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情景作文常见二十个场面 一 节日活动 In memory of为了纪念 In advance of 在。。。之前 Be in high spirits 情绪高涨 Display personal talent and charm 展现个人的特质和风采 Have a good reputation for因。。。而著名 Have a taste/appetite for 喜爱 Be a feast for the eye 赏心悦目 There is so much enthusiasm for…that对。。。有如此大的热情, 以至于。。。‎ Sing songs/dance to the music和着音乐唱歌跳舞 Hold the opening/closing ceremony举行开闭幕式 Put on a short play表演短剧 Display one’s unique ability/organize a talent show才艺展示 Recreational activity 娱乐活动 Combine both dancing and singing载歌载舞 Go for a get together参加聚会 Go sightseeing观光 be an integral part of … 是。。。不可或缺的一部分 ‎ 听音乐会 enjoy the concert 有出色的表现 perform well / do a good job in …‎ 展现班级的面貌 display the image of a class 为… 加油 cheer for sb ‎ 鼓掌欢迎… clap one’s hands enthusiastically to give sb a warm welcome An enjoyable atmosphere of festival Expecting the festival to lift the heavy load of intense study enjoy what one fancies 二 校园格局 Be situated in Be occupied by With a pleasing environment Be well equipped with all the facilities needed for…‎ Entering the gate, you are greeted by a fountain and blooming flowerbeds Earn an enduring fame Possess a huge collection of books Rules for behavior Cultivation of talented people Attach importance to enriching students’ spiritual wealth A well-copied motto on the wall of the classroom ‎(assembly) hall  礼堂 boarding school  供膳宿的学校 modern teaching building. 现代化的教学楼 dormitory 宿舍 hall of residence学生公寓 academic activities 学术活动 extracurricular activities 课外活动 harmonious and peaceful 和谐平静 三 高考备考场面 reach the limit of one`s ability尽力而为 act up to one`s ideals为理想而努力 commit oneself to an ideal向自己保证要实现一个理想 accept challenges接受挑战 bear the defeat承受挫折 stimulate one`s ambition激发雄心 attain one`s aim实现目标 harden one`s hearts against appeals坚定信念,抵制诱惑 approach every day in a good mood用良好的心态迎接每一天 give full play to potential充分发挥潜能 abandon a bad habit抛弃坏习惯 relieve anxiety释放焦虑 be burdened with被…所负担 feel stressed out感到压力 attend classes attentively认真上课 do some revision for 复习…‎ reflect on 反思…‎ attach importance to daily work重视平时成绩 allocate one`s time among several subjects把时间分配到不同的科目中 apply/set one`s mind to study集中精力学习 fix one`s heart on一心扑在…‎ explore hidden corners of knowledge即know what you don`t know come out first in the exam考试得第一 balance between work and leisure劳逸结合 draw a lesson吸取教训 interact with与…一起协作 we are emotionally conditioned to accept defeat我们通过情绪调节来面对挫折 produce advance取得进展 complete sb. perfectly完善自己 by degree渐渐地 go through many ups and downs经历起起伏伏 life assumes a less depressing aspect生活也有不令人沮丧的一面 cultivate friendship培养友情 one`s efforts pay off努力没有白费 come to a good end得到圆满结局 the experience ages sb. 这个经历使某人成熟 shape one`s character塑造性格 learn with an analytical and critical eye challenge the authority and generate one’s own ideas avoid distractions from keep uninterrupted concentration be confused by a mass of unrelated facts have initiative in giving full play to one’s talents be inspired to make tremendous efforts to improve one’s studying method one will get something new in looking over one’s old studies settle psychological issues through self-adjustment erase the uncertainty towards the future develop a passion for learning no success comes from nothing 四 社区公益宣传 Highlight the consciousness of ....... 强调提高......意识 Have great passion towards 怀有对.....的激情 Appeal to sb to do sth 号召.....做 Complete sb perfectly 完善自己 Gibe sb a positive outlook on life 赋予....积极的人生观 Be well worth promoting /encouraging 值得提倡 Take.....as something natural 认为.....