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‎.-对话练习 话题总结:‎ 一、购物 ‎1.What can I do for you? 需要我帮忙吗?‎ Can/May I help you? 我能帮到你吗?-Yes, I’d like to buy….是的,我想买…‎ ‎2.I'd like to buy/ I want to buy/ I'm looking for 我想买……‎ ‎3.What size/ color do you want? 你要哪个型号/颜色的?‎ I’m sorry. We have sold out the coats in your size/color. 抱歉,我们已经卖完了 ‎4.Do you like this one? 你喜欢这个吗? ‎ What/How about this one? 你喜欢这个吗?‎ Which one would you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?‎ What do you think of this one?/ How do you like this one? 你认为这件怎么样?‎ ‎5.I'm afraid it's much too expensive. 我想这个太贵了。‎ ‎6.Anything else? 还有别的什么吗? ‎ ‎7.Can I try it on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。‎ ‎ Can I try them on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。‎ ‎8.How much is it / are they? 这个(些)多少钱?‎ ‎ How much does it/ do they cost? 多少钱?11.‎ ‎9. I’ll take it(them). 我买了。 I'll have it. 我买了。‎ 二、看病 I. 医生看病,检查身体:‎ ‎1. What’s the matter? /What’s wrong? ? 怎么了?(随便一句)‎ How do you feel? / How are you feeling now? 你感觉怎么样?‎ I have a cold / I have a headache. / I have a fever. 我感冒了/头痛/发烧。‎ ‎2. When did it start? 什么时候开始的? (注意看回答) About 8:00 this morning.‎ ‎3. How long have you been like this? 你像这样多长时间了? ‎ Since last night. / For 2 days . 自从昨晚/已经两天了。‎ ‎4. Have you taken your temperatureHave you taken your medicine? 你量过体温/服药了没?‎ ‎ Let me take your temperature.我想量一下体温。‎ ‎5. Open your mouth and say "Ah".张嘴说“啊”。‎ ‎6. Let me listen to your heart. 我听一下你心脏。‎ ‎7. You’ve got a cold/fever.‎ Ⅱ. 病人:‎ ‎1.I don't feel very well. / I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。‎ ‎2.My … hurts. 我某部位痛。‎ This place hurts. 这个地方疼。‎ I've got … a cold/a cough 我有点感冒/咳嗽 ‎3.I don't feel like + doing. 我不想…(如eating,不想吃饭)‎ ‎4.Is it serious? 是不是很严重?‎ Ⅲ.安慰病人:‎ ‎1. It’s nothing serious. 没有什么大问题。‎ ‎2.You (He, She) will be all right soon.你不久就会好。‎ ‎3.Don't worry. 别担心 Ⅳ.采取措施:‎ ‎1.How often should I take the medicine? 我应该多久吃一次药?‎ Take this medicine 3 times a day. 一天吃 3次药。‎ ‎2.You’d better have a good rest. 你最好好好休息。‎ ‎3.You'd better stay in bed till … 你最好卧床直到…… ‎ ‎4.Try this medicine, take it after breakfast. 试一下这个药,饭后吃。‎ Ⅴ. 其他:‎ ‎1. I’m sorry to hear that.. 听到这件事我很遗憾。(如果对方说了伤心的事或生病了用)‎ ‎2. You should go to see a doctor/…. 你应该去看医生。‎ ‎3. Have you seen the doctor? 看过医生了没?‎ 三、问路 ‎ 1. Where’s…? …在哪?‎ ‎2. How can I get to…? 我怎样才能到…? 特殊疑问句 问路 ‎3. Which is the way to…? 到…的路怎么走?‎ ‎4. Could you tell me the way to…? 你能不能告诉我到…的路?‎ ‎5. Could you tell me how to get to …? 你能否告诉我怎样去…? 一般疑问句 ‎6. Could you tell me how I can get to…? 你能否告诉我怎样去…?‎ ‎7. Can you tell me where…is? 你能不能告诉我…在哪?‎ ‎1. Go along this street (until you reach the second traffic lights.)沿着这条路直到第二个交通灯。‎ ‎2. Go along this road to the end. 沿着这条路走到尽头。‎ 指路 ‎3. Turn left/ right at the second crossing.在第二个路口向左/右拐 ‎4. Go across the bridge. 穿过这座桥 ‎5. It’s next to / across from…. 它在…旁边/对面 ‎6. You can’t miss it/You’ll see it. 你会看到它的。 ‎ ‎ 1. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远?‎ 距离 ‎2. Is it far from here? 它离这很远吗?‎ ‎3. I’s about …. Kilometers from here.‎ ‎4. It’s about 15 minutes’ walk.‎ ‎1. Which bus can I take? 我可以坐哪路车?‎ 搭车 ‎2. Which bus can take me to …? 哪路车能带我去…? ‎ ‎3. You’d better take a bus. 你最好搭乘公交车。(前面先说距离远)‎ ‎4. The no.3 bus will take you there. 三路车会把你带到那。‎ ‎2. You can take the No.3 bus to the park. 你可以搭乘三路车去公园。‎ 四、打电话 拨电话方:1. —May / Can I speak to …, please? 能否让…接电话?‎ ‎—Yes, this is … (speaking). 是的,我是… (注意:前一句为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ 2. I’d like to speak to…我想和…说话。‎ ‎3.- This is … (speaking). 我是… Is that Peter? 你是Peter吗?-Yes,speaking. 是的,我是他。‎ ‎4. -Could you ask him / her to call me back. 你能不能让他给我回个电话?- Sure./No problem 没问题。‎ ‎5. I’m calling you to tell you to…. 