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介词复习提纲 一、 介词的定义 介词是一种虚词,不能独立存在。它必须和随后的不足成分一起构成介词短语,才能用作句子的成分。‎ 二、 介词(短语)的分类 1. 表示时间的介词(短语)‎ at 用在具体的时间点之前。e.g. at five o’clock in 用在年,月,季节之前,用在表泛指的上午。下午、晚上之前。e.g.in July、in the afternoon on 用在星期之前,用在具体某天或者某天的上午、下午、晚上之前。e.g. on the afternoon of July 2nd ‎ after 表示“在……之后”,反义词是before。‎ before 表示“在……之前”。除了可以用作介词之外,before还可以做连词和副词。‎ until 表示“直到”,not until意为“直到……才”。‎ since 表示“自从”,后跟表示过去的时间点时,通常和现在完成时连用。‎ during 表示“在……期间”。e.g.during the speech from 和to搭配,from...to...表示“从……到……”。e.g. from 3:30 to 5:30‎ by 表示“在……之前”“不迟于”。e.g. by five o’clock 2. 表示方位的介词 ‎ at 用在比较小的地点之前。e.g. arrive at the airport in 用在表较大的地点之前。e.g. arrive in Beijing 表示“在……里面”。e.g. in the box in front of 表示“在……前面”。反义词是behind behind 表示“在……后面”。‎ under 表示“在……下面”。‎ by 表示“在……旁边;靠近”。e.g. by the window beside 表示“在……旁边”。‎ near 表示“在……附近”。‎ next to 表示“靠近;紧挨”。‎ from 和to搭配,from...to...表示“从……到……”e.g. from Beijing to Shanghai on the left of 表示“在……的左边”。‎ on the right of 表示“在……的右边”。‎ ‎【注意】‎ in是常见的介词,还有如下的用法 in+颜色/服装 此时in表示“穿着某种颜色的衣服”。‎ in+语言 此时in表示“用某种语言”‎ ‎ in+时间段 用在一般将来时的句中,该句表示在“早某段时间之后”。‎ 3. 表示方式、手段或工具的介词 (1) 表示方式 by by+交通工具。‎ on,in on,in+限定词+交通工具。‎ (2) 表示手段或工具 with 和具体的工具搭配。‎ by 表示“通过;以……的方式或手段”,其后常跟动名词。‎ in 和语言,声音等材料搭配 4. 其他常考介词的基本用法 for 表示“为了”。e.g. They fought for the country.‎ of 表示“的”,协助构成所有格形式。e.g. a map of China.‎ about 表示“关于”。e.g. a book about flowers.‎ with 表示“和……在一起”。e.g. I live with my parents.‎ 表示“带有,具有”。e.g. a house with a garden 构成固定搭配。e.g. with the help of,agree with,provide sb. with sth.‎ without 表示“无;没有”。e.g. Fish cannot live without water.‎ 三、介词(短语)的基本用法 1. 用作表语。‎ ‎ e.g. We are in the classroom.‎ 2. 用作宾语补足语。‎ ‎ e.g. I was surprised to find him on the bus.‎ 3. 用作后置定语。‎ ‎ e.g. The girl in a white T-shirt is my sister.‎ 4. 用作状语。‎ ‎ e.g. There are many flowers in the garden.‎ 四、常考的易混介词和介词短语 between 表示“在……(两者)之间”。‎ among 表示“在……(三者或三者之上)之间”。‎ in front of 表示“在某范围以外的前面”。‎ in the front of 表示“在某范围以内的前面”。‎ on 表示“在……上面”,强调表面接触。反义词是beneath。‎ over 表示“在……上方”,强调在垂直的上面。反义词是under。‎ above 表示“在……上方”,可能在垂直的上方,也可能不在垂直的上方,只表示上下的位置关系。反义词是below across 表示“从表面穿过”,通常和road,street,river等搭配。‎ through 表示“从立体空间穿过”,通常和window,channel,town,city等搭配。‎ over 表示“越过高的物体”,通常和wall,mountain等搭配。‎ for 后跟时间段,常用来说明动作延续的时间长度。‎ since 后跟时间点,常用来说明动作起始的时间。‎ besides 表示“除……之外还有”,表示累计关系。‎ except 表示“除了”,表示排除关系。‎ be made of 表示“由……制造”,强调可以看出原材料。‎ be made from 表示“由……制造”,强调看不出原材料。‎ be made by 表示“由……(某人)制造”,后面跟人。‎ be made in 表示“在……(某地)制造”,后跟地点。‎ be made into 表示“被制成……”,后跟成品。‎ 五、 介词(短语)中考考点 考点一 动词+介词:‎ at:look at laugh at knock at shout at point at for:pay for look for ask for leave for on:depend on get on call on pass on go on with:agree with argue with begin with about:think about care about worry about be+形容词+介词:‎ of:be proud of be full of be afraid of for:be famous for be ready for be sorry for be late for in:be interested in be strcit in...‎ at:be good at be angry at be surprised at with:be satisfied/pleased with be srict with be angry with 考点二 of sb.和for sb.‎ It’s +adj.+of sb.+to do sth.‎ 该句型多用于表示人物的性格或品德。其中的形容词多是表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good,kind,nice,clever,foolish等。‎ It’s adj.+for sb.+to do sth.‎ 该句型多用于表示人物或事物的特征。其中的形容词多是表示客观形势的形容词,如easy,hard,difficult,interesting等。‎ ‎ 考点针对联系 一、单项选择 1. ‎【2013·北京】Lucy lived in Beijing from 2008 ________ 2012.‎ ‎ A.on B.to C.at D.of 2. ‎【2013·大连】In America,people start celebrating the New Year _________ 31st December.‎ ‎ A.in B.at C.on D.for 3. ‎【2013·扬州】-How long have you lived in the new flat?‎ ‎ -________ 2010.‎ ‎ A.In B.After C.Since D.Before 4. ‎【2013·锦州】Most of my classmates go to school _________ bike.‎ ‎ A.at B.by C.on D.in 5. ‎【2013·上海】Wow!Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays _________ October!‎ ‎ A.in B.on C.at D.to 6. ‎【2013·呼和浩特】________ her husband,she has now become a famous film star.‎ ‎ A.Because B.Thanks to C.Thanks for D.With the help of 7. ‎【2013·兰州】-Why do you always go to Lanzhou University on weekends?‎ ‎ -Because there’re lots of great speakers I can practice English ________ in the English corner there.‎ ‎ A.with B.to C.on D.about 8. ‎【2013·烟台】-Why do you always sleep _______?‎ ‎ -Because I’m afraid of the dark.