小学6年级英语教案:第7讲 情态动词1

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小学6年级英语教案:第7讲 情态动词1

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级:六年级 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 情态动词1‎ 教学内容 ‎1.掌握情态动词would, have to, must的概念及用法;‎ ‎2.灵活迁移阅读信息到写作表达中去。‎ ‎(TR可根据本次课的需要,选择不同的互动探究方法,如:预习、复习上节课内容、或通过案例分析、趣味故事进行新课导入)‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节设计时间在15分钟。‎ 1. 可以先讲解上节课预习的单词,再进行检测。‎ 2. 也可以先检测,作为检查上节课课后预习的效果,再讲解。‎ 3. 老师讲解时可以选择问答抢答或相互PK的互动方式进行。‎ 同步检测(6A U6)‎ ‎1. 单词默写。‎ adj.季节的,季节性的;周期性的 n.变化 ‎ n.袖子 n.短裤 n.通知 n.皮带 n.裙子 n.生活 adv.到处,向各处 adj.装有空调的 n.(学校、工厂、办公室等的)食堂 n.雪人 ‎2.日常表达默写。‎ 季节转变: seasonal changes ‎ 给……写一份公告: write a notice to sb. ‎ ‎ 夏季校服: uniforms in summer / summer uniforms ‎ 十月初: early October ‎ 四月底: lately April ‎ ‎ 长袖的男士衬衫: a blouse with long sleeves ‎ 短袖的女衬衫: a blouse with short sleeves ‎ 一条裤子: a pair of trousers ‎ 一双袜子: a pair of socks ‎ 红领巾: red scarves ‎ ‎ 校园生活: school life ‎ ‎ 拍照: take photographs ‎ 长在花园里: grow in the garden ‎ 吃冰激凌: have ice-cream ‎ 在图书馆学习: study in the library ‎ ‎ 在食堂: in the canteen ‎【教学建议】‎ 此环节教案预期时间60分钟。‎ 1. 让学生回忆的情态动词有哪些,如must, may, can…‎ 2. 让学生通过所学过的情态动词,总结情态动词的语法特征;‎ 3. 通过例题让学生体会情态动词的意境,而不是单纯灌输情态动词的用法;‎ ‎ 1)本身有一定的词义; ‎ ‎1. 语法特征 2)只能和其他动词原形构成谓语; ‎ ‎ 3)没有人称,数的变化; ‎ ‎ 4)除ought, used和have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式; ‎ ‎ 5) 个别情态动词过去式用来表达更加客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强;‎ ‎ 1)表肯定推测,意为“一定,必定”(只用于肯定句中);否定推测用can't,意为“一定不”。‎ ‎ The bag must be Anne’s because it has her name on it.‎ ‎ That man can’t be Prof. Lee. He has gone to Xiamen. ‎ ‎ 肯定回答:Yes, ...must. ‎ ‎2. must ‎ ‎ 2)must表示主观义务,意为“应该,“必须”‎ ‎ 否定回答:No, ...needn’t / don’t have to. ‎ ‎ 3)mustn't表示“不准”、“不允许”、“禁止”。如:You mustn’t break the rules/laws. ‎ ‎ 4)只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去)‎ ‎ e.g. He said she must go with me. ‎ 注意:总结must与have to 的区别 随堂练 ‎1. —_________ you paint?‎ ‎—Yes. but I'm not a good painter. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need ‎2. —Must parents help do everything for their children?‎ ‎ —No, they_________. Children should learn to be independent.‎ A. can’t B. must C. needn’t D. may ‎3. —Must I book the flight ticket to Australia by phone?‎ ‎ —No, you ________. You can also do it online.‎ A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. couldn’t ‎4. —Must we hand in the papers now?‎ ‎ —No, you ______.‎ A. can’t B. may not C. mustn’t D. don’t have to ‎5. --Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.‎ ‎--It ________ be very expensive. I never even dream about it.‎ A. must B. might C. can’t D. shouldn’t ‎6. It’s quite early. We_________ worry about the time A. needn’t to B. needn’t C. don’t need D. not need‎ ‎7. Anna hasn’t come to school today. I think she ________ be ill. ‎ A. can      B. has to      C. may      D. should ‎ ‎8. —Whose T - shirt is this?‎ ‎—It______ be John' s. It’s ______ small for him.‎ A. can't; much too B. can't; too much C. mustn't; much too D. mustn't; too much ‎9. —____________I borrow these magazines?‎ ‎—Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed.‎ A. Must B. Would C. May D. Need ‎ ‎10. —May we leave the classroom now?‎ ‎—No, you ______. ‎ A. needn’t B. don’t have to C. needn’t D. can’t ‎11. Mr. Wang was late for work this morning because he_________ catch the early bus.‎ A. didn't have to B. wasn't able to C. mustn't D. can't ‎12. We have already tried our best, so we_________ worry about the matter.‎ A. may not B. couldn't C. mustn't D. needn't ‎13. According to the school rules, they_________ wear school uniforms at the school. ‎ A. shall B. may C. must D. can ‎14. -Must I stay at home, Mum?‎ ‎  -No, you_________.