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‎2016中考英语专项复习形容词和副词 1. 形容词的用法:‎ ‎ ①作定语:形容词+ 名词 例:a red apple 红苹果 orange oranges 橘色的橘子 ‎ ②作宾补: 例:We’ll try our best to make our school beautiful.‎ ‎ We find it easy to finish the work.‎ ‎ ③连系动词+形容词 例:After he won the race, he felt happy.‎ 常见的连系动词 1. be “是,成为” 例:Jim is more careful than Mary.(是仔细的)‎ 2. smell “闻起来” 例:The dish smells delicious.(闻起来美味的)‎ 3. taste “尝起来” 例:The soup tastes good.(尝起来好的)‎ 4. sound “听起来” 例:The music sounds beautiful.(听起来优美的)‎ 5. look “看上去” 例:You look tired today.(看上去疲劳的)‎ 6. seem “似乎是” 例:Mr. Wang seems angry.(似乎是生气的)‎ 7. feel “感觉” 例:Are you feeling well now?(感觉身体好的)‎ 8. become “变成” 例:The teacher became angry with Jim.(变得生气的)‎ 9. get “变成” 例:In spring the weather gets warmer.(变得暖和的)‎ 10. turn “变成” 例:Her face turned red.(变成红色的)‎ 11. go “变成” 例:The food in the box went bad.(变成坏了的)‎ 12. come “变成” 例:I think my dream will come true.(变成真实的)‎ 13. fall“变成” 例:Yesterday Jim fell ill and didn’t go to school.(变得生病的)‎ 14. keep “保持某种状态” 例:We should take exercise to keep healthy.(保持健康的)‎ 15. stay “保持某种状态” 例:I’d like to stay healthy.(保持健康的)‎ 2. 以上15个动词只有表示所给意思时才是连系动词。‎ 例:look “看上去” You look tired today.(看上去疲劳的;look是连系动词)‎ ‎ look “看---” Jim is looking at the blackboard carefully. (仔细地看;look是实义动词)‎ 3. 副词的用法:‎ ‎ ①实义动词+副词 例:The students listen to the teacher carefully.(修饰实义动词listen)‎ ‎ ②在句首或句尾 例:Luckily, an old woman found my pen.(修饰整个句子)‎ 例1【2013衡阳】8. The days last too long. We hate them.‎ A. fog B. foggy C. fogy 例2【2014白银】Some of the tired students keep their eyes ______ in breaks. ‎ A. opened B. close C. closed D. open 例3【2013青岛】129.—How do you like the scarf?—Very much. It feels ____________.‎ A. hard B. sweet C. cool D. soft 例4【2013佛山】133.People care a lot about food safety, for they want to eat ___________.‎ A. health B. healthy C. healthily 例5【2013济南】76. My uncle lost his ID card yesterday morning. _____, a school boy found it and sent it back to him in the afternoon. A. Loudly B. Clearly C. Nearly D. Luckily 例6They all looked ________ at the teacher when he told them the good news.‎ A. happily B. sadly C. carefully D. angrily ‎ 4. interesting “有趣的”,用来描述事物 例:The film is interesting.= This is an interesting film.‎ ‎ interested “感兴趣的”,用来描述人 例:He is interested in English.‎ 例7【2013绥化】How do you like the talk show?— I think it’s _____, but some people think it’s so_____.‎ A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring 例8【2013遂宁】5.Everyone was when they heard the news.‎ A.exciting,exciting B.excited,exciting C.exciting.excited 5. 多久How long have you been here? →I have been here for six months. ‎ ‎ How soon will he come back? →He will come back in six months. ‎ ‎“多久一次”,对频率提问how often 例:How often do you clean the room? →Once a week.‎ 例9【2013北京】2.—____________do you go to the cinema?—Once a month.‎ A.How long B. How far C. How often D. How much 例10【2013安徽】82. —____________ can you finish this English exam?—In about one and a half hours.‎ A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 例11【2013孝感】90. —______ have you been married?—For twenty years A. How far B. how often C. how long D. how soon ‎ 动词: ‎ open 打开 close 关上 形容词:‎ open 开着的 closed 关着的 close 距离近的/亲密的 百题大战:‎ 01. ‎[2015荆州]27. —John is so excited. Did he win the competition?—Yes. He was lucky and he had one minute to complete the special task, no more and no less. ‎ A. especially B. probably C. exactly D. hardly 02. ‎[2015荆州]23.—What do you think of the dish I cooked for you?—I haven’t had it yet. However, it good. ‎ A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels 03. ‎[2015荆州]24. —Can you tell the difference between these two pictures? —Difference? Oh, no. They look quite . A. similar B. different C. strange D. interesting 04. ‎[2014荆州]—Do you like swimming in winter? —Of course. The water a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy. A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. looks 05. ‎[2014荆州]23. —I’ll not be Jack’s friend any more. —Don’t be angry. He’s just so , but in fact he’s good to us, you know. A. helpful B. direct C. polite D. brave 06. ‎[2014荆州]25. —Can you catch what I said?—Sorry, I can _________ understand it. ‎ A. almost B. probably C. nearly D. hardly 07. ‎[2014荆州]27.—Do you have the news about Anna?—I was told she had gone abroad on June 15th, but I don’t know whether she is there now. A. latest B. funniest C. longest D. worst ‎ 08. ‎[2013荆州]26. The meat will stay ____________ for several days if you put it in the fridge. ‎ A. fresh B. active C. natural D. common 09. ‎[2013荆州]30. The model plane isn’t as nice as my partner’s, but _____ it was made by myself.‎ A. at last B. at least C. at times D. at present 10. ‎[2012荆州]27. — How will the boss be back? — In these days.‎ A. far B. soon C. long D. often 11. ‎[2012荆州]22. — How often do you exercise? — ever. Because I am very busy with my work.‎ A. Hardly B. Nearly C. Always D. Almost 12. ‎【2013宿迁】4. The cake delicious. I can’t wait to eat it.‎ A. feels B. sounds C. becomes D. smells 13. ‎【2013临沂】25. —Do you know the song Gangnam Style?—Of course. It interesting.‎ A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels 14. ‎(2014昆明) The medicine awful. I can’t stand it.---I know, Jimmy. But It’s helpful for you.‎ A. tastes B. eats C. drinks D. takes 15. Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice.‎ A. feels B. smells C. looks D. tastes 16. ‎【2014潍坊】What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?—I hope it will ___ like a book.‎ A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell 17. ‎【2014安徽】Mum, what are you cooking? It ______ so sweet.