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‎2019年中考英语:完形填空基础题(2)及答案 第一篇 In the USA,children start school when they are five years old.In some states they must stay in school  1  they are sixteen.But most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they  2  ,secondary schools.There are two kinds of schools in the USA:public schools and private schools.  3  children go to public schools.Their parents do not have to  4  their education because the schools  5  money from the government.If a child goes to a private school,his parents have to get enough money for his schooling.Some parents still  6  private schools though they are much more expensive.‎ ‎    Today about half of the high school students  7  in universities after they finish secondary schools.A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents 8  in that state.‎ ‎    Many students 9  while they are studying at universities.In this way they get into  10  working habits and live by their own hands.‎ ‎(   ) 1.A.and          B.though       C.till              D.since ‎(   ) 2.A.leave       B.come         C.study          D.pass ‎(   ) 3.A.Several    B.Most         C.A few        D.Few ‎(   ) 4.A.worry      B.pay for       C.ask for      D.make sure ‎(   ) 5.A.lend        B.spend         C.get             D.cost ‎(   ) 6.A.go           B.hate           C.1ike            D.mind ‎(   ) 7.A.play        B.miss            C.change       D.study ‎(   ) 8.A.was born  B.travels       C.visit           D.live ‎(   ) 9.A.work       B.study hard  C.do sports   D.read books ‎(   )10.A.good       B.bad           C.well            D.better 答案:1.C2.A3.B4.B5.C6.C7.D8.D9.A10.A 第二篇 ‎2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案—记事类 One very cold morning, my father and I were working on the farm. I asked him how long I must stay in the       . “About an hour.” he answered. “I wish I could go home now—my     aches.” “I am sorry, but can’t you stay till lunch time?” said my father. “But my headache is getting     .” “Well,” said him,“ you may go home. I don’t want you to work if you are sick. Go straight home       tell your mother to give you some rhubarb(大黄,一种苦药). It will     you a lot.” I went back home. However, I told my mother that my head was better, hoping not to     the terrible medicine. But it was too    . She understood my     as well as my father. So she prepared the rhubarb. I had to swallow(吞) all of the rhubarb. Dear me! How bitter(苦) it was! I would rather    all day in the field. But it cured(治愈) my laziness, and I learned that it is important to be     . Friends, keep it, though there is another and a better reason. 【小题1】A. field                B. hospital              C. factory 【小题2】A. tooth               B. head                 C.‎ ‎ stomach 【小题3】A. better               B. worse                C. less 【小题4】A. but                 B. or                   C. and 【小题5】A. hurt                B. worry                C. help 【小题6】A. take                B. buy                  C. make 【小题7】A. early               B. late                  C. easy 【小题8】A. joke                B. duty                 C. problem 【小题9】A. work               B. play                 C. study 【小题10】A. kind               B. honest               C. helpful 第三篇 ‎【2012阜康】完形填空。‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ Yang Mi, born in Beijing on September 12, 1986, is a Chinese mainland actress. At the age of 4, she got her first TV drama role; at 16, she became a model for a fashion magazine; at 18, she went to her dream college — Beijing Film Academy (北京电影学院). __41___ believe that life has smiled on her. ‎ Last year, the 24-year-old 42 played bad girl Luo Qingchuan in the time-traveling TV drama, Palace (《宫锁心玉》). The drama became a big success and made Yang very 43 . The number of her micro blog followers ___44___ from several thousand to more than three million overnight. ‎ Could she be any 45 ? Yang doesn’t think luck had anything to 46 with her success. She makes her way all by herself. “Every 47 is from the efforts I’ve made,” said Yang. People now think she’s very hard-working. ‎ She still recalls the time when people gave her the cold shoulder. Some treated her with little respect. They didn’t want to help her in her time of need. “I have to 48 them because they make me believe myself,” she said. ‎ That’s 49 she always help others when they are in need. In May, Yang became the ambassador (大使) 50 the Climate Group. She calls on people to join the Million-Miracle project and plant trees on China’s dry land. In April, 2009, Yang Mi was considered a member of the Four Young Dan acresses (四小花旦) along with Huang Shengyi, Wang Luodan, Liu Yifei. ‎ ‎( )41. A. Many B. Some C. Nobody D. Few ‎ ‎( )42. A. student B. actress C. player D. model ‎ ‎( )43. A. great B. rich C. lucky D. famous ‎( )44. A. were B. became C. increased D. turned ‎ ‎( )45. A. happier B. luckier C. healthier D. busier ‎ ‎( )46. A. do B. play C. stay D. talk ‎ ‎( )47. A. play B. role C. drama D. chance ‎ ‎( )48. A. help B. ask C. thank D. follow ‎ ‎( )49. A. because B. why C. what D. how ‎ ‎( )50. A. in B. at C. with D. for ‎ ‎【答案】41—45 ABDCB 46—50 ADCBD 第四篇 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上相应的选项涂黑。‎ I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on. These are considered to be symbols of 46 on the material(物质的) level. When I was young, I was also 47 reaching for material success. So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money.‎ But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers. I became very unhappy 48 I could make a lot of money. I no longer felt proud of my job and even 49 myself for doing things like that. So I 50 my sales job and took another job,this time helping people 51 —the poor and the weak. The sense of belonging(归属感) was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again. I made less money, but I was 52 with myself.‎ For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy. I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about 53 . And I feel the most successful when I 54 my kindness everywhere I go.‎ So be 55 to yourself: Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart. And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.‎ ‎46. A. luck B. success C. safety D. hope ‎47. A. sadly B. hardly C. crazily D. honestly ‎48. A. if B. since C. until D. although ‎49.A. looked down upon B. Looked up to C. looked through D. looked into ‎50.A. made up B. gave up C. set up D. turned up ‎51. A. in danger B. in order C. in need D. in surprise ‎52. A. strict B. careful C. angry D. satisfied ‎53. A. trust B. love C. money D. health ‎54. A. throw B. spread C. sell D. lend ‎55. A. true B. brave C. friendly D. terrible 三、【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。通过描述自己的经历作者思考了人为什么工作,怎样工作才快乐。‎ ‎46. B句意:这些被认为物质层面成功的标志。luck“幸运”;success“成功”;safety“安全”;hope“希望”,根据常识,人们工作是为了挣钱、买车、衣服等等,这些都是物质层面成功的标志,故选B。‎ ‎47. C句意:我年轻时,也曾疯狂地追求物质层面的成功。