我给你打电话是要告诉你…‎ ‎6. -Can I leave her a message? 我能不能给她留个口信? - Sure./No problem 没问题。‎ ‎7.- Could you please take a message(for me)? 你能否(为我)捎个口信? - Sure./No problem 没问题。‎ ‎8. That’s very kind of you. 你能这么做真好。(表感谢)‎ 接电话方:1. Yes, this is … (speaking). 是的,我是… (注意:前一句为一般疑问句)‎ ‎2. Who is that (speaking)? 你是谁? This is …. speaking. 我是….‎ ‎4. Hold on, please. / One moment, please. 等下,先别挂电话。‎ ‎5. (I’m afraid )he’s not in at the moment/ now. 抱歉/我恐怕 他现在不在家。‎ ‎6. Can I take a message? 要我传话(捎口信)吗?‎ 五、订餐 What can I do for you?(注意看答语是否有肯否回答)I’d like a hamburger with chicken. 我想要一个鸡肉汉堡 Can I help you? 我能为您做点什么? Yes, I’d like… 是的,我想要…‎ 服务员 ‎-What would you like to drink/eat? 你想要喝/吃点什么?‎ ‎-May I take your order now? 您可以点菜了吗?- Yes, I’d like….‎ ‎-Would you like something else? 你还想要点什么别的?‎ ‎ Have you booked a table? 你订过桌子了吗? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t. ‎ 顾客 A table for two, please! 一张两人桌。‎ Could we have the bill, pleasel? 麻烦帮我们结账。‎ ‎ Do you have a table foe six? 你们有六人桌吗?‎ ‎ Can I see the menu? 我能不能看下菜单?‎ 六、天气 What’s the weather like today? /How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎样?‎ It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy… 晴天/雨天/多云/多风/下雪 What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天..‎ It’ll be sunny tomorrow.‎ What’s the weather like in Britain? 英国天气怎么样?‎ It’s neither too hot nor too cold. 天气既不冷也不热 What terrible weather! 多糟糕的天气啊!‎ The sun will come out soon. 很快就会晴天了。‎ Look at the dark clouds! There is going to be a heavy rain. 看看那些乌云,马上会有一场大雨。‎ Have you listened to the weather report? Yes, it’s cloudy.‎ What’s the temperature? 气温是多少?‎ Do you think it will rain/snow? 你认为会下雨吗 The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. 天气预报说明天会下雨。‎ 七、假期,周末活动 过去:How was your weekend/ summer vacation? 你周末/暑假过得怎么样? Great! / Wonderful! ‎ What did you do on weekends/in the summer vacation? 你周末/暑假都做什么了? ‎ ‎-Where did you stay?(注意不能用live) ‎ ‎-We stayed in a hotel near the beach. 我们住在住在沙滩旁边的一个宾馆里。‎ How long have you been there? 你在那已经呆了多久了?‎ For two weeks. ‎ 现在时:What do you usually do on weekends? 你周末通常做什么?‎ Who did you go there with? 你和谁一块去那的?‎ 将来计划:What are you going to do on the weekend / for vacation? 你周末/假期打算做什么?‎ Do you have any plans for the winter vacation? 寒假有什么计划吗?‎ Yes, I plan to go to America with my family 是的,我计划和家人一起去美国。‎ What do you plan to do during your summer vacation? 你计划暑假做什么?‎ ‎-What are you going to do for your summer vacation? 你暑假打算做什么?‎ ‎-I have no idea. How about you? 我不知道。你呢?‎ ‎--I have no idea. What about you?/ Do you have any ideas/suggestions? 我不知道。你有什么想法/建议吗?‎ ‎-Have you decided where to go? 你是否决定了要去哪吗? ‎ ‎-Yes, I think I’ll go to Beijing. 是的,我决定去北京。‎ ‎-How will you spend your summer vacation? 你要怎样度过你的暑假?‎ ‎-I have no idea. Can you give me some advice?(下文有thanks for your advice时用) 我不知道.你能给我一些建议吗?‎ Where are you going on vacation? 你打算去那里度假? I am going to Sanya. 我打算去三亚。‎ When will you leave for Sanya? / When are you going to Sanya? 你打算什么时候去三亚。‎ Who are you going with? =Who will you go there with? 你和谁一块去?‎ How will you get there? 你怎样去那? (提问交通工具) ‎ How long are you staying there? / How long will you stay there? 你要在这里待多久?‎ When shall we meet? Let’s meet at 6:00 p.m. 我们几点会面? 让我们6点见面吧。‎ Where shall we meet? 我们在哪见面? Let’s meet at the school gate. 让我们在校门口见面吧。‎ When and where shall we meet? 我们何时在哪见面?‎ What about doing sth?/Why don’t we do sth.?/Why not do sth?/Shall we do sth?/Let’s do sth 以上5种为表建议句式,答语均为:That’s a good idea. That sounds good.‎ Have you ever been to Beijing? 你去过北京吗 Yes, I have. 是的我去过 How many times have you been there? 你去过那几次? Once/Twice/Three times.‎ When did you go there? 你什么时候去那的?‎ How did you go there?‎ 祝福希望:I believe we will have a good time.‎ Have a good trip! 