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‎ Unit 2 The Olympic Games 一、单词表词汇全查验——运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.mascot n.        吉祥物 ‎2.Greece n. 希腊 ‎3.Greek adj. 希腊(人)的;希腊语的 n. 希腊人;希腊语 ‎4.magical adj. 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 ‎5.slave n. 奴隶 ‎6.gymnastics n.(pl.) 体操;体能训练 ‎7.athletics n.(pl.) 体育运动;竞技 ‎8.stadium n.(pl. stadiums or stadia)‎ ‎ (露天大型)体育场                          ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎9.gymnasium (gym) n.   体育馆;健身房 ‎10.motto n. 座右铭;格言;警句 ‎11.swift adj. 快的;迅速的 ‎12.similarity n. 相像性;相似点 ‎13.physical adj. 物理的;身体的 ‎14.princess n. 公主 ‎15.glory n. 光荣;荣誉 ‎16.prince n. 王子 ‎17.goddess n. 女神 ‎18.striker n. 敲击者;(足球的)前锋                          ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎1.ancient adj.       古代的;古老的 ‎2.compete vi. 比赛;竞争 ‎3.competitor n. 竞争者 ‎4.medal n. 奖章;勋章;纪念章 ‎5.volunteer n. 志愿者;志愿兵 adj. 志愿的;义务的 vt.& vi. 自愿 ‎6.homeland n. 祖国;本国                          ‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎7.regular adj.      规则的;定期的;常规的 ‎8.basis n.(pl.bases) 基础;根据 ‎9.athlete n. 运动员;运动选手 ‎10.admit vt.& vi. 容许;承认;接纳 ‎11.nowadays adv. 现今;现在 ‎12.host vt. 做东;主办;招待 n. 主人 ‎13.responsibility n. 责任;职责                          ‎ ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎14.replace vt.        取代;替换;代替 ‎15.charge vt.& vi. 收费;控诉 n. 费用;主管 ‎16.fine vt. 罚款 ‎17.poster n. 海报;招贴 ‎18.advertise vt.& vi. 做广告;登广告 ‎19.bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货      ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎20.hopeless adj.      没有希望的;绝望的 ‎21.foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的 ‎22.pain n. 疼痛;痛苦 ‎23.deserve vi.& vt. 应受(报答或惩罚);值得 ‎24.take_part_in 参加;参与 ‎25.stand_for 代表;象征;表示 ‎26.as_well 也;又;还 ‎27.in_charge 主管;看管 ‎28.one_after_another 陆续地;一个接一个地                          ‎ 二、单元核心考点初热身——提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 ‎(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 识 记 单 词 写 对 Ⅰ.知其意(英译汉)‎ ‎1.mascot n.     吉祥物 ‎2.magical adj. 巫术的;魔术的;‎ ‎ 有魔力的 ‎3.gymnastics n.(pl.) 体操;体能训练 ‎4.gymnasium (gym) n. 体育馆;健身房 ‎5.motto n.   座右铭;格言;警句 ‎6.glory n. 光荣;荣誉 Ⅱ.写其形(汉译英)‎ ‎1.ancient adj. 古代的;古老的 ‎2.homeland n. 祖国;本国 ‎3.basis n.     基础;根据 ‎4.fine vt. 罚款 ‎5.foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的 ‎6.pain n. 疼痛;痛苦 ‎7.poster n. 海报;招贴 ‎8.nowadays adv. 现今;现在 核 心 单 词 练 通 ‎1.She offers individual counselling service, for which she charges (收费)£40 an hour.‎ ‎2.I'm short of money, and can't afford a new car to replace (替换) my old one.‎ ‎3.China has made efforts for a breakthrough in the total number of gold medals (奖牌) in the coming Winter Olympic Games.‎ ‎4.My sister bought this Tshirt at such a low price.She was really good at bargaining (讨价还价).‎ ‎5.Do you know the famous English saying “One good turn deserves (值得) another?”‎ ‎6.We attended a dinner party hosted (主办) by the president of the company.‎ ‎7.Do you know how many athletes (运动员) from around the world will compete in the 2020 Olympic Games?‎ 拓展单词用活 ‎[记全记牢]‎ ‎1.volunteer n.志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的;义务的vt.& vi.自愿→voluntary adj.志愿的;自愿的 ‎2.compete vi.比赛;竞争→competition n.竞争;比赛→competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争性的→competitor n.竞争者 ‎3.regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的 ‎[用准用活]‎ ‎1.Eating properly and exercising regularly (regular) can make one enjoy a healthier and longer life.‎ ‎2.She is in a hopeless situation, and she hopes that someone will come and help her put through.(hope)‎ ‎3.A large number of volunteers from the university volunteer to ‎ ‎→regularly adv.定期地;有规律地→regulation n.规则;规章制度 ‎4.admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳→admission n.