on the Moon     踏上月球 ‎2.be no longer_enthusiastic 不再热情 ‎3.return to the Earth 返回地球 ‎4.turn into fear 变成恐惧 ‎5.to his great relief 令他十分欣慰的是 ‎6.result in the defeat of ... 导致……的失败 ‎7.be consistent with 与……一致 ‎8.set in motion 使某事开始 ‎1.The world was in shock — maybe they assumed this space flight would be no_more_dangerous_than_getting on an aeroplane.全世界都震惊了——也许他们原本都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什么危险。‎ ‎2.... little_did_he_know what impact he was going to make.……他根本不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。‎ ‎3.Incredible_as_it_may_seem,_both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that ...‎ 尽管看起来不可思议,但科学观测以及我们肉眼看到的证据都必然会让我们做出一个设想……‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的短语(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·江苏高考阅读B)In the 1760s, Mathurin Roze opened a_series_of (一系列的) shops that boasted (享有) a special meat soup called consommé.‎ ‎2.(2013·天津高考完形填空)He always puts our happiness before his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games in_spite_of_(尽管) his exhaustion after long days.‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的短语和句式(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2013·江西高考书面表达)上午8点钟我们在大青山下集合,开始兴致高昂地朝山顶出发。‎ At 8 am, we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and ‎ set_out_for_the_top in high spirits.‎ ‎2.(2016·10月浙江高考写作)尽管她累得疲惫不堪,她还是设法用她的黄色衬衫做了一面旗子。(as倒装结构)‎ Tired_and_exhausted_as_she_was,_she managed to make a flag with her yellow blouse.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎[短语集释]‎ set out开始做;着手进行; 打算;故意;陈述 ‎[记牢]‎ set off       出发;动身;引起;使爆炸 set down 写下;记下 set aside 把……放在一边;留出 set up 建立;成立;树立;搭建 set in 以……为背景 set about 开始;着手 ‎[练通] 用适当的介、副词填空 ‎①Little Tom and his father set off for America last week.‎ ‎②The film was set in a town which is now part of Jiangsu Province.‎ ‎③At five in the morning she set out to prepare breakfast for her family.‎ ‎④Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry.‎ ‎⑤After supper, Mary set about putting (put) away the chopsticks and bowls.‎ ‎[用准] set out意为“开始做……,出发”后接动词不定式;set about意为“着手/开始做……”后接名词、动名词形式。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑥我们成立了一个小组来讨论如何解决这个问题。‎ We_set_up_a_group_to_discuss_how_to_deal_with_the_question.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ as引导的让步状语从句 ‎[教材原句] Incredible_as_it_may_seem,_both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that ...‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)Child_as_he_is,_he likes to be treated like an adult.‎ 尽管他是个孩子,但他喜欢被当成成年人对待。‎ ‎(2)Hard_as_he_studies,_he often fails in the exams.‎ 尽管他学习很刻苦,但他经常在考试中失败。‎ ‎(3)Small_as_it_is,_the ant is as much a creature as all other animals on the earth.‎ 虽然它很小,但蚂蚁和地球上的其他动物是一样的。‎ ‎(4)Try_as_you_may,_you won't be able to persuade him.‎ 尽管你想方设法,但你不能说服他。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 as引导让步状语从句的常见形式:‎ ‎(1)单数可数名词+as+主语+be+其他成分 ‎(2)副词+as+主语+谓语动词+其他成分 ‎(3)形容词+as+主语+be+其他成分 ‎(4)动词原形+as+主语+助动词/情态动词+其他成分 注意事项 ‎(1)as引导让步状语从句时,从句中的表语、状语以及谓语中的实义动词等需提到从句句首,而且作表语的单数可数名词前不能加冠词。‎ ‎(2)though引导的让步状语从句可用倒装语序,也可用正常语序,但是although引导的让步状语从句不倒装。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)Fail as I did, I would never give up.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)Hard as she works, she makes very slow progress.(要点句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 in spite of, a series of, pray for, set out, be accused of, make a great impact on, be consistent with, be similar to ‎1.What the man said was_consistent_with their investigation.‎ ‎2.A_series_of border incidents would probably lead the two countries to war.‎ ‎3.It is much to her credit that Mary continued to work in_spite_of all the difficulties.‎ ‎4.The football player was_accused_of taking money for not scoring goals on purpose.‎ ‎5.Sir, please give me some money to buy some food. I will pray_for your health and long life.