2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit4Wildlifeprotection课后达标检测 人教版必修2

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2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit4Wildlifeprotection课后达标检测 人教版必修2

Unit 4 Wildlife protection ‎(建议用时:40分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·长春质量监测)Pangolins(穿山甲) are strangelooking creatures, covered with hard scales(鳞). They can roll up into a ball to protect themselves from enemies and have tongues that are longer than their bodies.‎ Pangolins have recently become the focus of Chinese people. A screenshot of a microblog post showed some people eating pangolins at a feast spread. A few days later, people were angered again by pictures showing people eating protected animals, including pangolins.‎ Yet this is only the tip of the iceberg. Many more pangolins have been hunted or killed. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN), more than 1 million of them have been killed or sold in the last 10 years. It also said that they are the most illegally traded mammals in the world. In September 2016, the IUCN added the pangolin to the world’s “endangered animals list”. They are now more endangered than pandas.‎ A growing trade of their scales and meat is the main reason for their decline in number. Many people in Asia and Africa consider pangolin meat is delicious. Some people even think pangolin scales have medical qualities. However, their scales are made of keratin(角蛋白), the same material human fingernails are made of.‎ Luckily, the situation is getting better. World Pangolin Day is on the third Saturday of February each year. It’s a day to help people know more about pangolins. The government now stops anyone from buying and eating pangolins in China. Breaking this law is regarded as a crime, and the trade of pangolins across the world is also not allowed, according to the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章阐述了穿山甲濒临灭绝的现状以及为保护穿山甲而采取的举措。‎ ‎1.Pangolins have caught people’s attention these years because ________.‎ A.they look strange B.they appear in some movies 9‎ C.they are killed and eaten by people D.they have something to do with pandas C 解析:细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词“attention”和“these years”,定位在原文第二段。该段开头说,穿山甲近来成为中国人关注的焦点,然后提到一张屏幕截图和一些图片中,穿山甲成为人们的盘中珍馐,这与C项的描述是一致的。‎ ‎2.What can we learn from the passage?‎ A.Pangolins can roll up into a ball to attack enemies.‎ B.More than 1 million pangolins were killed or sold last year.‎ C.Pangolins were named the most endangered animal in 2016.‎ D.The pangolin is a kind of mammals.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段内容,尤其是“they are the most illegally traded mammals in the world”可知,穿山甲是一种哺乳动物。故选D。‎ ‎3.The real aim of World Pangolin Day may be to ________.‎ A.attract people to the zoo to watch pangolins B.lift people’s awareness of protecting pangolins C.remind people of pangolins’ medical value D.explain the law to people B 解析:推理判断题。根据题干中的“World Pangolin Day”,定位在原文最后一段。该段主要陈述为保护穿山甲而采取的举措,而这个节日能让人们更多地了解穿山甲,从而提高人们保护穿山甲的意识,故选B。‎ ‎4.What might be the author’s attitude towards the measures taken to protect pangolins?‎ A.Positive.         B.Negative.‎ C.Disappointed. D.Unconcerned.‎ A 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段内容可知,中国政府禁止任何人购买和食用穿山甲,世界各地也禁止买卖穿山甲,局面正在好转,由此可推知作者觉得这些措施是有效的,故选A。