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第四讲 七年级(下)Units 7~12‎ ‎ ‎ 重点词汇 ‎1.windy(adj.)多风的 ‎2.weather(n.)天气 ‎3.message(n.)信息;消息 ‎4.climb(v.)爬 ‎5.mountain(n.)高山 ‎6.winter(n.)冬天 ‎7.hotel(n.)旅馆 ‎8.restaurant(n.)餐馆 ‎9.front(n.)前面 ‎10.free(adj.)免费的 ‎11.money(n.)钱 ‎12.cinema(n.)电影院 ‎13.handsome(adj.)英俊的 ‎14.special(n.)特色菜;特价菜 (adj.)特殊的 ‎15.candle(n.)蜡烛 ‎16.popular(adj.)受欢迎的;普遍的 ‎17.feed(v.)喂养 ‎18.language(n.)语言 ‎19.snake(n.)蛇 ‎20.forest(n.)森林 词汇拓展 ‎1.man→men ‎2.child→children ‎3.bad→badly→worse→worst ‎4.Canada→Canadian加拿大人 ‎5.high→height高度 ‎6.act→actor男演员→actress女演员 ‎7.different→difference→differently ‎8.luck→lucky→luckily ‎9.visit→visitor ‎10.mouse→mice 重点短语 ‎1.传话,捎个口信take a message ‎2.(给某人)回电话call (sb) back ‎3.度假on (a) vacation ‎4.邮局post office ‎5.在……对面across from ‎6.向右/左转turn right/left ‎7.中等身高(be) of medium height ‎8.一点;少量a little ‎9.最后in the end ‎10.世界各地around the world ‎11.吹灭blow out ‎12.切碎cut up ‎13.给……带来好运bring good luck to…‎ ‎14.总的说来all in all ‎15.对……感兴趣be interested in ‎16.深夜不睡;熬夜stay up late ‎17.冲……大声叫嚷shout at ‎18.搭起put up ‎19.上上下下;起伏up and down ‎20.把……弄醒wake…up 重点句型 ‎1.—How's theweather?天气怎么样?‎ ‎—It'scloudy/sunny/raining.‎ 天气多云/晴朗/正在下雨。‎ ‎2.—Is there a hospital near here?‎ 这附近有医院吗?‎ ‎5.What size would you like?你想要多大的?‎ ‎6.If_he or sheblows out all the candlesin one go,the wish willcome true.假如他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将实现。‎ ‎—Yes,there is.It'son Bridge Street.‎ 是的,有。它在桥街上。‎ ‎3.Turn rightat the firstcrossing.‎ 在第一个十字路口向右转。‎ ‎4.—What does helook like?‎ 他长什么样?‎ ‎—He's really tall.他真地很高。‎ ‎7.—How was your school trip?‎ 你的学校郊游怎么样?‎ ‎—It was great!好极了!‎ ‎8.—Did you see any cows?‎ 你看见一些奶牛吗?‎ ‎—Yes,I did.I sawquite a few.‎ 是的,我看见了。我看见相当多。‎ ‎ ‎ 一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。 ‎ ‎1.Now Lucy isvisiting(拜访)her friend Jerry.‎ ‎2.Can you see Grandma'sglasses(眼镜),Jim?‎ ‎3.Kateputs(放)her CDs in the bookcase.‎ ‎4.There isn't acinema(电影院) in the neighborhood.‎ ‎5.It'scold(冷的)today. People are all wearing warm clothes.‎ ‎6.There are twohotels(宾馆)next to our school.‎ ‎7.The dress in red is very expensive(昂贵的).‎ ‎8.There are lots of clothes stores on the street(大街).‎ ‎9.Beijing is in thenorth(北方)of China,right?‎ ‎10.The juice isfree(免费的)if you eat in the restaurant.‎ 二、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式完成句子。‎ ‎11.I like sunny days,and I also likerainy days.‎ ‎12.We need asinger for the school music show.‎ ‎13.Australia and Canada are my favoritecountries.‎ ‎14.Tom enjoysskating in winter.‎ ‎15.Goalong this street and then you can find the restaurant.‎ 三、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。‎ ‎16.你能给我捎个口信吗?‎ Could youtake a message for me?‎ ‎17.当你看到一个大超市时向左拐。‎ Turn left when you see a big supermarket.‎ ‎18.最后,丢失的小狗自己回来了。