承认;入场费;准许进入 ‎5.responsibility n.责任;职责→responsible adj.有责任心的;负责的 ‎6.advertise vt.& vi.做广告;登广告→advertiser n.广告商→advertisement n.广告 ‎7.hopeless adj.没有希望的;绝望的→hope v.& n.希望→hopeful adj.有希望的 teach in the remote villages. Their voluntary work is well worth praising.(volunteer)‎ ‎4.All the excited competitors who are relatively competitive are competing for the honor of winning the gold medal in the competition.(compete)‎ ‎5.We'll be responsible for your safety and you need to take responsibility for your actions.(responsible)‎ ‎6.Advertisers are supposed to be honest about the advertisements. If you advertise your goods in a dishonest way, you will be fined.(advertise)‎ ‎⇩ ‎1. 是装“傻”还是真“聪明”‎ ‎①foolish     愚蠢的;傻的 ‎②stupid 愚蠢的 ‎③silly 傻的 ‎④clever 聪明的 ‎⑤smart 聪明的;机敏的 ‎⑥bright 明亮的;聪明的 ‎⑦wise 明智的;聪明的 ‎⑧intelligent 智能的;聪明的 ‎2.双写辅音字母的过去式、过去分词和现在分词 ‎①admit: admitted/admitted/admitting ‎②permit: permitted/permitted/permitting ‎③plan: planned/planned/planning ‎④refer: referred/referred/referring ‎⑤prefer: preferred/preferred/preferring ‎⑥beg: begged/begged/begging ‎⑦hug: hugged/hugged/hugging ‎⑧chat:chatted/chatted/chatting ‎3.后缀less构成的形容词集锦 ‎①hopeless     无望的 ‎②careless 粗心的 ‎③fearless 无畏的④helpless 无助的 ‎⑤restless 不安的 ‎⑥homeless 无家可归的 ‎⑦useless 无用的 ‎⑧countless 无数的 ‎(二)语段串记短语——不枯燥·兴趣高 先 写 对 再 用 准 第一组 ‎1.take_part_in       参加;参与 ‎2.as_well 也;又;还 ‎3.play_a_role_in 在……中起作用 ‎4.as_a_matter_of_fact 事实上 ‎ ‎5.in_charge 主管;看管;负责 ‎6.stand_for 代表;象征;表示 ‎7.pick_up 拾起;捡起;用车接某人 ‎  A large number of students ①took_part_in the school sports meeting, and even some teachers joined in the activity ②as_well. The sports meeting was a great success. ③As_a_matter_of_fact,_headteachers and monitors who were ④in_charge_of the activity ⑤played_an important role_in it.‎ 第二组 ‎1.take_the_place_of     代替……‎ ‎2.apart_from 除了 ‎3.make_a_bargain_with_ 与……达成协议 ‎4.reach_the_standard 达到标准 ‎5.on_purpose 故意地;蓄意地 ‎6.work_out 计算出;解决;锻炼身体 ‎7.one_after_another 陆续地;一个接一个地 ‎  In order to ①reach_the required standard I take an active part in the English corner and other afterclass English activities ②apart_from English classes, which benefit me a lot. Besides, I make it a rule to ③work_out at the gym after school every day. As the result of my performance, I was made monitor of our class to ④take_the_place_of Li Hua.‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“as”开头的高频短语一览 ‎①as well         也;又;还 ‎②as a matter of fact 事实上 ‎③as a result 结果 ‎④as usual 照例;照常 ‎⑤as follows 如下 ‎⑥as is mentioned above 如上所说 ‎2.有无定冠词意义不同的短语荟萃 ‎①in charge         主管;看管;负责 in the charge 被掌管;由……负责 ‎②in control of 控制;管理 in the control of 被……控制 ‎③in possession of 占有;拥有 in the possession of 被占有;为……所有 ‎(三)仿写用活句式——造佳句·表达高 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!‎ 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!‎ ‎“nor/neither+情态动词/助动词/系动词be+主语”构成倒装句型。‎ 外教凯特不会说汉语,也不会写这种语言。‎ The foreign teacher Kate can't speak Chinese, neither/nor_can_she_write_it.‎ ‎2.There's as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.‎ 国与国之间争取奥运会主办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。‎ as+形容词+a(n)+单数可数名词+as或as+many/much+名词+as结构。‎ 人们普遍认为,教学是一种科学,也是一门艺术。‎ It's generally believed that teaching is as_much_an_art_as it is a science.‎ ‎3.This is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become.‎ 这很重要,因为你说英语越多,你的英语水平就会越高。‎ ‎“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”,意为“越……,就越……”。‎ 起初,我以为我明白了老师所说的,但是他越解释我就越迷惑。