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Unit 2 Language ‎                        ‎ Ⅰ.单词默写 ‎1.mixture n.混合;混合体 ‎2.official adj.官方的;正式的 ‎3.entire adj.完全的;整个的 ‎4.distinction n.区别,差别 ‎5.character n.(书写或印刷)文字;符号;人物;性格 ‎6.mistaken adj.错误的;误解的 ‎7.hunt vt.&vi.打猎,猎杀;搜寻 ‎8.combine vt.&vi.组合;(使)联合 ‎9.press vt.(被)压,挤;推;施加压力 n.报刊;新闻界;出版社 ‎10.pattern n.图案,花纹;模式;方式 ‎11.nowadays adv.at the present time ‎12.defeat vt.to win a victory over someone ‎13.process n.a set of actions or changes that develop or happen naturally ‎14.interrupt vi.&vt.to break someone's flow of speech or action ‎15.practical adj.sensible and good at dealing with real situation Ⅱ.词汇拓展 ‎1.contribute vi.&vt.贡献→contribution n.贡献 ‎2.class n.阶级,阶层→classic adj.经典的→classify vt.分类→classification n.分类 ‎3.differ vi.相异,有区别→difference n.差异→different adj.不同的 ‎4.indicate vt.显示,表示;象征;暗示→indication n.象征 ‎5.represent vt.代表→representative n.代表→representative n.代表,表示 语境助记——词不离句,句不离段 The official representative made great contributions to the process of this program. Despite many classes disagree with it.What they did really made a great difference.‎ Ⅲ.短语落实 ‎1.be made up 由……组成 ‎2.distinguish... from 辨别……‎ ‎3.combine... with 把……和组合在一起 ‎4.name after 以……命名 ‎5.take control of 控制 ‎6.as_a_whole 作为整体;总体上 ‎7.stand_for 代表;象征 ‎8.aside_from 除……之外 ‎9.ought_to 应当,应该 ‎10.lead_to 导致 Ⅳ.句子翻译 ‎1.Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good,while others worry that it may result in language pollution.(Page 29)‎ 有人报乐观态度,认为这个过程是好的,而其他人则担心它会导致语言污染。‎ ‎2.The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds.(Page 38)‎ 汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表达思想、物体和行为。‎ ‎3.Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings,one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.(Page 38)‎ 虽然这些类型的汉字能够表达意义,但是它们的缺点之一是其字形不具有表音的功能。‎ ‎4.While the students found the soldier's idea interesting,the system was too difficult to be of practical use.(Page 39)‎ 虽然同学们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用。‎ ‎5.他的方法使用带小凸点的纸张,这些小凸点可以用手指感觉出来。(Page 39)‎ His_system_used_paper_with_small,raised_dots_that_could_be_felt_with_the_‎ fingers.‎ Ⅴ.教材设题 句型转换(每空不超过3个单词)‎ ‎1.The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.(教材P22)‎ ‎→The English language consists_of/is_composed_of the grammar and vocabulary these people brought to Britain.‎ ‎2.In fact,we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.(教材P22)‎ ‎→In fact,we would be_unable_to understand it if we heard it today.‎ ‎3.They brought with them their languages,which also mixed with old English.(教材P22)‎ ‎→They brought with them their languages,also_mixed_with/also_mixing(with) old English.‎ ‎4.Though these kinds of characters indicate meaning,one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.(教材P38)‎ ‎→In_spite_of/Despite these kinds of characters indicating meaning,one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.‎ ‎5.Braille lost his eyesight at the age of three as a result of an injury.(教材P39)‎ ‎→Braille lost his eyesight at the age of three because_of/owing_to_/_due_to an injury.