‎ In the end,the lost dog comes back itself.‎ ‎19.我家的房子前面有一棵树。‎ There is a treein front of my house.‎ ‎20.玛丽长得像她爸爸。‎ Marylooks like her father.‎ 一、Is there a post office near here?附近有家邮局吗?‎ ‎【考点精讲】‎ ‎(1)该句是there be结构,表示某处有(存在)某人或某物。其中的be动词应根据主语的人称、数的不同而变化,主语是单数名词或第三人称单数时用is,主语是复数名词或其他人称时用are。eg:‎ There is a post office near here.这儿附近有一家邮局。‎ There are two boys in the street.在街上有两个男孩。‎ ‎(2)there be结构的一般疑问句是将be动词提到句首,句尾用问号。回答时先用Yes或No,再作简单回答。eg:‎ Is there a post office near here?这儿附近有邮局吗?‎ Yes,there is./No,there isn't.是的,有。/不,没有。‎ Are there two boys in the street?有两个男孩在街上吗?‎ Yes,there are./No,there aren't.是的,有/不,没有。‎ ‎(3)该句型的否定形式是在be动词的后面加not。eg:‎ There aren't any boys in the street.街上没有男孩。‎ ‎【友情提示】there be结构中be的后面若只有一个主语,谓语动词的数则取决于该主语的数;若有几个并列主语,则通常与靠近的主语的数保持一致。eg:‎ There is a pen and some books on the desk.桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。‎ There are some books and a pen on the desk.桌上有一些书和一支钢笔。‎ ‎ ‎ There ________ be a fashion show in our town tomorrow.(2014,雅安)‎ ‎                 ‎ A.are going to B.will have C.has D.is going to ‎【解析】D。考查一般将来时的There be句型。由时间状语tomorrow可知应用一般将来时;there be句型不能与have/has混用;主语a fashion show表示单数,所以应用系动词is。故选D。‎ ‎【即时演练】‎ Ⅰ.单项选择。‎ ‎1.There __B__ a dictionary and two pens on the desk.(2013,齐齐哈尔)‎ ‎               ‎ A.am   B.is     C.are ‎2.—Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?‎ ‎—Yes,__D__is.Go down this street and turn right.‎ A.it B.this C.that D.there 二、How's the weather in Beijing?北京的天气怎么样?‎ ‎【考点精讲】‎ 句型“How's the weather in+地点?”常用来询问某地的天气,回答用“It's…”。该句型等于“What's the weather like in+地点?”。eg:‎ ‎—How's the weather in Shanghai?=What's the weather like in Shanghai?上海天气如何?‎ ‎—It's cloudy.多云。‎ 此外,谈论天气的常用语还有:‎ ‎◆It looks like rain.天看起来要下雨了。‎ ‎◆Lovely weather,isn't it?天气真好,不是吗?‎ ‎◆It's raining hard/heavily.天下着大雨。‎ ‎◆What's the weather report for tomorrow?天气预报说明天什么天气?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎—Could you tell me________in your hometown in winter?‎ ‎—Sure.(2014,防城港)‎ A.whether does it often snow B.whether it often snows C.if it often snow D.if does it snow ‎【解析】B ‎。本题把询问天气情况放到宾语从句中考查。句意:你能告诉我冬天你的家乡经常下雪吗?根据宾语从句要使用陈述句语序可淘汰A、D;而C中动词snow没有加任何形式,故选B。‎ ‎【即时演练】‎ Ⅰ.单项选择。‎ ‎1.—__D__weather it is!We can't go boating on the Xuanwu Lake.‎ ‎—Don't worry.Let's go to the Science Museum instead.(2014,南京)‎ ‎               ‎ A.what good B.How good C.How bad D.What bad ‎2.—What are you doing tomorrow,Jane?‎ ‎—I'll go bike riding if it__D__.I like riding on rainy days.(2013,丹东)‎ A.doesn't rain B.is cloudy C.is snowy D.rains Ⅱ.按要求完成句子。‎ ‎3.It was rainy yesterday.(对画线部分提问)‎ How was the weather yesterday?‎ ‎4.What's the weather like in Tianjin?(改为同义句)‎ How is the weather in Tianjin?‎ ‎ 三、What does he look like?他长什么样?‎ ‎【考点精讲】‎ 这个句型是用来询问人的外部特征的,回答常用高矮、胖瘦、大眼睛、高鼻子等。