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小升初英语检测试题(七)(含答案)‎ 一.用is, am 或are 填空 ‎  1.Excuse me. What _______ this in English?‎ ‎  2. ________ the your coat, Mr Green? No, it _________ not.‎ ‎  3. What ________ these? ___________ they maps?‎ ‎  4. This __________ your bike. Where __________ my bike?‎ ‎  5. I __________ in Class Eleven. What class ___________ you in?‎ ‎  二.单项填空 ‎  1. -What’s your name, please? ---- ________‎ ‎  A. It’s Tom B. My name is Tom C. Thank you D. Fine, thank you ‎  2. ----Hello, Lin Tao. How are you? ---- _________.‎ ‎  A. hello. Li Ming. How are you? B. Good morning. Li Ming.‎ ‎  C. Thank you D. Fine, thank you ‎  3. ----It is _________ ruler. ---- It is not __________ eraser.‎ ‎  A. /, an B. a; an C. the; the ‎  4. ---- Is that your watch over there? ----No, it’s _______ watch.‎ ‎  A. my B. this C. my sister’s ‎  5. ----What _______ do you speak? ---- I speak Chinese.‎ ‎  A. language B. science C. subject ‎  6. Thanks ______ your present.‎ ‎  A. of B. from C. for D. to ‎  7. Is ______ your aunt? What’s ________ name?‎ ‎  A. he; his B. she; her C. he; her D. she; his ‎  8. The movie is very _______ and I like it.‎ ‎  A. boring B. interest C. interesting D. difficult ‎  9. ________ your brother __________ a soccer ball?‎ ‎  A. Do; has B. Do; have C. Does; has D. Does; have ‎  10. --- Let’s ___________ basketball. ---- Good idea!‎ ‎  A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing ‎  11.Mike doesn’t play sports. He only ______ them on TV.‎ ‎  A. sees B. watches C. looks at D. find ‎  12.I need to write a lost note. Can you _______ me _________?‎ ‎  A. take; a pencil B. bring; some book C. take; some papers D. bring; a pen ‎  13.He wants _________ the art club.‎ ‎  A. to join B. join C. joins ‎  14.---How does your father go to work every day? ---- _________ taxi.‎ ‎  A. In B. By C. On D. With ‎  15.Yesterday after class I ______________ my homework.‎ ‎  A. do B. did C. make D. made ‎  三.完型填空 ‎  A boy and a girl catch a bird and ___1___ it in a birdcage (鸟笼). They like it ___2___ and __3___ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants ___4___ her supper. ___5___ the bird is in the cage. She can’t catch it. So she is very ___6____.‎ ‎  One day, she opens the door of the cage ___7___ wants to catch it. But the bird fillies away. The cat ____8_____, and she has ____9_____. The two children ___10_____ and see the bird isn’t in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.‎ ‎  1.A. take B. put C. carry D. bring ‎  2.A. well B. very C. much D. very much ‎  3.A. see B. look C. have a look D. have a look at ‎  4.A. have it for B. has is for C. to have it for D. to has it so ‎  5.A. But B. And C. So D. Then ‎  6.A. angry B. happy C. glad D. tired ‎  7.A. but B. and C. so D. or ‎  8.A. can to fly B. can fly C. can’t to fly D. can’t fly ‎  9.A. no ways B. some ways C. any way D. not way ‎  10. A. come back to home B. come back home ‎  C. come to home D. back home ‎  四.阅读理解 ‎  (A)‎ ‎  An old tiger lives in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to get him something to eat.‎ ‎  He sees a monkey and says, “I’m hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and get me a fat pig.”‎ ‎  “Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”‎ ‎  “What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will eat him.”‎ ‎  “Come with me,” says the monkey.‎ ‎  The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river.” Says the monkey. “Do you see it? The tiger?”‎ ‎  “Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.‎ ‎  1. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?‎ ‎  A. Two tigers and one monkey B. Two tigers and two monkeys ‎  C. Only one tiger and one monkey D. Two monkeys and one tiger ‎  2. Why does the tiger tell the other animals to get him food? Because ____________.