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词汇练习 BOOK ONE Unit1-Unit2‎ ‎(A)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 Canada‎ love meet teach library 1. Jenny is from _________. She is _________.‎ 2. Have a __________ day.‎ 3. Ms Li ___________us English . She is a very good English __________.‎ 4. Our school has two __________. One is big. The other is small .There are more than 45_______ working in them.‎ 5. He ________his friend on the street yesterday. He said they would have a _______ the next day.‎ ‎(B)‎ Late marker close open they cut write draw 1. Lu Xun was a famous ______. He________ a lot of books.‎ 2. See you ________.‎ 3. It’s too late . The shop is________ at 7:‎30 a.m. and _______at 3p.m.‎ 4. ‎________picture is my hobby.‎ 5. The master said help ________to the food to the children .‎ ‎(C)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. The_______(dress) in the shop are made of silk. All the women like them.‎ 2. Do you know ________(who)bicycle is over there?‎ 3. I need to go shopping this afternoon . I’m going to buy _______(一条)shorts, _______(一双) socks_______(一把 )scissors__________(三双)shoes________(一副)glasses.‎ 4. This pair of gloves ________much too expensive. But the red gloves ________not so expensive.‎ Unit3-Unit 4‎ ‎(A)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎ Arm foot happy shake little friend 1. We are very________ to our neighbours 2. He lives with his parents________. It’s a kind of ________ to live his parents.‎ 3. It’s good manners_______ hands with other people.‎ 4. My brother joined the_______ two years ago. He has ______ a solider for two years.‎ 5. There is______ water. He has _______money than me. I have the ______money.‎ ‎(B)‎ ‎1.Danny stand on your ________(foot).‎ ‎2._________(this) buildings were built hundreds years ago. _________(those)building is our apartment.‎ ‎3.He_______(头疼)yesterday. He doesn’t ________(想) go to school.‎ ‎4. There are lots of fresh_________(peach) and___________(strawberry) in the market in autumn.‎ ‎5.After supper he needs to ______________(做作业)quickly.‎ ‎6. We often have ___________(稀饭) for breakfast. But Canadians like to have________(麦片粥) with_________(糖) for breakfast.‎ ‎7.Are you ready to________(点菜) ?‎ ‎8. My sister is a _________(服务员) . She works in a big__________(餐厅).‎ ‎9.____________(该干….时间) lunch. ____________(该干….时间) for me cook hamburgers and pizza..‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据句义和首字母写出单词,使句义完整 1. She is a h_______ girl. She always smiles.‎ 2. Her mother is in hospital She feels s_______.‎ 3. Everyone has a mouth and a n________.‎ 4. I see with my e ________and listen with my e________.‎ 5. We often use our r________ hand to write.‎ 6. My hair is l________. Your hair is short.‎ 7. ‎—Do you k ________his name?‎ — Yes, his name is Tom.‎ 8. We should have b________ in the morning.‎ 9. I’m h _________I want to eat some cakes.‎ 10. I like f _________such as apples oranges and pears 11. Tom goes to s________ on foot.‎ 12. I drink a bottle m_______ every morning.‎ Unit5—Unit 6‎ ‎(A)‎ 选词填空 ‎ No….or , live in . take a shower, brush teeth, make dumplings 1. During the Spring Festival the Chinese______________ to welcome the new year.‎ 2. He is the only child in his family. He has________ brothers_______ sisters.‎ 3. You’d better ________ your _________twice a day.‎ 4. Jenny and Brian _________Canada.‎ 5. It’s good for us to _________every five days.‎ ‎(B)‎ By bus , far from, follow me, grocery shop, comb hair, above , on sale 1. Are they expensive or _________?‎ 2. You can buy almost everything from that ___________.‎ 3. He lives _________school, so he has to go school ________every day.‎ 4. ‎—Excuse me! Where is the gym?‎ ‎—It’s not far.___________.‎ 5. Look at your hair . you don’t ______________ this morning.‎ ‎6.There is a big clock _________the desk. ‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 Name drive office break build bear 1. I have friend ______Jenny Smith.‎ 2. She was_ ______in 1970.‎ 3. It was too late. My father ________ me to school this morning.‎ 4. His bicycle is _________. He needs to get it mended.‎ 5. His brother is an police_________. He works in a police station.‎ 6. The workers are _______an apartment_________.‎ ‎(C)‎ 完成句子 1. Let’s go to the cinema to __________________(看电影).‎ 2. Thirty –five plus twenty_____________(等于)fifty-five.‎ 3. Go down this road and ________________(向右转).‎ 4. Dongxing Supermarket in______________(在……对面).‎ 1. They are ____________________(在电话上交谈).‎ 2. Animals live _________________(在森林)‎ 3. Don’t _________________(玩电脑).‎ 4. We go to school ____________________(在星期一早上).‎ ‎(D)‎ 根据句义和首字母写出单词,使句义完整 1. I have a happy f_____. We live in China.‎ 2. His father takes a shower on F________ evening.‎ 3. My aunt is a bus d________. She often takes me to school.‎ 4. Today is my birthday. I will have a birthday p_________.‎ 5. This is Jack. He is my aunt’s son . So he is my c__________.‎ 6. Some of the boys like s________ in the river.‎ 7. The girl is e__________ an apple.‎ Unit7—Unit8(A)‎ 根据汉语意思完句子 1. January 1 is_________________(新年).‎ 2. ‎________________(春节)is in January or February.‎ 3. ‎________________(国际劳动节)is May 1.‎ 4. June 1 is___________________(儿童节).‎ 5. September 10 is____________________(教师节).‎ 6. When is____________________(国庆节)?October 1.‎ 7. ‎________________________(天安门广场) is in Beijing.‎ 8. ‎______________________(故宫) has a long history.‎ 9. ‎____________(渥太华) is the capital of Canada.‎ 10. ‎ Niagara Falls is a famous_______________(瀑布).‎ 11. This is_____________________(自由女神像) It is in New York.‎ 12. This is___________________(白金汉宫) .________(国王) and ___________(王后) live in it.‎ 13. The capital city of Australia is________________(堪培拉) ‎ 14. America and Canada are________________(讲英语的) countries.‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 In red shorts, play with , a lot of , come from ,points down , look at , the same colour as 1. The boy ________ is the first.‎ 2. Would you like to ______ badminton ______me?‎ 3. We had learned __________English words by the end of last term.‎ 4. Where do you _________?I’m from Yan’an.‎ 5. The UK’S flag has ____________the flag of the US.‎ 6. This is south. South __________.‎ 7. Let’s __________ the map.‎ ‎(C)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 Nine, west , know about, fly a kite, twelve, forty, leaf, ‎ 1. The wind is blowing tree’s__________.‎ 2. September is the_________ month of year.‎ 3. My friend likes __________foods very much.‎ 4. We have ___________Canada.‎ 5. I saw the girl_____________ just now.‎ 1. Next week is his son’s _________birthday . But his ___________birthday is in January.‎ BOOK 2‎ Unit 1(A)‎ 选词填空 Go/be on a trip to, too…to, far from, work hard at , go shopping, leave for , arrive in (at)‎ 1. We are _______ hungry ________ go any farther.‎ 2. May I ___________ Shijiazhuang?‎ 3. Is the shop ___________ our school or near to our school?‎ 4. Final examination is coming. All the students ________ every subject.‎ 5. Tomorrow is Saturday. Let’s go shopping.‎ 6. They will _____________ Beijing tomorrow.‎ 7. They __________the small town.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 Invite , wonder, talk to, cheap, write home/ write to, forget, excite 1. ‎—Have you ____________ recently?‎ ‎—No, but I ___________my friend yesterday.‎ 2. I received the_______ from Ann.‎ 3. It’s really a __________film . You’d better see it.‎ 4. How __________the children were when they got the __________news.‎ 5. Look! Our English is _________ the naughty boy.‎ 6. ‎—Don’t _________ to bring the magazine here.‎ ‎—I’m sorry, I have ________ it all.‎ 7. A bus is much________ than an airplane ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. How far is it________ Shijiazhuang_________ Beijing?(从……到)‎ 2. They _______________(乘公共汽车) to school yesterday.‎ 3. My mother is ______________(打点行装).‎ 4. Before traveling , we need to ______________(制定旅行计划).‎ 5. Students go to buy train tickets___________(在火车站).‎ 6. ‎—We’ll leave for Hainan this afternoon.‎ ‎—_____________________(旅途愉快).‎ Unit 2‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据句义和首字母写出单词,使句义完整 1. Boys and girls are c___________.‎ 2. Men women and children are p__________.‎ 3. A s__________ is a little food to eat.‎ 4. He would like a bottle of pop because he is t_______.‎ 5. Look! The children are playing c________ over there.‎ 6. There are fifty-six p________ in China.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 Look out of, have fun (doing), loud , play cards with, sing a song to , point to (at)‎ 1. Most boys_____________ playing basketball.‎ 1. The boy is______________ his playmates.‎ 2. Let’s__________________ to our teacher to thank him.‎ 3. Jenny is___________________ the window of the train. She sees nothing.‎ 4. Take care! The man shouted ____________.‎ 5. It’s impolite to ____________other people’s noses.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. The boy is ____________________(看书).‎ 2. There are twenty-five_____________(男老师) and twenty__________________(女医生).‎ 3. Would you like ____________(一杯茶) or ____________________(一杯牛奶)?‎ 4. He wants_______________(少量的) snack.‎ 5. ‎______________(画画) is fun.‎ Unit 3‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据句义和首字母写出单词,使句义完整 1. When the teacher came in ,students became q___________.‎ 2. I’m writing some p___________ to my friends .‎ 3. Let’s go s____________ down this street.‎ 4. This is the b__________ of box.‎ 5. E__________ me, do you have a bandage?‎ 6. We need two e____________ to post these letters.‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 Take a taxi, go for a walk, feel scared, a short form of, take a picture 1. It’s a sunny day. I’d like to _____________.‎ 2. That’s too late. I have to ____________to work.‎ 3. Let’s is _________________let us.‎ 4. The scenery is so beautiful, let’s ______________.‎ 5. The little girls_______________ to walk at night.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. We put the stamp______________________(在右上角) of the postcard.‎ 2. He hurt his finger and________________(贴上绑迪)on it.‎ 3. ‎___________________(沿着….走) the street . You can see a hospital on your right.‎ 4. This digital__________(照相机) is made in Shanghai.‎ 5. How often do you play______________(电脑) games?‎ 6. We don’t know the UK_____________(缩写) the United Kingdom.‎ Unit 4‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. My mother is a ______________(职员) in a supermarket.‎ 2. Chinese use______________(筷子) to eat.‎ 3. He is eating an____________(冰激凌)‎ 4. Do you know his e-mail ___________________(地址)?‎ 5. In Chinatown you can see many Chinese__________(餐馆).‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Who _________(want) to go shopping today?‎ 2. Danny _______________(do not) want to go to Beijing, either.‎ 3. Let her ____________(play) cards.‎ 4. Jenny _______________(shop) quickly yesterday.‎ 5. Please send____________(he) a letter.‎ 6. My mother ___________(buy) a pair of shoes for me .‎ 7. He___________(catch) a cold yesterday.‎ 8. He __________(go) out just now.‎ 9. We ____________(hear) the girl singing just now.‎ 10. He____________(teach) his little brother a lesson last week.‎ Unit 5‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据句义和首字母写出单词,使句义完整 1. I a__________ walk to school.‎ 2. What’s the t__________ today ?‎ 3. Can you answer my q___________?‎ 4. Lucy often takes an u____________ with her.‎ 5. They are watching TV in the l____________ room.‎ 6. My parents l________ English every day.‎ 7. What’s the shape of it? It’s a t________.‎ 8. Jenny s___________ walks to school.‎ 9. The r______________ is used to keep food fresh.‎ 10. Mum is in the k____________ cooking meal.‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 Go home , do one’s homework, get to. Make supper, It’s time, help sb. Have a new lesson , me 1. They _____________yesterday.‎ 2. Father is________________. It smells so delicious.‎ 3. They need to__________________ every day.‎ 4. Can you __________ with my English ?‎ 5. We ‘ll ____________tomorrow .‎ 6. The dictionary on the desk is_________.‎ 7. They have _____________help the farmers.‎ 8. ‎___________________ supper.‎ ‎________________________ go for a walk.‎ Unit 6‎ ‎(A)‎ 选词填空 Get ready for, put on , make a snowman , go outside /inside, be going to, invite , help, ice 1. L Ming _____________his scarf, hat and mitts 2. In winter , Children like_____________.‎ 3. It’s too cold for us. Let’s ________________.‎ 4. They are __________________ the party.‎ 5. He __________ a friend__________ dinner.‎ 6. Yesterday I _________ Mr Smith _________ put up the Christmas tree.‎ 1. There_____________ a meeting tomorrow.‎ 2. Take care! The road is_____________.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Santa Claus gave us some __________(scarf).‎ 2. In winter, it often _______________(snow) in my hometown. Look! It is a ___________(snow) day today. It _____________ (snow) heavily.‎ 3. Who __________(bring) us gifts yesterday?‎ 4. In fall, ________( wind) _____________(blow) __________(leaf) off trees.‎ 5. Today is a __________(wind) cold day.‎ 6. He _________(speak) English very well. Listen ! He ____________(speak) Chinese .yesterday he ____________( speak ) with me all day.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. We can get a lot of vitamins from__________________(胡萝卜).‎ 2. He says ____________________(圣诞快乐) to me .‎ 3. Each family puts up big red __________(灯笼) on the eve of the new year.‎ 4. Danny bought ___________________(中国式的东西) for Jenny.‎ 5. Would you like _________________(特殊的东西) for your girl friend?‎ 6. I would like a pair of____________(手套) without separated dingers.‎ Unit7‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语完成下列句子 1. Zheng Jie and Yanzi are ______________(羽毛球)stars.‎ 2. My son needs a new pair of ____________(跑鞋).‎ 3. Red Double Happiness is a brand of_____________(乒乓球拍).‎ 4. I don’t like _____________(洋葱)or__________(豌豆).‎ 5. He does exercise every day . He has strong___________(肌肉).‎ 6. We __________(欢呼) and ___________(喊叫)for Bob’s team.‎ 7. They go fishing ____________________(每逢星期天).‎ 8. I like your new _______________(T—恤).‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This math problem is____________. I can work it out ___________(easy).‎ 2. The wind is blowing__________(strong). It is raining__________(heavy).‎ 3. ‎________(ride )a bicycle is a good way to keep fit.‎ 4. He likes English ___________(well)of all the subjects.‎ 5. The________ _________(teach) us how to _______(catch) a ball yesterday. He ____________( think) we were good ________(play).‎ 6. I ___________(wake) up ay 7:00 . I was late .‎ 7. You’re too weak. You need to keep__________(health).‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Need , be ready , each other , have fun , be good for, how often , after school 1. Please wait for me at the school gate_______________.‎ 2. This bike ________ repairing.‎ 3. They____________ playing computer games 1. ‎—— ____________do you write home?‎ ‎—— Once a week.‎ 2. To get up early __________your health.‎ 3. ‎___________you __________ for school work yet?‎ 4. We need to ___________and learn from____________.‎ Unit 8‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. D_________ is symbol of China.‎ 2. There are four o___________ in the world.‎ 3. Most people like to wear s___________ to keep their feet cool.‎ 4. You can buy some typical s___________ in the places of interest.‎ 5. The things in Yan’an d____________ are too expensive for common people to buy.‎ 6. He needs a c_____________ to take photos.‎ 7. I am very s__________ of snake.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. The evening party will be over____________________(再过十五分).‎ 2. Danny likes ____________(小甜饼)very much.‎ 3. He _______________________(告别)to his parents and left his home. On the way to school , he _________________(向… 问好) his friends.‎ 4. Look! The little girl is _____________________(摘花)in the garden.‎ 5. ‎_______________________(暑假) is coming , What will you do?‎ 6. The boy is standing outside ______________(不高兴地).‎ 7. That is really a big_____________(意外)‎ 8. He has ____________(忘了)his friend’s net name.‎ 9. There is a big______________(游泳池).‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Walk towards, faster and faster, run into , in the sky , go on a trip to, get ready to, ask for, how long , wake up ,lie 1. He is____________ . Do not believe what he said.‎ 2. We can see some beggars on the street,________ the passengers_______ some money.‎ 3. Danny‎ ‎___________Dinosaur ‎School‎ . There was little time left, he began to walk_____________, he ____________a tree.‎ 4. All the students have ____________ take the final examination.‎ 5. ‎______________ have you lived here?‎ 6. The boy has_____________ It’s time for his little sister to get up . He__________ his sister.‎ 7. K Day is coming. There are many kites ______________.‎ 8. They will_____________________ Shijiazhuang.‎ BOOK 3‎ Unit 1‎ ‎(A)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Do you enjoy___________(live) here?‎ 2. He has a friend_______________(call) Li Ming.‎ 1. I’ m ____________(scare) that you may have a cold.‎ 2. The boy hate to be____________(lose) in the game.‎ 3. My mother _________________(be) a teacher for 20 years.‎ 4. Help __________(you) to these cakes, children.‎ 5. What are some of________________(different) between schools in China and Canada?‎ 6. Every grade has ten ___________(class).‎ 7. It’s fun _____________(get) e—mail from pen friends.‎ 8. Do you ___________(real) have a cold?‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. I have never w_______ purple clothes.‎ 2. What are you i ____________ in? Playing or watching TV?‎ 3. I play the v__________. I love m_________.‎ 4. We often go out on the w_______________.‎ 5. My coat is made of c________.‎ 6. His room is clean and t___________.‎ 7. Let me i________________ this boy to you.‎ 8. Do you like playing the p___________.‎ 9. You don’t like playing the bagpipes. I don’t like them, e_______.‎ 10. There are fifty P__________ in our class.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. We are in ______________(九年级)now.‎ 2. Wait a moment, I need another ___________________(两大张纸).‎ 3. There are_______________________(许多不同种类)books in the book store.‎ 4. My daughter bought ________________________________(一条蓝色的牛仔裤).‎ 5. Kunming is surrounded by green trees and fresh flowers ________________(全年). So it is called the Spring‎ ‎City.‎ 6. My birthday is in________________(一月) ‎ 7. It’s impolite to ________________(嘲笑) other people.‎ 8. Yao Ming and Mcgrday are _________________________(同一篮球队).‎ 选词填空 Also, too, either, interest, interesting , interested, be made of , be made in , be made from , be made into, be made by , marry, hate to do, silly , in front of, write down ‎ 1. He has lots of____________. He is______________ in reading books. He says that reading books is__________.‎ 2. I don’t know, ___________. He wants to have a talk with me,_________. They __________ need some help.‎ 3. This medicine ____________________ Shanghai. It is ______________iron and plastic . It is ___________________workers in the factory. Paper __________________wooden . Cloth _____________cotton. The cloth ________________clothes.‎ 4. His aunt and uncle ____________________ for fifteen years. They are a happy couple.‎ 5. Some adults dislike net games. They _______________ play those games.‎ 6. Have you _______________________ what the teacher said?‎ 7. Don’t be____________ . It’s good for you.‎ 8. There is a big store _________________ our school.‎ Unit 2‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语完成句子 1. What time is it now? It’s________________________(三点差一刻)‎ 2. Tomorrow we’ll _________________________(进行数学考试).‎ 3. My mother is a _________________(图书管理员).‎ 4. ‎___________(物理学) is very interesting , but it is a little difficult.‎ 5. We____________(确实) have art.‎ 6. The second Sunday of May is______________(母亲节).The third Sunday of June is________________(父亲节).‎ ‎(B) ‎ 完成下列句子 1. Math is the short form of ______________.‎ 2. Exam is the short form of_______________.‎ 3. P.E. is the short form of_____________.‎ 4. Zhang Daqian is a famous _____________. His _________________sells well .(paint)‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Too much, except, give a talk to , be good at , turn out , borrow from, social studies 1. He _____________some books _________ me. He hasn’t return them yet.‎ 2. Professor Zhang will ________________________us on __________.‎ 3. You eat _____________. You’d better be on diet.‎ 4. Everyone is here ___________ Li Ming.‎ 5. It’s time for rest . ___________ the light.‎ 6. He ______________________drawing pictures.‎ Unit 3‎ ‎(A) ‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.____________speak English and French .( Canada)‎ ‎2.Thank you for _________ (ask) me.‎ ‎3. Thanksgiven Day is_______________(celebrate) on the ___________(two) Monday in October in Canada and on the ____________(four) Thursday of November in the USA.‎ ‎4. How about___________(mail) the letter?‎ ‎5. Christmas tree is _________(decorate) with some shining stars.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语完成句子 1. They __________________(给… 热烈的拥抱) to welcome the guests.‎ 2. His sister owns a ________________(服装店).‎ 3. Both ________________( 中秋节) and ____________________(感恩节) are traditional festival.‎ 4. He went to America _______________________(二月底) and returned to China_________________(四月初).‎ 5. Will you please help me ______________________(写 感谢信) .‎ 6. ‎_____________(少年 ) are our future.‎ 7. Let’s hold a ___________(宴会) to celebrate the New Year’s Day.‎ 8. The style is _____________(时尚) here in China.‎ 9. That flat is my _________________________(爷爷奶奶的).‎ 10. North Americans often eat ____________(火鸡) and ____________(甜点).‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Get together, get from, try on, blow out , huge, watch the moon, moon cakes, fit well, best, wishes to , lots of 1. The shoes look nice. __________ them ___________. They_________ you___________.‎ 2. Families ________________to have dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival . They say ___________________each other to welcome the new year.‎ 3. After the birthday song , the little boy _____________ the candles.‎ 4. Chinese people sit outside, ________________, ____________on the evening of Mid-Autumn Festival.‎ 5. He met_____________ troubles in his work.‎ 6. That is really a ___________square. It can hold more than 70,000 people.‎ 7. He __________some presents___________ his friends.‎ Unit 4‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. Do you often go to the b __________ to buy some bread?‎ 2. R ____________ to bring your homework to school tomorrow .‎ 3. Walk along the street , take the second t _________ on the right.‎ 4. Don’t c _________ the street here . It’s dangerous .‎ 5. We’ll wait for you u ___________ you come back.‎ 6. Would you give a p__________ of paper?‎ 7. There is a school a__________ from the shopping centre.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Just______________(在… 对面)our house there is a bookshop.‎ 2. I want ________________(两片)bread.‎ 3. He has crossed the street. He is walking______________________(沿着人行道).‎ 4. When I saw the teapot I felt______________(渴).‎ 5. ‎_________________(一直走)down the street.