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‎2019高考英语第二轮集训 短文改错专练 考法1| 词法错误 错误1——冠词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)But in that case, we will learn little about world.‎ world前加the [world是独一无二的事物,前面要加定冠词the。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. ‎ countryside前加the [in the countryside为固定短语,意为“在乡下”,故countryside前加the。]‎ ‎3.(2019·湖北省武昌区调考)Living without an aim is like sailing without compass.‎ compass前加a [compass是可数名词,表示泛指时单数名词前应加不定冠词a。]‎ ‎4.(2019·淮北市一模)The following months witnessed my efforts, and I finally made a great progress in other important exams.‎ 去掉great前的a [make progress取得进步,progress为不可数名词,前面不能加不定冠词。]‎ ‎5.(2019·烟台市模拟)He went running every morning and played the basketball every afternoon.‎ 去掉the [球类活动前不加冠词,故去掉basketball前面的the。]‎ ‎6.(2019·湖北省四地七校联考)Knocked unconscious, the person was sent to a nearest hospital immediately.‎ a→the [形容词最高级前应加定冠词,故把a改为the。]‎ ‎7.(2019·吉林市普通中学模拟)I think it is the good thing for the workforce to be flexible.‎ good前的the→a [表示“是一件好事情”为泛指,故good thing前应加不定冠词a。]‎ ‎8.(2019·襄阳市模拟)Studying at an university in the UK has been a good experience for me.‎ an→a [university虽然是以元音字母开头,但却是以辅音音素开头,故其前的不定冠词应用a。]‎ ‎9.(2019·南昌市一模)We should take active attitude to our studies, and try to get a mark that is true as well as good.‎ active前加an [attitude表示“态度”为可数名词,表示泛指时单数名词前应加不定冠词,active的发音以元音音素开头,故其前应加an。]‎ ‎10.(2019·大庆铁人中学模拟)It's true that almost everyone hopes for the better tomorrow such as a wellpaid job and a happy family. ‎ the→a [此处表示“一个更好的明天”,tomorrow为泛指,其前应用不定冠词a。]‎ 感悟与反思:冠词错误主要有四种情况:①不定冠词a与an错用:元音音素前用an,辅音音素前用a。②不定冠词与定冠词错用:泛指用不定冠词,特指用定冠词。③冠词的缺失:可数名词单数前缺少不定冠词或定冠词。④冠词的多余:不可数名词前有多余的不定冠词,表泛指的可数名词复数前有多余的定冠词。特别提示,需注意固定搭配中冠词的应用。‎ 错误2——名词、数词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.‎ honest→honesty [考查词性误用。主语是the key,与表语构成同位关系,并非对主语的描述,故用名词。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me.‎ year→years [13至19岁的那几年,要用名词的复数形式。]‎ ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. ‎ airs→air [air为不可数名词,故应把airs改为air。]‎ ‎4.(2019·成都市模拟)My young cousin Tom seems to have endless question to ask every day.‎ question→questions [表示有“问不完的问题”,question应用复数形式。]‎ ‎5.(2019·云南省曲靖市模拟)This morning I went to a nearby food store to buy some breads.‎ breads→bread [bread为不可数名词,故breads改为bread。]‎ ‎6.(2019·合肥市质检)As a student, what can we do to guarantee our safe?‎ safe→safety [our后应跟名词,故safe改为safety。]‎ ‎7.(2019·陕西师大附中模拟)It was a long walk to the repairer shop.‎ repairer→repairer's [表示“修理工的商店”,应用repairer的所有格形式。]‎ ‎8.(2019·枣庄市模拟)It is my grandfather's eighty birthday today.‎ eighty→eightieth [表示多少岁生日应用序数词,需注意eighty变为序数词时把y改为ieth。]‎ ‎9.(2019·长春市质检)Just then, a man in his early twenty came up and paid for her.‎ twenty→twenties [in one's twenties/thirties等为固定搭配,意为“在某人二十多岁/三十多岁时”,‎ 故twenty改为twenties。]‎ ‎10.(2019·哈尔滨市九中模拟)With this survey, two thousands senior middle school students from ten schools in Lanzhou were interviewed.‎ thousands→thousand [表示几千时thousand不能加s,表示数以千计的,用thousands of。]‎ 感悟与反思:1.名词错误有三种情况:①名词数的错用:误把复数用作单数;误把不可数名词用作复数。②名词格的错用:该用所有格时错用普通格。③词性错用:该用名词时错用形容词。‎ ‎2.数词错误有两种情况:①该用序数词时错用基数词;②该用复数时错用单数。‎ 错误3——介词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road.‎ on→of [in the middle of...为固定搭配,意为“在……的中间”。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of how fast time flies. ‎ 去掉第二个of [realize意识到,为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。]‎ ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted.‎ on→with [表示“随着……的发展”,应用with the development of,with表示“随着……”。]‎ ‎4.(2019·江南十校模拟)During the National Day holiday, I paid a visit my grandma in the countryside.‎ visit后加to [pay a visit to为固定短语,意为“参观,访问”。]‎ ‎5.(2019·厦门一中模拟)I believe I will have a wonderful time in this summer.‎ 去掉in [当名词前有this, that, last, next等修饰时,一般不再用介词。]‎ ‎6.(2019·淮南二中模拟)Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining the heavy traffic.‎ complaining后加about [complain about为固定短语,意为“抱怨”。]‎ ‎7.(2019·天水一中诊断)In my view, we should limit to our using smart phones except for the purpose of learning.‎ 去掉to [limit限制,为及物动词,故去掉其后的介词to。]‎ ‎8.(2019·邢台市模拟)When I heard I got the first prize, my heart was filled in joy and tears rolled down.