即可用“主语+系动词+形容词”句式;或者“主语+have/has+名词”句式,意思是“某人长着……”。eg:‎ ‎—What does your brother look like?你哥哥长什么样?‎ ‎—He is tall and thin.他又高又瘦。‎ ‎【提醒】句型“What is/are sb. like?”常用来询问人的性格。eg:‎ ‎—What's your sister like?你妹妹什么性格?‎ ‎—She is outgoing.她很外向。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎—________?(2013,包头)‎ ‎—He is not very heavy and wears glasses.‎ A.What does Ron look like  B.What is Ron C.What do you think of Ron D.How is Ron ‎【解析】A。由答句“他不胖,戴着眼镜”可知问句询问人的相貌,故选A。‎ ‎【即时演练】‎ Ⅰ.单项选择。‎ ‎1.—__C__does your new friend look like?‎ ‎—He is tall with short blonde hair and big blue eyes.(2013,济南)‎ ‎               ‎ A.How B.Who C.What D.Where ‎2.—What does your brother look like?‎ ‎—He is__D__.(2013,铜仁)‎ A.fine B.nice and friendly C.good D.tall and handsome ‎3.—__B__?‎ ‎—He is tall.(2011,湘西)‎ A.How is he ‎ B.What does he look like C.What does he like 四、I'd like some noodles.我想要些面条。‎ ‎【考点精讲】‎ would like的用法 ‎(1)would like作“想要,愿意”讲时,常用于口语中,语气平和、委婉。would常与主语缩写为“'d”的形式,如I would=I'd,He would=He'd等。‎ ‎(2)常用的句型结构 ‎①would like sth.(名词或代词作宾语)想要某物 ‎②would like to do sth.想要做某事 ‎③would like sb. to do sth.希望/想要某人做某事 ‎ 【拓展】含would like的陈述句变成一般疑问句时,直接把情态动词would提前。Would you like/love…?比Do you want…?语气委婉,常用于口语。对此问句的肯定回答一般为Yes,I'd like/love to.,还可以为Yes,please./All right./Yes./OK.等。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎—Would you like some noodles?‎ ‎—________.I am not hungry now.(2013,湛江)‎ ‎                 ‎ A.You are welcome B.Yes,please C.No,thanks D.Here you are ‎【解析】C。本题考查情景交际。对别人提出的建议所给的一种委婉的拒绝方式为“不,谢谢”。故选C。‎ ‎【即时演练】‎ Ⅰ.单项选择。‎ ‎1.—Would you like __B__ camping with me?‎ ‎—I'd like to.But I'm busy______ my homework.(2013,滨州)‎ A.to go;to do B.to go;doing C.going;to do D.going;doing ‎2.—Would you like some milk?‎ ‎—__A__.(2013,安徽)‎ A.Yes,please B.The same to you C.Help yourself D.My pleasure ‎3.—Would you like__C__Wutong tomorrow?‎ ‎—If my mother______,I'll go with you.‎ A.climbing;will allow B.climbing;allows C.to climb;allows D.to climb;will allow ‎4.—What are you going to do this weekend?‎ ‎—I'd like__A__my parents.‎ A.to visit B.visit C.visiting D.visited ‎ 五、【辨析】interest/interesting/interested ‎【考点精讲】‎ ‎◆interest既是名词,又是动词。作名词时,意为“兴趣;趣味”,作动词时,意为“使(人)产生兴趣”,作名词组成短语take/show interest in sb./sth.意为“对某人/某物感兴趣”。eg:‎ The little girl shows great interest in music.这个小女孩对音乐很感兴趣。‎ The topic interests me greatly.这个话题使我大感兴趣。‎ ‎◆interesting指事物(人)本身有趣,在句中可以修饰物,也可以修饰人,可作定语,也可以作表语。‎ ‎◆interested只能修饰人,表示某人对某物感兴趣,常用结构为sb. be interested in sth.。eg:‎ I am interested in the interesting storybooks.我对有趣的故事书感兴趣。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎—What fun The Croods is!(2013,宁波)‎ ‎—Yeah!I like the movie,too.It's so________.‎ ‎               ‎ A.boring B.scary C.interesting D.sad ‎【解析】C。