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‎2014年襄阳市初中毕业生学业考试英语模拟试题 选择题(共计70分)‎ 一 听力测试(本大题25分,每小题1分)‎ 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上,录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节 下面你将听到9段短对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,听完每段对话后, 你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话只播一遍。‎ 1. What does it say on the board?‎ ‎ A. No parking! B. No smoking! C. No photos!‎ 2. How are the speakers going home?‎ ‎ A. By bus B. By taxi C. By underground ‎ ‎3.What are they talking about?‎ ‎ A. A film B. A novel C. A person 4. When will the train leave?‎ ‎ A. At 7:00 B. At 8:00 C. At 9:00‎ 5. Where is the museum?‎ ‎ A. Behind the post office ‎ ‎ B. At the second crossing ‎ ‎ C. Next to Xinhua Bookstore 6. How much is the jacket?‎ ‎ A. 30 dollars B. 60 dollars C. 120 dollars 7. What’s James’ favorite sport?‎ ‎ A. Swimming B. Tennis C. Basketball ‎ 8. What does Tony want to be?‎ ‎ A. A singer B. A businessman C. A policeman ‎9.Who prefers to listen to soft music while eating?‎ ‎ A. Tom B. Linlin C. Jitian ‎ 第二节 下面你将听到5段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案,听完每段对话或独白后, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,对话或独白播两遍。‎ 听第一段材料, 回答第10至11小题。‎ 10. Who used to have long curly hair?‎ ‎ A.Fred B. Carla C. David ‎ ‎11. What color is Fred’s T-shirt?‎ ‎ A. Red B. Blue C. Orange ‎ 听第二段材料,回答12至14小题。‎ ‎12. How does Wei Hua feel about going to Korea?‎ ‎ A. Surprised and excited B. Excited but nervous C. Embarrassed and shy ‎13. Why is Mike familiar with Korea?‎ ‎ A. Because he is Korea. ‎ ‎ B. Because he is working there ‎ ‎ C. Because he has been there twice ‎14. What should Wei Hua do if she goes to a party in Korea?‎ ‎ A. She should dress up B. She should be on time C. She should buy a present 听第三段材料,回答15至17小题。‎ ‎15. When is their mother’s birthday?‎ ‎ A. May 10 B. May 11 C. May 12‎ ‎16. What will they buy as a present for their mother?‎ ‎ A. A blue coat B. A handbag C. A shirt ‎17. Where will they meet after class?‎ ‎ A. At the school gate B. At 4:30 C. In the shop 听第四段材料,回答18至21小题。‎ ‎18. Why did the woman call Jane’s Window Cleaner?‎ ‎ A. To ask some of their people to clean the windows of her house ‎ ‎ B. To look for a job C. To have a chat ‎ ‎19. When will they come to the woman’s house?‎ ‎ A. This Friday B. This Thursday afternoon C. This Thursday morning ‎ ‎20. How much will it cost?‎ ‎ A. $ 10 B.$ 50 C.$ 100‎ ‎21. Who will meet the cleaners at home?‎ ‎ A. The woman’s husband B. The woman’s son C. The woman herself 听第五段材料,回答22至25小题。‎ ‎22. When did the story happen?‎ ‎ A. Late at night B. At noon C. Early in the morning ‎23. How did the doctor and the man leave the town?‎ ‎ A. By bus B. By taxi C. In a car ‎24. Where did the man live?‎ ‎ A .long way from the doctor’s house ‎ ‎ B. In the town not far from the doctor’s house ‎ ‎ C. Quite near the doctor’s house ‎25. What did the man want to do?‎ ‎ A. He wanted to give the doctor some money ‎ ‎ B. He wanted to get home in the doctor’s car ‎ ‎ C. He wanted to play a joke on the doctor 二、选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分)‎ 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎26. Hurry up, ________ you will miss the early bus.‎ A. or B. and C. but D. so ‎27. —What kind of musicians do you like best?‎ ‎ —I like those ________ write their own songs.‎ A. which B. whom C. who D. what ‎28. —I don’t like my parents. They’re too strict with me.‎ ‎ —Don’t think so. All parents love their children, and your parents love __________, too.‎ ‎     A. ours        B.  mine       C. yours              D. theirs ‎29. —Whose backpack is it?‎ ‎— It ________ belong to Tina. Look, it has her name on it.‎ ‎  A. can B. may C. must D. need ‎30. —Do you like talking with friends on the phone or mobile phone?‎ ‎—_____. I prefer using QQ. It’s free and costs nothing, you know.‎ A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either ‎31. —The box looks so big. Can I help you? ‎ ‎—No, thanks, is in it. It’s empty.