旅行愉快! Thank you. 谢谢 八、表建议:‎ 感谢类: Thank you!‎ 答谢类: You are welcome.不必谢.‎ 道歉类: I am sorry( for… )‎ 应答类: That’s all right.‎ 建议类:分清陈述句和问句,问句分清一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 You had better do sth 你最好做某事 肯定回答:‎ Shall we meet at 5 tomorrow afternoon? 我们明天下午五点见吧? That's a good idea好主意 Shall we meet at the school gate? 我们在校门口见吧?‎ What about going to the cinema together? 一块去看电影怎么样? 否定回答:‎ How about 5 o’clock? 五点怎么样 I’d love to, but I have to prepare for my Why not do… ?= Why don’t you do sth? 你为什么不做某事? math exam.‎ Why don’t you join us?=Why no join us? 为什么不加入我们呢? 我很乐意,但是我不得不为我的数学 Let’s do go to the cinema together. 让我们一起去看电影吧 做准备。‎ I suggest/think that you can join an English club.我建议你加入英语俱乐部 Why not make it earlier? 为什么不把时间订早一点呢?‎ 同意类: (Yes, )I think so. 我也这么认为 ‎ I agree with you. 我同意你。‎ 不同意类: Sorry, I don’t think so.  抱歉,我不这么认为。‎ ‎ I really can’t agree with you. 我实在不能同意你。‎ 九. 熟记“问” 字句型 问对方情况: What’s the matter? 你怎么了(当看到对方不高兴、紧张、不舒服等时用)?‎ 问时间: What’s the time?‎ ‎ Can you tell me what the time is? 你能告诉我时间吗?(后接肯否回答)‎ 问职业: What’s your father’s job?‎ ‎ What does your father do?‎ 问价格: What’s the price of the book?‎ ‎ How much is the book?‎ ‎ How much does the book cost?‎ 问电影: What was/is the film? (时态根据语境来判断)‎ 问在做什么:What were you doing at that time? 你那时在做什么?‎ ‎ I was busy with my English. /I was learning English. 我在学英语 问词意: What’s the meaning of the word? 这个词是什么意思?‎ ‎ What does the word mean?‎ 问感受: What do you think of the film? 你认为这个电影怎么样?‎ ‎ How do you like the film?‎ 问数量: How many people are there in your family? 你家有多少口人?‎ ‎ How much water do you drink every day? 你每天喝多少水?‎ 问人口: What’s the population of China?‎ ‎ How many people are there in China?‎ ‎ How large is the population of China?‎ 问尺寸: What size is your sweater? 你的毛衣多大尺寸?‎ ‎ What size do you want? 你要多大尺寸?‎ 问距离: How far is your school from here? 你学校离这有多远?‎ 问日期: What’s the date today? It’s May 5th. ‎ When were you born? When was he born? I/He was born in/on… (问出生日期)‎ 问星期: What day is it today? It’s Sunday. ‎ ‎ ‎ 问宽度: How wide is the river? 这条河有多宽?‎ 问长度: How long is the bridge?‎ 问体重: What’s your weight?‎ ‎ How much do you weigh? ‎ 问学习: How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试做准备?‎ How do you learn English? 你怎样学英语? .I study English by listening to the tapes .我通过听磁带学英语。‎ I study by listening to the tapes. 我通过听磁带学英语。‎ What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么? My favorite subject is ….‎ 十、问活动与爱好:‎ Do you like watching films /playing basketball? 你喜欢看电影/打篮球吗?‎ What kind of movies do you like best? 你最喜欢什么类型的电影?‎ What do you think of action movies? / How do you like action movies? 你觉得动作片怎么样?‎ What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? I like playing basketball. ‎ 十一、邀请:‎ Would you like to go with us/ join us? 你想要和我们一起去吗? ‎ Yes, I’d love to. 当然,我很乐意。‎ Sorry, I’m afraid I have to… 不还意思,我恐怕我必须…‎ Do you have time this Sunday? Yes, I do. 这周末你有空吗? 是的,我有 ‎=Are you free this Sunday? Yes, I am. ‎ Can you come to my party? 你能来参加我的排队吗?‎ Yes, I’d love to. 是的,我很乐意 I’d love to, but I have to look after my sister. 我很乐意,但是我要照顾我的妹妹。‎ Shall we go shopping tomorrow?‎ 十三、道歉: I’m sorry! That’s OK.‎ 十五、表祝贺,祝福: Congratulations! 祝贺你! Well done! 干得漂亮! Good luck! 祝你好运 ‎ Have a good time! 祝你玩的开心( 对方出去玩之前说)‎ Have a good journey! (上面对方说要去哪里旅行时用)‎ 十六、其他句型: ‎ I can share them with you. 我可以和你分享它们。‎ Where are you from? /Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?‎ ‎ I am/come from Henan. 我来自河南.‎ What language do you/does he speak? I speak English. He speaks Japanese.‎ What does he look like? 他长得什么样?(询问外貌)He is tall and he has short hair.‎ What is he like? 他是什么样的人?(询问性格)He is energetic and smart.‎ How are you? I’m fine, thanks.