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‎2011年中考英语模拟试题及答案(三)‎ IV 单项选择(15分)‎ ‎16. Two days isn’t enough for me to finish the work. I need day.‎ A. a third B. the third C. the other D. other ‎17. There are four and two at the .A. Johns, Marys, doctors ‎ B. Johns, Marys, doctor’s C. John’s, Mary’s, doctor’s D. John, Mary, doctor’s ‎18. Read the sentence carefully and you’ll see you’ve a verb in it.‎ A. lost B. gone C. missed D. left ‎19. The teacher did what she could that child.‎ A. to help B. helping C. helped D. helps ‎20. The sharks in the sea will people.‎ A. drive B. keep C. attack D. protect ‎21. There a number of animals in the zoo. The number of them two thousand.‎ A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is D. are, are ‎22. The visitors lions meat.‎ A. feed, on B. feed, to C. give, to D. eat, from ‎23. “Elevator” means .A. light in British English ‎ B. light in American English C. lift in British English D. lift in American English ‎24. He’s never ridden the horse before, ?‎ A. is he B. isn’t he C. has he D. hasn’t he ‎25. You’ll like it if you on the sea.A. are surfing B. will surf C. surfed D. have surfed ‎26. He asks me to use the computer. A. why B. if C. whether D. what ‎27. --- What would you like to eat? --- I don’t mind. --- whatever you’ve got.‎ A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing ‎28. I’m sorry you told him the secret. I wish you _____ him the secret.‎ A. didn’t tell B. wouldn’t tell C. will not tell D. had not tell ‎29. Korea(朝鲜) is Asia。 It's the northeast of China and the west of Japan. A. in; to; on B. in; on; to C. on; in; to D. to; on; in ‎30. A stone hit and he fell down on the ground. ‎ A. at Tom's head B. on Tom's head C.Tom on the head D.Tom at the head V 完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)‎ Gross was what people call a mysterious man. We had known him for over five years, ever since he became a 31 of our club, but he had a way of keeping all his life to himself. We knew where he 32 , though he never 33 us to his home, and his age too. But only unimportant matters of this kind. It appeared that he 34 work for a living 35 we did. He had once talked about a lot of money on which he managed to live comfortably. He was not, however, 36 to spend money freely, he was 37 well-dressed and he did not even own a car. At the age of forty-five he remained 38 though, since marriage was not 39 he ever discussed, we had no means of finding out whether he was 40 for that.‎ ‎ Gross 41 suddenly from our circle and shortly after we came to learn the fact that our mysterious man was ‎42 a thief. 43 reports that appeared in the newspapers, together with photos of a man who was exactly our Mr. Gross, it was shown that he was a most experienced 44 , operating ‎45 in London, and that he had practiced this job for many years, until he was caught and sent to prison.‎ ‎31. A. member B. student C. teacher D. friend ‎32. A. studied B. worked C. played D. lived ‎33. A. hoped B. invited C. wished D. encouraged ‎34. A. didn’t have to B. hadn’t to C. didn’t need D. didn’t have ‎35. A. which B. that C. when D. as ‎36. A. able B. unable C. ready D. active ‎37. A. especially B. special C. specially D. not especially ‎38. A. unhealthy B. healthy C. poor D. single ‎39. A. work B. subject C. job D. lecture ‎40. A. tired B. sick C. sorry D. angry ‎41. A. lost B. appeared C. jumped D. disappeared ‎42. A. anything but B. nothing but C. something but D. everything but ‎43. A. On B. To C. From D. Out of ‎44. A. thief B. worker C. teacher D. member ‎45. A. mostly B. most C. almost D. nearly VI 阅读理解 (30分)‎ A I left home for New Zealand to start my new life on my 15th birthday.     My father and mother took me to Hong Kong, where we had to say goodbye. When we were saying goodbye, I suddenly felt afraid that I had never had before.  This was the first time I had traveled so far by myself.‎ ‎ And going to a far-away place I have never been before made me feel terrible. I held back my tears until I could no longer see my parents. As I was wiping away(擦去)my tears, I realized that, from that moment on, I would have to do everything by myself. After my arrival in Wellington, my teacher, Ms. Lang, showed me around my new school. A few days later, I started having classes. There were only 20 students in each class. Only maths, science, social studies(社会学)and English were compulsory, and students could choose other subjects for themselves, I chose music, Japanese and health. In New Zealand, students are very active in class. And teachers are not as serious . They often let us play games in class. We can sit with anyone we like, and the teacher can sit at her own desk