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新课标高考英语单项填空:热点难点面面俱到 ‎ 单项填空从五个方面考察学生的实际水平:1.基础语法知识;2.语法知识的运用能力;3.词组的搭配和习惯用法;4.对词义的正确理解;5.交际功能(日常交际语的用法)。‎ (一) 冠词(Article)‎ ‎[考点透视] ‎ ‎1.Most animals have little connection with_____animals of______different kind unless they kill them for food. ‎ A. the a B.不填 a C. the the D.不填;the 答案:B。animals在这里属于泛指,animals of a different kind 一种不同种类的动物。kind 在文中是“种类”,是可数名词单数,前面要加不定冠词。‎ ‎2.Paper money was in____use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in_____thirteenth century.‎ A. the 不填 B.the the C. 不填 the D.不填;the 答案:C。 ‎ ‎3.She is____newcomer to_____chemistry , but she has made some discoveries.‎ A. the the B.the不填 C. a 不填 D.a the答案:C。学科前不加冠词。‎ ‎4. Many people are still in_____habit of writing silly things in_____public places.A. 不填 不填 B.the the C. the 不填 D.不填;the 答案:C。有定语修饰的名词前往往加the,writing silly things为定语。‎ 如:The few friends she has made there are all gone。‎ 泛指的复数名词前不加the,故public places前不加the。‎ 又如: People tend to think boys are cleverer than girls ‎5. ----Where’s Jack?‎ ‎ ----I think he is still in_____bed , but he might just be in_____bathroom. ‎ ‎ A. a, the B. the, X C.X ,X D. X, the ‎ 答案:D。in bed 为习惯搭配;又如:by hand,at night /dawn / sea /war。in the bathroom 特指一具体地点,这样的介词短语都加the 如:in the classroom, in the cinema, in the park, in the fair(在交易会),in the countryside, live in the suburb 等。‎ ‎6.The pizzas are delicious. He’d like__ third one because___second is rather small. ‎ A.a, a; B. a. the; C.the, a; D.the, the; ‎ 答案:B.第一个空表示“再一”;第二个空表示“第二”。请把这个题珍藏起来。‎ ‎7.--Have you finished reading ___interesting story?‎ ‎--Yes. It is worth reading__ second time. A the, a B an, the C the, the D an, a ‎ ‎[冠词精讲]: ‎ 一、英语中有三大冠词,两个不定冠词 (a , an ),一个定冠词 (the)。‎ a ,an 的用法:a 用在辅音音标开头前,an 用在元音音标开头前。 ‎ 例如:an English book , a pen , an apple, an orange , an “f”, an “s” ,an “m”。‎ a / an 的特大重点用法:‎ an hour,an honour;an honest (诚实的) boy, a useful pen, a uniform; a university, an umbrella (伞), a European country, an 8-year-old boy, an 11-year-old girl, an 18-foot-tall tree, an 80-year-old man, a one-eyed camel 记忆特殊不定冠词一句话:‎ ‎1.In a university, a European and a one-eyed man with a uniform walked along a one-way road ‎ with a useful thing. This is a usual thing.‎ ‎2. An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honourable task. ‎ 二、做表语或主语的个体名词泛指一律加a,‎ 如:A Mr. Smith is waiting for you outside.‎ ‎★下列地方永远用the 沙漠河流与群山,列岛海峡与海湾。‎ 方位朝代世独一,会议条约与报刊。‎ 乐器建筑影剧院,发明年代海洋船。‎ The+ 姓氏一家人,序数词和最高级。‎ 抓打人体某部位 ,带language的语言。‎ ‎★下列地方永远不用the ‎ 专,抽,物;复数官衔和称呼; ‎ 星期节日与四季,三餐,球棋,人类(man )和消息(word)。‎ 一、【典型考题解析】‎ ‎1.---Hello,could I speak to Mr. Smith?‎ ‎ ---Sorry,wrong number .There isn’t______Mr. Smith here. ‎ ‎ A.不填 B.a C.the D.one ‎2.I know you don’t like______music very much.But what do you think of ______music in the film we saw yesterday?‎ A.不填,不填 B.the ,the C.the,不填 D.不填,the ‎ ‎3.—I knocked over my coffee cup.It went right over______keyboard.‎ ‎--You shouldn’t put drinks near______computer. ‎ A.the,不填 B.the,a C.a,不填 D.a,a ‎4.I will never forget my teacher’s advice: “As long as you can affect _____ life of one child, you’ve been _____ success.” A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a ‎5. French language is European language which comes from Latin.‎ A.The; a B.不填;an C.The; an D.不填;a ‎6.Alice is fond of playing __piano while Herry likes listening to ___ music.