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成都市2016年高中阶段教育学校统一招生考试试卷 ‎(含成都市初三毕业会考)‎ 英 语 A卷(共100分)‎ 第二部分 基础知识运用(共30小题,计40分)‎ 六、选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分;计20分)‎ B. 从各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。(共12小题,每小题1 分;计12分)‎ ‎( B ) 35. To be ________ good teacher, you need to learn more.‎ A. the B. a C. an ‎( A ) 36. —Sally, there’s a pen on the floor. Is it yours?‎ ‎—Oh…yes. It’s ________. Thank you.‎ A. mine B. yours C. hers ‎( B ) 37. Teacher’s Day is ________ September 10.‎ A. in B. on C. at ‎( C ) 38. —________ do you play basketball?‎ ‎—Usually twice a week.‎ A. How soon B. How long C. How often ‎( B ) 39. —I have a ten-day holiday. But I don’t know ________.‎ ‎—How about Paris.‎ A. what to do B. where to go C. when to go ‎( A ) 40. The woman ________ is singing on the TV show is our English teacher.‎ A. who B. which C. whose ‎( B ) 41. It’s windy outside. ________ your jacket, Bob. Don’t catch a cold.‎ A. try on B. put on C. take off ‎( B ) 42. —Lily, where is your father now? Go and get him for lunch.‎ ‎—Just a moment, please. Father ________ a phone call in his room.‎ A. makes B. is making C. was making ‎( A ) 43. —Is that Mr. Zhang?‎ ‎—It ________ be him. He went to Beijing for a meeting.‎ A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t ‎( C ) 44. AlphaGo has beaten the top professional go (围棋) player. So many people think it’s ________ go player in the world.‎ A. a good B. a better C. the best ‎( B ) 45. You are not supposed to go to a family party unless you ________ to in the US.‎ A. are not invited B. are invited C. will be invited ‎( C ) 46. —Could you tell me ________?‎ ‎—My life is not what it used to be.‎ A. what you think of yourself B. how you like your present life C. what your life is like after you became famous C. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。并将选项的编号字母依次填在答题卡得相应位置。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)‎ A: Hi, Lily. Where did you go this Spring Festival?‎ B: I went to Xiamen.‎ A: 47 ‎ B: I went there with my friend, Liu Ying.‎ A: Did you go to Xiamen University?‎ B: 48 It was really nice.‎ A: What was the weather like there?‎ B: 49 ‎ A: Did you try any sea food there?‎ B: Yes. And I even bought some for my family.‎ A: 50 ‎ B: It’s a beautiful seaside city and it’s worth traveling around.‎ A. Yes, I did.‎ B. It was quite warm.‎ C. What do you think of Xiamen.‎ D. Oh, really? Who did you go with?‎ ‎47. D 48. A 49. B 50. C ‎ 七、完形填空。通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共20小题;计25分。A篇每小题1.5分,计15分;B篇每小题1分,计10分)‎ A How do you get to school every day?‎ For most students in cities, it’s 1 for them to get to school. They can walk or ride a bike to school. They can get to school by bus or even by subway. It won’t 2 them too long to get to school and back home.‎ But for some students in faraway villages, things are quite 3 . Life for them is hard. It’s difficult for them to get to school every day. Usually they will spend a few 4 on the way. In one small village, there is a big river 5 the school and the village. The students can’t get to school by boat because the river 6 too quickly. They have to go on a ropeway to 7 the big river. Though it’s dangerous, they are used to it and are not afraid. In their mind, going out to study is their 8 thing. Because of this, many villagers 9 leave their village. How they are looking forward to having a 10 ! I do hope one day their dream can come true.‎ ‎( B ) 1. A. good B. easy C. dangerous ‎( A ) 2. A. take B. cost C. spend ‎( C ) 3. A. common B. important C. different ‎( B ) 4. A. minutes B. hours C. days ‎( B ) 5. A. beside B. between C. behind ‎( C ) 6. A. changes B. turns C. runs ‎( A ) 7. A. cross B. go through C. walk across ‎( C ) 8. A. hardest B. worst C. happiest ‎( A ) 9. A. never B. often C. sometimes ‎( B ) 10. A. boat B. bridge C. road B September is the time for students to go back to school! For Chinese students, most schools start on the same day. We will share summer stories with the same classmates 1 the first-year students. But in US schools, students get ready for classes a little 2 .‎ First of all, US schools don’t all start on the same day. Classes begin any time between August and ‎ September. Every 3 decides when to begin their classes. If summers are too 4 then school will usually start a little later.