or at a student’s desk. The school had an easy manner, with few rules. Because there was no homework, we could join clubs or do anything we liked. I always went to the library after school, where I found a lot of books to help with my studies. Studying in New Zealand is very different from studying in China. In New Zealand, students depend on the library to gain knowledge instead of waiting for what teachers ask them to do. Time went fast. The two months after I arrived flew by. Then a week of exams began. I did not have to take these exams, because I had only been at the school for a short time. However, my maths teacher encouraged me to take the maths exam, as she thought I could do well. Though there wasn’t much pressure on me, I worked very hard to get ready for the exam because I know that no pain means no gain . When the day of the exam came, I found that I finished the paper faster than the other students. One week later, my teacher told the whole class who had got the top mark: It was me! I got 94 percent. All my classmates were very happy and said congratulations to me. It was one of the happiest days of my life ‎ ‎41. The word “Wellington” in the fourth paragraph is the name of_______.‎ A. the writer’s new teacher      B. the writer’s new school C. a city in New Zealand   D. a person we don’t know 42. When she was wiping away her tears, the writer realized that________. A. she had already arrived in New Zealand.B. she could no longer see her parents in Hong Kong. C. she had to say goodbye to her parents.D. she would start a new life in New Zealand all by herself. 43. The word “compulsory” in the sixth paragraph means_______ in Chinese. A. 必修的       B. 选修的      C. 义务的       D. 有责任的 44. The writer always went to the library because ________.A. the teacher asked her to do so B. she wanted to gain knowledge with the help of many books C. she had no homework and had nothing to do D. she must get ready for the exams 45. The writer didn’t have to take the exams, ____.A. so she didn’t work hard to get ready for them B. but she thought she could do well and took the maths exam C. but she took the maths exam and did best of all in it D. so she found she finished the paper faster than the others B ‎ Never let the soil in your garden dry out. If it doesn’t rain for a few days and the soil feels dry, water your garden. Be sure the water gets all the way down to the roots(the parts that grow down into the soil) of the plants, but don’t water too much. You could drown your plants!‎ ‎ You may see some plants in your garden that you didn’t put there. These are weeds. Pull them out when the ground is soft and wet. Be sure you get out the roots, or the weeds will grow back.‎ ‎ Tall plants such as tomatoes need sticks to hold them up. Without sticks, they’ll fall over. When your tomato plants get to be about two feet tall, it’s time to stick to them. Push a long stick into the ground next to each plant. Tie the plant to the stick with a string. As each plant grows taller, you’ll have to tie it up again.‎ ‎ If you’ve planted seeds, you can expect too many plants to come out. You have to clear some away, to that the plants left will have room to grow. This is called thinning. If you’ve planted lettuce seeds, wait until the baby plants are about 1.5 inches tall. Then pull some of the plants out so that you leave about 8 inches between plants.‎ ‎ Now that you’ve done all the work to make a vegetable garden, it’s time to enjoy what you’ve finish. Pick a red, ripe, juicy tomato. Eat it while it’s still warm from the sun. Or cut it up and put it in a salad-made with lettuce you picked yourself. If you have more vegetables from your garden than you and your family can eat, give them to friends and neighbors. It’s fun to have the joy you get from your garden together with other.‎ ‎46. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?‎ A. Keep the soil in the garden a little wet. B. How to water your garden.‎ C. Water plants in the garden every day. D. When to water your garden.‎ ‎47. Tomatoes need special care because .‎ A. they are hard to grow tall B. they don’t grow without sticks C. they can’t stand up to a certain height D. they like to grow next to each other ‎48. The Chinese for “thinning”(in the fourth paragraph) is “ ”.‎ A. 拔苗 B. 间苗 C. 除草 D. 育苗 ‎49. which of the following for garden work isn’t told about in this passage?‎ A. Water the garden. B. Pull weeds out. C. Thin plants. D. Dig soil.‎ ‎50. In the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to tell us that .‎ A. it’s fun to enjoy the result of the garden work B. it’s better how to eat the tomatoes C. how to make a salad with the tomatoes D. what to do with the vegetables in the garden ‎ ‎ (C)‎ Dennis,Erin,Maria,Nicole和Emilio开会住在一个宾馆,他们都喜欢看电视。