‎ 6. You will______________(经过)a grocery store.‎ 7. Michael is a ________________________(曲棍球运动员).Hw is good at ____________________(打曲棍球).‎ 8. His mother works in a ________________(购物中心).‎ 9. In my ________________(居住区) there are many shops, such as _________________(音响店)_____________(书店)____________(巧克力店)_______________(电影院).‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 On one’s way ,to one’s surprise, alone/lonely, get lost, pay attention to, over there ‎1._____________________theyfound the little boy was cooking himself.‎ ‎2.The old man lives_____________. He feels _____________.‎ ‎3. You need to ___________________writing mistakes, try to correct them.‎ ‎4.After he got off the train , the man couldn’t find his way . he______________.‎ ‎5. The children were playing ____________.‎ ‎6._____________________home . Danny bought lots of donuts.‎ Unit 5‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 ‎1.I have some problems. Could you give me some a_________?‎ ‎2. My a_________ is to be an actor.‎ ‎3. A y___________ has picture of everyone in your class.‎ ‎4.I can s__________ my name.‎ ‎5.Fast is the o_________ of slow.‎ ‎6. My brother is a l___________. He is very rich.‎ ‎7.Lin Junjie is a h___________ singer.‎ ‎8. Please i___________ your English or you will fall behind.‎ ‎9. There are lots s___________ in the sky.‎ ‎10 His g___________ is to be a gardener.‎ ‎12. He loves science. He wants to be a s___________.‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 Fold into, I hope so , in the newspaper, be famous, make …. Come true, in the future, look inside, in ten more days, give advice to, between 1. What would you like to be _____________________?‎ 2. There are many differences ____________eastern cultures and western cultures.‎ 3. ‎___________ the advice diamond, what can you see?‎ 4. Your teacher will show you how to _________ it_________ an advice diamond.‎ 5. There is an interesting report ________________>‎ 6. Yan’an is ______________ Yan’an spirit.‎ 7. If you work hard . You can ___________your dream___________.‎ 8. Will it be sunny tomorrow? ________________________.‎ 9. H e is in trouble. You need to ________________________ him.‎ 10. ‎_______________________we will have a sports meeting.‎ ‎(C)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I wouldn’t make my students ___________(do) homework on Sunday.‎ 2. They need_____________(bring) some books and exercise books.‎ 3. ‎ Are you good at _____________(sing)?‎ 4. Share your ____________________(predict) of your future with other students.‎ 5. Do you ____________ know his ___________ (real) name?‎ 6. We have two dogs three_____________(sheep).‎ 7. I have to stay at home ___________(do) the housework.‎ 8. It smells___________(terribly).‎ Unit 6‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. People in different countries speak different l____________‎ 2. I know Bruce’s telephone number. I p_______ him , but he wasn’t in.‎ 3. He isn’t from this country. He is a f___________.‎ 4. Li Ming has many English-s_________ friends.‎ 5. ‎ He e___________ Wang Mei not to scared.‎ 6. I will live in an a______________ with my mother and father.‎ 7. We’ll go to the c_____________ to see a film.‎ 8. All the members of my family get t_____________ on weekends.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. He asked me___________ the passage_____________________(把…译成汉语).‎ 2. I don’t know the words. Please __________ it ____________(查字典) in the dictionary.‎ 3. We have friends ______________________(边及全世界).‎ 4. There are _____________(多于) 800 students in our school.‎ 5. Our English teacher has new___________(技巧) of teaching languages 6. Do you have any ____________(困难) in learning English.‎ 7. Jenny and Li Ming ____________________(对… 感兴趣) guitar.‎ 8. If you study hard, you will ______________________(有机会) find a good job.‎ 9. People who work _______________________(在联合国) work for all the nations in the world.‎ 10. ‎__________________(外交官) represent his or her country.‎ 11. If you speak English , you can_______________________(交流)people from other countries.‎ 12. ‎______________________(电脑程序编写员) make computer work.‎ 13. My _____________(舌头) is tired speaking English all day.‎ 14. ‎ Her mother is a ____________________(记者). And works at a ______________________(国际广播电台).‎ 15. ‎______________(墨西哥人) speak ___________( 西班牙语).‎ 16. How do you _____________ it? Do you know the __________________of it?( 发音).‎ Unit 7‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. I like living with my friends. I don’t like living a___________.‎ 2. Hip hop is very p_______. Yong people like it very much.‎ 3. Brian enjoys collecting stamps , so collecting stamps is his h__________.‎ 4. Mary is a good gardener . She has written many popular books on g__________.‎ 5. I’m going to show my stamp c_______ to the class.‎ 6. Just a m______________. I am coming .‎ 7. Please c___________the car red.‎ 8. The teacher tell us we might o___________ a stamp collecting club.‎ 9. The p__________ lot is a place where people park their cars.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I like popular music. It’s very ______________(enjoy).‎ 2. The flowers smell _____________(wonderfully).‎ 3. I need __________(show) my hobby to my classmate.‎ 4. ‎_________(learn) a foreign language is fun.‎ 5. Flowers can help people more___________(colour).‎ 6. Playing basketball is my favourite ____________(active).‎ 7. Workers fight for the ____________(free).‎ 8. He is from ___________. He is___________(Sweden).‎ 9. WTO is an ___________________(organization).‎ 10. Please explain the _____________(instruct) of washing machine.‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Trade with take an active part in , go through , get out of , write back to ,a roll of film, the best time, be proud ‎1, Every student _____________________ the class activity.‎ ‎2. I received a letter from my best friend . I need to ____________ to him.‎ ‎3. Spring is__________________ to make a plan of a year.‎ ‎4. Danny bought a ____________ to take photos.‎ ‎5. They __________________of their motherland.‎ ‎6. Countries often ____________products___________ other countries.‎ ‎7. You need to _________________ the text quickly to pick out the language points.‎ ‎8.At last they____________ the trouble.‎ Unit 8‎ ‎(A)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. It’s a little difficult to __________ the peaceful night. Maybe you can give us a vivid ____________(describe).‎ 2. Do not talk bout private things . wages ages health are ____________thing in western countries(person)‎ 3. The man is from__________. He speaks_________(Greece).‎ 4. ‎___________ is a strong country, but __________ is difficult to learn(German).‎ 5. Have you __________down these new words( write)?‎ 6. He felt ___________ He is _________of it. He has___________( confident).‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 ‎1.______________________(顺便提一下), would you like to have dinner with me?‎ ‎2. He has_______________________(特殊才能).‎ ‎3. It took me ____________________(两天半时间) to read the novel.‎ ‎4. Are they ____________________(少先队员)? ‎ ‎5 . Don’t ______________ about it( 紧张).‎ ‎6. The scientist _________________(正从事)science research.‎ ‎7.Zheng Yueji _____________________(在….有才能) writing children stories.‎ ‎8.Yong people _____________(擅长) learning new things.‎ ‎9. I have to stay at home ________________(因为) illness.‎ ‎10. I wish you ________________________________________(圣诞节快乐,新年快乐)。‎ ‎11. They _____________________(返回) the camp.‎ ‎12. I’d like to_____________(帮)you with your math.‎ BOOK 4‎ Unit 1‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. It’s getting________ and_________( warm) in April.‎ 2. The sun ___________(shine) brightly in summer.‎ 3. If it ______________(not rain) tomorrow, we___________(visit) the Summer‎ ‎Palace.‎ 4. John __________ his hair___________(cut) once a month.‎ 5. What about ____________(move) the stone away from the road?‎ 6. Listen!Can you hear a baby ___________(cry)?‎ 7. She is a __________girl. She speaks___________(gentle).‎ 8. Danny would like to be a _________ to ____________his cousin( babysit).‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Here is__________________(天气预报)for the next 24 hours.‎ 2. The temperature is quite low. It’s about __________________(零下八度).‎ 3. Let’s _____________(骑自行车)。‎ 4. The ball________________________(打在我的背上).‎ 5. In spring the temperature__________(上升). The weather ______________(变暖) the snow___________( 融化), sometimes there are ______________(阵雨).‎ 6. Debbie is___________________________(在攀爬器上).‎ 7. I’m scared of____________________(雷阵雨).‎ 8. The sunrise is a _________________(迷人的) picture.‎ 9. ‎_________________________(这是我第一次当保姆).‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 ‎ In, not until, one by one, wake up , think about , hurt oneself, read a story, give sb a push, get on/off, make a loud noise , daylight, come up, go down 1. Babysitter is ____________________ to my son.‎ 2. The sun__________________in the morning and ____________in the evening.‎ 3. ‎— How soon will the sun set?‎ — ‎____________ 15 minutes.‎ 4. When the bell rang, the students walked out of the classroom ______________.‎ 5. Lightning always______________________.‎ 6. The little boy wants to play on the swing . Let’s _______________.‎ 7. He fell off the bike and _______________.‎ 8. ‎_____________quickly, ______________ is coming.‎ 9. Let’s __________________ at the next stop.‎ 10. We’ll __________ start the party__________ all the guests come.‎ 11. The boy is___________ his visit to Yan’an.‎ Unit2‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. Your new dress is really p_________.‎ 2. All the plants take e__________ from the sun.‎ 3. Take care ! There is a h________ in the ground.‎ 4. You need to put more i________ in your pen to write.‎ 5. Beds chairs and desks are f___________.‎ 6. Sheep f__________ on grass.‎ 7. Rice and wheat feed b____________ of people in the world.‎ 1. Plants use s___________ to make food.‎ 2. The garden around the city is f____________ of plants.‎ 3. A___________ is about growing plants and raising animals.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. There are many apples ___________________(在树上).‎ 2. There is a hole ______________________( 在地上).‎ 3. People use _________(谷物) to make ____________(面粉) .‎ 4. I’m going to ___________(照看)my sister.‎ 5. We need _______________________(一件家具) .‎ 6. Books are ______________(用…制成)wood.‎ 7. May I have a ______________________(草帽) .‎ 8. They grow_____________(玉米)and __________(小麦) .‎ 9. The dead leaves ______________________(覆盖地面).‎ 10. With the help of the trees , water ___________________________(不能把土壤带走).‎ 11. He took a test _____________________(在树荫下).‎ 12. My seed has _____________(发芽).‎ ‎13.A plant has four parts. They are_________ ____________ ___________ __________.(根 叶 干 花)‎ ‎14.Pandas feed on __________(竹子). A big panda eats 18____________ (千克)of bamboo every day.‎ ‎15.When you are ill , yon need to take ___________(药).‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 ‎ In the sun/ sunlight , turn into , in different ways , be able to , make a poster, pass to , bring … from..to , carry … from … to ,clean the air, use … to do 1. Roots __________ water __________ the ground_________ the plant.‎ 2. The stem____________ the water _________ the roots _________ the leaves and flowers.‎ 3. All the plants___________ the sunlight ____ make food.‎ 4. Plants __________ the energy from the sun _______ food.‎ 5. Forests can________________.‎ 6. Reading _____________________ is bad for you eyes.‎ 7. They __________________ for their products.