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‎2012高考英语高频词汇单选专练(6)‎ ‎1. The workmen made so much _____ that Mrs. Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.‎ A. trouble B. damage C. mess D. nuisance ‎[答案] C. mess.‎ ‎[注释]make mess弄得乱七八糟。Make a mess of“把。.....弄得乱七八糟”:He made a mess of his work. (他把他的工作搞得乱七八糟。‎ ‎2. They have held several meetings to _____ next year's production plans.‎ A. set down B. make out C. work up D. draw up ‎[答案] D. draw up.‎ 本题译文, 他们已开过几次会议来起草明年得生产计划。‎ ‎3. How can we get this language point _____ to the students.‎ A. down B. round C. across D. into ‎[答案] C. across.‎ 本题译文, 我们怎样才能把这个语言点向学生讲清楚?‎ ‎4. This book gives a brief _____ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.‎ A. outline B. reference C. article D. outlook ‎[答案] A. outline.‎ ‎[注释]outline 轮廓, 概要; give an outline of sth. 概要说明某事。‎ ‎5. Dress warmly, _____ you'll catch cold.‎ A.on the contraryB.or rather C. or else D. in no way ‎[答案] C. or else.‎ ‎[注释]or else (=otherwise; if not) 否则:Hurry up, or (else) you'll be late.‎ ‎6. Kate's ambition to become a nurse _____ from a desire to help others.‎ A. prompted B. promoted C. programmed D. proceeded ‎[答案] D. proceeded.‎ ‎[注释]proceed from(=arise from) 来自; 由。.....产生:‎ ‎1) Clouds of smoke proceeded from the chimney. (从烟囱里升起缕缕浓烟。)‎ ‎2) This proceeded from ignorance. (这是出于无知。)‎ ‎[注意] proceed的其他用法: (=go on [to do sth.]; continue) 接着 (做某事) ;继续进行;‎ ‎1) He proceeded to give me a vivid description of the mountainous scenery there. (他接着给我栩栩如生地描述那里的山区景色。)‎ ‎2) 接介词with; Now please proceed with your story. (现在请你接着将下去。)‎ ‎3) 接介词to: We will now proceed to the next business. (我们现在将接着干下面的一件事。)‎ ‎4) 准备取得 (某种学位) :He will proceed to the degree of M.A. this year. (他准备今年取得文科硕士学位。)‎ 本题译文:凯特想当护士的志向出自于帮助他人的愿望。‎ ‎7. The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a _____.‎ A.observationB.reservationC. preservationD.conservation ‎[答案] D. conservation.‎ ‎[注释] conservation保存(自然资源等)‎ ‎1)the conservation of soil and water 水土保持;‎ ‎2)the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律。‎ observation观察;‎ reservation (旅馆房间、戏院座位等的) 预定; 保留 (意见) ;[美]保留地:‎ ‎1) Have you make your reservations? (你预定了没有?)‎ ‎2) I will accept the suggestion without reservation. (我将毫无保留地接受这项建议。)‎ ‎3) The government has set apart Indian reservations. (政府已经划出印地安人保留地。)‎ preservation保存 We must strive for the preservation of our natural resources. (我们必须努力保护自然资源)conservation, preservation, reservation从汉语概念出发时很容易混淆。‎ Conservation是动词conserve派生的名词, 与原来动词的意义相同, 表示"保持、保存”时, 强调“珍惜、节用。‎ Preservation是动词preserve派生的名词, 强调“收藏、保存”使之完好无损或质量不变; 常与食品、博物馆收藏的展品等词搭配。‎ Reservation主要指意见、看法等的“保留”; 作“保留地”解时, 尤指美国印地安人保留地或澳大利亚土著民族保留地。本题指自然生态的保持, 用conservation最切题。‎ 本题译文:这个珍禽巢居的岛已宣布为自然保护区。‎ ‎8. Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister _____ charge of the house.‎ A. take B. hold C. make D. get ‎[答案] A. take.‎ ‎[注释]take charge of (=to be or become responsible for sb. or sth.) 