理所当然 Have an obligation to do 有责任做.....‎ Feel rewarded and content in ..... 在...方面有成就感和满足感 Find pleasure in helping others 助人为乐 Strengthen the sense of duty to the society 强化社会责任感 Set an example to 给某人树立榜样 Participate in 参与 public benefit activity 公益活动 宣传法律知识 give publicity to the law 既有教益又有娱乐性 be both instructive and entertaining 社会公德 social morality 反对---的做法 be against the practice of 以---为己任regard---as one’s own responsibility 以---为戒 take---as a warning 以---为目的 with the purpose of ---‎ 把---公之于众 make---known to the public call on---to do--- ‎ 呼吁节约 call for economy 五 欢迎欢送场面 be warmly received by present each other with thoughtfully selected gifts as a reminder of this memorable experience. ‎ Before our departure, a farewell party was held for us and our friends to express our feelings of being reluctant to leave by dancing and singing to our heart’s content 欢送仪式 farewell ceremony ‎ Be at one’s best处在最好的状态 Be in high spirits情绪高涨 Bring tears to one’s eyes使……流泪 be expose to面对 tears well up in one's eyes泪水涌上……眼睛 give sb a great surprise给某人一个惊喜 one's face breaks into a smile like the sun through the clouds脸上露出笑容 feel the same way感同身受 be on a visit to……=pay a visit to参观访问 get together聚会 clap one's hands enthusiastically to give sb a warm welcome鼓掌欢迎 六 绿化环保活动 Arbor Day 植树节 3.12‎ World Environment Day 世界环境日 6.5‎ Refuse/waste sorting, garbage classification 垃圾分类 A system for sorting rubbish 垃圾分类制度体系 Pick up the litter 捡垃圾 ‎ Litter collection and disposal垃圾的回收和处理 Save resources 节约资源 Reduce waste 减少浪费 put forward valuable suggestions 提出合理建议 Create a pleasant ecological environment 建立良好生态环境 undertake the due obligations 承担应有的义务 Protect and improve the living environment 保护改善生活环境 prevent and control pollution 防止污染 ‎ ruin the environment 破坏环境 popularize environmental protection knowledge 普及环保知识 Arose/promote awareness 提高环保意识 Environmental degradation 环境恶化 Pose a threat to health 威胁健康 Water-saving habit 节水习惯 water shortage 水资源短缺 ‎ be in short supply 供应不足 hazardous material 有害物质 bring one’s initiative into full play发挥积极性 play a major/an important role/part in 起重要作用 at risk 在危险中 A is favorable for B 有利于 Pull together 齐心协力 Let us start from ourselves and start from now, care about the environment greening and beautifying. 绿化美化环境 Add new greenness to the wild 用心做 be engaged in doing sth pay for one’s action为。。。的行为承担责任 work to the best of one’s abilities ‎ 扔垃圾 / 捡垃圾 litter rubbish about/ pick up litters 七 游览名胜古迹 Tourist attractions/scenic spots / historic sites ‎ At the invitation of 应……的邀请 In the course of 在……的过程中 In memory of 为了纪念 At night fall 在傍晚 At one’s own charge 自费 Be fascinated by 对……很感兴趣 Offer excellent services 提供优质服务 Expand one’s knowledge 增长知识 Have a good reputation for 因……而著名 Be involved in/be addicted to/be occupied by 沉醉于 Enjoy the scenery 欣赏风景 Bring along prepared lunch 自带午餐 Go climbing/boating/hiking/spring outing;make a tour;have a picnic 爬山/划船/远足/春游/观光/野餐 Litter rubbish about/pick up litters 扔垃圾/捡垃圾 Make a feature of 以……为特色 Cultivate one’s taste 陶冶情操 Be both instructive and entertaining 既有教益又有娱乐性 Public facilities 公共设施 In honor of 为纪念、表敬意 Take care of public property 爱护公共财物 Tourist attractions 旅游景点 Too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 美不胜收 Feel reluctant to leave 恋恋不舍 Scenic spots and historic sites 名胜古迹 Get close to nature 贴近大自然 Take sb on a trip 带某人旅行 See the sunrise/sunset 看日出/落 Put up a tent 支帐篷 Beauty spot/scenic spot 风景点 Come into bloom 开花 The conservation of historic relics对历史遗迹的保护 A guide for visitors to the museum 一个引导游客去博物馆的导游 An