‎ At first I thought I understood what my teacher said, but the more he explained, the_more_confused_I_became 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  As we all know, only athletes ________❶ have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. All the athletes are aware that the harder they train, the closer their dreams ________ (become)❷. Nothing can replace❸ hard training on the way to success. There is no denying that the losers work as hard as the winners before the Olympics Games, so I believe both of them deserve our respect.‎ ‎1.①处所在句为定语从句,应填关系词 who/that。‎ ‎2.②处应填词的正确形式为 will_become。‎ ‎3.用高级词汇代替③处的replace: substitute_for。‎ ‎1.admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳;容纳 ‎(1)admit doing/having done/that ...‎ ‎           承认……‎ admit sb./sth.to be 承认某人/某物是……‎ ‎(2)be admitted to 被接纳进入;被录取到……‎ ‎(3)admission n. 准许进入;入场费;承认 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Tom admitted cheating/having_cheated (cheat) in the exam and promised never to do it again.‎ ‎②Joe is proud and stubborn, never admitting (admit) that he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.‎ ‎③Women gained admission (admit) to the club only recently.‎ 单句写作 ‎④考试结果可能会正如所预料的那样,我被我最喜爱的大学录取的梦想将会成为现实。‎ The exams are likely to work out as expected and my dream to_be_admitted_to_my_favorite_university will come true.‎ 熟词生义 写出加黑单词在语境中的含义 ‎⑤The dining hall to be completed next month can admit 1,000 students.容纳 ‎2.replace vt.取代;替换;代替;把……放回原处 replace ... with/by ...      用……替换……‎ replace ...as ... 取代……而成为……‎ take the place of=take one's place 代替;替代 in place of 代替 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①That could be because so many people have replaced face time with/by screen time, the researchers said.‎ ‎②It is generally believed that teachers will never be_replaced (replace) by computers in class.‎ 句型转换 ‎③John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him.‎ ‎→John is ill and I want to know who is going to take_the_place_of_him/take_his_place.‎ ‎3.deserve vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得;应得 deserve to do sth.       应该做某事;值得做某事 deserve to be done=deserve doing ‎ ……值得被做 deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑/注意 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①He does not deserve to_win (win) any respect from anybody just because he does not know how to respect others.‎ ‎②We suggest that those who do good deserve praising/to_be_praised (praise).‎ 补全句子 ‎③With many wild animals gradually dying out, the present situation deserves_‎ attention/paying_attention_to.‎ 由于许多野生动物逐渐灭绝,目前形势值得注意。‎ ‎[名师指津] 当物作主语时,deserve后接doing,主动形式表示被动意义,相当于接动词不定式的被动形式。need, want, require作“需要”讲时也有类似用法。‎ ‎4.the+比较级...,the+比较级...‎ This is important because the_more you speak English, the_better your English will become.‎ 这很重要,因为你说英语越多,你的英语水平就会越高。‎ ‎(1)the+比较级..., the+比较级...  越……,就越……‎ ‎(2)the more ..., the less ... 越……,越不……‎ ‎①The more a person reads, the wiser (wise) he will become.‎ 一个人书读得越多就会变得越明智。‎ ‎②The_more_careful_you_are,_the fewer mistakes you will make.‎ 你越小心,你犯的错就会越少。‎ ‎[名师指津] “the+比较级..., the+比较级...”结构中,第一个“the+比较级”是表示条件的状语从句,在表示将来意义的情况下,从句用一般现在时表示将来。‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  Not only Li Hua but also his sister watched the 13th National Games of China ________ (hold)❶ in Tianjin. His sister asked him what the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for ________❷ they saw the rising Olympic flag. The volunteer in charge there told her that the five rings on the flag stand for the five continents on the earth.Every athlete is eager to take part in the Games. As we all know, Sun Yang was selected to compete in the Games and won five gold medals❸. Regrettably, I didn't go to Tianjin to watch the Games, nor did my friend Li Ping.‎ ‎1.①处应填词的正确形式为 held,在此处作后置定语。‎ ‎2.②处应填 when,在此处引导时间状语从句。‎ ‎3.用“It is +过去分词+that”结构改写句③‎ It_is_well_known_that Sun Yang was selected to compete in the Games and won five gold medals.