‎ 8. People use wood ______________________.‎ 9. The disabled person ________________________ look after himself.‎ 10. In autumn flowers _____________ seeds 11. Please___________ the book __________ me.‎ Unit 3‎ ‎(A)‎ 选词填空 ‎ Be famous for , tell sb to do, play a joke on, have fun doing , make friends with, up and down, wait a minute, have a very good day, slow down, get out of 1. She ___________ Wang Fang ________ turn off the radio.‎ 2. We often ___________________ on Wang Hua.‎ 3. China‎ _____________ the Great Wall in the world.‎ 4. The children ___________________ visiting the zoo.‎ 5. We’d like to______________________ the people from all over the world.‎ 1. They _____________________ in the park last Wednesday.‎ 2. Danny hears that a bear _____________ the zoo yesterday.‎ 3. ‎__________________ , I have something important to tell you.‎ 4. The drive__________________ his car at the crossing.‎ 5. My father is rather worried , walking_____________________.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根基汉语意思完成句子 1. They____________________( 结婚)last year. They _____________(结婚) for one year.‎ 2. Jenny____________(同) Danny is from Canada.‎ 3. Don’t __________ small fish ___________ dolphin(抛向).‎ 4. ‎__________you ____________ Xi’an? No, never.(去过).‎ 5. Plants can_____________ the wind ___________blowing the earth away.(阻止…干) .‎ 6. I have many good friends in my ____________________(居住区).‎ 7. You can find many wild animals in the zoo. Such as ___________(大象)___________(长颈鹿)__________( 大猩猩)_________( 骆驼) _________( 老虎) __________(狮子)etc.‎ 8. ‎____________________(西伯利亚虎) are the biggest cat in the world.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. April First is A________________________.‎ 2. You need to go through the e_____________ to go into the park and go through the e_______________ to go out of the park.‎ 3. There are a lot of red apples on the b__________.‎ 4. The little dog likes c ___________ squirrels.‎ 5. Every year there are lots of plants and animal are g________________.‎ 6. There are n______________ 70 students in each class.‎ 7. E___________ is a country in Africa and it is famous for p_________.‎ 8. They got married yesterday and we all attended their w_________.‎ 9. Danny has an i_______________ pet . It is called donut.‎ 10. My granny like k___________ some chickens and other animals.‎ Unit 4‎ ‎(A) ‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. A theory p___________ what will happen in the future.‎ 2. An e__________ will tell us what happen.‎ 3. Let’s do the experiment and o________ What will happen.‎ 4. Are you s_________ when you see a snake?‎ 5. The force if the air is strong e__________ to hold the water in bottle.‎ 6. Water above zero is l____________.‎ 7. When the temperature is below zero , water will becomes s__________.‎ 8. The fruit t___________ so delicious.‎ 9. This piece of music s_________ good.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Danny and Jenny are ______________________(做实验).‎ 2. Brian wants __________the jar________ (颠倒) .‎ 3. I’m sure that the ____________(力量)of the air will keep the water in the jar.‎ 4. He__________ the bottle __________ water( 装).‎ 1. The air has been____________(用完) .‎ 2. ‎____________(五分之一) of the air is___________(氧气) .‎ 3. We look for egg___________________( 在复活节) 。‎ 4. Danny would like to wear ________________(游泳衣) to do the experiment.‎ 5. When the degree is below zero water can ______________(变成) ice.‎ ‎(c)‎ 选词填空 Look into, take away, a piece of cardboard, put into, force sb to do, invite sb to do, make eggs, hide, candleholder, observe 1. Hens(母鸡) _________________.‎ 2. It’s better to put candles on the ______________________.‎ 3. Little Tom needs_____________________________ to make a rocket.‎ 4. He_________ his little brother ____________ wash socks.‎ 5. Please ________ the rubbish __________ the dustbin.‎ 6. He _________ all his books___________.‎ 7. My best friend is coming , I’ll_________________ have dinner.‎ 8. My deskmate has_____________ delicious food.‎ 9. The police are__________________ the accident.‎ Unit 5‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. Mark Twain is a h_____________ writer. He had sense of h__________.‎ 2. Be careful! It’s d___________ to swim here. Or you will be in d__________.‎ 3. A s____________ road leads to my hometown.‎ 4. Everything goes s_____________.‎ 5. There are 60 s___________ in a minutes.‎ 6. There is no e_________________ We cannot use e_________ lights 7. Edison‎ was an i__________ .He i________ a lot i__________ in his life.‎ 8. His father is an e___________ . He works on steam e__________.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. What’s your favourite ______________(交通)?‎ 2. Be quick ! We’re ________________( 匆忙).‎ 3. The children are full of ______________(想象力).‎ 4. Coal oil and natural gas are important______________(燃料) .‎ 5. It’s Sunday today . You can see people ______________(到处 ).‎ 6. It _________________(花了我好长时间) to wait for No.16 bus this morning.‎ 7. He was only seven years old _________________( 在那个时候).‎ 8. ‎_______________________(学生数量) is5000 . After school _____________( 大量) of students play basketball on the playground.‎ 9. My deskmate helps others ____________( 一直) .‎ 10. ‎____________(大约) half of the students are from China.‎ 11. The bus is running _________________( 高速) .‎ 12. Spaceships fly _________________( 太空)。‎ 13. There is a blackboard __________________(在前面) of the classroom.‎ 14. Some boys like _____________(滑板 ) very much.‎ 15. ‎______________(飞翔器)is a new type of transportation in the future.‎ 1. You can catch up the others _______________(只要) you study hard.‎ 2. When I am old . I prefer to ______________________(周游世界) .‎ 3. ‎______________________( 乡村) is a quiet place to live.‎ Unit 6‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. M__________ is like a TV. She is m__________ of Class Five.‎ 2. The k_________ has many keys.‎ 3. I click on the picture with m__________ .‎ 4. There were many m_________ in the house last year . That cat was always catching m___________.‎ 5. I saw her on TV s_________.‎ 6. S___________ he heard a loud knock on the door.‎ 7. Yue Fei was a national h__________ in the history.‎ 8. The p______________ is a machine that can make lots of books in short time.‎ 9. You can get a lot of i_____________ on the Internet.‎ 10. The d_____________ between the two villages is 35 kilometers.‎ ‎(B) ‎ 选词填空 Connect to, turn on , make a noise , welcome to , receive message , click on, a list of , finish doing , not any more, hear from, by hand , ‎ ‎1.Before the printing press people wrote books _______________.‎ ‎2.The new road has__________ the village __________ the big city.‎ ‎3. It’s time to watch TV. Please ______________ it __________.‎ ‎4. He is _______________. Tell him to be quiet.‎ ‎5. We are __________ children _____________.‎ ‎6. Do you often _________________ your friends?‎ ‎7. If you want to search on the Internet ,you need to _________ the word INTERNET.‎ ‎8. They have already ____________________ their homework.‎ ‎9. ______________ Yan’an.‎ ‎10 . That is ________________ new products.‎ ‎11. People use the mobile phone to______________.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Very few people can be rich _________________( 在很短的 时间内).‎ 2. Please __________________(输入) your username.‎ 3. We can fine many new stars_____________________(在屏幕上).‎ 4. You need to hand in your math homework _______________(马上) .‎ 5. They did__________ leave _________ they saw the result. (直到…才) ‎ 6. Would you like to ____________________(为…捎个口信) for me?‎ 7. He _____________(干…失败) pass the exam.‎ 8. You’d better ___________________(照顾好) grandfather.‎ 9. Do you often _____________________(与….联系 ) your classmate?‎ 10. You’d better _____________ your pants __________(洗).‎ 11. His mother didn’t ___________him ________ go out at night.(允许)‎ Unit 7‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. He______________( 出国) three years ago.‎ He _______________(出国)for three years.‎ ‎2. May I speak to Li Ming ? _______________(别挂断).‎ ‎3.She would like to have a meeting with her favourite star____________(某一天) .‎ ‎4.Yesterday I ________ him _____ . But there was no answer.‎ ‎5. _____________________(在….. 尽头) of the road you can see the shop.‎ ‎____________________(在….底) of last month , they held a sports meet.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. G ____________ is the study of world’s places and population.‎ 2. The boy doesn’t know the main g___________ f______________ of China.‎ 3. There are seven c______________ on the earth . They are Af___________, A_________, Aus_________, E__________, N___________, S___________ and An____________. A__________ is d__________ and c___________ in the world.‎ 4. Thee are four main o_________ the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the A____________ the India‎ ‎Ocean and the A______________.‎ 5. Deserts cover twenty p________ of the earth’s s___________.‎ 6. The Yangtze River in China is the t__________________ river in the world.‎ 7. Asia‎ covers more than 44million s______________ .‎ 8. The Great Wall is w__________________.‎ 9. Tokyo‎ is the c____________ of Japan.‎ 10. E___________ come from Europe .They speak different l_______________.‎ 11. A t_______ is bigger than a village but small than a c_______.‎ Unit 8‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. R___________ means how people in England say g__________.‎ 2. Let’s work together to make our e______________ clean.‎ 3. What is the w___________ of the big box?‎ 4. This pen is made of m_________ and p_________.‎ 5. We’d better s___________ the garbage before we throw it away.‎ 6. His job is to f__________ cars.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Almost all of the garbage can be ___________(reuse) or ________(recycle).‎ 2. ‎______________(throw) away the paper is not good.‎ 3. They have___________(empty) two bags of the garbage onto the floor.‎ 4. He cut his foot on a piece of ______________(break) glass.‎ 5. Can you __________(explain) it again. Your _____________(explain) is not clear.‎ 6. Please send for a repairman to repair the__________(leak) sink.‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Get repaired , have a tear, join the club, a bit of , throw away, take a walk, sort into, pick up, the least, school yard 1. I like the green one ________________ of all.‎ 1. Can you play football in the ___________?‎ 2. We __________ all the rubbish.‎ 3. Don’t _____________ all the waste paper . It can be reused.‎ 4. Let’s______________ to have a discussion.‎ 5. The librarian ______________ books_____________ different kinds .‎ 6. Can I __________ the basketball _________?‎ 7. Your trousers _________.You need to mend it.‎ 8. There is _________________ water, please get more.‎ 9. You’d better ________ your bike ____________ tomorrow.‎ BOOK 5‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. At the Olympics athletes c_________ for medals.‎ 2. I can’t read books w_________ glasses.‎ 3. The Chinese people are p__________ of the excellent athletes.‎ 4. Fu Mingxia was the youngest Olympic c__________ in diving in1991.‎ 5. North American countries i______________ Canada and America.‎ 6. At the Olympics if you are third, you got a b _________ medal.‎ 7. She often practice s___________ English with her friends.‎ 8. The m_________ Olympics started in Athens Greece in 1896.‎ 9. At the Olympics , a _________ compete for medals.‎ 10. Higher, Faster, Stronger is the s___________ of the Olympics.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. Zhuang Yong_________________(使…吃惊)everyone.‎ 2. He won the gold medal ________________________(在百米比赛中).