‎ A. needn't B. mustn't C. don't D. may not ‎15. -Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li?‎ ‎  -No, it_________ be him. Mr. Li has gone to America. ‎ A. mustn't B. may not C. can't D. needn't ‎1)表示客观要求,意为“不得不;必须”‎ ‎3. have to e.g. Now there’s no bus here, so we had to walk home. ‎ ‎ 2)有人称,数及时态的变化,需要借助do / did / does变否定。‎ ‎ 3)否定式 don’t have to(=needn’t)意为“不必”,可以与情态动词搭配使用。‎ ‎ e.g. He didn’t have to cancel the plan. 他可能需要打消这个计划。‎ 随堂练 ‎1. Plants and flowers __________ water and sun when they start growing. ‎ A. need to B. don't need C. needn't D. need ‎2. You have already tried your best, so you ________ worry too much about the exams. ‎ ‎ A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't ‎3. Only you ________ do such a thing, I'm sure, and nobody else has such an ability. ‎ ‎ A. must B. should C. may D. can ‎4. —________ I watch TV now, Mom?‎ ‎ —No. It’s too late, and you ______ go to bed.‎ ‎ A. May; have to B. Will; should C. Can; will D. Must; need ‎5 --Mum, will you buy me the new iPad after the High School Entrance Examination?‎ ‎ -- I’m afraid I _______, dear. We are short of money now. ‎ ‎ A can’t B. mustn’t C shouldn’t D needn’t ‎6. It ________ be fantastic if more students join in the charity show tomorrow. ‎ ‎ A must B need C can D may ‎7. Nowadays even a small personal computer _________ store huge amounts of information. ‎ ‎ A. must B. need C. should D. can ‎8. Every citizen ________ try his best to protect our environment. It’s our duty. ‎ ‎ A. need B. must C. can D. may ‎9. --Must we finish the poster in class?‎ ‎ --No, you ______. You can finish it after class. ‎ ‎ A. Mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t ‎10. Christy has been in China for two years, but she still _______ speak Chinese. ‎ ‎ A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. shouldn't ‎11. —Must I finish my homework today, Ms Liu?‎ ‎ —No,_______.‎ ‎ A. you mustn’t B. you don’t have to C. you can’t ‎12. —I can’t stop smoking, doctor. ‎ ‎— For your health, I’m afraid you ______. ‎ ‎ A. may B. can C. have to D. need ‎ ‎13. I haven’t got enough money to buy a ticket so I __________ go home on foot. ‎ ‎ A. must B. have to C. ought to D. may ‎14. His arm is all right. He______ go and see the doctor. A. has not to B. don't have to C. haven't to D. doesn't have to ‎15. --Must we finish giving out the posters today?‎ ‎ --Yes, we _______. It can't be put off any longer. ‎ ‎ A. can B. may C. must D. have to ‎16. --I didn't pass the math test. I think I have spent too much time playing computer games recently.‎ ‎ --I agree. You _____ play like that anymore. ‎ ‎ A. needn't B. mustn't C. may not D. wouldn't ‎17. When traffic lights are red. We _________stop and wait. ‎ ‎ A. may B. can C. must D. might.‎ ‎18. —Li Lei, hurry up! The bus is coming. ‎ ‎ —Oh, no. We ______ cross the street until the traffic lights turn green. ‎ ‎ A. mustn’t B. may not C. needn’t D. have to ‎ ‎19. Excuse me, sir. You ______ open the door before the train stops.‎ A. mustn't B. needn’t C. may not D. don’t have to ‎20. —_____I finish my homework now?‎ ‎ —No, you_____. Your work is over today.‎ ‎ A. Can't; must B. Must; don't have to ‎ C. May; couldn't D. Couldn't; could ‎4. would ‎ ◆1) 主要用于第二人称的疑问句中,表示征求意见或提出请求,would比will委婉客气,仍指现在时 ‎ e.g. Would you pass me the book?‎ ‎ Would you please post the letter for me? 请帮我寄了这封信好吗?‎ ‎ ◆2) 表示意志、愿望和决心,常表过去,是will的过去式; ‎ ‎ e.g. She asked if I would go with them. 她问我是否愿同他们一起去。‎ ‎ He wouldn’t help me yesterday. 他昨天不愿帮助我。‎ ‎ ◆3)常见搭配和句型:‎ ‎ Would you like to do sth…?‎ ‎ Would like/ love to do sth.‎ ‎ Would you mind doing...?‎ ‎ Would you please do...?‎ ‎ would rather (not) do...? 表示要求、邀请、希望或询问 ‎ would rather… than do…  宁愿…而不愿...‎ 随堂练 ‎1. — you to have some pudding?