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名词,代词,冠词,数词和形容词 姓名 年级 性别 教学课题 总复习(名词,代词,冠词,数词和形容词)‎ 教学 目标 1. 总复习(名词,代词,冠词,数词和形容词)‎ 重点 难点 1. 总复习(名词,代词,冠词,数词和形容词)‎ 课 堂 教 学 过 程 一. 名词 ‎1. There are some ________ on the hill.‎ A. sheeps B. a sheep C. sheep D. sheepes ‎2. Mr Black often gives us ________ by Email.‎ ‎ A. some good information B. some good informations ‎ C. good informations D. a good information ‎3. There are some new books in the school library. They are ____ books.‎ A. child B. childrens' C. children D. children's ‎4. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ________ .‎ A. pair B. one C. ones D. trousers ‎5. Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class.‎ A. students B. students C. student's D. students'‎ ‎6. The hospital is a bit far from here. It's about _______ . ‎ A. forty minutes's walk B. forty minute's walk C. forty minutes walk D. forty minutes' walk ‎7. How many _____ are there in your class ? ‎ A. Japanese B. American C. Australian D. Canadian ‎8. I found my black cat in_____ room.‎ A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mike's C. Jim's and Mike's D. Jim's and Mike ‎9. How much are the _____ ? A. bread B. meats. C. potatos D. tomatoes ‎10. There are many ______ in our school.‎ A. woman teachers B. woman's teachers C. women teachers D. women's teachers ‎11. Three months ________ a long time for me.A. is B. are C. have D. has ‎12. There are ______ and ______ on the table. ‎ A. two boxes cake; four bottle of oranges B. two boxes cake; four bottle of orange ‎ C. two boxes of cakes; four bottles of orange D. two box of cakes; four bottles of oranges ‎ ‎ 13. All the _____teachers and______students are having a meeting there. ‎ ‎ A. women …girls B. women… girl C. woman…girls D. woman…girl ‎ ‎ 14. Mr Black is a friend of _________. ‎ ‎ A. Jack's aunt's B. Jack's aunt C. Jack aunt's D. aunt's of Jack ‎ ‎ 15. This toy was made by a ____ boy. ‎ ‎ A. ten-year-old B. ten-years-old C. ten-year-older D.ten-years-older ‎ ‎16. The farmer raised ten _________. ‎ ‎ A. sheeps B. deers C. horse D. cows ‎ ‎17. She looked at us sadly with her eyes as large as_________. ‎ ‎ A. her grandmother B. her grandmother's C. her grandmothers' D. that of her grandmother ‎ ‎ 18. We have moved into a ________. ‎ ‎ A. two- storey house B. house of two storey C. two-storeys house D. two storeys house ‎ ‎ 19. The ______ was too much for the child to carry. ‎ ‎ A. box's steel B. box of a steel C. steel box D. box of the steel ‎ ‎20. We'll give our English teacher a card for _________. ‎ ‎ A. the Teacher's Day B. Teacher's Day C. a Teacher's Day D. Teachers' Day ‎ ‎ 21. Li Ping met an old friend of _______on a train yesterday. ‎ ‎ A. he B. him C. his D. her ‎ ‎22. _________are big and bright. w W w .X k b 1.c O m A. The classroom window B. The window of the classroom ‎ C. The windows of the classroom D. The classroom's windows ‎ ‎23、I want three_________ white paper. A、pieces B、piece of C、pieces of D pieces’ of ‎24、Do you want to drink much_______ ?A、a milk B、milk C、milks D. milks’ 25、This is________ room. It’s very big.   A、Lily and Lucy’s B、Lily’s and Lucy’s C、Lily’s and Lucy D Lily’s and Lucys’ 26、We visited________ house yesterday. A、Tom B、Toms C、Tom’s D Toms’‎ ‎27、Do you want some________ for supper? A、a potato B、potatoes C、potatos D. potatos’ 28、In autumn,you can see a lot of________ on the ground. A、leaf B、leafs C、leaves D leaves’ 29、My sister has two________ . One is old,the other is new.   A、a watch B、watchs C、watches D pairs of watches ‎30、Best wishes to you for ________Day!   A、Teacher’s B、Teachers’ C、Teacher D Teachers of 代词:‎ ‎20.“Which of the two dictionaries do you like better?”