2017届高考英语(人教版)一轮教师文档讲义:必修1 unit 1

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2017届高考英语(人教版)一轮教师文档讲义:必修1 unit 1

‎●‎ 必修1‎ ‎●‎ ‎==‎ ‎ [话题素材——友谊]‎ 好词 ‎1.friendly adj. 友好的 2.generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的 ‎3.warmhearted adj. 热心的 4.communicate vi. 交流 ‎5.treasure vt. 珍惜 ‎6.have a lot in common 有许多共同之处 ‎7.help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境 ‎8.make_friends_with_sb. 和某人交朋友 ‎9.trust each other 相互信任 ‎10.be willing to_help others 乐于助人 ‎11.get_along_with 与……相处;进展 ‎12.be crazy about 对……狂热 ‎13.share happiness as_well_as sorrows 同甘共苦 ‎14.look down upon 看不起;轻视 ‎15.keep one's word/promise 守信用 佳句 ‎1.I_will_appreciate_it if you can give_me_a_hand to _solve_this_‎ problem.‎ 如果你能帮我解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。‎ ‎2.With_the_help_of_my_friend,_I made such progress that I was praised by the teacher.‎ 在朋友的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步,因此受到了老师的表扬。‎ ‎3.True_friendship should be_based_on mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit. What's_more,_both must also have similar_interests.‎ 真正的友谊应基于相互的理解,而不是相互的利益。而且,两个人必须有共同的兴趣。‎ ‎[精美语篇]‎ In recent years, many schools require their students to wear the school uniform at school, which has aroused a widespread discussion.‎ I am in favor of students wearing the school uniform. My reasons are as follows: First of all, wearing the school uniform prevents students from comparing their clothes with their peers', which makes them focus their attention on their lessons. Second, it would be easier for teachers to regulate their students' behavior. Third, it helps students to form the habit of selfdiscipline ‎ because the school uniform reminds them of their identity as students.‎ Despite the fact that the school uniform doesn't fit every student and the quality is not satisfying, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. So I firmly believe that students should wear the school uniform.‎ ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.upset (adj.) 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 (vt.) 扰乱;颠覆;使心烦→upset(过去式)→upset (过去分词)‎ ‎2.ignore (vt.) 不理睬;忽视→ignorance (n.) 无知→ignorant (adj.) 无知的;不了解的 ‎3.concern (vt.) (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 (n.) 担心;关注;(利害)关系→concerned (adj.) 担心的;有关的→concerning (prep.) 关于;有关 ‎4.entire (adj.) 整个的;完全的;全部的→entirely (adv.) 完全地;全然地;整个地 ‎5.settle (vi.) 安家;定居;停留 (vt.) 使定居;安排;解决→settlement (n.) 定居;解决→settler(n.) 定居者;移民 ‎6.suffer (vt. & vi.) 遭受;忍受;经历→suffering (n.) 痛苦;苦难→sufferer (n.) 患病者;受苦难者 ‎7.power (n.) 能力;力量;权力→powerful (adj.) 强大的;强有力的→powerless (反义) (adj.) 无力的;没有能力的;无权力的 ‎8.recover (vt. & vi.) 痊愈;恢复;重新获得→recovery (n.) 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 ‎9.exactly (adv.) 确实如此;正是;确切地→exact (adj.) 确切的;精确的 ‎10.disagree (vi.) 不同意→agree(反义词)(vi.) 同意→disagreement (n.) 不同意 ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.add_up 合计 ‎2.calm_...down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 ‎3.be_concerned_about 关心;挂念 ‎4.go_through 经历;经受 ‎5.suffer_from 遭受;患病 ‎6.get/be_tired_of 对……厌烦 ‎7.set_down 记下;放下;登记 ‎8.on_purpose 故意 ‎9.fall_in_love 相爱;爱上 ‎10.join_in 参加;加入 ‎11.have_got_to 不得不;必须 ‎12.no_longer/not..._any_longer 不再……‎ ‎13.pack_(sth.)_up 将(东西)装箱打包 ‎14.in_order_to 为了 ‎15.a_series_of 一连串;一系列;一套 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.状语从句的省略(while+分词结构)“当……的时候”‎ While_walking_the_dog (在遛狗时),you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.