‎ A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 18. ‎【2014聊城】I like the dress very much. It _______ comfortable.‎ A. feels B. tastes C. sounds D. smells 19. The running water makes the stones _____ very smooth. (2015安徽)‎ A. sound B. taste C. smell D. feel 20. The new sweater I bought for my grandma soft. She likes it very much.‎ A. smells B. tastes C. feels D. looks 21. When asked what they needed most, the kids said they wanted to _____important and loved.‎ A. turn B. sound C. feel 22. ‎【2014丽水】The skirt _______ as if it is made of silk.‎ A. sounds B. tastes C. feels D. smells 23. ‎【14潍坊】What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?—I hope it will ____ like a book.‎ A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell 24. ‎【2013黑龙江】 33. Clothes made of silk _______softer than those made of cotton.‎ A. are felt B. feel C. are feeling ‎ 25. ‎(2014眉山)Shall we go for a walk?--- great. A. Feels B. Sounds C. Turns D. Looks 26. ‎(2014泸州) Coffee is ready. How nice it ! A. smells B. sounds C. feels 27. His wish to enter a key school has true. A. came B. come C. fallen D. felt 28. Don’t eat the food. It bad. A. go B. was getting C. goes D. smell 29. ‎【2014河北】How ______ Cindy grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. ‎ A. cute B. strong C. fast D. straight ‎ 30. ‎【2014昆明】—Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is always in the pink. —Yes. Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced ______ diet. A. healthy B. lucky C. beautiful D. creative 31. ‎【2014重庆市A】—That clothes store is ______ on weekends.—I see. I’ll go there next Monday then.‎ A. open B. close C. opened D. closed 01. ‎【2014安徽】It is ______ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English.‎ A. bad B. easy C. hard D. right 02. ‎【2014南昌】You have to be ______ and wait until I finish my work.‎ A. patient B. strict C. honest D. active 03. ‎【2014济宁】—Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?—Yes. It sounds _______. ‎ A. well B. loudly C. sweet D. beautifully ‎ 04. ‎【2014东营】Overseas experience may help make our life . So why not try to study abroad?‎ A. usual B. useful C. successful D. traditional 05. ‎【2014湖州】Mona doesn’t like making speeches. She feels _______ talking in front of the class.‎ A. annoyed B. excited C. nervous D. surprised 06. ‎【2014宜宾】The old man was so _______ the good news that he couldn’t say a word.‎ A. interested in B. excited about C. afraid of D. worried about 07. ‎【2014嘉兴】My grandfather is over 80, but he is still in good health and stay _______. ‎ A. safe B. warm C. awake D. active 08. ‎【2014绍兴】—Guess what! Teresa makes her own clothes.—Wow, she is so _______. I could never do that. ‎ A. simple B. creative C. popular D. energetic 09. ‎【2014台州】The fruits are _______, because they were picked from the garden just now. ‎ A. fresh B. cheap C. big D. unhealthy 10. ‎【2014德州】—Would you like some cakes, Allen?—Yes, please. And I also want some water. I’m so _______!‎ A. lazy B. hungry C. sleepy D. thirsty 11. ‎【2014菏泽】I’d love to go to the English evening. But I’m a little _______, because I will be asked to sing an English song in the front of the whole school. A. tired B. sad C. nervous D. pleased 12. ‎【2014河南】—Where shall we eat tonight?—Let’s call Harry. He _______ knows the best places to go.‎ A. only B. nearly C. seldom D. always 13. ‎【2014扬州】—It’s said that Mo Yan’s speech was wonderful.—That’s true. We clapped our hands _______ many times during his speech yesterday. A. excited B. excitedly C. exciting D. excitingly 14. ‎【2014咸宁】—As we know it’s difficult to live in a foreign country.—_______ if you can’t understand the language there. A. Exactly B. Naturally C. Usually D. Especially 15. ‎【2014连云港】I could ____ control my feelings now. The song brought back so many childhood memories.‎ A. really B. hardly C. nearly D. clearly 16. ‎【2014安徽】If my friends have any problems, my door is ______ open to them.‎ A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always 17. ‎【2014东营】On March 8th, Flight MH 370 went missing. The news brought great sadness to us, the families of the passengers. A. even B. only C. also D. especially 18. ‎【2014天津】We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.‎ A. clearly B. carefully C. carelessly D. properly 19. ‎【2014温州】—How often do you go skating?—_______. I can’t skate at all.‎ A. Always B. sometimes C. Seldom D. Never 20. ‎【2014威海】To my surprise, my brother can speak English ______. ‎ A. lively B. perfectly C. badly D. friendly 21. ‎【2014滨州】—Excuse me, would you please speak a little more ______?—Sorry, I thought you could follow me. ‎ A. sadly B. quickly C. politely D. slowly 22. ‎【2014聊城】It’s dark. I can’t see the words on the blackboard _______.‎ A. carefully B. clearly C. silently D. patiently 23. ‎【2013安顺】11.He often drinks two cups of water when he comes back.‎ A.boiling B.boil C.boiled D.boils 24. ‎【2013莆田】12.The Internet is really________to us.We can easily find information on it.‎ A.boring B.useful C.interesting 25. ‎【2013日照】15. Mary is so ________ — she comes to you whenever you’re in trouble.‎ A. useful B. careful C. thankful D. helpful 26. ‎【2013南京】16. Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s just not very _______.‎ A. patient B. talented有天赋的 C. popular D. powerful 27. ‎【2013漳州】18. The sun is shining . You'd better wear sunglasses while you are out.‎ A. brightly B. lightly C. heavily 28. ‎【2013山西】20. — Jack, I have to have a talk with your father today.— Sorry, Mrs King. He is going on business and won’t be ________ until next week. A. out B. away C. back ‎ 29. ‎【2013临沂】When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as as possible.