‎ in→with [be filled with意为“充满”,为固定短语。]‎ ‎9.(2019·拉萨中学模拟)I am glad to learn from that you are coming to China and will stay at my home.‎ 去掉from [learn表示“了解,得知”时为及物动词,后面直接跟that从句。]‎ ‎10.(2019·福州八中质检)My experience has taught me that only if we attach great importance with cooperation can we go beyond ourselves.‎ with→to [attach importance to为固定短语,意为“重视”。] 【导学号:52384024】‎ 感悟与反思:介词错误主要有三种情况:①介词的多余:及物动词后不能再加介词。②介词的缺失:不及物动词后跟宾语时需加介词。③介词的错用:介词的基本用法以及介词与动词、名词、形容词构成的搭配。需特别注意固定搭配中介词的使用,包括介词的缺失与多余。‎ 错误4——形容词、副词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together.‎ earlier→early [此处叙述他们经常早起这一事实,没有比较的意思,故不能用比较级。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)I enjoyed studying different kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums.‎ late→latest [latest意为“最新的;最近的”,而late表示“晚的”,此处表示“最新的音乐专辑”,应用latest。]‎ ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)They were also the best and worse years in my life. ‎ worse→worst [and之前用了best,与之并列也应用最高级,表示“最好的”和“最差的”。]‎ ‎4.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)At one time, I even felt my parents couldn't understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.‎ freely→free [be free from摆脱,free作系动词be的表语。]‎ ‎5.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Much rare animals are dying out. ‎ Much→Many [much修饰不可数名词,rare animals为可数名词复数形式,故应把Much改为Many。]‎ ‎6.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Dad and I were terrible worried.‎ terrible→terribly [修饰形容词worried应用副词。]‎ ‎7.(2019·莆田市模拟)He worked hardly and overcame thousands of difficulties.‎ hardly→hard [hardly意为“几乎不”,而此处表示“努力”,应改为hard。]‎ ‎8.(2019·青岛市模拟)The motorbike driver was bad hurt and sent to hospital. ‎ bad→badly [此处修饰过去分词hurt应用副词形式badly。]‎ ‎9.(2019·陕西师大附中模拟)It can be very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and wind is blowing heavy.‎ heavy→heavily [blowing后面应为副词修饰,表示风吹得很大。]‎ ‎10.(2019·海口市调研测试)I am so luck to have some friends who share the same interest with me.‎ luck→lucky [am后应跟形容词lucky表示“幸运的”。]‎ 感悟与反思:形容词、副词错误主要有四种情况:①‎ 形容词之间或副词之间的错用:由于词形或词义的接近而引起的错误。②比较等级的错用:除了原级、比较级、最高级之间互相的错用,还要注意比较级的重复。③形容词与副词错用:作定语、表语时应用形容词,作状语时一般用副词(伴随状语用形容词)。④形容词与名词的错用:该用形容词时错用名词。‎ 错误5——代词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Five minutes later, Tony saw parents.‎ parents前加his [结合语境可知,此处的parents不应是泛指而是指Tony的父母,故在parents前加his。]‎ ‎2.(2019·石家庄市质检)As helpers of we humans,robots should be used properly.‎ we→us [介词of后为宾语部分,应用宾格us作humans的同位语。]‎ ‎3.(2019·邯郸市模拟)They are Liu Dong and Wang Hong, all of whom are the top students in our grade.‎ all→both [ Liu Dong and Wang Hong是两个人,表示“两个都”应用both。]‎ ‎4.(2019·唐山一中调研考试)Then I was about to leave when all of a sudden, I thought of nothing.‎ nothing→something [此处表示突然想到了什么,应用something。]‎ ‎5.(2019·泰安市一模)To realize my dream, I have to devote me to my study and enter a normal university.‎ me→myself [表示“使自己致力于”应用反身代词,I的反身代词为myself。]‎ ‎6.(2019·蚌埠二中模拟)I would appreciate greatly if you could consider my application. ‎ appreciate后加it [考查句式I'd appreciate it if ...意为“如果……我将不胜感激”。]‎ ‎7.(2019·湖北省八校联考)After registered in the classroom, the volunteer took me to my dormitory.‎ After后加I [After引导时间状语从句,从句中缺少主句,根据句意可知应用I。此处不能把registered改为registering,因为注册的是我而不是志愿者。]‎ ‎8.(2019·淮北市一模)My world turned gray and I didn't feel interested in something until my best friend came up to comfort me.‎ something→anything [根据句意可知,我的世界是灰色的,我对任何事情都提不起兴趣。在否定句中应用anything。]‎ ‎9.(2019·河南省百校联盟质检)I was so excited that he took my mother and myself to Thailand.‎ myself→me [表示他带着我的母亲和我,应用me而不是myself。]‎ ‎10.(2019·汕头市模拟)This kind of traveler just needs to pack a pair of sunglasses together with everything that he needs it.‎ 去掉it [everything后that引导定语从句并在从句中作needs的宾语,it属于多余的词。]‎ 感悟与反思:代词错误主要有四种情况:①人称代词主格和宾格、人称代词与物主代词、人称代词与反身代词的错用。②人称代词和物主代词的缺失。③不定代词错用。④it的缺失或多余。‎ 考法2| 句法错误 错误1——连接词、从句引导词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Around me in the picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments.‎ they→that/which [things是先行词,后面是定语从句,they不能引导定语从句,故用that/which引导。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)After looking at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing.