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‎2019年高考一轮复习语法综合训练(二十六)‎ 一 语法填空 A 篇 ‎ ‎【2019届四川省棠湖中学高三3月份月考测试卷】‎ The so-called Americanization phenomenon seems to be more a result of the recent globalization(全球化)in our world. If we find various American products worldwide, 41.is also increasingly common to find Asian products in the United States.‎ ‎42.(go) to any country in Asia nowadays, we are see many of the American icons everywhere. A few years 43.when I was in Vietnam, I was 44.complete) surprised at the number of advertisements about products from multinational companies, many of them American. It is unforgettable for me to see the huge coca cola billboard shown on 45.unnamed long and narrow street.‎ Since I moved to America, I46.(discover) many Asian products in America, from movies to food. Either in San Francisco47.in Seattle, we can go to he cinema and enjoy the48.(attract) Amerivan-Chinese movie Kung Fu Panda, and take home spring rolls from one of the many Chinese restaurants in town.‎ I know that many people would like49.(reduce)the globalization process in the world because they think they are losing their own culture, but it is very difficult to stop this process. We can only try to be wise and choose 50.is better for us to have or to buy.‎ ‎【解析】文章首先说到美国化现在很普通,但是在美国找到亚洲产品也是很普通的,介绍了自己在美国遇到的亚洲化的东西,同时告诉我们选择适当的东西是很好的。‎ ‎41.考查代词,If we find various American products worldwide, ___1___is also increasingly common to find Asian products in the United States.意思是如果我们在世界各地找到各种各样的美国产品,那么在美国找到亚洲产品也越来越常见。故填it。‎ ‎42.考查动名词做主语,动名词做主语时要用ing形式,go to 意思是去....,故填Going.‎ ‎43.考查时间副词,根据 a year ago 意思是一年之前,故填ago.‎ ‎44.考查副词,be surprised to....意思是对.....好奇,因为surprised 为动词,修饰动词时要用副词,故填completely 。‎ ‎45.考查冠词,根据“__5___unnamed long and narrow street.”意思是在一个无名的狭长的街道上。此处表示泛指,故填an.‎ ‎46.考查现在完成时,根据“Since I moved to America, I____6____(discover) many Asian products in America, from movies to food.”意思是自从我搬到美国后,我发现许多美国的亚洲产品,从电影到食物。其中since的意思是自从,其主句应该用现在完成时,故填have discovered ‎ ‎47. 考查介词,either......or ......意思是要么.....要么....,这是个固定搭配,故填or .‎ ‎48.考查形容词,enjoy the____8____(attract) Amerivan-Chinese movie Kung Fu Panda, 意思是欣赏中国电影《功夫熊猫》,因为movie意思是电影,为名词,修饰名词用形容词,故填attractive.‎ ‎49.考查动词,根据would like to do something 意思是想要干某事,故填 to reduce.‎ ‎50.考查连词,“We can only try to be wise and choose ____10____is better for us to have or to buy.”意思是我们只能试着变得明智,选择适当的东西对我们来说更好,其中buy something 意思是是购买某物,所以缺连词表示物体,故填what。‎ B篇 ‎【2019届西藏拉萨中学高三第六次月考试题】‎ In Hangzhou, southern China's Zhejiang province, borrowing books from the library is now as simple as shopping online: click, pay41.wait for delivery.‎ The city’s public library recently launched a program on WeChat, a popular Chinese messaging software, 42.(enable) its readers to checkout books online and get them 43.(deliver) to their homes at low prices.‎ To enjoy the “Hangzhou enjoyable reading service”, one first needs to follow the library’s official WeChat account, 44.provides a list of books. After picking books, borrowers are required 45.(present) the information such as their library membership cards, cell phone numbers and so on. The selected items will be delivered by express within three days after payments. Each reader can borrow up to 5 books once and 20 books at most 46.total. The books can be borrowed for up to 40 days. Readers now can borrow the library’s most popular books in this way. The online books will be renewed and enriched47.(gradual) according to readers’ borrowing habits and 48.(prefer). At the end of December, the library’s old and classic books49.(put) online too, making the total number of books available and bringing borrowers a lot of 50.(convenient)‎ ‎【解析】本文主要介绍了杭州的城市公共图书馆,读者借阅图书像网上购物一样简单。‎ ‎41.句意为点击、支付,然后等待邮寄。Pay与wait for delivery之间是并列关系,所以填and。‎ ‎42.考查现在分词。The city’s public library与enable之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,填enabling。‎ ‎43.