‎ ‎6.The speech of that Nobel Prize winner made_a_great_impact_on the students.‎ ‎7.The way which was thought of by him of doing the experiment was_similar_to the way you carried it out.‎ ‎8.I know it is time for me to set_out to do my homework, but I just can't resist playing computer games.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.他虽然是老师,但也不可能什么都懂。(as引导的让步状语从句)‎ Teacher_as_he_is,_he can't know everything.‎ ‎2.他跟她一样都不用功。(no more ...than)‎ He is no_more_hard_working_than she is.‎ ‎3.他自从进入高中很少玩过电脑游戏。(否定词置于句首的倒装句)‎ Seldom_has_he_played computer games ever since he entered senior high school.‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 假定你是中学生李华,你爱好太空探索但是却得不到父母的理解,于是你给英国朋友Stephen发电子邮件进行交流并请求帮助。要点如下:‎ ‎1.你的观点(至少两点);‎ ‎2.父母的意见。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本写作是一封求助信,时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。此书面表达开放性较大,题干给出的信息非常有限,因此准确审题并准确表达要点至关重要。文章应分三个层次:首先点明写信目的,说明“我与父母之间存在着问题,却不知所措”;主体部分包括你对太空探索的观点(对太空探索痴迷;健康的爱好有利于我们的全面发展等)及父母的意见(此爱好迟早会对学习有不好的影响);最后(要点3)表达愿望(希望对方提供帮助)。你的观点和父母的意见是写作主体部分,要合理发挥想象,围绕要点增加细节。‎ 要点1-①:我写信向你求助。‎ I'm_writing_to_seek_your_help.‎ 要点1-②:我和父母之间存在一个问题。(exist)‎ There_exists_a_problem_between_my_parents_and_me.‎ 要点1-③:我不知道如何处理这个问题。(at a loss)‎ I'm_at_a_loss_how_to_deal_with_it.‎ 要点2-①:我对太空探索痴迷。‎ I'm_crazy_about_space_exploration.‎ 要点2-②:我认为健康的爱好有利于我们的全面发展。‎ I_think_healthy_hobbies_are_beneficial_to_our_overall_development.‎ 要点3:我的父母认为我的爱好迟早会对我的学习有不好的影响。(sooner or later)‎ My_parents_think_my_hobby_will_have_a_bad_effect_on_my_study_sooner_or_later.‎ 结尾语:我希望你能给我提供一些宝贵的建议。期待你的早日来信。‎ I_hope_you_can_offer_me_some_valuable_suggestions._Looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 为了使内容更充实,我们需要对要点进行适当拓展,让要点在内容上和形式上更丰满。要点1-②添加高级句式(make复合宾语结构作结果状语)介绍我与父母之间存在的问题导致的结果;要点2-①增加痴迷于太空探索经常做的事情,并用so ...that ...倒装句型提升作文档次;要点2-②增加细节“父母不理解我,这使我很伤心。”;要点3后增加细节句父母为此所采取的行动,以及缘由;结尾语可使用高级句式I'd appreciate it if you could ...表达殷切盼望。‎ 拓展要点1-②:我和父母之间存在一个问题,使我无法集中精力学习。(make it+adj.+不定式)‎ There_exists_a_problem_between_my_parents_and_me,_making_it_impossible_for_me_to_concentrate_on_my_study.‎ 拓展要点2-①:我对太空探索如此痴迷以至于业余时间我常常去图书馆阅读有关太空探索的东西。(用so ...that ...置于句首引起的倒装句型)‎ So_crazy_am_I_about_space_exploration_that_in_my_spare_time_I_often_go_to_the_library_to_read_something_about_space_exploration.‎ 拓展要点2-②:我认为健康的爱好有利于我们的全面发展。父母不理解我,这使我很伤心。(用which引导的定语从句)‎ I_think_healthy_hobbies_are_beneficial_to_our_overall_development.My_parents_don't_understand_me,_which_upsets_me.‎ 补充要点3:他们尽力阻止我去图书馆。对他们而言,好成绩意味着一切,我应该花双倍的时间在学习上。(do what they can do to do sth.;倍数表达法)‎ They_do_what_they_can_do_to_prevent_me_from_going_to_the_library.To_them,_good_marks_mean_everything_and_I_should_spend_twice_more_time_on_my_lessons.‎ 升级结尾语:如果你能给我提供一些宝贵的建议我将感激不尽。盼望着你的早日来信。(I'd appreciate it if ...)‎ I'd_appreciate_it_if_you_could_offer_me_some_valuable_suggestions.Looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 结合要点,文章可划分为三段来写,介绍父母及你对太空探索的观点时可添加连接词but, as a consequence把基本要点和拓展要点巧妙衔接,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear_Stephen,‎ I'm_writing_to_seek_your_help._There_exists_a_problem_between_my_parents_and_me,_making_it_impossible_for_me_to_concentrate_on_my_study._I'm_at_a_loss_how_to_deal_with_it.‎ So_crazy_am_I_about_space_exploration_that_in_my_spare_time_I_often_go_to_the_library_to_read_something_about_space_exploration._I_think_healthy_hobbies_are_beneficial_to_our_overall_development._But_my_parents_don't_understand_me,_which_upsets_me._They_think_my_hobby_will_have_a_bad_effect_on_my_study_sooner_or_later._As_a_consequence,_they_do_what_they_can_do_to_prevent_me_from_going_to_the_library._To_them,_good_marks_mean_everything_and_I_should_spend_twice_more_time_on_my_lessons.‎ I'd_appreciate_it_if_you_could_offer_me_some_valuable_suggestions._Looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li_Hua

