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课 题 动词的8种时态 学习目标 掌握动词的8种时态 考点及考试要求 动词的时态 教学内容 ‎【知识框架图】‎ ‎【知识点回顾】‎ 难度系数: D 一、 一般现在时 1, 概念:一般现在时指经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在存在的状态;表示客观事实或普遍真理;“主将从现”句子中,一般现在时代替一般站起来时。‎ 2, 标志词:often, usually, always, sometimes, every week, once a week, on Sundays. 等。‎ 3, 基本结构 (1) 肯定形式: be动词;实义动词 (2) 否定形式:+ not , 或者 + do/does not (3) 疑问形式:be动词提前;助动词提前。 例:He always helps people. The sun rises in the east. It’s Sunday today.‎ 4, 一般现在时的用法 (1) 表示主语现在所处的状态及所具备的特征、性格、能力等。如:They are tired and hungry. Do you speak English ? Yes, I do.‎ (2) 表示现在的、经常的或习惯性的动作,常和always, usually, often, every day, something 等副词或词组连用。如 I usually go to school by bus, but sometimes I walk.‎ (3) 表示客观事实或普遍真理。如: Three plus five is eight. The earth moves round the sun. The teacher told us that the moon is much smaller than the sun.‎ (4) 在时间状语人名和条件状语人名中表示将来的动作。如: If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go out on a picnic. I will leave here until he returns in safety.‎ (5) 表示事先安排好的将要发生的行为,只限于come, go, depart, leave, sail, arrive, set off, start, return 等动词,句中多有表示将来的时间状语。如: The train starts at 7 tomorrow morning. ‎ (6) 抽象地谈论未来,着眼于事实,而不着重时间。如:The future is bright. Final victory is ours.‎ 二、 一般过去时 1, 概念:一般过去时指过去某个时间里发现的动作或存在的状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。一般过去时也可以与for 短语连用。‎ 2, 标志词:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, in 1989, just now, one day, long long ago, once upon a time 等。‎ 3, 基本结构:‎ (1) 肯定形式:be 动词;实义动词。‎ (2) 否定形式:be 动词 + not ;实义动词 + didn’t + 动词原形 (3) 疑问形式:be 动词 提到句前;实义动词 把did 提到句前。 The train arrived 10 minutes ago. ‎ 4, 一般过去时的用法。‎ (1) 表示过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 I didn’t feel well this morning.‎ (2) 表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态。如 My father often went to work by bicycle. ‎ (3) 在时间状语人名和条件状语人名中表示 过去将来的行为。如: He promised that he would get me some stamps when he went to the post office.‎ 三、 现在进行时 1, 概念:现在进行时表示说话时正在发生或进行的动作工现在阶段正在进行的动作。‎ 2, 标志词:now, at this time, these days, look, listen 等。‎ 3, 基本结构:‎ (1) 肯定形式 be + doing.‎ (1) 否定形式 be + not + doing (2) 疑问形式 be 提到句首。 I am cooking. ‎ (3) 注意不用进行时的动词有 seem, belong to, own, know, forget, remember, understand, see, think, sound, smell, taste, feel, continue.等。‎ 1, 现在进行时的用法 (1) 表示说话时正在进行的动作,或表示当前一般时间的活动及现在阶段正在进行的动作。如:I am doing my homework in my room.‎ (2) 表示即将发生的、按计划安排好的动作,多限于go, come, start, leave, return, arrive, stay, fly 等表示动作方向的动词句中往往有表示将来的时间状语。如: They are flying to Beijing next week. Are you staying here until next week ?‎ (3) 表示习惯的、经常反复的动作,句中常 有 always, continually, constantly, frequently等副词,带有说话人赞叹、不满等感情色彩。如:he is always thinking of others.‎ (4) 表示说话人强烈的感情色彩,或强调动作的暂时性,增强表现力。如 How are you feeling today ? ‎ 一、 过去进行时 1, 概念:过去进行时表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的动作。‎ 2, 标志词: at this time yesterday, at that time 等或以 when 引导的为主动词是一般过去时的时间状语从句、while 引导的复合句等。‎ 3, 基本结构:‎ (1) 肯定形式 be + doing (2) 否定形式 be + not + doing (3) 疑问形式:把 be 提前到句前。 what were you doing at this time yesterday ? A that time she was working in a private company. ‎ 4, 过去进行时的用法 (1) 与过去进行时连用的时间状语有: at that time, at 9 yesterday, these days 等。‎ (2) 用 when 引导的时间状语从句表示主句的动作正在进行的时间。 