‎ ‎ A. Nothing B. Everything C. Anything D. Something ‎32. —Can you ask our teacher if she ________ free tomorrow?‎ ‎—If I ________ you, I’d ask her by myself.‎ A. will be, were B. will be, was C. is, were D. is, am ‎33. —Tom, I have no money with me, but I want to buy the dictionary.‎ ‎ —It doesn’t matter. I can help you_____.‎ ‎ A. pay for it B. buy it C. take it out D. lend it ‎ ‎34. —Mike _____ Hong Kong with his family. They’ll be back in a week.‎ ‎ —I hope they will have a great time. ‎ ‎ A. has gone to B. went to C. will go to D. has been to ‎35. Would you mind ________ the radio? I’m making a telephone call. ‎ ‎ A. turning up B. turning down C. turn off D. turn on ‎36. Computers are very useful. For example, they can ________ sending e-mail.‎ ‎ A. be used as B be used for C. be used to D. be used by ‎37. —Which is ________, Tom, tea or coffee?‎ ‎—Coffee, I think. I drink it every day.‎ A. more delicious B. much delicious C. less delicious D. most delicious ‎38. —What did the teacher say just now?‎ ‎—He told us ________ computer games all day. ‎ A. not play B. to play not C. not to play D. play not ‎39. —________ will your homework be finished?‎ ‎—In 20 minutes.‎ A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How far ‎40. —Could you please take these books to the office for me?‎ ‎—______.‎ ‎ A. Yes, I will B. With pleasure C. Not at all D. Never mind 三、完形填空(本大题满分10分,每空1分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。‎ Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying “Friends are God's way of taking care of us.” But how do you find real friendship and ______(41) it?[‎ ‎ The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ______(42) to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed and take care of it to ______(43) it grow.‎ ‎ First, you should choose a friend. ______(44) makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and ______(45). For example, if you ‎ have a bad day, a good friend should ______(46) your complaints(抱怨) and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you can not be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your ______(47). But things cannot always be happy. Even the best have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is ______(48) around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn't want to talk, you could write a ______(49).‎ ‎ There are three steps to being friends again:‎ ‎ Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friend has done wrong, and ______(50) why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.‎ ‎41. A. know B. keep C. believe D. remember ‎42. A. reasons B. lessons C. news D. ways ‎43. A. take B. use C. make D. cover ‎44. A. What B. Why C. When D. Who ‎45. A. famous B. rich C. strong D. patient ‎46. A. see B. listen to C. find D. ask ‎ ‎47. A. money B. stories C. lives D. food ‎48. A. someone B. something C. everything D. no one ‎49. A. letter B. word C. sentence D. book]‎ ‎50. A. talk B. explain C. think D. give 四、阅读理解 (本大题满分20分,每小题2分)‎ 阅读下面三篇短文,并根据短文内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个 最佳选项。‎ A ‎ Do you want to live a happier, less stressful (有压力的) life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world — and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.‎ ‎ The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria. “Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr. Kataria. “Everyone’s naturally good at laughing — it’s the universal language. We want people to feel happy with their lives.” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.‎ ‎ Many doctors are also interested in the effects (效果) of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.‎ ‎ So, what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class, to be honest — I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking stupid. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha,” while looking at each other. However, our bodies can’t tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects.‎ ‎ Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real — and some people just couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if you’re under stress, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results!‎ ‎51. How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class?‎ ‎ A. Surprised. B. Pleased. C. Nervous. D. Stressful.‎ ‎52. When did the people in the club begin to laugh for real?‎ ‎ A. After a few minutes. B. After a few hours. ‎ C. After a few seconds. D. After a few days.‎ ‎53. Which of the following is true according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. Fake laughter and real laughter are both good for health.‎ ‎ B. 40% of the people in Laughter Clubs are good friends.‎ ‎ C. Adults laugh more often than children in a day. ‎ ‎ D. Laughing is the best way to prevent illness.‎ B The story told to all American children about honesty is about the cherry tree that President George Washington cut down when he was a boy. In China, every child knows the story of Lei Feng, the young soldier who helped others and was very honest. The stories of George Washington and Lei Feng help us understand the important of being honest.‎ Every teacher wants his or her students to be honest. If every student can be honest in their childhood, they will be honest when they become adults. Then the country will be known as an honest country and will be respected by everyone.‎ Usually, it is the father and the mother who give the first lesson of honesty to the children. George Washington learned honesty from his father.‎ A famous Chinese story was about a young man who went to the market to buy food for his mother. There was a very young girl there who was selling flowers. The young man stole one flower when the girl served her customers. When he went home, he began to think what he had done. He went back to the market to find the girl. He told her that he was sorry and that he wanted to pay her for the flower. The little girl refused and said, “You do not need to pay for the flower, elder brother. Since you took it, I thought you had a reason to take it so I did not worry about receiving money for it.” The young man was ashamed that he stole the flower. He could never forget about the importance of being honest.‎ ‎54. Who is the first person to give lessons of honest to a child?‎ ‎ A. George Washington B. Lei Feng C. Parent D. Teacher ‎55. Why did the little girl refuse to get the young man’s money?‎ ‎ A. Because the young man had realized his mistake.‎ ‎ B. Because her flowers were free.‎ ‎ C. Because she knew the young man well.‎ ‎ D. Because the flowers were very cheap.‎ ‎56. Which of the following is NOT true according to this article?‎ ‎ A. Teachers want their students to be honest.‎ ‎ B. If students can’t be honest in their childhood, they won’t be honest when they grow up.‎ ‎ C. The young went to help the girl when the girl served her customers.‎ ‎ D. The young man would never forget about the importance of being honest.‎ C People believed for a long time that the heart was the center of a person's emotions. That is why the word heart is used in so many expressions.‎ One such expression is to "lose your heart" to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who "won your heart" does not love you, then you are sure to have a ‎ "broken heart." You may think that the person you loved is "hard-hearted," and in fact, has a "heart of stone."‎ You may decide to "pour out your heart" to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.‎ If your friend does not seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to "have a heart." Your friend "has her heart in the right place" if she says she is sorry, and shows great concern(关心) for how you feel.‎ When you are worried, your "heart is in your mouth." You might say, for example, that your heart was in your mouth when you asked a bank to lend you some money to pay for a new house.‎ If that bank says no to you, do not "lose heart."  Be "strong-hearted." Sit down with the banker and have a "heart to heart" talk. The bank may have a "change of heart." It may agree to lend you the money. Then you could stop worrying and "put your heart at rest." ‎ ‎57. The word heart is used in so many expressions because people thought it ____ for a long time.