‎ A. quickly B. quietly C. loudly D. slowly 30. ‎【2013无锡】22. — Look at the bird over there! It’s so beautiful!— Wow! It’s a rare crane(丹顶鹤). It appears in this area. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. often 31. ‎【2013聊城】24. The baby is sleeping. please speak ______. ‎ A. loudly . B. clearly. C. quietly. D. politely.‎ 32. ‎【201杭州】25. There has never been such a beautiful village _________ in the world.‎ A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere 01. ‎【2013无锡】We arrived at the station too early and had to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.‎ A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 02. ‎【2013河北】33.We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so_ .‎ A. quick B. quickly C. useful D. usefully 03. ‎【2013德州】39. I carried the bowl with both hands________, so that I wouldn’t break it.‎ A. carefully B. happily C. quickly D. carelessly ‎ 04. ‎【2013德州】40.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field.‎ A. As usual B. At first C. After all D. So far 05. ‎【2013贺州】 48. This movie wasn’t ______. He fell asleep half way through it.‎ A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested 06. ‎【2013贺州】 49. Don’t talk ______. Your grandmother is sleeping now.‎ A. loud B. hardly C. loudly D. hard 07. ‎【2013徐州】50. I ________ watch this TV program. It's very interesting. ‎ A. often B. never C. hardly D. seldom 08. ‎【2013天津】51. Be quick! The game will begin ______.‎ A. immediately B. recently C. carefully D. Luckily 09. ‎【2013白银】58. — Are you the last one to go to school today?—________not. I’m always the first one.‎ A. Certainly B. Usually C. Generally D Finally 10. ‎【2013梅州】59. The dining hall is ______ to hold 300 people. ‎ A. enough big B. enough well C. small enough D. big enough ‎ 11. ‎【2013德州】61. There are no words to describe_______ I miss my hometown.‎ A. how much B. how many C. how soon D. how long ‎ 12. ‎【2013温州】The girls are talking about the art festival .—Yes. They have so many fun things to share.‎ A. easily B. angrily C. sadly D. happily 13. ‎【2013 上海】67. My old neighbor Charles felt _______ after his children moved out.‎ A. lonely B. safely C. angrily D. happily 14. ‎【2013连云港】72. ________ after the explosion(爆炸) happened in a factory in Dehui, Jilin on June 3rd, a lot of firemen rushed to put out the fire. A. Sadly B. Softly C. Shortly D. Suddenly ‎ 15. ‎【2013安徽】83. —Tony,________ are you in such a hurry?—The meeting will start soon. I don’t want to be late.‎ A. where B. how C. when D. why 16. ‎【2013滨州】 do you know so much about the UFO?—I usually get the information by surfing the Internet.‎ A. How B. What C. Which D. Where 17. ‎【2013枣庄】88. I got home for my birthday from my college on Friday evening. No one was at home, and Mom and Dad hadn’t left me a note. This made me _________. A. surprised B. happy C. angry D. excited ‎ 18. ‎【2013绍兴】91. -You look . What's up, sir?-I can't find my ticket, but it's time to check in.‎ A. sleepy B. hungry C. tired D. worried 19. ‎【2013哈尔滨】97. —How wonderfully you are playing the piano! ___ do you practice it a week?—Twice. Practice makes perfect. A. How often B. How many times C. How soon 20. ‎【2013上海】99. —_______ have you been in the sports club?—Since the first month I came to the school.‎ A. How old B. How long C. How much D. How soon 21. ‎【2013济南】100. —Jenny, I need some milk.—OK, Mum. ___________ do you need?‎ A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long ‎ 22. ‎【2013衢州】 can you tell whether a foreigner is English or American?—Maybe by the way he speaks.‎ A. Why B. When C. Where D. How 23. ‎【2013宿迁】Did you sleep well last night?—Oh, no. noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad.‎ A. Too much B. Much too C. Too many D. So many 24. ‎【2013吉林】103. I felt sorry that I dropped the juice on Tina’s bed. But she wasn’t _____ at all. ‎ A. excited B. happy C. angry 25. ‎【2013扬州】110. Eagle Father was so__________ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes. A. pleased B. sorry C. careful D. strict 26. ‎【2013黔西南】121. Sometimes it rains _________in Guizhou in summer . ‎ A. heavily B.heavy C. strong D. Strongly 27. ‎【2013鄂州】123. — Is the price of the backpack very______?— No, it ______me only twenty yuan.‎ A. high; spent B. expensive; takes C. high; cost D. cheap; spends 28. ‎—Your room is very dirty. You should keep it _____.—OK. I’ll sweep it right away. ‎ A. clean B. dry C. quiet D. warm 29. What do you think of the 3D film the Thank last night?— It was _______. I enjoyed it a lot,‎ A. boring B. wonderful C. strange D. terrible 30. The fire last night destroyed many buildings.______ , no one was killed.‎ A. Actually B. Simply C. Luckily D. Immediately ‎ 31. You’d better stay at home. The wind is blowing ________ at the moment. ‎ A. hardly B. strong C. strongly 01. Remember to e-mail me. All of us hope to hear from you ________. ‎ A. quickly B. soon C. fast D. quick 02. Though he has studied ________ at Russian for ten months, he can still ________ speak the language.‎ A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly C. hardly, hard D. hard, hardly 03. We will have to set off _____ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning. (2015德州)‎ A. early B. quietly C. slowly D. politely 04. Now, people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more _____.(2015安徽)‎ A. comfortable B. difficult C. different D. popular 05. Why did she get so mad? It was only a _____ joke. (2015无锡)‎ A. hopeless B. hopeful C. harmless D. harmful 06. A person who is _____ does not tell lies or cheat people. (2015温州)‎ A. careless B. stupid C. honest D. humorous 07. The story is really _____. It makes all of us laugh a lot. (2015武威)‎ A. correct B. boring C. humorous D. direct 08. The prices of the houses at the moment are still very _____.