When he came in, I was reading a newspaper.‎ 注意要点: while 引导的时间状语从句叙述过去的动作时, 从句常用过去进行时。 I read a magazine while I was waiting for the bus. when 用作并列连词,意为 这时, 连接两分句时,第一句多用过去进行时。如 I was reading when he came in.‎ (3) last night, yesterday, last week, last month 等表示过去的时间状语也常和一般过去时连用,使用时应注意选择。一般地强调过去某个时刻或某段时间曾有过某个已经完成的动作时应用一般过去时;而如果强调动作在过去某个时刻或某段时间正在进行时应该用过去进行时,试比较: I wrote a letter last night. I was writing a letter last night.‎ (4) 过去进行时常 和 always, constantly 等时间副词连用, 表示过去频繁发生的习惯性动作,此时的过去进行时带有一定的感情色彩。如 Alice was always changing her mind. ‎ 二、 一般将来时 1, 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、准备、计划。‎ 2, 标志词:tomorrow, next day, from now on, in the future 等。‎ 3, 基本结构:‎ (1) 肯定形式 be going to do ; will + do ‎ (2) 否定形式 be not going to do ; will not do (3) 疑问形式 be 放在主语前;will/ shall 提前。 I’m going to meet Tim at 6 tomorrow. The train will arrive at 6.‎ 注意:一些动词 go, come, move, sail, leave, arrive 等 的进行时态可表示近期的计划和打算。如 I am leaving for Beijing.‎ 4, 一般站起来时的表达方式有下面几种:‎ (1) shall/will + 动词原形:表示个人的主要意图、征求对方意见或表示客气的邀请,它可用以表示 将来。书面语中shall 用于第一人称,口语中will 则可用于各种人称。‎ (1) be going to + 动词原形:用于表示按计划安排或按照人的主观打算、主观意图将要做的事,以及表示根据现在有迹象判断将要发生 的事。be going to 结构一般用于表示较近的将来。‎ (2) 用现在进行时表示将来:动词 come, go, start, leave, fly, move, begin, get 等表示位置移动的动词,常要用现在进行时表示一个预计不久将要发生的动作。‎ (3) 用一般现在时表示将来的情况:1,表示按规定或时间表预计将发生的动作。 We’re going to Changchun. Our plane takes off at 8:10. 2,当主句为一般将来时时,在if, as soon as, until, when 等 引导的状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如: If it doesn’t rain this afternoon, we’ll have a football match. ‎ (4) 与一般将来时连用的时间状语常有下面几种:1,tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow. 2,next week, this evening, soon 等。3,in 2018, by the year 2015 等。4,in + 一段时间。‎ 一、 过去将来时 1, 概念:过去将来时立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来。‎ 2, 标志词: the next day, the following week 等。‎ 3, 基本结构:‎ (1) 肯定形式 be going to do ; should/would + do ‎ (2) 否定形式 be not going to do ; should/would not do (3) 疑问形式 be 放在主语前;should/would 提前。如,they were going to have a meeting. 他们曾经打算开个会. She said she would go to Shanghai this holiday.‎ 4, 过去将来时的用法 (1) 过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间看将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时常 用在宾主从句中。如: I didn’t know if she would come. ‎ (2) 过去将来时也可以用 was/were going to + 动词原形 来表示。如:Lucy said she was going to visit my family this weekend.‎ 七、 现在完成时 ‎1,概念:‎ ‎ (1) 表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。标志词:recently, before, already, yet, ever, never, just ‎ (2) 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。标志词:since, for, so far, until now, in the past 5 years, in the last ‎2, 基本结构:‎ ‎ (1) 肯定形式 have/has + 过去分词 ‎ (2) 否定形式 have/has not + 过去分词 ‎ (3) have/has 提前首句。‎ ‎3,现在完成时的用法。 ‎ ‎ (1) 表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 Have you had your lunch yet ? I have lost my pen. No, I haven’t found it yet. ‎ ‎ (2) 表示动作与状态在过去已经开始,持续到现在还会继续下去。常和 for, since 用。We have lived here since 1987. I have learn English for 3 years.‎ ‎ (3) have gone to 与 have been 的区别 。前者是已经去了;后者是过去已经回来了。‎ ‎ (4) 延续性动词与非延续性动词。转换 move to- live in, get marry- be married; 误区纠正 非常延续性动作表示动作完成,其否定句能与一段时间的状语连用。非延续性动词用于 not until 句型中,构成 not+ 非延续性动词 + until/till , 意为 直到…才。