‎ ‎ control n.&v.控制 ‎【课本原句】 The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeated England and take control of the country in 1066.(P22)‎ 最重要的贡献是来自诺曼人,一个说法语的民族在1066年打败并控制了英国。‎ take control of 控制,掌管 have/bring/keep/get sth under control控制住 lose control of 失去对……的控制 out of control 失去控制 in control of 控制;管理;掌握 under the control of 在……的管理之下 ‎【联想拓展】‎ 表示“管理(企业)”的词(词组)‎ control,run,manage,be in charge of ‎ ‎——看看高考怎么考 用control短语的正确形式填空 ‎①The police present lost_control_of the crowd.They asked for help.‎ ‎②With the help of the firefighters,they got the fire under_control.‎ ‎③Mum was angry to see her children out_of_control.‎ ‎④Why do you let him in_control_of your class while you're out?  ‎ ‎ raise vt.举起,抬高;提高;种植;饲养(家畜);抚育(子女);引起;提出 ‎【课本原句】 After the Norman Conquest,many English people worked as servants who raised animals.(P23)‎ 诺曼征服后,许多英国人成为了饲养动物的仆人。‎ raise sb to one's feet  把某人扶起来 raise one's voice 提高声音 raise money for... 为……筹款 raise a question 提出问题 raise a family 养家糊口 辨析raise/rise/arise 原形 用法 中文意思 过去式 过去分词 Raise 及物 举起;提高;唤起;饲养 raised raised Rise 不及物 上升;起身 rose risen Arise 不及物 出现;发生升起;‎ arose arisen ‎——看看高考怎么考                         ‎ ‎①They_raise_their_eyebrows(挑起眉毛),surprised by my“no thank you,” or by my choice to have a salad.(2011·四川卷,阅读理解A)‎ 翻译句子 ‎②我可以提一个问题么?‎ May_I_raise_a_question?‎ ‎③More TV programs,according to government officials,will be produced ________people's concern over food safety.(2011·重庆卷·单项填空29)‎ A.to raise B.raising ‎ C.to have raised D.having raised 答案 A ‎④Voices were ________ as the argument between the two motorists more badtempered.(2012·湖南攸县一中高三上学期期中考试)‎ A.raised B.reduced C.risen D.arisen 答案 A ‎ replace v.取代 ‎【课本原句】 However,the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons' victory about 600 years earlier,which led to old English replacing Celtic.(P23)然而,诺曼征服并没有像600年前的安格鲁和撒克逊胜利一样影响英语,也导致了旧英语取代了凯尔特语。‎ replace sb/sth    取代某人/事 be replaced by 被……代替 be replaced with... 用……代替 take the place of 取代 in place of 代替 ‎——看看高考怎么考 ‎①不吃早饭而代之以零食不好。‎ It's not a good idea to miss meals and replace_them_with snack.‎ ‎②课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。‎ Teachers will never be replaced_by_computers in class.‎ ‎③现在很多办公室里电脑已经取代了打字机。‎ Now computers have taken_the_place_of typewriters in most offices.‎ ‎④在这个食谱中牛奶顶替不了奶油。‎ Milk can't be used in_place_of cream in this recipe.‎ ‎ depend vi.依靠 ‎【课本原句】 Depending on the situation in which the language is used,English can be formal or informal.(P26)看使用语言的实际情况,英语可以是正式的也可以是非正式的。‎ depend on 依靠,依赖;看情况而定 depend on sb/sthfor sth 靠某人/某物提供……‎ depend on sb to do sth 依靠(相信)某人做某事 It/that(all)depends. 那得看情况而定。‎ dependence n. 依赖 dependent adj. 有依赖性的 independent adj. 独立的 independence n. 独立 ‎——看看高考怎么考 翻译句子 ‎①身体健康依靠的是好的食品、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。‎ Health_depends_on_good_food,fresh_air_and_enough_sleep.‎ ‎②— What do you think of store shopping in the future?‎ ‎—Personally,I think it will exist along with home shopping but________.