2020版高考英语大二轮复习专题二 名词、冠词、代词、数词和主谓一致优选习题

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2020版高考英语大二轮复习专题二 名词、冠词、代词、数词和主谓一致优选习题

1 专题二 名词、冠词、代词、数词和主谓一致(+完形填空+语篇填空) A 级 基础过关 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.(2018 山东烟台二模)Like many athletic (activity),yoga comes with some risk.As (it) popularity has gradually risen,so has the number of yoga-related injuries. 答案 activities;its 2.(2018 四川乐山二模)They tested 520 university students on their memory and intelligence when in the presence of a smart phone to see how affected them. 答案 it 3.(2018 广东深圳一模)Mulan’s characteristics,such as courage,kindness and a disinterested attitude toward fame and fortune,made (she) one of the most respected historical Chinese heroines. 答案 her 4.(2018 四川乐山三模)The Moroccan diet is rich in fruits and vegetables.Throughout history,as each new culture moved to Morocco,they introduced (they) own tastes and styles into the country. 答案 their 5.(2018 内蒙古赤峰 4 月模拟)Two of my (hero) have completed a big project. 答案 heroes 6.(2018 安徽江淮十校 4 月联考)In Chinese culture,each year is related to Chinese animal according to the 12-year cycle. 答案 a 7.(2018 山东泰安二模) “My wallet is no longer in use.I can buy and eat whatever I want simply with a fingertip on my phone,”said university student,adding that even pancake sellers are using mobile payment. 答案 a 8.They are called latchkey children,who look after (them) while their parents work. 答案 themselves 9.(2018 新疆乌鲁木齐三模)An early use of the word “chickenfeed” appeared in 1930 in an American book about a rich man and son.“Chickenfeed” also has another interesting meaning. 答案 his 2 10.(2018 湖南株洲二模)Temple fairs,originating along with the development of Buddhist and Taoist activities, (be) a kind of mass gatherings that integrate(融合) religious worship,entertainment and commerce. 答案 are Ⅱ.单句改错 1.(2018 河北保定二模)They send letters to businesses,go to job interviews,and ask our friends and relations for help. 答案 our→their 2.(2018 山东济南二模)Then we began to play with them.I drew picture with the older kids,and my classmates told stories to the younger ones. 答案 picture→pictures 3.(2018 河北唐山三模)Recite poems not only enriches my knowledges,but also makes my job less boring. 答案 knowledges→knowledge 4.(2018 安徽江南十校二模联考)That’s true.A friend of me,who often does the same thing,is beginning to feel bad too. 答案 me→mine 5.(2018 安徽江南十校二模联考)Instead,we should work out to keep healthy,because anything is more important than health. 答案 anything→nothing 6.(2018 重庆三模) We met each other at junior high school.She was shortest in our class at that time. 答案 shortest 前面加 the 7.(2018 河南洛阳三模) I know someday I’ll have a same feeling as this lovely man. 答案 a→the 8.(2018 陕西西安八校联考) I know a teacher mood may influence his students,especially our attitudes towards study. 答案 teacher→teacher’s;our→their 3 9.(2018 河南郑州三模) Some students cut potatoes into pieces,some dug hole,and the others put the pieces of potatoes into the holes,put the earth back and pushed them down hard. 答案 hole→holes;them→it 10.The situation is even worse in the least developed countries—only one in 10 people have regular access to the Internet. 答案 have→has B 级 能力提升 Ⅲ.