‎ ‎ A. has something to do with emotions B. was the center of the body ‎ C. was the most important part of the body D. was the most useful word ‎58. If a young man loses his heart to a girl, that’s to say the man ________.‎ ‎ A. wins the girl’s heart B. falls in love with the girl ‎ C. has a broken heart D. is hard-hearted ‎59. If a car nearly hits you suddenly in the street, ____________.‎ ‎ A. you should have a heart with the driver B. you will lose your heart ‎ C. your heart will be in your mouth D. you may pour out your heart ‎60. This article talks about __________.‎ ‎ A. how to learn English B. how to make sentences with heart ‎ C. the center of the emotion D. the expressions with heart 卷II非选择题(主观题)(共50分)‎ 五、补全对话 (本大题满分10分,每空2分)‎ 根据对话内容,从方框中选择4个恰当的句子完成对话。‎ Julia: Jenny, do you have an interesting story about yourself?‎ Jenny: Oh, yes. It was when I was three years old. _________(61)‎ Julia: You drank it? That’s terrible.‎ Jenny: _________(62)‎ Julia: Oh, no! What happened then?‎ Jenny: When my sister saw me, she was very worried. So she told our mother. My mother took me to hospital at once.‎ Julia: _________(63)‎ Jenny: I felt so sick. I stayed in the hospital for two days.‎ Julia: Oh, your poor thing!‎ Jenny: What about you, Julia? _________(64)‎ Julia: Yes, I did. One day when I was four years old, I ate a spoon of salt. I thought it was sugar(糖).‎ Jenny: _________(65)‎ Julia: It tasted terrible. ‎ A. Yes, I did. I drank it up.‎ B. Did you get into any troubles when you were young?‎ C. One day, I found a bottle of ink in the living room and I drank it.‎ D. How did you like it?‎ E. I’m sorry to hear that ‎ F. I’ve never heard about it.‎ G. How did you feel after you drank the ink?‎ 六、完成句子(本大题满分14分,每小题2分)‎ 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。‎ ‎66. —The boy in the reading room is too noisy.‎ ‎—Yes. He ______________________(已经被告知离开这儿). (tell)‎ ‎67. —Who knows _________________________(正在和Tom说话的那个小伙子)? (who)‎ ‎ —Oh, he is our new English teacher.‎ ‎68. —What did he say?‎ ‎ —He asked me _________________________(这条街上是否有邮局). (there be)‎ ‎69. —Which club do you want to join?‎ ‎ —I want to join the sport club ________________________(因为我擅长打篮球). (because)‎ ‎70. —Do you believe the news on this web page?‎ ‎ —No, I don’t. We ____________________ (必须关注中央电视台的报道). (pay)‎ ‎71. —The waiters in this hotel are warm-hearted.‎ ‎ —Yes. Every time ________________________(我入住这儿,他们使我感到宾至如归). (make)‎ ‎72. —How many new friends have you made in your new school?‎ ‎ —It’s hard to say. I ______________________(和全班的同学都相处的很好). (get)‎ 七、 短文综合填空(本大题满分11分,每空1分)‎ Kitty was a student in a small town. It was going to be her mother’s birthday. She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not e 73 .‎ She went s 74 after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for about forty minutes, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and she d 75 to take a black one. She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of any c 76 .” So she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her until her classes f 77 . ‎ On her way home on the train she felt h 78 , so she went to the buffet car (餐车). She left the umbrella on her seat and left. But when she remembered it and r 79 for it, it was gone. Kitty began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what was the matter. She told them the black umbrella she bought for her mother was gone, and she had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers h 80 this, they asked her for her mother’s a 81 so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by mistake (弄错) and brought it b 82 .‎ And now a week passed. Kitty got a letter from her mother. It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely g 83 , but why do you send me three black umbrellas?”‎ 八、书面表达 (本大题满分15分)‎ 为了提高同学们学习英语的兴趣,你校将成立一个英语俱乐部,现正在招聘俱乐部主席。假设你叫李华,非常想成为俱乐部主席,请准备一篇演讲稿,积极参加应聘。