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‎2010年中考英语语法复习——被动语态 一.被动语态的时态:‎ ‎1.一般现在时的被动语态:‎ am /is/ are +动词的过去分词 ‎2.一般过去时的被动语态:‎ was /were +动词的过去分词 ‎3.一般将来时的被动语态:‎ will be +动词的过去分词 ‎4.现在进行时的被动语态:‎ am /is /are +being +动词的过去分词 ‎5.现在完成时的被动语态:‎ have /has +been +动词的过去分词 ‎6.情态动词的被动语态:‎ 情态动词 + be +动词的过去分词 二.主动语态变被动语态的变法:‎ 口诀:宾变主,主变宾,谓变be done ,时不变,数格必须随被变。‎ 注:1.主动、被动的时态要一致。‎ ‎2.主动、被动的句式要一致。‎ ‎3.变成的被动语态的主语与谓语在单复数上保持一致。‎ 三.特殊情况的被动语态:‎ ‎1.带双宾语的被动语态:‎ 动词+ sb(间宾) +sth(直宾)‎ 口诀:如遇双宾语,一般变间宾,若把直宾变,to /for 间宾连。‎ ‎1).give/pass /show。lend、sell 与介词to 搭配。‎ ‎ give sb sth —— sb +be given sth 或 sth +be given +to sb .‎ ‎2).buy/make/cook mend, build, ,sing与介词for 搭配。‎ ‎ buy sb sth —— sb +be bought + sth 或 sth +be bought +for sb He gave me a book I ______ ______ a book by him. ‎ A book ____ ____ _____ me by him .‎ My mother made me a cake .‎ I ____ _____ a cake by my mother   ‎ A cake ____ ____ ____ me by my mother .‎ ‎2.带省to 的不定式作宾补的被动语态:动词+ sb + do sth .‎ 口诀:感使动词真叫怪,to来to去记心怀,主动语态to离去,被动语态to回来。‎ 动词:make / let /have /see /hear /feel /watch make sb do sth ----sb + be +made +to do sth The boss made the workers work all day The workers ____ ____ ____ work all day by the boss.‎ ‎3.在see /hear /notice /keep +sb +doing sth 句型中变被动语态时,doing 不变。‎ I heard Tom singing just now Tom _____ _____ _____ by me just now .‎ ‎4.以动词短语作谓语的主动语态变被动语态时,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。‎ We should take care of the old .‎ The old should ______ _____ _____ _____ .‎ 四.注意事项:‎ ‎1.有些及物动词或动词短语不能用于被动语态:‎ ‎ last ,have ,own …..belong to ,suit…fine ,‎ ‎2.不及物动词是没有被动语态:‎ ‎ happen ,take place ,appear , hold (容纳)‎ ‎3.系动词是没有被动语态:‎ ‎ Look, feel ,sound ,smell ,taste ….‎ The dish tastes good .‎ ‎4.有些词组没有被动语态:‎ sell well , write well ,ride well ,drive well This kind of skirt sells well.‎ ‎5.need表示需要时,后面常接doing 形式表示被动意义,相当于to be done .‎ All the computers need repairing .=‎ All the computers need _____ _____ _____ .‎ ‎6.在too…to…及enough to …结构中有时表示被动意义。‎ 六、被动语态常见句型 ‎  1.be made of 由…构成 (发生物理变化) This desk is made of wood.‎ ‎   be made from 由…构成 (发生化学变化) This kind of paper is made from wood.‎ ‎   be made in 在…生产或制造 The TV set is made in Japan.‎ ‎   be made by 被…制造 These machines are made by the workers.‎ ‎  2.be used for 被用于… The key is used for locking the door.‎ ‎   be used to do 被用于做某事 ‎   Man-made satellites are used to send and reveive massages.‎ ‎   be used as 被作为…来使用 ‎   English is used as a foreign language in many countries.‎ ‎  3.be covered with 被…覆盖 The ground was covered with snow after it snowed.‎ ‎  4.be filled with 被…装满 The bottle was filled with water.‎ ‎  5.It is said that… 据说…‎ ‎   It is said that the population of the world was very small long long ago. ‎ 被动语态专题训练题 ‎  一、把下列句子变为被动语态 ‎  1.We heard her sing at the party last Sunday.‎ ‎  2.You must take good care of the children.‎ ‎  3.He wrote a book on computers.‎ ‎  4.We planted millions of trees last year.‎ ‎  5.She told me about it just now.‎ ‎  6.They are preparing for the exam.‎ ‎  7.People may use English everywhere in the world.‎ ‎  二、选择填空 ‎  ( )1.The hole must be _____ for the tree.‎ ‎     A.enought large   B.large enough   C.too large   D.very large ‎  ( )2.Today,too many trees are still _____ in the world.‎ ‎     A.cutting down    B.cut down     C.being cut down D.cutted down ‎  ( )3.English _____ in many countries,but Chinese _____ their own languages.‎ ‎     A.is spoken,speaks  B.speaks,is spoken ‎     C.is spoken,speaken      D.is spoken,is spoken ‎  ( )4.This kind of apple ______ in Jinzhou.‎ ‎     A.is grown      B.grow       C.grew      D.are grown ‎  ( )5.These young trees must ______ after well.‎ ‎     A.look        B.looks after    C.be looked    D.looked ‎  ( )6.My coat is made _____ cool and silk.‎ ‎     A.to         B.for        C.from      D.of ‎  ( )7.Our teacher was seen ______ to the office a moment ago.‎ ‎     A.go         B.to go       C.going      D.goes ‎  ( )8.The Oxford Castle _____ by Henry·H(1154-1189).It is in very good condition now.