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阅读短文还原句子—1‎ 阅读短文,从下列所给的五个句子中,选四句还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。其中有一个多余选项。‎ In 1940, a little girl named Wilma Rudolph was born. She was small and sick. In her early childhood, Wilma had many serious illnesses. 61 When Wilma was four years old, doctors noticed her left leg was not straight. They told her family that she had polio(小儿麻痹症),and that she would never walk.‎ Wilma and her family didn’t want to believe the doctors. Wilma exercised every day until she was able to walk with a brace(支架). 62 All her friends played basketball after school. Wilma sat and watched them every day, dreaming of being an athlete(运动员). Of course, people thought she was crazy. But Wilma was determined. By the time she was nine years old, she could walk without a brace! She began playing basketball. In middle school, she was the star of the basketball team. A running coach saw her play. He thought Wilma could be a great runner. Soon Wilma was training for the Olympics.‎ When she was sixteen, she flew to Melbourne for the 1956 Olympic Games. 63 Over the next four years, Wilma continued to train as a runner.‎ In 1960, Wilma went to the Rome Olympics, determined to do better. Two days before her first race, she twisted(扭伤) her ankle. She was worried that her chance was gone. But she won the 100-meter race. 64 After that, she and her teammates won the 400-meter relay race. Wilma Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics! ‎ A. She liked swimming very much.‎ B. Three days later, she won the 200-meter race.‎ C. Then she was able to go to school.‎ D. But her family’s love always helped her get better.‎ E .There, Wilma and three teammates won the bronze medal in the relay race.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—2‎ 阅读短文,根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的句子把短文补充完整,将其代号填在答题卡相应的题号后。注意选项中有一个多余选项。‎ Hugo is an English schoolboy who is fifteen. Now he is telling us something about his life:‎ I started school when I was five. I turned to this school when I was eleven and I will leave next year when I am sixteen. 61 ‎ The school year starts in September and ends in July. I have two weeks’ holiday in December, two weeks in April and six weeks in July and August. 62 ‎ In June next year, before I leave this school, I will take exams in 10 subjects. 63 All children in England have to study English, mathematics, science and a foreign language. They can also choose some other subjects. ‎ My uniform is a black blazer, white shirt, a red and yellow tie and grey trousers. 64 There are 1,600 students in my school. Mr. Rose is my tutor. He does not teach my class but we see him every day. He helps us if we have problems. He also takes part in some activities with us after school. ‎ A. The girls wear grey skirts.‎ B. The exams are called GCSE.‎ C. Mr. Rose is satisfied with all of us. ‎ D. So I will spend 5 years at this school.‎ E. I also have one week’s holiday in February, June and October.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—3‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Here is some good advice on how to be good at a language. ‎ Pen pals. This way of learning a language is a great way to use your new language. You have to use the language a lot; at the same time, you don’t have to give your pen pals an answer at once. 61 You can choose to use the old letter writing way or the much quicker and easier e-mail way to keep in contact with your pen pal.‎ Internet Radio. 62 There are Internet radio stations for every major language. Just find these radio stations and listen to them. You’ll be surprised at how many stations there are all over the world.‎ Language clubs. When you are ready to practice your new language, try to find a language club in your area. 63 This will give you a chance to use the language in a suitable environment. They will also give you lots of useful advice on learning a new language. ‎ Find suitable places. Put yourself in situations where you have to speak the language that you are learning. 64 If you are learning German, you can find a German restaurant. Try to read the menu, try to order something or just say “hello” to the people there. You will probably find them to be very helpful and you may even make a few friends out of it.‎ A. Speaking with other people can be very helpful.‎ B. Another great and easy way is to listen to your new language in real life.‎ C. So you will be more comfortable this way.‎ D. School life is interesting.‎ E. How about going to a restaurant?‎ 阅读短文还原句子—4‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me, a boy, meant play, play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning something. 61 I tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the rules.‎ ‎ 62 Every year we had different kinds of school trips. Not only could we learn many things from them, but also we were given many projects or tasks as homework. It helped us know more. At the same time, we made many good friends. 63 The next year, when I was in grade 9, I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because I was going to take the exams to get into senior middle school.