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重点识记词汇 ‎1.likely adj.有可能的;adv.很可能 ‎2.concept n.概念 ‎3.chart n.表格,图表 ‎4.fashion n.时髦,时尚 ‎5.come true(愿望、梦想等)实现 ‎6.affect vt.影响 ‎7.attack n.&vt.攻击,进攻 ‎8.write down写下;记下 ‎9.crash vt.(汽车、飞机等)撞毁;坠毁 ‎10.tourism n.观光,旅游→tourist n.游客 ‎11.as if似乎;好像 ‎12.obvious adj.明显的,显而易见的 ‎13.project n.课题;方案;工程 ‎14.hang on别挂电话,稍等 ‎15.get in touch取得联络 ‎16.be up to做,从事于 ‎17.fancy vt.想要做;幻想 ‎18.in the flesh本人亲自 ‎19.reject vt.拒绝;不接受 ‎20.guide n.指南;导游,向导 ‎21.view n.景色,风景;观点,看法 ‎22.average adj.平均的;n.平均数 ‎23.scenery n.风景,景色 (总称)‎ ‎24.be known as作为……而著称;被认为是 ‎25.millionaire n.百万富翁→million n.百万 ‎26.reality n.真实,现实→realize vt.实现 ‎27.settle vi.定居→settlement n.(新)定居地 ‎28.crime n.犯罪;罪行→criminal adj.犯罪的 ‎29.growth n.增长;生长→grow v.增长,生长;种植 ‎30.focus vi.集中注意→focus on集中注意力在……上 ‎31.suggestion n.建议,提议→suggest vt.建议,提议 ‎32.arrangement n.安排,布置→arrange vt.安排,布置 ‎33.entertainment n.娱乐;款待→entertain vt.款待,招待;使娱乐 ‎34.disappear vi.消失→disappearance n.消失→appearance n.出现;外表 ‎35.optimistic adj.乐观的→be optimistic/pessimistic about对……乐观(悲观)‎ ‎36.harm vt.&n.伤害,损害→harmful adj.有害的→harmless adj.没有危害的 ‎37.scientific adj.科学的→science n.科学→scientist n.科学家 ‎38.historical adj.历史的,有关历史的→historic adj.历史上有名的(重要的),有历史记载的 ‎39.locate vt.坐落于;位于→location n.场所,位置,所在地 ‎40.regular adj.定期的;有规律的→regularly adv.定期地;有规律地 ‎41.officially adv.正式地;官方地→official adj.官方的,官员的 ‎42.attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的→attraction n.魅力,吸引力→attract vt.吸引;诱惑;引起注意 必背经典句式 ‎1....“it is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.”‎ ‎……“很明显,我们将会看到网上购物的大幅度增长。”‎ ‎2.Do you have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday?‎ 你周六、周日有什么安排吗?‎ 必背经典句式 ‎3.Some experts see our future in virtual reality—the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.‎ 有些专家看到了虚拟现实中我们的未来——计算机通过声音和图像使你感到仿佛置身于一个真实的空间。‎ ‎4.But I still find it hard to imagine.‎ 但是我仍然觉得难以想象。‎ 构词记忆  enable /I′neIbl/vt.使能够;使成为可能;使实现 encourage /In′kʌrIdʒ/vt.鼓励;支持;促进 enlarge /In′lɑːdʒ/vt.扩大;扩充;放大(照片);vi.增大 Ⅰ.词汇与派生 A.语境填词 ‎1.Obviously(明显地),without the help of the whole society,there would be no new school today in the stricken areas.‎ ‎2.The professor often guides(指导) us in our English learning.‎ ‎3.And you are now collecting suggestions(建议) about whether to hold it in the museum or in the art gallery.‎ ‎4.You may focus on one aspect of fashion(时尚) or every aspect.‎ ‎5.Not everyone is so optimistic(乐观的) about the plan.‎ ‎6.We rejected(拒绝) his idea for a music club,and decided to have an art club instead.‎ ‎7.He fell into the water,much to the entertainment(娱乐) of the children.‎ ‎8.Nothing took away from the beauty of the scenery(景色).‎ ‎9.The university sent an email to the chemist for those scientific (科学的) materials.‎ ‎10.The soldier took his sword and attacked(攻击) the enemy.‎ B.用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎11.He indicated the location (locate) of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.‎ ‎12.Plants taking in such chemicals can be harmful (harm) to humans and animals.‎ ‎13.She watched him disappear (appear) into the darkness and finally shut the door behind her.‎ ‎14.In the matter of the arrangement (arrange) of the furniture she never took her husband’s opinion.‎ ‎15.Moving quickly from behind the criminal (crime),the policeman was able to knock his gun away.‎ ‎16.You must face the reality (real). It’s impossible to avoid all difficulties,no matter how hard you try.‎ ‎17.She has a younger sister who is far more attractive (attract) and who steals the show at every party.‎ ‎18.They said Americans were tired of the dispute in Kansasand and would accept any settlement (settle).‎ Ⅱ.短语运用 A.用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空 cut off,get in touch with,consist of,make up,be up to,take immediate action,find out,come true,think through,hang on,focus on,be known as ‎ ‎19.Now teachers focus more on giving kids access to the Information Highway.‎ ‎20.Find out what makes you happy.‎ ‎21.Hang on—I’ll just see if he’s here.‎ ‎22.Our water supply has been cut off.‎ ‎23.Our life groups consist of more than 30 members.‎ ‎24.They discussed whether they should take immediate action.‎ ‎25.I’d like to think we’ll be up to the challenges.‎ ‎26.Before you start to change your habit, think through your motivations.‎ ‎27.These chocolate bars are known as something else in the US,but I can’t remember what.‎ ‎28.I’m trying to get in touch with Jane.Do you have her number?‎ ‎29.Finally Wang Yaping’s dream to become a teacher in space came true.‎ ‎30.The story that he told us was partly true and partly made up.‎ B.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 as if, in the flesh,what’s more, as well as ‎31.She learns quickly,and what’s more,she remembers what she has learnt.‎ ‎32.The sky was darkened by the heavy smoke pouring from the factory as if it were going to rain.‎ ‎33.This population shift is bringing problems as well as benefits to the people who live in this area.‎ ‎34.His appearance in the flesh ended the rumors about his death.‎ Ⅲ.经典句式 ‎35.It is obvious that she is popular with students.