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江苏省无锡市2006年中考英语试题 ‎ (满分;120分,时间120分钟) 第I卷  (共75分)‎ ‎ 一、听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分) 第一节(共10小题)     听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10.秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下列小题。每段对话读两遍。     听第1~10段材料,回答第1~10题。    1.   How much did the boy pay for the Chinese-English dictionary? A.  55 yuan.             B.  25 yuan.                C.  80 yuan. 2.   Who is the youngest in Jack's family? A.  Jack.             B.  Jack's sister.              C.  Jack's brother. 3.   Can the woman take the seat? A.  Yes, she can.               B.  No, she can't. C.  Yes, but she'll wait till the man gets off. 4.   What did Mrs Liu think of her journey? A.  Exciting.             B.  Boring.                  C.  Interesting. 5.   When will the girl return the book to the boy? A.  This week.              B.  Next week.                C.  In a day or two. 6.   How did the woman get there? A.  By bus.               B.  By car.                  C.  By bike. 7.   Where is Li Lei now? A.  In Shanghai.                 B.  In Guangzhou.                 C.  We don't know. 8.   What will the woman do this evening? A.   She'll meet her uncle at the airport. B.   She'll say goodbye to her uncle at the airport. C.   She'll fly to another city together with her uncle. 9.   Why did the man move into the new house? A.  His old house wasn't large enough. B.   He liked its environment. C.   He didn't want to live far from his factory. 10.   How long does it take Miss King to drive to the university during the rush (交通高峰) hour? A.  Twenty, minutes.             B.  Fifteen minutes.              C.  Twenty-five minutes. 第二节(共10小题)     听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题6秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出6秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。     听第11段材料,回答第11,12题。 11.   Where are the two speakers? A.  In the classroom.           B.  At the restaurant.     C.   At the doctor's. 12.   What's wrong with the ‎ boy? A.  He has a bad cold.               B.  He has a stomachache(肚子痛). C.  He has a headache. 听第12段材料,回答第13~15题。 13.  Who is Bob? A.  One of Dick's friends.          B.  One of the woman's friends. C.  The woman's neighbour. 14.   What did Bob ask Dick to take to the party? A.  Something delicious.       B.  Some oranges.           C.   Some drinks. 15.   What is the woman doing while she is answering the call? A.  She's taking part in a party.        B.  She's writing down the message.  C.  She's drinking a bottle of orange. 听第13段材料,回答第16~20越。 16.  Where did Mr Read live? A.  On an island.          B.   Near the sea.           C.   In a big city. 17.  Why did Mr Read's relatives prefer to come to his house in summer? A.  Because they could spend less money. B.  Because he invited them to come. C.  Because staying in a seaside (海边的) hotel wasn't comfortable. 18.  When would Mrs Read's cousin come? A.  In June.                 B.   In July.            C.   In August. 19.   How long would the cousin and her family stay? A.  A week.                B.    Half a month.          C.   Ten days. 20.   How did Mr Read's friend prevent his relatives from coming to his home? A.  He lent money to them and then asked them to stay in a hotel. B.   He asked his relatives to pay for their living'. C.   He borrowed money from the rich relatives and then lent it to the poor ones.‎ 二、单项填空   在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共15分,每小题1分) 21.  Over the river there is_________bridge. A.  a 110-metre-long               B.  a 110-metres-long C.  an 110-metre-long              D.  an 110-metres-long 22.  The new railway station is about five kilometres            the village. A.  away                B.   away from             C.  far from                 D.   far away from 23.  —                will the music program be over? —In ten minutes, I suppose. A.  What time        B.    How long      C.   How often        D.    How soon 24.  China has a_________ population than_________country in the world. A.   large; any                B.   large; any other C.   larger; any               D.  larger; any other 25.  —Why_______go to  the  supermarket with us? —Sorry, he hasn't finished his homework yet. A.  not let Tom     B.   don't let Tom     C.  not let Tom to     D.   not to let Tom 26.   My grandfather usually_________his glasses before he does some reading.‎ ‎ A.  has          B.   puts on       C.   dresses      D.   wears 27.   No one knew why_________in the Chinese exam. A.  does she fail      B.  did she fail       C.  she had failed     D.  she has failed 28.  —Look! The girl is swimming so fast.   —I________she            swim. A.  know; can't              B.   knew? can't C.  don't know; can             D.   didn't know; could 29.  The cake Mrs Black made looks_________, but it tastes_________. A.  bad; good        B.   bad; well       C.   badly; good       D.   badly; well 30.  It wasn't long_________the rain stopped and the sun came out again. A.  until            B.   before      C.   when          D.    since 31.   At school our teachers do all they can             us with our lessons.   