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中考英语补全对话解题技巧 在长沙中考英语考试中补全对话占10分的分值,一共有5道题。‎ 一、补全对话的设题 ‎ 补全对话的设题主要有三类: 1日常交际用语及其应答 这类题主要考查学生对日常生活中经常运用的会话习语及其应答的掌握情况,如打电话、购物、看病、感谢、抱怨、谈论天气、问题、禁止、警告等。这种题有较为固定的语言模式。 ‎ 购物 ‎(永州,2013)‎ A: Good morning!    ?  B: Yes, please. I'd like to buy a shirt for my mother.  A:   ?  B: My mother likes blue best. Do you have any blue shirts here?  A : Of course! How about this one?  B: Oh, I think it’s very nice.   ?  A: 80 yuan. It is very cheap.  B: OK! ____ _____ . Here’s the money. Thank you.  A:  . ‎ ‎(2015邵阳一模)‎ A: Good morning.    B: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a sports T-shirt. A:    B: My favorite color is white. A: How about this one? B: Oh, it’s very nice.   A: 180 yuan. B: It’s too expensive. I can’t pay for it. Do you have a cheaper one? A: Yes. This one is only 100 yuan. B: Well, this one looks very good, and the price is OK.   A: Here you are. B:     ‎ ‎ 问路 ‎(娄底,2015)‎ A:      . Could you please tell me how to get to Wanhao Square? B: Sure. Go along Changqing Street and turn left at the first crossing. Then go straight on, and you 'll see the KFC. The square is across from it. A:      ? B: It's about 10 minutes' walk. A: I see.      ? B: Yes, you can. The No.3 bus will take you there. A: By the way, is there a cinema near Wanhao Square? B:     . Zuoan Cinema is on the top floor. A: Thank you very much. B:      . ‎ ‎(邵阳,2015)‎ A:         . Is there a bank near here? B: Yes, there's a bank on Center Street. A:           ? ‎ B: It's about two kilometers. A:        ? B: You can get there by bus. Just go along this street and turn right. You can find the bus stop on your left. A:           to get to the bus stop? B: It's only takes two minutes. A: Thanks a lot. B:         . ‎ 打电话 A: Hello, may I speak to David?‎ B: 1._____________________________.‎ A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.‎ B: Hi, Lin Tao . What's up?‎ A: What are you going to do next Sunday?‎ B: Nothing much. Do you have any ideas?‎ A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there's a dolphin show there.‎ B: A dolphin show? Good idea! 2_____________________________ ?‎ A: By bike.‎ B: 3______________________________?  ‎ A: At half past nine.‎ B: 4___________________________________?  ‎ A: Let's meet outside the zoo gate.‎ B: 5________________.See you then.‎ 看医生 A: Good morning, Doctor.‎ B: Good morning, my boy! 1______________________________?‎ A: I've got a headache and a cough. I'm sure there's something wrong with me.‎ B: 2_________________________________?‎ A: I'm feeling even worse now.‎ B: Let me take your temperature. Oh, it's a bit high. I'm afraid you've got a cold. 3_________________________________?‎ A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctor?‎ B: No, nothing serious. Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?‎ A: No, I didn't feel like eating anything. What should I do, doctor?‎ B: 4_______________________. Take the medicine three times a day. Stay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. You'll get well soon.‎ A: 5_____________________________, doctor. Goodbye.‎ B: That's all right. Goodbye.‎ ‎ 2具体情景语境题 根据对话的具体情景语境提供的各种信息进行全面的分析、比较和逻辑推理,确定空缺语句。这种题的应答没有固定的语言模式,要视对话的具体情景语境确定空缺语句。‎ 假期活动(将来)‎ ‎(长沙,2011)‎ W: What are you going to do for vacation, Jack?‎ M: I’m going to travel with my sister in Italy.‎ W: Oh, a great country! 66 ?‎ M: It’s always sunny and warm.‎ W: 67 ?‎ M: We are going to leave on July 15th.‎ W: 68 ?‎ M: We’ll stay there for a few days.‎ W: What are you going to do there?‎ M: 69 .‎ W: Oh, that’s wonderful. Have a good time!‎ M: Thank you. Goodbye!‎ W: 70 !‎ 假期活动(过去)‎ ‎(长沙,2013)‎ A: Hello, Betty. What did you do last summer vacation? B: I visited my uncle. A: 66         ? B: He lives in Dalian, a beautiful city. A: 67          ? B: I stayed there for a week. 68          ? A: No, I haven’ t. But I’ m going to spend a holiday there. B: You’ d better go to Dalian in summer. So you can enjoy swimming in the sea.   A: 69         . I will go there this summer vacation. B: 70         ?‎ A: By plane.‎ 约定 ‎(2015张家界)‎ Jack: Hi, Claire,    ? Claire: Hmm...next week? Oh, it's quite full for me, Jack. Jack: Really?      ? Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. Jack:      ? Claire: I'm learning swing dance. It's fun! I have class once a week every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?  Claire:      , on Wednesday and Thursday. Jack: Well, how about Tuesday? Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Jack:      ! I'm glad to. ‎ ‎(2013邵阳)‎ A: Hi, Li Ming. Are you free this evening? B:          . What's up? A: I hear Titanic in 3D is on at Shaoyang Theater this evening. B: Really? I'm looking forward to watching it. A: Would you like to go with me? B: Yes,           . What time will it start? A: At 7:00. Let's go together. B: Great,          ? A: At the gate of the theater. ‎ B:          . See you then. A:         .‎ 访谈 ‎(2014长沙期中)‎ A: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey. Can I ask you some questions? B: Sure. A: __________________________? B: My best friend is Liu Li. A: What do you think of your best friend? B: _________________________.She’s also popular. Oh, she’s good at sports. A: Are you good at sports, too? B: Yes, I am. We play basketball every afternoon. A: How long do you play? B: It’s about for forty minutes .                          ? A: I’d love to. Are you free this afternoon? B: Sure.                 . A: Sounds great! What time shall we meet? B: At five o’clock.                      . A: Near the park? OK! See you then! B: See you! ‎ ‎(2015祁阳)‎ Reporter:Hi. I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions? You: Of course , please. Reporter: Summer vacation is coming, where are you going for vacation? You:                             ? Reporter: Sounds cool. How are you going there? You:                             . Reporter: Who are you going with? You:                              . Reporter: What are you going to do there? You:                              ? Reporter: How long are you staying there? You:                    . Reporter: That sounds wonderful. Thank you! You: You’re welcome. ‎ ‎3综合设题 综合设题就是将日常会话用语与具体情景语境相结合。 ‎ 近来状况 (长沙,2014)‎ A: How is it going, Amy? B: 71 .My math has improved a lot and I got a good mark in the last exam. A: Good news. 72 ? B: I’m reading a passage about Michelle Obama, the US first lady. A:73 ? B: I think she is successful, hard-working and energetic. A: I think so. Have you heard that she visited China in March? B:74 . ‎ A: How did you get the news? B: I got it on the Internet. By the way, you looked so tired. What did you do last night? A: I just stayed at home, watching the 2014 World Cup until the early morning. B: Sounds great. 75. ? A: I like Messi best, one of the most popular football player in the world. B: He is really amazing! A: What a pity! I missed last night’ s matches.‎ 周末状况(过去)‎ ‎(长沙,2015)‎ A: Hey , Frank,71.________________________? B: Pretty good. A: Did you have fun last weekend? B: 72. _______________. I went to the old people’s house with my friends and have a good time A: Wow, What did you do there? B: We helped the old clean their houses and chatted with them. How about you? A: I just read a science magazine. B: Oh, really ? 73. _____________________? A: Hum… it is about the main cause of smog (雾霭) and ways to beat it. B:Great! But 74 . ______________________? A: We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem, I think. B: You do? A: Yes, natural gas is a good choice. By the way,75. _________________________? B: It’s 7:45 now. A: Oh, God. Hurry up or we’ll be late. B: OK.‎ ‎ ‎ 二、补全对话解题技巧点拨 ‎ ‎(一)通览全文,确定话题 ‎ 首先通读对话,了解对话的基本内容和交际情景,确定此题目属于哪一类交流话题,如打电话、问路、购物、看病、邀请、约会、就餐、谈论喜好等,这些不同的场景有其特定的习惯表达方式和惯用句式。做题时应该运用相关的常用句式,这样才会得心应手。‎ ‎(二)结合语境,逐句推敲 ‎  在弄清楚话题的基础上,要细读对话,充分利用已知的有效信息,摸清对话发生的地点、时间、人物的身份等。要注意对话中的标点符号(如问号、句号、省略号、感叹号等)暗示的意思,由易到难,逐层深入,先将有把握的答案确定下来,暂时放下不能确定下来的答案,然后回过头来再解决难题。如果是选择题,则在选择过程中注意把已选出的选项划去,避免重复选择带来的错误。‎ ‎(三)瞻前顾后,通盘考虑 要从整体理解对话出发,依照上下文的关系来考虑补缺单词、短语或句子。因此一定要注意前后照应,密切关注上下文之间的关系。如在看病时,上句问“What’s the matter with you?”或“What’s wrong with you?”,下句就应该是“I have got a cough / headache / cold ...”等,这样前后对照,才能使上下文相呼应。‎ ‎(四)复读对话,核对答案 做完之后,再将整段对话通读一遍,看看对话是否通顺、流畅、自然,单词的拼写是否有误,语法结构和习惯用语搭配是否正确,全篇对话是否连贯、流畅,内容是否清晰,前后意思是否矛盾,书写是否工整、规范。‎ 注意事项:‎ 1. 审题,判断属于哪种设题后,还需要结合对话的时态做题,一般在补全对话里面以一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时以及现在完成时为考试重点。‎ 2. 通常一个补全对话会有3-4的问句,包括特殊疑问句,一般疑问句。在判断是哪一种疑问句只需要看回答,如果是回答YES,或者NO。考生要想到用一般疑问句提问,通常用be动词,情态动词或者助动词提问。(这里面要注意的是助动词和be动词的时态,根据整个对话的时态来判断)‎ 一般疑问基本句子的框架 Be动词(is,am,are,was,were)+主语+谓语(表语)+其它成分?‎ 情态动词+主语+谓语动词原形+其它成分?‎ 助动词Do、Does,Did+主语+谓语动词原形+其它成分?‎ 助动词Have,Has,Had+主语+动词过去分词+其它成分?‎ 特殊疑问句基本框架 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的句式结构?例如:What are you going to do? When is your birthday?‎ How do you go to school? Where are you from? ‎ 1. 在无从下手如何填空时,第一步读懂答句的意思,是回答哪一种疑问词,(what,where,when,how,which,who,whom,等)选择准确的疑问词放在句首;第二步,在答句中找是否有be动词或者助动词,或者情态动词放在句子的第二个位置;第三步找到句子的主语,放在句子的第三位置,第四步将答句中be动词或者助动词或者情态动词后用来回答特殊疑问词的部分不放入特殊疑问句中,剩下的其它成分按顺序排在句子的第四位置。例如:‎ A:__________________________?‎ B: I’ll cook Italian noodles.‎ 判断疑问词是what。助动词是will,主语是you,用来回答特殊疑问词的成分不放入特殊疑问句中,那么整个疑问句提问就是 What will you clook?‎ A: Oh, you’ve been to China! 4. ________________?‎ B: During our summer holiday。‎ 判断疑问词是When,助动词在答句中没有写,但是在问句的前面有说,have been ,主语是you,用来回答特殊疑问词的成分在这里就是时间,不出现在特殊疑问句中,那么整个疑问句提问就是When have you been to China?