肯定形式 until 句型中只能用延续性动词。 You can’t leave here until I arrive. He waited until his mother come back.‎ 八、 过去完成时 ‎ 1,概念:以过去某一时间为标准,在此前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即 过去的过去。‎ ‎ 2,标志词:before, by the end of last year, by the time + 一般过去时的从句, When + 一般过去时的从句。‎ ‎ 3,基本结构:‎ ‎ (1) 肯定形式 had + done,‎ ‎ (2) 否定形式 had + done ‎ (3) 疑问形式 had 提前至句首。 By yesterday evening, he had written that letter. When I came in, he had finished his work.‎ ‎ 4,过去完成时的用法。‎ ‎ (1) 用介词by 表示在过去某个时刻之前或到过去某个时刻为止的意思,用介词before … 表示在之前。如 by the end of last term, we had learnt 6 songs.‎ ‎ (2) 常用于由 before, after, when, until 等连词引导的时间状语从句, because/as 引导的从句。 如 I had mended the TV set before my father came back.‎ ‎【课堂练习】‎ 一、填空题 ‎1. (2009·东营中考) The girl ______ (花费)a lot of time collecting stamps last year. ‎ ‎【答案】填spent ‎2. (2009·泰安中考) The astronauts (描述) what they had seen in space.‎ ‎【答案】填described ‎ ‎3. (2009·乌鲁木齐中考) Jack has ________ (借) my science book for 4 days. ‎ ‎【答案】填kept ‎4. (2009·连云港中考) It often ________ (小雨) in summer in our hometown.‎ ‎【答案】填rains ‎ ‎5. (2009·连云港中考) On April 23rd, World Reading Day, Premier Wen Jiabao made a speech at the National Library in Beijing. He ________ (鼓励) Chinese people to read more.‎ ‎【答案】填encouraged ‎6. (2009·广元中考) My mother is really busy every day. She gets up at 7:00, ________ (吃) a quick breakfast and then rushes to her school.‎ ‎【答案】填has ‎7. (2009·陕西中考) I saw our math teacher talking with John when I ________ (pass) his office. ‎ ‎【答案】填passed ‎8. (2009·常州中考) When I was young, my grandfather told me that the sun (rise) in the east.‎ ‎【答案】填rises ‎9. (2009·常州中考) John (chat) with his son while his wife was cooking in the kitchen.‎ ‎【答案】填was chatting ‎10. (2009·宿迁中考) Listen! Someone is ________ (ring) the doorbell.‎ ‎【答案】填ringing ‎11. (2009·宿迁中考) I ________ (stay) at home and sleep all day if there is no school tomorrow.‎ ‎【答案】填shall/ will/ am going to stay ‎12. (2009·兰州中考) He said that he ________ (come) back in five minutes.‎ ‎【答案】填would come ‎13. (2009·淄博中考) What a hot day! Look! Maria is s in the river. ‎ ‎【答案】填swimming ‎14. (2009·无锡中考) No country ________ (make) such great progress as China in the past thirty years.‎ ‎【答案】填has made ‎15. (2009·无锡中考) The engineer ________ (search) for some information on the Internet in the study while his wife was cooking in the kitchen.‎ ‎【答案】填was searching ‎16. (2009·无锡中考) The old scientist was awarded a gold medal for what he ________ (do) for the development of modern science since the mid-twentieth century.‎ ‎【答案】填had done ‎17. (2008·无锡中考) It was a pity that you ________ (not attend) the meeting last Friday afternoon.‎ ‎【答案】填didn’t/ did not attend ‎18. (2008·无锡中考) Many changes ________ (take) place in our daily life since the invention of the computer.‎ ‎【答案】填have taken ‎19. (2008·无锡中考) The policeman said that he ________ (see) a Young Pioneer help an old woman cross the road the day before.‎ ‎【答案】填had seen ‎20. (2008·无锡中考) Our maths teacher ____________ (prepare) the new lesson with other teachers in the office from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.‎ ‎【答案】填was preparing ‎21. (2008·泰州中考) I was doing some shopping when the building ________ (start) to shake hard.