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中考一轮复习 G 开头词汇(一)(讲义)‎ ‎❤❤以字母 G 开头的单词 garage /'ɡærɑ:dʒ/ n. 车库 garbage /'gɑːbɪdʒ/ n. 废物;垃圾 Can you take the garbage out when you go? [U] Please take your litter away with you. [U]‎ The dustmen collect the rubbish on Thursdays. [U]‎ 勿扔垃圾!No littering!‎ 垃圾箱: dustbin[BrE] garbage can [AmE]‎ game /ɡeim/ n. 游戏;比赛;运动 the Olympic Games = the Olympics = the Games play games 玩游戏 garden /'ɡɑ:dn/ n. 花园;公园;果园;菜园 in the garden gate /ɡeit/ n. 大门 at the gate of our school at the school gate general /'dʒenərəl/‎ adj. 全体的,总的,普遍的 People are usually required to give a general self-introduction in a job interview. in general 一般来说;通常;在一般情况下 In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.‎ ‎ adv. 普遍地 The plan was generally welcomed. 该计划广受欢迎。‎ n. 将军 The king’s top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three day s’ time.‎ generous /'dʒenərəs/ adj. 慷慨的;大方的 It is generous of you to share your food with me. gentleman /'dʒentlmən/ n. 绅士;有教养的人 ladies and gentlemen ‎ adj. 柔和的 adv. 柔和地 a gentle voice a gentle breeze geography /dʒi'ɔɡrəfi/ n. 地理学 语文:Chinese 英语:English 数学:math(s) = (mathematics)‎ 体育:P.E.(physical education) 历史:history 政治:politics 物理:physics 化学:chemistry 生物:biology German /'dʒə:mən/‎ adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的 n. 德语;德国人 pl.(复数) Germans Germany /'dʒə:məni/ n. 德国 gesture /'dʒestʃə/ n. 姿势;手势 make a rude gesture 做出粗野的姿势 get /ɡet/ v. (got, got) 得到;成为;具有;到达 get sth. from sb.从某人那得到某物; get sth _ sb.= get sb. sth 为某人取得某物 get the first / second place 获得第一名/第二名 I got it! / Got you! 我明白了。‎ get on 上车 get off 下车 get up 起床,起身 get to 到达 get back 返回,回到某地 get together 在一起 get into ‎ They don’t want to get into trouble.‎ get out _ get out of You should get out of your room.‎ get away from sp. = run away from sp. Toby got away from home at the age of 14.‎ get over She can’t get over shyness.‎ get on / along (well) with ‎ How are you getting along with your classmates? get rid of ‎ She wants to get rid of all these old toys. get in the way (of) ‎ Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork.‎ get dressed 穿上衣服 get lost 迷路 get mad 大动肝火;气愤 get popular 受欢迎 get used to doing 习惯于……‎ ghost /ɡəust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 That night, three ghosts visit Scrooge.‎ gift /ɡift/ n. 赠品;礼物 gift[C] = present [C] 生日礼物:a birthday gift giraffe /dʒi'rɑ:f/ n. 长颈鹿 (复数:giraffe or giraffes)‎ girl /ɡə:l/ n. 女孩 give /ɡiv/ v. (gave, given) 给;递给;付出;给予 give sb. sth = give sth to sb. 给某人某物 give … a hand 给……帮助;助……一臂之力 Could you give me a hand with these boxes? give … a ring / call 给……打电话 Please give him a call later. give birth to 生(孩子)‎ She gave birth to a girl last night. give away 捐赠;赠送 He gave away most of his money to charity. give out = hand out 分发;散发 The teacher gave out the test papers. give up 放弃,停止 Can’t you give up smoking? give back 归还……‎ Could you give the pen back to me?‎ give in 让步,屈服,上交 (上交:hand in) She’s a brave player, she never gives in.‎ Please give your exam papers in to your teacher when you finished.‎ glad /ɡlæd/ adj. 高兴的;乐意的 I’m glad to hear he’s feeling better.‎ glass /ɡlɑ:s/ n. 玻璃;玻璃制品;(pl. glasses)眼镜 a glass of water 一杯水 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜 glove /ɡlʌv/ n. 手套 mitten 连指手套 a pair of gloves 一副手套 glue /ɡlu:/‎ n. 