‎ ‎ A.by yourself B.with the door open C.with the window open D.with the light on 9. ‎【2013·三亚】On my visit to Australia,I feel Australians are similar ________ us in many ways.‎ ‎ A.with B.in C.to D.at 10. ‎【2013·河南】-What did you get _________ your birthday,Jason?‎ ‎ -An iPad 3,from my aunt.‎ ‎ A.to B.at C.with D.for 11. ‎【2013·安徽】Mrs. King put a coat _________ the sleeping girl to keep her warm.‎ ‎ A.over B.with C.behind D.beside 1. ‎【2013·无锡】Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays ________ zero.‎ ‎ A.up B.down C.above D,below 2. ‎【2013·温州】Ann ofte helps me _________ math after school.‎ ‎ A for B.with C.on D.by 3. ‎【2013·黔西南】All of you went the zoo _______Wang Hui.She had to look after her grandpa.‎ ‎ A.besides B,with C.except D.beside ‎15【2013·德州】________,the Internet was only used by government.But now it’s widely used in every field.‎ ‎ A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 16. ‎【2013·重庆】You can improve your English ________ practicing more.‎ ‎ A.by B.with C.of D.in 17. ‎【2013·苏州】Sandy is a real book lover and she often brings home many books to read _______ the library.‎ ‎ A.in B.for C.by D.from 18. ‎【2013·武汉】Sue has many nice dresses.She wears a different one every day_______ the week.‎ ‎ A.of B.from C.at D.for 19. ‎【2013·荆州】The model plane isn’t as nice as my sister’s,but ________ it was made by myself.‎ ‎ A.at last B.at least C.at times D.at present 20. ‎【2013·丽水】Before the bridge was built ________ the river,the villagers had to take a boat to the other side.‎ ‎ A.in B.beside C.across D.along 21. ‎【2013·聊城】Don’t ask him to study too late in the night.________,he is only a small child.‎ ‎ A.As a result B.After all C.Best of all D.For example 22. ‎【2013·菏泽】Most of kids in our school enjoy pop songs,________ some hit songs on the Internet like The Coolest ‎ ‎ Ethnic Trend(最炫民族风). ‎ ‎ A.besides B.including C.except D.without 23. ‎【2013·襄阳】-What do you often do ________ classes to relax yourselves.‎ ‎ -We often do eye exercises,listen to music or do some running around the school.‎ ‎ A.in B.among C.between D.through 24. ‎【2013·孝感】Students shouldn’t go to school ________ breakfast.It’s bad for their health.‎ ‎ A.with B.without C.for D.by 25. ‎【2013·广州】I couldn’t do it ______ your great help.Thanks a lot!‎ ‎ A.with B.without C.for D.to ‎ 二、 介词填空 1. Could you tell me something ______ UFOs? I am really interested in it. 2.I go to school _____ eight o’clock. 3.Gina’s father is _______ forty years old. 4.I can help you ______math. 5.The picture is _____ the wall. 6.The windows are _____ the wall. 7.Many students do homework _____ pens 8.My birthday is ______ February, 15th. 9.Children’s Day is _____ June. 10.What’s this _____ Japanese? 11.Please come and see at our store _____yourself. 12.Many books are____ the bookcase. 13.A set of keys is ____ the drawer. 14.My mirror(镜子) is ____ the dresser. 15.My shoes are _____ the bed. 16.Tom usually plays ping-pong ____ two hours 17.B is ____ A _____C. 18.I go to school______ a backpack. 19.Please bring some books _____ school. 20.We sell these bags ____ sports _____$5. ‎ ‎21.I buy two pairs of shoes _____$50 22.He often plays computer games ____ the evening. 23.They usually play basketball ______Saturday morning. 24.This boy is ______ the tree. It’s very dangerous. (危险)。 25.There are many pears ______ the tree. 26.Here is a photo _____ my family. 27.This is the map _____ China. 28.The bank doesn’t open _____ Sunday. 29.My parents usually go to the park _____ supper. 30.We have socks _____ all colors. 31.Thanks _____ your letter. 32.My father is strict _____ me _____ my study. 33.I eat an egg _______ breakfast, 34.He often does his homework _____ home. 35.The bank of China is _____ front of the post office. 36.He usually watches football game ____ TV. 37.I really want ____ go to the USA. 38.I like coffee _____ milk. 39.It’s not polite to talk _____ girl’s age. 40.It is very far(远) _______China _______America.‎ 三、阅读练习 完形填空(共1 5小题,每小题l分;满分15分)‎ ‎ 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎ Do you know that humans have been cleaning their teeth for over 7,000 years? According to the BBC, the Ancient Egyptians used a type of toothpaste (牙膏). ___21____ it is believed that the Egyptians used a finger ____22____ a toothbrush to clean their teeth .Chinese people may have ____23____ the first toothbrush around 1,600 BC.