‎ ‎5.charge vt.& vi.收费;控诉;充电n.费用;主管 ‎(1)charge sb. for sth.     为某物向某人收取费用 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告某人(做)某事 ‎(2)take charge of 掌管/负责……‎ in charge of 控制/管理……‎ in the charge of 受……的管理;由……负责 ‎(3)free of charge=for free 免费 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The young man was charged with careless driving and failing to report an accident.‎ ‎②How much did he charge you for repairing this pair of shoes?‎ 补全句子 ‎③With the ticket, you may get a French fries free_of_charge/for_free in KFC.‎ 凭此券你可以在肯德基免费得到一份法式炸薯条。‎ 句型转换 ‎④The man who had taken charge of the company was charged with taking drugs.‎ ‎→The man who had been in_charge_of the company was_accused_of_taking_drugs.‎ ‎[名师指津] 表示“控告某人某事”还可以用accuse sb.of sth.结构。accuse常与of搭配,而charge常与with搭配。‎ ‎6.compete vi.比赛;竞争 ‎(1)compete in        参加……比赛;在……方面竞争 compete for 为……而竞争 compete with/against ... for ...‎ ‎ 为争取……而与……对抗/竞争 ‎(2)competition n. 比赛 competitor n. 竞争者;对手 competitive adj. 有竞争力的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Living in a highly competitive (compete) society, you definitely have to arm yourself with modern technology and skills.‎ ‎②My son was selected to compete in the London marathon.‎ ‎③The prize for the winner of the competition (compete) is a twoweek holiday in Paris.‎ 补全句子 ‎④Athletes from many countries competed_with/against_each_other_for the first gold medal in the Rio Olympic Games.‎ 来自许多国家的运动员为获得里约奥运会的第一枚金牌而彼此竞争。‎ ‎7.stand for代表;象征;表示;主张;支持;容忍 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中stand for的含义 ‎①In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck.代表 ‎②We should respect people of all faiths and stand for religious freedom.主张;支持 ‎③I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.容忍 ‎④As we know, pigeons stand for peace.象征 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ stand by          站在旁边;袖手旁观 stand out 突出;显眼;杰出 stand on one's own feet 自立;不依靠他人 ‎⑤Her big eyes make her stand_out in a crowd, so you will recognize her immediately.‎ 她的大眼睛使她在人群中很显眼,因此你会立刻认出她。‎ ‎8.take part in参加;参与 ‎ participate in=take part in       参加;参与 take an active part in 积极参加 play a part in 在……中起作用;在……中扮演角色 ‎[多角练透]‎ 句型转换 ‎①I still remember that many Chinese athletes competed in the 2016 Rio Olympics.‎ ‎→I still remember that many Chinese athletes took_part_in the 2016 Rio Olympics.‎ 单句写作 ‎②我们对这次竞赛如此感兴趣以至于我们成立了一个小组参加它。(2018·天津高考书面表达)‎ We were so interested in the competition that we_formed_a_group_to_take_part_in_it.‎ ‎ [名师指津] (1)take part in是固定短语, part前一般不用冠词,但是当part前有形容词修饰时,形容词前要用不定冠词;(2)在使用take part in时,若其后无宾语,则不加介词in。‎ ‎9.nor引导的倒装句型 No other countries could join in, nor_could_slaves_or_women!‎ 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!‎ ‎(1)“nor/neither+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语”构成倒装句型,意为“……也不这样”,表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情况(否定情况)。‎ ‎(2)so+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语,意为“……也是如此”,表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情况(肯定情况)。‎ ‎(3)so+主语+助动词/系动词be/情态动词,表示说话人同意对方的观点或对前文内容加以强调或肯定,意为“……的确如此”。‎ ‎(4)如果前面句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定,或者形式不同,就用句型So it is/was with ...或It is/was the same with ...。‎ ‎①You can't break the school rules, nor/neither_can_anybody.‎ 你不能违反学校的规章制度,任何人都不可以。‎ ‎②—Jack is very crazy about Chinese culture and folk music.‎ ‎—So_he_is and so_are_you.‎ ‎——杰克对中国文化和民族音乐非常痴迷。‎ ‎——他的确如此,你也是。‎ ‎③He is very clever but he doesn't work hard; it_is_the_same_with/so_it_is_with his sister.‎ 他很聪明,但不努力,他姐姐也是这样。‎ ‎[单元语基落实]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It's foolish (fool) of him to debate the question with his boss.