‎ 3. Jenny Thompson is an American ___________________(游泳运动员) .‎ 4. There are many ____________(观众) watching the game on TV.‎ 5. I heard that you got a gold medal._________________(祝贺) to you.‎ 6. I __________(相信) I can drive by myself.‎ 7. They are ____________(能) work out the problem.‎ 8. Who is the _______(教练) of Chinese football team?‎ 9. Who won the first place in the running __________(赛事)?‎ 10. It is a______________(胜利) for the Chinese that the Olympics will be held in Beijing in 2008.‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 The same as, at the same time, give up, believe in, forty, break … record, catch up with , result, jump over, good luck, compete for , as soon as 1. Luo Xuejuan ____________________ the first swimmer and got gold medal.‎ 2. Don’t make ____________ mistake __________- you did yesterday.‎ 3. The two runners arrived at the finishing line ___________________.‎ 4. Liu Xiang____________ the world ___________ in 110-metre hurdles.‎ 5. The boy is too short to__________ the stone.‎ 6. ‎______________ to you. I wish you get good marks.‎ 7. The athlete_______________ medals at the sports meeting.‎ 8. Please call me_____________________ you go back home.‎ 9. He has to_______________ the big apartment because of no money.‎ 1. If you ___________________ yourself you can do everything better.‎ 2. Do you know the ___________ of the long jump?‎ 3. On the__________ day the old man got out of the hospital.‎ Unit 2‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. O__________ people can also break the world record.‎ 2. The river is about twenty metres w___________ and a hundred kilometers l_________.‎ 3. I’m too tired . I can’t go any f_____________.‎ 4. Everyone wants to give a hand to the poor family, I ___________ me.‎ 5. How many c___________ is the monkey’s tail?‎ 6. H__________ cannot live without plants.‎ 7. Shanghai‎ is one of the b____________ cities in China.‎ 8. Which is the l____________ structure in the world? Do you know?‎ 9. Michael f__________ to Sydney on business yesterday.‎ 10. T____________ is a country which is next to China and India.‎ 11. The highest dam is the T_____________________.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Eating fruit and vegetables is good for your __________. Remember to keep_____________(health)‎ 2. Do you know the __________(long) of your hair?‎ 3. Don’t be _________ for school. See you ________(late).‎ 4. They ___________help each other .It’s an ___________ day yesterday, because I had a fight .( usual)‎ 5. It’s __________ (possible) to keep awake for a week without rest.‎ 6. That is a piece of ___________ news. Everyone is_________( amaze)‎ 7. Bicycles are _____________(wide) used in the world.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据 汉语提示完成句子 1. Yan’an ______________(位于) the north of Shaanxi.‎ 2. They______________( 轮流) to look after the old man.‎ 3. If you were three metres tall you’ll ____________________(创世界纪录) .‎ 4. The average blue whales is about__________________(四倍大) the biggest elephant.‎ 5. We ________________(希望) see you soon.‎ 6. ‎____________(平均) children is three centimeters taller than those in the past.‎ 7. Work hard, you can______________(保持纪录) in our class.‎ Unit3‎ ‎(A)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. He is a __________. He ___________twenty ___________( employ).‎ 2. Edwin Moore tired his best to be______________. At last he ____________in making push-pins. If you work hard, you can have ________________ in every thing (success)‎ 3. We can see lots of____________ on TV. Most of them are ___________ medicines costumes and so on (advertise).‎ 4. That factory has_________ many washing____________(product).‎ 5. It’s not easy for __________ to write in English .( begin)‎ 6. After graduating from high school , I’d like to learn ____________ English( advance).‎ 7. I was__________ to take part I his birthday party last week. ( invite)‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语完成句子 ‎1.___________(小学) has six grades from one to six. __________(初级的) high school has grades from seven to nine. ____________(高级的)high school has grades from ten to twelve.‎ ‎2.At that time he _______(租) a small room.‎ ‎3. We can push a push-pin into a wall or a ____________(布告牌).‎ ‎4. What will be your_____________(价格)?‎ ‎5. The young man’s job is to ________________(推销产品)‎ ‎6.Have you got ready for the coming___________________(期末考试)?‎ ‎7.After you finish three-year study in junior high school , you can get a _________________(文凭,证书) .‎ ‎8.Please pay for course ____________(用支票). Please do no mail___________(现金) .‎ ‎9.Some clothes have ___________( 口袋),but some have.‎ ‎10. He sits __________(旁边) me.‎ ‎11 What would do on next______________________(周四和周六)?‎ ‎12.You can buy some _____________(生活必需 品) in the ____________(商场) .‎ ‎13. He took out a __________________(一百美元纸币) from his purse.‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Make money, pay for, come up to , for sale, go over, give back, do with, deal with 1. You need to ________________ what you have done.‎ 2. After a while the old granny __________________ the little girl.‎ 3. You’d better _________________ the book on time.‎ 4. What are you going to___________________ the plastic bottles?‎ 5. These books are____________.‎ 6. Before the test let’s_______________ the lesson.‎ 7. The more knowledge you learn the more ___________ you will__________.‎ 8. How do you____________ he waste paper?‎ Unit4‎ ‎(A)‎ 选词填空 Get dressed, as long as, get sick, breathe, recover, take medicine, be unable to, stay healthy, be weak in , plenty of, be on holiday 1. The boy held his___________ and went into the room silently.‎ 2. When the bell rang, they all _____________ and ran to the playground.‎ 3. I’ll tell the secret ______________ you don’t tell anyone else about it.‎ 4. Don’t worry . You will ____________________ soon.‎ 5. If you ____________, you’d better______________.‎ 6. He is too young and he________________ look after himself.‎ 7. Don’t call the Smiths. They are______________.‎ 8. We need ____________________workers and money to build this road.‎ 9. He___________________ spirit. He needs to have rest.‎ 10. It is important to ______________.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. He ______________________(咳嗽) and coughed day and night.‎ 2. Please take the medicine____________________(一日三次) .‎ 3. My class teacher didn’t stop work until__________________(深夜) ‎ 1. The boy ______________________(发高烧).‎ 2. My mother didn’t___________ me __________ go out at night(允许)。‎ 3. They__________( 不敢) go out at night.‎ 4. ‎—How are you feeling now?‎ ‎—I’m _____________________(感觉更糟) .‎ 5. Put on your coat or you will ______________(感冒).‎ 6. He ________________________( 已离开) for a month.‎ 7. We ______________________(过着幸福的生活).‎ 8. We all need a _____________________(平衡的膳食).‎ 9. ‎ I have _____________________(十二岁的) son.‎ 10. Don’t speak loudly _____________________(在公共场合) .‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. Eating foods from grains gives you v____________ m___________ and f______________.‎ 2. C____________ is one of my body’s needs.‎ 3. Fresh means not c____________.‎ 4. C___________ b________ and y________ contain calcium.‎ 5. A salad almost always has l__________ and t___________ . It usually has c___________ c_______ o____________ and others.‎ 6. Tofu soy milk are b__________________(豆制品).‎ 7. A balance diet will give you lots of e__________.‎ 8. His mother is a disabled person and always sits on a w____________.‎ 9. His sister is a nurse . She always looks after p___________ well .‎ 10. After a short rest , they c_____________ working.‎ Unit 5‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据句意完成句子 ‎1 . Norman Bethune ______________ in Shijiazhuang.‎ ‎2. Yuan Long ping _____________________ the name of “ Father of Hybrid Rice”.‎ ‎3. Dr. Bethune ______________ the wounded soldiers and _____________.‎ ‎4. Chairman Mao ______________on December 26,1893.‎ ‎5. Helen Keller was a well-known _____________and ___________ . She dies __________________88.‎ ‎6. Helen Keller lost ___________ and ____________ when she was 19 months old.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. My uncle _______________ in doing business ( success).‎ 2. The Great Wall is a ___________ in the world( wonderful).‎ 3. The old man is still ___________. He lives with his_____________ grand daughter.( live)‎ 4. ‎____________ way can help you save lots of time and money. ( science)‎ 5. The__________________ in South China was fast a few years ago . But now northwest of China ___________ quickly (develop).‎ 6. He is the ___________ of village and________ the villagers to work for rich life .(lead)‎ 7. Red Crossing is an ____________ to help the sick people.(organize)‎ He __________ an evening party . He is the _________ (organize).‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. My brother _________________(毕业) ___________________( 西北农业大学) in2000.‎ 1. Einstein _______________(著名) ______________________(相对论) .‎ 2. Our monitor ________________________(树立好榜样) for us.‎ 3. My father _________________________(献身) education.‎ 4. Many Chinese people _____________(死于) ________________________(抗日战争).‎ 5. Children should be taught some knowledge about_______________(急救) .‎ 6. His parents _______________(离婚) last year.‎ 7. We’ll try our best to ___________________(解决问题).‎ 8. It’s not easy to get_________________(诺贝尔奖).‎ 9. If humans give up ______________(核武器) the world would peaceful.‎ ‎(D)‎ 选词填空 Come up with, day after day , It is said that , during one’s life, because of , besides , benefit from, in one’s spare time, care about , in a difficult situation ‎1.___________ the opening-up policy , many people ______________ it.‎ ‎2.Lu Xun wrote a lot of articles _________________.‎ ‎3. I often play volleyball____________.‎ ‎4. The Eskimos are very strong . They can ____________________.‎ ‎5. He _____________ nothing but his money.‎ ‎6. ______________________ the policemen have found out the criminals.‎ ‎7. Suddenly , Rose ______________________ with a good idea.‎ ‎8. ______________ they live a peaceful life.‎ ‎9. We all love watermelon____________ him.‎ ‎(E)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. I had a happy ____________________( 童年).‎ 2. In fall farmers are harvesting _______________(花生).‎ 3. They are having a rest in the _____________(阴凉).‎ 4. He had a toothache and went to see ____________(牙医)/‎ 5. He has no _____________(勇气) to go home.‎ 6. All the thing were _______________(毁坏) .‎ 7. Computer__________________(技术) is very useful.‎ Unit 6‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据首字母及句意写出单词 1. Penguins live in the South P___________‎.‎ 2. It’s very dangerous to sit on the e____________ of window 3. He began to collect stamps i__________ of collecting kites.‎ 4. The v____________ is the person who is hurt.‎ 5. There are some beautiful lights on the c_____________.‎ 6. His father is an a_________________ driver and always drives patients to hospital.‎ 7. He is the only w__________ to the accident . The police asked him some questions.‎ 8. Father Christmas has very long white b_________.‎ 9. Rudolph is the r_____________ reindeer.‎ 10. Father Christmas comes down the c_____________ to every house.‎ 11. My mother is a very good c______________. She always makes delicious food.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Please don’t be c_____________( careful) when you ride your bike.‎ 2. Dad bought a new pen for me and it wrote __________(smooth).‎ 3. Mary’s leg are ___________(bad) hurt in the car accident.‎ 4. The boy is in _________(dangerous).‎ 5. My class teacher is a _________(seriously) person.‎ 6. Take care ! The floor is______________(ice).