‎ Whenever I think of my school life, I feel very happy and I think in everybody’s school life there are many ups and downs that influence his life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. “School” is not just a place, but a large building made up of the rules, knowledge and love. 64 I can describe my school in “Three S”. They are: Small, Sweet and Simple. My school was the best, is the best and will always be the best. ‎ A. In Grade 8,I won prizes in drawing and English speech competitions.‎ B. I think in everybody’s success, school plays a key role.‎ C. Among all the subject, I like drawing best.‎ D. However,I changed the way I used to behave at the school with the help of my teachers.‎ E. Growing and learning were great fun.‎ ‎ ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—5‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Try it yourself My father died when I was 5. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is 8 years older than me, began to watch over my mother and me.‎ My mother was forced to get a full-time job. 61 He would get me up for school, and make me breakfast. While I was eating he would lay out my clothes, make my bed, and gather my school books up. As we waited for the school bus, he would play the games my father used to play with me. 62 When we arrived home from school, he would help me with my homework and help Mom to cook.‎ It was a Saturday in June a couple years later. My mother and I were at the store. They had the Father’s Day cards out. I stared at them. My mom said: “Honey, I know this is a hard time for you.” I said: “ 63 Why don’t they have ‘brother’s day’ cards as well?”‎ She smiled and said: “You’re right. Your brother has certainly been a father to you. Go ahead and pick out a card.”‎ So I did. On Father’s Day, my mother and I sat my brother down and gave him the card. 64 I heard the cracking (哽咽) in Mom’s voice as she said: “Son, your father is proud of you. You do your best to fill his shoes. We love you, and thank you.”‎ A. No, Mom, that’s not it.‎ B. Mom always works hard.‎ C. He did his best to make me happy.‎ D. My brother had to get up early every morning.‎ E. As he read it, I saw the tears forming in his eyes.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—6‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ The Greatest Player in the World ‎ Edson Arantes do Nascimento was born in Brazil in 1940. 61 He says he does not know why or even what the name means. But the name Pele soon became world famous. Many people believe that Pele was the greatest footballer of all time.‎ ‎ He started playing for the local club when he was 10 years old. 62 In 1957,still only 17, he was in the winning World Cup team(the youngest ever World Cup player).In 1970,he was in the team that won the World Cup for Brazil again. He finally stopped playing in 1977.In 1994,he was made Brazilian Minister for Sport.‎ ‎ 63 He had wonderful control(控制) over the ball. Brave, clever, and able to run very quickly, he could kick with the same amount of skill with either foot. Not only that, when you watched him play, you could always see how much he enjoyed playing.‎ ‎ Pele became very rich by the time he was 22. 64 He was loved by both his teammates and the players in other teams. He worked hard to develop the game and to encourage young and poor boys to work hard and do well. There is no better example for sportsmen and sportswomen today to copy.‎ A. Pele was an excellent player.‎ B. At school he was called “Pele”.‎ C. But he was shy and polite.‎ D. He never helped others.‎ E. At the age of 15,he was playing for his country.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—7‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ These are pictures of my family. We don’t live together. We live in different cities. But we often talk to each other on the phone. 61 This is our family reunion. ‎ In our family, people come to the reunion from Massachusetts, New Mexico, British Columbia, and Louisiana. One of my cousins flies to the United States from Ireland! We usually meet in a small town in Pennsylvania. 62 ‎ At the reunion, we have a picnic one day at a beautiful lake. We play baseball, swim, and eat a lot. We play volleyball too. The women and girls are on one team. 63 One night we always have a big barbecue. We sit around a fire, tell stories, and eat a lot. On the last night, we have a dinner dance at a nice hotel. 64 Our family really likes to eat. ‎ We don’t only eat. We talk about problems. Sometimes we argue.It’s good to have a big family. But at the end of the week, I’m always very tired! I’m happy to be alone. ‎ A. My great grandparents lived in this town.‎ B. Every summer all the relatives come together for a week.‎ C. And the men and boys are on the other. ‎ D. We listen to music, dance, and eat a lot.‎ E. It’s opposite the school gate.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—8‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ My father is a businessman. His job is to sell computers. He works very hard. Every morning he gets up at seven. He does some exercise and has a light breakfast. 61 It takes him forty minutes, so he usually gets there earlier than others.‎ He is very busy every minute, so he plans his work very carefully. He keeps a diary to help him remember things. He meets and talks with many people. He makes lots of telephone calls. 62 He travels to cities in China like Shanghai, Tianjin and Dalian, and also some other countries.