中考英语 考点跟踪突破19 九全 Units 910

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中考英语 考点跟踪突破19 九全 Units 910

考点跟踪突破19 九年级 Units 9~10‎ 一、单项选择。‎ ‎1.The mobile phone sells for ¥5000,it is much more than its real __B__.(2016,齐齐哈尔)‎ A.cost   B.value   C.price   ‎ ‎2.The earth is the planet __B__ provides us with everything we need,fresh air,clean water and so on.It's our duty to protect it.(2016,山西)‎ A.who B.that C.where ‎3.—Alice,would you like to go hiking with us?‎ ‎—What a pity!I'm free every day __B__ today.‎ ‎(导学号:38122102)(2016,兰州)‎ A.for B.except C.besides D.among ‎4.Anna likes to go to the zoo and watches the monkeys __B__ around on weekends.(2016,贵阳)‎ A.climbed B.climbing C.to climb ‎5.—Is this photo taken in Tibet?‎ ‎—Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the __B__ of the photo.‎ A.form B.background C.shape D.introduction ‎6.The actions and words of celebrities (名人) can have a great __D__ because many people may follow them.So they should pay more attention to their behavior and speech.‎ A.change B.surprise C.progress D.influence ‎7.—I'm afraid the boy can't deal with the problem.‎ ‎—Me,too.__C__,he is only 8 years old.‎ A.In general B.So far C.After all D.For example ‎8.He __A__ the electricity and water in his house before going on holiday.‎ A.shut off B.turned on C.took off D.put on ‎9.—Who do you __B__ will win the singing competition?‎ ‎—I'm not sure.Maybe Jenny will.‎ ‎(导学号:38122103)(2016,黄冈模拟)‎ A.perform B.suppose C.suggest D.reflect ‎10.—What a heavy rain!‎ ‎—So it is.I prefer __B__ rather than ________ on such a rainy day.‎ ‎(导学号:38122104)(2017,预测)‎ A.to go out;stay at home B.to stay at home;go out C.going out;stay at home D.staying at home;go out 二、词汇运用。‎ A)根据句意及首字母提示写单词。‎ ‎11.Beijing is the capital city of China,but it isn't the biggest city in ‎ China.‎ ‎12.Bob can't see the words clearly on the blackboard.He needs a pair of glasses.‎ ‎13.You won't get lost in the forest if you have a good sense of direction.‎ ‎14.There are four seasons in a year—spring,summer,autumn and winter.‎ ‎15.The teacher praised him because he improved a lot in English.‎ 三、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。‎ A:Hello,Steve!You must have had an unusual experience living in France.‎ B:16.__B__‎ A:Nervous about what?‎ B:Well,for one thing,I didn't know what I should do at the dinner table.‎ A:17.__F__‎ B:For example,you shouldn't put your bread on your plate.‎ A:Where should I put it?‎ B:You should put it on the table!‎ A:18.__A__‎ B:I thought it was strange,but now I used to it.‎ A:19.__E__‎ B:You shouldn't put your hands on lap.‎ A:Oh?Where should people put their hands?‎ B:20.__D__‎ A:I have to say it's very surprising.‎ A.Oh,it's pretty strange.‎ B.Yeah,Tom,but I was a little nervous.‎ C.We always put it in a bowl.‎ D.They should always keep their hands on the table.‎ E.What else do you find surprising?‎ F.What rules do they have?‎ G.I ate the wrong food.‎ 四、完形填空。(导学号:38122105)(2016,乌鲁木齐)‎ Several years ago,__21__ a cold winter morning,I was shopping alone.I tried to buy some winter socks to __22__ my cold feet warm.When I went around the corner in the store,I saw a Christmas tree __23__ paper angels (天使).On each angel was the name of a poor child __24__ family couldn't afford to buy him/her a gift that year.Shoppers who picked an angel could buy a simple toy or gift and the store would __25__ it up and send it to the child that Christmas.‎ Around the tree,I saw a boy and a girl picking out several angels each.Their mother was smiling while she was watching __26__.I walked up next to her and started talking with her.She told me that her children __27__ this several years ago when she first explained to them what the Charity Angel tree was for.Each offered to give up one of their toys that year __28__ a poor child could have one.Since then,the two have __29__ money the whole year in order to buy gifts for more children.It has become a family tradition.