(教材P1)‎ ‎2.before 引导时间状语从句,意为“在……之后才”,有时可理解为“还没等……就……”‎ She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months before_they_were_discovered (他们才被发现).(教材P2)‎ ‎3.It is... that/who... 强调句型 I wonder if it's_because_I_haven't_been_able_to_be_outdoors_for ‎_so_long_that (是否是因为我长久无法出门的缘故)I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(教材P2)‎ ‎4.There was a time when... “曾经有段时间……”,when引导的为定语从句,可记作固定句式 I can well remember that there_was_a_time_when(有段时光) a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.(教材P2)‎ ‎5.It/This/That is/was the first time that... “这/那是某人第一次做某事”,此结构中的从句部分要用完成时 This_was_the_first_time (这是第一次)in a year and a half that I'd_seen (我目睹了)the night face to face...(教材P2)‎ ‎6.“with+宾语+宾补”复合结构 Mother asked her if/whether she was very hot with_so_many_‎ clothes_on (穿着这么多).(教材P5)‎ ‎7.find+it+形容词+不定式“觉得做某事是……的”,it 为形式宾语,代替后面的不定式 Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find_it_hard_to_make_‎ good_friends_with_them (发现很难与他们成为朋友).(教材P7)‎ ‎ 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.Are you afraid that your friend would laugh________ you, or would not understand ________you are going through.‎ 答案:at; what 第一空考查固定搭配“laugh at”意为“嘲笑”;第二空考查宾语从句,“go through”后缺少宾语,故填what。‎ ‎2.That's changed ________I came here.‎ 答案:since 考查现在完成时态。句意:“自从我来到这儿,那已经变了”。‎ ‎3.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains ________‎ ‎(hang) before very dusty window.‎ 答案:hanging 考查现在分词短语作后置定语。修饰“curtains”。‎ ‎4.Another time, five months ago, I ________ (happen) to be upstairs at dusk.‎ 答案:happened 考查一般过去时。根据“five months ago”,可知用一般过去时,故填happened。‎ ‎5.It's no pleasure ________ (look) through these any longer because nature is one thing ________ really must be experienced.‎ 答案:looking; that 第一空考查句式“It's no pleasure doing sth.”;第二空考查定语从句,that代替先行词并引导定语从句。‎ ‎6.Add up your score ________ see how many points you get.‎ 答案:and 考查并列连词,and连接两个并列动作。‎ ‎7.I am having some trouble ________ my classmates at the moment.‎ 答案:with 考查句式“have some trouble with...”。‎ ‎8.I've got tired ________ looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.‎ 答案:of 考查固定搭配“get tired of”意为“厌倦了”。‎ ‎9.I stayed awake ________ purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look ________ the moon by myself.‎ 答案:on; at 第一空考查“on purpose”,意为“故意”;第二空考查“have a good look at”意为“好好看一看”。‎ ‎10.She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months ________they were discovered.‎ 答案:before 考查before引导的时间状语从句。‎ ‎1  upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦;弄翻、打乱(计划)等 Your friend comes to school very upset.(P1)‎ 你朋友来到学校很烦。‎ ‎(1)be upset about/over/at sth. 为某事烦心 be upset to_do sth. 对做某事感到心烦 be upset that... ……让人不安/心烦 ‎(2)sth./sb. upset(s) sb./sth. 某事使人心烦/某人打翻某物 It upsets sb. that... 让某人心烦的是……‎ ‎①[牛津高阶词典]He arrived an hour late and upset_all_our_‎ arrangements.‎ 他迟到了一个小时,把我们的一切安排都打乱了。‎ ‎②[2015·陕西高考]There is no point getting_upset_about the matter.‎ 犯不着为此事而难过。‎ ‎③[2015·Chinadaily]It_upsets_him that nobody had bothered to tell him about the news.‎ 让他不高兴的是没有人把这个消息告诉他。‎ ‎④It was the way he said it rather than what he actually said that completely upset_her.‎ 是他说话的方式而不是他实际所说的话使她十分难过。‎ 图解助记 ‎⑤[一言辨异]The flies kept upsetting Xiao Li when he was doing his homework. He was so upset that he upset the cup on the desk.‎ 小李做作业的时候,几只苍蝇一直打扰他。他非常心烦意乱,结果打翻了桌子上的杯子。‎ ‎-名师点睛-‎ upset为表语形容词,通常不用作定语。‎ ‎2  calm vt. & vi.(使)平(镇)静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.(P1)‎ 不理会上课铃声,去一个安静的地方让你的朋友平静下来。