‎ 很明显,她很受学生们的欢迎。‎ ‎36.It was as if he had never heard of such a thing before.‎ 就好像他从没听说过这样一件事一样。‎ ‎37.Many experts think it important to let students have enough sleep.‎ 许多专家认为让孩子有足够的睡眠是很重要的。‎ ‎38.I’ll have my computer repaired this weekend.‎ 本周末我请人修理电脑。‎ ‎1 likely adj.有可能的;adv.(与most,very连用)很可能 ‎[应试指导] 写作高分句式:It is likely that...‎ ‎[多词一义] likely,possible,probable be likely to do...可能做……‎ It is likely that...可能做……‎ It is possible (for sb.) to do...(某人)可能做……‎ It is possible that...可能……‎ It is probable that...很可能……‎ Not likely.不会;绝不可能。‎ Very likely he’d told them he had American business interests.‎ 很可能他已经告诉他们自己拥有美国商业利益。‎ It’s more than likely that global warming will increase in the next twenty years.‎ 在未来的20年全球变暖极有可能进一步加剧。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)They are likely to be fired by the company because of their fault.‎ It is likely that they will be fired by the company because of their fault.(用it作形式主语改写句子)‎ ‎(2)他很有可能会赢得这场比赛。(一句多译)‎ ‎①It’s very likely that he will win the game.‎ ‎②He is very likely to win the game.‎ ‎2 ‎[多词一义] focus one’s attention on,fix one’s attention on,concentrate on,put one’s heart into focus...on/upon...把……集中于……‎ bring...into focus使……成为焦点 in focus对准焦点;清晰 out of focus没对准焦点;不清晰 It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families,shouldering the hope of their parents.‎ 这表明现今社会的一个普遍现象:孩子是家庭的中心,承载着父母的希望。(福建·书面表达)‎ In pursuing a dream,we might focus on only one way of making it come true,forgetting that there may be alternatives.‎ 在追求梦想的过程中,我们可能仅仅集中于使梦想实现的一种方法上,而忘了还有另外的方法。(北京·开放作文)‎ However,Interfax,the Russian news agency,quoted an unnamed source as saying investigators were now focusing on a man.‎ 不过,俄罗斯国际文传电讯社(Interfax)援引一位匿名消息人士的话称,调查人员正在追查一名男子。‎ ‎[联想记忆]‎ 表示“把……集中于……”的同义词组有:concentrate on,fix one’s attention on,be lost in,be absorbed in,be buried in,be devoted to等。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)语法填空 ‎①The relationship will be in focus today when monthly trade balance data are released.‎ ‎②Don’t go too fast or you’ll get out of focus.‎ ‎③Bring the subject into focus if you want to have a good picture.‎ ‎④With his attention focused(focus) on his homework,he forgot all about what I had told him.‎ ‎⑤Having focused(focus) his attention on urgent problems,he has hardly time to play games with you.‎ ‎(2)他集中精力学习。(一句多译)‎ ‎①He focused his attention on his study. (focus)‎ ‎②He fixed his attention on his study. (fix)‎ ‎③He was absorbed in his study. (absorb)‎ ‎④He applied himself to his study. (apply)‎ ‎⑤He concentrated his attention on his study. (concentrate)‎ ‎3 ‎[应试指导] 非谓语形式作状语的考查 be affected with high fever发高烧 affect sb.to tears把某人感动得流泪 have an effect on对……有影响 She was deeply affected by the news of his death.‎ 他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 同义句改写 ‎(1)The new system will affect our life.‎ The new system will have an effect/influence on our life.‎ ‎(2)The condition made lots of people ill these days.‎ The condition affected lots of people these days.‎ ‎4 ‎[应试指导] harm短语在写作中的应用 ‎ ‎ do/cause harm to对……造成伤害 do sb.harm=do harm to sb.伤害某人;对某人有害 mean no harm无恶意 There is no harm in doing sth.做某事无害处 be harmful to...对……有害 These days,breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon,causing serious harm to life and the environment.‎ 最近这段日子,违反交通规则和乱扔垃圾的现象很常见,对生活和环境都造成了极大的危害。(安徽·书面表达)‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)Fruit juice can do/cause harm to(对……造成损害) children’s teeth.‎ ‎(2)He means no harm(无恶意) by saying what he thinks,but people tend to be upset by it.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5 make a suggestion提建议 at one’s suggestion在某人的建议下 suggest v.建议;暗示;表明 suggest (sb.’s) doing sth.建议(某人)做……‎ suggest sth.to sb.向某人建议某事 It is suggested that...(should) do...提出建议 Someone suggested sending him to the US for treatment.有人建议送他去美国治疗。‎ He suggested that the work (should) be started at once.他建议立即动工。‎ ‎[特别提醒]‎ ‎(1)suggest作“建议”解,后接从句时要用虚拟语气;作“暗示;表明”讲时,引导的从句不用虚拟语气。‎ ‎(2)suggest后不接双宾语,可表达为suggest sth.to sb.或suggest to sb.that...。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 语法填空 ‎(1)His suggestion is that we (should) go(go) to watch the football match.‎ ‎(2)His accent suggests that he is(be) from Sichuan.‎ ‎(3)Bill suggested holding(hold) a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.‎ ‎(4)—What a mistake!‎ ‎—Yes.I had suggested his doing(do) it another way,but without success.‎ ‎6 ‎ ‎ ‎[应试指导] 日常活动类写作常用词汇 make arrangements/an arrangement for...为……做安排 arrange v.安排;筹备;整理;排列;布置 arrange (for) sth.安排某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事,arrange with sb.to do sth.与某人安排好做某事 arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事 ‎ I have made all the arrangements for the travel.‎ 我已经作好了旅行的一切准备。‎ Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?‎ 你安排好周末与马克会面了吗?‎ ‎[特别提醒]‎ 不能说arrange sb.to do sth.,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句中用虚拟语气(should) do。