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小学英语(PEP)五年级下模拟测试题(三) 一、写出五个元音字母的大、小写形式(10 分) 二、选出不同类别的单词(10 分) 1.( )A. fly B. jump C. run D. ant 2.( )A. elephant B. swim C. kangaroo D. monkey 3.( )A. sleeping B. flying C. jumping D. run 4.( )A. Sunday B. May C. March D. January 5.( )A. first B. one C. second D. third 三、选出划线部分发音不同的选项(10 分) 1.( )A. cat B. class C. glass 2.( )A. park B. carC. rain 3.( )A. whyB. JanuaryC. fly 4.( )A. fouthB. fifth C. either 5.( )A. evening B. next C. tell 四、写出下列单词的现在分词形式(18 分) 1. sleep 2. drink 3. take 4. watch 5. write 6. run 五、选择填空(20 分) ( )1. Look!The rabbit jumping. A. is B. am C. are ( )2. It is bananas. It’s hungry. A. eat B. eats C. eating ( )3. That elephant is drinking water its trunk. 学 校 年 班 姓 名 : 装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题 A. on B. in C. with ( )4. What are doing? A. he B. she C. they ( )5. Here come two __. A. tiger B. tigers C. tigering ( )6. They are picking leaves. A. up B. with C. to ( )7. Come and a look at the ants. A. has B. having C. have ( )8. They sweet food. A. like B. likes C. liking ( )9. Is John chess, too ? A. play B. plays C. playing ( )10. Tell we’re leaving. A. he B. she C. him 六、用所给句子补全对话(12 分) ①Yes , I can.②Yes , They are. ③They’re jumping. ④I see some kangaroos. 1. A:What do you see? B: 2. A:What are they doing? B: 3. A:Can you see the monkeys? B: 4. A:They are good climbers. B: 七、阅读理解(10 分) A:Hey ! What are you doing there? B:We are doing an experiment. A:What experiment? B:Whatdo ants like to eat? A:That’s interesting. B:Come and have a look at the ants. A:Are they eating the vegetable? B:No, they don’t like it. A:Are they eating the honey? B:Yes, they are. They like sweet food. A:I like sweet things, too. Do an experiment on me, please. 阅读短文,选择合适的答案 ( )1. What are A and B doing? A. Playing chess. B. Doing an experiment. ( )2. What experiment? A. What do ants like to eat? B. What do dogs like to eat? C. What do birds like to eat? ( )3. What do ants like to eat? A. Honey B. Apples C. vegetable ( )4. like sweet food. A. Ants B. Fish C. Giraffe ( )5. Who like sweet things, too? A. B likes sweet things. B. A likes sweet things. C. A and B like sweet things. 八、写出下列四会词(10 分) 跑 游泳 睡觉蚂蚁蜂蜜 走 跳 往上爬 打架 喝水