‎ 二、试题案例 ‎(一)看病 ‎ A:Good morning.‎ B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?‎ A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.‎ B:How long have you been like this?‎ A:Ever since this morning.‎ B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature?‎ A:No, I haven’t.‎ B:Can I take your temperature?‎ A:OK.‎ B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.‎ A:Is it serious?‎ B:Nothing serious.‎ A:What should I do then?‎ B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.‎ A:How often should I take this medicine?‎ B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon.‎ A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!‎ B:Bye!‎ ‎(二)打电话 J-Jim M-Mrs Read J:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?‎ M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now.‎ J:Can I leave a message for her?‎ M:Yes, please. But who is that?‎ J:This is Jim speaking.‎ M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?‎ J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?‎ M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?‎ J:My telephone number is 1234567.‎ M:I’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.‎ J:Thank you. Good-bye!‎ M:Bye!‎ ‎(三)购物 ‎ A:Good morning. Can I help you?‎ B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?‎ A:What size do you need?‎ B:Size 38.‎ A:How about those ones?‎ B:I don’t like this color. Have you got any other colors?‎ A:Yes. How about this one?‎ B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?‎ A:Sure.‎ B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?‎ A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.‎ B:How much are they?‎ A:100 yuan.‎ B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?‎ A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.‎ B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.‎ A:Thank you. Good-bye!‎ B:Bye!‎ ‎(四)问路 A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?‎ B: Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.‎ A:Thank you all the same.‎ B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?‎ C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss it.‎ A:How far is it from here?‎ C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus.‎ A:Which bus do I need?‎ C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.‎ A:Thank you very much.‎ C:You’re welcome.‎ ‎(五)约定 A:What are you going to do next Sunday?‎ B:Nothing much(Nothing special).‎ A:Shall we go to the park and play football?‎ B:Good idea.‎ A:How can we get there?‎ B:By bike.‎ A:Where shall we meet?‎ B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?‎ A:When shall we meet?‎ B:At 8:30.‎ A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.‎ B:OK.‎ A:See you then.‎ B:See you.‎ ‎(六)询问病情 A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!‎ B:Good morning. Lin Lin!‎ A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?‎ B:Yes. He is in hospital.‎ A:What’s wrong with him?‎ B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.‎ A:What happened to him then?‎ B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.‎ A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.‎ B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.‎ A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?‎ B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK?‎ A:OK!‎ ‎(7)聊天 A:Hello! Nice to meet you B:Nice to meet you, too A:What bad weather, isn’t it?‎ B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later on A:May I ask you some questions?‎ B:Certainly.‎ A:Where are you from?‎ B:I’m from…‎ A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?‎ B:Yes. How did you guess?‎ A:The way you speak. When were you born?‎ B:I was born on August 8 ,1988‎ A:Where were you born?