A.  help            B.   helping             C.   to help             D.   helped 32.  —Which would you like, a cup of coffee or a glass of milk? —________, thanks.   I think I'll just have a glass of water. A.  Neither        B.   Either       C.   Nothing           D.   None 33.   Peter had to leave at once. _________ without saying goodbye to his classmates. A.  So did he          B.   So he did        C.  So had he     D.  So he had 34.  When the little boy_________someone coming upstairs, he stopped_________. A.  heard; to cry             B.   listened; crying C.   heard; crying         D.   listened; to cry 35.  —I'm sorry I've forgotten to post the letter for you.   —_________.  I'll post it myself tomorrow. A.  I'm afraid not    B.   All right        C.   Not at all         D.    Never mind 三、完形填空     先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) Mrs Green went to see her doctor about the trouble with her skin(皮肤).  The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with her, 36 he sent her to the hospital for some tests(检查).  The next morning he telephoned her to 37 her a list of the things that he thought she shouldn't eat, as 38 of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.  Mrs Green 39 wrote all the things down on a piece of paper and 40    it beside the telephone before she went out for a meeting. When Mrs Green got back home two hours later, she found her husband 41 for her.  He had a big basket full of 42 beside him, and when he saw her, he said, "Hello, dear.  I've done all your shopping for you.  "" Done all my shopping? "she asked in surprise, "But how did you know what I 43 ?""Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone,,, answered her husband,"so I went down to the shops and 44 everything.  "With a sigh (叹气) , Mrs Green told him that he had bought all the things the doctor didn't allow     45      to eat. 36.  A.  but              B.  if             C.  so                 D.  because 37.  A.  bring                 B.  save       C.  pay         D.  give 38.  A.  any              B.  some,       C.  most             D.  none 39.   A.  hardly           B.  angrily       C.  suddenly         D.  carefully 40.   A.  left              B.  hid           C.  checked             D.  took 41.   A.  looking         B.  calling        C.  waiting       ‎ ‎  D.  leaving 42.   A.  food            B.  fruits            C.  medicine         D.  vegetables 43.   A.  meant         B.  wanted        C.  collected            D.  said 44.   A.  offered        B.  returned        C.  found           D.  bought 45.   A.  him        B.  her           C.  us                 D.  them 四、阅读理解     阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(本大题共30分,每小题2分) A One of the most famous movie (电影) prizes in the world is the Oscar(奥斯卡).  Every year in the United States, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science(电影艺术科学院) gives Oscars to people who have done well in the movies.  There is an Oscar for the best movie of the year, another for the best actor (演员),and Oscars' for doing many other things well in the movies. Oscars are very important because people want to see movies that have won them.  They also want to see actors who have won Oscars.  This means movies that have won Oscars make a lot of money.  The Academy first gave prizes to movies in 1927, but they were not called Oscars then.  That happened four years later.  Most people think that Oscar was someone famous in the movies, but he wasn' t.  He was someone that a woman called Margaret Herrick knew.  She worked for the Academy and one day she saw the prize on a table.  She said, "He looks like my friend Oscar.  " From that time on the prizes were called the Oscars. 46.  From the passage, we know that an Oscar is_________. A.  an actor        B.   a prize     C.   a movie      D.   someone famous 47.   The Academy gives prizes to people who_________. A.   are good friends of Margaret Herrick B.   like seeing movies very much C.   have done well in the movies D.   pay the Academy a lot of money 48.   When did the Oscars get their name? A.  In 1927.        B.   In 1923.      C.   In 1928.        D.   In 1931. 49.   Oscar was the name of_________. A.   Margaret Herrick's friend B.   the actor who won the first Oscar C.   the first movie to win an Oscar D.   a famous artist in the USA 50.   Which do you think is the best title (标题) for the passage? A.  Being an Excellent Actor B.  Something about Oscars C.   The Best Movie in the World D.   Friendship between Margaret Herrick and Her Friend B Stress (压力)  is everywhere in our everyday life.    Not only young people but also old people suffer (遭受) from it.  The causes of stress may be death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendship and so on.  How do you know whether you suffer from stress or not? Below are some questions for you to answer.  If you answer "Yes" to more than two questions, you will probably be one of those people with stress.             Questions                                                                  ‎ ‎ Answer                                                                                        Yes        No 1.   Do you easily get angry?                2.   Do you often sleep badly?                