‎ ‎—Yes, please.‎ A. Had. . . better B. Ought.../ C. Would…like D. Would…mind ‎2. — you please take a message for him?‎ ‎-Sure.‎ A. Will B. Shall C. Ought D. Should ‎3. Li Ming said he ________happy if Brian________ to China next month. A. as; come B. was; would come C. would be; came D. will be; come ‎4. Jenny said she _______her holiday in China. A. spent B. would spent C. was going to spent D. would spend ‎ ‎5. Excuse me. _______ you please pass me that cup? ‎ ‎ A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must ‎6. —Would you like to go boating with us? —Yes, _______. A. I'd like B. I want C. I'd like to D. I do ‎7. you like to have another try? ‎ ‎ A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do ‎8. —“Won’t you tell me more about your problems?”‎ ‎ —“I ______talk about it any more.”‎ ‎ A. would rather not to B. wouldn’t rather ‎ ‎ C. would rather not D. wouldn’t rather to ‎9. — you turning down the radio a bit?‎ ‎-Not at all.‎ A. Would... mind B. Would…like C. Will…you D. Had... better ‎10. — Are you coming to Jeff's party? ‎ ‎ —I'm not sure. I ________go to the concert instead. ‎ ‎ A. must B. would C. should D. might ‎ Reading ‎ I. Read the passages. ‎ Passage A There is a new Kentucky in the city of Yichang. My classmates 1 that the hamburgers and the chicken legs are very delicious there. 2 my mother takes me to the new Kentucky 3 Sunday. The restaurant is between the South Street 4 East Hill Road. There 5 so many children and 6 parents in it. And small children can play 7 in it, too. We 8 much delicious food and drink two cups of coke. And the 9 in the restaurant are very friendly. They help us clean the table. How happy I am! I 10 the new Kentucky very much. I hope I can go there every day. Of course, it's impossible, it's only my dream.‎ 1. A. say B. says C. talk D. talks 2. A. Because B. So C. And D. But 3. A. at B. in C. on D. of 4. A. of B. and C. behind D. at 5. A. is B. am C. are D. were 6. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them 7. A. basketball B. football C. games D. tennis 8. A. eat B. eats C. are eating D. ate 9. A. farmers B. teachers C. waiters D. students 10. A. don't like B. like C. likes D. doesn't Passage B ‎ Peter is eight and a half years old, and he goes to a school n__1___ his house. He always goes there and comes home on foot, and he usually gets back on time, bus last Friday he came home from school l 2 .‎ ‎ His mother was in the kitchen, and she saw him and said to him, “Why are you late today, Peter?”‎ ‎ “My teacher is a__3____ and sends me to the headmaster after our l 4 .” Peter answered.‎ ‎ “To the headmaster?” His mother said. “Why doesn’t she send you home?”‎ ‎ “Because she asks a question in the class,” Peter said. “and none of the children give her the a___5___ except me.”‎ His mother is angry. “But why does the teacher send you to the headmaster then? Why does not she send all the o__6___ stupid children?” She asked Peter.‎ ‎ “Because her question is ‘W__7____ put glue on my chair’” Peter says.‎ ‎1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________‎ ‎6. __________ 7. __________ ‎ 答案: near , late, angry, lessons, answer, other, Who;‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;‎ 2. 相互交换批改,或通过优先选择等互动方式讲解练习,表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题,并订正在错题集上;‎ Multiple Choices(备注:期中真题卷)‎ ‎1. I am going to visit the Space Museum ___________ Wednesday afternoon.‎ ‎ A. in B. at C. on D. for ‎2. Linda was ___________ the school volleyball team at primary school.‎ ‎ A. on B. with C. of D. at ‎3. Li Hui spent a lot of time ___________.‎ ‎ A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swims ‎4. Do you have ___________ important to say?