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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修七 Unit 5Traveling abroad 单元作业 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A If you want to be a writer and have always dreamt about the day when a worldfamous author would not only read your writing, but also shower you with prizes then that day has finally arrived — at least for those of you that are attending 4th-8th grade. That's because Pseudonymous Bosch, the bestselling author of The Secret Series is looking for you right here, on DOGOnews!‎ All you have to do is participate in our fictional writing contest. To enter, you can click here, then watch the video and listen carefully to instructions from Pseudonymous Bosch. After that, log into your iDOGO account.‎ Select from one of three categories — Funny, Mysterious or Strange and begin writing your fictional tale. Remember, any entries that contain facts about yourself or even worse, any bad language, will be automatically disqualified! Also, your story has to range between 100-300 words.‎ And, while your work is done, we will be unable to send the entry to the author until we have your Parental Consent on file. So make sure you print one out and have your parent/guardian fill it, sign it and send it to us either via email at editor@dogonews.com or via snail mail to the office address specified on the form.‎ Now, believe it or not, Pseudonymous Bosch is going to read every single entry and decide the winner in each of the three categories. Those lucky individuals will receive a set of the entire collection of The Secret Series, as well as, his new book — Write This Book: A DoItYourself ‎ Mystery — all autographed by the author of course!‎ If you are still unclear about any of the rules, let us know by writing in a comment and we will try to reply the best we can.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章就一次写作竞赛作了详细说明,包括报名须知、参赛作品要求以及参赛细则等。‎ ‎1.Who is the contest intended for?‎ A.Professional textbook authors.‎ B.Anyone who is good at writing.‎ C.Big fans of Pseudonymous Bosch.‎ D.Some students interested in writing.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“If you want to be a writer ... that day has finally arrived — at least for those of you that are attending 4th-8th grade.”和第二段中的“All you have to do is participate in our fictional writing contest.”可知,这一比赛是专为四到八年级的有志成为作家的学生举行的。‎ ‎2.Which of the following entries might be accepted?‎ A.A joke using offensive language.‎ B.An essay on the origin of languages.‎ C.An adventure story of about 200 words.‎ D.A story based on the writer's childhood.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段中对参赛作品要求的内容可知只有C项符合比赛要求。‎ ‎3.What should participants submit to make sure Pseudonymous Bosch reads their writing?‎ A.An outline for their writing.‎ B.A photograph of themselves.‎ C.A completed application form.‎ D.An agreement a parent has signed.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“we will be unable to send the entry to the author until we have your Parental Consent on file”和“have your parent/guardian fill it, sign it”可知,档案中必须放入家长或监护人签名的同意书。‎ B Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting but nerveracking (神经紧张的). I had never been to such an amazing national park before, yet I wasn't the most athletic person, so I knew that I couldn't stick through all the hiking up and down. It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.‎ The ride there was definitely long but worth it. As I woke up from my nap, I saw the beautiful scen ery of the tall mountains and beautiful streams. The trails were made nicely for visitors. The waterfalls were breathtaking. Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts. Even though I fell a couple of times, I still had a lot of fun. The fact that my family and I spent so much time together trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch really brought us closer together.‎ The great thing about nature is that, it's just you, the views, and the people around you. There's nothing there to bother you and it's the best way to relax and enjoy yourself. Yosemite has 5 of the world's highest waterfalls, and about 300 lakes. The structure of each mountain is incredible; it's formed in ways that almost take your breath away. Some of them are of a deep dark color with waterfalls forming; some are formed with spots of green peeking (窥探) out. It's definitely something ‎ you wouldn't want to miss.‎ Yosemite isn't the only great National Park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends. It's a great time to bond, laugh, and take in what Mother Nature offers.‎ 语篇解读:文章记叙了作者一家去约塞米蒂国家公园游览的所见所闻,与家人一起出游其乐无穷。作者建议多外出走走,享受大自然之美。‎ ‎4.The author writes the first paragraph mainly to ________.‎ A.introduce the topic of this passage B.offer an example to us C.tell us his future plan for hiking D.describe a national park 解析:选A 写作意图题。文章第一段第一句首先提到Yosemite,该段最后一句“It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.”起到承上启下的作用,下文展开介绍作者此次去约塞米蒂国家公园游览的所见所闻。由此可推测,作者写第一段的目的是为了引出本文话题。故选A项。‎ ‎5.While climbing up rocks, the author was ________.‎ A.nerveracking       B.injured C.pleased D.worried 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts. Even though I fell a couple of times, I still had a lot of fun.”可知,攀岩是作者的最爱之一,尽管摔倒了好几次,但仍然很开心。故选C项。‎ ‎6.According to the passage, Yosemite ________.‎ A.is crowded with visitors every day B.is the only great National park C.is worth traveling to D.is nothing but a common destination 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“The ride there was definitely long but worth it.”及全文对约塞米蒂国家公园的美景描述和作者一家人从中得到的乐趣可知,该公园值得游览。故选C项。‎ ‎7.The author suggests us ________.