负责、掌管、看管; He took charge of the department (or the children)‎ ‎9. The child enjoyed _____ up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.‎ A. adding B. pushing C. piling D. forming ‎[答案] C. piling.‎ ‎[注释] pile up(=lay in a pile or as if in a pile) 把。.....放成一堆, 堆积:pile up the books on the table (把书堆在桌子上) .‎ Pile up作不及物动词用, 意为“积压; (若干汽车) 相撞”:‎ ‎1) Perishable goods are piling up at the docks. (码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。)‎ ‎2) Several cars piled up after ignoring the fog warning on the motorway. (‎ 由于无视高速公路上的大雾警告, 有好几辆汽车相撞。)‎ ‎10. John was very upset because he was _____ by the police with breaking the law.‎ A. accused B. arrested C. sentenced D.charged ‎[答案] D. charged.‎ ‎[注释]be charged with受指控犯有。.....; He was charged with murder. (他受指控犯有凶杀罪。)‎ ‎2012高考英语高频词汇单选专练(7)‎ ‎1.It isn't quite _____ that he will be present at the meeting.‎ A. sure B. right C. exact D. certain ‎[答案] D. certain.‎ ‎[注释]I am sure that +从句。He is sure to come. = He is certain to come.但在it作形式主语, that引导主语从句时, 主句中表语只能用certain, 不能用sure.‎ ‎2. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.‎ A. opportunitiesB.realitiesC.necessitiesD. probabilities ‎[答案] A. opportunities.‎ ‎[注释]opportunity常指“ (难得的应抓住的) 机会”, 既可作可数名词, 也可以作不可数名词用, 如:‎ ‎1)I had few opportunities of meeting interesting people there.‎ ‎2)They had not much opportunity for hearing good music in the remote area.‎ ‎3. The members of the club wouldn't run a _____ in entrusting(委托) the organization to an unreliable person.‎ A. danger B. risk C. hazard D. chance ‎[答案] B. risk.‎ ‎[注释]run a risk (in) 冒险:You are running a big risk in trusting him.‎ 本题译文:俱乐部成员不愿冒险把这个组织委托给一个不可靠的人管理。‎ ‎4. The meeting was _____ when the chairman fell ill.‎ A.put down B.shut out C.cut short D.taken off ‎[答案] C. cut short.‎ ‎[注释]cut short(=interrupt) 打断, 中断:‎ ‎1) He made a suggestion, but I cut him short. (他提了个建议, 但我打断了他。)‎ ‎2) He cut short his tour and returned home. (他中断旅行, 回家了。)‎ shut off(=cut off, interrupt) 切断, 中断; 由指切断供应等, 如:‎ The water was shut off for several hours while the plumber repaired the pipes.‎ Shut out(=keep out; exclude; prevent form entering) 把......关在外面, 排除, 不让入内:‎ ‎1) He shut the cat out. (他把猫关在外面。)‎ ‎2) The law was designed to shut out immigrants. (这项法律旨在拒绝移民入竟。)‎ ‎3) They shut out the dust by having double windows. (他们用双层窗户防尘。)‎ ‎4) They begin to speak French, shutting out the boy from their conversation. (他们讲起法语来, 使这个男孩无法参加他们的谈话。)‎ ‎5. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough _____ for his organizing ability.‎ A. scope B. space C. capacity D. range ‎[答案] A. scope.‎ ‎[注释]本题中scope(=opportunity; outlet) 施展机会, 发展余地, 是不可数名词, 如:Give someone scope to show his ability. Range意指“变动范围; 视听范围; 理解范围”, 如:the range of prices (价格变动范围).‎ ‎6. I just managed to _____ a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.‎ A. snatch B. scratch C. scrape D. scan ‎[答案] A. snatch.‎ ‎[注释] snatch的原义是“攫取; 抓住; 夺得”。本题中snatch意指“匆忙间设法得到”, 如:‎ ‎1)He snatched an hour of sleep. (他匆匆睡了一小时觉。)