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‎2020-2021年高考英语短文改错训练(二)‎ 题组精炼一 It's been two years when I joined the campus radio station. During this time, I had done several interviews. Every time I finish to writing an article , I am proud of myself for able to introduce my schoolmates to the things I've seen. It was difficult at times, but when I saw my stories publish in our school newspaper, you knew that it was something worth doing. My parents, teachers and schoolmates congratulated me on that I did. I felt happily when I shared a new story with them. The greatest thing about being the reporter is exchanging idea with others .‎ ‎【答案】‎ It's been two years ①when →since I joined the campus radio station. During this time, I ②had →have done several interviews. Every time I finish ③to writing an article , I am proud of myself for ④︿being able to introduce my schoolmates to the things I've seen. It was difficult at times, but when I saw my stories ⑤publish →published in our school newspaper, ⑥you → I knew that it was something worth doing. My parents, teachers and schoolmates congratulated me on ⑦that →what I did. I felt ⑧happily →happy when I shared a new story with them. The greatest thing about being ⑨the →a reporter is exchanging ⑩idea →ideas with others .‎ ‎1考查连词。句意:自从我加入校园广播站以来已经两年了。考查句式:It has been/is+一段时间+since+主语+谓语(谓语动词用一般过去时态)。‎ ‎2 考查时态。句意:在这期间,我做了若干采访。During this time 作时间状语时,谓语动词多使用现在完成时态,也可使用延续性动词的一般过去时态,但是此处只能把had改成have。‎ ‎3 考查非谓语动词。句意:每次我写完一篇文章……。finish doing sth.完成做某事,finish后用动名词作宾语。4考查非谓语动词。句意:……我为自己自豪,因为我能将我的所见都介绍给同学。此处介词for后应该用动名词作介词的宾语。be able to是一个固定搭配,表能力,故添加being。‎ ‎5考查非谓语动词。句意:……但是当我看到我的故事在校报上被发表时……。see sth.done看到某事被做,此处过去分词表示被动和完成。‎ ‎6考查代词。句意:…但是当我看到我的故事在校报上被发表时,我知道这是一件值得做的事。从行文逻辑判断,应该是我知道而非你知道。‎ ‎7考查连接词。句意:我的父母、老师和同学们对我所做的事表示祝贺。介词on后面接的是介词的宾语从句,从句中谓语动词did缺少宾语,故用what引导宾语从句,说明做的具体内容。that在宾语从句中不能充当成分,只能起连接作用。‎ ‎8考查形容词。句意:当我将新故事与他们分享时,我感觉开心。此处felt是系动词,后面接形容词作表语。9考查冠词。句意:做记者最棒的事就是和别人交流思想。reporter是可数名词,此处表示泛指,又因为reporter 以辅音音素开头,故将the改成a。‎ ‎10考查名词。句意:做记者最棒的事就是和别人交流思想。idea是可数名词,表示“意见,看法,信念”。exchange ideas交流思想。‎ 题组精炼 二 Last summer vacation I travelled to America and I met a lot of foreigner. I found a tour guide which spoke both English and Chinese because of I was not confident with my English Interesting, some native English speakers joined me in the trip. When we are in the Grand Canyon , we lost contact with our guide but everyone was worried . All of sudden , my phone rang and it was from the guide , said that he would wait for us at the gate of the Canyon. He asked I to inform the other members. I collected my courage to tell them in English, and then I was praising by them. I felt more confident afterwards.‎ ‎【答案】‎ Last summer vacation I travelled to America and I met a lot of ①foreigner.→foreigners I found a tour guide ②which →who/that spoke both English and Chinese because ③of I was not confident with my English ④ Interesting, →Interestingly some native English speakers joined me in the trip. When we ⑤ are→ were in the Grand Canyon , we lost contact with our guide ⑥but →so/and everyone was worried . All of ⑦︿a sudden , my phone rang and it was from the guide , ⑧said →saying that he would wait for us at the gate of the Canyon. He asked ⑨I →me to inform the other members. I collected my courage to tell them in English, and then I was ⑩praising →praised by them. I felt more confident afterwards ‎1考查名词。foreigner为可数名词,根据错误处前的a lot of可知错误处需用名词复数形式,故将foreigner改为foreigners。‎ ‎2 考查限制性定语从句。先行词为 tour guide,将先行词代入定语从句后为:The tour guide spoke both English and Chinese.由此可知先行词在定语从句中作主语且先行词指“人”,故改为who或that ‎3考查连词。错误处后的“I was not confident with my English”为一个句子,故将because of 改为 because。‎ ‎4考查副词。错误处应为副词,放在句首用来修饰后面整个句子,故将Interesting改为Interestingly。‎ ‎5考查时态。根据上下文可知错误处需用一般过去时,故将are改为were。‎ ‎6考查连词。句意:当我们在科罗拉多大峡谷时,我们和向导失去了联系,(因此)我们很担心。前后两分句为因果或递进关系,故将but改为so或and。‎ ‎7考查冠词。all of a sudden为固定结构,相当于suddenly,意为:突然。故在of和sudden之间加不定冠词a。‎ ‎8考查非谓语动词。被修饰词guide与say为逻辑上的主动关系,需用现在分词saying而非过去分词said作定语。‎ ‎9考查代词。错误处作asked的宾语,需用代词宾格形式,故将I改为me。‎ ‎10考查被动语态。主语I与praise为被动关系,由此可知本句需用被动语态,需将praising改为praised,与助动词was构成被动语态结构。