‎ where→that或去掉where [found后为宾语从句,引导词不作句子成分只起连接作用,应用that引导,而且that可省略。 ]‎ ‎3.(2019·桂林市校际联考)Although we must have a fast step, but I don't think we should have fast food.‎ 去掉but [although或though和but不能同时放在同一个句子里。]‎ ‎4.(2019·西安市第八十三中学模拟)I was about to leave while the owner of the shop waved at me.‎ while→when [考查句式be about to do sth. when ...意为“正要做某事,这时……”。]‎ ‎5.(2019·赤峰市模拟)It's true what honesty is more important than money! ‎ what→that [it作形式主语,后面的句子为真正的主语,引导词在从句中无任何意义而且不作任何成分,故应用that。]‎ ‎6.(2019·临汾一中联考)It's not easy for us to accept the fact which we are going to leave our beloved school.‎ which→that [the fact后为同位语从句,引导词在从句中无任何意义而且不作任何成分,应用that。]‎ ‎7.(2019·青岛市模拟)And I'll never forget the days when we spent together.‎ when→that/which或去掉when [the days后面为定语从句,引导词在从句中作spent的宾语,应用that/which引导,也可省略引导词。]‎ ‎8.(2019·潍坊实验中学模拟)At 16, I left home to do parttime jobs, where made me understand “East or west, home is the best” better. ‎ where→which [第二个逗号后面为非限制性定语从句,引导词作主语且代替前面的整个句子,故用which引导。]‎ ‎9.(2019·福州八中质检)No matter how you do, you must do it well even if you may fail many times.‎ how→what [此处应用no matter what引导让步状语从句,其中what作do的宾语。]‎ ‎10.(2019·湖北省七市联考)So instead of giving us answers immediately, she encourages us to think carefully every time when she puts forward questions. ‎ 去掉when [every time引导时间状语从句,when属于多余的词。]‎ 感悟与反思:1. 并列连词在句法上的错误主要有两种情况:①受汉语影响而引起的连词的多余,例如汉语中可以说“尽管……,但是……”,“因为……,所以……”,但是英语中although/though不能与but连用,because不能与so 连用。②常考句式:be doing/be about to do ...when ...中when的应用;“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”中and/or的应用。‎ ‎2. 从句引导词在句法上的错误主要有四种情况:①状语从句的引导词错误。②状语从句引导词的重复。③定语从句关系代词与关系副词的错用。④名词性从句中连接词、连接代词与连接副词的错用,尤其是连接词that与连接代词what的错用。‎ 错误2——谓语动词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)I had grown not only physically, but also mentally in the past few years.‎ had→have [通过时间状语in the past few years可判定应用现在完成时。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are using for cooking.‎ using→used [fresh vegetables and high quality oil与use之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。]‎ ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Tony was scared and begun to cry.‎ begun→began [这里是对过去发生的事情的客观叙述,应用一般过去时,故begun应改为began。]‎ ‎4.(2019·青岛市模拟)Last week, I take part in the Cultural Exchange Week.‎ take→took [通过last week可判定应用一般过去时。]‎ ‎5.(2019·长沙市联考)To collect opinions from the public, an online survey has made these days.‎ has后加been [an online survey与make之间是被动关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态。]‎ ‎6.(2019·山西大学附中模拟)Next week, I was going to a reception at the City Hall.‎ was→am [根据next week可判定用一般将来时,故was改为am。]‎ ‎7.(2019·揭阳市模拟)It was the first time that I have played on the stage.‎ have→had [在It/This be the first/second ...time that ... 句式中,若be为is,则that从句中的谓语动词用现在完成时;若be为was,则that从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时。]‎ ‎8.(2019·太原五中模拟)After I elected chairman of the students' union of our school, I decided to start a school English newspaper for us students.‎ elected前加was [I与elect为被动关系,应用被动语态。]‎ ‎9.(2019·西安市模拟)In short, learning to regard the challenges of life as a stepping stone to future success and make the best of them.‎ learning→learn [此处应为祈使句,故learning改为learn。] ‎ ‎10.(2019·南昌二中模拟)He is continually being told not to do this, not to do that, or being punished for what he had done wrong.‎ had→has [主句谓语动词的时态为现在进行时,what引导宾语从句,其动作发生在主句表示的动作之前,应用现在完成时。]‎ 感悟与反思:谓语动词错误主要有三种情况:①动词的形式错误:过去式与过去分词错用。②时态、语态的错用:应根据时间状语或逻辑关系判定时态和语态。③误把动词用作非谓语动词。‎ 错误3——非谓语动词有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes. ‎ wear→wearing [by doing sth.通过做某事。by为介词,后跟动词ing形式。]‎ ‎2.(2019·云南师大附中模拟)It was very cold outside but they didn't enter the shop, just stood at the shop window.‎ stood→standing或逗号后加and [逗号后应为现在分词短语作伴随状语,也可在逗号后加and让didn't enter与stood并列。]‎ ‎3.(2019·廊坊市质检)Others may argue that uniforms are likely to prevent students from think freely. ‎ think→thinking [介词from后应用动词ing形式作宾语。]‎ ‎4.(2019·巢湖市模拟)Every day he spends more than one hour examine my homework.‎ examine→examining [spend time (in) doing sth.花时间做某事,为固定短语。]‎ ‎5.(2019·蚌埠二中模拟)I am writing to keep you informing of something about the severe situation that they are faced with presently.