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)根据汉语提示填空 Now everything for the conference to be held tomorrow ①has been arranged(已准备就绪).I have ②arranged for Tom to pick up (安排Tom开车去接) the experts at the airport.Then I’m to ③arrange to meet(安排接见) Mr.Wang.In a word,all ④the arrangements we made(我们做出的安排) were completed.‎ ‎(2)He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.‎ He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week.(改为复合句)‎ ‎7 ‎ ‎ ‎[多词一义] settle,solve,work out,figure out settle down稳定;定居;坐下;平静下来 settle down to开始专心做……(to是介词) settle in定居;习惯于;适应 settle on/upon决定……;选定……‎ But he finally settled on literature,particularly drama and poetry.‎ 但是,他最终决定(选择)文学,侧重于戏剧和诗歌。‎ They settled down to a serious discussion over coffee.‎ 他们喝着咖啡,开始认真讨论问题。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)They finally settled to buy the car.‎ They finally settled on buying the car.(用动名词改写句子)‎ ‎(2)The problem was settled and they were happy and relaxed. ‎ ‎①With the problem settled, they were happy and relaxed.(用with复合结构改写句子)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎②The problem settled, they were happy and relaxed.(用独立主格结构改写句子)‎ ‎8 view n.(个人的)看法(opinion),意见;观看;看;视野;(从某处看到的)景色,‎ 风景;v.把……视为;把……看作;看;考虑 ‎ ‎ ‎[多词一义] in one’s (point of) view,in one’s opinion,personally,as far as one is concerned point of view观点,看法 in/out of view在视线范围内/外 in one’s view=in the view of sb.依照某人的观点 in view of鉴于,考虑到 come into view出现在眼前 ‎ We’ll go and view the house before we buy it.‎ 在买房前我们先去看一看房子。‎ Jang Song Thaek had long been viewed as the most experienced,cosmopolitan (世界性的) member of the elite.‎ 张成泽长期被视为朝鲜精英阶层中经验最丰富、最具世界眼光的成员。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 写出下列句子中view的汉语意思 ‎(1)In this lecture,I can only give you a purely personal view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future.观点,看法 ‎(2)I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend,where we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.风景 ‎(3)If we sit near the front of the bus,we’ll have a better view.视野 ‎(4)I got an opportunity to view the movie before it was released.观看 ‎(5)We can view the problem in many ways.考虑 ‎9 average adj.平均的;普通的(normal);典型的(typical);n.平均数;平均水平;v.平均为;‎ 计算出……的平均数(be equal to...as an average) ‎ ‎ ‎[应试指导] 完形填空高频词汇 an average of...……的平均数 up to the average接近一般水准 above/below average高于/低于平均水平 on (the/an) average平均地;通常;按平均值 Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred.‎ 算出那些比率的平均值再乘以100。‎ American shares rose,on average,by 38%.‎ 美国股票价格平均上涨了38%。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)On (an)average(通常) we would be spending £300 per day.‎ ‎(2)Teachers usually like students,whose schoolwork is above average(在平均水平以上).‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1 be in touch (with)(和……有)接触,联络 keep/get in touch (with)保持联络;不落后 lose (be out of) touch with和……失去(中断)联系 对……的情况生疏 touch on谈及;提及 Keeping in touch with our friends is an important part of friendship.‎ 和朋友们保持联系在友谊中很重要。‎ His talk did not touch on the housing problem.‎ 他的谈话没有提及住房问题。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 你能与那家公司取得联系吗?(一句多译)‎ ‎(1)Can you get in touch with the company?(touch)‎ ‎(2)Can you contact the company?(contact v.)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)Can you get in contact with the company?(contact n.)‎ ‎2 hang on不挂断;稍等(hold on);(to)紧紧握住(hold tightly);‎ 坚持,不放弃(continue doing,not give up ‎[应试指导] (1)hang on在交际用语中的考查 ‎ ‎ ‎(2)“hang+副词”类语境词义辨析 hang out逗留;闲荡 hang one’s head(因羞愧)低下头 hang back退缩;踌躇不前 hang up (on sb.)(对某人)挂断电话 get/have the hang of sth.学会做某事的技巧 Can you hang on for a minute?‎ 你能不能稍等一会儿?‎ The President has been trying hard to hang on to power.‎ 总统一直在设法抓住权力不放。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 选词填空 ‎(1)I saw him step forward for a moment but then hang back,nervously.‎ ‎(2)Hang on a minute;I’m nearly ready.‎ ‎(3)He said he’d call again,and hung up on me.‎ ‎(4)What’s the sense of having a public open space where you can’t eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while?‎ ‎(5)Jack almost fell off the cliff,but managed to hang on until help came.‎ ‎3 ‎ ‎ ‎[应试指导] 熟词新义的考查 be up to (doing) sth.胜任(做)某事;正在忙于(做)某事 be up to sb.由某人决定 be up to sb.to do sth.由某人决定做某事 up to now到目前为止(常与现在完成时连用) You can play up to 30 games at one time.‎ 你可以一次进行多达30个游戏。‎ We have no doubt that the Russian authorities will be up to the task.‎ 我们深信俄罗斯政府能够胜任这项任务。‎ Do you want to stay or go?It’s up to you.‎ 你要留下还是要走呢?由你决定。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)—What would you like to do? Doing shopping or going to the cinema? ‎ ‎—It’s up to you(由你决定).Whatever you want to do is fine with me.‎ ‎(2)What are you doing now?‎ What are you up to now?(用up to改写句子)‎ ‎(3)我的车最多能坐4个人。(翻译句子)‎ I can take up to four people in my car.‎ ‎4 ‎ ‎ be known for...因……而出名 be known to...为……所知(强调对象) ‎ ‎(修饰known,用well,其比较级与最高级分别为better known,best known)be famous for...因……而著名 be famous as...作为……而著名(接职务、身份类名词)(famous的比较级为more famous)‎ Hangzhou is known/famous for its beautiful scenery.‎ 杭州因其美景而出名。‎ He is known to most people as a good actor.‎ 大多数人都知道他是一名好演员。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎(1)语法填空 ‎①Shaanxi food is also known for its liberal use of vinegar and garlic.