景苏华书面表达临门一脚:Deadlines Matters

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景苏华书面表达临门一脚:Deadlines Matters

书面表达临门一脚:Deadlines Matters.截止日期重要 请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 There’s no doubt that work deadlines can be stressful.When you have too many,you can feel overcome.And nearing deadlines encourages last-minuted ashes for the finish line,like when students pull‘all-nighters’in an attempt to achieve weeks’worth of essay writing in a handful of hours. Yet there’s no question deadlines can serve a positive psychological function—after all,without them,many students might never even finish their work.You can see evidence for the power of deadlines in the‘real world’,too.For instance,in 2015,when the US National Science Foundation dropped its usual twice-yearly deadlines for grant submissions in geoscience,as part of an attempt to help the over burdened system,the effect was dramatic.Annual submissions fell by 59%without the pressure of a deadline and it seems that many scientists lacked the urgency and motivation to deliver their applications. As new research findings shed light on the psychology of deadlines,we can learn ways that deadlines can be used to increase focus and boost perseverance. 【写作内容】 1.用约30个单词概括上文信息的主要内容; 2.谈谈设置“截止日期”的重要性; 3.就如何确保在“截止日期”内完成任务提出你的建议(不少于两点)。 【写作要求】 1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 One possible version: To meet deadlines,people have to work with every fibre of their being,feeling stressed and pressured.However,deadlines can function positively and powerfully,proved by the 2015 example. Deadlines have great influence on our work.For one thing,part of the motivating power of deadlines has to do with our goal.To realize our goal,we are willing to burn the midnight oil to get the work done more efficiently.For another,deadlines can help keep us in focus and advance our work.Without deadlines,we might find our targets and priorities postponed indefinitely,creating a feeling that we are simply drifting along,lacking in work enthusiasm. Here are my suggestions on how best to tackle the problem.Firstly,draw up a schedule and ensure everything goes according to it.If not,adjust it in time.Secondly,stay focused on your schedule and pace your efforts. Now,get down to your work today and you will surely complete it before the deadline and gain an unexpected harvest. 景苏华老师原创,仅供分享。

