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2018届二轮复习情态动词 考点归纳 1. 常用情态动词的用法比较 1) 在表示“可能性”方面 must, can, should, may, might 都可以 用于表示“可能性”。 a. must 表示以事实为依据而进行的逻辑上的推理,它所指的动作或状态发生的可能性最大。 b. can 和 should 表示以事实、理由为依据而进行猜测,它们所指的动作有发生的可能性,但语气没有 must 那么肯定。其中, should 的主观性较强。 c. may 和 might 语气较弱,表示说话人根据自己的主观判断而进行的猜测。其中, might 的语气更弱一些。 2) 在表示“允诺”方面 can, may, might 都可以表示“允诺”,其中 might 最为客气、委婉。 如: You can watch TV for as long as you like. May I use your phone please? Might I possibly borrow your umbrella please? 3) 在表示“应该”方面 must, ought to, should 都能用来表示“出于某种职责、义务而应该”的意思。 must 的语气最强烈, ought to 居中,而 should 是表达这方面意思的普通词。 如: You must cut down on smoking. You ought to visit your parents more often. You should try that new restaurant. 2. 情态动词的特殊用法 1) shall 用于第一人称表示坚强的信念和决心;用于第二、三人称,表示许诺、命令或规定等。 如 : We shall not fail. If you really want a dog, you shall have one. She shall not stay under my roof. Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 2) should 表示惊讶等感情 , 意为“竟然”。 如: It's odd you should mention Ben! I was just thinking about him. 3) must 表示说话人的不满,意为“偏要 , 硬要”。 如: Eric must come and worry me with questions, just when I am busy cooking the dinner. If you must smoke, please go outside. 4) may 表示祝愿 ; may as well 用来提出建议 , 意为“还是 …… 的好” ; may well 用来表示可能性,意为“很可能”。 如: May you be happy! You may as well tell us now. We'll find out sooner or later. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him. 3. “ 情态动词 + have done” 结构 1) could / might / should / ought to / need have done 意为“本来能 / 可能 / 应该 / 需要做 …… ,但实际上未做 ……” 。 如: He could have escaped , but he chose to stand and fight. It was an easy test and he should have passed , but he didn't. 2) “ 情态动词 + have done” 还可用来表示推测过去可能发生的事情。 如: Did you say anything that might have upset her? 真题再现 I. 选用括号内合适的内容填空。 1. I love the weekend, because I ________ (needn't, mustn't) get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. ( 北京 2016) 2. It was really annoying; I ________ (couldn't, shouldn't) get access to the data bank you had recommended. ( 天津 2016) needn't couldn't 3. —Can't you stay a little longer? —It's getting late. I really _______ (can, must) go now. My daughter is home alone. ( 北京 2015) 4. Life is unpredictable; even the poorest ________ (shall, might) become the richest. ( 江西 2014) must might 5. George ________ (mustn't, can't) have gone too far. His coffee is still warm. ( 浙江 2016) 6. I ________ (needn't, couldn't) have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me. ( 天津 2015) needn't can't 巩固练习 I. 选用方框内合适的情态动词填空 ( 每词限用一次 ) 。 can shall may should need 1. —Is David coming by train? —He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car. 2. No reader ________ remove a book from the library without the permission of the librarian. shall may 3. The girl ________ not be Mary — she's in New York. 4. That the well-dressed young man ________ speak to you like that is quite astonishing. 5. Haven't you seen the sign “No parking” here? Cars ________ not be parked here. must can should can shall may should need II. 选用括号内合适的内容补全下面短文。 We make decisions all the time, but we 1. ________ (can, must) never be certain whether we are right or wrong. The work you choose to do 2. ________ (may, should) be suitable for you or not. The person you marry 3. ________ (shall, might) be a perfect match or the worst possible choice. Suppose you have saved money for the might can may future. You 4. ________ (could, must) invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you 5. ________ (could, must) lose a lot in a foolish moment. You think you have a healthy diet, but the food you eat 6. ________ (should, may) actually be very bad for you and 7. ________ (should, might) be the cause of a terrible illness. Perhaps you travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, could could may might but one of them 8. ________ (must, could) be your last. Decisions! Decisions! You may ask: 9. ________ (can, must) I make decisions? The answer is yes. In most cases, you 10. ________ (can't, needn't) skip this process. must could can't