‎ Every year we usually see the same teachers and classmates. But US students have some big changes. In US high schools, teachers divide 5 into different levels or focuses. Students can choose their favorite teachers and courses according to their abilities and 6 . This means that every year US students will 7 different classrooms for each class. They will meet 8 classmates and teachers in each one. Also, student will go to school a few days early to get their 9 so that they can know the classes every day.‎ For first year students, the first day of school also means they finally get their own lockers (储物箱). Primary school students in the US have to share closets (储物柜) with their 10 . But once students make it to junior high they finally get one.‎ ‎( B ) 1. A. including B. except C. besides ‎( C ) 2. A. early B. late C. differently ‎( A ) 3. A. school B. city C. town ‎( C ) 4. A. dry B. cool C. hot ‎( B ) 5. A. students B. classes C. subjects ‎( B ) 6. A. ages B. interests C. habits ‎( B ) 7. A. see B. enter C. build ‎( A ) 8. A. new B. special C. unfriendly ‎( C ) 9. A. homework B. books C. schedule ‎( A ) 10. A. classmates B. teachers C. owners 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)‎ 八、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“A”错误的涂“B”。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分)‎ Teeth are very important for our health. They will be our lifelong friends. So we should learn to protect them at a very young age. Here are some tips:‎ First, we should eat right.‎ ‎● Don’t eat too much candy or drink too much cola, or our teeth will go bad easily.‎ ‎● Have more cheese, milk and yogurt to make teeth strong.‎ ‎● Eat more vegetables and fruits to help clean teeth.‎ Second, we should keep these numbers in mind.‎ ‎● 2/Day Brush your teeth at least twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime.‎ ‎● 2-3 Minutes Brush for at least two to three minutes every time.‎ ‎● 3 Months Get a new toothbrush every three months.‎ ‎● 6 Months Go to the dentist every six months for a check-up.‎ ‎( B ) 1. We’re too young, so we needn’t start protecting our teeth.‎ ‎( A ) 2. Cheese, milk and yogurt can keep our teeth strong.‎ ‎( B ) 3. We shouldn’t brush our teeth after lunch.‎ ‎( B ) 4. We can brush our teeth for only one minute each time.‎ ‎( A ) 5. At least four toothbrushes should be used in a year.‎ 九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题2分;计20分)‎ A Shopping Guide in New World Shopping Mall ‎6F Restaurant Coffee shop/Teas house ‎5F Children’s pleasure ground Cinema ‎4F Electrical equipment Writing materials Office supplies ‎3F Men’s clothing Bedding ‎2F Women’s clothing Children’s clothing ‎1F Fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, drinks, cooked food, etc.‎ Kitchen ware Business hours Weekdays: 8:00am-6:00pm Weekends: 9:00am-9:00pm ‎( B ) 1. From the shopping guide, we can see there are ______ floors in New World Shopping Mall.‎ A. five B. six C. seven ‎( A ) 2. On the second floor, Mrs. Zhang can buy clothing for her ______.‎ A. children B. husband C. father ‎( A ) 3. You can buy ______ and writing materials on the fourth floor.‎ A. desks B. bowls C. quilts ‎( C ) 4. You can invite your friends to ______ or drink tea on the top floor.‎ A. play games B. watch films C. have lunch ‎( B ) 5. According to the guide, Mr. Li can go shopping ______ on weekdays.‎ A. at 7:30 am B. at 8:30 am C. at 6:30 pm B Dear Merry,‎ Recently, I have trouble with my study.‎ In school I can’t listen to teachers carefully because I always feel tired and sleepy. I don’t spend time with friends after class either because I think it’s a waste of time. I even miss writing some answers in the test.‎ At home, I can’t get my homework done every night. My parents don’t let me stay up. So I have to get up early the next morning to finish it. Lately, I even get a bad headache.‎ How can I solve these problems?‎ Yours,‎ Liu Ya Dear Liu Ya,‎ When you have trouble listening to teachers carefully in class, you can ask your teachers or deskmate to remind you often. Then spending time talking about many different things with friends can make you happy. It’s not a waste of time. As for homework, when it’s hard to get finished, one thing you can try is setting goals for yourself. Ask your parents to help you. You must take a break, especially if you don’t feel well. You might be surprised but a short break can help you get more done! Lastly, if you don’t worry and have enough sleep, your headache will leave you.‎ Yours,‎ Merry ‎( A ) 1. Liu Ya wrote the letter to Merry in order to ______.‎ A. ask for help B. express worries C. share her experience ‎( B ) 2. Liu Ya doesn’t want to stay with friends after class because ______.‎ A. she needs to sleep B. she thinks it’s a waste of time C. she has trouble with her classmates ‎( A ) 3. Merry thinks ______.