‎ ‎2)snatch a quick breath (匆忙猛吸了一口气)。‎ ‎7. My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very _____ about the food he eats.‎ A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. unusual ‎[答案] C. particular.‎ ‎[注释]be particular about对......讲究, 挑剔;‎ ‎1)She is very particular about what she wears. (她对她得穿着很讲究。)‎ ‎2)Mr. Smith was quite particular about my work. (史密斯先生对工作十分挑剔。)‎ ‎8. I don't think the charge for overhauling (大修)the equipment is excessive in _____ to its size.‎ A.correspondenceB.equationC.proportionD. dimension ‎[答案] C. proportion.‎ ‎[注释]in proportion to是固定搭配, 意为“与......成比例, 与.......相称”。反义语:out of proportion不成比例,不相称。本题称。‎ 本题译文:我认为该设备的大修费并不过分, 是与它的大小相称的。‎ ‎9. Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.‎ A. swollen B. raised C. developed D. increased ‎[答案] B. raised.‎ ‎[注释]raise (=lift up) one's voice提高嗓门, 高声叫喊。‎ Raise one's voice against sth. 意为“为抗议某事而大声疾呼”, 如:‎ As no one raised his voice against the plan, it was agreed on. (因为没有人发表反对意见, 该计划就一致通过了。)‎ voice的常用习语有:‎ the public voice (舆论) ,‎ under one's voice (小声地) ,‎ with one voice (异口同声地,一致地)‎ lose one's voice (嗓子哑了, 说不出话来) ,‎ have no voice with (对某事无发言权)。‎ ‎10. Having lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt _____ among the local people.‎ A. out of order B. out of place C. out of control D. out of the question ‎[答案] B. out of place.‎ ‎[注释]out of place(=in the wrong place or at the wrong time; not suitable; improper) (作表语用) 不适宜, 不得体:‎ ‎1) Joan was the only girl who wore a formal at the party, and she felt out of place. (=She felt embarrassed because her dress was not suitable for the party.)‎ ‎2) It was out of place for Russell to laugh at the old lady. (=It was not proper; she should not have done it.)‎ 此外,out of place(=not in the right usual place or position) (作状语用) 不在原来通常的地方:‎ Helen fell and knocked one of her teeth out of place. Out of order 发生故障; 失调。‎ Out of control 失去控制 Out of the question不可能的。‎ ‎2012高考英语高频词汇单选专练(8)‎ ‎1. He stopped his ears with his hands to _____ the terrible noise.‎ A. show off B. cut out C. keep from D. shut out ‎[答案] D. shut out.‎ ‎[注释]shut out排除。show off炫耀; cut out删掉; keep from;‎ ‎1) 隐瞒; She kept the truth from me. (她向我隐瞒真相。)‎ ‎2) 不沾, 避开; He keeps from alcohol. (他滴酒不沾。)‎ ‎3) 使不做某事:She kept herself from laughing. (她没有笑出来。)‎ ‎2. My house is the only brick one on the street. It _____ and you can't miss it.‎ A. stands up B. looks out C. sticks out D. wipes out ‎[答案] C. stick out.‎ ‎[注释]stick out (=protrude, project) 伸出, 突出; 显露, 显眼:‎ ‎1) The doctor asked him to stick his tongue out.‎ ‎2) Spelling mistakes stick out in this composition. (这篇作文中拼写错误很显眼。)‎ stick out (=endure to the end) 坚持到底;‎ If you can stick out a bit longer ,everything will be all right. (假如你能在坚持一下, 一切都会好起来。)‎ wipe out擦去, 消灭 ‎3. After the show, the crowd _____ out of the theater.‎ A. poured B. melted C. drew D. dismissed ‎[答案] A. poured.‎ ‎[注释]pour 此处意为:涌出, 涌来, 如:People poured out to the rally. (人们踊跃参加群众大会。)