‎ 三.补全对话必备句型 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“看病”   I. 病人:   1.I don't feel very well. 我感觉不舒服。   2.I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。   3.My … hurts. 我某部位痛。   4.This place hurts. 这个地方疼。   5.I've got … (a cough) 我有点咳嗽   6.I don't feel like + doing. 我不想…   7.Is there anything serious? 是不是很严重?‎ ‎ 8.How often should I take this medicine?   Ⅱ.检查身体:   1.Open your mouth and say "Ah".张嘴说“啊”。   2.I want to take your temperature.我想量一下体温。   3.Have you taken your temperature?你量体温了吗?   4.Let me listen to your heart. 我听一下你心脏。‎ 5. How long have you been like this?‎ 6. What’s the matter?/What’s wrong?/What’s the trouble?   Ⅲ.安慰病人: ‎ ‎  1.There is nothing much wrong with you. 没有什么大问题。   2.You (He, She) will be all right soon.你不久就会好。   3.Don't worry. 别着急   Ⅳ.采取措施:   1.Take this medicine … times a day. 一天吃 … 次药。   2.Drink enough (plenty of) water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。   3.You'd better stay in bed till … 你最好卧床直到……   4.You'd better take him (her) to the nurse, and she'll give (him) her some pills.   你最好带她去护士那里,她会给他一些药片。   5.Try this medicine, take it after breakfast. 试一下这个药,饭后吃。 ‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“打电话”‎ 1. This is ....speaking.May I speak to Mr.Li? I’d like to speak to Mr.Li,please.‎ 2. Speaking.This is Mr.Li speaking.‎ 3. Who’s calling,please? Who is speaking,please?Who is that,please?‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“感谢类”‎ Thanks!/Thank you!/Thanks a lot!/Thank you very much!‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“答谢类”‎ That’s all right./That’s OK./Not at all./You are welcome./It’s my pleasure.‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“道歉类”‎ Sorry./I am sorry./I am sorry for...‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“应答类”‎ That’s all right./It doesn’t matter./T hat’s nothing.‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“建议类”‎ You’d better .../Shall we do...?/What about doing ...?/How about doing...?/Why not do...?/Let’s do sth ...OK?/Would you like some...?‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“同意类”‎ OK./Sure./Certainly./Yes,please./All right./Yes,I think so./I agree with you.‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“不同意类”‎ I am afraid not./Sorry,I don’t think so./I really can’t agree with you.‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“祝愿祝贺类”‎ Good Luck to you!/Best wishes!/Have a good time!/Congratulations to you!/Happy birthday to you!/Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas!‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“问”字句型 1. 问天气:What’s the weather like today?/How is the weather today?‎ 2. 问时间:What’s the time?/What time is it?‎ 3. 问职业:What’s your father?/What’s your father’s job?/What does your father do?‎ 4. 问价格:What’s the price of the book?/How much is the book?/How much does the book cost?/How much should I pay for it?‎ 5. 问年龄:How old are you?/What’s your age?‎ 6. 问地址:Where do you live?/What’s your address?‎ 7. 问姓名:What’s your name?/Could I have your name,please?/Can you tell me your name?‎ 8. 问词意:What do you mean by saying the word?/What’s the meaning of the word?‎ 9. 问爱好:Which do you like best?/Which do you prefer?/What’s your hobby?/What’s your favorite?‎ 10. 问感受:What do you think of the film?/How do you like the film?‎ 11. 问数量:How many people are there in your family?/How much water do you drink every day?‎ 12. 问人口:What’s the population of China?/How many people are there in China?‎ 13. 问路线:Which is the way to the station?/Do you know the way to the station?/Can you tell me the way to the station?/How can I get to the station?‎ 14. 问尺寸:What size is your sweater?/What size do you want?‎ 15. 问距离:How far is your school from here?/How far is it?‎ 1. 问日期:What’s the date today?‎ 2. 问高度:How tall are you?/What’s your height?/How high is the mountain?‎ 3. 问宽度:How wide is your river?‎ 4. 问长度:How long is the bridge?‎ 5. 问体重:What’s your weight?/How much do you weigh?‎ 6. 问电话号码:Can I know your telephone number?/What’s your telephone number?‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“购物类”‎ 1. Can I help you? Yes,Please.‎ 2. What can I do for you?I ‘d like...‎ 3. What color do you want?/What size do you want? How many do you want?‎ 4. How much is it?‎ 5. Can I try it/them on?/My I try/them on?/ O f course./Sure,you can.‎ 6. I ‘ll take/buy/have it.‎ 7. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef noodles.‎ 8. Here’s the money.‎ 9. Here ‘s your change.‎ 10. Thank you. You are welcome.‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“假期,周末活动类”‎ 1. How was your weekend?‎ 2. What did you do on weekends/‎ 3. What are you going to do on weekends?