考查固定结构。“书”和“邮寄”之间是被动关系,所以用get sth. done结构,所以填delivered。‎ ‎44.考查非限制性定语从句。___4___provides a list of books.作定语,修饰the library’s official WeChat account,所以___4___provides a list of books. 是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,所以填which。‎ ‎45.考查固定句型。require sb. to do要求某人做某事,是固定句型,所以填to present。‎ ‎46.考查固定短语。in total总计,是固定短语,所以填in。‎ ‎47.考查副词。修饰动词renewed and enriched,用副词,所以填gradually。‎ ‎48.考查名词。表示“根据读者的借阅习惯和喜爱。” 这里应该用名词,所以填preferences。‎ ‎49.考查时态和语态。由时间状语At the end of December,可判断出是发生在将来的事情,用一般将来时,且the library’s old and classic books与put之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,综上所述,用一般将来时的被动语态,所以填will be put。‎ ‎50.考查名词。a lot of之后用名词,所以填convenience。‎ C篇 ‎【四川省蓉城名校高2019届高三上学期第一次联考】‎ One of the main ___41___ (challenge) many international students face is their English-language proficiency. If your first language is not English and if your previous education ___42___ (be) not in English, it is important to take all English-language proficiency tests as soon as possible.‎ You ___43___ (expect) to read, write, understand and speak English properly and fluently to carry out your studies. Conversational English will not be enough.‎ Colleges and universities require proof of English-language proficiency when you apply and measure your skills by ___44___ (ask) you to take a standardized test of English. Even with excellent academic qualifications, you may not be admitted ___45___ your English-language proficiency is too low.‎ International students often underestimate the stress caused by ___46___ (sudden) changing cultures, friends, methods of teaching and living environments. Moving suddenly from speaking and thinking in ___47___ language of your country to thinking, listening and speaking in English is very stressful.‎ Get an accurate estimate of your ability in English. If ___48___ (need), attend a language school ___49___ starting studies in the US to improve your ability. Be sure to ask the admission office if the institution offers an intensive course to those learning English ___50___ a second language.‎ ‎【答案】41. challenges 42. was 43. will be expected 44. asking 45. if 46. suddenly ‎ ‎47. the 48. needed 49. before 50. as ‎【解析】许多国际生所面临的挑战之一就是他们英语水平。如果你先前所接受的教育不是用英语授课的,那么尽快参加英语水平测试就显得非常重要了。‎ ‎41. challenges 考查名词复数。其前有one of修饰,因此challenge应为复数形式。 ‎ ‎42. was 考查一般过去时。your previous education为单数主语,意为“以前所受过的教育”,本句应该用一般过去时态,故谓语用was。‎ ‎43. will be expected 考查将来时态的被动语态。 光有口头英语是不够的,为了继续学业还要求你会读,会理解,表达恰当和流畅。主语为you,用 will be expected表示被动。‎ ‎44. asking 考查非谓语动词。此处为动名词asking做介词by的宾语。 ‎ ‎45. if 考查条件状语从句。如果(if)你的英语水平低,即使你有很好的学术成绩也可能不被录用。 ‎ ‎46. suddenly 考查副词用法。suddenly修饰动名词changing ‎。国际生通常低估了文化、朋友圈、教学方法和生活环境的突然变化。‎ ‎47. the 考查冠词用法。此处用定冠词the,表示特指你自己的母语。‎ ‎48. needed 考查条件状语从句中的省略。补全条件状语从句应为If it is needed ,此处it is 可以省略,故填写过去分词needed,意为“如果需要的话”。‎ ‎49. before 考查介词用法。before starting studies in the US在你开始在美国求学之前。‎ ‎50. as 考查介词用法。as 作为。大学提为那些将英语作为第二外语的学生提供强化课程。‎ 二 短文改错 A篇 ‎【2019届四川省棠湖中学高三3月份月考测试卷】‎ It’s three months since I hear from you last time. Now I want to tell you impressive story happen in my first lesson. On hearing the bell, the students ran into the classroom as quick as they could. And Li Ming stood outside of the classroom, crying silently. He told me that his mother was ill and he had to buy some medicine for him. At the same time, he apologized to me for his lateness.‎ I praised him for his deeds and asked the students to sing a song naming Mother together. That I experienced that day has become one of the most unforgettable memory.‎ ‎【答案】1. hear-heard  2. impressive story 前加an  3. happen-happening 4. quick-quickly  ‎ ‎5. And-But  6. 去掉of  7. him-her 8. naming-named  9. That-What  10. memory-memories ‎【解析】本文讲述了在作者的第一节课上,发生的一件令人难忘的事情。‎ 考查固定句型。It is后是表示一段时间的短语,since后通常用一般过去式,所以hear-heard。‎ 考查冠词。泛指“一个令人印象深刻的故事”,且impressive首字母发音是元音,所以用不定冠词an。‎ 考查非谓语动词。