‎ ‎ ‎①[2015·北京高考]It involves slow, steady breathing for selfcontrol that helps people stay_calm and attentive.‎ 它涉及到缓和的呼吸而得以自我控制,这种控制有助于人们保持冷静和专注。‎ ‎②[必背佳句]It was difficult to_calm_down the football fans.‎ 要使足球迷们平静下来很难。‎ 易混辨析 calm 平静的,沉着的;指无风浪或人的心情不激动 quiet 宁静的,安静的;指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑 silent 寂静的,沉默的;指不说话或没有声音 still 静止的,不动的;指(人体等)无运动的 ‎③[一言辨异]When facing danger, one should keep calm;_when taken photos, one should keep still;_when someone else is asleep, one should keep quiet;_in class, one shouldn't keep silent about the teacher's questions.‎ 当面对危险时,要保持冷静;照像时,要保持不动;其他人睡觉时要保持安静;而在课上,不应该对老师的问题保持沉默。‎ ‎3  concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 Tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then.(P1)‎ 告诉你的朋友你很关心他(她),下课后你要找其面谈。‎ ‎(1)concern oneself about/for对……表示关心 ‎(2)concerned adj.担心的;关注的 be concerned about/for sth.担心……;关心……‎ be concerned with与……有关;涉及 as/so far as...be concerned就……而言;依……之见 ‎(3)concerning prep.有关;关于 ‎①[2015·上海高考]When involved in deliberate play activities, children are_less_concerned_about the outcome of their behavior.‎ 在孩子们参与自愿的活动时,他们很少在意他们行为的结果。‎ ‎②[必背佳句]As_far_as_I'm_concerned,_it can also be a sharing experience when the same book is being appreciated.‎ 就我个人而言,赏读同一本书也是一次共同分享的经历。‎ ‎③The reporter asked several questions concerning the losses from a series of explosions in Tianjin on Aug. 12.‎ 记者问了几个有关8月12日在天津发生的一系列爆炸的损失问题。‎ ‎-名师点睛-‎ concerned作形容词充当前置定语时,意为“关心的,挂念的,担心的”;如果要表示“相关的,有关的”,作定语要后置。例如:a concerned look关切的神色;the authorities concerned有关当局。‎ ‎4  suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历 She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.(P1)‎ 她受到了孤独的折磨,但她得学会喜欢住在那里。‎ ‎(1)suffer pain/defeat/loss/poverty/hunger/hardship 遭受痛苦/失败/损失/贫穷/饥饿/苦难 suffer from...受……折磨,受……之苦;患病 ‎(2)suffering n. [U](指肉体或精神上遭受的)痛苦,疼痛,困难 [C]痛苦,苦恼的事 ‎①[2015·湖北高考]The astronauts will suffer_from a carbondioxide headache when they exercise in one place for a long time.‎ 当宇航员在同一地点运动长久后,会因二氧化碳导致头疼。‎ ‎②[2014·陕西高考]Why do we put our children through this annual_suffering?‎ 为什么让我们的孩子每年遭受这样的痛苦?‎ ‎③Having_suffered defeat after defeat, he began to lose faith in himself.‎ 遭受了一次又一次的失败,他开始对自己失去信心。‎ ‎④The old man is said to have gone through varieties of sufferings during the war.‎ 据说这位老人在战争期间经历了各种痛苦。‎ 图解助记 ‎5  recover vt.& vi.痊愈;恢复,重新获得 How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when it's so dirty and dusty?(P4)‎ 在这样脏的、布满灰尘的房间里,琳达的病怎么会好呢?‎ ‎(1)recover sth.找回某物;恢复(能力、健康等)‎ recover from sth.从……中恢复 recover oneself恢复知觉 ‎(2)recovery n.恢复健康,重新获得 make a recovery from... 从……中恢复 ‎①[2014·安徽高考]In 2012, I had_just_recovered_from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writer's conference.‎ 在2012年,我刚刚从一场严重的疾病中恢复过来,这时候我被邀请参加一个作家的会议。‎ ‎②[必背佳句]He made_a_quick_recovery_from his illness and was soon back at work.‎ 他生病后康复得很快,不久就去上班了。‎ ‎③The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings stored in the Palace Museum.‎ 警方最终追回了储藏在故宫博物院被盗的油画。‎ 过关演练 单句语法填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.Attention, please, everybody! Please stay________while I take a photograph of you.‎ 答案:still 考查词语运用。根据语境可知,此处表示“静止的,不动的”,故填still。‎ ‎2.He is recovering from a knee injury, ________ he suffered a lot from and it is always ________concern to his friends.‎ 答案:which; a 第一空考查非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少from的宾语,故填which;第二空考查concern抽象名词具体化的用法,故填a。‎ ‎3.________(concern) about the student, the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent from class.‎ 答案:Concerned 考查非谓语动词作状语。