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高考英语·常考短语(1)‎ ‎1.随着经济的繁荣:with the booming of the economy ‎2.随着人民生活水平的显著提高:with the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard ‎3.先进的科学技术:advanced science and technology ‎4.为我们日常生活增添了情趣:add much spice/flavor to our life ‎5.人们普遍认为:it’s commonly/generally/widely believed/acknowledged that...‎ ‎6.同意前者/后者观点:give one’s vote to the former/latter opinion ‎7.引起了广泛的公众关注:sth.has aroused wide public concern,sth.has drawn great public attention ‎8.不可否认:it’s undeniable that...,there is no doubt/denying that...,there is no possibility that...‎ ‎9.热烈的讨论/争论:a heated/hot discussion/debate ‎10.有争议的问题:a controversial issue/problem 11. 就...而言:as far as sb. be concerned,in terms of,in the light of,on a personal level,from one’s point of view,from one’s perspective,according to sth.,through the eyes of,as per,in one’s eyes ‎12.有充分的理由支持:be supported by sound reasons ‎13.双方的论点:argument on both sides ‎14.发挥日益重要作用:play/act/make/have an increasingly important/significant/vital role/part in...‎ ‎15.对...必不可少:be indispensable/imperative/necessary/essential to sth.‎ ‎16.正如谚语所说:as the proverb goes,as the saying goes,just as the proverb says,it goes without saying that...,‎ ‎ it is needless to say that...,just as the old saying goes ‎17.对...有影响:have/exert an effect/influence/impact on,react on 18. 利远远大于弊:the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages 19. 导致,引起:lead to sth.,contribute to sth.,result in,bring about,account for,give rise to sth.,make for 20. 复杂的社会现象:a complicated social phenomenon 高考英语·常考短语(2)‎ ‎21.责任/成就感:sense of responsibility/achievement 22. 竞争与合作精神:sense of competition and cooperation 23. 开阔眼界:widen one’s horizon,broaden one’s vision 24. 学习知识和技能:acquire knowledge and skills ‎25.经济/心理负担:financial /psychological burden 26. 把...考虑在内:take sth. into consideration/account,take account of 27. 从另一个角度:from another perspective/view/opinion 28. 做出共同的努力:make joint efforts 29. 对...有益:be beneficial to sb./sth.,be conductive to sth.,be good for/to sth.,be favourable for 30. 为社会做出贡献:make contributions to the society 31. 打下坚实的基础:lay a solid foundation for 32. 综合素质:comprehensive quality 33. 致力于/投身于:be committed/devoted to sth.‎ 34. 应当承认:admittedly 35. 不可推卸的责任:unshakable duty 36. 满足需求:satisfy/meet the needs of 37. 可靠的信息源:a reliable source of information 38. 宝贵的自然资源:valuable natural resources 39. 方便快捷:convenient and efficient 40. 在人类生活的方方面面:in all aspects of human life 41. 环保的材料:environmentally-friendly material/stuff 高考英语·常考短语(3)‎ ‎42.社会进步的体现:a symbol of society progress ‎43.大大方便了人们的生活:sth.has greatly facilitated people’s lives ‎44.对这一问题持有不同态度:hold different attitudes this issue/problem ‎45.在...程度上:to some degree/extent,in a way/manner/sense/scene,in part,partly,in some way ‎46.理论与实践相结合:integrate theory with practice ‎47.必然趋势:an irresistible trend of ‎48.日益激烈的社会竞争:the increasingly keen social competition ‎49.眼前利益:immediate/short-term interest ‎50.长远利益:in the long run/term/interest 51. 跟上...的最新发展:keep pace/abreast with the latest development of 52. ‎...健康发展:the healthy development of 53. 重视:attach great importance to sth.,draw/catch/attact/absorb/pay attention to sth.,take heed of,pay regard to sth.‎ 54. 把时间和精力放在...上:focus one’s time and energy on 55. 扩大知识面:expand one’s scope of knowledge 56. 身心两方面:both physically and mentally 57. 有直接/间接关系:be directly/indirectly related to sth.‎ 58. 认为:think/claim/believe/argue/maintain/insist/claim,hold the opinion/belief/view that...‎ 59. 缓解压力/减轻负担:relieve press/burden/stress 60. 与...比较:compare...with/to sth.,be in comparison with,be in comparison to sth.,in contrast,on the contrary 61. 