‎ informing→informed [keep后跟复合宾语,you与inform之间为被动关系,应用过去分词作宾补。]‎ ‎6.(2019·开封市一模)More tourists are expected to travelling around Tibet in the second half of this year.‎ travelling→travel [expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事,变为被动语态后不定式作主语补足语。]‎ ‎7.(2019·青岛市模拟)As for me, I am looking forward to spend this precious time with my family before I leave for my college.‎ spend→spending [look forward to中的to为介词,后应跟动词ing形式作宾语。]‎ ‎8.(2019·沈阳市模拟)First, talk to someone you trust is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself.‎ talk→talking [is前为句子的主语,应改为动名词形式作主语。]‎ ‎9.(2019·河北定州中学模拟)With Teachers' Day draw near, I would like to express my thanks to Ms. Li, who taught me English last year.‎ draw→drawing [with复合结构中,Teachers' Day与draw为主谓关系,应用现在分词形式。]‎ ‎10. (2019·邯郸市模拟)On the other hand, his spoken English is so excellent that he has no difficulty communicate with you in English. ‎ communicate→communicating [have difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难,故communicate改为communicating。]‎ 感悟与反思:非谓语动词错误主要有两种情况:①非谓语动词错用:应根据非谓语动词的功能及所作成分来判定用哪种非谓语动词。一般来说,不定式表示尚未发生,动词ing形式表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成。②误将非谓语动词用作谓语动词。‎ 错误4——助动词、情态动词和虚拟语气有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)We can chose between staying at home and taking a trip.‎ chose→choose [情态动词后跟动词原形,chose的原形是choose。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.‎ 去掉can或can→should [suggest在此处表示“建议”,后跟宾语从句时用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“should+动词原形”,should可省略。]‎ ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)We must found ways to protect our environment.‎ found→find [情态动词后跟动词原形,found的原形是find。] ‎ ‎4.(2019·四川高考)If you are me, would you talk to them?‎ are→were [根据语境,此处是对现在事实的假设,条件状语从句中的谓语动词应用一般过去时。]‎ ‎5.(2019·青岛市模拟)It is high time that we prevent drunk driving.‎ prevent→prevented或prevent前加should [在it's time that ...句式中,that从句的谓语动词用一般过去时或should+动词原形。]‎ ‎6.(2019·石家庄市一模)Whenever I made mistakes and felt discouraged, my teacher and my classmates would help me figure out how I must have avoided them.‎ must→could [根据语境可知,该句表示“过去本能够做但却未做”,故用could have done。]‎ ‎7.(2019·成都经开区实验高级中学模拟)Therefore, we strongly suggested that similar events held more and more in the future!‎ held前加be [suggest在此处表示“建议”,后跟宾语从句时用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“(should)+动词原形”,其被动语态为(should) be done。]‎ ‎8.(2019·成都市模拟)In my opinion, by doing parttime jobs, college students must gain some social experience and broaden their outlooks. ‎ must→can [根据语境可知,此处表示通过做业余工作能够获得社会经验,而不是一定获得。]‎ ‎9.(2019·蚌埠市模拟)However, it's high time that immediate measures must be taken. ‎ must→should [在it's time that ...句式中,that从句的谓语动词可用should+动词原形,其被动结构为should be done或过去时。]‎ ‎10.(2019·银川一中二模)I suggest that our school must take measures to encourage more students to take part in sports.‎ must→should或去掉must [suggest在此处表示“建议”,后跟宾语从句时用虚拟语气,谓语动词为“(should)+动词原形”,should可省略。]‎ 感悟与反思:助动词、情态动词和虚拟语气错误主要有三种情况:①助动词缺失:助动词可以帮助构成疑问句、否定句、部分倒装句等。②情态动词的错用:应熟记情态动词的基本含义及用法,表示对现在的推测其构成是“情态动词+动词原形”,表示对过去的推测其构成是“情态动词+have+过去分词”。③虚拟语气中动词的形式受时态的影响而导致错用,应熟记不同句式中虚拟语气的不同应用。‎ 错误5——特殊句式有误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.‎ They→There [句意:上午有三节课,下午有两节课。此处为there be结构。]‎ ‎2.(2019·遵义市模拟)A city, whether big or small, should be clean. Only when we live in a clean city we live a happy life.‎ 第二个city后加can [only加状语从句开头的句子其后的主句应用部分倒装,根据句意可知,需要加can构成部分倒装。]‎ ‎3.(2019·江西省重点中学协作体联考)Not only our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness and sorrow. ‎ Not only后加do [not only位于句首其后的句子用部分倒装,此处缺少助动词,故在not only后加助动词do。]‎ ‎4.(2019·烟台市模拟)Not until 5 p.m. we set off back unwillingly. ‎ we前加did [not until开头的句子其后的主句应用部分倒装。此处缺少助动词,故在we前加did。]‎ ‎5.(2019·汕头市模拟)It is working in teams instead of on my own which has freed me from trouble and made my work more efficient.‎ which→that [本句是强调句型,其构成为it is+被强调部分+that/who ...‎ 故which改为that。]‎ ‎6.(2019·淮北市模拟)As you can see, which was sharing with my friend that helped me out of that dark time and brought back my confidence. ‎ which→it [本句是强调句型,其构成为it is+被强调部分+that/who ...‎ 故which改为it。]‎ ‎7.(2019·淮北市模拟)Only in this way they become useful to society and enjoy a colorful life in the future.