be concerned about“关心;担心”,此处省略be动词,作状语。虽然是过去分词形式,但不表被动,故填concerned。‎ ‎4.[2015·江苏高考]One of the most important factors that influenced their satisfactions as volunteers was the amount of ________(suffer) they experienced in their volunteer positions.‎ 答案:suffering 考查词形转换。根据空格处的位置,可知应填suffer的名词。‎ ‎5.[2015·上海高考]If we go somewhere and I ask him to leave the phone at home, he suffers ________withdrawal symptoms.‎ 答案:from 考查suffer的用法。suffer from “遭受来自于……的苦难”,故填from。‎ ‎6.________(upset) people with unsigned message is cruel and disgusting.‎ 答案:Upsetting 考查动名词作主语,故用upsetting(注意其拼写变化)。‎ ‎7.________(suffer) such a heavy loss in the earthquake, the victims had no courage to go on with their life.‎ 答案:Having suffered 考查分词作状语结构。分析句子结构知,逗号前为状语且suffer发生在谓语动词之前,与逻辑主语the victims之间为主动关系,故填having suffered。‎ ‎8.They ________(agree) to my proposal at the beginning, but I persuaded them finally.‎ 答案:disagreed 考查词形转换。根据语意可知此处表示“不同意”,且时态与persuaded一致,故应填disagreed。‎ ‎9.There is much chance that Jenny will recover ________his injury in time for the race.‎ 答案:from 考查固定短语, recover from意为“从……中恢复过来”。‎ ‎10.With many problems ________(settle), the newlyelected chairman is having a hard time.‎ 答案:to settle 考查with复合结构。根据语意可知,此处表示问题还未解决,且with意为“有”的意思,故用不定式的主动形式表被动。‎ ‎1  add up 合计 Add up your score and see how many points you get.(P1)‎ 把你的分数加起来看看能得多少分。‎ ‎(1)add sth. to sth.把……加到/进……里 add up to加起来共计/达(不用于被动语态)‎ add to增加;增添 ‎(2)add that...补充说……‎ ‎①[2014·福建高考]Perhaps you think you could easily add_to your happiness with more money.‎ 或许你认为你可以容易地用更多的钱来增加幸福。‎ ‎②[必背佳句]The heavy rain added_to the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.‎ 大雨增加了营救被埋群众的困难。‎ ‎③The official expressed_great_concern over the food safety, adding_that the government would take_more_measures_to prevent such a case happening again.‎ 这位官员表达了对食品安全的极大关心,补充说政府将会采取更多措施阻止这样的事情再次发生。‎ 图解助记 ‎2  go through 经历;完成;仔细检查;通过 Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through?(P2)‎ 或者害怕你的朋友嘲笑你,或者不理解你正经历的事情?‎ ‎①[2015·湖南高考]As you go_through this book, you will find that each of the millions of people who went_through World War Ⅱ had a different experience.‎ 当你通读这本书时,你将会发现成千上万的经历过二战的每个人都有不同的经历。‎ ‎②写出下列句子中go through的含义 a.[2013·福建高考]Not until he went through real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.________‎ b.I always start the day by going through my mail.________‎ c.He had gone through all his money by the end of the first week of his holiday.________‎ d.We went through two caves, an extremely unusual part of the journey.________‎ 答案:a.经历 b.仔细检查C.用光、耗尽 d.通过、穿过 ‎③用适当的介词或副词填空 a.The country has gone ________ too many wars since the ancient times.‎ b.With time going ________, I was made much smaller.‎ c.The students are going ________ their lessons for the coming exam.‎ d.You shouldn't buy houses because their price is going ________. ‎ e.Human beings shouldn't go ________ nature to live.‎ 答案:a.through b.byC.over d.up e.against ‎3  get along/on with 与某人相处;某事进展(如何)‎ I'm getting along well with a boy in my class.(P6)‎ 我跟我们班的一个男生相处得很好。‎ ‎①[2015·陕西高考]As an out-going girl, I get_along_well_with my classmates.‎ 作为一名开朗的女孩,我与同学相处得很融洽。‎ ‎②[必背佳句]In addition, every student can be in harmony with foreign friends, which_makes_it_easy_for_you_to_get_along_with_them.‎ 另外,每个学生都可以和外国朋友很和谐,这也会使得你更容易与他们相处。‎ ‎③Believe in yourself and you will get_over.‎ 相信你自己,你会克服困难的。‎ ‎④Your paper wouldn't get_across if you use too many technical terms in it.‎ 如果你用太多的专业术语在论文中,你的论文就不会被人理解。