‎ ‎4. Although it is not our normal _____ to give credit, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.‎ A. state B. intention C. occasion D. practice ‎[答案] D. practice.‎ ‎[注释]practice (=way of doing sth. That is common or habitual; sth. done regularly) 做法, 惯例 :‎ It is my practice always to rise early. To give credit 让赊欠:No credit is given at this shop. (这家商店概不赊欠。)‎ ‎5. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in _____.‎ A. news B. print C. publication D. press ‎[答案] B. print.‎ ‎[注释]in print是习语, 意指“印出来, 发表出来”, 如:‎ She finally saw her novel in print. (她终于看到他的小说出版了。)‎ in print 的另一个意思是“在印行, 还在发行”, 如:‎ This book is still in print. (这本书还在发行, 可以买到)‎ 反义词是out of print, 意指“不在印行, 买不到了。”如:‎ The book you speak of is out of print. (你说到的那本书已不在发行了。)‎ ‎6. The engineers have rejected the employers' proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out in _____.‎ A. opposition B. return C. sympathy D. readiness ‎[答案] C. sympathy.‎ ‎[注释] in sympathy以示同情, come out 此处意为 (=declare oneself) 表明态度, 所以come out in sympathy 意为“表示同情”。‎ In return作为报答, 如:I wanted nothing in return . (我不要什么报答。)‎ collaboration协作, 如:work in collaboration with sb. (与某人协力合作) 。‎ Opposition反对, 如:rise in opposition to (起来反对) 。‎ readiness 准备 (状态); 待机, 如:having everything in readiness for departure (做好一切准备, 以便出发)。‎ ‎7. Her work is often very hard and she gets very tired. The work is _____.‎ A.wonderful B.splendid C.tedious D.magnificent ‎[答案] C. tedious .‎ ‎[注释] tedious (=tiresome ;wearying; uninteresting) "沉闷的, 厌烦的, 乏味的”。Splendid 壮丽的, 辉煌的, 极好的。magnificent 壮丽的, 宏伟的:It was a magnificent ceremony. (这是一次盛大隆重的仪式)。‎ ‎8. With prices _____ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.‎ A.fluctuating B.waving C.swinging D.vibrating ‎[答案] A. fluctuating ‎[注释]本句前一部分是"with+名词+现在分词短语"的独立结构, 做状语。‎ Fluctuate(=move up and down) (指物价, 标准等的) 波动。如:Prices fluctuate from year to year. (物价年年波动)‎ wave飘扬, 挥舞; 招手; (庄稼的) 波动。‎ Swing摆动, 摇摆; vibrate振动。可见, 根据题意, 只能选A. fluctuating.‎ ‎9. Some teenagers have a generalized resentment against society, which _____ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.‎ A. deprives B. restricts C. rejects D. denies ‎[答案] D. denies.‎ ‎[注释]deny (=refuse to give or allow) 拒绝给予:He denied his children nothing . (孩子们要什么他就给什么。)‎ deprive(=take away from) .剥夺。deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某物:They deprived women of the right to vote. (他们剥夺了妇女的投票权。)‎ restrict(=keep within limits) The doctor restricted him to 5 cigarettes a day. (医生限制他一天抽5支烟。)‎ reject(refuse to accept ) 拒绝接受, 如:She rejected my suggestion.‎ 本题译文:一些十几岁的孩子们往往对社会有普遍的逆反心理, 虽然他们发育成熟, 但社会拒绝给予他们同成年人一样的权利和优惠。‎ ‎10. Though _____ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.‎ A. raised B. grown C. developed D. cultivated ‎[答案] A. raised ‎[注释]本句中Though raised in San Franciscos是省略的让步状语从句。Raise (=bring up) 抚养:grow种植; cultivate耕作; 培养 (友谊等) 。‎ 如cultivate后接某人, 则意为“培养与某人的感情”。如:John always tries to cultivate the people, who are useful to him professionally. (约翰一向喜欢与事业上对他有用的人来往。)