‎ ‎②Lu Xun was known as a great writer.‎ ‎③It is known to us all that the earth goes around the sun.‎ ‎(2)He was known as a writer and was invited to attend the meeting.‎ Known as a writer,he was invited to attend the meeting.(用过去分词短语作状语改写句子)‎ ‎5 ‎ ‎ ‎[应试指导] 主谓一致的考查 (1)A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词的单复数随A的人称和数的变化而变化。‎ (2)as well as用于同级比较,表示“和……一样好”,在句中作状语,修饰谓语动词。‎ I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends in my life.‎ 我从未停止对读书的热爱,因为书籍既像是我生活中的好朋友也像是我的良师。(江西·书面表达)‎ The new air zone has raised regional tensions between China and its neighbors,as well as the US.‎ 中国的新防空识别区引发了中国与邻邦以及与美国的地区紧张态势。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 语法填空 ‎(1)The basketball coach,as well as his team,was interviewed(interview) shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.‎ ‎(2)My sister,as well as her classmates who were(be) late for class,was(be)criticized by Mr.Smith.‎ ‎(3)The family as well as their dog were trapped (trap) on the roof by the flood.‎ ‎(4)Some necessary equipment as well as food and clothes has been sent(send) to the disasterhit ‎ area since the powerful earthquake occurred.‎ ‎(5)The famous musician,as well as his students,was invited(invite) to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.‎ ‎                   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1 ...,“it is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.”……, “很明显,我们将会看到网上购物的大幅度增长。”‎ ‎ ‎ (1)It is clear that...句型中,it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。常用于这种结构的形容词有:strange,obvious,certain,important,possible,natural,surprising,interesting,likely,unusual等。‎ (2)在It is necessary/important/strange/natural/impossible/essential/a pity...+that...中,从句中的谓语动词常用“should+动词原形”,should可省略。‎ It is obvious that she is popular with students.‎ 很明显,她很受学生们的欢迎。‎ It is important that we (should) discuss the plan.‎ 重要的是我们该讨论这个计划。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)他们没能结婚,真是令人惋惜。‎ It’s a great pity that they didn’t get married.‎ ‎(2)明天早点出发这是个好建议。‎ ‎ ‎ It is a good suggestion that we (should) start early tomorrow.‎ ‎2 Some experts see our future in virtual reality—the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.有些专家看到了虚拟现实中我们的未来——计算机通过声音和图像使你感到仿佛置身于一个真实的空间。‎ ‎ ‎ (1)as if/though可引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用过去时;若表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用过去完成时;若表示与将来相反的情况,从句谓语动词用would/could do。‎ (2)如果as if/though引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,则使用陈述语气。‎ (3)as if/though引导的从句可用省略形式,后面直接跟名词、不定式、形容词、介词短语或分词。‎ It looked as if it had been spraypainted.‎ 它看起来好像是喷过漆的。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ 语法填空 ‎(1)The patient opened his mouth as if to say(say) something.‎ ‎(2)He talks about Hong Kong as if he had been(be) there before.‎ ‎(3)Jackie looks after his younger sister as if he were(be) an adult.‎ ‎3单元语法 ‎——语法填空 ‎(1)Look at the dark clouds.It is going to rain(rain).‎ ‎(2)—Ann is in hospital.‎ ‎—Oh,really?I didn’t know.I will go(go) and visit her.‎ ‎(3)If I were(be) you,I would seize(seize) the chance to go abroad.‎ ‎(4)If I should see/were to see/saw(see) him tomorrow,I would invite him home.‎ ‎(5)If you had taken(take) my advice,you wouldn’t be crying(cry) over your failure now.‎ 高考题组 Ⅰ.短文改错(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)‎ My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m.and ends at 3:30 p.m.They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We didn’t need to do so many homework.Therefore,we have more time with afterschool activities.For example,we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.‎ My dream school look like a big garden.There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sat by the lake listening music.The teachers here are kind and helpfully.They are not only our teachers but also our friends.‎ 答案 My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m.and ends at 3:30 p.m. are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We need to do so homework.Therefore,we have more time afterschool activities.For example,we can do reading for one and a half and play sports for one hour every day.‎ My dream school like a big garden.There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.We can lie on the grass for a rest,or by the lake listening music.The ‎ teachers here are kind and .They are not only our teachers but also our friends.‎ Ⅱ.写作常用句翻译 ‎1.父母为孩子安排好一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺好道路。(arrange)(2013·福建·书面表达)‎ Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.‎ ‎2.我完全同意这种观点。(view)(2012·浙江·书面表达)‎ I can’t agree more with this view.‎ ‎3.它使我们学校又脏又令人不愉快,伤害了学校形象。(harm)(2011·浙江·书面表达)‎ It makes our school dirty and unpleasant,and does harm to the image of our school.‎ ‎4.大约5亿4千万人受二手烟的影响,每年引起10万人死亡。(affect)(2010·广东·基础写作)‎ Around 540 million people are affected by secondhand smoke,which causes 100,000 deaths per year.‎ ‎5.因为我认为这项活动不但对学生和社会有益,也对我有好处。(as well as)(2010·天津·书面表达)‎ Because I think this activity will be beneficial to me as well as the students and the society.