‎ ‎⑤The headmaster wouldn't have students getting_away_with cheating in the exam.‎ 校长绝不允许学生考试中作弊而不受惩罚。‎ ‎4  set down 记下;放下;登记 I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.(P2)‎ 我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把这个朋友称作基蒂。‎ ‎①[2014·陕西高考]Ralph W. Emerson would always set_down_new_‎ ideas that occurred to him.‎ 拉尔夫·W·爱默生总是把冒出来的新想法记下来。‎ ‎②[必背佳句]From a longterm point of view, it's time for us to set_out_to_solve/set_about_solving this problem.‎ 从长远看来,到了我们着手解决这个问题的时候了。‎ ‎③Having gathered up the thread of his story, he set_out to write, but his poor health set back his plan. Now he tries to set_aside a few minutes each day to do some exercise.‎ 他整理好故事的线索后便开始写作,但是他的健康状况推迟了他的计划。现在他每天争取抽出些时间锻炼身体。‎ 过关演练 选词填空 add up to; set down; get tired of; get along with; go through; be in love with; in addition to; on purpose; be concerned about; calm down ‎1.[2015·湖北高考]________being more in touch with the food she's eating, another joy comes from passing this knowledge and this desire for good food to her children.‎ 答案:In addition to ‎2.Jack's been really annoying me and I think he's doing it ________.‎ 答案:on purpose ‎3.They ________each other for many years before they got married.‎ 答案:had been in love with ‎4.And I apologize to everyone who has to ________ this.‎ 答案:go through ‎5.The boys find it hard to ________ Tom, because he always argues with them over little things.‎ 答案:get along with ‎6.The money she spends on clothes a month ________ 1,000 yuan.‎ 答案:adds up to ‎7.Whenever I feel upset, I will try to ________ myself.‎ 答案:calm down ‎8.There was a time when we ________ English.‎ 答案:got tired of ‎9.Fearing that the outbreak of Ebola killing more than 700 people in Africa could spread in the US, some Americans ________their health.‎ 答案:are concerned about ‎10.The train will stop at the next station to ________ many passengers.‎ 答案:set down ‎1While_walking_the_dog,_you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.(P1)‎ 遛狗时你不小心把狗松开了,狗被汽车撞了。‎ 句中while walking the dog是一个省略句,补全后为:while you were walking the dog。‎ 省略句的条件 when, while, before, after, unless, if, as if等状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语为it 状语从句谓语中含有be动词 省略句的形式 省略从句中的主语和be动词 语境助记 ‎①[2015·浙江高考]While (he_was)_staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything in return.‎ 在村庄停留期间,詹姆士无私地和村民分享他所拥有的一切,不要求任何回报。‎ ‎②[2015·北京高考]If (you_are)_accepted for the job, you'll be informed soon.‎ 如果录用你了,我们将很快通知你。‎ ‎③[新英汉大词典]If (it_is)_possible,_I'll go to see my grandparents this weekend.‎ 如果可能的话,这周末我去看我的祖父母。‎ ‎④[必背佳句]So while sitting_in_the_classroom_and_doing_my_‎ papers,_I felt confident and was full of energy.‎ 因此,我坐在教室做试卷时感到精力充沛,信心十足。‎ ‎-名师点睛-‎ 该考点解题时,主要判断所考动词与句子主语之间的逻辑关系,主动关系时,通常填doing;被动关系时,通常填done。‎ ‎2  I wonder if it's_because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(P2)‎ 我不知道这是否因为我长久无法出门的缘故,才变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。‎ 强调句型的结构 基本句式 It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其它成分 一般疑问句 Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其它成分 特殊疑问句 疑问词+is/was it+that+其它成分 not...until 句型的强调句 It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其它成分 语境助记 ‎①[2015·湖南高考]It_was when we were returning homethat I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.‎ 当我们返回家的时候,我才意识到帮助身处困境的人感觉真好。‎ ‎②[2013·天津高考]It_was not until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own plan.‎ 直到信的末尾,她才提到她自己的计划。‎ ‎③[必背佳句]People all over the world wondered what_it_was_that resulted in the terrible accident.