内容要点如下:‎ 1. 自我介绍: 性格开朗,英语流利;‎ 2. 应聘目的: 提高能力,帮助同学;‎ 3. 应聘优势: 你曾经 ……‎ 4. 当选后最想开展的一项活动及理由 ……‎ 注意:1. 演讲稿须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;‎ ‎ 2. 第3、4要点的内容共用4至5句话展开合理想象,做适当发挥;‎ ‎ 3. 词数90左右,演讲稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。‎ ‎ 4. 生词:fluently 流利地 adv.‎ Hello, everyone,‎ ‎ First of all, thank you for giving me the chance to speak here.______________________ ‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ That’s all. Thank you! ‎ 英语试题参考答案 一、听力测试:‎ 评分说明:本大题满分25分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。‎ 1. C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.A 19 .B ‎ 20.C 21.C 22.A 23C 24.A 25.B 二、选择填空:‎ 评分说明:本大题满分15分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。‎ ‎26.A 27.C 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.A 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.B 三、完形填空:‎ 评分说明:本大题满分10分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。‎ ‎41.B 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B 四、阅读理解:‎ 评分说明:本大题满分20分,每小题2分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。‎ ‎51.C 52.A 53.B 54.C 55.A 56.C 57.A 58.B 59.C 60.D 五、补全对话:‎ 评分说明:本大题满分10分,每空2分。与本答案不符者该空不给分。‎ ‎61.C 62.A 63.G 64.B 65.D 六、完成句子:‎ 评分说明:1.本大题满分14分,每小题2分。‎ ‎ 2.结构正确、用给定的英语单词完整表达所给的汉语信息,给满分;‎ ‎ 3.未用所给定的词不给分;‎ ‎ 4.语法结构不正确,视错误程度一处扣0.5—1分;‎ ‎ 5.结构正确,信息完整,有一处或一处以上拼写错误扣0.5分;‎ ‎ 6.结构正确,信息有遗漏、添加无关信息扣0.5分。‎ ‎66. has been told to leave here ‎67. the young man who is talking to Tom ‎68. if there was a post office in/on this street ‎69. because I am good at playing basketball ‎70. must pay attention to what the CCTV reports ‎71. I stay here, they make me feel at home ‎72. get along well with all my classmates 七、短文综合填空:‎ 评分说明:本大题满分11分,每空1分。与本答案不符者该空不给分。‎ ‎73. expensive 74. Shopping 75. decided 76. color 77. finished 78. hungry ‎ ‎79. returned 80. heard 81. address 82. back 83. gifts ‎ 八、书面表达:(略)‎ 书面表达评分要求:‎ ‎(一)评分说明:本大题满分15分。‎ ‎1.卷面书写:1分;‎ ‎2.内容:7分(要点3分、语意连贯4分);‎ ‎3.语法结构、单词拼写、标点、字数:7分;‎ ‎(二)评分标准 一类(13—15分)写出全部内容要点,语句流畅,无语法错误或基本无语法错误,字数达到要求,基本无单词拼写及标点错误;‎ 二类(10—12分)写出大部分内容要点,语句较流畅,基本无语法错误,有少量单词拼写、标点错误;‎ 三类(7—9分)写出部分要点,语句基本通顺,有少量语法错误,有少量单词拼写及标点错误;‎ 四类(4—6分)写出少量内容要点,语句不够通顺,语法、单词拼写、标点错误较多,只有少量句子表达正确;‎ 五类(0—3分)基本上没有写出内容要点,语法、单词拼写错误较多,基本上没有通顺的句子,只写出一些单词,不知所云。‎ ‎ One possible version:‎ Hello, everyone,‎ ‎ First of all, thank you for giving me the chance to speak here. Now please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Hua. I am outgoing. I am good at English and I can speak English fluently. I would like to be the chairperson of the English Club in order to improve my abilities and help my classmates. I took part in the English writing competition when I was in Grade 7 and I won the first prize. If I am chosen to be the chairperson, I will hold an English corner. And more students can take part in it and practice their English. ‎ That’s all. Thank you!‎ 听力测试录音稿 一、 听力测试 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上,录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节 下面你将听到9段短对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,听完每段对话后, 你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话只播一遍。‎ Text 1‎ W:Excuse me, sir.‎ M: Yes?‎ W:Look at the sign on the board. I’m afraid you’d better not take photos here.[来源 M: Sorry, I won’t.‎ Text 2‎ M: Shall we take a bus or the underground?‎ W: The stop is a little far and I’m too tired to walk. I want to get a taxi home.‎ M: All right.‎ Text 3‎ W: Have you finished reading SUPER HERO?‎ M: Yes. I enjoyed every page of it. It’s so exciting.‎ Text 4‎ W: Shall we leave at 7:30?‎ M: Oh no! That’s too early. It’s 7:00 now and the train will leave in two hours.‎ Text 5‎ W: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum?‎ M: Sure. Go along this road, and then turn left at the second crossing .You’ll find the museum on the right. It’s between Xinhua Bookstore and the post office.‎ W: Thank you very much.‎ Text 6‎ W: How much is the jacket please?‎ M: It was 120 dollars last week. But now you need to pay only half.‎ Text 7‎ W: Do you like sports, James?[来源 M: Yes, of course.