inexpressible/infinite/unfailing delight 难以言表的/无穷无尽的/无穷无尽的欢乐 The beauty of the river adds to the picturesqueness of the place 这条美丽的河使得这片地区愈发显得风景如画 The tower affords a better view to onlookers 这个塔为游客提供了更好的视野 The trees are breaking out into buds 树抽出了新芽 A feast for the eyes take quite a few photos there as a reminder of this memorable experience. ‎ 八 课堂讨论发言 A heated discussion was successfully arranged by someone, where we argued with each other how/whether/what ‎ Everyone sat around a table and came up with their respective suggestions. Ideas varied from xx to xx. Every tip given was of practical use.‎ While the other believed that…, someone held the opposite point of view that…, which was thought to be a sound idea.‎ The majority reasoned that…‎ We consulted someone for settling this severe problem.‎ We approach someone for help.‎ Finally, we reached a consensus on.‎ Everyone gave their approval to that advisable proposal 分组讨论 have a discussion in groups ‎ 认真听 listen attentively 进行热烈的讨论 have a heated discussion about ..‎ 做出决定 make a decision on …‎ ‎ 做出选择 make a choice of … or …‎ Be In favor of赞同 九 郊游野餐 gather at school gate and start out early in the morning 在校门集合,一早就开始了活动 excitement grows as we approach the destination 激动之情随着接近目的地而增长 get close to nature 亲近自然 bring along prepared lunch 自带食物 have a picnic 野餐 a feast for the eyes 视觉盛宴 along the peaceful mountain path 沿着静谧的山间小路 a place filled with/ full of attraction 遍是美景的地方 feel reluctant to leave 恋恋不舍 be involved in/be addicted to/be occupied by 沉浸于 a wildness world of the silence and matchless beauty 有着静谧安逸,无与伦比的美景的野外 tired though I was, I felt joyful inside myself 尽管疲劳,内心却充满喜悦 be deeply impressed by the breath-taking scenic spots around us 被周围令人窒息的美景深深吸引 十.社会实践活动 ‎1.才艺表演 Display personal talent and charm Put on a short play Display one’s unique ability/‎ organize a talent show leave sb the deepest impression worth of memorizing ‎ audience were carried away with their amazingly excellent performance enrich students’ school life and cultivate their taste the stand around the playground is packed with spectators 充分体现 give full expression to 载歌载舞 combine both dancing and singing clap one’s hands enthusiastically ‎2.兴趣小组 Train one’s creativity and innovation Encourage one’s individuality Develop a hobby of …/have a great love for…‎ Take part in a volunteer labor Develop all-round talents Elective courses which are both informative and instructive Never fail to sparkle new thoughts nurture one’s thoughts stimulate one’s inspiration be granted freedom in doing sth develop a passion for learning learning should be a process of exploring and understanding of one’s own initiative arouse students’ interest and eagerness in study ‎3.社会调查 Enrich one’s social experience Take part in social practice Participate in Social investigation practice one’s sociable abilities the result is unexpectedly satisfactory and rewarding acquire a broader perspective of life ‎4.军训 take part in the military drills参加军训 Drillmaster 教官 Military uniform军装 Emergency muster紧急集合 Military posture军姿 Drill队列训练 Shooting射击 Make you beds叠被子 Tidy整理内务 Military songs军歌 Knowledge of military theory军事理论知识 Exposed to the burning sun暴晒 Hungry and thirst又饥又渴 Military feelings军训体会 reluctant to part恋恋不舍 harsh严苛 fall in a faint晕倒 be simply tough to live咬牙挺住 train one’s will磨练意志 ‎5.农活 Do farm work干农活 work cooperatively with sb One’s efforts have paid off.‎ with great pride be engaged in doing sth Green house 大棚 Sow播种/Reap收割/Weed除草/Prune剪枝/Fertilize施肥 Load the basket with…装筐 grain 谷物/wheat 小麦/corn 玉米/cotton 棉花 fruit tree 果树/grapevine 葡萄藤 green agriculture绿色农业 pollution—free无公害 ‎6.