‎ A.keep a good bond with other people B.visit Yosemite now and then C.try to protect the environment D.go out to enjoy the beauty of nature 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句中的“I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends”可知,作者建议我们多出去走走,以享受大自然之美。故选D项。‎ C ‎(2019·河南省中原名校联考)In a foreign country, a man visited a local restaurant. He didn't speak their language. He ordered something indecipherable off the menu. When the waiter brought him a plate of delicious looking fried noodles, he smiled and made an OK sign at the waiter with his thumb and forefinger linked in a circle. Looking angry, the waiter then picked up the dish and thrown it to his lap. What he did wrong, he wondered. Well, nothing is quite as it seems when it comes to using hand gesture in another country.‎ Gestures have been used to replace words in many countries, and they are often specific to a given culture. Gesture may mean something complimentary in one culture, but is highly offensive (冒犯) in another.‎ The gesture “thumbup” is commonly misinterpreted. In English, it ‎ is popularly known as “thumbs up”, despite the fact that the action is commonly performed with only one hand. Englishspeaking Caucasians use it to signal “OK”, which is the same meaning as O.K.ring gesture. The two can in fact be used almost interchangeably.‎ Avoid using this gesture in Southern Sardina or Northern Greece unless you want to invite a fight. While American, British and Australian would use the thumb up to signal hitchhiking to the drivers, this message will not encourage a Greek driver or motorist to stop to give them a ride.‎ There are no right or wrong signals, only cultural differences. Lack of cultural understanding will lead to disharmony among people from different cultures. When we know what to look for, such encounters with other cultures are actually very interesting, fascinating and fun. It is certainty a great topic to discuss over a cup of coffee and cakes.‎ 语篇解读:在不同的文化背景下,肢体语言有不同的意义。如果不理解文化的差异,很可能会造成误会。在此,作者建议我们要理解文化的差异性。‎ ‎8.What did the man in the first paragraph do wrong?‎ A.He misunderstood the waiter.‎ B.He didn't realize cultural differences.‎ C.He ordered something off the menu.‎ D.He made the signal in a rude way.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。第二段是对第一段的一种解释说明,根据该段中“Gesture may mean something complimentary in one culture, but is highly offensive (冒犯) in another.”可知,这个人的错误在于他没有意识到文化的差异,故选B。‎ ‎9.What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean?‎ A.Full of admiration.     B.Full of aggression.‎ C.Full of complexity. D.Full of certainty.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第二段中“but is highly offensive (冒犯) in another”可知,在另一种文化中是对人的一种冒犯,由此可知,上一部分中“Gesture may mean something complimentary in one culture”的意思是指某种手势语在一种文化中是可能是一种积极的东西,结合第一段可知,应该指的是一种赞美,故选A项。‎ ‎10.What will happen if you make a thumb up toward a man in Northern Greece?‎ A.He will stop to give you a lift.‎ B.He will get annoyed and fight against you.‎ C.He will ask you to give him a HA.‎ D.He will make the same signal toward you.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段中“Avoid using this gesture in Southern Sardina or Northern Greece unless you want to invite a fight.”可知,在希腊北部,如果你对一个人伸出大拇指,他会很生气,并且和你打架,故选B。‎ ‎11.What's the purpose of the passage?‎ A.To explain the meaning of different gestures.‎ B.To tell stories about different cultures.‎ C.To advise us to have an understanding of cultural differences.‎ D.To persuade people from different countries live in harmony.‎ 解析:选C 写作意图题。由文章最后一段可知这篇文章主要讲了肢体语言在不同的文化背景下有着不同的意义。如果不理解文化差异,很可能会造成误会,所以作者写这篇文章的目的在于建议我们要理解文化的差异,故选C。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2019·武汉模拟)Perhaps at one point in time, it is acceptable to start any letter or email with “To Whom It May Concern”.__1__ Starting your cover letter or email for a job this way might give the impression that you didn't do your research on who you're writing to.__2__ After all, people who address other people by their names when writing and speaking to them tend to be more pleasant.‎ ‎__3__ It can be used in letters of recommendation or reference, formal complaints (抱怨) made to a company, letters of introduction, and letters of interest.‎ Grammarly uses the example of needing to write a letter of recommendation for a colleague who will have to make several copies to distribute to interviewers.__4__ “In most cases, though, try to narrow your focus rather than cast a broad net,” notes Grammarly.“Ask yourself ‘Who does this email concern?’ If you can honestly answer ‘Anyone’, then feel free to use “To Whom It May Concern.” (These are the things you should never say in your cover letter.)‎ If you do happen to find that using “To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate, don't make grammar mistakes, for example, letters or punctuation.__5__‎ A.However, it may be interesting.‎ B.Those times have changed, though.‎ C.Making mistakes in writing will surely get you low scores.‎ D.It's also very impersonal, and some employers might not appreciate it.‎ E.In that circumstance, sending and receiving letters is more of a formal greeting.‎ F.You might want to take note of other common errors you might ‎ be committing, too.‎ G.But according to Grammarly, there are four times when it's OK to use this greeting.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了针对不同的场合如何写信或电子邮件的开头语。‎ ‎1.选B 上文说也许在某一个阶段,以“敬启者”开始任何信件或电子邮件是可以接受的,下文说以这种方式开始为求职(写的)附函或电子邮件可能会给人留下这样的印象:你没有对你要写信给谁作研究。由此可知,空处与上文形成语意上的转折关系,故选B。‎ ‎2.选D 上文说以这种方式开始你的为求职(写的)附函或电子邮件可能会给人留下这样的印象:你没有对你要写信给谁作研究,D项“这也很没有人情味,有些雇主可能不喜欢这样”,承接上文,故选D。‎ ‎3.选G 下文说它可以用于推荐信、投诉公司的正式信件、介绍信和意向书。而G项“但是根据Grammarly的说法,可以有四种场合使用这种问候语”符合语境。下文是对上文的具体解释,其中“four times”为提示词,故选G。‎ ‎4.选E 上文Grammarly举了这样一个例子:需要为一位同事写一封推荐信,而这位同事需要复印几份以分发给面试官,E项“在这种情况下,收发信件更像是一种正式的问候”与上文内容相承接,故选E。‎ ‎5.选F 上文说不要犯语法错误,例如,字母或标点符号,F项“你可能还想注意你可能正在犯的其他常见错误”,且F项中的“errors”与上文中的“mistakes”相呼应,故选F。‎