句意:—《克鲁一家》这部电影太好了!—是的!我也喜欢这部电影。它太有趣了。interesting是形容词,意为“有趣的”,故选C。‎ ‎【即时演练】‎ ‎                ‎ ‎1.—Peter has changed a lot,hasn't he?‎ ‎—Yes.He used to__B__the guitar,but now he is more______in playing soccer.(2014,达州)‎ A.plays;interested B.play;interested C.play;interesting D.playing;interest ‎2.—We all like Miss Wang.‎ ‎—I agree with you.She always makes her English classes__C__.(2014,福州)‎ A.interested  B.interest  C.interesting ‎3.The new black car really__C__Mr.Green a lot.He decided to buy it.(2013,舟山)‎ A.interest B.interests C.interested D.interesting ‎4.The story is__D__and all of us are______in it.(2014,铜仁)‎ A.interest;interesting B.interesting;interest C.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested Ⅱ.翻译句子。‎ ‎5.这个男孩10岁的时候就对科学产生了很大的兴趣。‎ The_boy_was_interested_in_science_at_the_age_of_10.‎ 六、【辨析】something/anything/nothing ‎【考点精讲】‎ ‎◆共同点:‎ ‎(1)三者都是复合不定代词,作主语时,谓语动词都用第三人称单数形式。‎ ‎(2)当形容词修饰它们时,形容词要位于它们后面,如something interesting有趣的事。‎ ‎◆不同点:‎ ‎(1)something用在肯定句中,anything用在否定句或疑问句中,not…anything=nothing。‎ ‎(2)something还可用在表示请求或期望得到肯定回答的疑问句中。eg:‎ Would you like something to drink?你想要点喝的吗?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎—Tom,supper is ready.‎ ‎—I don't want to eat________,Mum. I'm not feeling well.(2013,北京)‎ ‎                  ‎ A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything ‎【解析】D。句意:—汤姆,晚饭准备好了。—我不想吃东西,妈妈。我觉得不舒服。anything用于否定句,故选D。‎ ‎【即时演练】‎ Ⅰ.单项选择。‎ ‎1.My host family tried to cook__C__for me when I studied in New Zealand.(2013,孝感)‎ ‎               ‎ A.different something B.different anything C.something different D.anything different ‎2.You have just read the newspaper.Did you find__B__in it?(2013,益阳)‎ A.interesting anything B.anything interesting C.interesting something ‎ ‎3.Look!The clock has stopped.Maybe there's __C__ wrong with it.(2014,北京)‎ A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing Ⅱ.选用something,anything或nothing填空。‎ ‎4.—I'm thirsty,Mum.Can I havesomething to drink?‎ ‎—OK.Here's some Cola.‎ ‎5.They were all so tired that they could donothing but sleep.‎ ‎6.Something is wrong with my eyes.I can't seeanything around me.‎ ‎ ★★写作专题——启事★★‎ 一、要点入门 启事是一种公告性的应用文。启事有多种,如遗失启事(Lost)、招领启事(Found)、招聘启事(Wanted)等。启事由标题、正文、签名等部分构成。写启事应注意以下几点:‎ ‎1.将启事的标题(如Lost,Found,Wanted等)写在正文上方居中位置。‎ ‎2.发布启事的日期写在正文的右上方,也可以不写。‎ ‎3.签名位于正文右下方;如果正文中已经出现,可以不写。‎ ‎4.启事一般不用称呼和结束语。‎ ‎5.启事的正文内容通常包括物品及特征、地点、时间、名字、联系方式、酬谢或薪资等。‎ ‎6.写招领启事时,物品的特征不要写得过于详细,以防有人冒领。‎ ‎ 二、典型例题 林先生想求租一套两居室的房子,每月租金1000元。有意者请拨打8965835与林先生联系。请据此写一则求租广告。‎ Wanted ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【思路点拨】‎ 启事为求租广告,可直接点明求租的是一套两居室的房子,每月租金1000元。然后交代联系人及联系电话等。‎ ‎【写作模版】‎ I need…I can pay…Please call…at…K ‎ 【满分范文】‎ Wanted A house with two bedrooms.‎ ‎1,000 yuan per month.‎ Call Mr.Lin at 8965835.‎ Thanks!‎