‎ 模拟题组 Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.My mom suggests that we (should) eat out for a change this weekend.‎ ‎2.It is known to us that the city of Auckland is known as the City of Sails.‎ ‎3.Don’t handle the vase as if it were made(make) of steel.‎ ‎4.Sorry,I am too busy now.If I had(have) time,I would certainly go for an outing with you.‎ ‎5.The old man stood there with his eyes focused(focus) on the picture.‎ ‎6.But UK commercial flights to the cities affected(affect) by the travel guidance were suffering disruptions.‎ ‎7.Every time he had a chance,he would talk about the great difficulty he had settling(settle) in the new country.‎ ‎8.It looks as if you are ill.You should go to see the doctor.‎ ‎9.James Cameron,who is famous for great action scenes,directed his latest movie,Avatar.‎ ‎10.It is not necessary for you to have told her about the bad news.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.In the past ten years,his attention has focused on this problem.has后加上been ‎2.They offered me the computer with 1,000 yuan.with→for ‎3.Exposing yourself too long to the sunlight makes great harm to your skin.makes→does ‎4.I can hardly fancy George reads such difficult books.reads→reading ‎5.He accepted the suggestion that the meeting was put off.was→be ‎ ‎6.Having been settled in the countryside for ten years,he has got used to the life there.去掉been ‎ ‎7.His dream that he wants to be a teacher has now realized.realized前加上been ‎ ‎8.He didn’t make that clear when and where the meeting would be held.that→it ‎9.If he put some money aside at that time,he would live a better life now.put前加上had ‎10.With the government’s aid, those being affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.去掉being Ⅲ.写作句式升级训练 ‎1.Popular science books are needed most.Usually they explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way.(素材来源于2014·浙江·书面表达)‎ What we need most are popular science books,which usually explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way.(用what从句及which从句改写句子)‎ ‎2.Popular science books not only offer us joy and excitement,but also encourage us to think critically.(素材来源于2014·浙江·书面表达)‎ Not only do popular science books offer us joy and excitement,but also they encourage us to think critically.(用not only位于句首的倒装句改写句子)‎ ‎(一)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Sir John,a British scientist who won last year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine,said he had predicted at the time of his frog experiments that the successful cloning of a mammal would happen within 50 years,and that “maybe the same answer is appropriate” for the step to human cloning.Parents who lose children in accidents may be able to clone “copies” to replace them then.‎ Although any attempt to clone an entire human would raise complex moral issues,the biologist claimed people would soon overcome their concerns if the technique became medically useful.Cloning was regarded with extreme doubts when it was first developed but became widely accepted after the birth of Louise Brown,the first “test tube baby”.He said,“When my first frog experiment was done,an American reporter asked how long it will be before these things can be done in mammals or humans.I said,‘Well,it could be anywhere between 10 years and 100 years—how about 50 years?’It turned out that it wasn’t far off the mark as far as Dolly was concerned.Maybe the same answer is appropriate.” Sir John added that cloning a human being effectively means making an identical twin,and doctors would therefore simply be “copying ‎ what nature has already produced”.‎ The average vote on allowing parents of deceased children,who are no longer fertile(能生育的),to create another using the mother’s eggs and skin cells from the first child,thinking the technique was safe and effective,is 60 per cent in favor.The reasons for “no” are usually that the new children would feel they were some sort of a replacement for something.‎ ‎1.Sir John predicted the human cloning would be a reality in at most.‎ A.100 years B.60 years C.50 years D.10 years 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。依据文章第一段可知,John表示,在未来的50年内,克隆技术将可以成功地应用于人类。故选C项。‎ ‎2.According to the text,which statement is NOT true?‎ A.Louise Brown is the first “test tube baby”.‎ B.Human cloning is still a controversial topic.‎ C.Sir John is positive about the future of human cloning.‎ D.Human cloning is creating something that didn’t exist before.‎ 答案 D 解析 正误判断题。依据第二段中的“...after the birth of Louise Brown,the first ‘test tube baby’.”可排除A项;文章最后一段说明克隆人类赞成者占6成,但依旧存在争议,故排除B项;第二段中Sir John的话表明,他对克隆人类充满了希望,故排除C项;第二段的最后一句说明克隆技术只能克隆已经存在的人。故选D项。‎ ‎3.The underlined word “identical” probably means “ ”.‎ A.same B.special C.new D.clear 答案 A 解析 词义猜测题。依据第二段中的“...doctors would therefore simply be ‘copying what nature has already produced’.”可知,医生只是复制已经存在的人,故选A项。‎ ‎4.What does the text mainly talk about?‎ A.The life of Sir John.‎ B.Prediction on human cloning.‎ C.Views on human cloning.‎ D.Achievements in human cloning.