胶;胶水 mend a broken cup with glue v. (用胶水将物体)粘合;粘贴 glue two pieces of wood together go /ɡəu/‎ v. (went, gone) 去,走;移动,行走;去(做…);去(参加),去(从事)‎ go out 外出(娱乐) go to the movies 看电影 go for a walk = take a walk 散步 go fishing / shopping / skating 去钓鱼/购物/滑冰 go ahead 走在前面,前进,发生,进行 ‎—May I start now?‎ ‎—Yes, go ahead. go away 走开 Don’t go away. I’ll be back in a minute. go by (指时间) 过去;消逝 As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse. go off 爆炸,发出响声,(机器)停止运转 This morning my alarm clock didn’t go off. go on 继续(说/做)下去 go on with 继续 Who knows what’s going on here? go over 复习,仔细检查 Let’s go over the lesson again.‎ go (straight) along sth. 沿着……(一直)往前走。‎ Go straight along the street and take the second turning on the left. go through 查阅;浏览 I always start the day by going through my e-mail. go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力 They go out of their way to make me feel at home.‎ goal /ɡəul/ n. 球门;射门;目标 score a goal 进球 goalkeeper 守门员 achieve one’s goal 实现某人的目标 goat /ɡəut/ n. 山羊 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf lamb 小羊羔 sheep 绵羊 god /ɡɒd/ n. 神;(God)上帝 God knows 天晓得 goddess n. 女神 gold /ɡəuld/‎ n. 黄 金 win a/ the gold adj. 金的;黄金的 golden /'ɡəuldən/ adj. 金(黄)色的 golf /ɡɔlf/ n. 高尔夫球运动 play golf 打高尔夫球 golfer /'ɡɔlfə/ n. 打高尔夫球者 good /ɡud/ adj. (better, best)好;良好 be good at 擅长,善于(做某事)‎ He is good at drawing. 他擅长画画。‎ be good for 对……有好处 Practice is good for our health. 锻炼对我们的健康有好处。‎ be good to 对……态度好/友好 She is good to Germans. 她对德国人很好。‎ be good with+ n. 在某方面擅长 Mr. Wang is good with the children. 王先生与孩子们相处得很好。辨析:good 与 well good adj. 好的 well adj. 身体好的 adv. 好地 n. 井 goods /ɡudz/ n. 货物;商品 cheap goods 便宜货物 cotton goods 棉织商品 c goodbye /,ɡud'bai/ (bye-bye) interj. 再见 goose /ɡu:s/ n. (pl. geese) 鹅;鹅肉 government /'ɡʌvənmənt/ n. 政府 grade /ɡreid/ n. 等级,级别;年级;成绩,分数 Class Two/2, Grade Nine/9 九年级 2 班get good grades gradually /'grædjuəli/ adv. 逐渐地;逐步地 The weather gradually improved. 天气逐渐好转。‎ graduate /'ɡrædʒueit/‎ n. 毕业生(BrE),大学毕业生(AmE) a law graduate a graduate of Oxford a high-school graduate v. 毕业 graduate from 从……毕业 She graduated from Cambridge with a degree in law.‎ n. graduation 毕业 grammar /'ɡræmə/ n. 语法;语法学 vocabulary grandchild /'ɡræn,tʃaild/ n. (外)孙或孙女;孙辈 granddaughter /'ɡræn,dɔ:tə/ n. (外)孙女 grandfather/grandpa n. (外) 祖父 grandmother/grandma n. (外)祖母 grandparent /'ɡræn,pεərənt/ n. 祖父母;外祖父(母)‎ grandson /'ɡrænsʌn/ n. 孙子;外孙 granny /'ɡræni/ n. 老奶奶;祖母;外婆 grape /ɡreip/ n. 葡萄 a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 grape juice 葡萄汁 grass /grɑːs/ n. 草;牧草;草场 [U] sea grasses 大叶藻(专指某种草,[C])‎ grateful /'ɡreitful/ adj. 感激的 be grateful to sb. for sth. 为某事感谢/感激某人同义词 thankful be thankful for sth.‎ gravy /'ɡreivi/ n.(调味)肉汁 [U] grave 坟墓 gray /grei/ (grey) n. & adj. 灰色(的);灰白(的)‎ great /ɡreit/ adj. 伟大的;重要的;好极了 Great Lakes 五大湖 the Great Wall 长城 Greece /ɡri:s/ n. 希腊 green /ɡri:n/‎ n. 绿色 adj. 绿色的;青的; 缺少经验的 The new trainees are still very green. 这些受培训的新学员还很不成熟。‎ a green hand 新手,菜鸟 greet /ɡri:t/‎ v. 问候;迎接;向…打招呼;对…作出反应 He greeted me in a friendly way yesterday.‎ ‎(often passive)呈现在…眼前;传入…的耳中;朝…扑面而来 As we walked into the house, we were greeted by a wonderful smell of baking.‎ 我们一进屋,一股烘烤食物的香味扑鼻而来。‎ greeting /'ɡri:tiŋ/ n. 问候;招呼 (pl.) 祝贺;祝愿语;问候词 He nodded his head in greeting. 他点头致意。‎ birthday/Christmas greetings 生日/圣诞祝福 ground /ɡraund/‎ n. 