‎ ‎【答案】填started ‎22. (2008·泰州中考) You ________ (keep) the book for two weeks, and you’d better return it to the library now.‎ ‎【答案】填have kept ‎23. (2008·镇江中考) The audience ________ (clap) and screamed with joy after the last performance ended.‎ ‎【答案】填clapped ‎24. (2008·莆田中考) Look, a drunk man ________ (lie) on the ground.‎ ‎【答案】填is lying ‎25. (2008·莆田中考) Miss Cathy from America ________ (teach) English in Putian University for more than 5 years.‎ ‎【答案】填has taught ‎26. (2008·莆田中考) We _______ (complete) the two railways in Putian in the near future.‎ ‎【答案】填will complete 二、选择题 ‎1.(2010 .河北中考) This term over. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks.‎ A. is B. was C. has been D. will be ‎【解析】选D ‎2.(2010潍坊中考)A moment ,please.I’m checking if Mr.Smith______free tomorrow.‎ A.is B.being C.to be D.will be ‎【解析】选A ‎3.(2010.衢州中考) — How was your day off ?‎ — Pretty good ! I ______ the science museum with my classmates.‎ A. visit B. visited C. am visiting D. will visit ‎【解析】选B ‎4. (2010上海中考)Today is Father’s Day .My mother ______a special dinner for my grandpa now.‎ A.prepare B.prepared C.is preparing D.will prepare ‎【解析】选C ‎5.(2010湖南中考)—Where is Peter? ‎ ‎—He    volleyball with his friends in the school gym. ‎ A. plays    B.played      C. is playing ‎ ‎【解析】选C ‎6.(2010.盐城中考)He_____his umbrella to me yesterday.so I didn’t get wet.‎ A.borrowed B.kept C.lent D.bought ‎【解析】选C ‎7.(2010·晋江中考)--Hello! May I speak to Kate?‎ ‎ --Sorry, she isn’t here now. She __________to Shanghai.‎ ‎ A. went B. has been C. has gone ‎【解析】选C ‎8.(2010·荆州中考) —Where’s her second son? I haven’t seen him for a long time. ‎ ‎—He _______ Maine looking for a place to work. ‎ A.will go to B.has gone to C.had gone to D.goes to ‎ ‎【解析】选B ‎9. (2010.长沙中考)—Must I finish my homework at school?‎ ‎ --______.You can do it at home and hand it in next week.‎ ‎ A.Yes,you must B.No,you needn’t C.Yes,I can ‎【解析】选B ‎10.(2010.自贡中考)—Did you watch the football match yesterday?‎ ‎ --Yes ,I did.You know ,my brother ________in the match.‎ A.is playing B.was playing C.will play ‎【解析】选B ‎【真题剖析】‎ ‎11. (2009·山东中考) –Have you _______ read the poem If?‎ ‎-Yes. I really enjoy it.‎ A. still B. ever C. yet D. never ‎【解析】选B。考查现在完成时的时间状语。四个选项都可以用在现在完成时态,结合题意“你曾经读过诗歌《如果》吗?”可排除A、C、D三项,故选B。‎ ‎12. (2009·河北中考) I _______ the wrong thing. Can I use your eraser?‎ A. write B. wrote C. am writing D. will write ‎【解析】选B。由后句“Can I use your eraser?”可知“我写了一些错误的东西”,要用一般过去时,故排除A、C、D三项,选B。‎ ‎13. (2009·枣庄中考) What would you do if you ________ a lot of money?‎ A. had B. have had C. will have D. have ‎【解析】选A ‎14. (2009·安徽中考) –Alice, turn down the TV, please. I ________ on the phone.‎ ‎-Oh, sorry.‎ A. have talked B. talked C. am talking D. talk ‎ ‎【解析】选C。考查现在进行时的用法。根据题意“爱丽丝,请调小电视(的音量)”可知“我正在打电话”,故排除A、B、D三项,选C。‎ ‎15. (2009·兰州中考) -Good evening. I ________ to see Miss Mary.‎ ‎-Oh, good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.‎ A. have come   B. come  C. came D. had come ‎【解析】选A。四个选项分别是动词come的现在完成时、一般现在时、一般过去时、过去完成时,根据答语“I’m sorry, but she is not in.”可推断这里要用现在完成时,故排除B、C、D三项,选A。‎ ‎16. (2009·兰州中考) If people ________ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _______.