(2015武威)‎ A. high B. expensive C. higher D. more expensive 09. Mom, I’m very for all your love.‎ A. thankful B. careful C. useful D. helpful 10. Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about our speech?---Certainly, feel to ask me.‎ A. good B. calm C. free D. happy 11. The movie covers all of Chinese history. It is worth seeing again.‎ A. mainly B. really C. possibly D. hardly 12. Running Man is a popular show these days. Some well-known stars challenge themselves to finish all kinds of tasks in it. A. luckily B. bravely C. easily 13. Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions.---Well, they have to choose and be responsible for their actions. A. wisely B. quietly C. totally D. loudly 14. As a teacher, I love being with my students. You can’t imagine how much they knowledge!‎ A. are thirsty for B. are famous for C. are good for 15. What do you know about Xiangyang?---It’s its state level scenic spot(景点)—Gulongzhong.‎ A. famous as B. different from C. similar to D. known for 16. Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?---You’re . We went on a 10-day tour to Paris.‎ A. funny B. right C. cool D. close 17. He was late this morning, because the bus was too for him to get on.‎ A. quiet B. tidy C. crowded D. noisy 18. Math is too difficult, I nearly give it up.—Please don’t, nothing is ____ if you put your heart into it.‎ A. important B. impossible C. interesting 19. Jack is a(n) _____young man.—That's true. He always feels nervous when he speaks before people A. friendly B shy C. honest. D. lively 20. The fans were ______to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Huston.‎ A. glad B.angry C. excited D. surprised 01. ‎[2014荆州]70. —What do you think of that clever boy?—He is a very (succeed) student, because he is interested in study. ‎ 02. ‎【2013泰州】2. If you can answer all the questions (correct), you will get a gift form the host.‎ 03. ‎【2013泰州】Did you hear anything (usual) in the next door?— No, I was chatting online with friends.‎ 04. ‎【2013泰州】6. David fell (sleep) in class because he stayed up too late last night.‎ 05. ‎【2013烟台】8.The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people (polite).‎ 06. ‎【2013临沂】61. It’s cool and (sun) in autumn in our hometown.‎ 07. ‎【2013临沂】68. Last Sunday I saw an (pleasant) thing in the park---trash lay everywhere.‎ 08. ‎【2013上海】62. The company hopes its product will be on the European market. (success)‎ 09. ‎【2013上海】 63. Larry has put on too much weight because of his diet. (healthy)‎ 10. ‎【2013上海】64. Jack finds it difficult to pronounce some English words (correct)‎ 11. ‎【2013扬州】51. , I could get the last ticket to the concert.(luck) ‎ 12. ‎【2013无锡】6. “Will it be possible to get me another ticket?” he asked (hopeful).‎ 13. ‎【2013兰州】94. To tell the (true), I don’t like the drinks in that café.‎ 14. ‎【2013兰州】95. It’s a (an) (usual) experience, few people have chances to do it. ‎ 15. ‎【2013莱芜】60. The plane landed (safe) yesterday.‎ 01. ‎【2013常州】42. It is (possible) for humans to live on Mars at present.‎ 02. ‎【2013常州】43. He looked (angry) at the young man and didn’t say a word.‎ 03. ‎【2013白银】22. My pen is (break). Could I use yours?‎ 04. ‎【2013白银】25. He can’t even move because of his (ill).‎ 05. ‎【2013遵义】84. I felt (relax) lying in the sun. What a good time!‎ 06. ‎【2013遵义】85. Nick went home quite late and his mother looked at him (happy).‎ 07. ‎【2013遵义】68. Joan was happy because she was given some (use) gifts last week.‎ 08. ‎【2013遵义】70. The players prepared so well that they realized their dream (success)·‎ 09. ‎【2013云南】68. No matter what difficult problems we meet, please face them (brave)‎ 10. ‎【2013云南】70. We are very that a student from our school has won the prize.(pride)‎ 11. ‎【2013宁波】77. I’m so tired that I can h keep my eyes open. ‎ 12. ‎【2013泰安】66.We can’t breathe f air because of polluted environment.‎ 13. ‎【2013黄石】71. Please give me a hand. I’m not tall e to reach the book on the top of the bookshelf.‎ 14. ‎【2013黄石】74. It is usually very hot in June, but s it can be cool.‎ 15. ‎【2013济宁】3.The boy is so c that he can work out many difficult problems,‎ 16. ‎【2013广州】70. Yao Ming, one of China’s best ever basketball players, is more than 2 metres t .‎ 17. ‎【2013孝感】69. I’m of the dark. That’s why I always go to sleep with the light on.‎ 18. ‎【2013孝感】70. My classmates are all friendly. I find it easy to get on with them.‎ 19. ‎【2013淄博】66. Leo has no sisters or brothers. He is the o child in his family.‎ 20. ‎【2013淄博】69. There is little time left. We have to walk q to get there on time.‎ 21. ‎【2013贵港】76. Ted is so b that he has no time to watch TV in the evenings. ‎ 22. ‎【2013贵港】77. I can’t understand what you said. Please speak more s . ‎ 23. ‎【2013铜仁】88.My home isn’t f from the school. It is only two minutes’ walk.‎ 24. ‎【2013新疆】68. Please be c when you crosses the street.‎ 25. ‎【2013新疆】70. If your dream comes t , you must be happy.‎ 26. ‎【2013新疆】79. Tomorrow I want to get up early, go out for some f air and enjoy a healthy life.‎ 答案 中考英语专项复习 之 形容词和副词 1. 形容词的用法:‎ ‎ ①作定语:形容词+ 名词 例:a red apple 红苹果 orange oranges 橘色的橘子 ‎ ②作宾补: 例:We’ll try our best to make our school beautiful.‎ ‎ We find it easy to finish the work.‎ ‎ ③连系动词+形容词 例:After he won the race, he felt happy.‎ 常见的连系动词 1. be “是,成为” 例:Jim is more careful than Mary.(是仔细的)‎ 2. smell “闻起来” 例:The dish smells delicious.(闻起来美味的)‎ 3. taste “尝起来” 例:The soup tastes good.(尝起来好的)‎ 4. sound “听起来” 例:The music sounds beautiful.(听起来优美的)‎ 5. look “看上去” 例:You look tired today.