/What are you going to do for vacation?/Where would you go on vacation?‎ 4. I am going to...‎ 5. When will you leave?/When are you going?‎ 6. How will you get there?‎ 7. How long are you staying?‎ 8. When and where shall we meet?‎ 9. That’s a good idea./That sounds good.‎ 1. What about you?/How about you?/What about doing...‎ 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“学习类”‎ 1. How do you study for a test?/How do you learn English?‎ 2. I study English by listening to tapes.‎ 3. What’s your favorite subject?My favorite subject is...‎ 4. Who is your math teacher? She is...‎ ‎ ‎ 四.补全对话练习 ‎ (1)‎ Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?‎ Woman: I don’t feel very well.‎ D:1._______________________________?‎ W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.‎ D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.‎ W: Aahh D: 2._______________________________? ‎ W: Ever since last night.‎ D: Did your sleep well?‎ W: No, I was very tired last night.‎ D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________. ‎ W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?‎ D: Maybe you overworked yourself.‎ W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? ‎ D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.‎ W: 4. _______________________________?‎ D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really need ‎ a good rest and take this medicine.‎ W: 5. _______________________________?‎ D: Three times a day.‎ W: OK. Thank you. ‎ ‎ (2)‎ A: 1. _______________________________ ?‎ B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.‎ A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?‎ B: 2. _______________________________ . ‎ I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.‎ A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.‎ B: 4. _______________________________________?‎ A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember,” ‎ ‎5. _______________________________ ‎ ‎ (3) .‎ B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. ‎ I’d better hurry to finish my homework.‎ A: 1. _______________________________ ?‎ B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.‎ A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.‎ B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?‎ A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________..‎ B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?‎ A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.‎ B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.‎ A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.‎ B: I have to wait for her.‎ ‎ (4)‎ Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you hot a dictionary?‎ Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. 1___________________________.‎ Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?‎ Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.‎ Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.‎ ‎3. ________________?‎ Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4. _____________________?‎ Dick: About seven o’ clock..‎ Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but 5 ____________________________.‎ Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.‎ ‎ (5)‎ ‎(Sue=S Ken=K)‎ S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?‎ K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right now S: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.‎ K: Why? 2______________________________?‎ S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.‎ K: I see. 3. ____________________________?‎ S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.‎ K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.‎ S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.‎ K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. ___________________________.‎ S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.‎ K: It’s my pleasure.‎ ‎ (6)‎ ‎(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)‎ Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?‎ M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1. __________________________.‎ Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card.‎ M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________.‎ Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?‎ M: 3 . ______________________, although a little tiring.‎ Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now.‎ M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________?‎ Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening.‎ M: It’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________?‎ Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.‎ M: OK. See you then.‎ Z: Bye.