‎ 全世界的人们都想知道是什么导致这次可怕的意外事故。‎ ‎-名师点睛-‎ 强调句型结构在考查时,经常与其它从句混合考查,因此要经过分析句型结构后,确定是否是强调句型中的that之后再确认答案,例如:It is on the farm where we worked together that we got to know each other.‎ 分析第一空为考查定语从句修饰farm,会给考生造成一定的假象,其实第二空才是强调句型中的that。‎ ‎3  ...it_was_the_first_time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face to face...(P2)‎ ‎ ……这是我一年半以来第一次面对面地目睹这个夜晚……‎ 语境助记 ‎①That_was_the_first_time_that Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency.‎ 那是父亲第一次在紧急时刻依靠我。‎ ‎②This was the first time that President Obama and his family had_taken_the_vacation on MarthA s Vineyard.‎ 这是奥巴马总统第一次和家人一起在玛莎葡萄园度假。‎ ‎-名师点睛-‎ It is (high) time (that)...与以上句型有相似之处,但从句中谓语动词的形式不同。‎ It is (high) time that 从句谓语用did或should do。‎ 如:It's high time that we should make full use of every minute to learn English.‎ ‎→It's high time that we made full use of every minute to learn English.‎ 过关演练 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·湖南高考]Video games can be a poor influence if________ (leave) in the wrong hands.‎ 答案:left 考查省略句“if+非谓语动词”。其中leave与video games 之间为被动关系,故填left。‎ ‎2.They are building a new company while ________(expand) the old one.‎ 答案:expanding 考查省略句“while+非谓语动词”。其中“expand”与“they”之间为主动关系,故填expanding。‎ ‎3.It was the first time that a female ________(elect) in that country.‎ 答案:had been elected 考查固定句式中时态。主句中用“was”,从句应用过去完成时态,且“female”与“elect”之间为被动关系,故填had been elected。‎ ‎4.On the contrary, I think it is Truman, rather than you, that _______ (be) to blame.‎ 答案:is 考查主谓一致。此句套用强调句型,强调主语,且主语由rather than连接,根据主谓一致原则和整句时态可知,此处填is。‎ ‎5.It was not until she took off her dark glasses ________I realized she was a famous film star.‎ 答案:that 此题考查not until在强调句型中的应用。‎ Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.This is the first time that we __________________as a family.‎ 这是我们全家第一次一起在电影院看电影。‎ 答案:have seen a film in the cinema ‎2.[2015·重庆高考]Bach died in 1750, but it was __________ that his musical gift was fully recognized.‎ 巴赫于1750年去世,而他的音乐天赋到19世纪初期才被完全认可。‎ 答案:not until the early 19th century ‎3.__________________words and expressions before examination.‎ 我觉得在考试之前复习一下词汇和短语是有必要的。‎ 答案:I think it necessary to go over ‎4.With a local guide ______________, they had no trouble ________________.‎ 在当地导游的引领下,他们走出这片森林没有什么困难。‎ 答案:leading the way; walking out of the forest 直接引语和间接引语(Ⅰ)‎ 陈述句的间接引语 直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时,在多数情况下都构成一个that ‎ 引导的宾语从句(that可以省去),引述动词通常是say,tell等。与此同时,间接引语中的人称、时态和其他方面也要相应有所变化。‎ I'll go over the grammar lesson once again, he said.‎ ‎→He said (that) he would go over the grammar lesson once again.‎ 疑问句的间接引语 ‎1.一般疑问句和反意疑问句 一般疑问句改为间接引语时,要用陈述语序,并要加连词if或whether,其主句动词常用ask, wonder, want to know, didn't know等。句末不用问号。‎ My teacher asked me,“Do you like American country music?”‎ ‎→My teacher asked if/whether I liked American country music.‎ ‎2.否定的一般疑问句和选择疑问句 如果直接引语为否定的一般疑问句或选择疑问句时,用whether...or连接。‎ She said,“Don't you know my telephone number?”‎ ‎→She asked me whether I knew her telephone number or not.‎ 过关演练 句型转换 ‎1.An English teacher asked his students, “Are you interested in my lessons?”‎ ‎→An English teacher asked his students ________________ were interested in ________ lessons.‎ 答案:if they; his ‎2.The student said to me, “I have made a close study of the problem.”‎ ‎→The student told me that she ________________ a close study of the problem.‎ 答案:had made ‎3.“You must come here before five.” he said.‎ ‎→He said that I must ________________ before five.‎ 答案:go there