支教 扶贫帮困 help the needy Raise money募捐 Supporting education支教 Inspiration education励志教育 Bear in mind the ideal铭记理想 Natural disasters自然灾害 Broaden one’s horizons开阔眼界 make a pose for pictures合影留念 ‎ journey of loving care爱心之旅 无私奉献 make selfish contribution to 忙碌不安的时代 a restless hurry-up age ‎ 逃避责任 avoid responsibility 助人为乐 find pleasure in helping others 物质回报 material rewards 强化社会责任感strengthen the sense of duty to the society 对---表示关心 show concern for 与---共命运 share fate with ‎ 使---终身受益 benefit---through one’s life 十一 体育比赛 ‎ ‎(一)介词短语 1. by means of 依靠 2. for lack of 因缺乏 3. In the interest of 为了…的利益 4. Under the direction of 在…指导之下 5. With the intention of 抱着…的目的 6. At ease 自在 7. In the course of 在…过程中 8. For the purpose of 为了…的目的 9. In addition to 除…以外 10. In favor of 有利于 11. In need of 需要 12. In the eye of 从…观点来看 (二) 重要的动词与介词搭配 1. Profit from 利用 2. Serve as 起…作用 (三) 表示情感的词组 1. 对…感兴趣 be enthusiastic about ‎ 2. 处在最好的状态 be at one’s best 3. 情绪高涨 be in high spirits 4. 用心做 be engaged in doing sth.‎ 5. 对…产生重大影响 have a tremendous impact on 6. 参加运动 take exercise 7. 增强意识 heighten one's sense of 8. 完善自己 complete sb. perfectly 9. 值得提倡 be well worth promoting / encouraging 10. 为快乐而为 do it just for fun 11. 爱好 ‎ develop a hobby of doing … /have a great love for 12. 对…越来越感兴趣 One's interest in … grows.‎ 1. 增强…的认识 increase awareness of ‎ 2. 合适于 be right for 3. 是不可或缺的部分 be an integral part of 4. 坚持到底 keep going / hold on 5. 塑造个人形象 shape one's image (四) 精彩句型 1. Be worth the effort / time 值得做努力/值得花时间 2. ‎ Balance work and entertainment 劳逸结合 3. ‎ Do sth. for fun 为快乐而为 4. Be beneficial to sb. / benefit sb. / make for sth. 有利于 ‎ Benefit from sth. 从…受益 5. attach importance to sth. = regard sth. as important ‎ ‎ 认为有某种重要性 (五) 表示活动的常用词组 1. 开运动会 hold a sports meeting ‎ 2. 从事体育活动 do / go in for sports 3. 观看一场势均力敌的比赛Watch a close match/game 4. 在…大量训练 have a great deal of practice in 5. 开展竞赛Have a competition(between)‎ 6. 组织/参加课外活动 ‎ organize / take part in the out-of-class activities 7. 做早操 do morning exercise 8. 爬山/划船/远足/春游/观光/野炊 ‎ go climbing /boating /spring outing / make a tour / have a picnic 9. 为…加油 cheer for sb.‎ 10. 参加某人之中做游戏 join sb. In playing games 11. 举行篮球比赛 Hold a basketball match 12. 参加军训 take part in the military drills 13. 举行竞赛 Hold/organize a competition 14. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组 join a team / club / group 15. 在操场上站队 Line up on the playground 16. 赢了一个球/一分 win by one goal / point 17. ‎(身体)垮了 break down 18. A match between the host and a visiting team 19. The match turned out to be an even one.‎ 20. The hosting team finally carried the day.‎ 21. The score came to 36:30 in one's favor.‎ 22. manage to turn the table 23. Shoot the decisive ball 24. The coach was tossed into the air after victory.‎ (六) 精彩搭配 1. 兼有… 和… 的好处 combine the advantage of …and …‎ 2. 对…有好处 Bring good advantage to 3. 使…终生受益 benefit …through one's life 1. 对…有吸引力Have an attraction for 2. 缓解烦恼 ease one's trouble 3. 拼搏精神 Spirit of fighting with all one's might 4. 集体精神 the community spirit 5. 强身健体 Build one's body 6. 改掉…的习惯 get rid of the habit of 7. 起作用 Take effect 8. 参加与活动:‎ Participate 参与 Conduct 引导,主持 Perform 表演 Undertake 承担 Implement 实施 Get down to do 着手认真处理 Be engaged in 忙于 Get involved in 投入,卷入 Interact with 与…相互作用。与…一起活动合作/互动 Be exposed to sth. 