‎ 本题译文:尽管在旧金山长大, 但戴夫米切尔总是愿意把小镇生活中平凡的事情记载下来。‎ ‎2012高考英语高频词汇单选专练(9)‎ ‎1. I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso. It's only a copy and so it's _____.‎ A.priceless B.invaluable C.unworthy D. worthless ‎[答案] D. worthless.‎ ‎[注释] worthless 无价值的, 无用的。Priceless 无价的, 贵重的, 无法估价的:a priceless treasure 无价之宝。Invaluable 无法估价的, 非常宝贵的。Unworthy 不值得的, 不配的; 无价值的。‎ ‎2. The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday.‎ A. action B. performance C. view D. sight ‎[答案] B. performance.‎ ‎[注释]performance (话剧的) 一场演出。‎ ‎3. It was a long time before the cut on my hand _____ completely.‎ A. healed B. cured C. improved D. recovered ‎[答案] A. healed.‎ ‎[注释] heal ‎1) 使痊愈, 治愈:The salve will help to heal the wound. (这种药膏能治愈你的伤。)‎ ‎2) 痊愈 (多指外伤) :The cut on my leg has healed. (我腿上的伤口以痊愈。) 可见, 本题是heal的第二种用法。‎ cure治疗, 治好;‎ ‎1) The drug cured my fever. (这种药使我退烧了。)‎ ‎2)This medicine should cure you of your cold. (这种药定会治好你的感冒。)‎ recover也可以表示“痊愈”, 意为“恢复正常”。例如:‎ ‎1) I think she will recover. (我认为她会痊愈的。)‎ ‎2) He almost fell ill, but quickly recovered. (他差点病到, 但很快就痊愈了。)‎ 也可以用recovered做表语表示“痊愈, 恢复正常:Are you completely recovered from your illness? (你的病是不是完全好了?)‎ ‎[注意] recovervi. 用作“痊愈”时, 句子主语通常是人。Improve改善, 此词无“治疗”或“痊愈”之意。‎ 本题译文:过了很长时间我手上的伤口才痊愈。‎ ‎4. To get my travelers' checks I had to have the bank _____ a special check for the total amount.‎ A. make up B. make out C. make for D. make up for ‎[答案] B. make out.‎ ‎[注释] make out 辨别 ‎5. She said she was glad the difficulty had been _____.‎ A. cleared away B. cleared up C. broken away D. broken down ‎[答案] B. cleared up.‎ ‎[注释] clear up 解释, 澄清; 解决:‎ ‎1) I had some doubts, but now they are cleared up. (以前我有许多疑点, 但现在都解决了。)‎ ‎2) The book has cleared up many difficulties for me. (这本书解决了我不少困难。)‎ clear away清除 ‎6. I used to be able to play well but I'm _____ now.‎ A. out of date B. out of touch C. out of practice D. out of place ‎[答案] C. out of practice.‎ ‎[注释] out of practice荒废, 久不练习; out of date 过时, 老式; out of touch失去联系; out of place不在适当的位置 ‎7. As soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.‎ A. woke B. waken C. wake D. awake ‎[答案] D. awake.‎ ‎[注释]awake adj.醒着的 (作表语) .Awake, awaken, wake, waken都可以作及物和不及物动词用, 但是awake多用作不及物动词, 其中wake最常用。‎ ‎8. Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to _____ of his life.‎ A. despair B. designate C. disappoint D. despise ‎[答案] A. despair.‎ ‎[注释] despair of (=be in despair) 对。......失望:‎ ‎1) Don't despair: things will get better soon.‎ ‎2) He began to despair of success.‎ ‎3) He despaired of being able to repair the TV set. (他对能否修好这台电视机表示失望。)‎ designate指明, 指出, despise轻视, 藐视。‎ ‎9. The government's strong action demonstrated its _____ to crush the rebellion.‎ A. energy B. resistance C. courage D. determination ‎[答案] D. determination.‎ ‎[注释] determination意为“决心”, 后常接动词不定式作定语。‎ ‎10. New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming Antarctic _____.