3.   Do you get headaches a lot?                4.   Do you take sleeping pills a lot?                5.   Do you find it hard to relax?                6.   Do you usually hide your feelings?                7.   Do you smoke or drink a lot to keep quiet?                8.   Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?                How can you relieve stress? The usual ways of relieving stress are doing relaxing exercises,talking about your problems with your friends and listening to light music.  However, doctors say that there are some easier ways to relieve stress.  People should laugh or smile more often.  When you laugh or smile, your body relaxes.  They also say that people, especially men, should cry more often, because crying is a natural way of relieving stress. 51.   Which of the following is not the cause of stress? A.  Taking exams.                 B.  Changing jobs. C.  Taking sleeping pills.                 D.  Making money. 52.   If you don't often fall into a deep sleep at night, you should answer "Yes" to A.  Question 2    B.   Question 3     C.   Question 6     D.   Question 8 53.   The underlined word "relieve" in the passage means A.  feel      B.   remember          C.   get ready for         D.   make less 54.   Which is the easiest way to relax your body? A.  Talking with your friends.             B.  Laughing or smiling. C.  Listening to light music.                D.  Doing relaxing exercises. 55.   What fact does the passage provide? A.   Only young people suffer from stress. B.   Men with stress cry more often than women with stress. C.   Those who don't know how to answer the questions in the form suffer from stress. D.   Different people suffer from different stress at times. C Lillian Hanson, a college student, expects to graduate in about two years.  What makes Mrs Hanson different from her classmates is her age.  She is now 73 years old.  She has studied at college, a few courses (课程) at a time, for 27 years. When Lillian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the bank to borrow money for her further education.  The banker gave her no encouragement.  He didn' t think that a poor country girl should borrow money to go to college.  He thought she should be at home doing work in the house or around the farm.  So Lillian Hanson went home and raised(养育) a family of nine children instead of going to college.  However, Mrs Hanson never forgot her dream of getting a higher education.  When her children grew up, she tried again. She finds that it is the hardest part of going back to school at her age to sit in class for a long time.  Because she is not as quick as she used to be, Mrs Hanson often gets up and walks around classes to keep from getting stiff (不灵活的).  At the beginning of a computer course, the other students all stood up to give her a warm welcome when she explained why she was there and what her plan was.‎ ‎ 56.   Mrs Hanson couldn't go to college shortly after she graduated from high school because                      A.   she hadn't got enough money B.   she was born in the country C.   she was too old D.   the banker thought she should raise a family of nine children 57.   In which order did Mrs Hanson do these things? a.   She began her studies at college. b.  She finished high school. c.   She got married and gave birth to nine children. d.   She had her 73rd birthday. e.   She went to the bank to borrow money. A.  b, c, e, d, a           B.    b, a, c, d, e C.  e, b, a, c, d            D.   b, e, c, a, d 58.  Why did the other students welcome Mrs Hanson warmly in class? A.   She was good at telling funny stories. B.   She had got an excellent result in the exam. C.   They were deeply moved by her spirit. D.   They wanted to get her help in their studies. 59.  What kind of person would you say Mrs Hanson is? A.  She always thinks more of others than of herself. B.  She cares for study very much. C.   She never misses a chance to talk. D.   She tries her best to save money for her family. 50.  Which of the following words best describes Mrs Hanson? A.  Amazing.               B.  Careful. C.  Clever.             D.  Ordinary. 第Ⅱ卷(共4 5分) 五、词形变化     用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) 61.   I don't think they can finish the work            in such a short time,   (they) 62.   Look at the photo! The_________woman from the left is my aunt,   (five) 63.   It is said that this river is much            than that one.    (deep) 64.  She has practised a lot and she is_________of winning the race,   (confidence) 65.   Two of the_________were caught near the bus station the day before yesterday. (thief) 66.   We all feel very sorry for the_________of this kind of beautiful bird,   (disappear) 67.   He looked_________at us when the bad news reached him.    (sad) 68.   Bill Gates is regarded as one of the greatest_________in the world today, (invent) 69.   The jackets hanging over there are those_________.  (surf) 70.  The students of Class 2 are now having a_________about how to spend the coming summer holidays,   (discuss) 61. ________    62. _________    63.                 64. ________:   65. _________ 66. _________    67. _________    68. _________    69. _________    70.