完形填空 (2018 山东泰安二模) These days,upcycling(升级改造) is popular with people.They 1 something unique from existing materials rather than buy more.My granny,Bobo has spent 92 years doing just that out of necessity. Wasting time and resources was 2 an option in the world she grew up in.With seven children to 3 ,she lived a hard and economical life.Bobo has been upcycling 4 the day Great-Granny Annie put a needle in her hand and taught her how to give new 5 to every fabric(织物)in their farmhouse. Just like Bobo,my mother,Cindy, 6 making her clothes.She 7 her homecoming dress and bought the fabric with money she earned 8 at the can factory.One generation passed on to the next the 9 of creating something beautiful and useful by hand. Granny’s and Mom’s sewing skills meant that no matter the budget,Christmas,birthday,and wedding gifts were 10 .From a baby blanket to a bib(围嘴),each treasure 11 a special quality of personalization.In my home I am 12 by upcycling at its best. Thanks to Bobo’s 13 ways,the artistry of handwork lives on in four 14 of crafters.Granny Bobo lived it.Mom carried it on.I am picking it up by listening and 15 .Now my daughter,Greta,is also learning to use those 16 . I sit and watch 17 as Bobo’s hands weave needle and thread.In 92 years,her hands have known and 18 life,home and family.Age has brought the 19 of some memories.But if you listen to her stories while she 20 ,you’ll journey back to the old farm with her. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述多亏了外祖母 Bobo 的传统方法,手工艺才得 以在四代手工匠之间流传。时光带走了一些记忆,但是当外祖母缝纫的时候,你聆听她讲的故事,会 让你和她一起进行一次穿越时光之旅。 4 1.A.change B.create C.choose D.replace 答案 B 解析考查动词。由 something unique 可知,她们用现有的材料创造一些独一无二的东西。 change“改变”;create“创造”;choose“选择”;replace“取代”,故选 B 项。 2.A.always B.ever C.never D.usually 答案 C 解析考查副词。句意:在她长大的那个世界里浪费时间和资源,从来不是一种选择。always“总 是”;ever“永远”;never“决不,从不”;usually“通常”,所以选 C 项。 3.A.feed B.teach C.protect D.encourage 答案 A 解析考查动词。句意:有七个孩子需要喂养,她过着一种艰难和节约的生活。feed“喂 养”;teach“教”;protect“保护”;encourage“鼓励”,所以选 A 项。 4.A.after B.since C.before D.until 答案 B 解析考查连词。句意:从曾祖母把针放到她手里,教给她如何赋予布新的生命那天起,外祖母就开始 升级改造了。after“在……之后”;since“自……以来”;before“在……以前”;until“直 到……时”,所以选 B 项。 5.A.life B.nature C.will D.power 答案 A 解析考查名词。句意:从曾祖母把针放到她手里,教给她如何赋予布新的生命那天起,外祖母就开始 升级改造了。life“生命”;nature“自然”;will“心愿”;power“力量”,所以选 A 项。 6.A.turned up B.grew up C.settled down D.calmed down 答案 B 解析考查动词短语。句意:就像外祖母一样,我的母亲长大了也自己做衣服。turn up“出 现”;grow up“长大”;settle down“定居”;calm down“平静下来”,所以选 B 项。 7.A.borrowed B.spread C.designed D.exchanged 答案 C 解析考查动词。句意:她设计她返校节的礼服,用她在罐头厂工作挣的钱买布料。 borrow“借”;spread“传播”;design“设计”;exchang“交换”,所以选 C 项。 8.A.bargaining B.working C.inspecting D.wandering 答案 B 5 解析考查动词。bargain“讨价还价”;work“工作”;inspect“检查”;wander“闲逛”,所以选 B 项。 9.A.art B.duty C.type D.task 答案 A 解析考查名词。句意:手工创造一些美丽的、有用的艺术,从一代被传给下一代。art“艺 术”;duty“责任”;type“类型”;task“任务”,所以选 A 项。 10.A.impossible B.precious C.worthless D.accessible 答案 D 解析考查形容词。句意:外祖母和母亲的缝纫技巧意味着不管家庭预算如何,圣诞节、生日还有结 婚的礼物都是可获得的。impossible“不可能的”;precious“宝贵的”;worthless“无价值 的”;accessible“可使用(得到、获得)的”,所以选 D 项。 11.A.carries B.loses C.demands D.extends 答案 A 解析考查动词。句意:每个珍品都带着一种特殊的个性化的品质。carry“携带”;lose“失 去”;demand“要求”;extend“延伸”,所以选 A 项。 12.A.filled B.controlled C.disturbed D.surrounded 答案 D 解析考查动词。句意:在我家里,我被处于最好状态的升级改造品所包围。fill“装 满”;controll“控制”;disturb“打扰”;surround“包围”,所以选 D 项。 13.A.modern B.strange C.traditional D.regular 答案 C 解析考查形容词。句意:多亏了 Bobo 的传统方法,手工艺才得以在四代手工匠之间流传。 modern“现代的”;strange“奇怪的”;traditional“传统的”;regular“定期的”,所以选 C 项。 14.A.decades B.scenes C.occasions D.generations 答案 D 解析考查名词。由“One generation passed on to the next the 9 of creating something beautiful and useful by hand.”,结合句意“多亏了 Bobo 传统方法,手工艺才得以 在四代手工匠之间流传”,可知选 D 项。