‎ A./ , the     B./ , /  C.the ,/  D.the , the  ‎ ‎7.Beyond _____ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _______ space.‎ ‎  A.the , /  B./ ,the  C./ ,/  D.the , the  ‎ ‎8.Alexander Graham Bell invent _____ telephone in 1876.‎ A. /  B.a  C.the  D.one   ‎ ‎9.—-I’d like ____ information about the managemnet of you hotel , please.‎ ‎--Well , you could have ____ word with the manager. He might be helpful.‎ A.some , a     B.an , some C.some , some   D.an ,a   ‎ ‎10.Many people agree that _______ knowledge of English is a must in _______ international trade today. A.a , / B.the , an C.the , the D./ , the  ‎ ‎11.____ couple tried to name their baby @, saying_____ character can be translated into "ai ta ', which represents their love for him.‎ ‎ A. An; a B. The; a C. A; a D. The; the ‎12._____China we’ll see in the year 2015 will be quite _____ different country from what it is ‎ now.‎ ‎ A. /; a B. The; a C. The; the D. /; /‎ ‎13. Of all the subjects, I like _____ history the best because it gives us _____ useful knowledge of things in the past.‎ ‎ A. the; a B. /; a C. a; the D. a; /‎ ‎14. There is _____ universal concept among _____ parents that’s the more they feed their kids, the healthier they will grow up to be.‎ A. an; the B. a; the C. a; 不填 D. 不填; the ‎ ‎15._____ big fire broke out in my neighbor’s house last night ,and it took the firefighters about an hour to put out _____ fire. ‎ A. The; a B. A; the C.The; the D.A; a ‎(二)、介词:主要介词方法 in, on ,at表时间,各自用法不一般;at之后时间点,常在几点几分前;‎ past是过,差是to , at用在午夜黎明前;on指具体某一天,某日上下午和傍晚;月份四季和某年,把in用上理当然;若是单指上下晚,习惯用法in出现。‎ ‎1. My father returned at 10:00 of June 15.‎ A. in the night B. by the night C. on the night D. at night ‎ ‎2. Childern need friends _____ their own age to play with.‎ A. with B. of C. for D. by ‎3. If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me the phone. ‎ A. at B. by C. on D. through ‎4. Are you ready? We will go out for a picnic three o’clock.‎ A. in B. after C. for D. since ‎5. What do you mean “take-away”, please? ‎ A. with B. of C. for D. by ‎6. he will do that heavy work his own. ‎ A.by B. of C. on D. at ‎ ‎7. your help, we finished the work on time.‎ A. Thanks B. Thanks for C. Thanks to D. Thanks of ‎8. Our teacher asked me to the new words in a dictionary.‎ A. look for B. look up C. look at D. look into ‎9. He often mistakes me my brother. ‎ A. to B. as C. for D. with ‎10. ______our airline, we apologize that you were not given proper notice.‎ ‎ A. In spite of B. On behalf of C. in face of D. In favor of ‎ 参考答案1――5 CBCBD 6――10 CCBCB ‎ 典型介词:高考常考点:‎ ‎1.be late for “做某事迟到”; be late with “迟做某事” ‎ 如:This morning I was late for school , for my mother was late with breakfast.‎ ‎2.beyond belief/ beyond description/ beyond one’s power / beyond words 超出…‎ ‎3 given = considering 是介词意思是考虑到…‎ 如:Given their inexperience, they have done a good job. ‎ ‎4.including 是介词; 意思是包括;如 This meal cost me ten yuan, including tea.‎ ‎5. talk sb into doing sth= persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人干某事 ‎6. In memory of = to the memory of 为了纪念…; ‎ ‎(三) 名词、数词 数词:基数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, … twenty,twenty-one , t, hundred 基数词速记歌:‎ 英语数词不难记找到规律就容易; 一至二十词各异,一个一个单独记;‎ 后面加teen 变“十几”, thirteen, fifteen 看仔细; eighteen 只有一个t, 两个音节念清晰;二十至九十加ty , twenty不同重点记; forty去掉字母u, thirty, fifty 更出奇。表示数词几十几,连字符号(—)莫丢弃!‎ 序数词:表示第几的数词叫序数词。除了几个特殊的数词外,一般在基数词后面加上th, 但几个特殊的需要死记:第一first, 第二 second, 第三third ,第五fifth, 第八eighth, 第九ninth, 第十二twelfth, 第二十twentieth, 第一百hundredth。