‎ ‎ _________ 六、动词填空     用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) 71.   In China, the number of Internet users            (be) 55 million in 2002. 72.   It_________(snow) twice in his hometown since a week ago. 73.   Many people are against_________(smoke) in public places. 74.   Usually most shops along this street_________(decorate) with attractive things during festivals. 75.   Xiao Wang didn't want to tell me anything about what he_________just_________(hear). 76.   The school bus  ______(carry) the students to and from school on weekdays,doesn't it? 77.   Mike_________(work) on the computer while Jim was standing beside him. 78.   My brother said he_________(let) me have the bike as soon as he had cleaned it. 79.   Mr and Mrs Smith_________(invite) to my birthday party last Friday. 80.   It is cheaper to send a text message than_________(talk) on a mobile phone.‎ 七、完成句子     按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,每个空格只能填一个单词:(本大题共9分,每格0.5分)    1.我们都为中国现代科学技术的巨大发展而感到自豪。 We_________(81) all_________ (82)_________ (83) the great development of China's modern science and technology. 2.过去我们很少有人买得起如此昂贵的数码相机。 In the past few of us could_________ (84)_________ (85)_________ (86) such expensive digital cameras. 3.你越仔细,在考试中出的差错就越少。 The_________(87)_________ (88) you are, the_________(89)_________ (90) you'll make in an exam. 4.不论到什么地方,他总是与别人融洽相处。 _________(91)he goes, he always_________(92) on_________ (93)_________ (94)others. 5.他们打赢那个队的希望似乎不大。 (95) doesn't            (96) to_________ (97) much hope of their (98) that team. 八、缺词填空     先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填人一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。(本大题共6分,每格0.5分) Ail over the world people enjoy sports.    Sports help one to keep h (99), happy,and to live longer.   Many people like to watch others play games.   They buy t_________(100) or turn on their TVs to watch the games.   Often they get very excited when "their" player or team w_________(101). Games and sports often grow out of p             (102) work and everyday activities.   The Arabs use horses or camels (骆驼) in m_________(103) of their everyday life.   They use them in their sports, too.   Some sports are so interesting that people e            (104) like them.  Football, for example, is p_________(105) by more and more young people. Some sports or games such as running and jumping go back t_________ (106) of years.   But basketball and volleyball are rather new.  N _________(107) one is two hundred years old yet.  People are i_________(108) new sports or games all the time.‎ ‎ Water-skiing is one of the newest in the f_________(109) of sports. People from different countries may not be able to u_________ (110) each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. 九、书面表达(本大题共10分)     假如你是育英初中的学生李红,请用英语写信给你校陈校长,推荐(recommend) 你的同学吴东为本年度优秀团员奖(award)获得者。写信日期:200 5年12月2 7日     信的内容要点如下:     1.吴东在三年级四班学习,各科成绩优良;     2.他喜欢运动,擅长绘画;     3.他乐于助人。一天     注意:     1.第3内容要点须用3,4句话展开合理想象,增加细节,举例说明;     2.信须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;     3.词数70个左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。 Yuying‎ ‎Junior High School Dec.  27,2005 Dear Mr Chen, I would like to recommend Wu Dong for this year's Excellent Youth League Member Award. I think Wu Dong should get an award.  I hope to hear from you soon.‎ 答案 ‎ l. A    2.  B    3.  A    4.  B    5.  B    6.  C 7.  C    8.  B    9.  C    10.  A    11.  C    12.  B 13.  A     14.  C     15.  B     16.  B     17.  A 18.  B 19.  C 20.  C 21.  A 22.  B 23.  D 24.  D 25.  A 26.  B 27.  C 28.  D 29.  A 30.  B 31.  C 32.  A 33.  B 34.  C 35.  D 36.  C 37.  D 38.  A 39.  D 40.  A 41.  C 42.  A 43.  B 44.  D 45.  B 46.  B 47.  C 48.  D 49.  A 50.  B 51.  C 52.  A 53.  D    54.  B    55.  D    56.  A    57.  D    58.  C    59.  B 60.    A 61.   themselves 62.  fifth 63.  deeper 64.  confident 65.  thieves    66.  disappearance    67.  sadly 68.  inventors    69.  surfers'     70.  discussion    71.  was 72.   has snowed    73.  smoking    74.  are decorated 75.   had, heard    76.  carries    77.  was working 78.    would let (was going to let) 79.   were invited    80.  to talk    81.  are    82.  proud  83.  of    84.  afford    85.  to    86.  buy    87.  more 88.  careful    89.  fewer    90.  mistakes    91.  Wherever. .  92.  gets    93.  well     94.  with     95.  There     96.  seem 97.  be    98.  beating    99.  healthy    100.   tickets 101.   wins    102.  people's    103.  much 104.  everywhere    105.  played    106.  thousands    107.  Neither    108.  inventing    109.  family 110.  understand One possible version Yuying‎ ‎Junior High School Dec.   27, 2005 Dear Mr Chen, I would like to recommend Wu Dong for this year's Excellent Youth League Member Award. Wu Dong studies in Class Four, Grade Three.  He does well in all subjects.  He likes sports.  He is good at drawing.‎ ‎ Wu Dong is always ready to help others.  One day, a five-year-old girl lost her way and cried in the street.  As soon as he saw her, he took her to the police station.  Then he stayed there and played with her for about two hours before her parents came. I think Wu Dong should get an award.  I hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly, Li Hong