‎ ‎ Your toothbrush, however, may have also become____24___ .Because it is now possible to clean our teeth ___25___ using our hands!‎ Two Canadians, Adel Elseri and Said Fayad, have invented___26____ called T2T or "tongue-to-teeth" Elseri says he came up with the idea___27____ he was driving home after a long day at work His___28___ is a toothbrush that goes onto your tongue(舌) T2T has special edges (边缘) and toothpaste .So just ___29____your tongue over your teeth and it cleans your teeth just like a toothbrush ___30___! It will make your breath fresh too Elseri and Fayad made this hand-free toothbrush because they believed it was a __31___way for someone to brush their teeth. But people can only use the T2T ___32____.‎ Would you use the tongue-to-teeth? The Huffington Post in the US ___33____ readers what they thought. Sixty-one percent said that they would use it while only thirty-nine percent said they ___34____. Personally I think I'm going to stick to(坚持用) the ___35____.‎ ‎21. A. So B. Then C. But D. Or ‎22. A. instead of B .because of C .more than D .less than ‎23 A .discovered B. develop C .built D. developed ‎24 A. science B. history C. problem D secret ‎25. A by B. from C. without D for ‎26. A .nothing B. everything C. anything D .something ‎27. A. until B. when C. since D .though ‎28. A .idea B. story C. word D plan ‎29 A. hold B. pull C. move D. check ‎30 A is B. does C. was D. did ‎31 A healthier B. easier C. harder D. longer ‎32 A. again B. soon C once D already ‎33. A. told B. asked C. warned D. advised ‎34. A. shouldn't B .should C. wouldn't D. would ‎35. A finger B toothbrush C. mouth D tongue ‎ ‎ British tennis player Andy Murray waited seven years before he could realize his Grand Slam (大满贯) dream.‎ On September11, 2012, Murray beat defending champion(卫冕冠军) Novak Djokovic in the US Open final. The 25-year-old finally won his first ever Grand Slam trophy (奖杯) since he turned professional (职业的) in 2005.‎ It was a close match that lasted four hours and 54 minutes. The two are good friends and Djokovic is only seven days younger. Djokovic has won five titles (冠军) while Murray was the runner-up in his last four Grand Slam finals. Would he be able to win a grand slam the fifth time of asking? Even Murray himself was not sure.‎ ‎ " I was still doubting ( 怀疑) myself right up to a few minutes before going on to play the match . I have been in this position many times and not tried hard to get through," he told the Daily Mail after his victory.‎ ‎ But he did not think about his past disappointment (失望)too much. Instead, he fought through. "1 think just proving myself is probably the most pleasing part about this match, " he said. ‎ ‎ The victory comes four weeks after Murray won a gold at the London Olympics. He is now Britain's first male Grand Slam singles champion in 76 years. He is the new pride of the British people.‎ ‎41. Murray has worked hard for seven years because he wanted to_________ .‎ ‎ A. realize his Grand Slam dream ‎ B heat defending champion ‎ C. turn a professional player ‎ D. win in the US Open final ‎42. What do you know about Novak Djokovic from the text?‎ ‎ A. He is seven days older than Murray ‎ B .He finally won on September 11, 2012‎ ‎ C. He has won five world championships ‎ D. He beat defending champion Murray.‎ ‎43. Even before the US Open final was started, Murray_________.‎ ‎ A. was still planning to make friends with Djokovic ‎ B. was still doubting whether he would give up ‎ C. was really proving himself to win the game ‎ D was not sure whether he would win the game ‎44 What makes Murray become the new pride of the British people?‎ ‎ A. The first male Grand Slam singles champion in 76 years ‎ B. His too much disappointment in the past few years ‎ C .The first singles champion at the London Olympics ‎ D. His defending champion's position many times ‎45. The Chinese meaning of the underlined word "runner up" in the text is_________.‎ A.冠军 B.亚军 C.爱好者 D.参与者