‎ ‎【难句分析】 A few days later, people were angered again by pictures showing people eating protected animals, including pangolins.‎ 分析:本句是一个简单句。句中有动名词短语作定语修饰pictures以及现在分词短语作宾补。‎ 译文:几天后,人们再次被几张照片激怒,照片显示人们在吃保护动物,其中包括穿山甲。‎ B 9‎ ‎(2020·太原高三模拟)A day in the life of a sun bear is what you might expect from the name: sunny. In its natural habitat, the sun bear spends over 80 percent of its active waking time in daylight.‎ But when disturbed by human activity, that changes dramatically. In areas where people are pushing into the sun bear’s habitat, the animals are spending 90 percent of their waking time after dark. Effectively, the threat of human presence is making the sun bear change into “the moon bear”.‎ Led by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, the study found that human activity is driving scores of mammals to shift their activity from the daytime into the dark hours of the night. As many animals have already been forced out of their local habitats, others are attempting to avoid interaction with humans by separating themselves in time rather than in space.‎ For the work, the researchers examined the behaviors of 64 mammal species, including deer, tigers, boars, and, of course, sun bears. They observed increased nocturnal(夜间发生的) behavior in a large majority of them, with species that are naturally active during the day tending to shift their activity to after dark, and those that are naturally nocturnal becoming more so. The mammals affected ranged across body size, the habitat type, the region of the world, and diet.‎ Human activity of all sorts affect animals’ lives, including activities like hunting, agriculture and land development, harvesting local natural resources, even hiking or walking through wild areas. Sport hunting in the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe drove antelopes to spend more of their active waking hours at night, restricting their access to water. Similarly, hikers in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California made coyotes(郊狼) more nocturnal, forcing them to find new preys(猎物) among traditionally nocturnal animals.‎ The researchers warn that profound shifts in the natural behavior patterns of so many species disturb dynamics that have evolved over generations, leading to a series of unknown effects on the entire ecosystems.‎ ‎【解题导语】 研究发现,人类活动正迫使许多哺乳动物将它们的活动时间从白天转移到黑夜,这会影响到整个生态系统。‎ ‎5.What did the study find?‎ A.More animals separate themselves in space.‎ B.Human activity changes animals’ way of life.‎ 9‎ C.Many animals were pushed out of their local habitats.‎ D.The sun bear spends over 80% waking time in daylight.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“the study found that human activity is driving scores of mammals to shift their activity from the daytime into the dark hours of the night”可知,研究发现,人类活动正迫使许多哺乳动物将它们的活动时间从白天转移到黑夜。由此可知,人类活动改变了动物的生活方式。故选B项。‎ ‎6.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.The sun bear. B.The waking time.‎ C.Human activity. D.The natural habitat.‎ B 解析:代词指代题。根据第一段最后一句“In its natural habitat, the sun bear spends over 80 percent of its active waking time in daylight.”可知,在自然栖息地,太阳熊白天超过80%的时间度过它们醒着的时间,并结合画线词所在句可知,当受到人类活动的干扰,太阳熊醒着的时间极大地改变了。故画线词指代The waking time。故选B项。‎ ‎7.What can we infer from paragraph 5?‎ A.Antelopes have easier access to water.‎ B.Coyotes have to prey on new types for survival.