‎ way后加can [only加状语开头的句子其后的主句应用部分倒装,根据句意可知,需要加can构成部分倒装。]‎ ‎8.(2019·江西省名校联盟质检)Therefore, it was no need for me to move.‎ it→there [there is no need (for sb.) to do sth.是固定句式,意为“没有必要做某事。”]‎ ‎9.There have several advantages if you consult the persons you trust.‎ have→are [句意:如果你求教所信任的人会有一些好处。此处为there be结构。]‎ ‎10.Oh, what I missed you that day! Anyway, please send me to your parents.‎ what→how [此处为感叹句,修饰动词用how。]‎ 感悟与反思:特殊句式错误主要有四种情况:①强调句型的错用,主要是it和that的错用。②倒装句助动词的缺失。③There be结构中there与it的错用,误把there be用成there have。④感叹句中how与what的错用。‎ 考法3| 逻辑错误 错误1——肯定误用否定或相反 ‎1.(2019·山东师大附中模拟)Unluckily, he was the only one who finally got the job, because the manager decided to give the job to whoever he believed was helpful.‎ Unluckily→Luckily [作为唯一得到工作的人,应该是幸运的。]‎ ‎2.(2019·湖北省枣阳市模拟)In fact, he even scared my classmates away when they came over to play or do homework with me. However, he was the gentlest man I have never known.‎ never→ever [此处应表达“他是我所认识的最温柔的人”,故never改为ever。]‎ ‎3.(2019·长沙一中模拟)In my opinion, if the children are old enough and have the ability to live on their own, they can go abroad for further studies. Otherwise, they had not better study in their own country.‎ 去掉had和better之间的not [此处表示,他们最好在自己的国家学习,故去掉not。]‎ ‎4.(2019·湖南市六校联盟联考)At last, Ben called me just before I went to bed. I said I ever minded. We are still good friends now and I feel much better.‎ ever→never [根据句意可知,此处表示我并不在意,故ever改为never。]‎ ‎5.(2019·淄博市模拟)Personally speaking, the process of fighting for the goal is less important than the result. ‎ less→more [句意应为:奋斗的过程比结果更重要。故less改为more。]‎ 感悟与反思:肯定误用否定或相反的错误有三种情况:①not的多余或缺失。②ever与never的错用。③反义词的错用。‎ 错误2——并列误用转折或相反 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)If we stay at home, it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.‎ but→and [待在家里舒服而且不需要花钱,应是并列关系。]‎ ‎2.(2019·保定市模拟)Upon arrival, all of us fell to the ground, tired and delighted.‎ and→but [累但是很高兴,应为转折关系。]‎ ‎3.(2019·江南十校模拟)In my memory, my grandma was a hardworking but strong woman full of energy.‎ but→and [勤劳和坚强应是并列关系,并非转折关系。]‎ ‎4.(2019·江西省新余市模拟)All my friends were so excited to start their own lives, and I just wasn't sure whether I was ready for that yet.‎ and→but [我的所有朋友都为开始新的生活而激动,但是我却不知是否已做好了准备,应为转折关系。]‎ 感悟与反思:并列误用转折或相反的错误只有一种情况,即and与but的错用。需注意not only ...but also ...not ...but ...等的应用。‎ 错误3——并列误用选择或相反 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)There the air is clean or the mountains are green.‎ or→and [空气清新、山峰翠绿,应为并列关系。]‎ ‎2.(2019·太原五中检测)Do you think I should continue to love him and give up?‎ and→or [我是继续爱他还是该放弃?应是选择关系。]‎ ‎3.(2019·牡丹江市模拟)I hope my first model experience will be both enjoyable or unforgettable.‎ or→and [此处应是both ...and ...构成的并列关系。]‎ ‎4.(2019·遵义航天高级中学模拟)A city, whether big and small, should be clean.‎ and→or [whether ...or ...无论……还是……。]‎ 感悟与反思:并列误用选择或相反的错误只有一种情况,即and与or的错用。需注意固定用法whether ...or ...either ...or ...等的应用。‎ 错误4——转折误用递进或相反 ‎1.(2019·湖北省四地七校联考)Admittedly, we have the right to do whatever we want. Besides, violating others' rights is unacceptable. ‎ Besides→However [根据语境可知,前后为转折关系。]‎ ‎2.(2019·江西省重点中学协作体联考)Luckily for me, my parents can understand my stressful condition and often communicate with me with encouraging words. However, they give me enough personal space, which I appreciate so much.‎ However→Besides/Moreover/Furthermore/Additionally ‎[根据语境可知,前后为递进关系。]‎ ‎3.(2019·吉林市普通中学调研测试)I think it is a good thing for the workforce to be flexible. Besides, frequent jobhopping prevents a person from gaining valuable job experience and developing good work habits.‎ Besides→However [根据语境可知,前后为转折关系。]‎ ‎4.(2019·长沙一中模拟)But 65% of the people are not in favor of this, because they think studying abroad costs over ten times as much as studying in China. However, children are too young to take care of themselves.‎ However→Besides/Moreover/Furthermore/Additionally ‎[根据语境可知,前后为递进关系。]‎ 感悟与反思:转折误用递进或相反的错误只有一种情况,即however与besides/moreover/furthermore/additionally 等的错用。‎ 错误5——转折误用因果或相反 ‎1.(2019·湖南省衡阳八中模拟)I always have a dream to be a fluent speaker. Therefore, I am too shy to say a word in public.‎ Therefore→However [根据语境可知,前后为转折关系。]