‎ When we finished talking,I smiled,walked over to the tree,and picked out a ‎ few angels,too.I left the store,feeling __30__ and love for that Christmas.‎ ‎(A)21.A.on     B.in      C.at   D.for ‎(B)22.A.become B.keep C.let D.turn ‎(D)23.A.plenty of B.full with C.kinds of D.filled with ‎(C)24.A.who B.that C.whose D.whom ‎(A)25.A.pack B.pick C.cut D.mix ‎(D)26.A.her B.it C.him D.them ‎(D)27.A.stopped B.continued C.passed D.started ‎(B)28.A.in order to B.so that C.because D.if ‎(C)29.A.paid B.spent C.saved D.wasted ‎(A)30.A.warmth B.happiness C.joy D.taste 五、阅读理解。(导学号:38122106)(2016,包头)‎ An American friend has invited you to visit his family.You've never been to an American's home before,and you are not sure what to do.Don't worry!When you're the guest,you should just make yourself at home.‎ The question of whether or not to bring a gift often gives guests a headache.In American culture,it's not a mustdo thing to bring a present.Of course,some people do bring some small gifts like flowers,candies or—if the family has small children—toys.If you choose not to bring a gift,don't worry.No one will even notice.‎ American hospitality (好客) begins at home.Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day.When invited for a meal,you might ask,“Can I bring anything?” If it's not a potluck,where everyone brings a dish,the host will possibly answer,“No,just yourself.” For most informal dinners,you can just wear comfortable clothes.Remember to arrive on time,or call to tell your hosts that you may be late.‎ During the dinner conversation,it's polite to say the food is nice.After dinner,you can help clear the table or wash the dishes.But since you are the guest,your hosts may not let you.Instead,they may invite everyone to move to the living room to drink some tea or coffee.If the hosts are not smokers,you shouldn't smoke in their house.And,above all,don't go around looking at the house if you are not invited.After about an hour of chat,it's time to say goodbye.You don't want to wear out your welcome.‎ ‎31.In American culture,it's NOT OK to __B__.‎ A.bring no gifts when visiting a American friend B.smoke in a nonsmoker's house C.bring some candies to the host's kids D.call to say you may be late ‎32.If you are invited to a potluck,you should bring __A__.‎ A.a dish B.some flowers C.a book D.just yourself ‎33.__D__ may wear out your welcome.‎ A.Helping wash the dishes B.Drinking tea after dinner C.Being shown around the house D.Staying too long after dinner ‎34.The passage mainly talks about __C__.‎ A.how to make friends with Americans B.how to make oneself at home at a party C.how to act properly when invited by an American D.how to invited an American friend to dinner 六、书面表达。‎ 某国外旅游杂志向你约稿,请你以When in China,do as the Chinese do!为题写一篇文章,向西方读者介绍我们中国的饮食文化。以下是此杂志社发来的稿件要求,请仔细阅读,完成写作。‎ ‎...‎ ‎☆Length (词数):About 80 words.‎ ‎☆Content (内容):‎ Please try to answer at least 4 of these questions from our readers.‎ ‎●Are meals in China the same as meals in the West?‎ ‎●What time are lunch and dinner served in China?‎ ‎●How to eat food?‎ ‎●How to behave politely while eating with the old?‎ ‎●How do we know that a meal is over in China?‎ ‎●Is it a good idea to talk about food during a meal?‎ ‎●Will there be just three courses or more in China?‎ 要求:内容合理;要点齐全;句子及篇章结构准确、连续;书写规范。‎ When in China,do as the Chinese do!‎ Meals_in_China_are_different_in_some_ways_from_meals_in_the_West.In_China,lunch_is_usually_served_around_12_o'clock.As_for_dinner,Chinese_people_eat_it_much_earlier_than_people_in_the_West.Chopsticks_are_used_to_eat_most_food.Generally,for_dinner,there'll_be_lots_of_different_dishes,not_just_three_courses.Besides,Chinese_people_like_to_talk_about_food,so_it's_a_good_topic_during_a_meal.The_golden_rule_is:When_you're_in_China,watch_the_Chinese_and_do_as_they_do!‎

