pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Part B 第6课时课件

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pep人教版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Part B 第6课时课件

Unit 2 Last weekend PEP·六年级下册 Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up Game: What’s missing? drank tea stayed at home watched TV cleaned the room washed clothes slept had a cold read a new magazine saw a film went boating cooked food made the beds Free talk How was your weekend? What did you do? Observe the pictures and guess: Who are they? How was their last weekend? cleaned the room What did they do? watched TV had a cold saw a film went boating slept read storybooks What did they do? Let’s check Listen and number. 1 3 4 2 Listen again and number the phrases. saw a film went boating read storybooks slept had a cold watched TV cleaned my room1 2 3 45 6 7 1. How was Amy’s weekend? It was ________. 2. How was Zhang Peng’s weekend? It was ________. Listen and answer. OK great 1. John: Hey. How was your weekend, Amy? Amy: It was OK. John: What did you do? Amy: I cleaned my room and I watched TV. 听力原文: 2. Zhang Peng: I had a great weekend. Sarah: Really? What did you do, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: I went boating and slept on Saturday. Sarah: What about Sunday? Zhang Peng: I read storybooks! 3. Chen Jie: What did you do last weekend, John? John: Nothing. I had a cold. Chen Jie: Oh. Are you OK now? John: Yes, I’m fine. Thanks, Chen Jie. 4. Wu Yifan: What did you do yesterday? Mike: I saw a new action film. Wu Yifan: Did you like it? Mike: Yes, I did. Wu Yifan: What will you do today, Mike? Mike: Oh, I will play football. Wu Yifan: OK. Have fun! Fill in the blanks. What did she/he do? Amy Zhang Peng John Mike cleaned her room and watched TV went boating and slept on Saturday read storybooks on Sunday nothing saw a new action film yesterday Observe them carefully: What can you find? talked-talked stay-stayed live-lived want-wanted plan-planned cry-cried 动词过去式变法: ①大部分直接在后面加ed cleaned washed stayed ②以不发音字母e结尾的词只加d danced lived liked ③ 以辅音字母+y结尾的词,将y变i,再加ed studied cried ④ 重读闭音节结尾的词,双写最后一个字母, 再加ed stopped planned ⑤ 不规则变法: slept was went Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences. I (cook) ______ dinner last Monday. I (play) ______ football last weekend. I (like) ______ the food yesterday. talked-talked stay-stayed live-lived want-wanted plan-planned cry-cried cooked played like d I (visit) _______ my grandparents last weekend. I (stop) _______ to look at the flower. I (study) _______ English last night. visited stopped studied talked-talked stay-stayed live-lived want-wanted plan-planned cry-cried Fill in the blanks and complete the passage. Hi! I’m Katie. _____ weekend, I got up and then _______ my room. I ______ my grandparents in the afternoon. We ______ about our recent life and ________ TV Last cleaned visited talked watched together. In the evening, I ____ storybooks at home. I love reading. I _______ myself last night. _____ Sunday, I want to ____ hiking with my friends. We will _____ great fun. read enjoyed Next go have Story time Read and answer the question. How was Zoom’s weekend? It was ______. A. busy B. boring C. happy Zoom’s Weekend Morning Afternoon Saturday Sunday Read the whole story and fill in the blanks. Zoom’s Weekend Morning Afternoon Saturday Sunday washed his schoolbag, went to the park did homework, went fishing cleaned the room, visited his grand- parents played football, watched TV Check the answers. 1. Watch the cartoon again. 2. Practice reading the story in groups. 3. Act out the story. Activity Zip: How was your weekend? Zoom: It was a busy one. Zip: What did you do on Saturday morning? Zoom: I washed my schoolbag. Then I went to the park. Zip: What did you do on Saturday afternoon? Zoom: I did my homework. Then I went fishing. Zip: What did you do on Sunday morning? Zoom: I cleaned my room. Then I visited my grandparents. Zip: What did you do on Sunday afternoon? Zoom: I played football. Then I watched TV. Zip: That was a busy weekend. Zoom: Yes, it was. Now I need another weekend. Blackboard Design Unit 2 Last weekend Regulations: 1) want-wanted, watch-watched, clean-cleaned 2) like-liked, live-lived, use-used 3) stop-stopped, plan-planned 4) study-studied, cry-cried, hurry-hurried