(看上去疲劳的)‎ 6. seem “似乎是” 例:Mr. Wang seems angry.(似乎是生气的)‎ 7. feel “感觉” 例:Are you feeling well now?(感觉身体好的)‎ 8. become “变成” 例:The teacher became angry with Jim.(变得生气的)‎ 9. get “变成” 例:In spring the weather gets warmer.(变得暖和的)‎ 10. turn “变成” 例:Her face turned red.(变成红色的)‎ 1. go “变成” 例:The food in the box went bad.(变成坏了的)‎ 2. come “变成” 例:I think my dream will come true.(变成真实的)‎ 3. fall“变成” 例:Yesterday Jim fell ill and didn’t go to school.(变得生病的)‎ 4. keep “保持某种状态” 例:We should take exercise to keep healthy.(保持健康的)‎ 5. stay “保持某种状态” 例:I’d like to stay healthy.(保持健康的)‎ 1. 以上15个动词只有表示所给意思时才是连系动词。‎ 例:look “看上去” You look tired today.(看上去疲劳的;look是连系动词)‎ ‎ look “看---” Jim is looking at the blackboard carefully. (仔细地看;look是实义动词)‎ 2. 副词的用法:‎ ‎ ①实义动词+副词 例:The students listen to the teacher carefully.(修饰实义动词listen)‎ ‎ ②在句首或句尾 例:Luckily, an old woman found my pen.(修饰整个句子)‎ 例1【2013衡阳】8. The days last too long. We hate them.‎ A. fog B. foggy C. fogy 例2【2014白银】Some of the tired students keep their eyes ______ in breaks. ‎ A. opened B. close C. closed D. open 例3【2013青岛】129.—How do you like the scarf?—Very much. It feels ____________.‎ A. hard B. sweet C. cool D. soft 例4【2013佛山】133.People care lot about food safety, for they want to eat ___________.‎ A. health B. healthy C. healthily 例5【2013济南】76. My uncle lost his ID card yesterday morning. _____, a school boy found it and sent it back to him in the afternoon. A. Loudly B. Clearly C. Nearly D. Luckily 例6They all looked ________ at the teacher when he told them the good news.‎ A. happily B. sadly C. carefully D. angrily ‎ 3. interesting “有趣的”,用来描述事物 例:The film is interesting.= This is an interesting film.‎ ‎ interested “感兴趣的”,用来描述人 例:He is interested in English.‎ 例7【2013绥化】How do you like the talk show?— I think it’s _____, but some people think it’s so_____.‎ A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring 例8【2013遂宁】5.Everyone was when they heard the news.‎ A.exciting,exciting B.excited,exciting C.exciting.excited 4. 多久How long have you been here? →I have been here for six months. ‎ ‎ How soon will he come back? →He will come back in six months. ‎ ‎“多久一次”,对频率提问how often 例:How often do you clean the room? →Once a week.‎ 例9【2013北京】2.—____________do you go to the cinema?—Once a month.‎ A.How long B. How far C. How often D. How much 例10【2013安徽】82. —____________ can you finish this English exam?—In about one and a half hours.‎ A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 例11【2013孝感】90. —______ have you been married?—For twenty years A. How far B. how often C. how long D. how soon ‎ 动词: ‎ open 打开 close 关上 形容词:‎ open 开着的 closed 关着的 close 距离近的/亲密的 百题大战:‎ 01. ‎[2015荆州]27. —John is so excited. Did he win the competition?—Yes. He was lucky and he had one minute to complete the special task, no more and no less. ‎ A. especially尤其 B. probably可能 C. exactly准确地 D. hardly几乎不 02. ‎[2015荆州]23.—What do you think of the dish I cooked for you?—I haven’t had it yet. However, it good. ‎ A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels 03. ‎[2015荆州]24. —Can you tell the difference between these two pictures? —Difference? Oh, no. They look quite . A. similar相似的 B. different C. strange奇怪的 D. interesting 04. ‎24. [2014荆州]—Do you like swimming in winter? —Of course. The water a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy. A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. looks 05. ‎[2014荆州]23. —I’ll not be Jack’s friend any more. —Don’t be angry. He’s just so , but in fact he’s good to us, you know. A. helpful有帮助的 B. direct直接的 C. polite有礼貌的 D. brave勇敢的 06. ‎[2014荆州]25. —Can you catch what I said?—Sorry, I can _________ understand it. ‎ A. almost几乎 B. probably C. nearly几乎 D. hardly几乎不 07. ‎[2014荆州]27.—Do you have the news about Anna?—I was told she had gone abroad on June 15th, but I ‎ don’t know whether she is there now.‎ A. Latest最新的 B. funniest最滑稽的 C. longest D. worst ‎ 01. ‎[2013荆州]26. The meat will stay ____________ for several days if you put it in the fridge. ‎ A. fresh新鲜的 B. active积极活跃的 C. natural自然的 D. common普通的共有的 02. ‎[2013荆州]30. The model plane isn’t as nice as my partner’s, but _____ it was made by myself.‎ A. at last最后 B. at least至少 C. at times=sometimes有时 D. at present=now现在 03. ‎[2012荆州]27. — How will the boss be back? — In these days.‎ A. far B. soon C. long D. often 04. ‎[2012荆州]22. — How often do you exercise? — ever. Because I am very busy with my work.‎ A. Hardly几乎不 B. Nearly几乎 C. Always总是 D. Almost几乎 05. ‎【2013宿迁】4. The cake delicious. I can’t wait to eat it.‎ Feels B. sounds C. becomes D. smells 06. ‎【2013临沂】25. —Do you know the song Gangnam Style?—Of course. It interesting.‎ A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels 07. ‎(2014昆明) The medicine awful. I can’t stand it.---I know, Jimmy. But It’s helpful for you.‎ A. tastes B. eats C. drinks D. takes 08. Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice.‎ A. feels B. smells C. looks d. tastes 09. ‎【2014潍坊】What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?—I hope it will ___ like a book.‎ A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell 10. ‎【2014安徽】Mum, what are you cooking? It ______ so sweet.‎ A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 11. ‎【2014聊城】I like the dress very much. It _______ comfortable.‎ A. feels B. tastes C. sounds D. smells 12. The running water makes the stones _____ very smooth. (2015安徽)‎ A.sound B.taste C.smell D.feel 13. The new sweater I bought for my grandma soft. She likes it very much.‎ A. smells B. tastes C. feels D. looks 14. When asked what they needed most, the kids said they wanted to _____important and loved.