面对 十二 竞选与演讲 He accompanied his lecture with color slides 他的演讲配有彩色幻灯片 Be accomplished at/in 专长,擅长,精通 She acted out the scene with considerable skill她用很多技巧把这幕场景表现了出来 Deliver/give/make/present/draft/televise an address to发表/起草/电视演说 I was annoyed at his tone of speaking我很反感她说话的语调 The lecture appeals to the students’ interest这个讲座吸引了学生的兴趣 Appear at the lecture出席讲座 Make the first appearance第一次亮相 He bore away all the prizes他夺得了所有的奖项 Carry off prizes夺得奖项 He was narrowly beaten in the finals他在决赛中惜败 The honor belongs to the team这个荣誉属于集体 Bent from the waist深鞠躬 He was brought over to my side他被说服,支持我这一方了 Adopt/nominate/put up/select a candidate采用/提名/提名/挑选一个候选人 A qualified/alternative/leading/unworthy candidate for一个合格的/可替换的/首席的/不合格的候选人 cast light/doubt on a subject阐明/怀疑一个主题 cast a critical eye over sb’s performance用批评的眼光看某人的表现 The winning team chaired their captain off the field获胜队举着他们的队长离开场地 An unfulfilled/passionate commitment一个未实现的/充满激情的承诺 corner an opponent in argument在辩论中使对手陷入困境 The lecture deals very fully with the subject这个演讲充分的讨论了这个主题 Remain graceful in defeat在挫败面前保持风度 Narrowly defeat the opponent险胜对手 Apply one’s ear to专注的倾听 Find a ready ear with sb洗耳恭听 Enter (oneself) for a competition报名参赛 I don’t want to enter further into the subject我不想进一步讨论这个话题 A fit of laughter一阵笑声 Give full play to充分发挥 十三 集资赈灾 描述:‎ Part 1:‎ 自然灾害 natural disasters 对……造成伤害 cause damage to Part 2:‎ 热泪盈眶 one’s eyes are brimmed with tears ‎ 夺走了 run away with ‎ 采取行动 take measures 心情沉重 one’s heart is heavy 感同身受 feel the same way 对……表示同情 feel sympathy for 对……表示同情 have mercy on…‎ 有责任做…… have an obligation to do 认为……有某种重要性 attach importance to somethingregard sth as important 值得做努力、值得花时间 be worth the effortthe time 号召……做 appeal to sb to do sth 号召做…… call on to do 值得提倡 be well worth promotingencourage 以……的名义 in the name of ‎ 与……共命运 share the fate with ‎ Part3:‎ 情绪高涨 be in high spirit 对……大的热情,以至于…… there is so much enthusiasm for…that…‎ 积少成多 many a little makes a mickle 充分调动积极性 give full play to one’s initiative 意义:‎ 强化社会责任感 strengthen the sense of duty to the society 奉献精神 spirit of devotion ‎ 无私奉献 make selfish contribution to ‎ 不经灾难不知福 misfortune tells us what fortune is 众人拾柴火焰高 there is strength in numbers 团结就是力量 union is strength 十四 打扫卫生 be responsible for ‎ conduct a thorough cleaning in the dorms find a broom扫把 and a dustpan簸箕 ‎ set about cleaning and sweeping the room开始清扫 make the room spotless 把房间收拾得一尘不染 On arrival, we were led to the well-prepared dorms which needed to be tidied.‎ make the bed do a beautiful job of cleaning up the dorms girls take care of the cleaning keep the room neat and tidy do the washing 洗衣服 wash/do the dishes spend all morning doing housework help with the housework clean the windows sweep the floor扫地 sweep the room with a broom sweep away the rubbish/ the broken glass sweep the rubbish/dirt into a dustpan sweep the sidewalk after a snowfall sweep the leaves up into a pile 把树叶扫成一堆 make the room take on a new look in spite of the tiredness, we…‎ 十五 中西方文化体验 ‎1对。。。很感兴趣 be enthusiastic about ‎ Be crazy about ‎ Be fascinated by ‎2对。。。产生重大影响 have a tremendous impact on ‎ Have a great influence on ‎ Have a strong effect on ‎3加深感情 deepen one’s affection ‎4形成持久良好的关系 form a lasting constructive bond ‎5在价值观和文化背景上有极大的不同 vary vastly on values and cultures ‎6… 很有价值 count for much … 没有价值 count for nothing ‎7认为…理所当然 take … as something natural ‎8彼此互补 complement each other ‎9增长知识 expand one’s knowledge ‎10以开放的心态 be open to …‎ ‎11求同存异 find the common ground and put aside the differences ‎12是不可或缺的部分 be an integral part of …‎ ‎13促进互相的理解 promote the understanding of each other ‎14消除隔阂 smooth rough edges ‎15feel the same way 感同身受 ‎16attach importance to sth = regard sth as important 认为有某种重要性 ‎17What is most impressive is that … 给人留下深刻印象的是 …‎ ‎18enlarge one’s knowledge ; broaden one’s horizon; enrich one’s life; accumulate one’s experience ‎ 丰富某人的知识;扩宽某人的眼界;丰富某人的生活;积累某人的经验 ‎19听报告 attend a lecture/report ‎20学…课程take up the course of …‎ ‎21上课 attend class (学生) / hold a class / give a lesson (老师)‎ ‎22发表个人意见 present one’s personal ideas ‎23德智体美劳 all-round development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labor education ‎24理想教育 education in high ideals ‎ ‎25学习成绩 school record ‎26世界观,人生观,价值观 outlook on the world,life and values ‎27培养独立分析解决问题的能力 develop the ability to analyze and solve problems independently ‎28放眼世界 have the global view ‎ ‎29求大同存小异 seek common ground on major questions while reserving minor differences ‎30取长补短 draw on the strong points of others to make up for one’s own weak points ‎31取其精华去其糟粕 absorb what is good and reject what is bad 十六 师生情 in honor of 向。。。表示敬意 ‎ with concern 关切地 in good taste 风格高尚的 ‎ inherit….from….从。。。继承。。。‎ Impress….with….使。。。。对。。。印象深刻 我们真诚的希望 it is sincerely hoped that 处在最好的状态 be at one’s best 加深感情 deepen one’s affection 使。。。流泪 bring tears to one’s eyes 突然有了一个好主意 A good idea flashes across one’s mind 耐心地 with great patience 坚持不懈地追求目标 persist in pursuing one’s goal 怀有对。。。的激情 have great passion towards 认真接受某人忠告 take one’s words to heart 深受鼓舞 be much motivated by ‎ Be much inspired by 激发灵感 spark one’s inspiration for 培养创造力和创新精神 train one’s creativity and innovation 激励个性发展 encourage one’s individuality 把理论和实践结合起来 combine theory with practice 展现个人的特质和风采 display personal talent and charm 坚守原则 stick to the principle 集中精力 be concentrated on 参加运动 take exercise 形成持久良好的关系 form a lasting constructive bond 号召…做… appeal to sb to do sth 脸上露出微笑 One’s face breaks into a smile like the sun through the clouds.‎ 纠正错误行为 right the wrongs on a beautiful campus 在一个美丽的校园 开运动会/班会 hold a sports meeting/class meeting 讲课 give a lecture 培养多方面才能 develop all-round talents 会独立思考have independent mind be strict at times but never severe or stern neither too tough nor too permissive deserve one’s love and respect teaching is a sacred profession not only impart knowledge to students but also train their moral character personal charm a capacity for sympathy be intellectually honest remain mentally alert to develop one’s teachership find one’s teaching satisfactory and rewarding make one’s teaching process enjoyable and productive achieve academic excellence lectures are always well-prepared and clearly delivered an intellectually stimulating teacher learning should be a process of exploring and understanding of one’s own initiative arouse students’ interest and eagerness in study take great trouble in correcting papers obtain the assistance of ‎ examine oneself frequently no diligence, no accomplishment possess good morality 十七 学校庆典 ‎ 庆典时 All the students gather at 学生在某地聚齐 A fancy and well-organized ceremony 一个别致且有组织的庆典 Hold the ceremony 举行庆典 School hall 学校礼堂 In celebration of 为了庆祝什么 With one’s enthusiastic clap, 伴随着我们热情的掌声 如果有事先准备的场景 Decide on 数字 main tasks 决定要做的事 Perform 表演,执行 Set out with great enthusiasm 兴奋地开始 Get involved in 投入 Interact with SB 与某人合作 Cost sb sth 使某人付出 Work to the best of one’s ablities 尽力去做 十八 突发事件 ‎ take sb. to a safe place 把、、、带到安全地带 ‎ struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 ‎ hurry to the hospital 匆忙赶到医院 ‎ rush over to support the blind/old man 跑过去搀扶盲人老人 ‎ struggle along the road against the wind 逆风而行 ‎ meet across a downpour/a heavy snow/a wind storm下大雨大雪刮大风 ‎ come to a stop suddenly 突然停止 ‎ rescue sb. Onto the rivev bank 把某人救到河岸上 ‎ take a sharp turn 突然转弯 ‎ struggle in the river 在河中挣扎 ‎ miss one’s step 一脚踩空 trip over and fall to the ground 绊了一跤 have trips and fall in a row 摔了好几跤 hit sb. On the head 打中了某人头部 put out the fire 扑灭火灾 come to oneself 苏醒过来 take sb. by mistake 误拿了某物 run down sb. 