‎ 答案 B 解析 主旨大意题。作者在文中讲述了去年获得诺贝尔医学奖的英国科学家John 对克隆人类的前景的预测。故选B项。‎ B The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women.During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman’s life spent in caring for the children.A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties,and would be likely to have seven or eight children,four or five of whom lived till they were five years old.By the time the youngest was fifteen,the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years,during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work.Today women marry younger and have fewer children.Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is fortyfive years and can expect to live another thirtyfive years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty.Even while she has to take care of children,her work is lightened by modern living conditions.‎ This important change in women’s lifepatterns has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position.Even a few years ago most girls took a fulltime job after they left school.However,when they married,they usually left work at once and never returned to it.Today the schoolleaving age is sixteen,and many girls stay at school after that age,and though women usually marry older,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born.Many more afterwards return to fullorparttime work.Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage,with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life,and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money,and running the home,according to the abilities and interests of each of them.‎ ‎5.At what age did most women marry around the 1890’s according to the passage?‎ A.At about twentyfive.‎ B.In their early fifties.‎ C.At the age of fifteen.‎ D.At any age from fifteen to fortyfive.‎ 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties...”可知,在19世纪晚期,大部分妇女在25岁左右结婚,因此选A。‎ ‎6.What happened to an ordinary family in about 1900?‎ A.The youngest child could live to fifteen.‎ B.Four of five children died after they were five.‎ C.Seven or eight children lived to more than five.‎ D.Some children died when they were very young.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...and would be likely to have seven or eight children,four or five of whom lived till they were five years old.”可知,一个女人结婚后可能会有七个或八个孩子,但是他们中有四个或五个活到五岁时就死去了。故选D项。‎ ‎7.When she was over fifty,a late nineteenthcentury mother .‎ A.was usually expected to die very soon B.would expect to work until she died C.would be healthy enough to take up paid jobs D.was less likely to find a job even if she wanted to 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years,during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work.”可知,在19世纪末,50多岁的母亲因为健康问题不太可能找到工作。故选D项。‎ ‎8.What do we know from the passage?‎ A.Husbands and wives share equal responsibilities at home now.‎ B.More and more women are looked down upon by husbands.‎ C.Today women prefer to get married rather than get jobs.‎ D.A husband plays a greater part in looking after the children.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“...and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money,and running the home,according to the abilities and interests of each of them.”可知,现在在家里丈夫和妻子更为平等地分担责任,因此选择A。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 A learned man always has a lot of riches in himself.‎ Simonides,a famous Greek poet,once made a tour around the wellknown cities of Asia.Years later,he decided to 9 to his native land by sea.‎ However,he boarded on a ship,which got 10 in a terrible storm.Together with its own poor condition,the ship began to 11 into the sea.Some passengers was busy 12 together their bags,and their 13 belongings.To everyone’s surprise,Simonides was a(n) 14 .One who was 15 curious,asked,“Are you going to save 16 of your property,Simonides?” He made a reply.“All my possessions are 17 me.”‎ While a few made their 18 by swimming,the majority,being weighed down by their burdens,disappeared in the sea. 19 ,some thieves made their appearance,and stole 20 the ‎ few lucky people had saved,leaving them nothing.‎ Clazomenae,an ancient city,chanced to be near the beach.Here lived a wealthy man 21 the pursuits(追求) of literature.He had often read the poems of Simonides,and was a very great 22 of him though he had never seen Simonides. 23 ,Simonides was saved by this man shortly after he got to the beach.Knowing who he was from their brief conversation,the man 24 Simonides into his house with the greatest pleasure,and 25 him with clothes,money,and attendants.The other 26 meanwhile were carrying about their bowls,begging for food in the same city.One day,Simonides 27 to meet them.With much sympathy,Simonides remarked,“I told you that all my property was about me;what you have 28 to save is lost now.”‎ ‎9.A.return B.get C.visit D.come 答案 A 解析 前文说Simonides在亚洲各大名城旅游,该空所在句说“to his native land”,故选A项。return表示“返回,回去”。‎ ‎10.A.hit B.caught C.struck D.seized 答案 B 解析 此处用get/be caught in表示“被困于,遇到”,表示他坐的船遇到了风暴。