‎ A. keep, to live in B. will keep, to live in ‎ C. keep, to live D. will keep, to live ‎【解析】选C。由关键词If可知这是一个条件状语从句,从句不能用一般将来时,先排除B、D二项;另nowhere是副词,其后接动词不定式to live in时不用加介词in,故舍A选C。‎ ‎17. (2009·河北中考) Keep practicing and you ________ your English.‎ A. improve B. will improve C. improved D. were improving ‎ ‎【解析】选B。考查一般将来时的用法。结合题意“保持练习,你将会提高你的英语”可排除A、C、D三项,选B。‎ ‎18. (2009·泰安中考) -You are on the phone, Tony.‎ ‎-Yes, mum, .‎ A. wanted; I’m coming B. called; I’m coming ‎ C. needed; I’ll come D. asked; I’ll come ‎【解析】选A。考查现在进行时表示将来。结合题意“托尼,有电话找你”“好的,妈妈,我就来”可排除B、C、D三项,选A。‎ ‎19. (2009·孝感中考) -Tommy, do you know if Frank ________ to the zoo this Sunday if it ________? ‎ ‎-Sorry, I have no idea. ‎ A. will go; is fine B. goes; is fine ‎ C. will go; is going to be fine D. goes; will be fine ‎ ‎【解析】选A。结合题意“汤姆,如果天气好的话,你知道弗兰克这个星期六将去动物园吗?”可知第一个空是宾语从句,要用一般将来时,第二个空是条件状语从句,要用一般现在时,故排除B、C、D三项,选A。‎ ‎20. (2009·兰州中考) I first met Lisa three years ago when we ________ at a radio station together.‎ A. have worked B. had been working ‎ C. were working D. had worked ‎【解析】选C。四个选项分别是动词work的现在完成时、过去完成进行时、过去进行时、过去完成时,结合题意“我三年前第一次见到利萨,当我们一起在广播站工作时”可排除A、B、D三项,故选C。‎ ‎21. (2009·河北中考) Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he ________.‎ A. will arrive B. were arriving C. arrives D. arrived ‎【解析】选C。由关键信息as soon as可知这里是时间状语从句,结合主句中的Be可知要用一般现在时,故排除A、B、D三项,选C。‎ ‎22. (2009·武汉中考) -How clean the bedroom is!‎ ‎-Yes, I am sure that someone _______ it. ‎ A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. had cleaned ‎【解析】选C。由上句“How clean the bedroom is!”可知这里要用现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,故正确答案为C。‎ ‎23. (2009·河北中考) My friend _______ me. I have to leave now.‎ A. waits for B. waited for C. is waiting for D. was waiting for ‎【解析】选C。由关键词now可知本题要用现在进行时,故正确答案为C。‎ ‎24. (2009·德州中考) Sue told me that she ________ shopping with her sister the next day.‎ A. will go B. would go C. goes D. has gone ‎【解析】选B。结合主句中的told和从句中的the next day可知要用过去将来时,故排除A、C、D三项,选B。‎ ‎25. (2009·北京中考) If I find his phone number, I ________ you.‎ A. tell B. told C. will tell D. have told ‎【解析】选C。根据题意“如果我找到了他的电话号码,我就会给你打电话”可知要用一般将来时,故正确答案为C。‎ ‎26. (2009·宁夏中考) When I got there, he _________ them to dance.‎ A. is teaching B. teaches C. was teaching D. taught ‎【解析】选C ‎27. (2008·河北中考) How’s Annie? I ________ her for a long time.‎ A. don’t see B. won’t see C. didn’t see D. haven’t seen ‎【解析】选D。时间状语for a long time表示一段时间,常用于现在完成时态中,故选D。‎ ‎28. (2008·莆田中考) Look at those clouds. It ________ soon, I’m afraid.‎ A. rain B. was raining C. is going to rain ‎【解析】选C。考查be going to结构。由soon可知本句用一般将来时,故选C。‎ ‎29. (2008·南昌中考) -Nancy is not coming to the party tonight.‎ ‎-But she _______ me she’d love to.‎ A. tells B. told C. had told D. is telling ‎【解析】选B。由上下两句句意可知此处“告诉”应用一般过去时,故选B。‎ ‎30. ( 2008·北京朝阳区中考) Mid-autumn Day usually _______ in September or October every year.‎ A. come B. comes C. is coming D. will come ‎【解析】选B。考查一般现在时态的用法。中秋节做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故选B。‎ ‎31.(2008·青海中考) He ________ our school for two weeks.‎ A. left B. has left C. has been away from ‎【解析】选C。考查现在完成时态中延续性动词与非延续性动词的用法。left是非延续性动词,不能与“for two weeks”连用,应转换成延续性动词be away,故选C。‎ ‎32.