“I like ____ , because they're not useful.”‎ ‎ A.both B.either C.all D.neither ‎21.They were all very tired, but ____ of them would stop to take a rest.‎ ‎ A.any B.some C.none D.neither ‎22.There were ____ people and noise in the park last Sunday.‎ ‎ A.many; much B.much; much C.much; many D.many; many ‎23.____ of them has a dictionary and ____ one of them can look up words in the dictionary.‎ ‎ A.Each; every B.Every; each C.Each; each D.Every; every ‎24.Please keep together. We want ____ of you to get lost.‎ ‎ A.none B.some C.many D.any ‎25.There is ____ water here; but there are quite ____ empty glasses. ‎ ‎ A.little; a few B.few; little C.few; a few D.little; a little ‎26.The skirt is ____ . She made it ____ .‎ ‎ A.hers; herself B.her; herself C.herself; hers D.herself; her ‎27.“Haven't you forgotten ____ ?”“ ____ ,oh, I forgot my bag.”‎ ‎ A.anything; Excuse me B.something; Excuse me C.something; Pardon D.everything; Pardon ‎28.Be quiet! I have ____ to tell you.‎ ‎ A.important anything B.anything important ‎ C.important something D.something important ‎29.My father is very busy with his work. He has ____ time to do the housework.‎ ‎ A.little B.few C.a little D.a few ‎30.---- ____ of the boys in Class Four are playing games.‎ ‎----____. A.All B.Each C.The both D.None ‎31.The boy promised ____ mother never to lie to ____ again.‎ ‎ A.his; him B.her; her C.her; him D.his; her ‎32.“Would you like some milk in your tea?”“Yes, just ____ .”‎ ‎ A.much B.a little C.a few D.little w W w .x K b 1.c o M ‎33.____ school is much larger than ____ .‎ ‎ A.Their; our B.Their; ours  C.Theirs; ours D.Theirs; our ‎34.Put it down, Richard. You mustn't read ____ letter. ‎ ‎ A.anyone's else's B.anyone's else C.anyone else's D.anyone else ‎35.He found ____ very interesting to ride a horse. ‎ ‎ A.this B.that C.it D.which ‎36.Han Meimei, what about ____ to eat?‎ ‎ A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything ‎37.____ office is much smaller than ____ .‎ ‎ A.Ours; yours B.Our; yours C.Theirs; our D.Your; their ‎38.“Help ____ to some meat, Mary,”my aunt said to me.‎ ‎ A.themselves B.ourselves C.yourself D.himself ‎39.There are twenty teachers in this grade.Eight of them are women teachers and ____ are men teachers. A.the other B.the others C.others D.other ‎40.Though they had cleaned the floor, there was still ____ water on it.‎ ‎ A.little B.a little C.few D.a few ‎ 三.冠词:‎ ‎( ) 21. A: _____ apples are there on the table? B: There are 12.‎ ‎ A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How big ‎( ) 22. A: _____ is your pen friend? B: She’s 12.‎ ‎ A. How much B. How many C. How old D How long ‎( ) 23. ______ fruit do you like to eat?‎ ‎ A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How soon ‎( ) 24. You should _____ in your homework on time.‎ ‎ A. hand B. hands C. handing D. handed ‎( ) 25. The boy shouldn’t ______ in class. A. sleeping B. sleeps C. sleep D. slept ‎( ) 26. Please ______ in bed for two days.‎ ‎ A. stays B. stayed C. staying D. stay ‎( ) 27. I like pizza, and I like hamburger, ______. A. also B. too C. either D. very much ‎( ) 28. I don’t like coffee, and I don’t like tea _______. ‎ ‎ A. also B. too C. either D. a lot ‎( ) 29. I ______ like the bread. A. also B. too C. either D. all of ‎( ) 30. I like coffee, what _____ you?‎ ‎ A. are B. about C. for D be ‎( ) 31. What would you like ______? A. has B. to have C. have D. having ‎( ) 32. Different _______ like different _______.‎ ‎ A. peoples … food B. peoples … foods C. people … foods D. people..food ‎( ) 33. We should have _____ every day. X|k |B | 1 . c|O |m ‎ A. four kinds of foods B. four kind of foods C. four kinds of food D. four kinds food ‎( ) 34. These are ________ cups. _________ are over there.