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‎2014届高考英语二轮复习完形填空与书面表达培优强化训练17‎ i. ‎、完形填空(本大题共1小题,共30分)‎ One cold evening, I was waiting outdide for a taxi in New York city. Later, I was 21 by a man in his thirties. Obviously, he was angry, complaining how 22 New Yorks were. I knew my 23 would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to keep 24 and just move on, but I also wanted to try and connect.‎ I asked him why. He told me he had just come from JFK airport ‎25 a custmer, which means $‎70 in lost fare(车费), a fairly big deal. I tried to share his 26 . Gradually, he calmed down. He mentioned he had read an article 27 that the happiest people are those who give. 28 ,he hoped to have more chance to ‎29 in his life, I was starting to 30 being with him! ‎ Arriving at my destination , I paid him, giving a generous tip. I also pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, I share the same 31 of giving with you. Here's an extra little bit. 32 it ,since you’re alreday 33 $70 from JFK. But, if you want to experience the 34 of the gift, give it to the next 35 .”‎ For a monment I thought I was so 36 ! But the driver 37 me by saying, “Sir, I have a 38 idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person and I will gift the next rider for free.”‎ It was an honor meeting the driver and learning the lesson of 39 everyone is able to give and surprise 40 with their generisity.‎ ‎21.A.taken up B.picked up C.sent up高☆考♂资♀源€ D.put up ‎22.A.serious B.cruel C.horrible D.strict高☆考♂资♀源€‎ ‎23.A.ride B.flight C.way D.distance ‎24.A.free B.calm高☆考♂资♀源€ C.busy D.silent ‎25.A.with B.without C.for D.to ‎26.A.delight B.worry C.unhappiness D.surprise ‎27.A.saying B.writing C.telling D.speaking ‎28.A.Otherwise B.However C.Besides D.therefore ‎29.A.give B.share C.take D.forgive ‎30.A.mind B.regret C.enjoy D.hate ‎31.A.idea B.action C.practice D.story ‎32.A.Forget B.Keep C.Put D.Pay ‎33.A.up B.in w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m C.down D.out ‎34.A.force B.energy C.strength D.power ‎35.A.passenger B.conductor C.stranger D.tourist ‎36.A.bad B.cool C.silly D.simple ‎37.A.disappointed B.satisfied C.surprised D.encouraged ‎38.A.better B.further C.worse D.newer ‎39.A.what B.when C.which w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m D.how ‎40.A.one高☆考♂资♀源€ B.another C.other D.some ‎【答案解析】完形填空:21—25 BCADB 26—30 CADAC 31—35 ABCDA 36—40 BCADB ‎21B考查动词短语的含义。此处pick up意为:用车接。我被一个三十几岁的人接上车。‎ ‎22C考查形容词词义。文意:显然,他很生气,一直在抱怨纽约人多么令人讨厌。此处horrible意为:令人讨厌的。‎ ‎23A考查名词词义。此处ride意为:乘车的路程。我知道我乘车的路程也只不过10分钟。‎ ‎24D考查形容词词义。因为路程短我只想保持沉默前行即可。‎ ‎25B考查介词的用法。他告诉我他刚刚从JFK机场来没有一个乘客。‎ ‎26C考查名词词义。因为没有乘客自然很不高兴,我分享他的不幸。‎ ‎27A考查分词短语的用法。他提到他看过一篇文章,文字上说着“最幸福的人们是那些给予的人们”。‎ ‎28D考查副词词义。因为想成为幸福的人,所以他希望在生活中又更多的机会给予。‎ ‎29A考查动词词义。参看解析28‎ ‎30C考查动词词义。我可是喜欢和他在一起。‎ ‎31A考查名词词义。此处idea意为:想法。我和你在给予问题上有相同的想法。‎ ‎32B考查动词词义。此处keep it意为:拿着这些钱。‎ ‎33C考查介词词义。此处down意为:损失。你已经损失了70美元。‎ ‎34D考查名词词义。如果你想体会给予的力量,你把它给下一个乘客。‎ ‎35A考查名词词义及语境。参看解析34。‎ ‎36B考查形容词词义。那一刻我的感觉棒极了。此处cool意为:好极了,棒极了。‎ ‎37C考查动词词义。那位出租车司机说了一句让我吃惊的话。‎ ‎38A考查形容词的比较级及语境理解。司机说出了一个更好的主意。‎ ‎39D考查how引导宾语从句。大家怎样才能给予并用慷慨感到另一个人。‎ ‎40B考查代词的用法。参看解析39。‎ i. ‎、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共70分)‎ 假如你叫李华,是一名高中学生。根据下面内容,写一封倡议书,呼吁人们停止使用一次性筷子。‎ ‎ 注意:1.开头和结尾已给出。‎ ‎ 2.字数100左右。‎ ‎3.参考词汇:reject throwaway chopsticks Reject throwaway chopsticks now!‎ Dear friends,‎ Do you know why sandstorms and landslides are happening more frequently than ever in recent years? According to the recent statistics ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Dear friends,let's take action from now on! ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ From Senior High School ‎【答案解析】【参考范文】‎ Reject throwaway chopsticks now!‎ Dear friends,‎ Do you know why sandstorms and landslides are happening more frequently than ‎ ever in recent years?‎ According to the recent statistics,forty-five billion pairs of throwaway chopsticks are produced in China,so twenty-five million trees have to be cut down every year.Environmentalists have warned that all the forests will be destroyed if we keep on making throwaway chopsticks at present speed.‎ As is known to us all, only 13% of the land in our country is covered with forests.And a lot of land is becoming sands each year because of too many trees being cut down.If we keep on doing this,our environment will become even worse.It is time for u to reject throwaway chopsticks.‎ Dear friends,let's take action from now on! ‎ ‎ LiHua ‎ From Senior High School 在2008年北京奥运会上,中国著名运动员刘翔因腿伤退出比赛,引起人们的广泛争议,下面是新浪网站的一项调查:运动员受伤后,应该坚持还是应该退出?‎ 选项名称 投票数 百分比 应该退出,健康比金钱重要 ‎222292‎ ‎34.77%‎ 运动场就是战场,刘翔应该坚持 ‎123752‎ ‎19.36%‎ 请你写一篇120-150字的英语短文,根据上表要点,谈谈你对该事情的看法,开头已给出,字数不计入总数。‎ ‎ In the Beijing 200 Olympic Games, Chinese athlete Liu Xiang dropped out of the race due to his foot injury, which led to a heated discussion among people across the country, ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案解析】【参考范文】‎ In the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Chinese athlete Liu Xiang dropped out of the race due to his foot injury,which led to a heated discussion among people across ‎ the country ‎ According to a survey conducted by Sina Website,about 34%of the people think an athlete should quit the race when injured since health is much more important than a gold medal However, nearly 20%of the citizens believe that an injured athlete should hold on to the end instead of giving up halfway They regard the sport field as a battlefield in which every athlete should fight for the honor of his or her country in spite of any difficulty ‎ In my opinion,it's a right choice for Liu Xiang to choose to quit the race For one thing,nothing is more important than health and sports doesn’t mean sacrificing one’s health for a gold medal;for another,after Liu Xiang recovers fully,he still has many chances to realize his dream.‎ ‎(140 words)‎