‎ ‎2.The young man had to admit driving (drive) without a driving license. ‎ ‎3.One of the volunteers (volunteer) for the rescue work injured himself when helping others.‎ ‎4.All the old computers in village schools will be_replaced (replace) with new ones.‎ ‎5.Since he had broken the rule, he deserved punishing/to_be_punished_(punish).‎ ‎6.Not all the advertisements (advertise) can be used to promote the sale of the products.‎ ‎7.The manager, together with his workers, was_invited (invite) to attend the party yesterday.‎ ‎8.The house has been in the charge of him for more than a year.‎ ‎9.Therefore, let's take the responsibility (responsible) to build up a lowcarbon city by riding bicycles.‎ ‎10.As everybody knows, the lazier (lazy) a person is, the more things he needs to do tomorrow.‎ ‎11.To_compete (compete) more effectively with others, you have to equip yourself with a higher education.‎ ‎12.Concerned with their health, many people take exercise regularly (regular) and keep a balanced diet.‎ ‎13.Jenny bought a dress for only 20 dollars in a sale; it was a real bargain.‎ ‎14.We know that it is painful (pain) for heavy smokers to give up smoking right away.‎ ‎15.Few of us know the short form GPS standing for Global Positioning System.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子 ‎1.是因为坏天气运动会才不得不被推迟。(强调句式)‎ It_was_because_of_the_bad_weather_that the sports meeting had to be put off.‎ ‎2.参加英语演讲比赛是学习英语的一种很有帮助的方法。(take part in;动名词短语作主语)‎ Taking_part_in_the_English_speech_competition is a helpful way to learn English.‎ ‎3.你练习得越多,理解得就越好。(the+比较级,the+比较级)‎ The_more_you_practise,_the_better_you_can_understand.‎ ‎4.他是个非常聪明的男孩,我们都非常喜欢他。(so ... that ...)‎ He is so_clever_a_boy_that we all like him.‎ ‎5.我们现在生活在所谓的“信息时代”。(what从句)‎ We live in what_is_called “Information Age” nowadays.‎ ‎6.杰克被接纳成为我们学校篮球队的一名队员。(be admitted as)‎ Jack_was_admitted_as_a_member of our school basketball team.‎ ‎7.下课了,学生一个一个地走出了教室。 (one after another)‎ Class was over and students went_out_of_the_classroom_one_after_another.‎ ‎8.她日夜工作,现在她应该得到很好的休息。(deserve)‎ She worked day and night and now she_deserves_a_good_rest.‎ Ⅲ.句型转换/一句多译 ‎1.If you don't attend the meeting, I won't, either.‎ ‎→If you don't attend the meeting, _neither_will_I.‎ ‎2.They didn't finish the task successfully and were scolded by the boss. So it was with us.‎ ‎→They didn't finish the task successfully and were scolded by the boss. It_was_the_‎ same_with us.‎ ‎3.If you devote more time to practicing your spoken English, it will become more fluent.‎ ‎→The_more_time you devote to practicing your spoken English, the_more_fluent it will become.‎ ‎4.这家公司在昨天的报纸上登广告想雇用一名销售人员。‎ ‎①The company advertised_for a salesman in yesterday's newspaper.(advertise)‎ ‎②The company put/placed_an_advertisement_for a salesman in yesterday's newspaper. (advertisement)‎ ‎5.首先保持一种开放的思想,因为每个人的想法都值得考虑。‎ ‎①What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve_consideration.(deserve+n.)‎ ‎②What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve_considering.(deserve+doing)‎ ‎③What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve_to_be_considered.(deserve+to be done)‎ ‎6.他不能掌管那家电脑公司,因为这超出了他的能力。(charge)‎ ‎①The computer company can't be in_the_charge_of him because it is beyond his ability.‎ ‎②He can't take_charge_of the computer company because it is beyond his ability.‎ ‎③He can't be in_charge_of the computer company because it is beyond his ability.‎ ‎[高考拆组训练]‎ 阅读理解组块专练——练速度 ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A People around the world are hungry to learn.Instructor Barbara Oakley discovered this when her online course Learning How to Learn attracted over 1.5 million students.