‎ 序数词速记歌:‎ 基变序有规律,一、二、三、要牢记;其他都加-th;八去t, 九去e,f 来把ve 替;二十、三十、至九十,y变i加-eth;第一百最容易,hundred后加-th.‎ 考点用法:表示第几时,序数词前一定要用the ; 如:‎ 第一课 Lesson One =the first lesson 第三排 Row Three =the third row ‎ 第二次世界大战 World War Two =the Second World War 重点:表示再一、又一时,在序数词前用不定冠词a,不用the.‎ ‎1). He has come here three times. And he wants to come here_____ fourth time.‎ ‎ A. a B. the C. an D. one ‎2). It is important for us to learn ________second language. ‎ A. the B. a C. an D. one ‎3). He failed, and he wanted to try ______second time. ‎ A. the B. a C. an D. one ‎[高考真题]‎ ‎1. Many people agree that _____ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade today. A.a; X B.the; an C.the; the D.X; the 答案:A。此题看似考查冠词,实则考查名词。抽象名词,如knowledge 本不加冠词,但表示具体哪门知识加a;有定语修饰,有时还加the, 如: the science of biology。‎ ‎2.Oh,John,_____you gave us!‎ A.How a great surprise B.How pleasant surprise ‎ C.What a pleasant surprise D.What pleasant surprise 答案;C。抽象名词本不可数,但表示一个令人吃惊的人或事要加a。‎ ‎3 We’ve missed the last bus,I’m afraid we have no_____but to take a taxi.‎ A.way B.choice C.possibility D.selection ‎ 答案:B。名词同义和近义词的区别很重要,主要从固定句型、习惯用语和与动词的搭配区别。‎ ‎4.—I wonder whose bicycle it is.—It might be my_____.‎ A.neighbour’s B.dear neighbour C.neighbour D.neighbours 答案:A。有生命的东西要表示“的”字用所有格’s。‎ ‎5. —Where’s your brother?—At_____.‎ A.Mr.Green’s B.Greens C.the Mr Green’s D. the Greens答案:A。‎ ‎6.Shortly after the accident two_____policemen were sent to the spot to keep order. A.dozen of B.dozens C.dozen D.dozens of ‎ 答案:C。事故发生后不久,二十四名警察被派到出事地点维持秩序。‎ 数词dozen,score,hundred,thousand,million等前面加数字用单数,如two score birds,several hundred people,three thousand books等。‎ ‎(四)形容词、副词 ‎1.形容词修饰名词。2.副词用来修饰动词、形容词。副词、介词词组或整个句子,可分为时间副词(today, now, then)、地点副词(here, near, far, above…)、频率副词(often, usually, twice…) 、程度副词(very, quite, too, so…) 、方式副词(well, careful, slowly…)等。‎ ‎3.形容词和副词的比较级与最高级形式变化:‎ ‎⑴单音节词尾加-er/-est,以e结尾只加-r/st.如:small-smaller-smallest ‎(2)辅音字母+y结尾的词,把y变为i加-er/-est,如:happy-happier-happiest ‎(3)闭音节单音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,在加-er/-est.初中课本只有如下单词 big, hot, thin, fat, red, wet。‎ ‎(4)双音节词加more/most.注意:以-y,-er,-ow,-ble 结尾的双音节词加-er/-est.。如:clever- cleverer-cleverest, narrow-narrower-narrowestt ‎4.形容词和副词的原级、比较级与最高级用法:‎ ‎(1)程度副词very, quite, so, too后面,以及as…as, not as(so)…as 用原级。(2)两者作比较用比较级。注意以下几点:‎ A. much, a little, even 可以用来修饰比较级。‎ 如:much taller, little better, even more tired B. “比较级+比较级“或“more and more ”表示越来越…。‎ 如:faster and faster ,more and more slowly C. than 后常用the other +名词复数/any other + 名词单数。‎ 如:Jim is taller than the other boys/any other boy in his class.‎ ‎(3) 三者或三者以上做比较用最高级,最高级前加the ‎ ‎(副词最高级前可省去the)。常见以下几种情况用最高级:‎ A.出现表示范围的词in/of +名词时,in 之后的名词与主语不是同类,它包括主语;of 之后的名词与主语是同类。‎ 如:Jim is the tallest in our class. Jim is the tallest of the boys.‎ B.序数词后加最高级。如:‎ The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.‎ C. one of the +最高级+名复。如:Zhengzhou is one of the biggest cities in China.‎ ‎◆as much as 多达的典型用法:as many as 修饰可数名词; ‎ as much as 修饰不可数名或跟表示计量单位的名词复数。‎ ‎1.Beijing will have a top first-aid system for the 2008 Olympics. No one will wait _____10 minutes for an ambulance.‎ A.as many as B. less than C. as much as D. as well as ‎2.He used as much as 130 calories in the running sports.‎ ‎3.The elephant can eat as much as one ton of vegetables.‎ ‎4.The farmers no longer doubt that vegetables can bring in _____ crops.