‎ C.Human activity shortens animals’ sleeping time.‎ D.Animals have managed to escape interaction with humans.‎ B 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“Similarly, hikers in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California made coyotes(郊狼) more nocturnal, forcing them to find new preys(猎物) among traditionally nocturnal animals.”可知,因为人类活动,郊狼为了生存不得不寻找新的猎物。故选B项。‎ ‎8.What does the author want to tell us in the text?‎ A.Human threat makes the sun bear nocturnal.‎ B.Animals are badly hurt by human presence.‎ C.Animals become more adaptable thanks to humans.‎ D.Ecosystems may be reshaped due to human activity.‎ D 解析:写作意图题。根据最后一段“The researchers warn that profound shifts in the natural behavior patterns of so many species disturb dynamics that have evolved over generations, leading to a series of unknown effects on the entire ecosystems.”并结合文章其他内容可知,作者想要告诉我们,由于人类活动,生态系统可能会被重塑。故选D项。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2020·南昌高三段考)When I was born there was already another youngster in the 9‎ ‎ family—a collie dog just three months old.‎ Laddie __1__ near me, ate with me and played with me. I __2__ dressed him in my clothes. We __3__ almost everything and we hugged each other for comfort and __4__. I had no brothers or sisters, so he was my brother. When I left for __5__ he watched me from the window and on my return he ran __6__ to the door, his face lighting up with pleasure and love. We were __7__.‎ Years passed and sores(疮) __8__ on his back and a growth(赘生物) on his lower lip.I thought a vet and __9__ would cure him.‎ When I returned from school one day and opened the __10__, there was no Laddie. Believing he was playing “hideandseek”, I searched all his favorite __11__ places. Meanwhile my parents were trying to __12__ to me, but I was not listening. I was searching and calling madly for my __13__.‎ The blow was more than I could bear, and as a result I was __14__ and off school for many weeks, suffering from extreme sadness.‎ Many years passed before I got a dog of my own. He was my son’s __15__. The two would get up to all kinds of mischief(顽皮). When Yogi’s __16__ came we all went with him to the vet’s and hugged him, petted him and __17__ him for his company and love. That way it __18__ the blow for us.‎ The loss of a(n) __19__ is heartbreaking, but we have the option of providing that final release with dignity and avoiding __20__. It’s what must be done.‎ ‎【解题导语】 作者小时候与自己的小宠物狗之间有着深厚的感情,他们同吃、同住、同玩。有一天小狗生病死了,作者非常难过。多年以后,作者又有了一只小狗,它临终的时候,作者和儿子把它带到兽医那里,拥抱并感谢了它。作者认为,把小狗有尊严地送走,可以减轻自己的痛苦。‎ ‎1.A.jumped B.slept C.came D.shouted B 解析:根据语境和下文中的“he was my brother”(我把它当兄弟看)并结合选项可知,Laddie睡(slept)在“我”旁边,跟“我”一起吃、一起玩。‎ ‎2.A.never B.even C.quickly D.then B 解析:根据语境并结合选项可知,“我”甚至给它穿“我”的衣服。‎ ‎3.A.tried B.saw C.enjoyed D.shared D 解析:根据语境并结合选项可知,“我们”几乎分享所有的东西。‎ 9‎ ‎4.A.friendship B.fun C.warmth D.strength C 解析:根据空前的“we hugged each other for comfort and”并结合选项可知,“我们”抱在一起,寻求安慰和温暖。‎ ‎5.A.school B.market C.work D.clinic A 解析:根据下文中的“When I returned from school”可知,当“我”去上学的时候,它从窗户边看着“我”。‎ ‎6.A.slowly B.eagerly C.willingly D.carefully B 解析:根据该句中的“his face lighting up with pleasure and love”可知,“我”放学回来的时候,它急切地朝门口跑。‎ ‎7.A.inseparable B.reliable C.unforgettable D.respectable A 解析:上文讲作者和小狗一起睡、一起吃、一起玩,作者上学的时候,小狗从窗户边看着作者,作者放学的时候,小狗急切地向门口跑,这一切都说明,作者和小狗是亲密无间的。inseparable“亲密无间的”;reliable“可靠的;可信赖的”;unforgettable“难以忘怀的”;respectable“受人尊敬的”。