(2008·哈尔滨中考) -China’s 24th science research team ________ at Changcheng Station on January 5th,2008.‎ ‎-Wonderful! Our scientists _______ a lot in this field already.‎ A. have arrived; improved B. arrived; has improved C. arrived; have improved ‎ ‎【解析】选C。考查一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。由‎2008年1月5日决定第一句用一般过去时;由already决定第二个空格处用现在完成时;scientists是复数,故选C。‎ ‎33. (2008·咸宁中考) -________ you ________ out the problem, Sam?‎ ‎-Not yet, but I’m going to.‎ A. Did; work B. Are; working C. Have; worked D. Will; work ‎【解析】选C。考查现在完成时的一般疑问句。由答句“Not yet”可知问句是现在完成时态,故选C。‎ ‎34. (2008·荆州中考) -I’m afraid the meeting has begun.‎ ‎-Don’t worry. It ________ until the bell ________.‎ A. doesn’t begin; rings B. won’t begin; will ring C. won’t begin; rings D. doesn’t begin; will ring ‎【解析】选C。考查一般将来时和一般现在时在状语从句中的运用。not...until意为“直到……才……”,主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。故选C。‎ ‎35. (2008·武汉中考) -Can your father drive?‎ ‎-Yes, and he usually _______ to school.‎ A. drove B. is driving C. drives D. has driven ‎【解析】选C。由关键词usually可知本题要用一般现在时,故选C。‎ ‎【知识点迁移】‎ 动词的变化 ‎【课堂小结】‎ 一、 一般现在时 概念:一般现在时指经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在存在的状态;表示客观事实或普遍真理;“主将从现”句子中,一般现在时代替一般站起来时。‎ 二、 一般过去时 概念:一般过去时指过去某个时间里发现的动作或存在的状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。一般过去时也可以与for 短语连用。‎ 三、 现在进行时 概念:现在进行时表示说话时正在发生或进行的动作工现在阶段正在进行的动作。‎ 四、 过去进行时 概念:过去进行时表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的动作。‎ 五、 过去将来时 概念:过去将来时立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来。‎ 六、 一般将来时 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、准备、计划。‎ 七、 现在完成时 概念:‎ ‎ (1) 表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。标志词:recently, before, already, yet, ever, never, just ‎ (2) 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。标志词:since, for, so far, until now, in the past 5 years, in the last 八、 过去完成时 ‎ 概念:以过去某一时间为标准,在此前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即 过去的过去。‎ ‎【课后作业】‎ 中考英语时态和语态专项练习题 ‎( ) 1. Don’t make so much noise. We _______ to the music.‎ ‎ A. listened B. listen C. are listening D. have listened ‎( ) 2. I must return the camera to Li Lei. I _______ it for two weeks.‎ ‎ A. keep B. borrowed C. have kept D. have lent ‎( ) 3. –When will you tell him the good news? ‎ ‎--I will tell him about it as soon as he _______ back. A. comes B. came C. will come D. is coming ‎( ) 4. –Dad, please open the door, it _______. –OK, dear. I’m coming.‎ ‎ A. locks B. locked C. is locked D. was locked ‎( ) 5. –Did you go to Jim’s birthday party? --No, I _______.‎ ‎ A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited ‎ ‎ C. haven’t invited D. didn’t invite ‎( ) 6. A talk on Chinese history _______ in the school hall next week. A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give ‎( ) 7. You may go fishing if your work _______ ‎ A. is done B. will be done C. has doneD. have done ‎( ) 8. –What do you think of the football match yesterday?-Well. It’s surprising. The strongest team of our school _______.‎ ‎ A. was beaten B. won C. scored D. was failed ‎( ) 9. –Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday? --If I don’t go, _______.‎ A. so does he B. so he will C. neither will heD. neither does he ‎( ) 10. The trees must _______ three times a week.