‎ 7. Do you know the ________________(pronounce ) of the word?‎ 8. The___________ on your sweater is very beautiful. Who helped you ___________it?( decorate)‎ 9. Mr. Wang is an excellent ___________(repot).‎ 10. He was badly __________in the accident. There were some ___________on his arm (injure). ‎ 11. This place is not ________ Let’s take him to the ___________(safe).‎ 12. My father is very ____________. He shouted at me _________(angry).‎ ‎(C)选词填空 Be mad at , warn sb … to do , pretend to do , refuse to do , rush sb to , leave… alone, prevent… from 1. We must __________the water_________ running away.‎ 2. The teacher __________ the boys ________ to play with the fire.‎ 3. The girl ______________ play football because she doesn’t like it.‎ 4. The baby is too young to be____________.‎ 5. Two cars crashed . Policemen ____________ the victims_________ the hospital.‎ 6. He__________ know nothing.‎ 7. The dog is ______________ the strangers.‎ ‎(D)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. He fell off the chair and_______________( 伤了自己).‎ 2. It’s dangerous. _____________(下来) .‎ 3. They left the house ________________(急急忙忙).‎ 4. There are different kinds of ____________________(电器) in the store.‎ 5. He ______________(引起火灾) _____________(因为)his carelessness.‎ BOOK 6‎ Unit 1‎ ‎(A)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. He is too sleepy to keep ___________(wake).‎ 2. The teacher speaks very _________(clear).‎ 3. The poem is a _____________(describe) of a small hill.‎ 4. Poetry is a beautiful way to express ____________(think) and___________(feel).‎ 5. They made a __________(decide) to write a limerick.‎ 6. The cat opened his eyes ,_____________( stretch).‎ 7. Do you know the ____________(weigh) of the car?‎ 8. Children run in the___________(direct) of south.‎ 9. Start each line with a word__________(relate) to the scene.‎ 10. Train runs_____________(swift) in the field.‎ 11. He is very ________________(please) with his final marks.‎ 12. Use your ____________(imagine) , you will create your__________(imagine).‎ 13. Xu Zhimo was a famous ___________.He wrote a lot of __________. Many people love his ___________.(poem.‎ 1. You can feel the ____________(warm) of the sun easily in winter.‎ 2. It’s impolite to___________ other people . No ___________ ,please. Let’s go on( interrupt).‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. There are some _________(小)white flowers among them.‎ 2. She was very __________(勇敢) to learn to ski at fifty.‎ 3. You look __________(苍白) . Do you feel ill?‎ 4. A soft wind ___________(拂过) the tree tops.‎ 5. The _____________( 话题) is quite interesting.‎ 6. The ground was covered with rose___________( 花瓣) 。‎ 7. Well! Fancy seeing you here . This was really an______________(expect) pleasure.‎ 8. Waves__________(拍打) on the beach .‎ 9. Cherries have ____________(核) in them.‎ 10. He has been _____________(单身的) for years.‎ 11. Generation is a __________________(四音节) word.‎ 12. It’s too cold outside . you’d better put on your ____________(手套)‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 ‎ Learn/ know by heart, prefer to do , be related to, express oneself, continue, a set number of , in the middle of, fill in , both and 1. ‎_________ Lucy _______ my deskmate are from Shiyan‎ ‎Middle School.‎ 2. If you read the poem again and again, you will __________it _____.‎ 3. I ________ stay at home rather than eat out.‎ 4. Think it over , you can ____________ clearly.‎ 5. These books ___________ Chinese history.‎ 6. Haiku follow a pattern. It has___________ syllables.‎ 7. He is sitting_______________ of the chair.‎ 8. You’d better ____________ doing your work.‎ 9. He__________ the form and handed it in.‎ Unit 2‎ ‎(A) ‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. There is no ______________(different) between the two words.‎ 2. They don’t __________ know the __________ meaning of life( exact).‎ 3. My grandpa ____________five years ago. He has been _________ for five years. We’re sad for his___________(die).‎ 4. They are wearing ____________clothes. We can’t ___________ them.( identify).‎ 5. This book is very ____________, but that one is ____________(use).‎ 6. The classroom is_______________, students are studying _____________(quiet).‎ 7. Grapes are a kind of_________________(juice) fruit.‎ 8. Let’s have a __________(discuss) about training plan.‎ ‎(B)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. A ___________( 骡子)is a kind special animal . It has a______(马) as a mother and a ___________(驴)as a father .‎ 2. The construction is still on the __________(草图) stage.‎ 3. Who is the ____________( 最初的) owner of the house?‎ 1. Some crops always attract lots of_____________(昆虫) .‎ 2. An earthquake sometimes causes great ____________(损失) 。‎ 3. This is our new research_________________(实验室) 。‎ 4. What is the _____________(秘密) of his success?‎ 5. Hang your clothes in the ______________(衣橱) 。‎ 6. We don’t want to be_________(克隆)。 Because we are ____________(独特的) .‎ 7. Because of ___________________(人类) activity our living place is destroyed more and more seriously.‎ 8. Are you ______________(疯了) ?It’s still midnight.‎ 9. We are all _________________(平凡的) people.‎ 10. Don’t be ___________(傻的).______________________(愚人节) is the next day not today.‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 At the same time, except for, not only … but also, what if, neither … nor , In some ways, ‎ 1. He is _____________ handsome ___________ rich.‎ 2. She felt fine __________________being a little tired.‎ 3. ‎____________________ you are all right .‎ 4. ‎__________ the children ___________ this young man likes being cloned.‎ 5. ‎____________ there is no winter?‎ 6. You can have a rest at home _______________ yon can look after your son.‎ ‎(D) ‎ 选词填空 Divide in/ into, use.. to do, for example, no longer, practice, play the flute, play chess, feed, take lesson 1. He can’t come to meet you . He has gone to ___________science _________.‎ 2. ‎___________________ is his favourite , because he loves music best.‎ 3. We can __________ the students _______ three groups to play this game.‎ 4. Most people ________ right hands ______ write .‎ 5. They _________ speaking English.‎ 6. You must be friendly to others . You are ___________ a child.‎ 7. The boy is good at_____________.‎ 8. Some animals _____________ on grass.‎ 9. There are many tips to keep healthy,____________ drink a glass of cool boiled water in the morning before eating breakfast.‎ Unit 3‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. There was a ___________(格格笑) from the back of the classroom.‎ 2. He__________(问候) me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.‎ 3. It’s difficult to get used to another country’s ____________(风俗) .‎ 4. ‎_________(社会) has a right to expect people to obey the law.‎ 5. The two men ___________(握手) with each other when they met in the street.‎ 6. It’s a ___________________(传统) to eat moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival.‎ 7. He____________ that he was having problems but he didn’t explain it.‎ 8. Reader is my favourite ____________(杂志) 。‎ 9. Do you often read Lu Xun’s __________(文章)?‎ 10. This new _____________(桌布) matches the furniture.‎ 11. ‎______________(空心面) comes from Italy . It’s a kind of noodles .You put____________(蕃茄汁) and ‎ cheese on it.‎ 1. ‎___________(格言) is a short sentence that describe something people believe to be true about life.‎ 2. Money can’t buy_____________(幸福) .‎ 3. ‎__________(防止) is the best cure.‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 Make mistakes, introduce … to…., again and again, eat up , explain .. to…, as soon as , pardon…for, pass… to,‎ 1. We must________ him __________his little fault.‎ 2. Be careful! Do not ______________ again.‎ 3. She ________ the salt _________ me.‎ 4. I’ll tell him ___________________I see him.‎ 5. Would you like to _________your new friend _________ me?‎ 6. The lawyer ________ the law _______us.‎ 7. The cakes were so delicious that he __________them_____.‎ 8. I’ve told you ___________ not to do that .‎ ‎(C)‎ 选词填空 Forgive sb for , take a gift, look around, keep, at the end of , give back, praise sb for, have trouble (in) doing , face to face 1. She ____________when she heard the noise behind her.‎ 2. She ___________repeating the “step” over again and again.‎ 3. I’ll never ___________ you _____ what you have done.‎ 4. She ___________ the child _________his honesty.‎ 5. I’ll like you to_______ this ring as a _________.‎ 6. Have you __________ the money _______ to your friend?‎ 7. I______ much________ getting tickets for the movie.‎ 8. He wish to have a meeting with his favourite pop star___________.‎ 9. ‎_______________meeting, the speaker fell down suddenly.‎ ‎(D)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. He is a _____________. He comes from a ___________ country( foreign).‎ 2. He looked ____________.It is a little ______________(confuse).‎ 3. In ___________(west) countries people usually have three names: two______(give) names and one __________(family) name.‎ 4. He can tell the ______________(different) between the two subjects . They are quite ____________(different) from each other .‎ 5. Please keep_________. ___________ is gold.( silent)‎ Unit4‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. The lion is the _____________(象征) of courage .‎ 2. He _______________(参军) when he was 18.‎ 3. You should always _____________(遵守) the law.‎ 4. There is so much ___________(痛苦) in the world.‎ 5. John _________(也许) told his father about it.‎ 6. ‎________________( 依我意见) you should go there by yourself.‎ 7. All the goods here ___________(属于) the school.‎ 1. The reports from Rome _____________(不符) with those from Milan.‎ 2. I’m ____________(主席) of student council at my school.‎ 3. His behavior is like a ______________(绅士) 。‎ 4. Sometimes _________________(敌人)can be friends.‎ 5. What a ___________(遗憾)‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 Have a fight with , have a meeting , be driven out of , prepare to do , put an end to, get along with , provide sth for sb, be fair to sb ,say no to , be mad ‎ 1. Have you __________________ your brother ? ‎ 2. Don’t be _____________at your daughter . She has said sorry to you.‎ 3. Hong Zhanhui ________________ the people who want to help him.‎ 4. We’ll _________________ this afternoon. Don’t be late.‎ 5. My mother is_________________ cook supper.‎ 6. Adam and Eve ‎________________the Garden of Eden.‎ 7. The officers at the UN try their best to____________________ the war in Iraq.‎ 8. This hotel _____________ something special ___________ the disabled people.‎ 9. It____________ everybody in this good society. ‎ 10. How do_____________ your work?‎ Unit 5‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. These things helped to ____________(影响) her future.‎ 2. I heard a ___________(敲) on the door .‎ 3. ‎__________(挂) those picture on the wall.‎ 4. He________ (吊) himself for suffering.‎ 5. A___________(奇怪的) thing happened this morning.‎ 6. The earth is round not _____________(扁平的).‎ 7. He had ____________(几乎不) got home when it began to rain.‎ 8. We live in ______________(中心)London.‎ 9. I have the greatest_____________(尊敬) for you .‎ 10. He has a good ______________(记忆力) .‎ 11. He________ (接受) a gift from his friend.‎ 12. Go and ______________(去拿) me a jar.‎ 13. I didn’t ________________(意识到) that my ways were not yours.‎ 14. We all have Chinese _____________(祖先) .‎ 15. There are many ____________(移民) in North America.‎ 16. They are good friends because they respect and_____________(容忍) each other.‎ 17. I like the ___________(主持人) of Yan’an TV Station .‎ ‎(B)‎ 选词填空 Sometime, sometimes, some time , some times, ‎ 1. I’d like to see you ______________next time.