可降解的/可分解的材料:degradable/decomposable material 62. 代替:replace,take the place of,substitute for,be in place of 高考英语·常考短语(4)‎ ‎63.反应了社会的进步:mirror the social progress/advance 64. 增进相互了解:enhance/promote mutual understanding 65. 利用:make use of,take advantage of,make/get the best/most of,draw on,come into use,by means of 66. 承受更大的工作压力:suffer from heavier work pressure 67. 保障社会稳定和繁荣:guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society 68. 强调:put/lay/place a(an) stress/emphasis on 69. 适应社会发展:adapt/accommodate oneself to the social development 70. 主要理由列举如下:the main/leading/major/staple reasons/causes are listed as follows 71. 突然:all of/on a sudden,all at once 72. 事实上:in fact/reality/effect/truth/practice,as a matter of fact 73. 对...感兴趣:be interested in,be keen on,take/feel/show/have/express interest in,be crazy about,be mad at,have an appetite for,be drunk with 74. 忙于:be busy with,be occupied with/in,be deep/buried/absorbed in,be engaged in 75. 提出,想出:put/set forward,come up with,dawn on,think up/out 76. 意识到:be aware/sensible of,wake up to sth.,come to realize,dawn on ‎ 77. 照顾:look after,take care of,tend to do,care for/about 78. 由...组成:consist of,be made up of,be composed of,be comprised of,be constitued of 79. 尽力做:try one’s best/utmost to do,spare no efforts to do,do the most to do,take great pains to do,make efforts to do,go all out to do,go out of the way to do ‎ 80. 精通:be good/expert/skillful at,have a command/knowledge of,be familiar with sth./to sb.,have a passion for,have a head for 81. 各种各样的:all different kinds/sorts/types of,a wide variety of,a wide range of ‎82.最后:ultimately,eventually,at length,finally,in the end,at an end,at last,last but not least 高考英语·常考短语(5)‎ ‎83.参观:be/pay a visit to sth.,go to...for a visit 84. 累的:be tired,be worn out,be exhausted ‎85.对...厌烦:feel/grow/be tired of,be sick of,be fed up with,be bored with,be disgusted with ‎86.充满:be full of,be filled/crowded/heavy/alive/flooded/laden with 87. 能够:be able to do,be capable of,be in a position to do ‎88.开始,着手于:set out to do,get down to sth.,set about,set out on,start on ‎ 89. 实话实说:to tell sb. the truth 90. 动身,出发:leave for,set out/off for,head for 91. 总之:in short,in a word, in conclusion,to conclude,in brief,in total,in all,all in all, in a nutshell,in time,on the whole, as a whole,as a rule,to sum up,to summarize,to be brief,on balance 92. 等等:and so on, and so forth, and the like,and what not 93. 把...当做:take/see/view/consider/treat/regard/refer to/think of/have on/look on/speak of/recogniase/adapt...as 94. 当场:on the spot/scene,be on hand 95. 担任,作为,承担:work/act/serve as 96. 给...帮忙:do sb. a favor,do a favor for sb.,give sb. a hand/lift/ride 97. 为...树立榜样:set an example to sth.‎ 98. 回顾:look back at/to/on,flash back to sth.‎ 99. 不管...:regardless/irrespective of 100. 习惯于:be used/accustomed to sth.,make it a rule to do,make a point of,it’s a rule with sb. to do 101. 因...而责备...:blame/scold/condemn sb.for sth.,charge sb.with sth.,accuse sb.of sth.‎ 102. 抱怨:complain of/about ‎103.搭载,捡起来,恢复(身体、生意),接收信号,学会:pick up 高考英语·常考短语(6)‎ ‎104组成,化妆,弥补,杜撰,和解,编辑:make up(with)‎ 105. 与...合作:team up with 106. 参加:take part in,join...in,go in for,participate in,sign up for,compete in 107. 适合:be suitable for,be fit for,be appropriate to/for,be suited to sth.‎ 108. 对...感到满意:be happy/content/satisfied/pleased with 109. 谋生:gain/earn/make a/one’s living 110. 此外:besides,what’s more,in addition,also 111. 除...之外:(包括在内)besides,in addition to,as well as,along with,aside from,apart from ‎ (不包括在内)except,but,other than,aside from,apart from 112. 支持:be in favor of,approve of,be for,agree with,argue for,take side in sth.,hold out,stand by,back up ‎113.与...相处,...