‎ ‎(2011·安徽卷·单项填空26)‎ A.will never replace B.would never replace C.will never be replaced D.would never be replace 答案 C ‎③—How often do you eat out?‎ ‎—______,but we usually once a week.‎ ‎(2012·湖南石齐学校高考复读部第1次月考)‎ A.Have no idea B.It depends ‎ C.As usual D.Generally speaking 答案  B ‎ promise n.& v.诺言;许诺,允诺 ‎【课本原句】 I always wonder when I would get the English novel my parents had promised to give me.(P28)‎ 我总是在想什么时候才能收到我父母答应送我的英文小说。‎ promise sb sth或promise sth to sb  答应某人某事 promise to do sth 承诺做某事 promise+that从句 promise作名词,表示“允诺,承诺;诺言”,常用的搭配有:‎ make a promise         作出承诺,允诺 keep one's promise 信守诺言 break one's promise 违背诺言 carry out one's promise 实践诺言 fulfill one's promise 实现诺言 ‎【注意】 ‎ promise 作动词时,还可以表示“预示着;有……的可能”‎ promising 为形容词,表示“有前途的;有希望的”‎ It promises to be warm this afternoon.‎ 今天下午有望天气转暖。‎ The clouds promise rain.多云预示着要下雨了。‎ ‎——看看高考怎么考 翻译句子 ‎①他是一位很有前途的年轻钢琴家。‎ He_is_a_promising_young_pianist.‎ ‎②—What field will your son go into after graduation?‎ ‎—He ______ a good electrical engineer.(2012·湖南醴陵一中月考)‎ A.promises B.turns C.makes D.proves 答案 A ‎③He has ______ never to tell a lie again,and he is sure to do so.(2012·湖南攸县一中高三上学期期中考试)‎ A.allowed B.assured C.promised D.compromised 答案 C ‎ spread v.延伸;展开 ‎【课本原句】 Today,the spread of ‘borrowed words’ is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and television programmes from across the world.(P29)现在,外来词的传播主要是通过世界各地都可以方便收看的电视节目和网络。‎ spread sth on/over/across 展开;铺开 spread through/to/across 传播,蔓延 spread lies/rumors/gossip 散布谣言 spread A on/over B=spread B with A ‎ 把A涂/敷在B上 ‎——看看高考怎么考 翻译句子 ‎①妈妈在桌上铺了一块新桌布。‎ Mom_spread_a_new_tablecloth_on_the_table.‎ ‎②她被告知不要把这个秘密传出去。‎ She_was_told_not_to_spread_this_secret_around.‎ ‎③坏消息的传开比你想象的还快。‎ Bad_news_spreads_faster_than_you_can_imagine.‎ ‎④当女孩见到自己的母亲走来时,一个灿烂的微笑在她的脸上蔓延开来。‎ When_the_girl_sees_her_mom_come,a_sunny_smile_spreads_on_her_face.‎ ‎ access n.通道;入径;使用(或见到的)权利或机会 ‎【课本原句】 It is important for us to gain access to the internet.(P30)有机会接触网络对于我们来说很重要。‎ accessible adj.  可接近的;可进入的;容易理解的 be accessible to  容易得到的;可使用的 have/get/gain/obtain access to 得以接近;得以进入;得以使用 give access to  接见;准许进入 ‎——看看高考怎么考 ‎①Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty,our own generation__has_access_to(可得到)more nutritious food,more convenient transport,bigger houses,better cars,and of course,more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us.(2011·湖北卷·阅读理解D)‎ ‎②The advantage of using accommodation agencies is that you will have_access_to(可得到)a large number of accommodations.(2010·浙江卷·阅读理解B)‎ ‎③That is some way behind the U.S.,where are more TVs than people,and where people now easily get_access_to(进入)the Internet.(2010·福建卷·阅读理解B)‎ ‎④Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be ______ to the kids.(2009·江西卷·单项填空32)‎ A.accessible B.relative C.acceptable D.sensitive 答案 A ‎ include vt.包括;包含 ‎【课本原句】 Today,it is the most common system used by blind people for reading and writing,and nearly every languages,including Chinese,has its own version of Braille for its people to use.(P39)现在它是最常见的供盲人阅读和写作的系统,几乎每个语种包括中文都有其各自的版本供盲人使用。