‎ ‎ 63 Then he can stay with my family. Last summer my father, my mother and I had a good rest. We went to a town near the sea. 64 When it rained, we stayed in the hotel, doing some reading or watching TV. We had a lot of seafood! We were there for half a month. We had a lot of fun.‎ A. He often goes out and visits people.‎ B. We had a swim every day.‎ C. I’m very glad when he isn’t at home.‎ D. Then he drives to his office.‎ E. Every year he has long holiday.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—9‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resources (资源) can’t be found any more. That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the ‎ world. 61 When we use up all the oil in the world, there will be no more.‎ ‎ 62 All of our trash has to be put somewhere. Much of that trash will be there for hundreds of years. The place will be filled up with too much trash.‎ There are three ways to cut down on trash.‎ One way is to recycle. When you recycle something, it means it is used again. Old newspaper may become paper bags. A glass jar can be melted and made into a bottle.‎ ‎ 63 You can wash and use a bottle again. It can hold something else.‎ The third way to cut down on trash is to reduce the amount of trash you make, stop buying things that you don’t need in the first place. 64 ‎ A. There’s another reason for throwing less away.‎ B. We must protect our environment.‎ C. One example of this is oil.‎ D. That will reduce the amount of the earth’s resources as well.‎ E. Another way to cut down on trash is to reuse things.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—10‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful. Here are some good reading tips. ‎ ‎ 61 Read something that you can understand. If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, it is not interesting. ‎ Try to increase the number of your new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them in your notebook. 62 Instead, try to guess their meaning as you read: mark them with a pen. Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them. ‎ Try to read regularly(定期地). 63 Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday. Fix a time to read and keep to it. You could read for fifteen minutes when you go to bed, or when you get up or at lunchtime. ‎ Read what interests you. Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like, because you are going to spend time and money reading it. 64 You can also read newspapers. There are many English newspapers in China. It is easy enough to understand and also there is something interesting in it.‎ A. So, choose an interesting book.‎ B. Try to read at the right level.‎ C. For example, read for a short time once a day.‎ D. But you don’t have to write them while you read. ‎ E. You should read as much as you can. ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—11‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ It was a special day because I took the final PE Test for Junior Three students. ‎ The sun was shining brightly. 61 We stood in line in groups. Before the 800-meter race, we had a five-minute warm-up. 62 In fact, I didn’t do well in it. With the teacher’s order, we began to run as fast as we could. Towards the end, I was so tired that I slowed down and several runners caught up with me. However, encouraged by my classmates, I kept running with every effort. 63 To my pleasure, this is the best result I have got in an 800-meter race.‎ ‎ 64 Not only I challenged the strength (挑战体能) that a runner needed but also I learned that trying my best would really make a difference. ‎ A. But I felt a little nervous.‎ B. I fell down and hurt myself.‎ C. We reached the playground on foot.‎ D. Today I was a success!‎ E. Finally I crossed the finishing line at 3’20’’.‎ ‎ ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—12‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ ‎ Lang Lang is only 27 years old, but has already been called “the most popular pianist on the planet” by American television network CNN. ‎ Like every successful person, Lang went through years of hard and lonely practice before making his name. 61 With great talent (天赋), he won his first competition at the age of 5. Lang's father pushed little Lang very hard to succeed. When he was nine, Lang went to learn music in Beijing. 62 But Lang got fired (开除) by the piano teacher six months later. 63 Hearing about his son's failure, Lang's father was so angry that he told Lang to jump off a building! 64 His big break came at age 17, when he gained worldwide fame at “Gala of the Century”, a well-known concert in Chicago, US. Lang said it was his true love of music and piano that made him keep working.‎ A. Of course Lang didn't jump, and pressure (压力) soon changed to power.‎ B. He has performed in almost every big city around the world.‎ C. It totally destroyed (毁灭) his piano dream.‎ D. He began to take piano lessons at the age of 3.‎ E. His father even gave up his job and moved to Beijing with his son.‎ ‎ ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—13‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Sangduen has elephants on her mind. The elephants are in serious danger. 61 “Unless they are protected properly at once, they might only appear in books and photos in the near future,” says Sangduen.‎ Sangduen was born in a mountain area in northern Thailand 47 years ago. Her love of animals began when she was very young. She was just a teenager when she saw elephants being used for carrying things. 