‎ ‎2.(2019·江西省莲塘一中、临川二中联考)She has set a good example for us. However, she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.‎ However→Therefore [根据语境可知,前后为因果关系。]‎ ‎3.(2019·长春市普通高中质检)After the meeting, she went to a restaurant for lunch. Therefore, when it was time to pay the bill, she couldn't find her purse.‎ Therefore→However [根据语境可知,前后为转折关系。] ‎ ‎4.(2019·湖北省武昌区调考)In my opinion, success lies in a series of goals. However, we should remember to make our targets clear and spare no effort to realize our dreams.‎ However→Therefore [根据语境可知,前后为因果关系。]‎ 感悟与反思:转折误用递进或相反的错误只有一种情况,即however与therefore的错用。‎ 考法4| “不一致”错误 错误1——主谓不一致 ‎1.(2019·海口市调研测试)My love to tennis are more than I could express.‎ are→is [句子的主语My love是单数,谓语应用第三人称单数。]‎ ‎2.(2019·石家庄市质检)Besides, punishments, such as a fine, is necessary to tourists with such bad behaviors. ‎ is→are [句子的主语punishments是复数,故is改为are。]‎ ‎3.(2019·福州八中质检)As the saying go, “United we stand; divided we fall.”‎ go→goes [句子的主语 the saying是单数,谓语应用第三人称单数,故go改为goes。]‎ ‎4.(2019·江西省五市八校联考)News came that the trees in the park two kilometers away from our school was blown down.‎ was→were [that后面是同位语从句,从句的主语是the trees,故谓语动词was改为were。]‎ ‎5.(2019·南昌市模拟)In my opinion, cheating in exams are wrong. ‎ are→is [当动名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。]‎ ‎6.(2019·菏泽市模拟)However, too much exposure to phones are bad for people in terms of health.‎ are→is [主语为too much exposure为单数,故are改为is。不要受phones的影响而认为主语是复数。]‎ ‎7.(2019·六盘山市模拟)So the number of them are falling quickly. ‎ are→is [需注意本句的主语是the number而不是them,故are改为is。]‎ ‎8.(2019·西安市模拟)Then a foreigner and the boss was having a conversation, but the boss didn't know what the foreigner said.‎ was→were [句子的主语a foreigner and the boss是两个人,故was改为were。]‎ ‎9.(2019·豫南九校质量考评)Anyone who are interested in something will devote himself to it.‎ are→is [who引导定语从句,代替先行词anyone作主语,应为单数,故are改为is。]‎ ‎10.(2019·淄博市模拟)What's more, in the process of fighting, we get close to success, as the saying goes that failure are the mother of success. ‎ are→is [the saying goes后that引导同位语从句,其中主语failure为单数,故are改为is。]‎ 感悟与反思:主谓不一致错误主要有三种情况:①由于对基本概念忽视而失分:应注意单复数的一致,例如当不定式、动名词或从句作主语时应为单数。②由于受其他词的影响而失分:例如第六题too much exposure to phones中易受phones的影响而认为主语是复数。③注意就近原则。‎ 错误2——时态不一致 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Though not very big, the restaurant is popular in our area. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside.‎ had→have [由前面的两个动词is可知,时态是一般现在时,根据时态的一致性,后面的句子也应用一般现在时。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)I thought that it is a good idea. It does not cost much, yet we can still learn a lot.‎ thought→think [由is,does和can可判断句子的主体时态为一般现在时,根据时态的一致性,应把thought改为think。]‎ ‎3.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. ‎ think→thought [这两句话是回忆童年的事情,由was,hoped和would也可知时态应为过去时,根据时态的一致性,把think改为thought。]‎ ‎4.(2019·周口市模拟)I'm glad to know you are interested in Chinese songs and wanted to learn them.‎ wanted→want [and前的动词am,are说明句子整体时态为一般现在时,根据时态的一致性,把wanted改为want。] ‎ ‎5.(2019·天水市二中模拟)But I found that there is nobody in the classroom because it was Sunday.‎ is→was [根据found和was可判定指过去,根据时态的一致性,把is改为was。]‎ ‎6.(2019·双鸭山市模拟)I went into the kitchen and find the window was open.‎ find→found [根据句中的went和was可判定指过去,根据时态的一致性,把find改为found。]‎ ‎7.(2019·九江一中模拟)I am glad to hear that you are going to Canada to study. So I was writing to tell you something about this country.‎ was→am [根据第一句中的am和are可判定指现在,根据时态的一致性,把was改为am。]‎ ‎8.(2019·佛山一中模拟)A farmer said the storm began early in the morning and last one hour. ‎ last→lasted [根据句中的said和began可判定指过去,根据时态的一致性,把last改为lasted。]‎ ‎9.(2019·潍坊市质检)Early in the morning, my parents and I set off for the department store to find a gift for Grandpa. We choose very carefully and purchased a warm sweater finally.‎ choose→chose [根据第一句的内容可判定指过去,再根据第二句and后面的purchased可知,应把choose改为chose。]‎ ‎10.(2019·长春外国语学校模拟)He got up early as usual in the morning, but when he was ready to leave he find his bicycle's front tyre (轮胎) flat.‎ find→found [根据句中的got和was可判定指过去,根据时态的一致性,把find改为found。]‎ 感悟与反思:时态不一致错误主要有三种情况:①并列句中的时态不一致。②主从句的时态不一致。③前后句中的时态不一致。‎ 错误3——指代不一致 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.