进展:get on/along with ‎114.座落在...:be located/situated in/at/on,lie in/on ‎115.感激...:be grateful/thankful for/to sth.‎ ‎116.追溯到...:trace/date back to sth.,date from ‎117.为了纪念...:in memory of,in honor of ‎118.以...形式:in the shape/style/form/way of ‎119.如果...我十分感激:I’d appreciate it if...‎ ‎120.依靠,取决于:fall back/count/rest/rely/depend/reckon/lean/live/lie/build/draw on ‎121.结束:put/bring sth. an end to sth.,come to an end,end up (with),conclude...with,bring to a conclusion ‎122.得出结论:come to/arrive at/draw/reach a conclusion ‎123.以...为骄傲:feel/take pride in,be proud of ‎124.坚持:insist on, persist in,keep on/up,stick with/to sth.‎ 高考英语·常考短语(7)‎ ‎125.为了...利益:for the sake/benefit of,in the interest of ‎126.在...的邀请/要求下:at the invitation/request of ‎127.当谈到,当涉及到:when it comes to sth.‎ ‎128.点餐:take one’s order ‎129.求助于,翻身:turn to sth.‎ ‎130.在...多少岁时:at the age of,in one’s+整”十”的复数形式 ‎131.盛产:be rich/abundant in ‎132.可能:be likely to do,chances are (that)...,it’s likely/possible that...‎ ‎133.最后但不是最不重要的:last but not least ‎ ‎134.对...采取措施:take steps/measures/action to do ‎ ‎135.对...尊重:show/have respect for ‎136.对...有害:cause/do harm/damage to sth.,be harmful to sth.‎ ‎137.更糟的是:what’s worse,to make matters/things worse,worse still ‎138.拜访某人:call on,drop in on, look in on 拜访某地:call at,drop in at, drop in at ‎139.有...做...:have difficulty/problem/trouble/a hard time/a good time (in) doing ‎140.保护...:protect/prevent/protest/keep/stop/save/guard/defend/discourage...from doing ‎141.而不是,除...之外(用于肯定句中):rather than (用于否定句中) :other than ‎ ‎142..比...优越:be superior to sth.‎ ‎143.不妨做...:may/might as well do ‎ ‎144..独立的:on one’s own 属于自己的:of one’s own ‎145.以...命名:name/call after 高考英语·常考短语(8)‎ ‎146.拍...:tap/hit/pat/slap/strike sb.+in(表软体)+the+身体部位 tap/hit/pat/slap/strike sb.+on(表硬体)+the+身体部位 ‎147.拉着...:take/catch/seize/lead/hold/pull sb.+by+ the+身体部位 ‎148.具有...:be of+n.=>be +adj.‎ ‎149.做...没有意义:it’s no need/use/good (in) doing,there is no use/sense/good/point (in) doing ‎150.做...有一段时间:there is a time when...‎ ‎151.对...紧张:be nervous of/about ‎152.向...求助:turn to sb. for help 153. 对...热心:be enthusiastic at/about/over/for ‎154.对...有印象:make/have/leave/give an impression on ‎ ‎155.对...失望:be disappointed at/with/about ‎156.和...玩笑:make a joke of/about sb.,have a joke with sb.,play a joke on sb.,play a trick on ‎157.对...有耐心(人):be patient with sb. 对...忍受(物):be patient of sth.‎ ‎158.对...严格(人):be strict with sb. 对...严格(物):be strict in/about sb.‎ ‎159.对...自信(人):be confident in sb. 对...自信(物):be confident of sth.‎ ‎160由于...而精疲力尽:be exhausted from/with/by ‎161.对...冷淡:be distant with 对...有距离:be distant from ‎162.提供...给...:supply/provide sb.with sth.=>supply/provide sth. for sb.‎ ‎163.做调查:make/conduct/do/carry out a survey,investigate into/on ‎164.麻烦:bother sb.with/about sth.‎ ‎165.轮流做...:take turns to do,do sth. in/by turns ‎166.反过来:in turn/reward/return 高考英语·常考短语(9)‎ ‎167.相比之下:in contrast to sth.,by comparison ‎168.目前,暂时:for the moment,at (the)present(time),for the time being,for the present,for now ‎169.一...就...:on,directly,immediately,instantly,the moment,the minute,the time,the second,the instant,no sooner...than...,hardly/barely/rarely/seldom/scarcely...when...‎ ‎170.因为,由于(介词短语):owing to sth.,thanks to sth.,as a result/consequence of,due to sth.,by reason of,on account of,because of,for,in consequence of ‎ (连词短语):because,for,as,since,in that,now (that,)for the reason that...,seeing (that),considering(that),on the ground that...‎ ‎171.与...有关:be connected to/with,be linked with,be related to sth.,have sth. to do with,be associated with,correspond to sth.,be relevant to sth.,be concerned with ‎172.不知所措:at a loss ‎173.与...结婚:be married to sb.