‎ ‎ A. any B. anything C. nothing D. something ‎5. I would like two ___________.‎ ‎ A. bottle of orange juice B. bottle of oranges juice ‎ C. bottles of orange juice D. bottles of oranges juice ‎6. I'd like to buy some presents ___________ my teachers on Teachers' Day.‎ ‎ A. for B. to C. on D. with ‎7. It's about ___________ walk.‎ A. five minutes' B. five minute's C. five minute D. five, minute ‎8. We can ask the teachers for _________.‎ ‎ A. an advice B. some advice C. much advices D. many advices ‎9. In ten ______time, Peter will be taller and stronger.‎ ‎ A. year B. years C. years’ D. year’s ‎10. There is ________milk in the fridge. Let’s buy some.‎ ‎ A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ‎11. I saw an old lady crying in the street on my ___________.‎ ‎ A. way to home B. way at home ‎ C. way to go home D. way home ‎12. --- ___________ was the new film?‎ ‎ --- Very exciting.‎ ‎ A. How B. How long C. How much D. How about ‎13. Not only my parents but also my grandpa ice cream.‎ ‎ A. enjoy eating B. enjoys to eat ‎ C. enjoy to eat D. enjoys eating ‎14. Why not ___________ ___________there?‎ ‎ A. take a taxi; / B. taking a taxi; to ‎ C. by taxi; / D. by taxi; to ‎15. We're new here. Could you show ___________ the way ___________ Zhangjiang High-tech Park?‎ ‎ A. we; to B. us; to C. we; on D. us; on ‎16. ___________ does Peter go to the English Comer? Twice a week.‎ ‎ A. How often B. How many times C. When D. How soon ‎17. I’d rather ________ meatballs for my dinner.‎ A.to have B. has C. have D. having ‎18. About 8 _______ people live in Thailand. ‎ A. million B. millions C. millions of D. million of ‎19. I’d like to go to the cinema _______she wants to stay at home this evening.‎ A. but B. and C. or D. so ‎20. Mary is good ______Chinese, and she always wins the first prize.‎ A. in B. at C. for D. of II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their Proper forms.‎ 1. Shanghai is one of the greatest _____________ in Asia. (city) cities 2. The Dragon Boat Festival is in the ____________ (four) lunar month. fourth 3. Do you know which city is the capital of ________________?(Japanese) Japan 4. My father is much ______________ (heavy) than before. heavier 5. It's my ___________ to help you. (please) pleasure 6. Did you enjoy ___________, boys and girls? (you) yourselves 7. We should take an ___________ part in sports and games. (act) active 1. Tom was ___________ to hurt his leg. (careful) careless 2. Alice ___________ (buy) a new pen last weekend. bought 3. Don't make any noise. The kids ___________ (sleep) in the bedroom. is sleeping III. Rewrite the sentences as required.‎ ‎1. My father often read detective stories before.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ ___________ your father often ___________ detective stories before? Did…read ‎2. He missed the early bus this morning. (保持原句意思)‎ ‎ He ___________ ___________ the early bus this morning. couldn’t catch ‎3. How was yesterday's film? (保持原句意思)‎ ‎ ___________ did you ___________ of yesterday's film? How…feel ‎4. Linda likes eating kiwis. Her sister likes eating kiwis, too. (两句合并成一句)‎ ‎ ___________ Linda and her sister ___________ eating kiwis. Both…like ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ 1. 引导学生说出情态动词的特征,并用一个情态动词举例说明;‎ 2. 引导学生总结must, would的用法及注意的地方;‎ ‎【教学建议】‎ ‎1. 规定学生在限定的时间内完成;‎ ‎2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎4.对本节课积分高的学生可以考虑相应减少作业量;‎ ‎5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ I. Choose the best answers.‎ ‎1. There are more than 12 people in Beijing.‎ ‎ A. millions B. million of C. million D. millions of ‎2. Japan is of Shanghai.