‎ A. turn B. sound C. feel 15. ‎【2014丽水】The skirt _______ as if it is made of silk.‎ A. sounds B. tastes C. feels D. smells 16. ‎【2014潍坊】What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?—I hope it will ____ like a book.‎ A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell 17. ‎【2013黑龙江】 33. Clothes made of silk _______softer than those made of cotton.‎ A. are felt B. feel C. are feeling ‎ 18. ‎(2014眉山)Shall we go for a walk?--- great.‎ A. Feels B. Sounds C. Turns D. Looks 19. ‎(2014泸州) Coffee is ready. How nice it !‎ A. smells B. sounds C. feels 20. His wish to enter a key school has true.‎ A. came B. come C. fallen D. felt 21. Don’t eat the food. It bad.‎ A. go B. was getting C. goes D. smell 22. ‎【2014河北】How ______ Cindy grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. ‎ A. cute可爱的 B. strong强壮的 C. fast快的 D. straight 直的 23. ‎【2014昆明】—Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is always in the pink. —Yes. Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced ______ diet. ‎ A. healthy健康的 B. lucky幸运的 C. beautiful D. creative有创造性的 24. ‎【2014重庆市A】—That clothes store is ______ on weekends.—I see. I’ll go there next Monday then.‎ A. open B. close C. opened D. closed 25. ‎【2014安徽】It is ______ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English.‎ A. bad B. easy C. hard困难的坚硬的 D. right对的合适的 26. ‎【2014南昌】You have to be ______ and wait until I finish my work.‎ A. patient耐心的/ 病人 B. strict严格的 C. honest诚实的 D. active积极地活跃的 27. ‎【2014济宁】—Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?—Yes. It sounds _______. ‎ A. well B. loudly C. sweet甜的 D. beautifully ‎ 28. ‎【2014东营】Overseas experience may help make our life . So why not try to study abroad?‎ A. usual B. useful C. successful成功的 D. traditional传统的 29. ‎【2014湖州】Mona doesn’t like making speeches. She feels _______ talking in front of the class.‎ A. annoyed恼怒的 B. excited感到兴奋的 C. nervous紧张的 D. surprised感到惊讶的 30. ‎【2014宜宾】The old man was so _______ the good news that he couldn’t say a word.‎ A. interested in B. excited about C. afraid of D. worried about 01. ‎【2014嘉兴】My grandfather is over 80, but he is still in good health and stay _______. ‎ A. safe安全的 B. warm C. awake醒着的 D. active积极地活跃的 02. ‎【2014绍兴】—Guess what! Teresa makes her own clothes.—Wow, she is so _______. I could never do that. ‎ A. simple简单的 B. creative有创造性的 C. popular受欢迎的/流行的 D. energetic精力充沛的 03. ‎【2014台州】The fruits are _______, because they were picked from the garden just now. ‎ A. fresh B. cheap便宜的 C. big D. unhealthy 04. ‎【2014德州】—Would you like some cakes, Allen?—Yes, please. And I also want some water. I’m so _______!‎ A. lazy懒的 B. hungry饿的 C. sleepy想睡的 D. thirsty渴的 05. ‎【2014菏泽】I’d love to go to the English evening. But I’m a little _______, because I will be asked to sing an English song in the front of the whole school. A. tired疲劳的 B. sad伤心的 C. nervous D. pleased高兴的 06. ‎【2014河南】—Where shall we eat tonight?—Let’s call Harry. He _______ knows the best places to go.‎ A. only仅仅只 B. nearly几乎 C. seldom很少 D. always总是 07. ‎【2014扬州】—It’s said that Mo Yan’s speech was wonderful.—That’s true. We clapped our hands _______ many times during his speech yesterday. A. excited B. excitedly C. exciting D. excitingly 08. ‎【2014咸宁】—As we know it’s difficult to live in a foreign country.—_______ if you can’t understand the language there. A. Exactly精确地 B. Naturally很自然地 C. Usually通常 D. Especially尤其 09. ‎【2014连云港】I could ____ control my feelings now. The song brought back so many childhood memories.‎ A. really真正地 B. hardly几乎比 C. nearly几乎 D. clearly清楚地 10. ‎【2014安徽】If my friends have any problems, my door is ______ open to them.‎ A. never从不 B. seldom很少 C. sometimes有时 D. always总是 11. ‎【2014东营】On March 8th, Flight MH 370 went missing. The news brought great sadness to us, the families of the passengers. A. even甚至 B. only仅仅只 C. also也 D. especially尤其 12. ‎【2014天津】We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.‎ A. clearly清楚地 B. carefully自喜地 C. carelessly粗心马虎地 D. properly正确地 13. ‎【2014温州】—How often do you go skating?—_______. I can’t skate at all.‎ A. Always B. sometimes C. Seldom D. Never 14. ‎【2014威海】To my surprise, my brother can speak English ______. ‎ A. lively生动活泼地 B. perfectly完美地 C. badly糟糕地 D. friendly有好的 15. ‎【2014滨州】—Excuse me, would you please speak a little more ______?—Sorry, I thought you could follow me. ‎ A. sadly伤心地 B. quickly快地 C. politely礼貌地 D. slowly慢地 16. ‎【2014聊城】It’s dark. I can’t see the words on the blackboard _______.‎ A. carefully仔细地 B. clearly清楚地 C. silently沉默地 D. patiently耐心地 17. ‎【2013安顺】11.He often drinks two cups of water when he comes back.‎ A.boiling B.boil C.boiled D.boils 18. ‎【2013莆田】12.The Internet is really________to us.We can easily find information on it.‎ A.boring B.useful C.interesting 19. ‎【2013日照】15. Mary is so ________ — she comes to you whenever you’re in trouble. [来源:学|科|网]‎ A. useful B. careful C. thankful D. helpful有帮助的 乐于助人的 20. ‎【2013南京】16. Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s just not very _______.‎ A. patient耐心的 B. talented C. popular流行的受欢迎的 D. powerful强有力的 21. ‎【2013漳州】18. The sun is shining . You'd better wear sunglasses while you are out.‎ A. brightly明亮地 B. lightly轻轻地 C. heavily 22. ‎【2013山西】20. — Jack, I have to have a talk with your father today.— Sorry, Mrs King. He is going on business and won’t be ________ until next week. ‎ A. out B. away C. back ‎ 23. ‎【2013临沂】When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as as possible.‎ A. quickly快地 B. quietly安静地 C. loudly大声地 D. slowly慢地 24. ‎【2013无锡】22. — Look at the bird over there! It’s so beautiful!— Wow! It’s a rare crane(丹顶鹤). It appears in this area.