62 ‎ In 1996, Sangduen, together with her family, set up the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai. The main purpose of the park is to provide a place for elephants to live peacefully in their natural environment. 63 The disabled and sick elephants are mostly saved from private owners.‎ At present, thousands of elephants walk around big cities with their owners looking for help. Sangduen’s latest plan is to remove the elephants from city areas and bring them back to natural environment. 64 It’s considered to be the primary home of wild (野生的) elephants. The new place will serve as a way for elephants to go back to nature.‎ A. The experience changed her life.‎ B. So she works hard to save them.‎ C. She wants to make friends with elephants.‎ D. She wants to open an elephant center in Surin.‎ E. Now thirty elephants of all ages are under the park’s care.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—14‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ ‎ This morning I went to the shoe shop at 8:00 am to buy a pair of shoes. When I got there, I noticed a foreign lady talking to a salesgirl. 61 They both looked worried. ‎ I went up to help them. I had a short conversation with the lady first. Later, I knew that the lady is an Australian and she wanted to buy a pair of travelling shoes. 62 The lady was very glad when she got her favorite shoes in her hands. Both of the lady and the salesgirl expressed their thanks to me. The Australian lady told me that she enjoyed travelling here in Beijing. 63 I know a lot about the famous places in Beijing. I introduced many nice places to her. We soon became friends.‎ In the afternoon, we went out travelling together. We had a good trip for two hours.‎ ‎ 64 I had a wonderful experience today and I felt happy that I expressed myself freely in English.‎ A. Travelling is my favorite hobby.‎ B. So I enjoyed travelling, too.‎ C. So I told it to the salesgirl.‎ D. But the salesgirl didn’t understand what the foreigner was saying.‎ E. At 6:00 pm, I took the lady to my home for dinner. ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—15‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Sam is a dog who lives in Maryland, US. 61 And some of his paintings have sold for $1,700.‎ ‎ Sam holds a special paintbrush in his mouth to paint. Mary Stadelbacher, Sam's owner, said Sam loves painting and can do it for hours. “ 62 He paints his paintings with darker colors first and then moves onto lighter ones,” she said. Mary, the owner of a dog service center, took in 6-year-old Sam four years ago. She came up with the idea of teaching Sam to paint after seeing reports about animal painters. “ 63 So I thought, why not a dog?” Now the money from the dog's art sales helps to keep the dog service center open. “Sam's paintings have been on show at New York galleries. 64 ,” Mary said. “We even had one woman buy her dog one of Sam's paintings as a birthday present.” ‎ A. The dog also has many other skills. ‎ B. He loves to work in different colors C. I saw dolphins paint and elephants paint.‎ D. People have come from far away just to buy his work.‎ E. But he's also a painter.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—16‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ My aunt Edith, working as a secretary, was a single mother. Doctors discovered that she got a very serious heart disease when she was 50.‎ ‎ 61 She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon(外科医生), Dr. Michael DeBakey, in Houston, Texas. He had saved the life of someone with the same disease. The article said Dr. DeBakey’s fees(诊疗费) were very high. 62 But could Dr. Michael tell her of someone whose fee she could pay?‎ So Aunt Edith wrote to him. She simply listed her reasons for wanting to be alive. She had three children, and they would be on their own in three or four more years. 63 There wasn’t a word of self-pity—only warmth and humor and the joy of living. She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.‎ A few days later, my doorbell rang. Aunt Edith didn’t wait to come in. She stood in the hall and read aloud: “Your beautiful letter moved me very deeply. If you can come to Houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the operation. Signed—Michael DeBakey.”‎ That was seven years ago. 64 Her three children are happily married. For her age, she is one of the youngest, most alive people I know—all because of an open heart surgeon who knew how to honor his profession, and how to open his own heart.‎ A. Since then,Aunt Edith has been around the world.‎ B. Aunt Edith couldn’t possibly pay them.‎ C. Aunt Edith didn’t give up.‎ D. Aunt Edith decided to ask him to save her.‎ E. She had dreamt of travelling and seeing the world since she was a little girl.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—17‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Victor’s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries, like England, Canada and China. Can you guess what people gave him as gifts? That’s right—stamps. Victor’s favourite stamps came from France. 61 He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition. It was very hard to find. ‎ He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. 62 It made Victor very sad.