‎ ‎11.A.break B.drown C.fall D.sink 答案 D 解析 根据空前的描述可知,船很破旧,遇到暴风雨之后就开始下沉。sink表示“下沉”,符合语境。‎ ‎12.A.gathering B.keeping C.joining D.carrying 答案 A 解析 一些乘客忙着收拾自己的行李。gather表示“收拢,归拢(分散的东西)”。‎ ‎13.A.common B.formal C.precious D.previous 答案 C 解析 船要沉了,乘客收拾行李时会拿珍贵的东西,故选C,precious表示“珍贵的”。‎ ‎14.A.millionaire B.example C.fool D.exception 答案 D 解析 根据空前的“To everyone’s surprise”可知,选D。人人都在收拾行李,只有Simonides是个例外(exception)。‎ ‎15.A.slightly B.extremely C.gradually D.generally 答案 B 解析 一个人对Simonides的反应感到非常(extremely)好奇。‎ ‎16.A.nothing B.few C.none D.no one 答案 C 解析 结合语境判断选C,用none表示“全无,没有一点儿”。‎ ‎17.A.about B.around C.of D.for 答案 A 解析 结合语境判断选A,Simonides认为他自己就是所有的财产。文章最后一句中的“about me”是线索提示。‎ ‎18.A.effort B.effect C.escape D.attempt 答案 C 解析 根据下文中的“disappeared in the sea”可知,选C表示“逃脱”。‎ ‎19.A.In fact B.In brief C.After all D.Worse still 答案 D 解析 下文谈到了小偷的出现,因此选D项,表示“更糟糕的是”。‎ ‎20.A.that B.what C.which D.when 答案 B 解析 这里用what引导宾语从句,指物,并在从句中作宾语。故选B。‎ ‎21.A.related to B.adapted to C.determined to D.devoted to 答案 D 解析 这个富人喜欢文学,经常读Simonides的诗歌,因此选D项,devoted to表示“专心致力于”。‎ ‎22.A.adviser B.listener C.admirer D.buyer 答案 C 解析 这个富人喜欢读Simonides的诗歌,由此可见他是Simonides的崇拜者,因此选C,表示“崇拜者”。‎ ‎23.A.Unluckily B.Fortunately C.Naturally D.Frequently 答案 B 解析 Simonides上岸以后被这个富人救了,这对Simonides来说是一件很幸运的事,故选B项。‎ ‎24.A.ordered B.forced C.received D.begged 答案 C 解析 这里用动词receive表示“接待”:这个富人高兴地接Simonides到他家里。‎ ‎25.A.provided B.offered C.showed D.afforded 答案 A 解析 这个富人还为Simonides提供了衣服、钱及侍从。provide表示“提供”,符合语境。offer也有“提供”的意思,但其用法是offer sb.sth.,故可排除。‎ ‎26.A.villagers B.writers C.stealers D.survivors 答案 D 解析 此处表示同一条船上的其他幸存者(survivors)的境遇,因此选D。‎ ‎27.A.hoped B.happened C.managed D.demanded 答案 B 解析 Simonides碰巧遇到他们,此处用happen to do sth.表示“碰巧做某事”。‎ ‎28.A.struggled B.failed C.encouraged D.succeeded 答案 A 解析 当初你们努力要拯救的东西现在都丢了。struggle努力,奋斗,符合语境。‎ ‎(二)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 Located in the southwest of Turkey,Marmaris is the ideal place for a sunfilled break.If you want to do a little more than lie on the sand while you enjoy the blue skies,read our guide.‎ Go on a boat trip One of the best ways to enjoy the sun in Marmaris is to head to Marmaris Bay and book yourself a boat trip,which gives you plenty of opportunities to enjoy the Aegean Coast in a way that suits you.For instance,you could choose to go on a guided tour,or you and your friends or family could hire your own vessel for the day and explore independently.‎ If you do decide to go on a group trip,it’s worth looking out for a fullday package that will give you the opportunity to stop for activities like swimming.Bear in mind that some packages include delicious BBQs that are lots of fun and give you the chance to get to know other travelers.‎ Head out on a horse safari While the coastline might be the main attraction in Marmaris,there are certainly other ways to get out and about in the sunshine.For instance,there are horse safari trip.These give you the opportunity to ride through small villages and pine forests,so you can see a different side to the Turkish Coast.What is also nice about this option is that you don’t need any riding experience,while it is suitable for children too—though parents should bear in mind that they need to be present if their kids want to ride their own horse.‎ Try scubadiving(戴水肺的潜水)‎ Go back to the coastline for our next activity.Scubadiving is a wonderful thing to try on the Turkish Riviera.As well as being home to some beautiful marine life,this part of the world is very well set up for diving,with a host of diving training centres lining the coast.‎ Indeed,while you can simply head out on a daylong adventure,there are extended options for those who really want to go diving.For instance,the Deep Blue Dive Center offers a threeday openwater course.This is just one of the many options available,so remember to look into the possibilities thoroughly to find one that suits you.‎ ‎1.Who would like to go to Marmaris for a holiday?‎ A.People who intend to enjoy the life of Turkey.‎ B.People who want to live a peaceful life.‎ C.People who have a preference for sunshine.‎ D.People who dream to take up water sports.‎ 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。依据文章首段中的“Marmaris is the ideal place for a sunfilled break”可知,应选C项。‎ ‎2.Choosing a horse safari trip means .‎ A.going through the thick forest by yourself B.you have gained great riding experience C.knowing about the hard life in most villages D.you can let your kid have a ride on a horse 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“while it is suitable for...ride their own horse”可知,如果你带着孩子,可以让你的孩子骑马,但是家长要陪伴。故选D项。 ‎ ‎3.If you are a scubadiving beginner, .‎ A.you should be brave to take any challenge B.you can find it very convenient to try diving in Marmaris C.you can have free classes in the Deep Blue Dive Center D.you should purchase fine equipment in advance 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。依据最后一段的“For instance,the Deep Blue Dive Center offers a threeday openwater course.This is just one of the many options available,so remember to look into the possibilities thoroughly to find one that suits you.”