decade“数十年”;scene“场景”;occasion“场 合”;generation“一代”。 15.A.arguing B.observing C.complaining D.photographing 答案 B 6 解析考查动词。句意:我通过听和观察学会。argue“争吵”;observe“观察”;complain“抱 怨”;photograph“照相”,所以选 B 项。 16.A.details B.hints C.skills D.outlines 答案 C 解析考查名词。在“Granny’s and Mom’s sewing skills meant that no matter the budget,Christmas,birthday,and wedding gifts were 10 .”里捕捉到关键词 skills,可知这 里意思是现在我的女儿也正在学习使用这些技巧。detail“细节”;hint“暗示”;skill“技 巧”;outline“概要”,所以选 C 项。 17.A.closely B.randomly C.carelessly D.secretly 答案 A 解析考查副词。句意:当 Bobo 穿针引线时,我坐在旁边,仔细地观察。closely“仔细 地”;randomly“随便地”;carelessly“粗心地”;secretly“秘密地”,所以选 A 项。 18.A.betrayed B.evaluated C.wasted D.treasured 答案 D 解析考查动词。句意:九十二年以来,她的双手了解和珍惜生活、家庭和家人。betray“背 叛”;evaluate“评估”;waste“浪费”;treasure“珍惜”,所以选 D 项。 19.A.loss B.recovery C.strength D.storage 答案 A 解析考查名词。由“But if you listen to her stories while she ,you’11 journey back to the old farm with her.”可知,时光带走了一些记忆的遗失。loss“遗 失”;recovery“恢复”;strength“力量”;storage“存储”,所以选 A 项。 20.A.chats B.cooks C.jogs D.sews 答案 D 解析考查动词。句意:但是当她缝纫的时候,你聆听她讲的故事,你会和她一起回到那个古老的农 场。chat“聊天”;cook“烹调”;jog“慢跑”;sew“缝纫”,所以选 D 项。 Ⅳ.语篇填空 (2018 山西太原二模) In 1940,four teenage boys and their dog were walking through woodland close to Lascaux,when their dog suddenly disappeared.The boys searched all around.They came to a cave and looked into the cave 1. could see nothing. A few days later,the boys returned to the cave.They could hardly believe 2. eyes.In the weak lamplight,the boys saw red horses and cows,and black bulls and deer charging across the walls of the cave,which looked so 3. (frighten) that 7 the boys jumped back in fear.Little did the boys know that they had made one of the most important 4. (discover) of that century. The Famous Lascaux Caves consist of a large hole and 5. series of connecting caves,with a natural water system.The paintings there were an especially important find because they are so numerous and so well preserved.After a few years,the caves were opened 6. a tourist attraction,and 1,200 people per day came to the site 7. (admire) the paintings.8. (fortunate),many visitors resulted in changes in the cave’s atmosphere,and green algae (水藻) began to grow around the walls.Since then,the caves 9. (close) to the public in an effort to conserve the fragile paintings in this precious underground site. Today,the caves have computer-controlled air-conditioning and are inspected daily.Scientists hope that these precautions will prevent any 10. (far) damage to the paintings. 答案与解析 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了著名的 Lascaux Caves 被发现的经过、重要意义 和作为景点之后对其采取的保护措施。 1.but 考查连词。此处指男孩们进洞寻找他们的狗,但什么都没找到。前后句是转折关系,故填 but。 2.their 考查代词。男孩们不敢相信他们的眼睛。这里表示“男孩们的”用物主代词 their,故填 their。 3.frightening 考查形容词。男孩们看到的洞穴内的图画是如此令人恐惧。修饰物,表示“令人 恐惧的”,故填 frightening。 4.discoveries 考查名词。此处运用了 one of+复数名词,表示“……之一”。此处指那个世纪最 重要的发现之一,故填 discoveries。 5.a 考查冠词。此处指著名的 Lascaux Caves 由一个大洞和一系列连接洞穴组成,表示“一系列 的”用 a series of,故填 a。 6.as 考查介词。此处指几年后,这些洞穴作为一个旅游景点开放,表示“作为,当作”,故填 as。 7.to admire 考查动词不定式。每天有 1 200 人来到这个景点来欣赏这些画。表示目的用动词不 定式,故填 to admire。 8.Unfortunately 考查副词。大量游客导致洞穴内空气的变化和绿藻的生长。此处指游客造成的 不良影响,表示“不幸地”,单独作状语用副词,故填 Unfortunately。 9.have been closed 考查时态和语态。句中时间状语 since then 要求与现在完成时连用。主语 the caves 和动词 close(关闭)之间是被动关系,指洞穴已经被关闭,故用现在完成时的被动语态 have been closed。 10.further 考查形容词比较级。科学家们希望这些预防措施能阻止对这些画更深层的损害。此 处指和现在相比更深层的损害,有比较的意思。故填 further。