‎ A. always B. usually C. seldom D. often 25. ‎【2013聊城】24. The baby is sleeping. please speak ______. ‎ A. loudly . B. clearly. C. quietly. D. politely.‎ 26. ‎【201杭州】25. There has never been such a beautiful village _________ in the world.‎ A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere 27. ‎【2013无锡】We arrived at the station too early and had to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.‎ A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 28. ‎【2013河北】33.We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so_ .‎ A. quick B. quickly C. useful D. usefully 29. ‎【2013德州】39. I carried the bowl with both hands________, so that I wouldn’t break it.‎ A. carefully B. happily C. quickly D. carelessly粗心地 ‎ 30. ‎【2013德州】40.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field.‎ A. As usual和平常一样 B. At first 首先 C. After all毕竟终究 D. So far到目前为止 01. ‎【2013贺州】 48. This movie wasn’t ______. He fell asleep half way through it.‎ A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested 02. ‎【2013贺州】 49. Don’t talk ______. Your grandmother is sleeping now.‎ A. loud B. hardly C. loudly D. hard 03. ‎【2013徐州】50. I ________ watch this TV programme. It's very interesting. ‎ A. often B. never C. hardly D. seldom 04. ‎【2013天津】51. Be quick! The game will begin ______.‎ A. immediately立即 B. recently 近来 C. carefully仔细地 D. Luckily幸运地 05. ‎【2013白银】58. — Are you the last one to go to school today?—________not. I’m always the first one.‎ A. Certainly当然 B. usually通常 C. Generally一般地通常 D Finally最后 06. ‎【2013梅州】59. The dining hall is ______ to hold 300 people. ‎ A. enough big B. enough well C. small enough D. big enough ‎ 07. ‎【2013德州】61. There are no words to describe_______ I miss my hometown.‎ A. how much B. how many C. how soon D. how long ‎ 08. ‎【2013温州】The girls are talking about the art festival .—Yes. They have so many fun things to share.‎ A. easily容易地 B. angrily生气地 C. sadly伤心地 D. happily开心地 09. ‎【2013 上海】67. My old neighbor Charles felt _______ after his children moved out.‎ A. lonely孤单的 B. safely 安全地 C. angrily生气地 D. happily开心地 10. ‎【2013连云港】72. ________ after the explosion happened in a factory in Dehui‎, ‎Jilin on June 3rd, a lot of firemen rushed to put out the fire.[来源:学.科.网]‎ A. Sadly B. Softly柔然地 C. Shortly不久很快 D. Suddenly突然地 ‎ 11. ‎【2013安徽】83. —Tony,________ are you in such a hurry?—The meeting will start soon. I don’t want to be late.‎ A. where B. how C. when D. why 12. ‎【2013滨州】 do you know so much about the UFO?—I usually get the information by surfing the Internet.‎ A. How B. What C. Which D. Where 13. ‎【2013枣庄】88. I got home for my birthday from my college on Friday evening. No one was at home, and Mom and Dad hadn’t left me a note. This made me _________. A. surprised感到惊讶的 B. happy C. angry D. excited感到兴奋的 14. ‎【2013绍兴】91. -You look . What's up, sir?-I can't find my ticket, but it's time to check in.‎ A. sleepy想睡的 B.hungry饿的 C. tired疲劳的 D. worried担心的着急的 15. ‎【2013哈尔滨】97. —How wonderfully you are playing the piano! ___ do you practice it a week?—Twice. Practice makes perfect.‎ A. How often B. How many times C. How soon 16. ‎【2013上海】99. —_______ have you been in the sports club?—Since the first month I came to the school.‎ A. How old B. How long C. How much D. How soon 17. ‎【2013济南】100. —Jenny, I need some milk.—OK, Mum. ___________ do you need?‎ A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long ‎ 18. ‎【2013衢州】 can you tell whether a foreigner is English or American?—Maybe by the way he speaks.‎ A. Why B. When C. Where D. How 19. ‎【2013宿迁】Did you sleep well last night?—Oh, no. noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad.‎ A. Too much B. Much too C. Too many D. So many 20. ‎【2013吉林】103. I felt sorry that I dropped the juice on Tina’s bed. But she wasn’t _____ at all. ‎ A. excited B. happy C. angry 21. ‎【2013扬州】110. Eagle Father was so__________ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the snow without clothes.‎ A. pleased高兴的 B. sorry难过的对不起的 C. careful 小心的仔细的 D. strict严格的 22. ‎【2013黔西南】121. Sometimes it rains _________in Guizhou in summer . ‎ A. heavily B.heavy C. strong D. Strongly 23. ‎【2013鄂州】123. — Is the price of the backpack very______?— No, it ______me only twenty yuan.‎ A. high;spent B. expensive;takes C. high;cost D. cheap;spends 24. ‎—Your room is very dirty. You should keep it _____.—OK. I’ll sweep it right away. ‎ A. clean干净的 B. dry干燥的 C. quiet安静的 D. warm暖和的 25. What do you think of the 3D film the Thank last night?— It was _______. I enjoyed it a lot,‎ A. boring无聊的 B. wonderful很棒的 C. strange奇怪的 D. terrible糟糕的恶心的 26. The fire last night destroyed many buildings.______ , no one was killed.‎ A. Actually实际上 B. Simply简单地 C. Luckily幸运地 D. Immediately立即 ‎ 27. You’d better stay at home. The wind is blowing ________ at the moment. ‎ A. hardly B. strong C. strongly 28. Remember to e-mail me. All of us hope to hear from you ________. ‎ A. quickly B. soon C. fast D. quick 29. Though he has studied ________ at Russian for ten months, he can still ________ speak the language.‎ A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly C. hardly, hard D. hard, hardly 30. We will have to set off _____ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning. (2015德州)‎ A.early B.quietly C.slowly D.politely 01. Now, people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more _____.(2015安徽)‎ A.comfortable舒适的 B.difficult困难的 C.different不同的 D.popular流行的受欢迎的 02. Why did she get so mad? It was only a _____ joke. (2015无锡)‎ A. hopeless没希望的 B. hopeful C. harmless无害的 D. harmful 03. A person who is _____ does not tell lies or cheat people. (2015温州)‎ A. careless粗心的 B. stupid愚蠢的 C. honest诚实的 D. humorous幽默的 04. The story is really _____. It makes all of us laugh a lot. (2015武威)‎ A.correct=right=proper正确的 B.boring无聊的 C.humorous幽默的 D.direct直接的 05. The prices of the houses at the moment are still very _____.