‎ ‎8.A.lay B.rode C.appeared D.lightened C 解析:根据下文中的“a vet”“cure him”并结合常识可知,多年过去了,它的后背生了疮,下唇长了一个赘生物。“我”想,兽医和药可以治愈它。appear“出现”符合语境。‎ ‎9.A.environment B.diet C.exercise D.medicines D 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎10.A.cupboard B.window C.box D.door D 解析:根据上文的“to the door”并结合语境可知,一天,当“我”从学校回来打开门时,没看到它。‎ ‎11.A.drinking B.feeding C.hiding D.playing C 解析:根据该句中的“hideandseek”可知,“我”认为它在(跟“我”)玩捉迷藏,“我”找了它所有最喜欢的藏身之处。‎ 9‎ ‎12.A.explain B.cry C.clarify D.sigh A 解析:根据语境并结合选项可知,与此同时,“我”父母试图向“我”解释,但“我”没听。‎ ‎13.A.father B.mother C.brother D.sister C 解析:根据上文中的“so he was my brother”并结合语境可知,“我”在寻找,在发疯般喊着“我”的兄弟。‎ ‎14.A.moved B.upset C.ill D.relieved C 解析:根据该句中的“off school for many weeks, suffering from extreme sadness”可知,这个打击是“我”不能承受的,结果,“我”病了。‎ ‎15.A.tool B.toy C.caretaker D.companion D 解析:根据空处下文表述“儿子和狗一起各种顽皮”可知,此处表示它是“我”儿子的伙伴。‎ ‎16.A.owner B.festival C.friend D.time D 解析:根据语境可知,当Yogi的生命期限来到的时候,“我们”都陪它一起去了兽医那里。这里的time指的是“生命期限”。‎ ‎17.A.admired B.thanked C.praised D.rewarded B 解析:我们拥抱它,抚摸它,感谢它的陪伴和爱。‎ ‎18.A.suffered B.softened C.received D.delivered B 解析:根据语境可知,那种方式减轻了对“我们”的打击。soften意为“变缓和”。‎ ‎19.A.pet B.relative C.animal D.treasure A 解析:失去宠物是让人心碎的,但“我们”可以选择以不失尊严和避免痛苦的方式来对待宠物的离去。‎ ‎20.A.suffering B.misunderstanding C.danger D.embarrassment A 解析:参见上题解析。‎ Ⅲ.短文改错 9‎ ‎(2020·合肥高三调研)My best friends Wang Bing, Liu Hong and I did voluntary work in our neighborhood in last summer. Every morning we would walk around, collected plastic bags, waste paper and cans. This usually took us about one and a half hour to do that. After that, we went to do some housework for the senior people who lived their own. In the afternoon we helped some children do their homework, so their parents were too busy to take care of themselves. Although we were a little tiring every day, we were proud of what we have done. We all felt really happily that we could do something meaningful.‎ 答案:‎ My best friends Wang Bing, Liu Hong and I did voluntary work in our neighborhood last ‎ ‎①‎ summer. Every morning we would walk around, plastic bags, waste paper and cans. usually took us about one and a half to do that. After that, we went to do some housework for the senior people who lived their own. In the afternoon we helped some children do their homework, their parents were too busy to take care of . Although we were a little every day, we were proud of what we done. We all felt really that we could do something meaningful.‎ ‎①删除last前的in。考查介词。表时间的名词前带有last, next, this, these, that等指示性限定修饰语且其前没有冠词时,其前要省略介词。‎ ‎②collected改为collecting。考查现在分词。分析该句结构可知,动词collect与其逻辑主语we构成主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式。‎ ‎③This改为It。考查形式主语。该句为“it takes sb. some time to do sth.”结构,表示“做某事花费某人多长时间”,it为形式主语,动词不定式短语为真正的主语。‎ ‎④hour改为hours。考查名词的单复数。hour为可数名词,根据该句中的“one and a half”可知,该处用复数形式。‎ ‎⑤在lived后加on。考查固定搭配。句意:之后,我们为独居的老人做家务。on one’s own为固定搭配,意为“独自”。‎ ‎⑥so改为for/because。考查连词。句意:下午,我们帮助一些孩子做功课,‎ 9‎ 因为他们的父母太忙了,没有时间照顾他们。根据句意可知,两句间为因果关系,故用连词for或because。‎ ‎⑦themselves改为them。考查人称代词。分析该句结构可知,该处代指前面的“some children”,作动词短语take care of的宾语,应用宾格them。‎ ‎⑧tiring改为tired。考查形容词。该句主语为“we”,应用 tired;tired意为“疲劳的”,修饰人;tiring意为“使人疲劳的”,修饰物。‎ ‎⑨have改为had。考查动词的时态。句意:尽管我们每天有点儿疲劳,但是我们对我们所做的事情感到自豪。根据该句中的“were”可知,“我们所做的事情”发生在“感到自豪”之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。‎ ‎⑩happily改为happy。考查形容词。句意:我们都为能做有意义的事情感到快乐。该句中的感官动词felt用作系动词,其后应接形容词作表语。‎ 9‎