土地;地面;运动场地,体育场;知识(概念、经验)领域,范围 play on the ground grounds(用于某项活动或运动的)一大片场地/海域hunting/fishing grounds group /ɡru:p/ n. 集体;团体 a group of girls 一群女孩子 a group of tall trees 一片高大的树 a newspaper group 报业集团 grow /ɡrəu/ v. (grew, grown) 增多,增大;生长,种植;成长 I want to be a doctor when I grow up.‎ guard /ɡɑ:d/ n. 守卫;警戒 v. 守卫;保卫 guess /ɡes/ v. 猜 Can you guess (她多大了)?‎ guest /ɡest/ n. 客人;宾客 He invited her to be his guest for the evening at the theatre.‎ host 主人 guide /ɡaid/‎ n. 向导;导游 a tour guide 导游 I know the place well, so let me be your guide.‎ v. 引导;指导 I guided him to his seat.‎ guidebook /'gaɪdbʊk/ n. (旅行、游览等) 指南 guilty /'ɡilti/ adj. 内疚的;有罪的;犯罪的 I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely. feelings of guilt/guilty feelings 内疚感 guitar /ɡi'tɑ:/ n. 吉他;六弦琴 He likes playing the guitar.‎ He likes (弹吉他).‎ gum /ɡʌm/ n. 口香糖 chew gum 嚼口香糖 [U]‎ gun /ɡʌn/ n. 枪;炮 Look out, he has got a gun!‎ guy /ɡai/ n. 家伙;小伙子;(pl.) 伙计们 hey you guys! He’s a great guy.‎ gym /dʒim/ = gymnasium /dʒɪm'neɪzɪəm/‎ n. 体操,健身操[U];体育课[U];体操馆;健身房[C] = gymnasium /dʒɪm'neɪzɪəm/ He often exercises in the gym.‎ gymnast /'dʒɪmnæst/ n. 体操运动员 gymnastic /dʒim'næstik/ adj. 体育的;体操的 gymnastics /dʒim'næstiks/ n. 体操技能,体操 ‎❤❤与字母 G 相关的谚语 God helps those who help themselves. Great minds think alike.‎ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. A good example is the best sermon.‎ Give me liberty or give me death. Good clothes open all doors.‎ Grasp all, lose all.‎ Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming, it is because the time has not arrived yet; and when the time arrives, one will get all the rewards he deserves.‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练 一、单项选择 ‎( )1. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we just fine together.‎ A. get up B. get along C. get away D. get off ‎( )2. In the song I Bet My Life, the US rock band Imagine Dragons tells people never to ‎ catching their dreams.‎ A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give off ( )3. —Look! What’s on the ground?‎ ‎—Oh, it’s my sweater. Please .‎ A. pick it up B. put it on C. give it out D. take it off ( )4. —I think our chemistry teacher is working hard. He teaches us .‎ ‎—Yes, but he hasn’t come today. He doesn’t feel _ .‎ A. good; well B. good; good C. well; good D. well; well ‎( )5. —Liu Ming, is that our headmaster Miss Chen over there?‎ ‎—It can’t be her. She _ Xiamen for a meeting.‎ A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been away D. has gone away 二、根据提示填空 1. In g , he can get along well with his classmates.‎ 2. Miss Li is a kind teacher and she always talks to us (gentle).‎ 3. Air pollution is one of the g problems in the modern world.‎ 4. 打电话会影响安全驾驶。‎ Talking on the phone will of driving safely.(way)‎ 5. 每周末我都和妈妈出去吃饭。‎ I for a meal with my mother every weekend.‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ ‎❤❤以字母 G 开头的单词 general gentle, gently for 进入,卷入 出来 从…出来,摆脱,逃离远离,逃离 克服 与…相处(得好) 去掉,除掉 妨碍,阻挡 how old she is to play the guitar ‎❤❤与字母 G 相关的谚语 1. 自助者天助之。‎ 2. 英雄所见略同。‎ 3. 天才是 1%的灵感加 99%的汗水。‎ 4. 身教重于言教。‎ 5. 不自由,毋宁死。‎ 6. 门不挡衣着华丽的人。‎ 7. 贪多必失。‎ 8. 善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到,时候一到,一切都报。‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练一、单项选择1—5:BAADB 二、根据提示完成句子 ‎1. general 2. gently 3. greatest 4. get in the way 5. go out