(2015武威)‎ A.high B.expensive C.higher D.more expensive 06. Mom, I’m very for all your love.‎ A. thankful B. careful C. useful D. helpful 07. Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about our speech?---Certainly, feel to ask me.‎ A. good B. calm冷静的 C. free免费的自由的 D. happy 08. The movie covers all of Chinese history. It is worth seeing again.‎ A. mainly主要地 B. really真正地 C. possibly可能地 D. hardly几乎不 09. Running Man is a popular show these days. Some well-known stars challenge themselves to finish all kinds of tasks in it. A. luckily幸运地 B. bravely勇敢地 C. easily容易地 10. Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions.---Well, they have to choose and be responsible for their actions. A. wisely智慧地 B. quietly安静地 C. totally总地 D. loudly大声地 11. As a teacher, I love being with my students. You can’t imagine how much they knowledge!‎ A. are thirsty for 渴望 B. are famous for因之出名 C. are good for对之有好处 12. What do you know about Xiangyang?---It’s its state level scenic spot(景点)—Gulongzhong.‎ A. famous as作为--而出名 B. different from和--不同 C. similar to和--相似 D. known for因--而出名 13. Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?---You’re . We went on a 10-day tour to Paris.‎ A. funny滑稽有趣的 B. right对的 C. cool凉快的 D. close距离近的 14. He was late this morning, because the bus was too for him to get on.‎ A. quiet安静的 B. tidy整洁的 C. crowded拥挤的 D. noisy吵闹的 15. Math is too difficult, I nearly give it up.—Please don’t, nothing is ____ if you put your heart into it.‎ A. important重要的 B. impossible不可能的 C. interesting有趣的 16. Jack is a(n) _____young man.—That's true. He always feels nervous when he speaks before people A. friendly友好的 B shy害羞的 C. honest诚实的 D. lively生动活泼的 17. The fans were ______to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Huston.‎ A. glad高兴的 B.angry生气的 C. excited感到兴奋的 D. surprised感到惊讶的 01. ‎[2014荆州]70. —What do you think of that clever boy?—He is a very successful (succeed) student, because he is interested in study. ‎ 02. ‎【2013泰州】2. If you can answer all the questions correctly (correct), you will get a gift form the host.‎ 03. ‎【2013泰州】Did you hear anything unusual (usual) in the next door?— No, I was chatting online with friends.‎ 04. ‎【2013泰州】6. David fell asleep (sleep) in class because he stayed up too late last night.‎ 05. ‎【2013烟台】8.The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people politely (polite).‎ 06. ‎【2013临沂】61. It’s cool and sunny (sun) in autumn in our hometown.‎ 07. ‎【2013临沂】68. Last Sunday I saw an unpleasant (pleasant) thing in the park trash lay every where.‎ 08. ‎【2013上海】62. The company hopes its product will be successful on the European market. (success)‎ 09. ‎【2013上海】 63. Larry has put on too much weight because of his unhealthy diet. (healthy)‎ 10. ‎【2013上海】64. Jack finds it difficult to pronounce some English words correctly (correct)‎ 11. ‎【2013扬州】51. Luckily , I could get the last ticket to the concert.(luck) ‎ 12. ‎【2013无锡】6. “Will it be possible to get me another ticket?” he asked hopefully (hopeful).‎ 13. ‎【2013兰州】94. To tell the truth (true), I don’t like the drinks in that café.‎ 14. ‎【2013兰州】95. It’s a (an) unusual (usual) experience, few people have chances to do it. ‎ 15. ‎【2013莱芜】60. The plane landed safely (safe) yesterday.‎ 16. ‎【2013常州】42. It is impossible (possible) for humans to live on Mars at present.‎ 17. ‎【2013常州】43. He looked angrily (angry) at the young man and didn’t say a word.‎ 18. ‎【2013白银】22. My pen is broken (break). Could I use yours?‎ 01. ‎【2013白银】25. He can’t even move because of his illness (ill).‎ 02. ‎【2013遵义】84. I felt relaxed (relax) lying in the sun. What a good time!‎ 03. ‎【2013遵义】85. Nick went home quite late and his mother looked at him unhappily (happy).‎ 04. ‎【2013遵义】68. Joan was happy because she was given some useful (use) gifts last week.‎ 05. ‎【2013遵义】70. The players prepared so well that they realized their dream successfully (success)·‎ 06. ‎【2013云南】68. No matter what difficult problems we meet, please face them bravely (brave)‎ 07. ‎【2013云南】70. We are very proud that a student from our school has won the prize.(pride)‎ 08. ‎【2013宁波】77. I’m so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open. ‎ 09. ‎【2013泰安】66.We cant breathe fresh air because of polluted environment.‎ 10. ‎【2013黄石】71. Please give me a hand. I’m not tall enough to reach the book on the top of the bookshelf.‎ 11. ‎【2013黄石】74. It is usually very hot in June, but sometimes it can be cool.‎ 12. ‎【2013济宁】3.The boy is so clever that he can work out many difficult problems,‎ 13. ‎【2013广州】70. Yao Ming, one of China’s best ever basketball players, is more than 2 metres tall .‎ 14. ‎【2013孝感】69. I’m afraid of the dark. That’s why I always go to sleep with the light on.‎ 15. ‎【2013孝感】70. My classmates are all friendly. I find it easy to get on well with them.‎ 16. ‎【2013淄博】66. Leo has no sisters or brothers. He is the only child in his family.‎ 17. ‎【2013淄博】69. There is little time left. We have to walk quickly to get there on time.‎ 18. ‎【2013贵港】76. Ted is so busy that he has no time to watch TV in the evenings. ‎ 19. ‎【2013贵港】77. I can’t understand what you said. Please speak more slowly . ‎ 20. ‎【2013铜仁】88.My home isn’t far from the school. It is only two minutes’ walk.‎ 21. ‎【2013新疆】68. Please be careful when you crosses the street.‎ 22. ‎【2013新疆】70. If your dream comes true , you must be happy.‎ 23. ‎【2013新疆】79. Tomorrow I want to get up early, go out for some fresh air and enjoy a healthy life. ‎