因为各自的兴趣不同,他们想看的节目不同,你可以在51至55小题中找到他们各自的爱好。看下面A、B、C、D、E5个节目的安排,然后选出符合个人要求的最佳选项。‎ ‎56.Although Dennis lives a quiet life in a small village ,that doesn’t stop him from waiting to find out about the latest scientific(科学的) development.‎ ‎57. Erin enjoys eating out but can’t afford to spend very much at the moment as she is saving for a holiday .She has never learnt how to cook , so now might be quiet a good time to find out!‎ ‎58. Maria is interested in taking wildlife photographs and enjoys any kind of program which gives him a chance to see a professional photographer at work.‎ ‎59. Nicole is a music teacher .Although she prefers classical music , she likes to follow the kind of music that interests the teenagers she teaches .‎ ‎60. Emilio’s wife is in hospital. He wants to find a program suitable for his three-year-old son while he does the housework and prepares a meal .‎ TV program to choose Number TV Programs A ‎7:20 pm Find out more about Australia’s animal life. This film was made last year by one of Australia’s best-known cameraman(摄影师), Dougie Bond. He spent over 200 hours filming the birds, animals and fishes on this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to our TV screens.‎ B ‎5:15 pm Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to entertain your children while you do something else ? This popular magazine program is for the under-fives.‎ C ‎9:00 pm The popular science program is back with the latest in technology and medicine .This week, cars that run on sunlight and the story of one baby’s fight to life.‎ D ‎7:40 pm The latest new music. Peter Hogg looks at the best of the current (当代的) rap, raga and new jack swing plus new video releases. This is the program that tells you all about what’s happening on the music scene and brings you interviews with tomorrow’s young artists.‎ E ‎8:45 pm If you’ve always wanted to cook, now is your chance to learn .In the studio are two chefs (厨师) who will take you through some simple recipes step by step. This is a reportof the populai series shown last year, and available from most good bookshops.‎ VII 选词填空(共10题,计10分)‎ ‎ have, or, who, they, find, many, between, scientist, fail, three ‎  Young people must take care of their teeth if they are to avoid(避免) heart problems in their later life, the British Dental Health Foundation has warned(警告).‎ A UK health study 61 that young adults who have tooth disease are more likely to die of heart disease in their later life.‎ The study followed 62 than 12,000UK adults for 57 years, and found that thosewith more missing teeth were one 63 more likely to die of heart disease than ‎ those with fewer teeth missing. Dr. Nigel Carter of the British Dental Health Foundation said, “A person’s oral (口腔)health has a major effect on the rest of the body.”‎ ‎“ People need to choose a good oral health care habit for the good of 64 wh-ole body as well as their mouth, including brushing twice a day, cutting down the ‎ amount of sweet foods and visiting the dentist regularly. Cleaning 65 the teeth is ‎ also important.”‎ ‎ ___66___ believe that the bacteria(细菌) in the mouth that cause tooth decay(腐烂)and gum(牙龈) disease may enter the bloodstream and hurt the blood vessels(血管),‎ ‎ 67 cause inflammation(炎症) in the body which leads to heart disease.“This study shows that 68 to take care of your teeth from a young age can lead to far bigger problems later in life.”‎ ‎“Anyone 69 is concerned about his oral health should ask his dentist for advice, and be careful ‎70 a good oral healthcare habit on a day-to-day basis.”‎ VIII 单词拼写(10分)‎ ‎1 Li Hua fell off his bike this morning. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt b .‎ ‎2 Many people are k in traffic accidents every year.‎ ‎3 Nobody taught him how to swim, he taught h .‎ ‎4. He was late for class because he m_______ the first bus.5. There are twelve m________ in a year. 6. He did b________ of all in the high jump, becoming the winner. 7. My little sister is old e________to go to school. 8.I’m free every day e________ Sunday.‎ ‎9. Of all the s________, I like maths best. 10. Doing eye e___________ is good for your health.‎ 参考答案 IV 单项选择(15分)‎ ‎16‎-20 A B C A C 21-25 B A C C D 26‎-30 C C D B C V 完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)‎ ‎31-35 ADBAD 36-40 CDDBC 41-45 DBCAA VI 阅读理解 (30分)‎ ‎(A)46-50 CDABC 51-55 ACBDA 56‎-60 C.E A DB VII 选词填空(共10题,计10分)‎ ‎61、found 62、more 63、third 64、their 65、between ‎66、scientists 67、or 68、falling 69、who 70、to have VIII 单词拼写(10分)‎ ‎1、badly 2、killed 3、himself 4、missed 5、months ‎6、best 7、enough 8、except 9、subjects 10、exercises