[来源:‎ W: What sport do you like best?‎ M: I like swimming and tennis a lot. But I like basketball best.‎ Text 8 ‎ W:What do you want to be when you grow up, Tony?‎ M: My parents want me to be a businessman, but I want to be a singer.‎ Text 9‎ W: Which restaurant would you like to go, Tom?‎ M: I’d rather go to Jitian’s Restaurant because I like to listen to loud music while eating. What about you, Linlin?‎ W: I prefer to go to the KFC where there is soft music.‎ 第二节 下面你将听到5段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案,听完每段对话或独白后, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,对话或独白播两遍。‎ 听第一段材料, 回答第10至11小题。‎ M: Hello,Carla!‎ W: Wow,Fred. You look cool with your new hair.‎ M: Thanks. Last week I cut my long curly hair.‎ W: And you have a new orange T-shirt.‎ M: Yes. My grandparents gave it to me when I visit them last weekend.‎ W: You look handsome today. I shall meet David at the zoo, so have to go. See you!‎ M: See you!‎ Questions:‎ ‎10. Who used to have long curly hair?‎ ‎11. What color is Fred’s T-shirt?‎ 听第二段材料,回答12至14小题。‎ M: You must be really excited about leaving for Korea, Wei Hua.‎ W: Yes, but I’m a little nervous because I know little about Korea.‎ M: Don’t worry. I have been to Korea twice. Maybe I can help you.‎ W: Thanks. What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time?‎ M: They are supposed to bow.‎ W: What am I supposed to wear if I’m invited to a party?‎ M: You should dress up.‎ W: Thank you, Mike.‎ Questions:‎ ‎12. How does Wei Hua feel about going to Korea?‎ ‎13. Why is Mike familiar with Korea?‎ ‎14. What should Wei Hua do if she goes to a party in Korea?‎ 听第三段材料,回答15至17小题。‎ W: What’s the date today?‎ M: May 10.Why, Lucy?‎ W: No, today is May 11, and tomorrow is mother’s birthday.‎ M: I nearly forgot it. So what present shall we get for her?‎ W: What about a coat?‎ M: No. we bought a blue coat for her last year.‎ W: What about a new handbag then?‎ M: Not bad. Let’s go shopping together after class, shall we?‎ W: OK. And don’t forget a delicious cake for the party as usual. When shall we meet then?‎ M: At the school gate at 4:30.‎ W: Well, I’ll come to you after class. See you then.‎ Questions:‎ ‎15. When is their mother’s birthday?‎ ‎16. What will they buy as a present for their mother?‎ ‎17. Where will they meet after class?‎ 听第四段材料,回答18至21小题。‎ M: Hello, Jane’s Window Cleaners. How may I help you?‎ W: Could you send some of your people to clean our windows?‎ M: How about Thursday afternoon, at about three o’clock?‎ W: Yes, that would be fine. Will it cost much to clean our windows?‎ M: Each window, we charge $10.You can work out the cost.‎ W: We have ten windows to clean. That’s a little more expensive than I thought.‎ M: Yes, it is a bit expensive, but we will do a good job. ‎ W: That’s OK. I will be at home this Thursday afternoon.[来源:学_科_网]‎ Questions:‎ ‎18. Why did the woman call Jane’s Window Cleaner?‎ ‎19. When will they come to the woman’s house?‎ ‎20. How much will it cost?‎ ‎21. Who will meet the cleaners at home?‎ 听第五段材料,回答22至25小题。‎ ‎ A young American doctor was sleeping when his doorbell began to ring. It was midnight but he had to get up at once. ‎ ‎ When he opened the door, he saw a man standing outside. “Can you come to a place out of town? It’s quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way”.‎ ‎ “Certainly.” said the doctor. In a few minutes the car was standing at the front door, the man got in with the doctor, and they drove off.‎ ‎ They drove on for a long time, then the man said“ Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go back to town.”‎ ‎ “But where is the patient?” asked the doctor. “There is no patient.” answered the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and one must get home from town, but there are no taxi at this time of the night. A doctor often makes night calls, yes? Here is your money. Thank you , doctor. Good night!”‎ ‎22. When did the story happen?‎ ‎23. How did the doctor and the man leave the town?‎ ‎24. Where did the man live?‎ ‎25. What did the man want to do?‎