sadly“伤心地”;hardly“几乎不”;crazily“疯狂地”;honestly“忠实”,结合上文提到的挣钱、购车、昂贵衣物等,结合句中的also可知作者也曾疯狂追求物质层面,故选C。‎ ‎48. D句意:尽管我能够挣许多钱,但是我感到不高兴。if“如果”;since“自从”until“直到”;although“尽管”,上文是“感觉不高兴”;空后为“能够挣很多钱”,两者之间有让步关系,故选D。‎ ‎49. A 根据上文的“不再为我的工作而自豪”和句中的even一词可知应该是程度的加深,look down upon“看不起”;look up to“尊重;敬仰(某人)”;look through“浏览”;look into“向……里面看”,结合四个选项可知应选A。‎ ‎50.B 根据下文中的“took another job”可知是辞去了销售工作,makeup“组织;构造”;give up“放弃”;set up“发射”;turn up“(把收音机等音量)调大”故选B。‎ ‎51.C 根据语法分析,其后的介词短语应该修饰people,结合破折号后的“the poor and the weak”可知是“帮助处于危难中的人们”,in danger “处于危险之中”;in order“按次序的;竟然有序的”;in need “在危难中;在危机中”;in surprise “惊奇地”,结合选项可知应选C。‎ ‎52.D根据上文,在帮助他人的过程中找到了归属感,虽然挣的钱少些,但是对自己是满意的,be strict with“对……要求严格”;be careful with“小心对待”;be angry with“生某人的气”;be satisfied with“对某人满意”,故选D。‎ ‎53. C结合上文可知,作者找到了工作的成功感和乐趣,因此不再关注金钱,trust“信任”;love“爱心”;money“金钱”;health“健康”,结合选项可知应选C。‎ ‎54. B句意:不论我走到哪里,我都会把善行播撒。throw“投掷”;spread“传播;散布”;sell“卖;销售”;lend“借”,结合文意可知是传播善行,故选B。‎ ‎55. A 句意:因此忠实于自己吧。true“真实的”;brave“勇敢的”;friendly“友好的”;terrible“糟糕的”,be true to oneself意为“忠于自己”,故选A。‎ 第五篇 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks, __1__ give your money back? Of course, it __2__ happens quite like that. The only language __3__ to learn is the mother language. And think __4__ practice is needed for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language __5__ the literature(文学) of the country. Now most people want to __6__ a foreign language. Every year millions of people start learning __7__. ‎ How do they do it? Some people try at home __8__ books and tapes, others go to evening classes or watch TV programs. __9__ they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will __10__ a long time, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or __11__ hours a day. It’s much easier to learn the language in the country where it __12__. But most people are __13__ to do this, and many people don’t have to do so. Machines and good books will be very __14__, but they can not do the students’ work. __15__ the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is hard work. ‎ ‎( )1. A. so B. or C. and D. but ‎( )2. A. can’t B. impossible  C. never D. often ‎( )3. A. easily B. difficult C. able  D. easy ‎( )4. A. how much  B. how long C. how fast  D. how many ‎( )5. A. studied B. to study  C. studying  D. study ‎( )6. A. talk B. tell C. speak D. say ‎( )7. A. them B. this C. that  D. it ‎( )8. A. without B. with C. in D. by ‎( )9. A. If  B. When C. Since  D. Until ‎( )10. A. spend B. use C. take  D. cost ‎( )11. A. some B. more C. other  D. less ‎( )12. A. speaks B. is speaking C. spoke  D. is spoken ‎( )13. A. able B. possible C. unable D. not possible ‎( )14. A. careful B. forgetful C. wonderful  D. helpful ‎( )15. A. either B. whether  C. what D. how 语篇解读:本文主要想告诉读者,学英语是一个长期而艰苦的劳动,没有任何捷径可走。无论你用什么方法学习——用书、机器或在学校,不多实践就无法达到预期的目的。‎ ‎1. B。这里的or是“否则”的意思。‎ ‎2. C。根据作者的观点,这种事绝对不可能发生。impossible是一个形容词,不符语法,can’t后不可能跟happens,often意思与作者的意图相反。‎ ‎3. D。唯一容易学的语言是母语。这里需要一个形容词充当后置定语。‎ ‎4. A。用来修饰不可数名词,只有用how much,全句意为“母语好学,还需要那么多的练习。何况外语呢?”‎ ‎5. B。动词不定式充当目的状语。意为“学习外语来研究文学”。‎ ‎6. C。说某种语言用speak,speak English,speak Chinese。‎ ‎7. D。用it代指上文所说的a foreign language。‎ ‎8. B。这里的with是“用”的意思。‎ ‎9. A。作者在这里提出一种假设。如果他们一星期只有一两次使用外语。‎ ‎10. C。固定短语,意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。‎ ‎11. B。后面省略了than 6 hours。意为6个小时或更多的时间。‎ ‎12. D。it 代指上文所指的foreign language,故用被动语态。‎ ‎13. C。许多人不可能做到这一点。这里不可以用not possible,因为它的主语不可以用人。‎ ‎14. D。机器和书对于学习英语来说是很有帮助的。‎ ‎15. B。whether...or...固定短语。‎

