人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语-Unit 3导学案-A Let’s try & Let’s talk

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人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语-Unit 3导学案-A Let’s try & Let’s talk

Unit3 第一课时 教学目标 1.能听懂 Let’s try 并完成 Tick and cross.2.能理解 Let’s talk 并能听说认读下列句子: What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now. Where did you go? What did you do? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.3.能听说认读单词 fell off, mule, could, till, Labour Day, Turpan. 2.能够问答有关假期去过的地方及做过的事情。 3.了解国内的一些名胜:如新疆的风土人情。 教学重点 理解对话内容,掌握并运用四会句型:Where did you go? What did you do? 教学难点 能够用一般过去时对过去发生的事情进行简单描述。理解句子 I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. 教学准备 本课时的图片 课件 录音带 教学过程 一.热身导入 1.T: Before class , Let’s warm-up ,clap your hands and chant. 2.Free talk。 T : I like holidays, because I can take a trip. Do you like holidays? Where did you go over your holiday? What did you do? 学生回答,并两人一组练习对话,表演对话。 3. Play a guessing game.播放三幅图片,请学生猜测猜测昨天做什么了?What did you do yesterday? 二.任务呈现 1.Study Let’s try. T:I rode a bike yesterday. But suddenly What happened?(出示幻灯片),I fell off my bike.学习新 句型:What happened? I fell off my bike, and hurt my foot. 出示 John 图片,T:Do you want to know what happened to John? Ss: Yes, I do. ( 1 )listen and tick or cross. ( 2 )Check the answers . ( 3 )Change the cross answer into the tick answer. 三.课文学习 Study Let’s talk. 由刚才的听力第三题,T: We know, John hurt his leg. His friend Amy was very worried. so she visited him,学习 Let’s talk . 教师说出指令: ( 1 ) The first time,listen. ( 2 )The second time, Let’s watch the video. ( 3 ) The third time ,listen and repeat, Pay attention to the pronunciation of every word. ( 4 ) The four time, Listen and repeat again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. ( 5 ) Read by yourselves once, then three questions. 1.What happened to John? 2.Where did he go? 3. What did he do? (评论(0)活动 3【活动】Step 3. Read and act Step 3 Read and act T: Class, Who can read this dialogue? Other students can repeat. T: Now read this part in pairs, then ask two pairs to read. T: Now read together. 四.训练巩固 1.T: Look at these verbs, can you change them into past form or original from? (1) go (2) see (3) hurt (4) fall (5)did (6)came (7)could (8)happened 2.T:Look at these pictures, choose the right answer.(看图片,选句子。) A. There are lots of grapes. B. It looks like a tiger C. I fell off my bike. D. We went to Turpan last Saturday. E. Labour day F. He went fishing yesterday. 3.教师出示本市日光山的图片,带领学生实际的交际运用。拓展重点句型 Where did you go over you holiday? How did you go there? What did you do?然后四人小组练习创编对话。组内小展示 时,教师巡视.并适时引导点拨。 4.各组到前面展示,拓展对话。教师及时评价。 五.课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有: fall/fell over 摔倒 Happened fall/fell off 从…上跌落 Where did you go over your holiday ? I went to… What did you do?