可知,马尔马里斯的潜水中心提供课程,因此初学者会发现在那里想进行戴水肺的潜水很方便。故选B项。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 I walked into the grocery store,not really wanting to buy anything.I just wanted to stay there quietly—the pain of losing my 4 was still too great.And this supermarket held so many sweet 5 .He often came with me,and always bought me yellow roses.‎ Standing 6 the meat,I searched for the perfect small steak 7 my husband used to love it. 8 a woman came up beside me.I watched as she picked up a large pack of Tbone steaks,dropped them in her basket, 9 ,and then put them back.She turned to go and once again 10 for the pack of steaks.She saw me 11 her and she smiled,“My husband loves Tbone steaks,but they are so expensive.”‎ ‎“My husband 12 away eight days ago,”I told her,and 13 to control the sadness in my voice.“Buy him the Tbone steaks.And 14 every moment you have together.”‎ ‎ 15 by my words,she placed the steaks in her basket and walked away 16 .But several minutes later she came towards me again, 17 a package in her arms.She was 18 the brightest smile I had ever seen.‎ As she 19 ,I saw what she held.“These are for you,”she placed three beautiful yellow roses in my hands.I wanted to tell her what the roses 20 for me,but was unable to speak,only watching her walking away.‎ Looking down at the roses,I wondered 21 she knew it.Suddenly the answer seemed so 22 .I wasn’t alone.There were 23 many people caring for me and willing to help me.Just be thankful for what you have and who you are.‎ ‎4.A.father B.brother C.husband D.son 答案 C 解析 根据第二段第一句中的“...my husband used to love it.”可知此处选C项。‎ ‎5.A.groceries B.memories C.flowers D.dreams 答案 B 解析 这个超市有我们太多甜蜜的回忆(memory)。‎ ‎6.A.by B.for C.beyond D.against 答案 A 解析 站在肉类食品柜台旁,我寻找精美的小牛排。stand by站在……旁边,符合语境。‎ ‎7.A.even if B.in case C.until D.since 答案 D 解析 因为我丈夫过去喜欢吃牛排。根据语境可知此处用since(由于,因为)引导原因状语从句。‎ ‎8.A.Actually B.Suddenly C.Instantly D.Hopefully 答案 B 解析 突然(suddenly)一位妇女来到我身旁。‎ ‎9.A.missed B.suffered C.doubted D.hesitated 答案 D 解析 我看到她拿起了一大包T字骨牛排,放进篮子里,犹豫了一下,然后又把牛排放了回去。hesitate犹豫,迟疑,符合语境。‎ ‎10.A.reached B.searched C.sent D.paid 答案 A 解析 reach for伸手去拿,符合语境。‎ ‎11.A.following B.helping C.watching D.stopping 答案 C 解析 她见我在看着(watch)她,就笑着说……‎ ‎12.A.broke B.cleared C.moved D.passed 答案 D 解析 我丈夫八天前去世了。pass away去世,是固定短语,符合语境。‎ ‎13.A.decided B.fought C.offered D.pretended 答案 B 解析 我强忍住声音中的悲伤。fight to do sth.努力做某事,是固定短语,符合语境。‎ ‎14.A.forget B.recover C.treasure D.imagine 答案 C 解析 给他买下那些牛排吧,珍惜你们在一起的每一刻。treasure珍惜,符合语境。‎ ‎15.A.Surprised B.Embarrassed C.Panicked D.Frightened 答案 A 解析 听了我的话,她很惊讶。surprised惊讶的,符合语境。‎ ‎16.A.softly B.violently C.silently D.wildly 答案 C 解析 她把牛排放进篮子里,默默地走开了。silently静静地,默默地,符合语境。‎ ‎17.A.fastening B.carrying C.picking D.opening 答案 B 解析 但是几分钟后,她又向我走来,双臂抱着一包东西。carry搬,抱,符合语境。‎ ‎18.A.covering B.rolling C.spreading D.wearing 答案 D 解析 她脸上带着我所见过的最灿烂的笑容。表示“面带微笑”,用动词wear。‎ ‎19.A.approached B.turned C.continued D.bent 答案 A 解析 当她走近时,我看清了她抱着的东西。approach走近,接近,符合语境。‎ ‎20.A.smelled B.tasted C.collected D.meant 答案 D 解析 我想告诉她这些玫瑰对我来说意味着(mean)什么。‎ ‎21.A.what B.how C.whether D.when 答案 B 解析 我低下头看着玫瑰,寻思着她是怎么知道的。根据语境可知此处用how引导宾语从句。‎ ‎22.A.accidental B.strange C.obvious D.funny 答案 C 解析 突然间答案似乎如此明显。obvious明显的,显而易见的,符合语境。‎ ‎23.A.still B.just C.even D.also 答案 A 解析 仍然(still)有许多关心我、愿意帮助我的人。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 Yesterday was my 18th birthday.As Father and Mother thought it was a big occasion for me,they suggested I 24.(should) hold(hold) a birthday party at home to celebrate it.For several days they had been busy 25.preparing(prepare) for this.By 4 o’clock I was pleased to see all my friends had come 26.with a lot of beautiful presents.Mother cooked us a big meal.‎ We 27.spent(spend) a wonderful night together,eating and talking 28.happily(happy).The most exciting moment was when Mother put a big birthday cake on the table and all my friends began to sing Happy Birthday.Seeing the 18 candles burning,I couldn’t keep back my tears.Without Mother and Father’s love,I 29.wouldn’t lead/wouldn’t be leading(not lead) such a happy life now.Mother asked me to make a wish 30.before I blew out all the candles.After that,everyone enjoyed the sweet birthday cake and shared my happiness.‎ I am eighteen years old now,31.which means I’ve become an adult and have more 32.responsibilities(responsibility).I’ll do 33.my(me) best to return my parents’ love and live up to their expectations.‎ Ⅳ.写作素材(关于全球变暖)‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用主语从句,定语从句。‎ ‎34.不容置疑地球正变得越来越温暖了。‎ There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer.‎ ‎35.很明显全球变暖给人类带来了巨大的灾难。‎ It is obvious that global warming brings to mankind huge disasters.‎ ‎36.它不但带来了恶劣天气,像飓风、海啸、洪涝灾害,火山爆发,还破坏全球的风景名胜,重创旅游业。‎ It not only brings bad climate,such as hurricanes,tsunamis,floods,volcanic eruptions,but also destroys the famous global scenic spots and hits the tourism industry.‎ ‎37.全球变暖在很大程度上是人为造成的,这应该引起全世界的关注。‎ Global warming is largely caused by human activities,which should attract the attention of the whole world.‎