‎ B:I was born in a small village near London.‎ A:Why did you come to China?‎ B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.‎ A:How do you like China?‎ B:I like it very much.‎ A:What do you like about China?‎ B:The people and the food.‎ A:How is your Chinese?‎ B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well.‎ A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese. ‎ ‎(八)就餐 Waiter:Good morning ,madam A and B:Good morning.‎ W:A table for two?‎ A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?‎ W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.‎ A:Thank you.‎ W:May I take your order now?‎ A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.‎ W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)‎ A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?‎ W:certainly. Would you like something else?‎ A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?‎ W:Of course. Sir.‎ A:Here is the money.‎ W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.‎ ‎(九)做客 H-Han Mei T-Twins L-Lily H:Would you like a drink?‎ T:Yes, please.‎ H:I’ll get you some tea.‎ T:Can we do anything to help?‎ H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.‎ T:Thank you.‎ L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?‎ H:Oh, do you have to?‎ L:Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.‎ H:Don’t leave anything behind.‎ L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.‎ H:I’m happy you did. Bye!‎ ‎(十) 交通事故 A:Excuse me. What has happened?‎ B:A car hit an electric pole.‎ A:When did it happen?‎ B:About ten minutes ago.‎ A:Has anyone called the police?‎ B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.‎ A:Is anyone hurt?‎ B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.‎ A:Has he gone to the hospital?‎ B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.‎ 八、学习:‎ How do you study for a test? / How do you learn English? ‎ I study by listening to the tapes.‎ What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is …‎ What subject do you like best? I like English best.‎ Who is your English teacher? She is... / Miss Tan teaches us English.‎ 九、问日期:‎ What’s the date today? It’s May 5th. (问日期)‎ What day is it today? It’s Sunday. (问星期)‎ What’s today? It’s Monday the 14th. (问日期和星期)‎ When were you born? When was he born? I/He was born in/on… (问出生日期)‎ 十、问活动与爱好:‎ Do you like watching films /playing basketball?‎ What kind of movies do you like best? ‎ Which/What movie do you like best? =What’s your favorite movie?‎ What do you think of action movies? / How do you like action movies?‎ Who is your favorite movie star/actor? ‎ What’s your hobby? I like playing basketball. ‎ 十一、邀请:‎ Would you like to go with us/ join us? 你想要和我一起去吗? ‎ Yes, I’d love to. 当然,我很乐意。‎ Sorry, I’m afraid I have to… 不还意思,我恐怕我必须…‎ Do you have time this Sunday? Yes, I do. 这周末你有空吗? 是的,我有 ‎=Are you free this Sunday? Yes, I am. ‎ Can you come to my party? 你能来参加我的排队吗?‎ Yes, I’d love to. 是的,我很乐意 I’d love to, but I have to look after my sister. 我很乐意,但是我要照顾我的妹妹。‎ Shall we go shopping tomorrow?‎ You’d better have a rest. /You should have a good rest.‎ 十二、表遗憾: What a pity/shame! ‎ 十三、道歉: I’m sorry! That’s OK.‎ 十四、表安慰: Take it easy! 慢慢来,别着急。 Don’t worry!别担心 ‎ Calm down! 冷静 cheer up!高兴起来,振作起来 ‎ 十五、表祝贺,祝福: Congratulations! Well done!‎ Good luck! Have a good time! Have a good journey! Enjoy yourself.‎ 十六、其他句型:‎ Where are you from? /Where do you come from?‎ ‎ I am/come from Changsha..‎ What language do you/does he speak? I speak English. He speaks Japanese.‎ What does he look like? 他长得什么样?(询问外貌)He is tall and he has short hair.‎ What is he like? 他是什么样的人?(询问性格)He is energetic and smart.‎ How are you? I’m fine, thanks.‎