‎ ‎ A. water B. is watering C. be watered D. waters ‎( ) 11. –Did you see Tom at the party? -- No, he _______ by the time I got there.‎ ‎ A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left ‎( ) 12. –Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? --Because I ______ it.‎ ‎ A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen ‎( ) 13. –Do you like watching cooking programs n TV? --No, I don’t, but my twin brother _______. He’s very fond of cooking.‎ A. does B. do C. is D. are ‎( ) 14. Catherin _______ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.A. has written ‎ B. was written C. had written D. is writing ‎( ) 15. The old man is quite weak after the accident, so he _______A. must take care of B. must be take care ofC. must look after D. must be looked after ‎( ) 16. The ticket is on the floor. Would you please _______ for me? A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick up them D. pick them up ‎( ) 17. He _______ living in the country to the city.‎ ‎ A. likes B. prefers C. enjoys D. loves ‎( ) 18. How long have you _______ the book?‎ ‎ A. bought B. lent C. had D. borrowed ‎( ) 19. –Do you know him well ? --Sure. We _______ friend since ten years ago.A. were B. have been C. have become D. have made ‎( ) 20. _______ me carefully, boys and girls. Can you _______ me? A. Listen to; hear B. Hear; listen to C. Hear; hear D. Listen to; hear from ‎( ) 21. –These farmers have been to the United States. –Really? When ______ there?A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone ‎( ) 22. I’m sorry I haven’t got any money. I _______ my handbag at home. A. have missed B. have left C. have put D. have forgotten ‎( ) 23. –Where is Miss Gao. Lily? --She _______ to the teachers’. A. has been B. has gone ‎ ‎ C. went D. would go ‎( ) 24. When her father came back home, Joan _______ with her friend. A. talked B. talks C. is talking D. was talking ‎( ) 25. –What’s that thing with three legs?‎ ‎ --It’s a cup. It ______ for drinking in the old days.‎ ‎ A. uses B. used C. is used D. was used ‎( ) 26. His uncle _______ in three days.‎ ‎ A. returns B. has returned C. returned D. will return ‎( ) 27. –Hi, Lin Tao. I didn’t see you at the party.‎ ‎ --Oh, I _______ ready for the maths exam.‎ A. am getting B. was getting C. got D. have got ‎( ) 28. –Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Miss White?‎ ‎ --I said I’d better go back to the office. I _______ something this afternoon.A. would meet B. meet C. am going to meet D. was meeting ‎( ) 29. What _______ the forest in our country in the last ten years. A. has happened do B. is happened to C. has happened at D. is happening ‎( ) 30. –What did Mr Jones do before he moved here? --He _______ a city bus for over twenty-five years. A. is driving B. drove C. has driven D. drives ‎( ) 31. –When _______ you _______ your homework? --I had finished it before he _______ back.‎ ‎ A. have; finished; came B. have; finished; was comingC. did; finish; came D. did; finish; was coming ‎( ) 32. Look! The boys _______ happily in the river. A. swim B. swamC. will swim D. are swimming ‎( ) 33. Every spring, many trees _______ along the river.