‎ Part of the goal of her course is to present some of the facts that get in the way of learning; above all is the fact that we think we're bad at something or too old to make a change.“People can often do more, change more and learn more than they've ever dreamed.” Oakley writes.‎ Oakley thinks it important to keep learning.Throughout her early schooling, she flunked math and science classes and resisted family pressure to go after a science degree.Today? She's a scientist at Oakland University, after many different jobs in between.‎ Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in our career.Many people are attending a program called “secondskilling”.When we lose our job, having other skills can give us more choices.We can also choose to take on different responsibilities within the same organization.‎ A Dutch university employee enriched her career thanks to her gaming skill.She became the community manager of the university's online courses.We can never tell where our skill will lead us or where it will come in handy.‎ Oakley offers many tips that make learning more efficient (高效的).In order to absorb information, our brains need periods of focus followed by periods of mindwandering.So learners will actually learn more if they have the time for rest and relaxation.We should also experiment with different levels of background sound to achieve best focus.Quiet leads to deeper focus, while mild background sound may encourage creative thinking.Research is ‎ now exploring what learning looks like in the brain and it's bad news for those who loved to cram (突击准备考试).The brain can only build so many neurons (神经元) each night; regular practice is important.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。人类是热爱学习的,只要坚持不懈,方法得当,终能学有所用。‎ ‎1.What is the biggest barrier to our learning according to Barbara Oakley?‎ A.Our low life goals.   B.Our passive beliefs.‎ C.Our personal interest. D.Our learning disability.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,Oakley认为我们学习中的最大障碍就是自己的消极意识:认为自己不擅长或是年纪大了不适合作改变就不去学习了。‎ ‎2.What does the underlined word “flunked” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?‎ A.Failed. B.Rejected.‎ C.Attended. D.Enjoyed.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在语境可知,Oakley数学和科学学得不好,家人不同意她选择科学专业,但她还是顶住压力勇敢追求自己的梦想,最后成为知名大学的科学家。由此可推知,flunk意为“(考试、测验等)失败,不及格”。‎ ‎3.What does the author mainly want to show in Paragraph 4?‎ ‎ A.The surprises brought by secondskilling.‎ B.The wide choices coming with more skills.‎ C.The necessity of learning professional skills.‎ D.The benefits of keeping learning to our career.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段内容特别是第一句“Besides being fun, Oakley explains, continued learning can serve us well in our career.”可知,作者在这一段通过具体的事例表明不断的学习有助于我们事业的发展。‎ ‎4.Which of the following tips would Oakley agree with?‎ A.Study in a quiet environment.‎ B.Keep focused for being efficient.‎ C.Stay up for an exam when needed.‎ D.Include relaxation in the learning process.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“In order to absorb information ...have the time for rest and relaxation.”可知,Oakley赞成学习一段时间后要放松一下。‎ B My daughter was in Grade 10 in high school.Her life had been followed by her dyslexia (阅读障碍).‎ She battled with her schoolwork and her teachers in high school.Her math teacher, seemingly the only teacher who understood and empathized with her dyslexia, unexpectedly offered to read her the questions in a math exam.As a result, she got a previously unheardof B for math.The act of one thoughtful teacher had, perhaps for the first time in my daughter's public life, made her heart open to enjoy life to the full, and she could now start to believe in herself and her abilities.