‎ A.as many as B. less than C. as much as D. as well as He has been to Paris_____, if not more than,ten times. ‎ A.as many as B. less than C. as much as D. as well as ‎【形容词和副词热点试题自测】‎ ‎1. The weather was terrible last night. It rained ______.People could ____ go out.‎ A. hardly, hardly B. hardly, hard C. hard, hard D. hard, hardly ‎2. Mr. Smith thought the Century Park was the second ________ in Shanghai ‎ A. large B. largest C. larger D. very large ‎3. Of the two shirts, the boy chose ________ one. A. less expensive. B. the less expensive C. the least expensive D. the most expensive ‎ ‎4. Have you ever seen ________ big panda before? ‎ A. a such B. such a C. so a D. a so ‎ ‎5. Of all the stars, the sun is _______ to the earth.‎ ‎ A. farthest B. the farthest C. nearest D. the nearest ‎ ‎6. He wasn’t _________ . He cut his finger.‎ A. careful enough B. carefully C. enough careful D. enough carefully ‎ ‎7. In the exam, the _____ you are ,the _______ mistakes you’ll make.‎ A. careful, little B.more careful, less ‎ C. more careful, few D. more careful, fewer ‎8. This kind of skirt looks ______ and sells ________.‎ A. nice, well B. nice, good C. well, well D. good, nice ‎9. ---What do you think of Miss Li’s teaching? ‎ ‎--- Oh, no one teaches ________.‎ A. well B. better C. best D. good ‎10. Don’t hurry. We still have ________ time. ‎ A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ‎ ‎11. Lucy doesn’t like cotton blouse, Lily doesn’t,__________ . ‎ A. either B. too C. neither D. also ‎12. There are trees on _________ sides of the street. ‎ A. both B. each C. all D. either ‎13. ---What do you think of the present? ‎ ‎--- Wonderful. Nothing could be _____. ‎ A. worse B. better C. best D. good ‎14.If there were no examination, we should have _____at school.‎ A.the happiest time B.a more happier time ‎ C.much happier time D.a much happier time ‎15—How did you find your visit to the museum?‎ ‎—I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was _____than I expected.‎ A.far more interesting B.even much interesting ‎ ‎ C.so more interesting D.a lot much interesting 答案:A.比较级形容词、副词前可加much ,any, even, a lot, a great deal, a bit ,a little, far,by far, 来加强语气。‎ ‎16—If you don’t like the red coat, take the blue one.‎ ‎ —Ok, but do you have _____size in blue? This one is a bit tight for me.‎ ‎ A.a big B.a bigger C.the big D.the bigger 答案:B.比原来所说的the blue one 要大一些,因此用比较级。‎ ‎16.Which is _____country? Canada or Australia? ‎ A.a large B.the larger C.a larger D.larger 答案:B.‎ ‎17.Can you believe that in ___a rich country there should be___many poor people?‎ A.such.such B.such,so C.so, so D.so,such 答案:B.‎ ‎18.—Are you feeling _____?—Yes,I am fine now.‎ A.any well B.any better C.quite good D.quite better 答案:B ‎19.John plays football _____, if not better than, David A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as 答案:B ‎20.It takes a long time to go there by train.It’s _____ by road. A.quick B.the quickest C.much quick D.quicker 答案:D。比较级是形容词和副词的用法,两个事物相比必须用比较级,此处为by train和by road相比。‎ ‎(五)代词(Pronouns)和 连词(Conjunction)‎ ‎1.—Why don’t we take a little break?‎ ‎ —Didn’t we just have _____? A.it B.that C.one D.this 答案:C.代词it用来指代前面提到过的一个事物,that常用来指代一个概念,经常为不可数名词,one常用来指代与前边提到过的事物中同类却是不同的另一个。This是近指。本题中take a little break 与下文中have one即have a little break虽然是意义相同,但却是不同时间的另一事物。