‎ ‎ (7)‎ ‎(Robert=R Jack=J)‎ J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?‎ R: Yes. 1.___________________________?‎ J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?‎ R: Sure. 2. _________________________?‎ J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.‎ R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.‎ J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.‎ R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?‎ J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?‎ R: Of course. 5. __________________________.‎ J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.‎ R: All right. See you then.‎ ‎ (8)‎ A: Morning! What can I do for you?‎ B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.‎ A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________?‎ B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.‎ A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________?‎ B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?‎ A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3. __________________________..‎ B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.‎ A: 4. _____________________________?‎ B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?‎ A: 5. _____________________.. Enjoy your weekend.‎ B: Thank you.‎ ‎ (9)‎ A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.‎ B: 1. ____________________________?‎ A: You won the first prize in the English competition.‎ B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________?‎ A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.‎ B: What about you?‎ A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.‎ B: So great! Congratulations!‎ A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?‎ B: Good idea. But 4._________________________?‎ A: To the park, OK? ‎ B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.‎ A: 5. ___________________________.‎ ‎ (10)‎ A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?‎ B. 1. _____________________________..‎ A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________?‎ B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.‎ A: 3. _____________________________?‎ B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.‎ A: 4. ____________________________?‎ B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.‎ A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _______________________________.‎ B: Thank you.‎ ‎ (11)‎ A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________?‎ B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.‎ A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.‎ B. It’s so kind of you to say that.‎ A: Where did you buy the skirt?‎ B: 3. ____________________________?‎ A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful City. 4. ________________________?‎ B: Last month.‎ A: Did you go there with your father?‎ B. No, 5. _________________________.‎ A: England?‎ B: Yes, on business.‎ ‎ (12)‎ ‎(Rob=R Mom=M)‎ R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!‎ M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00. ‎ R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.‎ M: 2.____________________?‎ R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.‎ M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.‎ R: 3. ______________________?‎ M: Now? I’m busy cooking.‎ R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?‎ M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4. ___________________________.‎ R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.‎ M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.‎ R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.‎ ‎ (13)‎ ‎(Paul=P Jack=J)‎ P: Hi, Jack!‎ J: Hi!‎ P: 1. _____________________?‎ J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.‎ P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.‎ J: 3. _______________________? ‎ P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.‎ J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________?‎ P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! ‎ After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2.‎ J: Then what happened?‎ P: 5. _______________________.‎ J: Great.‎ ‎ (14)‎ ‎(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)‎ Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?‎ M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?‎ Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005?‎ M: 2. _______________________?‎ Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.‎ M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?‎ Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it. ‎ M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?‎ Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.