‎ I could of course want to contact and thank the math teacher.I phoned the school and when I asked to speak to the math teacher, I received a very guarded “why” from the receptionist who had long been the gatekeeper, fending off (抵 挡) angry parents for teachers.The surprise in her voice was obvious when I replied “I want to thank him”.“Oh ...of course, just a moment,” she responded.The teacher came on the line with the same sense of caution, knowing only that a parent was on the line.I said, “I just want to thank you for reading the questions to my daughter for her math exam.Not only did she get a B but you have no idea the positive impact your action has had on my daughter's selfbelief and hopes for her future.”‎ My daughter's struggles with dyslexia continue to this day.However, she is now an experienced fullyqualified worker who believes in herself and has helped many people in Family and Youth Care Organization.Doing something positive to help a person will make you feel good.Of far greater importance, however, it might change the life of the person you helped and, through his/her renewal, impact positively on the lives of hundreds of other people.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的女儿有阅读障碍,数学老师的一次善意举动使她考出了好成绩,并且获得了自信。现在,她开始传递爱心,在工作岗位上帮助更多的人。‎ ‎5.What can we infer about the math teacher?‎ A.He is brave and intelligent.‎ B.He is patient and sympathetic.‎ C.He is friendly and respectable.‎ D.He is generous and kindhearted.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Her math teacher, seemingly the only teacher who understood and empathized with her dyslexia”可知,在学校只有数学老师理解并同情作者女儿的阅读障碍;并结合数学老师在一次考试中帮她读试卷上的问题这件事可以推知,数学老师是一位有耐心和同情心的人。‎ ‎6.Why was the receptionist cautious when the author telephoned?‎ A.The author was a complete stranger.‎ B.The teachers were busy working then.‎ C.Some parents were unfriendly to teachers.‎ D.She had been disturbed by the author.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“fending off (抵挡) angry parents for teachers”可知,有些家长对老师不友好。因此,接待员并不是因为作者是陌生人而谨慎,而是为了帮老师挡住不友好的家长。‎ ‎7.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.The power of one gesture B.A thoughtful teacher C.A girl's progress D.My daughter's struggle with dyslexia 解析:选A 标题归纳题。综合全文,本文主要讲述数学老师对作者女儿小小的帮助和关爱,使患有阅读障碍的女儿考出了好成绩,而且获得了自信,并将这份爱心传递下去。所以,一次善意的举动会对人产生很大的影响,A项符合文章主旨。‎ C For most of us, when we think of sports, we think of playing basketball at a neighborhood court or taking tennis classes at a local fitness club.But for some, sports mean something different: skydiving (跳伞) from an airplane thousands of feet above ground or snowboarding down the steepest of hills.Such sports are called extreme sports.Extreme sports are activities, mostly practiced by young people that involve great speed or height, present a certain element (元素) of danger, and require specialized equipment.And they are practiced by individuals who, rather than helping a team to win victory, push themselves to their own physical limits, overcoming personal and environmental obstacles (障碍) to achieve a personal goal.‎ Extreme sports give people the chance to do what they want.For example, instead of going scuba diving, which focuses on safety and the proper use of equipment, why not try and reach great underwater depths without the assistance of breathing equipment, a sport known as “freediving”?‎ The X Games, held every summer and winter, are the Olympics of extreme sports.They are viewed by millions of people worldwide, and some of the athletes' faces might also be seen in Olympic events, like snowboarding or ski jumping.Fewer young people take up baseball or football, and many are in favor of sports like cave diving, kite surfing, or bungee jumping.