‎ ‎ A. north-west B. south-west C. north-east D. south-east ‎3. Ben stay in Beijing for one year.‎ ‎ A. plan B. plan to C. plans D. plans to ‎4. You don’t need in your homework today.‎ ‎ A. to hand B. hand C. handing D. to handing ‎5. His mother about his health now.‎ ‎ A. worrys B. is worrying C. worried D. worries ‎6. Let me drive you the airport.‎ ‎ A. at B. to C. in D. of ‎7. There is some important in today’s newspaper.‎ ‎ A. informations B. information C. thing D. piece of news ‎8. My father’s job is sick people better.‎ ‎ A. make B. making C. to make D. makes ‎9. The boys are going to see a film the morning of June1st.‎ ‎ A. in B. at C. for D. on ‎ ‎10. My father back next month.‎ ‎ A. comes B. came C. will come D. come ‎11. Would you like a cup of coffee?‎ ‎ A. have B. to have C. has D. having ‎12. There are oranges left in the fridge. Go and buy some.‎ ‎ A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ‎13. There is going to a football match in our school.‎ ‎ A. have B. has C. is D. be ‎14. You room is than ours.‎ ‎ A. more clean B. more cleaner C. much cleaner D. very clean ‎15. It took us to finish the work.‎ ‎ A. two and a half hours B. two hour and a half ‎ C. two hours and half D. two and a half hour ‎16. — you sushi?‎ ‎—Yes, I have.‎ ‎ A. Did, have B. Do, have C. Have, had D. Have, have ‎17. I’ll leave Shanghai at nine.‎ ‎ A. to B. for C. in D. at ‎18.—Would you like some sandwiches?‎ ‎— .‎ ‎ A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, please.‎ ‎ C. No, I like some sandwiches. D. No, I wouldn’t.‎ ‎ ‎ II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (7分)‎ ‎1. There are many (fame) parks in this country. fames ‎2. , they were out of danger.(final) Finally ‎3. All (pass) must arrive at the airport before two o’clock. passengers ‎4. is very serious today.(pollute) Pollution ‎5. Many (tour)come to visit the Great Wall every year. tourists ‎6. We should not eat (health) food. unhealthy ‎ ‎ III. Do the write following sentences as required. (10分)‎ ‎1. They have already packed their suitcases.(一般疑问句)‎ ‎ they packed their suitcases ? Have…yet ‎2. The new King took Qu Yuan’s advice.(否定句)‎ ‎ The new King Qu Yuan’s advice. didn’t take ‎3. My father will stay in los Angeles for six weeks. (划线提问)‎ ‎ will your father stay in los Angeles? How long ‎4. People have dragon boat races to celebrate the festival(划线提问)‎ ‎ people have Dragon Boat races? Why…do ‎5. He’d like to have some coke. (保持句意不变)‎ ‎ He have some coke. want to IV. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.‎ ‎ Mr. Zhang was living in the countryside. One day, he wanted to go to an office in the city. He got into his car and 1 to the city. After an hour, The car stopped __2 the office. He locked his car and went to the office. When he 3 back to the car, he couldn’t 4 his key. So he phoned his wife to take him the other key at home. When his wife 5 at the office by taxi. Mr. Zhang found his 6 was in his hand!‎ ‎( )1. A. drives B. goes C. drove D. drived ‎( )2. A. between B. in C. in front of D. in the front of ‎( )3. A. came B. comes C. returns D. returned ‎( )4. A. find B. found C. look for D. look at ‎( )5. A. got B. arrived C. has got D. reached ‎( )6. A. car B. wife C. bag D. key ‎ ‎ V. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.‎ ‎ You speak, write a letter or make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate w words. Do you think that you can communicate w words? A smile on your face s you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell o that you are s . When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows that you want to say something or a questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes” .People can communicate in many other ways. ‎ 答案: with, without, shows, others, sad, answer ‎【预习思考】‎ Ⅰ. Words.