‎ M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.‎ Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. ‎ Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________?‎ M: Sure. How shall we get there?‎ Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here.‎ M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.‎ Z: See you.‎ ‎ (15)‎ A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________?‎ B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________?‎ A: Let’s go to the little Hill.‎ B: Shall we take the bus there?‎ A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.‎ B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.‎ A:4____________________? ‎ B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.‎ A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.‎ B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?‎ A: 5. ____________________.‎ B: That will be fun.‎ ‎ (16)‎ A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?‎ B: 1.____________________.‎ A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?‎ B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor. The doctor said there was something wrong.‎ A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?‎ B: A little better.‎ A: 4. _____________________?‎ B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.‎ A: 5. _____________________.‎ ‎ (17)‎ Man: Come in and sit down, please.‎ Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.‎ M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________?‎ W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.‎ M: Really? 2. ______________________?‎ W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.‎ M: 3. _______________________?‎ W: I worked in a bookshop.‎ M: 4. ________________________?‎ W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.‎ M: 5. ________________________?‎ W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. ‎ He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.‎ M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.‎ ‎(18)‎ A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?‎ B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.‎ A: Thank you all the same.‎ ‎ (The man goes to the policeman.)‎ A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?‎ C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.‎ A: 3. ___________________?‎ C: It’s about two kilometers away.‎ A: 4. _____________________?‎ C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now.‎ A: 5. _____________________.‎ C: You’re welcome.‎ ‎(19)‎ A: Laura, how are you today?‎ B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.‎ A: 1._______________________?‎ B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________. So I had to wait for another bus.‎ A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?‎ B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!‎ A: Where did they go?‎ B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.‎ A: 5. ______________________________?‎ B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!‎ ‎ (20)‎ A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?‎ B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.‎ C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.‎ A: 2. ___________________________?‎ C: It’s about 5 kilometres away.‎ A: 3. ___________________________?‎ C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.‎ A: Where is the bus stop?‎ C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. ‎ You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.‎ A: 5. ___________________________.‎ C: You are welcome.‎ ‎ (21)‎ A: 1. __________________________, Mom? Come and have breakfast w ‎ B: I’m making the bed in your room.‎ A: Thank you. But I think I’m old enough to do housework. 2. ________________________.‎ B: OK, dear.‎ ‎ (22)‎ A: Hi, Li Tao. There is going to be a talk about American music at the Children’s Palace. ‎ ‎1. _________________________?‎ B: I’d love to. 2. ________________________?‎ A: A teacher from America.‎ B: I think the talk will be interesting. 3. ______________________?‎ A: At half past eight. Let’s go together.‎ B: Good. 4. _______________________?‎ A: Outside the school gate.‎ B: OK.‎ ‎ (23)‎ ‎(At Mr. White’s office in a middle school)‎ A: Hello! 1. _______________________?‎ B: Speaking, please.‎ A: I’m Peter’s mother. I’d like to ask for leave for my son.‎ B: 2. ________________________?‎ A: He didn’t feel well this morning. He has a cold.‎ B: 3. ________________________. Is it serious?‎ A: Not very serious. But the doctor asked him to stay in bed and have a good rest.‎ B: Don’t worry. 4. _________________________.‎ A: Thank you, sir. Goodbye!‎ B: Bye!