人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语-Unit 3导学案-B Let’s try & Let’s talk

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人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语-Unit 3导学案-B Let’s try & Let’s talk

Unit3 第三课时 教学目标 1.学生能够在教师的帮助下,借助图片,理解对话大意,并能回答对话下面的问题:Where did Amy go last winter holiday? How did she go there? What did she do? 2 能够在语境中理解生词 beach 的意思,并能正确发音;能通过对话了解海南三亚的海岛 风光;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色表演;能够听、说、读、写,并能在 情境中恰当运用以下句型 Where did you go? Did you…?Yes, we did./No, we didn’t. How did you go there?What did you do?谈论假期活动;能够在情景中恰当运用由 where、what、和 how 引 导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。 教学重点 能够听、说、读、写,并能在情境中恰当运用以下句型 Where did you go? Did you…?Yes, we did./No, we didn’t. How did you go there?What did you do?谈论假期活动;能够在情景中恰当运 用由 where、what、和 how 引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。 教学难点 学生能够在教师的帮助下,借助图片,理解对话大意,并能回答对话下面的问题能够用 正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色表演;谈论假期活动;能够在情景中恰当运用由 where、 what、和 how 引导的一般过去时特殊疑问句。 教学准备 多媒体课件挂图录音带 教学过程 一.热身导入 1.看图说单词 2、Free-talk T:Boys and girls! I had a busy weekend. How about you? S: It was fine. T: What did you do? S1:I … T: Did you see a film? S1:Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. T:Where did you go last weekend? S2: I went to… T: How did you go there? S2:I _______. T: What did you do? S2:_________. 二、任务呈现 1、T:Look!Who are they? Wuyifan Amy and Sarah 2、Let’s try (1)They are talking. What are they talking about? A school B holidays Who did Sarah buy gifts for? AAmy and John B Wuyifan and Amy (2)Amy took a trip over the winter holiday. Where did Amy go last winter holiday?先预测再听 Listen and answer(听第一次录音) How did Amy went to Sanya? How was the weather in Sanya? 听第二次录音(先预测再听) What did Amy do in Sanya? 听第三次录音(先预测再听) (3)把答案写在纸上 在 Mind map 上贴上中心图和 3 个关键词 三.课文学习 (1)课件播放句型 Where did you go over the weather holiday? I went to Sanya. How did you go there? I went by plane. I took lots of pictures and went swimming. (2)教 lots of ,took pictures, went swimming, some time 四个词 (3)通过 PPT 造句 (4)role play check two groups (5)教师示范 share the trip with the students. T: I took a trip over the winter holiday? Where did I go? Can you guess? Please ask me questions. (6)让学生根据提示问问题 The students make a dialogue according to the picture of them. 四、训练巩固 1、学生谈论自己的旅行,做对话 2、利用本节课句型进行 pairwork.练习 . 五.课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有: lots of = a lot of beach Sometimes 有时 Sometime 改天;来日 took pictures How was the weather in Sanya? Where did you go over the winter holiday?