‎ Extreme sports are big business, because they have become so popular.Corporations have realized that they can make a lot of money by buying expensive advertising time during the X Games or hiring a wellknown athlete to advertise a product.Extreme sports fashion has also become a huge moneymaker for corporations.The loose clothing by bigname ‎ designers, along with the accessories (装饰品) such as sunglasses, hats, and gloves, are expensive, lending weight to the argument that extreme sports have gone with the greed of large companies.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。极限运动是一项可以最大限度地发挥自我身心潜能,向自身挑战的娱乐体育运动,悄然成为都市青年最流行、最持久的时尚运动。‎ ‎8.What do we know about extreme sports?‎ A.They are popular with every age group.‎ B.They are friendly to the environment.‎ C.They can guarantee people's safety.‎ D.They are generally not team sports.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,极限运动不是一项团体运动。‎ ‎9.What is stressed in Paragraph 3?‎ A.The great rise in popularity of extreme sports.‎ B.The reasons why many people choose extreme sports.‎ C.The fight between extreme sports and traditional sports.‎ D.The difference between the X Games and the Olympics.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,本段主要讲的是极限运动越来越受人们的欢迎。‎ ‎10.What's the author's attitude to extreme sports fashion?‎ A.Unconcerned.      B.Approving.‎ C.Unfavorable. D.Optimistic.‎ 解析:选C 作者态度题。根据最后一段的“lending weight to the argument that extreme sports have gone with the greed of large companies”可知,作者对极限运动风气并不赞同。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Curling (冰壶) is a winter sport played on ice.Therefore, it's most popular in northern countries like Canada.Curling is played in the USA by about 15,000 people.__1__ Scottish winters were long and there were few forms of entertainment.So people began making a sport out of sliding heavy stones on the frozen lakes.The game spread, and in the 1700s curling clubs formed.Then Scottish soldiers brought it to North America.‎ ‎__2__ Men, women, and children often compete on the same team, if they can slide a fortypound stone down the ice! Both teams slide their stones toward the same goal.After all 16 stones have been cast, the team whose stone has slid closest to the goal gets one point.‎ ‎__3__ The ice is so smooth and the stone is so heavy that even the smallest misjudgment ‎ in a throw can make the stone slide much too far or stop too suddenly.__4__Water helps the stone slide, but it can also change the stone's path.‎ In curling, a broom is part of each player's equipment.A good curler must know how much force to use.The player must know the exact conditions of the ice on the court.__5__ That may explain why the international Olympic Committee decided to make curling an Olympic sport in 1998.‎ A.Players compete on the court.‎ B.Then the play begins in the other direction.‎ C.Curling is played by teams of four people.‎ D.In other words, a good curler must be a fine athlete.‎ E.The rules are easy to learn, but playing the game is hard.‎ F.The melting of the ice makes things tough for the curlers.‎ G.Curling probably began in Scotland in the 1500s or earlier.‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了一项奥林匹克运动项目——冰壶。1.选G 根据下文的“Scottish winters were long and there were few forms of entertainment.So people began making a sport”可推知,此处是概述冰壶的历史渊源,所以选G项。‎ ‎2.选C 根据本段的整体内容可知,本段主要讲的是冰壶的具体操作规则,故选C项。‎ ‎3.选E 上段讲的是冰壶的操作规则,本段讲的是冰壶的操作规则学起来容易,但具体操作起来并非易事,所以选E项来承上启下。‎ ‎4.选F 根据“The ice is so smooth and the stone is so heavy that even the smallest misjudgment in a throw can make the stone slide much too far or stop too suddenly.”可推知,冰壶在实际操作中并非易事,与选项F呼应,所以选F项。并且F项中的“The melting of the ice”与空后的“Water”呼应。‎ ‎5.选D 根据下文的“That may explain why ...in 1998.”可推知,一个好的冰壶球员必须是一个好的运动员,所以选D项。‎

