人教小学六下册英语-Unit 2 教案-A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report2

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人教小学六下册英语-Unit 2 教案-A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report2

Unit 2 Last weekend A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report 教学目标 1 能听、说、认、读动词的过去式:cleaned,stayed,washed, watched。 2 能运用句型“How was your weekend? It was fine. ”来询问上周末的情况; 能运用句型“What did you do? I + v. -ed…”来询问过去所完成的动作。 3 能了解动词过去式的一般规律,即在动词原形后面加“d”。 4 能完成“ Do a survey and report”。 教学重点 1 能灵活运用句型“How was your weekend? It was fine.“What did you do? I + v. -ed...”。 2 掌握四个过去时短语“cleaned my room,watched TV,washed my clothes, stayed at home” 教学难点 能灵活运用句型“What did you do? I +...”来询问和回答过去所完成的动作。 教学准备 单词卡片、教学光盘。 教学过程 Step 1 : Warm-up (1)找几个小组表演“Let’stalk”部分,并予以点评。 (2)同学之间 Free talk,相互询问昨天或上周末所做的事情,并用过去式进行 回答。如: S1 : What did you do? S2:I played football. What did you do? S1 : … Step 2 : Presentation (1)让学生看第一课时学过的“Let’s talk”部分,并提问 “What did Mike do last weekend?” S1 : Mike washed his clothes and cleaned his room. 教师适当展示单词图片,并对比板书: wash→washed his clothes clean→cleaned his room 让学生了解动词过去式变化的一般规律。 (2)教师问:What about Chen Jie? What did she do last weekend?引导学生 回答句子 “She stayed at home and watched TV. ”板书并展示单词图片: stay→stayed at home watch→watched TV (3)我做你说。找一名学生在讲台上做动作, 比一比哪个组最快说出相应 的过去式短语。 (4)教师教读,学生听音跟读,理解“Let’s learn” 对话。 (5 )同桌二人模仿“ Let ’ s learn”展开对话,并用动词短语进行替换练习。 Step 3 : Consolidation and extension (1)完成“ Do a survey and report”。 A:Make a survey.学生利用课本的调查询问 6 名同学上周末过得是否愉快, 以及上周末的活动, 操练句型:“How was your weekend? It was OIO/fine ...” “What did you do? I + v. -ed...”。 B : Have a report.请几名学生汇报调查结果,并写成书面文字。如: Two students washed their clothes last weekend. (2)接龙问答游戏。 S1:What did you do last weekend? S2:I watched TV. How about you? S3:I played foot ball. What did you do,S4? S4:I + v. -ed … (3)让学生归纳出已经学过的动词过去式,教师对于“is”“do”的过去式 要特别强调。 (4)课堂小练习。 What C you last weekend? A. do ; d( o B. did;did C. did;do He B football last weekend. A. play B. played C. plays How Byour weekend? A. is B. was C. has Step 4 : Homework 跟读“Let’s learn”部分。 教学反思 本部分内容较为简单,重点学习几个动词短语的过去式: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home,watched TV,并要求掌握动词过去式的一 般变化规律,即直接加“ed”,对于“is”和 “do”的过去式要特别强调。另外, 要求能灵活运用句型:“How was your weekend? It was fine. ”“What did you do ? I + v -ed...”。