‎ A. were planted B. is planted C. will be planted D. are planted ‎( ) 34. The letter _______ in French. I can’t read it. A. is writing B. is written C. wrote D. writes ‎( ) 35. If Mary _______ next Sunday, we will go boating together. A. will come B. comes C. shall come D. should come ‎( ) 36. We expected that the English teacher ____‎ ‎ some advice on how to write an English letter.‎ A. will give B. gave C. is going to give D. would give ‎( ) 37. Five years ago nobody knew him, although he _______ more than 100 songs.‎ ‎ A. already wrote B. have already written ‎ C. had already written D. was already writing ‎( ) 38. So far I _______ any success. However, I’ll keep trying.‎ ‎ A. don’t have B. didn’t have C. haven’t had D. won’t have ‎( ) 39. It was the third time that I _______ in at his office.‎ ‎ A. have dropped B. had dropped C. dropped D. was dropping ‎( ) 40. I often see Tom _______ homework while I am watching TV every evening.‎ ‎ A. do B. doing C. did D. to do ‎( ) 41. The flowers want _______. Look, the soil is so dry.‎ A. watering B. being watered C. to water D. waters ‎( ) 42. –Be careful! You might fall into the water.‎ ‎ --Thank you. I ______ I _______ so close to the pool.A. didn’t know; am standing B. don’t know; am standingC. didn’t know; was standing D. didn’t know; would stand ‎( ) 43. –Excuse me. Where is the sick boy sent here a moment ago?‎ ‎ --He ______ by the doctor.‎ A. has been examined B. will be examined ‎ C. is examined D. is being examined ‎ ‎( ) 44.—Have you got the airplane tickets?‎ ‎--No. when I _______ to the office, all the tickets to Beijing ______ out.‎ ‎ A. get; have been sold B. got; had been sold C. got; had sold D. got; were being sold ‎( ) 45. –Your name again? I _______ quite catch it. –Bartholomew Liveli.‎ ‎ A. didn’t B. don’t C. couldn’t D. can’t ‎( ) 46. – Whom are you waiting for? ‎ ‎ --Gary’s parents. But neither of them _______ yet. A. arrived B. has arrived C. are arriving D. is arriving ‎( ) 47. He _______ in bed all day long because he had a headache.‎ ‎ A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lied ‎( ) 48. Would you _______ your voice a little so that everyone can hear you? ‎ ‎ A. rise B. put C. lift D. raise ‎( ) 49. More and more people began to _______ that good health means good wealth.‎ ‎ A. learn B. understand C. consider D. realize 答案:‎ ‎1—5 CADCB 6—10 ADCDC 11—15 BDDCD 16—20 DAACB 21—25 BACAD 26—30 CCDBD 31—35 CDCDC 36—42 BBDCDBA 1—5 CCACB 6—10 CAACC 11—15 CDACD 16—20 ABCBA ‎21—25 BBBDD 26—30 DBCAB 31—36 CDDBB 36—40 DCCBB ‎41—45 ACDBA 46—49 BBDD ‎ ‎【板书设计】‎ 八大时态说明:‎ 一般现在时 一般将来时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 过去将来时 现在完成时 过去完成时 时态的时间轴 见下图 真题解析及练习 ‎(2008·咸宁中考) -________ you ________ out the problem, Sam?‎ ‎-Not yet, but I’m going to.‎ A. Did; work B. Are; working C. Have; worked D. Will; work ‎【解析】选C。考查现在完成时的一般疑问句。由答句“Not yet”可知问句是现在完成时态,故选C。‎ ‎【情感价值教育分享】‎ A plant may produce new flowers, man is young but once.‎ 花有重开日,人无再少年。‎ God helps those who help themselves. ‎ 自助者,天助之。‎ No man is wise at all times. ‎ 智者千虑,必有一失。‎ He who laughs last laughs best. ‎ 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。‎