‎ including 现在分词转化为介词,后面接名词或代词,与句子主语是主动关系。‎ included 过去分词形式,常接在名词或代词后面,表示被动关系。‎ 辨析 include/contain include ‎(1)一般只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分 ‎(2)including+n.=n.+included contain ‎(1)通常用于表示所包含之物的全部或部分 ‎(2)含有某种成分 ‎(3)容纳(=hold)‎ They have many pets,including three cats/three cats included. 他们有很多宠物,猫就有三只。‎ He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.‎ 他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。‎ Many cars run on petrol which contains lead.‎ 许多汽车都用含铅汽油作燃料。‎ ‎——看看高考怎么考 ‎① Of course,this didn't include(包括)her when she told me that if I didn't eat all my vegetables Father Christmas would find out and wouldn't give me any presents.(2011·湖北卷·阅读理解A)‎ ‎②This_includes(包括)a computer,a printer,books and technical services.(2011·辽宁卷·阅读理解B)‎ ‎③—How come a simple meal like this costs so much?‎ ‎—We have ______ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.(2012·湖南津市一中月考)‎ A.added B.included C.contained D.charged 答案 B ‎ look up(在字典或参考书中)查找;查阅;仰视,抬头看;(情况)好转,改善 ‎【课本原句】 He looks up and waves his hand from side to side.(P35)他抬起头挥了挥手。‎ look back on 回顾;回忆 look down on/upon 俯视;轻视某人 look forward to 盼望 look into 向里看;调查 look up to 向上看;尊敬 look through 浏览 look on...as 把……看作/认为 look out 当心 ‎——看看高考怎么考 ‎①People_look_forward_to_seeing(期待看到)more excellent players play basketball abroad.‎ ‎②Sam ______some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.(2010·山东卷·语法和词汇知识27)‎ A.brought up B.looked up C.picked up D.set up 答案 C ‎③The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now ______ the matter.(2012·湖南醴陵一中月考)‎ A.looking up B.looking out C.looking into D.looking for 答案 C ‎ pick up 重新开始;继续;收拾,整理;好转;接人;接受;得到 ‎【课本原句】 He picks up a blue skirt for his daughter and shows it to her.(P35)‎ 他为他女儿选了一条蓝色裙子并给她看了看。‎ pick on 故意刁难;挑剔;挑选;选中 pick out 精心挑选;认出来,辨别出 ‎——看看高考怎么考 ‎①Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick_them_up(接他们),I continued my way.(2011·湖南卷·完形填空)‎ ‎②She picked_up(继续了)a longforgotten membership in the local league of women,so that she could get to know more people.(2011·陕西卷·阅读理解C)‎ ‎③A study shows that students living in nonsmoking dorms are less likely to ______‎ ‎ the habit of smoking.(2012·浏阳市一中高三上学期期中考试)‎ A.make up B.pick up C.draw up D.turn up 答案 B ‎④I have to drive to the railway station to ______ the experts from Shanghai.(2012·湖南师大附中月考)‎ A.take in B.pick up C.draw on D.bring in 答案 B ‎ That is why...句型 ‎【课本原句】 That is why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people.(P22)‎ 那就是为什么英语有那么多令人困惑不解的规则。‎ That's why... 那就是……的原因 That's because... 那就是因为……‎ That's what... 那就是……的事情 That's how... 那就是……的方式 That's where... 那就是……的地方 That's when... 那就是……的时候 ‎——看看高考怎么考 用适当的连接词填空 ‎①I was late for the appointment.That's because I met with an old friend on the way.‎ ‎②I met with an old friend on the way,and that's why I was late for the appointment.‎ ‎③Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.That's how we call it the “present”.‎ ‎④—Tom tried various ways to solve the problem.‎ ‎—Yes.That's what he worked all these years.