‎ A. excursion B. execution C. extraction D. expedition ‎[答案] D. expedition.‎ ‎[注释]expedition 远征, 探险; excursion 短途旅行, 游览; execution 实施, 执行; extraction 提取。‎ ‎2012高考英语高频词汇单选专练(10)‎ ‎1. Probability is the mathematical study of the _____ of an event's occurrence.‎ A. desire B. likelihood C. result D. effect ‎[答案] B. likelihood ‎[注释] 句意:概率是对事件发生的可能性的数学研究。‎ ‎2. Driving a car without insurance can have _____ consequences.‎ A. uncertain B. disastrous C. potential D. unworthy ‎[答案] B. disastrous.‎ ‎[注释] disastrous 灾难性的。‎ ‎3. The police refused to _____ the clues they were working on.‎ A. exhibit B. disclose C. expose D. discern ‎[答案] B. disclose.‎ ‎[注释]disclose(=uncover; allow to be seen; make known) 透露, 使显露:‎ ‎1) The lawyer disclosed the details of the case.‎ ‎2) He disclosed that he had made arrangements to buy a new car.‎ exhibit展览, 展出, 显示, expose暴露,discern 认出, 发现, 辨别,识别。‎ 本题译文:警方拒绝透露他们正在调查的线索。‎ ‎4. What you have done is _____ the doctor's orders.‎ A. attached to B. resistant to C. responsible to D. contrary to ‎[答案] D. contrary to.‎ ‎[注释] (be) contrary to与.......相反, 违反 ‎1)作表语):What you wish to do is contrary to the regulations.‎ ‎2)作状语:‎ a. If you act contrary to the doctor's advice, you won't get well again.‎ b. Contrary to what I thought, he has proved to be successful.‎ ‎3) 作定语:The boy was swimming in a direction contrary to the current. (这男孩朝着逆流方向游去。)‎ ‎5. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of _____ quality, he'd tell them so.‎ A. minor B. humble C. inferior D. awkward ‎[答案] C. inferior ‎[注释] inferior 本题译文:这位商店售货员对顾客很坦率。如果货物质量不好, 他就把情况告诉顾客。‎ ‎6. The continuous rain was _____ for the exceptional poor harvest A. blamed B. condemned C. accused D. charged ‎[答案] A. blamed.‎ ‎[注释] blame sb./sth. for ... 因.......埋怨、责怪 .......:He blames you for neglect of duty. (他责怪你玩忽职守。) condemn 谴责、判刑。Accuse sb. of控告某人犯有.......。charge sb. with控告某人犯有......。‎ ‎7. The rocks are very big with _____ of colors on them.‎ A. bands B. marks C. rails D. shapes ‎[答案] A. bands.‎ ‎[注释] band (颜色与其余部分不同的) 条纹。Mark痕迹, 斑点; 记号, 标记。本题是讲岩石上色彩不同的“条纹”, 故用bands. rail (轨道) ,shape (形状) ,均不合题意。‎ ‎8. There were no tickets _____ for Friday's performance.‎ A. preferable B. possible C. considerable D. available ‎[答案] D. available.‎ ‎[注释] available(=capable of being used; that may be obtained) 可利用的; 可以找到的:‎ ‎1) These tickets are available for one month. (这些票的有效期一个月。)‎ ‎2) Is there a doctor available? (有否可以找到大夫?)‎ ‎3) A limited number of seats are still available. (仍然还有少量座位。)‎ ‎9. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the witness _____ that his story was true.‎ A. stuck out B. stood out C. kept down D. held up ‎[答案] A. stuck out.‎ ‎[注释]stick out 坚持 ‎10. In a typhoon, winds _____ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.‎ A. assume B. accomplish C. attain D. assemble ‎[答案] C. attain.‎ ‎[注释] attain (=succeed in doing or getting) 达到 (目的等) ,取得 (成就等) :I hope you will attain your object, accomplish (顺利) 完成。assume假定, 假设, 承担。assemble集合; 装配。‎