‎ ‎“Don’t worry,” his father said to him. “If you have enough patience, you’ll find it one day.”‎ ‎“I hope so,” Victor said.‎ Victor also liked writing. He had a penfriend in France. 63 Victor’s penfriend, Phillip, usually used new stamps to send letters. Sometimes, his mother gave him stamps to use. Once Phillip’s mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor received the letter, he was very surprised. On the envelope, he looked carefully at the stamp. 64 Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father. ‎ ‎“You see,” his father said. “ You did find your stamp. So, it’s good to ‎ have two things in life.” ‎ ‎“What are they?” Victor asked.‎ ‎“Friends and patience.” He answered.‎ A. They wrote to each other every month.‎ B. But nobody could find the stamp. ‎ C. It was the 1974 special edition stamp.‎ D. His mother helped him to collect stamps. ‎ E. He had almost every stamp from 1954 to 2004.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—18‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ Wilma Rudolf was born in Clarksville, Tennessee, in 1940. There were twenty-two children in her family. Wilma was not a strong child. When she was very young her leg began to have problems. Wilma’s family loved her and helped her. Her mother and her sisters massaged (按摩) her bad leg. The doctor put a brace (矫形支架) on her leg for six years. 61 ‎ At high school Wilma started to run. Soon she won every race she ran. Then she prepared for the national races. 62 The next year, 1956, Wilma was in the Olympic Games in Australia. Wilma came back with a bronze medal.‎ In 1960, Wilma went to the Olympic Games in Italy. The weather was very hot just as it was in Tennessee. The Italians cheered her. Wilma won the 100-meter race, the 200-meter race, and the 400 meter relay. 63 ‎ ‎ 64 That year she married her high school sweetheart, and now they have four children.‎ A. Luckily, the doctor took off the brace when she was twelve.‎ B. In 1963, Wilma got her degree in education.‎ C. Wilma Rudolf was a great American sports woman ‎ D. So Wilma Rudolf was the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals.‎ E. At the age of fifteen, she won all nine of the races.‎ ‎ ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—19‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ ‎ I’ve been singing and performing poetry since I was six years old. I used to sing for my mother’s friends. 61 ‎ I have written three books of poetry and songs. I gave all the money from the books to children’s charities. 62 Money from the second book was spent on homeless children in Bosnia.‎ I visit patients at a local hospital every Saturday morning. I talk and sing for them. I guess that’s what’s really fulfilling (令人满意的) to me, when I sing to someone who is dying, and someone who is really sick and who doesn’t even know what’s happening. 63 ‎ Everyone can give love, and love is what everyone wants. That’s a really important lesson to me. 64 Making someone happy makes you happy, and they go on and make others happy and it’s like a chain. You change when you get older, but love is ageless. When you are 7, 13, or 102 years old, love is the same. ‎ A. Love is a chain of giving.‎ B. But now I am singing for people in need.‎ C. I visit people in the old people’s home.‎ D. Money from my first book went to a school for deaf kids in Montana.‎ A. I feel proud when I see a smile on that person’s face.‎ 阅读短文还原句子—20‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其字面代号填入题右侧的表格内,选项中有一项为多余选项。‎ The oldest person in the world has died in her sleep at the age of 115. Her name is Gertrude Baines. 61 , following the death of Portuguese Maria. Ms. Baines was born in Georgia in 1894. She grew up in the southern American state. She saw many changes in her life. 62 . She had a child when she was just fifteen. Gertrude received a Guinness World Records certificate (证书) on her 115th birthday. 63 . During her whole life, she never did drink, she never did smoke and she always ate healthy food. Her doctor said Ms. Baines had been “in excellent shape” just two days before her death. “She was quite smart. She smiled very often,” he said. Ms. Baines became famous in 2008 for voting (投票) for President Obama in the U.S. 64 . The first was for John F. Kennedy in the 1960s. She lived to see 21 different American presidents. She told reporters she chose Mr. Obama “because he’s for the colored people”.‎ A. She got married when she was very young B. She became the world’s oldest person in January C. Ms. Baines had such a long life because of her healthy lifestyle D. She said that happiness was important for people ‎ E. It was only the second time she had voted 参考答案:‎ 阅读短文还原句子—1 61—64.D C E B 阅读短文还原句子—2 61—64.D E B A 阅读短文还原句子—3 61—64.C B A E ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—4 61—64.D E A B 阅读短文还原句子—5 61—64.D C A E ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—6 61—64.B E A C ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—7 61—64.B A C D 阅读短文还原句子—8 61—64.D A E B 阅读短文还原句子—9 61—64.C A E D 阅读短文还原句子—10 61—64.B D C A 阅读短文还原句子—11 61—64.C A E D ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—12 61—64.D E C A 阅读短文还原句子—13 61—64.B A E D 阅读短文还原句子—14 61—64.D C A E 阅读短文还原句子—15 61—64.E B C D 阅读短文还原句子—16 61—64.C B E A 阅读短文还原句子—17 61—64.E B A C ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—18 61—64.A E D B 阅读短文还原句子—19 61—64.B D E A ‎ 阅读短文还原句子—20 61—64.B A C E