‎ ‎ (24)‎ A: 1. __________________________?‎ B: Come in, please. I’m in the study.‎ A: Hi, Susan.‎ B. Hi, James.‎ A: 2. __________________________?‎ B: I’m looking at the photos! ‎ A: Yes? Can you show them to me?‎ B: 3. __________________________. Here you are.‎ A: Oh, what photos! Where did you take them?‎ B: Don’t you see the Palace Museum?‎ A: Oh, you’ve been to China! 4. ________________?‎ B: During our summer holiday A: Whose camera did you take them with?‎ B: Mine. I had a digital one before I left.‎ A: 5. ______________________?‎ B: It cost me 300 dollars.‎ A: Well, that’s great. ‎ ‎(25)‎ A: Good morning, sir. 1. __________________?‎ B: I’d like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts?‎ A: Yes. 2. ____________________?‎ B: I want Size M.‎ A: Here you are.‎ B: Can I try it on?‎ A: Sure. Is it all right?‎ B: Yes. I like it very much. 3. ___________________?‎ A: 296 yuan.‎ B: That’s a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one.‎ A: What about this one? It is only 108 yuan.‎ B: OK. 4. ___________________. Here is the money.‎ A: 5. ___________________.Goodbye, sir.‎ ‎ (26)‎ A: Summer holiday is coming. 1. _________________?‎ B: Yes, I’m going to my hometown. ‎ A: 2. _________________________?‎ B: For about a month. 3. ____________________?‎ A: I want to travel to Hainan Island. It’s a beautiful place of interest.‎ B: 4. _________________________. But I have to visit my grandparents in my hometown.‎ A: It doesn’t matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you’ll have enough time to go traveling.‎ B: 5. _______________. Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.‎ A: OK! I will wait for you until you come back.‎ B. That’s a deal! Thank you.‎ ‎ (27)‎ ‎(Paul=P Fred=F)‎ P: 1. ____________________________?‎ F: No, I don’t. But I have to cook this evening.‎ P: 2. _____________________________?‎ F: Because my mother is going out on business. I’ll have to cook myself.‎ P: 3. ______________________________?‎ F: My mother does. She can cook very well.‎ P: Can your father cook?‎ F: No, he can’t.‎ P: 4. __________________________?‎ F: I’ll cook Italian noodles.‎ P: 5. __________________________!‎ F: Thank you ‎ (28)‎ ‎(Jim=J Lin Tao=L)‎ J: Hi, Lin Tao! I called you yesterday morning, but you were not in.‎ L: 1. ___________________. I went to see my grandparents with my father and mother.‎ J: Don’t your grandparents live with you?‎ L: No. 2. ___________________. It’s not far from here.‎ J: A village? Is it beautiful?‎ L: Yeah, it’s very beautiful. There’s a river around it. ‎ Trees and flowers are everywhere. And my grandparents have a big farm.‎ J: Great! What’s on the farm?‎ L: Orange trees. Grandpa wants me to go back to pick oranges this autumn. Well, 3. __________________?‎ J: I’d love to. And we can eat oranges while picking them, can’t we?‎ L: Of course. Oh, 4. ________________________?‎ J: Er, I called you to go hiking with me. But it doesn’t matter. I asked Mike and Sam instead.‎ L: 5. _________________________?‎ J: Yes, we enjoyed ourselves very much.‎ ‎ (29)‎ A: The museum is still closed. We came here early.‎ B: 1. ___________________________?‎ A: At nine o’clock.‎ B: We have to wait for about 10 minutes. 2. ______________________________?‎ A: Yes, several times.‎ B: Are there any interesting things?‎ A: 3. ___________________________. You can even see some old guns.‎ B: 4. ___________________________.‎ A: I think they can make you think of the history of our country. And you will have more love for our country.‎ B: Yes, oh, it’s already 9:10. 5. ___________________?‎ A: Ah…., let me see. I’m sorry I forgot. There is something wrong with the front door. The side door is used as the entrance. Let’s go to the side door.‎ ‎ (30)‎ A: Where were you between 6 and 11 p.m. last night?‎ B: 1. ____________________________, Andrew.‎ A: 2. ____________________________?‎ B: We met at the Underground station at 5:30 p.m.‎ A: 3. ____________________________?‎ B: We went to the Ocean in Parkhill by bus.‎ A: 4. _____________________________?‎ B: It was quite full.‎ A: 5. _____________________________?‎ B: We saw a film called “The Great Train Robber.” It was a detective film.‎ ‎ (31)‎ ‎(Jack=J Susan=S)‎ S: It’s Sara’s birthday the day after tomorrow. 1. _______________________________?‎ J: Does she like reading? 2. _______________________.‎ S: Well she has had lots of books already. Besides, her birthday present last year was also a book.‎ J: 3. _______________________________?‎ S: No, she doesn’t like basketball, but she likes football.‎ J: Get her a football, then?‎ S: 4. _______________________________?‎ J: I have no idea, about 20 dollars, maybe.‎ S: I have only 6 dollars. 