‎ ‎1. fare n.车费;船费 e. g. How much is the fare to Beijing? 到北京车费要多少?‎ fare-box n.投币箱 e. g. People put their money in the fare-box and then they can get into the bus.‎ 人们先将钱投入投币箱,然后才可以到车里面去。‎ ‎2. public adj.公众的,公共的 e. g. Everyone can borrow books from public libraries. 每个人都可以从公共图书馆借书。‎ ‎【知识拓展】 n.公众 e. g. -Is the museum open to the public? 这家博物馆对公众开放吗?‎ ‎ -Not yet, but it will soon. 还没有,但很快会的。‎ ‎【记忆链接】public opinion公共舆论 ‎3. transportation n. 交通;运输 e. g. The transportation in our city is very convenient. 我们城市的交通运输非常方便。‎ ‎4. nowadays adv.现在.现今;如今 e. g. Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.‎ ‎ 现在,在任何一个大城市里,到处都可以看到广告。‎ ‎5. instead adv.代替 e. g. If you cannot go, let him go instead.如果你不能去,让他替你去。‎ ‎ I didn't have a pen, so I used a pencil instead.我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。‎ ‎【友情提示】要表示“用A代替B”,则要用instead of。‎ e. g. We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.我们将改在花园里喝茶,而不在屋里喝。‎ ‎ If you cannot go, he'll go instead of you.如果你不能去,他愿替你去。‎ ‎ He played football instead of playing basketball this morning.今天早晨,他踢足球而不是打篮球。‎ ‎6. most ‎(1) pron. 大多数 e. g. Most of us are going. 我们中大多数人都要去。‎ ‎(2) adj. (many和much的最高级)大多数的 e. g. -Most tree leaves turn yellow in autumn.大多数树叶在秋天会变黄。‎ ‎ -Some turn red.有的会变红。‎ ‎(3) adj. (much的最高级)最 e. g. -Which season do you like most? 你最喜欢哪个季节?‎ ‎-Spring. It's the most beautiful season of the year.春天,因为这是一年中最美丽的季节。‎ ‎7. none pron.没人;一个也没有;毫无 e. g. None dared to do it. 谁也不敢做这件事。(此处相当于no one)‎ None of us enjoy(s) getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。‎ None of the boys has passed the history examination.男孩子中没有人通过历史考试。‎ ‎【记忆链接】It’s none of your business.不关你的事。 ‎ e. g. “It's none of your business,” the young man said rudely. “这不关你的事。”这个青年粗鲁地说。‎ ‎【友情提示】none是一个否定意义的词,即可以指物,又可以指人,用在三者或三者以上的场合,与all对立,且常用of连用;谓语使用单数、复数均可。‎ e. g. In the past, none of the buses was a double-decker bus. 过去没有一辆公共汽车是双层的。‎ In the past, none of the drivers were women.过去没有女司机。‎ ‎8. still adv.还是,仍然 e. g. -Mum, I'm still hungry! 妈妈,我还是饿!‎ ‎-Have another piece of cake then. 再吃块蛋糕吧。‎ ‎9. perhaps adv. 也许;可能;大概 e. g. Perhaps the letter will come today.也许那封信今天能到。‎ ‎ Perhaps they are in need of our help.也许他们需要我们的帮助。‎ ‎【知识拓展】近义:maybe adv.大概,也许 反义:certainly adv.的确;当然 ‎10. few adj.很少,几乎没有 e. g. -Are there many fish in the pond? 池塘里鱼多吗?‎ ‎-Very few. 很少。‎ ‎【用法小贴士】few和little是“几乎没有”的意思,a few和a little是“有一些”的意思。few和a few用于修饰可数名词,如a few books(几本书)。little和a little用于修饰不可数名词,如a little milk(一点儿牛奶)。‎ ‎11. traffic n.交通 e. g. -Traffic jam again! 又堵车了!‎ ‎-There is a lot of traffic at this time of the day.每天这个时候车都很多。‎ ‎12. motorcycle n. 摩托车 e. g. -Can you ride a motorcycle? 你会骑摩托车吗?‎ ‎-No, but I can drive a car.不会,但我会开汽车。‎ ‎13. railway n.铁路,铁轨 e. g. -Why was the train late? 火车为什么晚点了?‎ ‎-There was a railway accident.铁路出事故了。‎ ‎【记忆链接】railway station火车站 railway worker铁路工人 ‎【用法小贴士】railway是英国英语,美国英语用railroad。‎ ‎14. bridge n.桥 e. g. -How can we cross the river? 咱们怎么过河呀?‎ ‎-There's a bridge over there.那边有座桥。‎ ‎【百科小贴士】世界上最古老的石拱桥是中国的赵州桥,世界上最长的桥在美国路易斯安那州。‎ ‎15. crossing n.人行横道,十字路口 e. g. Turn right at the first crossing, and you will see the garden. 在一个十字路口处向右拐,你将会看到花园。‎ ‎16. poster n.招贴画;海报 e. g. a poster advertising the circus宣传马戏团的海报 Her bedroom is hung with posters.她的卧室里挂着一些大海报。‎ Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达 ‎1. traffic jam 堵车;交通阻塞 e. g. Nowadays, there are more and more traffic jams in big cities. 如今大城市里交通阻塞越来越多。‎ ‎【友情提示】traffic和jam两词都是不可数名词,但traffic jam是可数的。‎ ‎2. light rail灯柱 ‎3. traffic lights交通灯 ‎4. car park 停车场 park ‎ n.公园 e. g. Zhongshan Park中山公园 People's Park人民公园 ‎ v. 停车 e. g. Where can we park the car? 我们能把车停哪儿?‎

