小学六年级上册英语课件Lesson 23 ppt

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小学六年级上册英语课件Lesson 23 ppt

prospects of many gifts Christmas dinner drizzle: slight rain At the end of this period, students will be able to guess the meanings of new words from the context speak out the structure of a story realize helping others brings joy write a passage recalling something that happened in the past To play with the presents. Christmas Morning What did I see across the street? A family outside the locked door Why did I run out of the Methodist Church Para. 1 What were they doing when I saw them? the Greyhound bus huddled under the narrow overhang overhang Can you guess why the family were standing at the gas station? What does the “it” refer to, in the sentence it was closed ? What is the meaning of huddle , according to the context? (huddled under the narrow overhang ) to hold your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened Gas station What does the last sentence imply? I wondered briefly why they were there but then forgot about them What would be the first thing I would do when I got home? Group discussion Did I have plenty of time to enjoy my presents, why? Para. 2-12 Why did my father make a u-turn? Couldn’t stand …… Why did the family go to Birmingham? What did my father offer to help them? brother, prospects of a job Take them to Winborn (another bus stop) where there is a shed with a cover and some benches What is the meaning of stoop slightly to peer into the car , according to the context? What is the meaning of he beckoned to his family ? What does this sentence imply? They had no luggage, only the clothes they were wearing. What do you expect to happen next? Group discussion to give sb a signal using your finger or hand, especially to tell them to move nearer or to follow you to bend your body forwards and downwards Poor, no money, broke Circle the verbs that can best show the excitement of the children when they heard about and saw the Christmas gifts. Para. 13-20 Christmas presents stairs of love and care Walk into the heart of another family The joy of making others happy Start by giving, making the world a better place! Why does the writer once again mention the little girl hugging her new doll in the last paragraph? Once again felt the joy of making others happy Para. 21 Coming to the same gas station years later, you look back on that Christmas, thinking about the family and the Christmas gifts…… Recall the things that happened that day How that incident affects your life What you want to say to that family Writing: The joy of being blessed