5. ________________________?‎ J: I have eight. Why not go and ask John if he would like to join us?‎ S: That’s really a good idea. Let’s do that right away. ‎ ‎ (32)‎ ‎(Policeman=P Lily=L)‎ P: What happened?‎ L: My bike hit a car.‎ P: 1. __________________________?‎ L: Luckily I am not.‎ P: 2. ______________________?‎ L: It is not broken.‎ P: That’s good. 3. ________________________?‎ L: About ten minutes ago.‎ P: And where?‎ L: Around the corner near my school.‎ P: 4. ____________________________?‎ L: Perhaps I rode too fast when I saw a car coming to me. I tried to stop,‎ ‎ but my bike still hit the car.‎ P: Well, 5. ____________________.‎ L: Thanks a lot. I will.‎ P: OK. Goodbye!‎ L: Bye!‎ ‎ (33)‎ ‎ (Tim=T Mum=M)‎ T: Mum, mum!‎ M: 1. ___________________________?‎ T: Tomorrow I’m going to take part in a sports meeting, but my sports shoes are worn out. I must buy a new pair.‎ M: 2. __________________________?‎ T: No. Look! There is a big hole in this one, and the other one is broken, too. I think nobody can mend them well.‎ M: Yeah, that’s true. Well. 3. ______________________?‎ T: Mum, I’m wearing size 8 now, but they’re too tight. ‎ Size 9 are just right, I think. But when shall we go shopping?‎ M: 4. _______________________?‎ T: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is too late. Shall we go after school this afternoon?‎ M: 5. ________________________. I’ll meet you at the school gate.‎ T: Thanks, mum. Oh, I must go to school now. See you then. Bye.‎ M: Bye.‎ ‎ (34)‎ ‎ (John=J Robert=R)‎ J: Hello, Robert. I’m sorry, but I have to tell you some bad news?‎ R: 1. ______________________?‎ J: Jane fell off her bike and hurt herself on the way home yesterday.‎ R: 2. _______________________?‎ J: She’s in hospital. 3._________________________.‎ R: Why didn’t you send her to hospital at once?‎ J: 4. __________________________. But this morning her leg hurt a lot. She couldn’t walk by herself.‎ R: That’s too bad. 5. _____________________?‎ J: Jane asked us not to worry and wanted us to go for the picnic without her.‎ ‎ (35)‎ A: Excuse me, 1. ______________________? I haven’t seen him for weeks.‎ B: Jim’s gone to England.‎ A: Really? 2. _____________________?‎ B: He went there last week.‎ A: 3. __________________________?‎ B: Yes. He had lived there for 15 years before he came to China.‎ A: 4. ___________________________?‎ B: He traveled with his friends.‎ A: 5. ___________________________?‎ B: He’ll be away for about two weeks.‎ A: Oh, thank you. I’ll phone him this evening.‎ ‎ (36)‎ A: Hi, Sue. It’s Mario.‎ B: Oh, hi. 1. ______________________.‎ A: Fine. Look, I was wondering if you are free on Saturday evening. ‎ I’ve got some tickets for a concert. Would you like to come?‎ B: Oh, well, 2. ___________________________. ‎ But, em, I am studying for my exams at the moment, and well, I’m sorry I can’t. ‎ A: OK. Don’t worry. Some other time then, I suppose.‎ B: Oh, Yeah. Sure. But 3. ________________________? I think she’s free at the weekend.‎ A: Diana? Good idea! But could you tell me her telephone number?‎ B: 4. _____________________________. Just a moment, please. It’s 68906133.‎ A: 68906133. Thank you.‎ B: You’re welcome. And 5. ______________________.‎ A: The same to you! Bye!‎ B: Bye ‎ (37)‎ A: Hello. 1. ___________________.‎ B: Me, too.‎ A: But you look worried. 2. ___________________?‎ B: I got a “C” in the English exam.‎ A: 3. ______________________!‎ B: I think English is too difficult for me. I don’t understand why we Chinese students have to learn it.‎ A: You know, 4. _____________________.‎ B: You’re right. Though it’s very useful, it’s too hard.‎ A: It’s hard, but it’s important. 5. __________________ .‎ B: Really? It’s very kind of you. I’ll try harder.‎ ‎ (38)‎ A: 1. ______________________?‎ B: It will be held on November 1oth.‎ A: 2. _______________________?‎ B: There are seven events in the school sports meeting.‎ A: 3. ________________________?‎ B: I certainly will. You know, I’m the best runner in my class.‎ A: Really? 4. ___________________?‎ B: I’ll take part in 400 meters race.‎ A: Oh, that’s good. 5. __________________.‎ B: It’s very kind of you to say so.‎ ‎ (39)‎ A: 1. _____________________, Dad ?‎ B: I’m learning English on TV.‎ A: 2. ________________________? You’re only a taxi driver, not a student. 3. _____________________?‎ B: Yes. As we know, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. ‎ When the day comes, 4. _______________. I’ll drive my taxi to welcome and help friends all over the world.‎ A: Oh, You’re really great.‎ B: And what’s more, we are a member of the WTO.‎ ‎ 5. ________________________________. Let’s try our best to learn English well. OK?‎ A: Good idea!‎