“故事”和“发生”之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语,happen-happening。‎ 考查副词。修饰动词ran,用副词,所以quick-quickly。‎ 考查连词。但是李明站在教室的外面,默默地哭。表示“但是”,所以And-But。‎ 考查介词。Outside是介词,表示在…范围之外,所以去掉of。‎ 考查代词。他告诉我,他的母亲生病了,他不得不为她买些药。这里指代“李明的母亲”,所以him-her。‎ 考查非谓语动词。“歌曲”和“名字”之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语,所以naming-named。‎ 考查主语从句。what I experienced that day作句子主语,所以what I experienced that day是一个主语从句,引导词在从句中作experienced的宾语,所以That-What。‎ 考查固定结构。one of + 可数名词复数,所以memory-memories。‎ B篇 ‎【2019届西藏拉萨中学高三第六次月考试题】‎ My neighbor Smith is always consideration to others. One day, I was going to deliver speech at an institute when I found my car wouldn’t get start. I rushed to the street to hire a taxi. Just at that time I come across Smith. He was hurried ‎ going to attend to his sick mother in hospital.‎ Furthermore, when he learned about our problem, he didn’t hesitate to give me a lift. I arrived at the lecture hall in time, when the audience had been present. I owe my great thanks with my neighbour Smith, who is a person ready to help the others at any time.‎ ‎【解析】本文主要讲了作者的邻居史密斯先生是一个随时都乐意帮助其他人的人。‎ 考查形容词。be动词后用形容词作表语,所以consideration改成considerate。‎ 考查冠词。泛指“发表一个演讲”,且speech首字母发音是辅音,所以speech前加不定冠词a。‎ 考查固定结构。“我的汽车”和“启动”之间是被动关系,所以用get done结构,start改成started。‎ 考查时态。表示发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以come改成 came。‎ 考查副词。修饰动词going,用副词,所以hurried改成 hurriedly。‎ 考查连词。然而,当他了解了我的问题之后,他毫不犹豫的让我搭车。表示“然而”,所以Furthermore改成However。‎ 考查代词。然而,当他了解了我的问题之后,他毫不犹豫的让我搭车。表示“我的”,所以our改成my。‎ 考查非限制性定语从句。where the audience had been present.作the lecture hall的定语,所以where the audience had been present.是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以when改成where。‎ 考查介词。对于我的邻居史密斯先生,我欠他一声谢谢。表示“对于”,所以with改成to。‎ 考查代词。史密斯先生是一个随时都乐意帮助其他人的人。表示其他人,所以去掉the。‎ C篇 ‎【四川省蓉城名校高2019届高三上学期第一次联考】‎ Dear Sir,‎ I’m Li Ming, a student from No.2 Middle School. I’m writing to recommend me as a volunteer for 2022 Winter Olympic Games to be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. Here comes my advantages.‎ To begin with, I love sports and play sports has been an important part of my life. However, I have a good command of English, that makes it easier for me to communicate with foreign guests. What’s more, I am friendly and patient, but I can get along with others easy. More importantly, I consider it a good chance to serve for our society and develop my ability. I would appreciate it if you can give me a chance.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Ming ‎【答案】‎ ‎【解析】本文是一篇申请信,作者申请成为2022年冬奥会的志愿者。‎ 第1处, me改为myself 考查反身代词作宾语。我写信推荐自己作为2022冬奥会的志愿者。反身代词作宾语,与句子主语为同一人,表示强调。‎ 第2处, for 和2022之间加the 考查定冠词固定用法。由普通名词构成的专有名词前要加the。‎ 第3处, comes改为come 考查主谓一致。此处为倒装句,主语my advantages为复数名词,一般现在时态用come。‎ 第4处,play改为playing 考查动名词作主语。Playing sports 为动名词形式,在此处作主语。‎ 第5处,However改为Besides 考查上下文逻辑。根据句意,此处应表示“除此之外”,故应用Besides.‎ 第6处,that改为which 考查which引导非限制性定语从句。which指代先行项I have a good command of English,这使得与外宾交谈更容易。‎ 第7处,but改为so 考查上下文逻辑。前后两个小分句之间是因果关系,用so。‎ 第8处,easy改为easily 考查副词用法。此处用副词easily修饰动词短语can get along with others 我能很容易与人相处。‎ 第9处,删除serve后的 for 考查动词用法。serve作“服务”讲时,为及物动词。serve our society 为我们的社会服务。‎ 第10处,can改为could 考查情态动词。此处用情态动词过去式形式表示委婉的语气,为习惯用法。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 短文改错考查要点 ‎1词法方面常见考点:‎ ‎1)定冠词和不定冠词的用法,即a,an,the三者的转化与增删。如本题的第2处错误考查定冠词固定用法, the 2022‎ ‎ Winter Olympic Games是由普通名词构成的专有名词,前要加the。‎ ‎2)名词的单复数和名词所有格。‎ ‎3)动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词。如本题的第4处考点为非谓语动词,第10处考点为情态动词。‎ ‎4)人称代词的格、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等的用法。如本题的第1处考查反身代词作宾语。‎ ‎5)词性的变化。如本题的第8处,将形容词改为副词,属于词性混淆。‎ ‎6)并列连词、从属连词的用法。如本题的第7处属于并列连词用错。‎ ‎7)形容词、副词以及比较级与最高级的用法。‎ ‎8)固定搭配与习惯用法等。 ‎ ‎2句法方面常见考点:‎ ‎1)考察英语的一致性现象,主要包括:主谓不一致、代词不一致、时态不一致。如第3处错误,将comes改为come,属于主谓不一致。‎ ‎2)各种从句关联词语的使用。如本题第6处考查which引导非限制性定语从句。‎ ‎3)句子结构的连贯性、完整性、对等性、逻辑性。如第5处However改为Besides,考查上下文逻辑;再如,第7处错误所在的句子为并列句,前后两个小分句的关系在上下文逻辑上为因果关系,因此将but改为so。‎ ‎4)固定句型结构等。‎