‎ your→my [此处是以作者的口吻写的,这张照片经常让我想起“我的高中生活”。]‎ ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.‎ your→our [由前面的we go on a trip和we can broaden可知,应把your改为our。]‎ ‎3.(2019·银川九中模拟)Although my flat is small, I like them very much because it is comfortable.‎ them→it [根据my flat和it可判定我喜欢我的房子,故them改为it。]‎ ‎4.(2019·南充市模拟)He was strict, humorous, telling him jokes when we rested. ‎ him→us [当我们休息的时候,他给我们讲笑话,故him改为us。]‎ ‎5.(2019·天水一中模拟)Smart phones benefit them. They help us escape the pressure of life and get information. ‎ them→us [根据第二句的“它们帮助我们摆脱生活压力”可知,智能手机对我们有益,故them改为us。]‎ ‎6.(2019·深圳市模拟)From then on we became good friends. We had common interest in basketball and often shared their experience about photographing.‎ their→our [根据语境可知,我们成了好朋友,我们都喜欢篮球,经常分享我们的摄影经验,故their改为our。]‎ ‎7.(2019·石家庄市模拟)Mistakes are unavoidable in life. But attitudes towards it may make a difference.‎ it→them [此处表示,错误是难免的,但是对错误的态度会大有影响,故it改为them。]‎ ‎8.(2019·青岛市模拟)It's of great help for me to learn English.I will make full use of them and learn English well.‎ them→it [既然英语(it)很有帮助,我将充分使用它,把它学好,故them改为it。]‎ ‎9.(2019·湖北省七市联考)What an amazing world of “why” she leads us to! She is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.‎ him→her [根据she可判定是一位女士,故him改为her。]‎ ‎10.(2019·哈尔滨三中模拟)What we have gained from this camp is not only knowledge, but also friendship. I hope their friendship will last forever.‎ their→our [我们从野营中获得了知识和友谊,我希望我们的友谊长存。故their改为our。]‎ 感悟与反思:指代不一致错误主要有三种情况:①人称不一致。②单复数不一致。③性别不一致。‎ A ‎(2019·陕西省西安地区八校联考) Today, at the local convenience store that I work, an elderly man with a guide dog come in.He went to the shelf where there were all kinds of greeting card.He picked up a card, held it up extreme close to his eyes, and struggled read it.Just as I was about to walk over to help him, I found the little girl,who was about ten years old, asked him that he needed help.Before heard his answer, she started to read him almost every single greeting card out loud until when the elderly man smiled.He said,“That's perfect ! His wife will love that one!”‎ ‎【答案】 ‎ Today, at the local convenience store I work, an elderly man with a guide dog in.He went to the shelf where there were all kinds of greeting .He picked up a card, held it up close to his eyes, and struggled read it.Just as I was about to walk over to help him, I found little girl, who was about ten years old, asked him he needed help.Before his answer, she started to read him almost every single greeting card out loud until the elderly man smiled.He said, “That's perfect! wife will love that one!”‎ B ‎(2019·山东省部分重点中学调研联考)Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran bought a real bed. It was for the first time that he had become the proud owner of a bed where had springs (弹簧) and a mattress(床垫).Because the weather is very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.He slept very good for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up.A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof but sent it crashing into the courtyard below.The young man did wake up until the bed struck the ground.Although the bed was broken into piece, the man was surprisingly unhurt.When he woke up, he was still on the mattress.Glanced at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried them into his house.After he had put it on the floor, he quickly went for sleep again. ‎ Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran bought a real bed.It was the first time that he had become the proud owner of a bed had springs (弹簧) and a mattress (床垫).Because the weather very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.He slept very for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up.A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof sent it crashing into the courtyard below.The young man did wake up until the bed struck the ground.Although the bed was broken into , the man was surprisingly unhurt.When he woke up, he was still on the mattress. at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried into his house.After he had put it on the floor, he quickly went sleep again. ‎ 模式1| 缺一词 ‎[命题角度]‎ 缺冠词 缺介词 缺代词 缺不定式符号 缺be动词及其变化形式 缺助动词 缺关联词 ‎[典例剖析]‎ 示例 错因 改正 ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)When summer comes, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!