‎ A. taking a break is necessary B. being with parents is helpful C. setting goals by parents is important ‎( B ) 4. According to the underlined part, what might Liu Ya’s teacher say?‎ A. Sleep for a minute. B. Listen carefully. C. Stop talking.‎ ‎( C ) 5. From Liu Ya’s letter, we can find that she is too ______.‎ A. passive B. proud C. stressed B卷(共50分)‎ 一、完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词使对话完整正确。一空一次。把答案按编号一次填入下方表格内。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10 分)‎ B: I’m sorry. Mr. Thompson, would you please tell me what makes you unsatisfied?‎ A: It’s something about the 1 you deal with the work, your attitude to it, and that worries me.‎ B: Oh, really? I’m sorry you think so.‎ A: You know I can’t offer a chance to someone 2 doesn’t show great interest in his work.‎ B: Mr. Thompson, I 3 I was doing my best.‎ A: Maybe, but you don’t 4 to like the job. I wonder if you’re happy at our TV station. Perhaps you need a ‎ 5 .‎ B: Well, no. It’s not that. I like working for our TV station, but my present job requires little 6 . I mean that the same simple work is 7 from day to day.‎ A: I see. Yes, I think I understand how you feel and I’m glad you told me. But you’ve got to realize the 8 , Steve. Actually, we can’t do exciting work all the time.‎ B: Yes, I know that.‎ A: Look, this is what we’d better do. Bill White who deals with audience (观众) responses to our program wants someone to help him do door-to-door 9 . What do you think about it?‎ B: I think it’s proper for me. I believe I 10 will be helpful to Bill. Thank you, Mr. Thompson.‎ ‎1. way ‎2. who ‎3. think ‎ ‎4. seem ‎5. change ‎6. excitement ‎7. repeated ‎8. truth ‎9. survey ‎10. myself 二、短文填空。用下面方框中单词的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。将答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)‎ around beauty color disappear down go hold I keep luck paint work A boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world. In his opinion, he was 1 , because almost everything bad always happened to him. So he wanted to find the secret to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a 2 place. There, he met the king.‎ After learning why the boy had come, the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours. “At the same time, I want you 3 this spoon with milk,” said the king. “As you walk around my palace, carry this spoon without spilling (溢出) the milk.”‎ The boy 4 his eyes fixed on the spoon and began to walk around the golden palace. After two hours, he came back to the king. “Well,” asked the king. “Did you see the wonderful 5 in my dining hall? Did you see the 6 flower in the garden?” The boy felt sorry because he saw nothing. He only paid attention to the milk.‎ ‎“Then go back and see the beauty of 7 world,” said the king. This time the boy saw all of the 8 ‎ of art on the walls. He saw the great gardens and mountains all around. When he came back, he described ‎ everything he saw. ‎ ‎“But where is the milk?” asked the king. Looking 9 at the spoon he held, the boy saw the milk was ‎ 10 . “Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,” said the king. “The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world and also keep an eye on the milk on the spoon.”‎ ‎1. unlucky ‎2. beautiful ‎3. to hold ‎4. kept ‎5. paintings ‎6. colorful ‎7. my ‎8. works ‎9. down ‎10. gone 三、阅读表达。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)‎ A. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。(共5小题,每题1分;计5分)‎ Smashed cucumber (拍黄瓜) salad is one of the most popular cold dishes in China. You can find the green dish anywhere from restaurants to homes. 1 ‎ According to The New York Times, smashed cucumber salad is “everywhere” in New York. Some restaurants have even added the dish to their menus. 2 But American cooks are trying yogurt, honey, lemon and other common western ingredients.‎ Why is this dish becoming so popular? 3 Smashed cucumbers can hold onto tastes more than cucumbers which are cut into fixed shaped and size. “Just changing the way you break down an ingredient…changes the way it feels and tastes. It’s cool.” said Danny Bowien, a cook at a New York restaurant.‎ ‎ 4 The cook smashes fresh cucumbers with the flat side of a knife. 5 Then other ingredients can be added. Also, it takes only five minutes to make the salad. Cook Julia Goldberg said it’s really “satisfying”.‎ The success of smashed cucumber salad abroad shows that we should try to fit into local conditions when spreading Chinese culture across the world, said The Beijing News.