(表时间段) 与...结婚:get married to sb.(表时间点)‎ ‎174.具有...的特征:be typical/characteristic of,be charactered by ‎175.总是:all the while,all the time,all the way ‎176.成功做...:succeed in,make/hit/get it ‎177....的原因:the cause of sth.,the reason for sth.‎ ‎178.让...想起:it occurs/strikes/comes to sb.to do,hit on,it strikes to sb.to do ‎179.偶遇:come/run across ‎180.被...抓住:be caught in ‎181.对...乐观:be optimistic about ‎182.对...挑剔:be particular about/over ‎183....的答案:the answer/key/solution to sth.‎ ‎184.即使,尽管:even if/though,despite,in spite of,for all,notwithstanding ‎185.好像,似乎:as if/though 高考英语·常考短语(10)‎ ‎186.考虑到...,鉴于:in view of,given,in consideration to sth.,with a view to sth.,seeing (that)...‎ ‎187.存在:come into being,come into existence ‎188.阐明:cast/throw light on ‎189.生效:put/bring sth.into effect,come into effect,take effect ‎190.申请:apply for ‎191.嘲笑:laugh at,make fun of,poke fun at ‎192.对...严肃:be serious about ‎193.缺席:be absent from,be in the absence of ‎194.故意地:on purpose,by design ‎195.从不,决不:at no time,in no way,by no means,in no sense,on no condition,on no account,in no case,under no circumstance,seldom,if ever ‎196.拥有:have/take possession of,be in possession of ‎197.突然爆发:burst into+n.,burst out+doing ‎198.对...适用:be true of/for,be the same with ‎199.对...感到沮丧:be/feel depressed at/about ‎200.把...归咎于...:owe sth. to sth.‎ ‎201.以...的速度:at a/the speed of ‎202.指的是,参考,查阅,涉及到:refer to sth.‎ ‎203.是...的缩写:be short for ‎204.与...不同:be different/distinctive/diverse from,make a difference to sth.‎ ‎205.在...边缘:on the edge of ‎206.任...摆布:at the mercy of 高考英语·常考短语(11)‎ ‎207.母语:mother language,mother tongue,native language ‎208.关于...:about,on,concerning,considering,regarding,including,as to sth.,as for,with regard/respect to sth.,in respect of ‎209.对...生气(人):be angry/cross with sb. 对...生气(物):be angry/cross at sth.‎ ‎210.例如:for example/instance,such as,like,namely,that’s to say ‎211.以...为例:take...for example,take...as an example ‎212.对...感到尴尬:be embarrassed with/about ‎213.表目的:in order to do,so as to do,with/for the purpose/goal/aim of ,in the hope of,in the hope that...‎ ‎214.一个...另一个:one...the other ‎215.一些...另一些:some...others ‎216.分数表达:(如:5/6)five sixths,five in six,five out of six ‎217.警告/提醒/欺骗/怀疑/说服/偷/责备/摆脱/治疗/通知/占有/剥夺/告知/骗取...: warn/remind/cheat/suspect/convince/rob/accuse/rid/cure/inform/possess/dispossess/notify/defraud sb. of/about sth.‎ 218. 以...为基础:be based on ‎219.首先:above all,first of all,in the beginning,to begin/start with,first and foremost,at first,for/at a start,in the first place ‎220.采访...:have/hold an interview with ‎221.在将来:in the future,in future,in the years to come ‎222.对...害羞:be shy/ashamed of ‎223.高度赞扬:think/speak highly of,speak well of ‎224.更重要的是:more importantly/significantly ‎225.不是...而是:not... but ‎226.不管...是否:whether...or 高考英语·常考短语(12)‎ ‎227.通常:as/more often than not,extremely 228. 聚焦于...:focus/centre/concentrate on,be concentrated on 229. 更好的是:better still 230. 以...为代价:at the expense of,at one’s expense,at a price 231. 瞥一眼:catch a glimpse/glance at,catch sight of 232. 适用于...:apply to sth.‎ ‎233.适应于...:adapt/accommodate to sth.,agree with sth.‎ 234. 搜索,寻找:search for,in search of 235. 存在:come into being,come into existence 236. 摆脱:get rid of 237. 免费:free of charge,for free,for nothing 238. 决定:make up one’s mind to do,make a decision to do,decide on 239. 扬眉吐气:hold one’s head high 240. 在网上:on the Internet 241. 只要:as/so long as ‎ 242. 碰巧:happen to do,happen to sth.‎ 243. 只不过,仅仅:nothing but 244. 使...运转/开始:set sth.in motion 245. ‎(主动)提供帮助:come forward,offer sth.to sb.‎ 246. 包换的:on approval 248. 突出:stand out 高考英语·常考短语(13)‎ ‎249.释放:free up,set free 250. 大大超过,多余:well over,more than,over 251. 