‎ 缺不定式符号to。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。‎ pick前加to ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)I still remember how hard first day was. ‎ 缺冠词或代词。表示第几天,序数词前要加定冠词或者限定词进行修饰。‎ first前加 the/my ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time.‎ 缺介词。dream of doing sth.为固定短语,意为“梦想做某事”。‎ dreams后加of ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help.‎ 缺代词。whenever引导让步主语从句,从句缺主语,根据句意可知,“我”需要父母的帮助,故在whenever后加I。‎ whenever后加I ‎(2019·云南省11校跨区调研考试)A real ecotravel should like this: take nothing away but your good memory; leave nothing behind but all clean water and green trees. ‎ 缺be动词。此处like this为介词短语作表语,前面少了系动词be。‎ should后加be ‎(2019·湖北省八校联考)Not until then I know my senior high school life had really begun.‎ 缺助动词。Not until置于句首,其后的主句应用部分倒装。‎ I前加did ‎(2019·漳州市八校联考)How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?‎ 缺关联词。the fact后面为同位语从句,引导词that不能省略。‎ fact后加that 模式2| 多一词 ‎[命题角度]‎ 多冠词 多介词 多并列 连词 多代词 多不定 式符号 多从句引导词 比较级 重复 意义重复 逻辑矛盾 ‎[典例剖析]‎ 示例 错因 改正 ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)They have also bought for some gardening tools. ‎ 多介词。表示“买东西”时buy为及物动词,其后不应加介词。‎ 去掉for ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left. ‎ 意义重复。此处为so ...that ...句式,so与much表达的意思重复。‎ 去掉much ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area. ‎ 多并列连词。though和but不能放在同一个句子里。‎ 去掉but ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself. ‎ 多冠词。at first为固定搭配,意为“起初”。‎ 去掉the ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.‎ 多助动词。Lots of studies与show之间为主谓关系,应用主动语态。‎ 去掉been ‎(2019·九江市联考)About two years ago, I worked hard and entered a local key school, which my parents were proud of it. ‎ 多代词。第二个逗号后的which引导定语从句且在从句中作of的宾语,it属于多余词。‎ 去掉it ‎(2019·成都市模拟)Anyway, I'll get used to living here and hope everything will be more better soon. ‎ 比较级重复。此处better为good的比较级,再加more就属于重复。‎ 去掉more ‎(2019·巢湖市模拟)I am the apple of his eyes, but when it comes to my study, he is very strict and will never let me to be lazy. ‎ 多不定式符号to。let后跟不带to的不定式作宾补,构成let sb. do sth.。‎ 去掉me后的to ‎(2019·牡丹江市模拟)Every time when he arrived home at the end of the day, we'd greet him at the door. ‎ 多从句引导词。Every time引导时间状语从句,when就属于多余的词。‎ 去掉when ‎(2019·浙江高考)Father in the distance,I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains.‎ 逻辑矛盾。根据逻辑关系,从远处能够看到雪山,故去掉not 。‎ 去掉not 模式3| 错一词 ‎[命题角度]‎ 动词 名词 代词 数词 形容词、副词 冠词 介词 并列连词 从句引导词 动词的各种变化形式错误,包括时态、语态、非谓语动词、情态动词、虚拟语气以及主谓一致等。‎ 名词的数、格的错误,以及名词和形容词的错用。‎ 人称代词、物主代词以及反身代词数的错用,它们之间的混用;不定代词的错用。‎ 基数词和序数词的错用;数词单复数的错用。‎ 比较等级的错用;修饰名词、形容词或动词时,形容词与副词的错用。‎ 不定冠词a/an的错用;不定冠词与定冠词的错用。‎ 介词基本用法的错用;固定搭配中的介词错用。‎ 表示并列、转折、选择、因果等并列连词的错用。‎ 三大从句引导词的错用。‎ ‎[典例剖析]‎ 示例 错因 改正 ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. ‎ 代词错误。all指的是三者及三者以上。Mr. and Mrs. Zhang是两个人,故用both。因为both在此作同位语,也可去掉。‎ all→both 或去掉all ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. ‎ 名词错误。information为不可数名词,没有复数形式。‎ informations→‎ information ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. ‎ 冠词或数词错误。hour发音是以元音音素开头的单词,前面要用不定冠词an,也可以用one hour表示“一个小时”。‎ 第一个a→an/one ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. ‎ 数词错误。表示多少岁生日应用序数词。‎ eighteen→‎ eighteenth ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor's orders, so once I started the car, my mind went blank.‎ 并列连词错误。根据前后意思可知,此处表示转折,并非因果关系。‎ so→but/yet ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)About one month after this photo was taken, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. ‎ 动词错误。根据was taken和entered可知句子应用一般过去时,and连接两个并列谓语entered和became。‎ become→became ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Instead, he hopes that his business will grow steady. ‎ 形容词、副词错误。grow在此是实义动词并非连系动词,故用副词修饰。‎ steady→steadily ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. ‎ 从句引导词错误。close to之后为介词to的宾语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语,应用where。‎ that→where ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Now I am leaving home to college.‎ 介词错误。leave ...for...表示离开某地到另外一个地方。‎ to→for