撞到某人 rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 a rear end accident 追尾 have a headache/leg ache/stomachache 头/腿/肚子疼 can’t stand steady 站不住 fall to the ground with sudden force 重重摔在地上 meet cross a traffic jam 遭遇交通堵塞 十九 学习生活和互相帮助 Elective courses which are both informative and instructive Never fail to sparkle one’s new thoughts Offer to help sb cope with demanding courses Facilitate instead of hindering one’s mental development Arouse concern from To put such a serious problem to an end Study a subject thoroughly An enjoyable atmosphere of study stimulate one’s inspiration Aim at a comprehensive cultivation Reach maturity maintain mental health settle psychological issues through self-adjustment erase the uncertainty towards the future tend to be indulged in the games too much exposure to the computer undermine students’ health relieve the pressure to achieve high marks lessen the burden of study associate oneself with different kinds friends be granted freedom in doing sth be burdened with heavy assignments develop a passion for learning no success comes from nothing students’ associations sense of belonging a broader perspective of life a straight-A student books bring unlimited additional experience books serve as an ideal supplement to one’s mind books make one more resourceful learn with an analytical and critical eye challenge the authority and generate one’s own ideas avoid distractions from keep uninterrupted concentration be confused by a mass of unrelated facts have initiative in giving full play to one’s talents be inspired to make tremendous efforts to improve one’s studying method one will get something new in looking over one’s old studies 二十 学雷锋活动 值得提倡 be well worth promoting / encouraging ‎… 很有价值 count for much 净化心灵 purify one’s mind 有责任做… have an obligation to do …‎ speak highly/well/much of sb 高度评价 号召---做--- call on---to do---‎ 加强---的宣传力度 give more publicity to---‎ 把---放在第一位put---in the first place ‎ 以---为荣 take pride in 改变心态 change one’s mentality ‎ ‎ 使---终身受益 benefit---through one’s life 以---为己任regard---as one’s own responsibility 以---为戒 take---as a warning ‎ 以身作则 set an example for others 与不良现象作斗争fight against evil phenomenon ‎ 对---宽容 be easy on 向钱看 put money above all 占便宜 profit at others’ expense 助人为乐 find pleasure in helping others 以自我为中心 be self-centered 物质回报 material rewards 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste 缓解烦恼 ease one’s trouble 精神财富 spiritual wealth 社会公德 social morality 理想教育 education in high ideals 继承优秀传统carry forward the fine tradition 世界观 world outlook 人生观,价值观 outlook on life and values 无私奉献 make selfish contribution to 扶贫帮困 help the needy 给某人让座 offer one’s seat to sb ‎ 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人 rush over to support the blind/old man ‎ 把某人救到河岸上 rescue sb onto the river bank ‎ 在河中挣扎 struggle in the river 张开双臂拥抱某人 stretch out one’s arms to embrace sb 去营救某人 come to one’s rescue 帮某人一把 do sb a favor ‎ 感谢某人做了某事 express one’s gratitude to sb for doing sth 二十大情景 ‎1.描述节日活动 2.介绍校园环境格局 3.高考备考场面 4.社区公益宣传5.欢迎欢送场面 6. 环保绿化活动 7.参观名胜古迹8.班会讨论发言 9. 郊游野餐场面 10. 社会实践活动(军训/农活/支教/才艺表演/兴趣小组/参观 11 体育比赛 12 竞选与演说 13 集资赈灾 14 打扫卫生 15 中西文化体验 16 师生情 17.学校庆典 18 突发事件 19 学习生活和互相帮助 20 学雷锋 ‎ ‎