‎ ‎ not all表示部分否定 ‎【课本原句】 Not all characters were developed from drawings of ‎ objects.(P38)不是所有的字体都是由物体的图形发展而来的。‎ all,both,every,everybody,everything,always,complete等词与否定词not连用时,构成部分否定,表示“不都,并非都”。如:‎ All that glitters is not gold.发光的并非都是金子。‎ Not all the ants go out for food.并非所有的蚂蚁都出去觅食。‎ ‎——看看高考怎么考 ‎①He says that once again not_all(不是所有的)new locks have proved reliable.(2011·浙江卷·阅读理解A)‎ ‎②Not_all(不是所有的)of its maps are online,so it may be necessary for some users to communicate with producers through the Green Maps website.(2011·重庆卷·阅读理解B)‎ ‎③ —The exam wasn't difficult at all,was it?‎ ‎—No,but I don't believe ______ could pass it.(2012·永州四中第4次月考)                   ‎ A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody 答案 C Ⅰ.短语填空 make up,concentrate on,as a whole,take control of,turn into,over time,what if,depend on,in that,consist of ‎1.As_a_whole,the weather has been fine this month.‎ ‎2.The table made_up of three parts is easy to carry.‎ ‎3.The company,taken_control_of by a wise manager,develops very smoothly.‎ ‎4.We students should concentrate_on our lessons.‎ ‎5.Life of the people by the Tianchi Lake has changed over_time because of the increasing number of tourists who visit it each day.‎ ‎6.She said it was the teacher's praise and encouragement that turned_ her into a good student.‎ ‎7.A medical team consisting_of two doctors and three nurses are setting out for Africa.‎ ‎8.I understand now,but the question is what_if I still cannot understand the meanings.‎ ‎9.Traditional Chinese sports are similar to the western sports in_that both are meant to improve people's health.‎ ‎10.Whether we will hold a sports meet tomorrow depends_on the weather.‎ Ⅱ.同义转换 ‎1.That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules.‎ ‎→That is the_reason_why English is a language with so many confusing rules.‎ ‎2.The language they created is what we now call Old English.‎ ‎→The language that/which_ they created is the_one_that we now call Old English.‎ ‎3.I want to have a word with you about the condition of the playground.‎ ‎→I would_like to speak/talk_to you about the condition of the playground.‎ ‎4.I hope that you will think about my concerns.‎ ‎→It is my_hope that you will _take_ my concerns_ into consideration .‎ ‎5.I expect your reply.‎ ‎→I look_forward_to your answer.‎ Ⅲ.句子翻译 ‎1.你的建议将有助于解决这个问题。(contribute to)‎ Your_suggestion_will_contribute_to_solving_the_problem.‎ ‎2.尽管这个事实,法语还是对英语产生了巨大影响。(have an impact on)‎ Despite_this_fact,French_still_had_an_impact_on_the_English_language.‎ ‎3.英语在未来是不是还要继续变化这个问题很容易回答。(whether同位语从句)‎ The_question_whether_English_will_continue_changing_in_the_future_is_easy_to_answer.‎ ‎4.我们一定会成功。(It is certain that...)‎ It_is_certain_that_we_will_succeed.‎ ‎5.杰克在父亲去世后接管了生意。(take control of)‎ Jack_took_control_of_the_business_after_his_father_died.‎ Ⅳ.单项填空                        ‎ ‎1.The driver started to speed up to ______ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam.‎ A.keep up B.take up C.make up D.catch up 答案 C [句意:司机开始加速是为了弥补交通堵塞时耽误的时间。