‎ 题组精炼 三 I think teenagers in China should have a specially festival that I would call it Teenager Volunteer Day. As is known to all, most teenagers in China are brought up as a only child in the family . They usually given too many care and attention . Through volunteering, teenagers may learn to think of others and many other important life lesson. In Teenager Volunteer Day, teenagers are encouraged to volunteer wherever you are needed. They may help to raise money for people which suffer from a serious disease. They may go to a home for the aged to do what is good for old people, or collecting books for children in poor areas.‎ ‎ 【答案】‎ I think teenagers in China should have a ①specially →special festival that I would call ②it Teenager Volunteer Day. As is known to all, most teenagers in China are brought up as ③ a →an only child in the family . They ④︿are usually given too ⑤ many →much care and attention . Through volunteering, teenagers may learn to think of others and many other important life ⑥lesson. →lessons ⑦In →On Teenager Volunteer Day, teenagers are encouraged to volunteer wherever ‎ ‎⑧you →they are needed. They may help to raise money for people ⑨which →who suffer from a serious disease. They may go to a home for the aged to do what is good for old people, or ⑩collecting →collect books for children in poor areas.‎ ‎1考查形容词。错误处作festival的定语,意为“特殊的”,需用形容词而非副词,故将specially改为special。2考查代词。“that I would call it Teenager Volunteer Day”为定语从句,先行词为festival。将先行词代入定语从句后为:I would call the festival Teenager Volunteer Day.由此可知代词it是多余的,故被删除。‎ ‎3考查冠词。错误处后的only/'aunli/以元音音素开头,故将a改为an。‎ ‎4考查被动语态。句意:人们经常给他们太多的关心、关注。主语They与give为被动关系,本句需用被动语态,故在主语They后加助动词are,与过去分词given构成被动语态形式。‎ ‎5 考查限定词。care为不可数名词,故将many改为much。‎ ‎6考查名词的“数”。lesson为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,需用复数形式。故将lesson改为lessons。‎ ‎7考查介词。表示“在具体某一天”,需用介词on,故将In改为On。‎ ‎8考查代词。句意:在青少年志愿者日,应鼓励青少年去任何需要他们的地方做志愿者。错误处指"teenagers",需用代词they,故将you改为they。‎ ‎9考查限制性定语从句。先行词是people,指“人”,代入定语从句后可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,需用who引导该定语从句,故将which改为who。‎ ‎10 错误处与前面的go并列,故将collecting改为collect。‎ 题组精炼 四 My friend Frank is one of the most amazing peoples I have ever met. He just never seemed to suffer from any kind of stress, even when he faces unexpected difficulties. To everyone's surprised , he has never failed an exam . Frank believes that exams are just exams but that it's unnecessary worry about them all the time. He is an optimistic person by nature and I real admire his way of thinking. That makes me ashamed is that I am always nervous facing the exams. For an example, I can't concentrate to my studies before the exams. It's time for me to learn from her now .‎ ‎【答案】‎ My friend Frank is one of the most amazing ①peoples →people I have ever met. He just never ②seemed →seems to suffer from any kind of stress, even when he faces unexpected difficulties. To everyone's ③surprised ,→surprise he has never failed an exam . Frank believes that exams are just exams ④but →and that it's unnecessary ⑤︿to worry about them all the time. He is an optimistic person by nature and I ⑥real →really admire his way of thinking. ⑦That →What makes me ashamed is that I am always nervous facing the exams. For ⑧an example, I can't concentrate ⑨ to →on my studies before the exams. It's time for me to learn from ⑩her →him now .‎ ‎1 考查名词的“数”。句意:我的朋友弗兰克是我见过的最了不起的人之一。错误处表示“人们”,应该用people,故将peoples改为people。‎ ‎2考查时态。本文讲述的是作者的朋友弗兰克的一般情况,需用一般现在时,故将seemed改为seems。‎ ‎3考查名词。句意:令大家惊讶的是,他从来没有考试不及格过。“to one's surprise”为固定结构,意为:令某人惊讶的是。故将过去分词surprised改为名词surprise。‎ ‎4考查连词。分析句子结构可知,本句believes后面含有两个that引导的宾语从句,从句意来看,这两个宾语从句属于并列关系,不是转折关系,故将but改为and。‎ ‎5 考查非谓语动词作主语。句意:弗兰克认为考试只是考试,没有必要一直担心考试。本句中it作形式主语,错误处应加不定式符号与worry about…构成不定式短语,作真正主语。‎ ‎6考查副词。此处表示:我真佩服他的思维方式。‎ 错误处作动词admire的状语,需用副词形式,故将real改为really。‎ ‎7考查主语从句。句意:令我感到羞愧的(事情)是面临考试我总是紧张。“That makes me ashamed”为主语从句,错误处表示“……的事情”,需用what而非that引导。‎ ‎8考查冠词。句意:例如,考试前我无法专心学习。for example属于固定短语,意为:例如。故删除冠词an。‎ ‎9考查动词短语。concentrate on为固定短语,意为:集中精力于……。‎ ‎10考查代词。错误处指代Frank,Frank为男性,故将her改为him。‎