‎ ‎2.If you want to change for double room you will have to pay _____$15. ‎ A.another B.other C.more D.each 答案:A.another与数词连用,意义是“还需要,还有”,它相当于数词+more。‎ 如:I want to buy 20 copies of this book, so please hand me five more books.(=another five books)‎ ‎3. —When shall we meet again?—Make it _____day you like, it is all the same to me. A.one B.any C.some D.another ‎ 答案:B.any可指任何一天,one day之具体的一天,some day 指某一天,another day指另外的一天,any含有任何一个的意思。‎ 如:You may take any of them. He is taller than any other one in the class.‎ ‎4.—Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end?‎ ‎ —If you keep still, you can sit at _____end. ‎ A.neither B.each C.either D.any 答案:C。不定代词either表示两个中任意一个,neither为全否定,both表示全肯定,not both为部分否定,any表示三者以上中任意一个,each 强调二者或三者以上“每一个”。‎ ‎5. As we were asleep, _____of us heard the sound. ‎ ‎ A.both B.none C.either D.any 答案:B。none表示三个以上人或物的全部否定。往往表示上文已提过的人或物,we在上文提过,none后面可加of。‎ ‎(六)情态动词(Model Verbs)‎ ‎[考点透视]‎ 情态动词是历年高考必设的重点,也是英语语法中的重点项目,主要考察:‎ ‎1.--Are you coming to Jeff's party?--I'm not sure.I___go to the concert instead. A.must B.would C.should D.might ‎ 答案:D.might语气比较弱,含义是:也许,或许。must猜测的语气非常强,一定。should 常表示比较有可能的猜测比must在语气上稍差一些。‎ ‎2. I would love____to the party last night ,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone 答案:B. would like/love to have done表示本想如何而未做,“本想去参加晚会但没去”。‎ ‎3. Jack____yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.‎ ‎ A.mustn't have arrived B.should have arrived ‎ C.can't have arrived D.needn't have arrived 答案:C。‎ ‎4..I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I____it out for her.‎ ‎ A.had to write B.must have written C.should have written D.ought to write ‎ 答案:C。表示“本该写给她而未做”。‎ ‎5.There were already five people in the car ,but they managed to take me as well.‎ ‎ It____a comfortable journey.‎ ‎ A. can't be B.shouldn't be C.mustn't have been D.couldn't have been 答案:D。表示对过去的推测,“不可能是一趟舒服的旅行”。‎ ‎ 6.--Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?‎ ‎ --____ ‎ A.Yes, you may borrow B.Yes, you could ‎ C.Yes, help yourself D.Yes, go on ‎ 答案:C.Help yourself表示“请随便”。‎ ‎. 7.--When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.‎ ‎ --They____be ready by 12:00. A.can B.should C.might D.need 答案:B。表示“照片应该在12点前冲洗出来”。‎ ‎.8____you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.‎ ‎ A.Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as 答案:A.might as well 意为“不妨”或“还是……的好”,该句意思为“既然有这样的好机会,你不妨充分利用一下”。‎ ‎9 --Will you stay for lunch?‎ ‎ --Sorry,____.My brother is coming to see me.‎ ‎ A.I mustn't B.I can't C.I needn't D.I won't 答案:B。表示不能。‎ ‎(七)非谓语动词 ‎[考点透视]‎ 非谓语动词在历届高考中都有大量出现,不仅仅是单项填空,在阅读理解和完形填空当中也有大量的出现,因此,更好地掌握这一语法项目对于提高考生的综合能力都有积极意义。‎ ‎1.--The light in the office is still on.--Oh, I forgot____.‎ A.turning it off B.turn it off ‎ C.to turn it off D.having turned it off ‎ 答案C。意为忘记某事,没有去做。‎ ‎2.____a reply,he decided to write again.‎ ‎ A.Not receiving B.Receiving not ‎ C.Not having received D.Having not received 答案:C非谓语的否定结构。‎ ‎3.The Olympic Games, ____in 776 BC, didn't include women players until 1912.‎ ‎ A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be playing ‎ 答案:C。过去分词做后置定语。‎ ‎4. _____ he is a child, he can’t go there. ‎ A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given ‎5._____ from his twin at birth,he didn’t know he had a brother until he was twenty. ‎ A. Separated B.Separating C. Having separated D To separate ‎6.He hurried to the station, only___ the train had left.‎ A.to find Bto have found C.found D.finding ‎