make up(for)的意思是“弥补”,符合句意。keep up表示“保持”;take up表示“拿起;从事;占据等”;catch up表示“赶上”。]‎ ‎2.It's reported that by the end of this year the output of the factory ______ by about 20%.‎ A.will have risen B.will be raised C.will rise D.will have arisen 答案 A [句意:据报道,到今年年底,这个工厂的汽车产量将增长约20%。根据题干中的by the end of this year可知,选A。]‎ ‎3. We can never expect ______ bluer sky unless we create ______ less polluted world.‎ A.a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;the 答案 A [句意:如果我们不能创造一个污染较少的世界,就不要期待会拥有一方更蓝的天空。根据句意可知,两个空格处均表示泛指,因此都用不定冠词a。]‎ ‎4.Along with his letter was his promise ______ he would attend the opening ceremony the coming month.‎ A.which B.that C.what D.whether 答案 B [考查名词性从句。句意:他在信里承诺下个月将来参加开幕式。that引导同位语从句。]‎ ‎5.In schools,is it required that no parent ______ to classrooms during class time?‎ A.have access B.has connection C.have contact D.has access 答案 A [句意:学校要求家长上课期间不得进入教室吗?在it is required that...句式中,从句中的谓语应用“(should+)动词原形”,由此可以排除B、D项;contact意为“接触”,不合题意。A项的意思是“有权……”,符合题意。]‎ ‎6.—Do you know when Mary came back yesterday evening?‎ ‎—Yes.It was not yet nine o'clock ______ she came back home.‎ A.before B.when C.that D.until 答案 B [句意:——你知道Mary昨晚什么时候回来的吗?——他回到家时,还不到九点。这里考查when引导的时间状语从句。]‎ ‎7.Would you please ______ the paper for me and see if there are obvious mistakes?‎ A.look around B.look into C.look up D.look through 答案 D [句意:请你帮我浏览一下论文,看看有没有明显的错误,好吗?look through的意思是“浏览”;look around的意思是“环顾四周”;look into的意思是“调查”;look up的意思是“抬头看;查阅”。]‎ ‎8.After he retired from office,Mr Green ______ painting for a while,but soon lost interest.‎ A.took up B.added up C.made up D.gave up 答案 A [句意:退休后,格林先生画了一段时间画,但是很快失去了兴趣。take up的意思是“从事”;add up的意思是“总计”;make up的意思是“编造;化妆;弥补等”;give up的意思是“放弃;投降”,因此A项正确。]‎ ‎9.—Let's go climbing,shall we?‎ ‎—______ .I like getting close to nature.‎ A.I couldn't agree more B.I believe not C.I'm afraid not D.I don't think so 答案 A [根据答语中的I like getting close to nature可知,说话者很愿意接受对方的提议,因此A项正确。其他选项不合题意。]‎ ‎10.______ the right kind of training,these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.‎ A.Giving B.Having given C.To give D.Given 答案 D [句意:如果得到适当的训练,这些青少年足球队员有一天可能会成长为国际明星。根据语意可知,give和these teenage soccer players之间是动宾关系,因此这里用过去分词。]‎ ‎11.Although the used car seems in good ______ ,it cannot run too fast.‎ A.state B.situation C.condition D.occasion 答案 C [in good condition是固定词组,意思是“状态良好”。]‎ ‎12.My class ______ 45 boys and 20 girls.‎ A.is consisted of B.is made up C.is made of D.consists of 答案 D [consist of相当于be made up of,表示“由……组成”。]‎ ‎13.When word came ______ the athlete won the gold medal in the match,people were wild with joy.‎ A.which B.how C.that D.what 答案 C [that引导同位语从句,修饰中心词word。从句较长,为了保持句子的平衡,主句的谓语动词came提到了同位语从句之前。]‎ ‎14.______ having some money does have a good effect on our level of happiness,having too much money does not.‎ A.While B.When C.As D.Until 答案 A [句意:尽管有一些钱的确可以使我们感到快乐,可是有太多的钱却并非如此。While在这里表示“尽管;虽然”。]‎ ‎15.Other men live to eat ,______ he eats to live.‎ A.and B.when C.while D.or 答案 C [句意:其他人活着为了吃饭,而他吃饭是为了活着。while这里意为“而”,表示前后对比。]‎