‎ 2. ‎____________ we go for a walk, ___________ we see a film.‎ 3. He has waited for you for __________.‎ 4. They have been to Changjiang‎ ‎River _____________.‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Canada‎ has two____________(office) languages.‎ 2. Yang Liping is a famous __________(dance).‎ 3. He is a ____________(strange) to all the children.‎ 4. I think playing volleyball is the ____________(bad) sport .‎ 5. Are you from_________ (British)?‎ 选词填空 Help oneself to, hand in, compare to , though , serve, share , treat as mind ‎ 1. Do you _______me keeping the door open?‎ 2. The boy has to look after his family _____________ he is only twelve years old.‎ 3. We ____________ the customs good service.‎ 4. ‎___________ your opinion_________ your group mates.‎ 5. We often __________ teachers _________ gardener.‎ 6. Sometimes we need to _________ enemies __________ friends.‎ 7. Boys and girls_____________ to the fruit.‎ 8. ‎_______________ your homework quickly.‎ ‎(E)‎ 选词填空 be on a visit to , offer to do, regard as, from now on, promise t do , the rest , be interested to , compare , show around 1. My parents are _______________________Beijing.‎ 2. The boy _________ the old man ___________ his friend.‎ 3. ‎________________ our life will be better and better.‎ 4. Children _____________________________playing games.‎ 5. He ______________ help me.‎ 6. They ___________________ come here next year.‎ 7. ‎___________ to India , China is a developed country.‎ 8. They are ___________ the visitors_____________ the theme park.‎ Unit 6‎ ‎(A)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Yang Liwei is an ____________(宇航员) .‎ 2. Jenny wants to be a ____________(飞行员) when she grows up.‎ 3. No one can _____________(相称) him in singing .‎ 4. I have had twelve years of ____________(教育) .‎ 5. He won a ____________(奖学金) to the university.‎ 6. He___________(偷) from the rich to help the poor.‎ 7. He made a ____________(完美的) copy of the picture.‎ 8. The __________________(交通) in Yan’an is quite convenient .‎ 9. My __________( 爱好) is playing chess.‎ 10. Can you sing the song Two ____________(蝴蝶) ?‎ 11. In fall many birds _____________(迁徙 ) to the south .‎ 12. His mother is a ______________(裁缝) .‎ 13. ‎_______________(律师)help people who are in trouble and put_________(罪犯) into prison.‎ 14. ‎____________(教授) will visit our school next week.‎ 15. People often buy meat at the ____________(肉店) 。‎ 16. The old man has no ______________(孙子) or __________(孙女) .‎ 17. ‎___________(经理) wants to hire a _____________(秘书).‎ 1. The boy has a large ____________(望远镜) to observe stars.‎ ‎(B)‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. He received good ____________ . He became an_________ when he grew up.( educate).‎ 2. He likes____________ stamps and he has some stamp__________(collect).‎ 3. ‎___________ is my favourite subject and I want to a ___________( biology).‎ 4. That __________ works in a shop . Many farmers use ___________ to kill insects. He works in ___________lab.( chemical)‎ 5. You will have a ___________ of five questions in your exam.‎ 6. ‎_________ the following sentences. I __________ forget that it was his birthday.( complete)‎ 7. He __________ (lie) on the grass yesterday. Because he _________(lie) to me yesterday . The hen has _______(lay) many eggs .‎ 8. There were 12 of us_________(include) Bob and me.‎ ‎(C)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. He is ___________(忙着) repairing the telescope.‎ 2. I ____________(希望) to see you again.‎ 3. This astronaut works in__________________________(加拿大宇航局) .‎ 4. He has __________________(获得机会) to study abroad.‎ 5. You _____________________(看起来阳光)today. Everything goes well?‎ 6. This book _____________________(值得一读).‎ 7. There are millions of stars in_____________(太阳系) 。‎ 8. The teacher needs__________________(几支粉笔) 。‎ 9. If you put your heart into it you can make progress___________________(一不一步)。‎ 10. Don’t care about it .__________________(别管它) .‎ 11. My deskmate ____________________(被授予奖学金) because of his good marks and his great ambition.‎ ‎(D)‎ 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. Fascinating facts about butterflies have been __________Dr Taylor’s _____________.(吸引…注意力) ‎ 2. Many animals ________________(过冬) in the south.‎ 3. Workers ,______________(多达) 200 ,work in this factory.‎ 4. If you ______________(努力) , you can ________________(达到目标) .‎ 5. I’d like to ____________________(见面) you at Tian’anmen Square.‎ 6. That______________ educator always ________________(提建议) to the youth .‎ 7. The lawyer is going t buy his mother ___________________(一条丝巾) .‎ 8. Remember to _________(取) trousers from the tailor.‎ 9. There is a piece of important news___________________(在今天的报纸上) 。‎ 10. This meeting can hold___________________( 多达) 200 people.‎ 词汇练习参考答案 Book 1‎ Unit1---Unit2‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎1.Canada,Canadian 2.lovely, 3.teaches, teacher 4.libraries, librarians 5.met, meeting ‎(B)‎ ‎1.writer, wrote 2. later, 3. closed, open 4. Drawing 5. themselves ‎ ‎(C)1. dresses, 2. whose 3. a pair of, a pair of , a pair of, three pairs of , a pair of 4. is , are Unit 3---Unit 4‎ ‎(A)1. friendly 2. happily , happiness 3. to shake 4. army, been 5. little, less , least ‎ ‎(B) 1. feet 2. These, That 3. had a headache , want 4. peaches, strawberries 5. do his homework 6. porridge, cereal, sugar 7. order , a bowl of noodles 8. waitress, restaurant 9. It’s time for , It’s time … to ‎(C)1. happy 2. sad 3. nose 4. eyes, ears 5. right 6. long 7. know 8. breakfast 9. hungry 10. fruit 11. school 12. milk ‎ Unit5----Unit 6‎ ‎(A)1. make dumplings 2. no… or 3. brush teeth 4. live in 5. take a shower ‎(B) 1. on sale 2. grocery store/shop 3. far from , by bus 4. Follow me 5. comb your hair 6. above ‎ ‎(C)1. named 2. born 3. drove 4. broken 5. officer 6. building ‎ ‎(D)1. see a film 2. equals 3. turn right 4. across from5. talking on the phone 6. in the forest 7. play computer games 8. on Monday morning ‎ ‎(E) 1. family 2. Friday 3. driver 4. party 5. cousin 6. swimming 7. eating ‎ Unit 7---Unit 8‎ ‎(A)1. New Year’s Day 2. the Spring Festival 3. International Workers’ Day 4. Children’s Day 5. Teachers’ Day 6. National Day 7. Tian’anmen Square 8. The Palace‎ ‎Museum 9. Ottawa 10. waterfall 11. the Statue of Liberty 12. Buckingham‎ ‎Palace , kings , queens 13. Canberra 14. English-speaking ‎ ‎(B) 1. in red shorts 2.play 3. a lot of 4. come from 5. the same colour as 6. points down 7. look at ‎ ‎(C) 1.leaves 2. ninth 3. western 4. known about 5. fly a kite/ flying a kite 6.twelfth, fortieth ‎ Book 2‎ Unit 1‎ ‎(A)1. too to 2. go on a trip 3. far from 4. work hard at 5. go shopping 6. leave for 7. arrive at ‎ ‎(B) 1.written home , wrote to 2. invitation 3. wonderful 4. excited, exciting 5. talking to 6. forget ,forgotten 7. cheaper ‎(C) 1. from …to 2. took a bus 3. packing her suitcase 4. make a trip plan 5. at the train station 6. Have a good trip/ Have a pleasant journey ‎ Unit 2‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎1. children 2. people 3. snack 4. thirsty 5. cards 6. peoples ‎ ‎(B) 1. have fun 2. playing cards with 3. sing a song to 4. looking out of 5. loudly 6. point to ‎ ‎(C) 1.reading a book 2. men teachers 3. a glass of milk 4. a small amount of 5. Drawing pictures/ a picture Unit 3‎ (A) ‎1. quiet 2. postcards 3. straight 4. bottom 5. Excuse 6. envelops ‎ (B) ‎1. go for a walk 2. take a taxi 3. a short form of 4. take a picture 5. feel scared ‎ (C) ‎1. at the top right corner 2. put a bandage on 3. Walk down/ along 4. camera 5. computer 6. is short for ‎ Unit 4‎ (A) ‎1. clerk 2. chopsticks 3. ice cream 4. address 5. restaurant ‎ (B) ‎1. wants 2. doesn’t 3. play 4. shopped 5. him 6. bought 7. caught 8. went 9. heard 10 taught ‎ Unit 5 ‎ (A) ‎1.always 2. temperature 3. question 4. umbrella 5. living 6. learn 7. triangle 8. sometimes 9. refrigerator 10 kitchen ‎ (B) ‎1. went home 2. making supper 3. do their homework 4. help me 5. have a new lesson 6. mine 7. got to 8. It’s time for , It’s time to ‎ Unit 6 ‎ (A) ‎1. put on 2. making a snowman 3.go inside 4. getting ready for 5. invited to 6. helped to 7. is going to 8. icy (B) ‎1. scarfs/scarves 2. snows , snowy , is snowing 3. brought 4. wind, blows , leaves 5. windy 6. speaks , is speaking , spoke ‎ (C) ‎1. carrots 2. Merry Christmas 3. lantern 4.somthing Chinese 5. something special 6. mittens ‎ Unit7‎ (A) ‎1. badminton 2. runners 3. paddles 4. onions , peas 5. muscles 6. cheered, yelled 7. on Saturday 8. T-shirt (B) ‎1. easy, easily 2. strongly , heavily 3. Riding 4. best 5. teacher taught , catch , thought , players, bought , brought 6. woke 7. healthy (C) ‎1. after school 2. needs 3. had fun 4. How often 5. is good for 6.Have been ready 7.each other , each other Unit 8 ‎ (A) ‎1. Dragon 2. ocean 3. sandals 4. souvenirs 5. department store 6.camera 7. scared (B) ‎1. in fifteen minutes 2. cookies 3. said goodbye, said hello to 4. picking flowers 5. Summer holidays 6.unhappily 7. surprise 8. forgotten 9 swimming pool (C) ‎1.lying 2. asking , for 3. walked towards , faster and faster, ran into 4. got ready to 5. How long 6. woke up 7. in the sky 8. go on a trip to ‎ Book 3‎ Unit 1 ‎ (A) ‎1. living 2. called 3. scared 4. lost 5. has been 6. yourselves 7. differences 8. classes 9. to get 10. really ‎ (B) ‎1. worn 2. interested in 3. violin , music 4. weekend 5. cotton 6. tidy 7. introduce 8, piano 9. either 10 pupils ‎ (C) ‎1. Grade Nine 2. two big pieces of paper 3. many different kinds 4. a pair of blue jeans 5. all year round6. January 7. laugh at 8. on the same basketball (D) ‎1. interest, interested ,interesting 2. either , too, also 3. is made in , is made of , is made by , is made from , is made of , is made into 4. has been married 5. hate to 6.written down 7.silly 8. in front of ‎ Unit 2 ‎ (A) ‎1. a quarter to three 2. have a math exam 3. librarian 4. Physics 5. do 6. Mother’s Day , Father ‘s Day ‎ (B) ‎1. mathematics 2. examination 3.photograph 4. physical education 5. painter , paintings ‎ (C) ‎1. borrowed from 2. give a talk to . social studies 3. too much 4. except 5. Turn out 6. is good at ‎ Unit 3‎ (A) ‎1.Canadians 2. asking 3. celebrated , second , fourth 4. mailing 5. decorated ‎ (B) ‎1. gave a warm hug 2. clothing/ clothes shop 3. Mid-Autumn Festival, Thanksgiving Day 4. in late February , in early April 5. write thank-you letter 6. teenagers 7. feast 8. in fashion 9. grandfather and grandmother’s 10. turkey, desserts (C) ‎1. Try on , fit well 2. get together, best wishes to , 3. blew out 4. watch the moon, eat moon cakes 5. lots of 6. huge 7. got from ‎ Unit 4‎ (A) ‎1. bakery 2. Remember 3. turning 4. cross 5.. until 6. piece 7.across from (B) ‎ 1. across from 2. two pieces of 3. along the sidewalk 4. thirsty 5. Go/Walk straight 6. go past 7. hockey player , playing hockey 8. shopping centre 9. neighborhood, video shop, bookshop/ bookstore , chocolate store , movie theatre/cinema ‎ (C) ‎1.To their surprise 2. alone, lonely 3.pay attention to 4. got lost 5. over there 6. On his way Unit 5‎ (A) ‎1. advice 2. ambition 3. yearbook 4. spell 5. opposite 6. lawyer 7. handsome 8. improve 9. stars 10. goal 11. scientist ‎ (B) ‎1.In the future 2. between 3.Look inside 4. fold into 5. in the newspaper 6. is famous for 7. make come true 8. I hope so 9. give some advice 10. in ten more days ‎ (C) ‎1. do 2. to bring 3. singing 4. predictions 5. really , real 6. sheep 7. to do 8. terrible ‎ Unit 6 ‎ (A) ‎1. languages 2. phoned 3. foreigner 4. speaking 5. encouraged 6. apartment‎ 7‎. cinema 8. together ‎ (B) ‎1.To translate , into Chinese 2. look into3. all over the world 4. more than, over 5. techniques 6.difficulties 7. are interested in 8.have a chance/ an opportunity 9. at the United Nations 10. Diplomats 11. communicate with 12. Computer programmers 13. tongue 14. journalist , International Radio and TV station 15. Mexicans , Spanish 16. pronounce, pronunciation Unit 7‎ (A) ‎1. alone 2. popular 3. hobby 4. gardening 5. collections 6. moment 7. colour 8. organize 9. parking ‎ (B) ‎1. enjoyable 2. wonderful 3. to show 4. Learning / To learn5. colorfully 6. activity 7. freedom 8. Sweden, Swedish ‎ (C) ‎1.take an active part in 2. write back to 3. the best time 4. a roll of film 5. are proud 6. trade with 7. go through 8. got out of ‎ Unit 8‎ (A) ‎1. describe , description 2. personal 3. Greece , Greek 4. Germany , Germans 5. written 6. confident , confident ,confidence ‎ (B) ‎1. By the way 2. special talent 3. two days and a half/ two and a half days 4. Young Pioneers 5. be nervous about 7. are working on 8. is talented at 8. are good at 9. because of 10. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 11. returned to/ got back to 12. help with your maths Book 4‎ Unit 1‎ ‎(A)1.warmer ,warmer 2.shines 3. doesn’t rain ,will visit 4. has ,cut 5. moving 6.crying 7. gentle ,gently 8. babysitter, babysit ‎ ‎(B) 1.the weather report 2. eight(degrees) below zero 3. going cycling 4.hit me on the back 5. goes up , becomes warm, melts ,showers 6. on the climbing bar 7. thunder storm 8. fascinating 9. This is the first ‎ time I have been a babysitter ‎(C) 1. reading a story 2. come up, goes down 3. In 4. one by one 5. make a loud noise 6. give him a push 7. hurt himself 8. Wake up, daylight 9. get off 10. not until 11. thinking about Unit 2 ‎ (A) ‎1. pretty 2. energy 3. hole 4. ink 5. furniture 6. feed 7. billions 8. sunlight 9. full 10.Agriculture 11. Desert ‎ (B) ‎1. on the tree 2. in the wall 3. grains , flour 4. look after 5. a piece of furniture 6. made from 7. straw hat 8. corn , wheat 9. cover the ground 10 . can’t carry the soil away 11. in the shade 12. sprouted 13. toots, leaf, stem , flower 14. bamboo 15. medicine ‎ (C) ‎1. bring from to 2. carries from to 3. used to 4. turn into 5. clean the air 6. in the sun/sunlight 6.7.make a poster 8. in different ways 9. is able to 10. pass to ‎ Unit 3 ‎ (A) ‎1. told to 2. play a joke on 3. is famous for 4. have fun 5. make friends 6. had a good day 7. got out of 8. Wait a minutes 9. slowed down 10. up and down ‎ (B) ‎1. got married , have been married 2. with, as well as 3. toss to/towards 4. Have been to 5. stop/prevent from 6. neighbourhood 7. elephants, giraffes, gorillas, camels, tigers, lions 8. Siberian tigers (C) ‎1. April Fools’ Day 2. entrance , exit 3. branches 4. chasing 5. going extinct 6. nearly 7. Egypt , pyramids 8. wedding 9. imaginary 10.keeping/raising ‎ Unit 4 ‎ (A) ‎1. proves 2. experiment 3. observe 4. scared 5. enough 6. liquid 7. solid 8. tastes 9. sounds ‎ (B) ‎1. doing an experiment 2. to turn … over / upside down 3. force 4. filled with 5. used up 6. One fifth , is oxygen 7. on Easter Day 8. swimsuit 9. turn into/ change into (C) ‎1. make eggs 2. candleholder 3. a piece of cardboard 4. force to 5. put into 6. took away 7. invite his/her to 8. hidden 9. looking into Unit 5.‎ (A) ‎1. humorous, humor 2. dangerous , danger 3. smooth 4. smoothly 5. seconds 6. electricity ,electric 7. inventor, invented, inventions 8. engineer, engine (B) ‎1. transportation 2. in a hurry 3. imagination 4. fuel 5. everywhere 6. took me a long time 7. at that time 8. The number of the students , a large member 9. all the time 10.More than 11. at a high / top speed 12. in space 13. in the forest 14. skateboard 15. Hover board 16. as long as 17. travel around the world 18. Countryside ‎ Unit 6‎ (A) ‎1. monitor , monitor 2. keyboard 3. mouse 4. nice, mouse 5. screen 6. Suddenly 7. hero, history 8. Printing Press 9. information 10. distance ‎ (B) ‎1. by hand 2. connected to 3. turn it on 4. making a noise 5. not any more 6. hear from 7. click on 8. finished doing 9. Welcome to 10.a list of 11. receive messages ‎ (C) ‎1. in a short time 2. type in 3. on the screen 4. at once/ right away 5. not … till/ until 6. take a message for 7. failed to 8. take good care of 9. get in touch with 10. get washed 11. allow to ‎ Unit 7‎ ‎(A) 1. went abroad , has been abroad 2. Hold on 3. some day 4. rang up 5. At the end, At the end ‎ ‎(B) 1.Geography 2. geographical features 3. continents ,Africa, Asia Australia , Europe, North America , South America ,Antarctic, Antarctic , the driest . coldest 4. oceans , Atlantic Ocean Artic Ocean 5. percent ,surface6. third-longest 7. square kilometers 8. world- famous 9. capital 10. European , languages 11. town, village, city ‎ Unit 8 ‎ (A) ‎1. Rubbish, garbage 2. environment 3. weight 4. metal, plastic 5. sort 6. fix ‎ (B) ‎1. reused, recycled 2. Throwing 3. emptied 4. broken 5. explain, explanation 6. leaky /leaking (A) ‎1. the least 2. schoolyard 3. picked up 4. throw away 5. talk a walk 6. sorted into 7. join club 8. have a tear 9. a bit of 10. get repaired ‎ Book 5 ‎ (A) ‎1. compete 2. without 3. proud 4. champion 5. include 6. bronze 7. speaking 8. modern 9. athletes 10. spirit ‎ (B) ‎1. surprised 2. in a 100-metre- race 3. swimmer 4.. spectators 5. Congratulations 6. believe 7. able to 8. coach 9. event 10. victory ‎ (C) ‎1. caught up with 2. the same as 3.at the same time 4. broke record 5. jump over 6. Good luck 7. compete for 8. as soon as 9. give up 10. believe in 11. result 12. fortieth ‎ Unit 2‎ (A) ‎1. Ordinary 2. wide ,long 3. farther 4. including 5. centimeters 6. Human 7. biggest 8. longest 9. flew 10. Thailand 11. Three Gorges Dam ‎ (B) ‎1. health, healthy 2. length 3. late , later 4. usually , unusual 5. impossible 6. amazing ,amazed 7. widely (C) ‎1. is located in 2. take turns 3. set a world record 4. four times as big as 5. hope to 6. On average 7. hold the record/keep the record ‎ Unit 3.‎ (A) ‎1. employer, employs , employees 2. successful, succeeded , success 3. advertisements , advertising 4. produced, products 5. beginners 6. advanced 7. invited (B) ‎1. Primary School , Junior , Senior 2. rented 3. bulletin 4. price 5. push a product 6. final examination 7. certificate 8. by cheque , cash 9. pockets 10. beside 11. Thursday and Saturday 12. supplies, mall 13. one- hundred-dollar bill (C) ‎1. pay for 2. come up to 3. give back 4. do with 5. for sale 6. go over 7. money, make 8. deal with ‎ Unit 4 ‎ (A) ‎1. breath 2. got dressed 3. as long as 4. recover 5. get sick, take the medicine 6. in unable to 7. on holiday 8. plenty of 9. in weak in 10. stay healthy ‎ (B) ‎1.got a cough 2. three times a day 3. deep night 4. has a bad/high fever 5. allow to 6. dare not 7. feeling terrible 8. catch a cold 9. has been away 10. live a happy life 11. a balanced diet 12. twelve –year-old 13. in the public place ‎ (C) ‎1. vitamins , minerals ,fibre 2. Calcium 3. cooked 4. Cheese, butter, yogurt 5. lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions 6.bean product 7. energy 8. wheelchair 9. patients 10 continued ‎ Unit 5 ‎ (A) ‎1. is buried 2. is honored with 3. operated, save their lives 4. was born 5. writer, educator ,at the age of 6. her sight, hearing ‎ (B) ‎1. succeeded 2. wonder 3. alive , lively 4. scientific 5. development was , develops 6. leader leads 7. organization , organizes , organizer (C) ‎1. graduated , Northwest Agricultural University 2. is famous for . the Theory of Relativity 3. set a good example 4. has devoted his life to 5. died in, the Anti-Japanese War 6. first aid 7. divorced 8. solve the problem 9. the Noble Prize 10 . nuclear weapons (D) ‎1. Because , have benefited from 2. during his life 3. in my spare time 4. live is a difficult situation 6. It is said that 7. came up with 8. Day after day 9.beside ‎ (E) ‎1. childhood 2. peanuts 3. shadow 4. dentist 5. courage 6. damaged/destroyed 7. technology Unit 6‎ (A) ‎1. pole 2. edge 3. instead of 4. victims 5. ceiling 6. ambulance 7. witness 8. bread 9. red-nosed 10. chimney 11. cook ‎ (B) ‎1. careless 2. smoothly 3. badly 4. danger 5. serious 6. icy 7. pronunciation 8. decoration 9. reporter 10. injures 11. safe ,safety 12. angry, angrily ‎ (C) ‎1. prevent from 2. warned not 3. refused to 4. left alone 5. rushed to 6.pretended to 7. mad at ‎ (A) ‎1. hurt himself 2. come down 3. in a hurry 4. electrical appliances 5. started a fire ,because of ‎ Book 6‎ Unit 1‎ (A) ‎1. awake 2. clearly 3. description 4. thoughts 5. stretching 6. weight 8. direction 9. related 10. swiftly 11. pleased 12. imagination , imaginary 13. poet, poems, poetry 14. interrupt , interruption ‎ (B) ‎1. tiny 2. brave 3. pale 4. kissed 5. topic 6. petals 7. unexpected 8. splashed 9. stones 10. singles 11. four-syllables 12. gloves/mittens (C) ‎1. Both and 2. learn/know by heart 3. prefer to 4. express yourself 5. are related to 6. a set number of 7. in the middle 8. continue 9. filled in ‎ Unit 2 ‎ (A) ‎1. differences 2. exactly, exact 3. died , dead , death 4. identical , identify 5. useful, useless 6. quiet , quietly 7. juicy 8. discussion ‎ (B) ‎1. mute, horse , donkey 2. blueprint 3. original 4. insects 5. damage 6. laboratory 7. secret 8. closet 9. unique 10 . human beings 11. mad/ crazy 12. ordinary / common 13. foolish ,April Fools’‎ (C) ‎1.take lesson 2. Playing the flute 3. divide into 4. use to 5. practice 6. no longer 7. playing cards 8. feed on 9. for example ‎ Unit 3‎ (A) ‎1. giggling 2. greeted 3. customs 4. Society 5. shake hands 6. tradition 7. mentioned 8. magazine 9. articles 10. tablecloth 11. Spaghetti, tomato sauce 12. Saying 13 happiness 14. prevention (B) ‎1. pardon for 2. make mistakes 3. passed to 4. as soon as 5. introduce 6. explained to 7. ate up 8. again and again ‎ (C) ‎1. looked around 2. kept 3. forgive for 4. praised for 5. take gift 6. given back 7. have trouble 8. face to face 9. At the end of ‎ (D) ‎1. foreigner , foreign 2. confused, confusing 3. western , given , family 4. differences 5. silent, silence ‎ Unit 4‎ (A) ‎1. symbol 2. joined the army 3. obey 4. suffering 5. probably 6. In my opinion 7. belong to 8. disagree 9. president 10. gentleman 11. enemies 12. pity (B) ‎1. had a fight with 2. mad 3. said no to 4. have a meeting 5. preparing to 6. were driven to 7. put an end to 8. provide for 9. is fair to 10. get along with ‎ Unit 5‎ (A) ‎1. shape 2. knock 3. Hang 4. hanged 5. strange 6. flat 7. hardly 8. central 9. respect 10. memory 11. accepted 12. fetch 13. realize 14. ancestor 15. immigrate 16. tolerate 17. the host/ hostess ‎ (B) ‎1. sometime 2. Sometimes, sometimes 3. some time 4. some times ‎ (C) ‎1. official 2. dancer 3. stranger 4. worst 5. Britain ‎ (D) ‎1. mind 2. though 3. serve 4. Share with 5.copare with 6. treat as 7. help yourselves 8. Hand in ‎ (E) ‎1. on a visit to 2. regarded as 3. From now on 4. are interested in 5. offer to 6. promise to 7. Compared 8. showing around ‎ Unit 6‎ (A) ‎1. astronaut 2. pilot 3. match 4. education 5. scholarship 6. stole 7. perfect 8. transportation 9. hobby 10. Butterflies 11. migrate 12. tailor 13. Lawyers , criminals 14. Professor 15. butcher’s 16. grandsons, granddaughters 17 . Manager , secretary 18. telescope ‎ (B) ‎1. education , educator 2. collecting, collections 3. Biology , biologist 4. chemist ,chemical ,chemistry 5. choice 6. Complete ,completely 7. lay , lied , laid 8. including ‎ (C) ‎1. is busying 2.expect 3. Canadian Space Agency 4. got a chance 5. look sunny 6. is worth reading 7. solar system 8. several pieces of read chalk 9. step by step 10. leave it alone 11. is awarded a scholarship ‎ (D) ‎1. drawing attention 2. spend the winter3. as many as 4. put more effort , achieve the goal 5. have a ‎ meeting with 6. give some advice 7. a silk scarf 8. pick up 9.in today’s newspaper 10. up to ‎