‎ ‎     A.built       B.was built     C.has been built D.is built ‎  ( )9.Ice can be _____ water.‎ ‎     A.turn into     B.turn to      C.turned into   D.turned to ‎  ( )10.Keys are used for _____ doors.‎ ‎     A.lock        B.locked      C.locking     D.locks ‎  ( )11.When _____ the PRC _____?On October ist.‎ ‎     A.was,found     B.was,founded    C.is,found  D.were,founded ‎  ( )12.Sorry,all the vegetables ______.Please come tomorrow.‎ ‎     A.sells well    B.have sold out C.have been sold out  D.are selling ‎  ( )13.The man is badly hurt.He _____ to the hospital.‎ ‎    A.has sent      B.has been sent   C.sent      D.has sent for ‎  ( )14.A big cinema ______ in our town next year.‎ ‎     A.will put up    B.is putting up   C.will be put up D.has put up ‎  ( )15.This book _____ by a famouse writer many years ago.‎ ‎     A.writes      B.is written    C.was writen   D.was written ‎  ( )16.She asked me if the story was ______ a real person.‎ ‎     A.based on      B.base on      C.bases in    D.based by ‎  ( )17.Wheat may be grown after the corn and sweet potatoes ______.‎ ‎     A.harvest   B.harvested     C.is harvest   D.are harvested ‎  ( )18.The greenhouse should be _____ glass.‎ ‎     A.made of      B.made from     C.made into    D.made in ‎  ( )19.The strange thing was used ______ wine by ancient people.‎ ‎     A.for drink     B.to drink     C.drinking    D.drinked ‎  ( )20.In China the money ______ to children for good luck by their parents or other senior in Spring Festival ‎     A.gives       B.is given     C.are given    D.give ‎  三、改写句子 ‎  1.They built a new school in the village last year.‎ ‎   A new school ______ ______ in the village last year.‎ ‎  2.In the old days people used teapots to make tea.‎ ‎   In the old days teapot ______ ______ to make tea.‎ ‎  3.This makes me feel thirsty.‎ ‎   I _____ _____ _____ feel thirsty by this.‎ ‎  4.Did you buy this bike from the shop?‎ ‎   _____ _____ _____ _____ from the shop?‎ ‎  5.Only this year,millions of trees has been planted by the soldiers.‎ ‎   The soldiers ______ ______ millions of trees,this year ______.‎ ‎  6.We should speak to old men politely.‎ ‎   Old men should _____ _____ _____ politely.‎ ‎[中考真题] 1.The telephone ______ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.(2008 天津)   A.was invented B.has been invented C.is invented D.will be invented ‎2.A talk on developments in science and technology _____ in the school hall next week.(2007 天津)   A.given B.will be given C.has been given D.gives ‎3.This kind of food _____ cool,clean and dry according to the instruction.(2006 天津)   A.should be carried B.must be put C.should be placed D.must be kept ‎4.The flowers ____ every day.Or they’ll die.(2005 天津)   A.must water B.can be watered C.should water D.must be watered ‎3:练习 ‎ ‎1). Put the following sentences into the passive voice (by phrase may be omitted) ‎ ‎1. People speak English in many countries. ‎ ‎2. We built this bridge last year. ‎ ‎3. The tiger in the zoo frightened the little girl. ‎ ‎4. Xiao Liu has invited you to a lunch party. ‎ ‎5. You must not take these magazines out of the reading-room. ‎ ‎6. We shall discuss the problem at tomorrow's meeting. ‎ ‎7. Has anybody fed the birds? ‎ ‎8. People will never forget the accident. ‎ ‎9. You may write this letter in pencil. ‎ ‎10.They are repairing the car in the garage. ‎ ‎11.Someone must have turned on the light without your notice. ‎ ‎12.They have found ways to make waste water clean. ‎ ‎13.Someone must take care of the children when we go out. ‎ ‎14.They won't hold the meeting until next Friday. ‎ ‎15.They gave him a medal for his wonderful work. ‎ ‎16.Thedoctor will ask the patient some questions before he gives her medicine. ‎ ‎17.They made (选举) the young man head of the volleyball team. ‎ ‎18.Someone will tell you how to prepare for the examination (考试). ‎ ‎19.They criticized me for something wrong that I had done. ‎ ‎20.Someone has taken the stranger (陌生人) to another hospital. ‎