‎ ‎  A. only they can look for some food B. he is old and they are afraid of him ‎  C. gets to the bridge with the tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water ‎  3. The monkey _____________________‎ ‎  A. goes to the village to get a pig B. knows there is another tiger ‎  C. gets to the bridge with the tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water ‎  4. Which of the following is right? __________‎ ‎  A. The monkey eats up the tiger B. The tiger eats up another tiger ‎  C. The tiger jumps into the water D. The tiger is clever ‎  Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party to Mary. Mary is her daughter. She will be ten years old. A lot of her friends are coming to the party. Twenty of them are girls.‎ ‎  Mrs Green is getting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her.‎ ‎  “That’s a big nice cake,” says Mrs. White to Mrs Green.‎ ‎  “Thank you very much.”‎ ‎  Mrs Green is going shopping now. She is going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys a lot of pears, apples. Oranges and bananas. Then she goes home.‎ ‎  It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to begin in thirty minutes.‎ ‎  回答问题 ‎  1. Who is Mrs Green going to give a birthday party to?‎ ‎  ___________________________________________________‎ ‎  2. How old is Mary?‎ ‎  ___________________________________________________‎ ‎  3. What does Mrs Green buy fruit for?‎ ‎  ____________________________________________________‎ ‎  4. When is the party going to begin?‎ ‎  ____________________________________________________‎ ‎  5. How many girls are there at the party?‎ ‎  _____________________________________________________‎ ‎  五.根据所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎  1. In our school, we have many ___________ (club).‎ ‎  2. Helen can _______________ (speak) three languages.‎ ‎  3. The Whites have four ___________ (child), two daughters and two sons.‎ ‎  4. My pen pal _____________ (live) in Japan.‎ ‎  5. I want to eat _____________ (a) apple.‎ ‎  6. Please come and __________ (help) me.‎ ‎  7. She _________ (have) a dictionary.‎ ‎  8. There isn’t _____________ (some) tea in the cup.‎ ‎  六.连词成句 ‎  1. are, brothers, those, my ‎  ______________________________________________‎ ‎  2. table, backpack, the, my, is, under ‎  _______________________________________________‎ ‎  3. number, phone, your, is, what ‎  __________________________________________________‎ ‎  4. this, black, how, much, is, T-shirt ‎  __________________________________________________‎ ‎  5. has, she, a, car, blue ‎  _____________________________‎ ‎  七.根据上下文补全对话,每空一词 ‎  A: Can I help you?‎ ‎  B: ________, ______. I want a pair of pants.‎ ‎  A: What _________ do you ________?‎ ‎  B: Black ‎  A: Here _______ _________.‎ ‎  B: _______ _______ are you?‎ ‎  A: 35 dollars.‎ ‎  B: I’ll take them. _________ you.‎ ‎  A: You’re ___________.‎ ‎  八.用完整的句子回答下列问题 ‎  1.Can you play the violin? ____________________________________‎ ‎  2.Do you like English or maths? Why? ___________________________‎ ‎  3.What sports do you like? _____________________________________‎ ‎  4.When did you start to learn English? ____________________________‎ ‎  5.What are you going to do this summer vacation?__________________‎ ‎  参考答案 ‎  一. 1. is 2. Is, Is 3. are, Are 4. is, is 5. am, are ‎  二. 1-5 BDBCA 6-10 CBCDC 11-15 BDABB ‎  三. 1-5 BDDCA 6-10 ABDAB ‎  四. (A) 1-4 CBCC ‎  (B)1. To her daughter Mary.‎ ‎  2. She will be ten years old.‎ ‎  3. For the party.‎ ‎  4. At 5:30 in the afternoon ‎  5. There are 20 girls the party.‎ ‎  五. 1. clubs 2. speak 3. children 4. lives 5. an ‎  6. help 7. has 8. any ‎  六. 1. Those are my brothers.‎ ‎  2. My backpack is under the table.‎ ‎  3. What is your phone number?‎ ‎  4. How much is this black T-shirt?‎ ‎  5. She has a blue car.‎ ‎  七. 1. Yes 2. Please 3. color 4. want 5. you ‎  6. are 7. How 8. much 9. Thank 10. welcome