‎ ‎ A. our, Yours B. ours, Yours C. our, your D. ours, your ‎( ) 36. I think they can help _______. A. he B. his C. him D he’s ‎( ) 37. They don’t like ________ in the swimming pool.‎ ‎ A. swim B. swimming C. swimming D. swims ‎( ) 38. They will go _______ this morning.‎ ‎ A. shop B. shopping C. shoping D. shopped ‎( ) 39. How _____ water do you drink every day? A. many B. much C. a lot D. far ‎ ‎( ) 40. Don’t eat too ______ cakes. A. many B. much C. lot D. lot 四.数词:‎ 1. 在三点三十分 2. 在二十世纪七十年代 3. 在1994年八月 4. 在2013年九月二十号 5. 在五楼五零二房间 6. 在八单元十五课 1. 在六年级六班 2. 在第41间教室里 3. 成千上万的学生 4. 跑得比我快三倍 ‎(     ) 30. There are ________ days in a year.‎ ‎  A. three hundred sixty and five  B. three hundred and sixty-five ‎ C. three hundreds and sixty-five     D. three hundred sixty-five ‎31.The tree is    ________    tall.‎ ‎  A. fourteen foots     B. fourteen feet C. fourteen foot      D. forty foot ‎32.Fifty plus    ________    .‎ ‎  A. fourty is ninety    B. forty is ninety C. thirty is ninety     D. fifty is ninety ‎33.There are   ________  students in this school.‎ ‎ A. four hundred fifty-two B.four hundreds fifty two ‎ C. four hundred and fifty-two D. four hundreds and fifty-two ‎34.My home is about    ________   away from the school.‎ ‎ A. three hundred metre  B. three hundreds metres C. three hundred metres    D. three hundred metre ‎35.December is    ________  and last month in a year.‎ ‎  A.the twelveth      B.twelve     C.the twelfth    D.twelfth ‎36.   ________   of the teachers in the school are from colleges.‎ ‎  A.Three quarters     B.Two-third C.Two fifth         D.Two-ninth ‎37.There were two world wars during   ________    century.‎ ‎  A.the twenties       B.the twentieth C.twenties          D.twentieth ‎38.In the forties, his father served in the New   ________    Army(新四军),while his mother worked in the  ________ Route Army(八路军).‎ ‎  A. Fourth; Eighth        B.Four; Eighth C.Fourth; eight          D.Fourth; eighth ‎39.We are learning   ________    now.‎ ‎  A.the twenty-first lesson    B.Lesson Twenty-first C.the 21 th lesson            D.Lesson 21 st ‎40.He will stay here for    ________   .‎ ‎  A.one and half month B.one and a half month C.one months and a half D.one and a half months ‎41.—What’s the date today?—It’s    ________   .‎ ‎  A.nine     B.Monday     C.June 5      D.11:00‎ ‎42.—Would you like to eat   ________    apples?‎ ‎  —No, thank you. A.more two      B.two more      C.two another     D.two else ‎43.He said he would come back in    ________   .‎ ‎  A.one or two days    B.o or two days      C.one and two days     D.a day and two ‎44.—How often do you write to your parents abroad?‎ ‎  —      ________ .‎ ‎  A.Twice a month          B.Second times a month    ‎ ‎  C.A second time a month   D.second a time a month ‎45.   ________    people died in the traffic accidents in the world.‎ ‎  A.Thousand of      B.Thousands of      C.Ten thousands of     D.Ten thousand of ‎ ‎46.In the 1850s, about    ________   was covered by forest in the USA.‎ ‎  A.third    B.a third    C.the third    D.a thirds ‎47.This is her   ________    birthday, I think.‎ ‎  A.twenty    B.twentieth    C.the twentieth    D.the twenty’s ‎48.September   ________    is Teachers’Day.‎ ‎  A.the ten     B.tenth    C.the tenth    D.the ten’s ‎49.There are   ________    children in the country school.‎ ‎  A.two thousand five hundred and sixty B.two thousands five hundred and sixty ‎  C.two thousands five hundreds and sixty D.two thousand five hundreds and sixty ‎50.  ________of the soldiers is about two thousand.‎ ‎  A. A number     B. The number of     C. A great number    D. The biggest numbers of 复 习 及 作 业 签字 教师:‎ 家长或学生阅后意见及签字:‎ ‎ 家长签名: ‎ 教师评价