‎ A. This summer, even Americans are trying it.‎ B. Most people like the special taste it produces.‎ C. The way the dish is prepared also draws people’s attention.‎ D. The strong smash makes the cucumbers different shapes and sizes.‎ E. Americans have expressed their opinion on the taste of this salad.‎ F. In China, people use garlic (蒜), vinegar (醋) and oil to make the cucumber tastier.‎ ‎1. A ‎2. F ‎3. B ‎4. C ‎5. D B. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,补全表格中所缺信息。请将答案按编号依次填入表格内题号后横线上。(共10小题,每小题1 分;计10分)‎ Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. They collect information for the brain. For example, the eyes collect information on pictures and the ears collect information on sounds.‎ Sometimes a person loses a sense. Their other senses become better. For example, a blind person has much better senses of hearing and touch.‎ Sight The eyes can only see with light. Light carries the picture of something into the eyes so human can see it. But do you know that the picture is upside down? The brain has to turn the picture the right way up again.‎ Hearing Sounds travel through the air like waves (波). Human ears are like cups. They catch sound waves for the brain and the brain translates them as different sounds.‎ Smell Humans smell with their noses. Most people can recognize about 10,000 kinds of smell. This is amazing! Humans each have five million receptor cells (感受细胞) in their noses. Noses are not only for smelling. They also clean and warm the air that people breathe in. How does the nose prevent the dirty air from getting into the body? Well, it sneezes (打喷嚏)!‎ Touch There are receptor cells for the sense of touch all over the body. This is different from the other senses. Touch receptor cells are in the lowest part of the skin. They help the body to have all kinds of feelings like pain, cold and heat. Some parts of the body (like the finger) are more sensitive (敏感的) than other parts of the body (like the back) because they have more touch receptor cells.‎ Taste People can taste food because they have about 10,000 taste buds (味蕾) on their tongues. Old taste buds die and new ones come out every two weeks. But when people get older, this happens less often. That’s why old people often complain their food is tasteless. Scientists also find that smokers have fewer taste buds. Do you want food to taste good? Well, don’t smoke!‎ For hundreds of years, people knew the basic tastes were sour, sweet, salty and bitter (苦). In 2002, a fifth taste, umami (delicious taste) joined the list. Now, study from Purdue University in the US found that fat could actually be the sixth basic taste.‎ To be considered a basic one, a taste needs to be able to activate certain receptor cells in the mouths. A study has shown that humans have fat receptors in the mouths. Not long after that, a scientist made a study to test a second question: can people taste the difference between fat and other tastes?‎ Richard Mattes gave the testers six different kinds of things. Each kind had a taste: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami or the newcomer—fat. Mattes asked the people to pick out tastes by their differences. This was not test whether or not fat would be picked out from the group. Most of the testers could clearly find out the different taste of fat.‎ Then how does fat taste? “It’s terrible.” Mattes said.” However, the taste can be pleasant in a small amount, just as we enjoy the bitterness of chocolate.”‎ senses ‎ 1 ‎ facts about the senses sight eyes Pictures of real things are completely different in 2 .‎ hearing ears Sound waves caught by ears must go through a process like 3 so that we can hear different sounds.‎ smell nose The functions of nose are smelling, cleaning and warming the air people breathe in. Sneezing is the way to 4 the dirty air we breathe in.‎ touch ‎ 5 ‎ People feel pain, cold and heat 6 the function of the receptors. So the more touch receptors we have, the more sensitive we are.‎ taste tongue Old taste buds die and new ones come out every 2 weeks. Losing a certain amount of taste buds 7 that the old and the smokers have a bad sense of taste. They can’t enjoy tasty food like others.‎ ‎ 8 ‎ sour, sweet, salty, bitter, umami one newly found taste A scientific study has proved people have fat receptors in the mouth. One 9 study shows: people can clearly 10 the taste of fat from other tastes.‎ ‎1. parts of the boyd/collectors/organs 2. brain 3. tanslating 4. take out ‎ ‎5. skin 6. because of 7. causes 8. basic tastes 9. more 10. tell