与...团聚:reunion... with 252. 顶嘴,还嘴:take back 253. 重新开始:start all over 254. 走在...上面,伤害...感情:step on 255. 处于最佳状态:at one’s best 256. 对...敏感:be sensitive to sth.‎ ‎257.正要做...突然:be going to do...when...‎ ‎258.为反对...而斗争:fight against ‎259.面对:be faced with,face up to sth.‎ ‎260.与...保持联系:keep/get/stay/be in touch with,come into contact with ‎261.一系列:a series of,a chain of,a sequence of, a trail of,a train of,a battery of ‎262.对...确信:be sure/certain of,be sure to do, be sure that...,see it to that...‎ ‎263.控制:keep...in check,be under the command of ‎264.追溯到...:go/be back to sth.,date/track back to sth.(vi.),date from(vi..)‎ 265. 迫不及待:can’t wait to do,can never/hardly/barely/rarely/scarcely/seldom wait to do ‎266.众所周知:all we know,it’s well known that...,it’s commonly acknowledged that...‎ 267. 素质教育 education for all-round development 应试教育 exam-oriented education ‎ 268. 填鸭式教学 cramming method of learning 高考英语·常考短语(14)‎ 269. 义务教育 compulsory education 高等教育 higher education ‎ 270. 普通高校 regular institution of higher learning ‎ 271. 就业服务和职业培训employment services and vocational skills training ‎ 272. 综合性大学 comprehensive university ‎ 273. 重点大学 key university 274. 减轻学生负担 reduce burden for students ‎ 275. 应届高校毕业生new college graduates ‎ 276. 招生办公室 admission office ‎ 277. 入学考试 entrance examination ‎ 278. 高考 college entrance examination ‎ 279. 研究生入学考试 postgraduate entrance examination ‎ 267. 入学资格 admission qualification ‎ 268. 升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade ‎ 269. 奖学金 scholarship ‎ 270. 学费tuition ‎ 271. 专业课 course within one’s major ‎ 272. 必修课 required/compulsory course ‎ 273. 选修课 optional/elective course ‎ 274. 学分制 credit system ‎ 275. 毕业论文 graduation thesis 高考英语·常考短语(15) ‎ 276. 毕业证书 graduation certificate ‎ 277. 学生会 students’ union ‎ 278. 学历 record of formal schooling ‎ 279. 中小学生 primary and secondary school student ‎ 280. 本科生undergraduate ‎ 281. 研究生postgraduate ‎ 282. 副教授 associate professor ‎ 283. 助教 teaching assistant ‎ 284. 教育界 education circle ‎ 285. ‎.教育投入 input in education ‎ 286. 学前教育 preschool education 287. 智力引进 introduce talents ‎ 267. 课外活动 extracurricular activity ‎ 268. 科技是第一生产力 science and technology constitute a primary productive force ‎ 269. 科技体制改革 reform of the science and technology management system ‎ 270. 技术密集产品 technology-intensive product ‎ 271. 科技含量 technology content ‎ ‎308.尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology ‎ ‎309.研究开发 research and development ‎ ‎310.治理污染 curb the environmental pollution ‎ ‎311.水循环利用工厂water recycling plant ‎ 高考英语·常考短语(16)‎ ‎312.核电站 nuclear power plant ‎ ‎313.非化石能源发电量 electricity generated from non-fossil energy ‎ ‎314.新粒子 new particle ‎ ‎315.应用科学 applied science ‎ ‎316.3D打印 3D printing ‎ ‎317人造器官 artificial organ ‎ ‎318.顶层设计 the top layer design ‎ ‎319.节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction ‎ ‎320.工业升级 industrial upgrading ‎ ‎321.结构性障碍 structural obstacle ‎ ‎322.资源利用率 resource utilization rate ‎ ‎323.高速铁路 high-speed rail ‎ ‎324.科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development ‎ ‎325.科技发展 scientific and technological advancement ‎ ‎326.生态农业 environmental-friendly agriculture ‎ ‎327.创新 innovation ‎ ‎328.高科技园区 high-tech park ‎ ‎329.国家重点实验室 national key laboratory ‎ ‎330.研究成果 research result ‎ ‎331.新兴学科 new branch of science ‎ ‎332.人工智能 artificial intelligence 高考英语·常考短语(17)‎ ‎333.信息高速公路 information superhighway ‎ ‎334.网民 netizen ‎ ‎335.网上购物 online shopping ‎ ‎336.网上交易平台 online trading platform ‎ ‎337.“宽带中国”战略 China's broadband strategy ‎ ‎338.产能 production capacity ‎ ‎339.神舟十一号the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft ‎ ‎340.嫦娥三号 The Chang'e-3 lunar lander ‎

