Lesson 1 教案(3)

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Lesson 1 教案(3)

Unit 1‎ ◆ 教材分析 ‎ Lesson 1 I Am Excited 通过本节课使得学生们能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:Please don’t...。说出以下国际标识:don’t go straight; don’t ride a bike; don’t eat or drink; don’t turn left; don’t swim; don’t walk on the grass。‎ ◆ 教学目标 ‎【知识目标】‎ ‎1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:run, sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit, down, stand, up ‎2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:Please don’t...‎ ‎3. 学生能够认读并且说出以下国际标识:don’t go straight; don’t ride a bike; don’t eat or drink; don’t turn left; don’t swim; don’t walk on the grass.‎ ‎【能力目标】‎ 学生能够熟练运用祈使句。‎ ‎【情感目标】‎ ◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 通过本节课的祈使句的表达,培养学生之间互相关心,增进彼此之间友谊。‎ ‎[来源:学*科*网]‎ ‎【教学重点】‎ 会用表示否定的祈使句。‎ ‎【教学难点】‎ 在不同的场合会熟练运用不同的祈使句,并能用英语表述出来。‎ ◆ 课前准备 ◆ ‎ ‎ Tape recorder, Multimedia ◆ 教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up ‎1. greetings Greeting students in English: Hello students! Welcome to a new semester.‎ Discuss with the students what they expect to learn in the first unit of the semester. Help the students to recall what has been learned so far. At the end of last semester, Danny and Jenny were visiting Li Ming and his family in China.‎ ‎2. text introduction Teacher: Everyone is having a great time on the trip. Today, they, they, "Hou," and "t".‎ Step 2. Presentation ‎1. Please don't run!‎ ‎(1) teachers: When someone is very excited, he or she wants to do, and wants, and it is also known as the following three aspects.‎ ‎(2) Professor jump, run, dance, sing, sit down, stand up. Display the vocabulary cards and read each word. On display, let the volunteered students demonstrate the action on the card. Write the words on the blackboard and let the students demonstrate the action.‎ ‎(3) discuss how to tell others politely not to do something. Tell the student to use please when asking for someone else. Read the words aloud. The teacher should read the words and demonstrate the action to the students. For example, run, and say Please don 't run! Say the sentence, stop running. Repeat the four sentences in the same way: Please don 't run! Please don' t jump! Please don 't sing!‎ ‎(4) the teacher said: "Now, let" s open to page 2. to play the first part of the recording, reading it. Play two or three times. Go around and listen to the students to read the words. Help when necessary.‎ ‎2. demo Let four volunteer students come to the front and assign each student an action (run, jump, sing, dance). The students take turns to do the movements, teacher says Please don 't ______! When the teacher says the statement, students should immediately stop their actions.‎ ‎3. practice Please do the action!‎ Let some volunteer students perform jump, run, dance, sing, stand up and sit down. And then move from one object to another. Let the students and teachers volunteer together (Let 's jump/run from to ______ ______.). And then let the volunteer students do their actions independently according to the instructions of the teacher.‎ When a student moves between two objects, the instruction is changed occasionally. For example:‎ Teacher: Please jump from this book to that chair.‎ Student: (start from the position of the book to the chair.)‎ Teacher: Stop! Please don 't jump! Please walk from the book to the!‎ A picture of a speech Now, draw a variety of pictures on the blackboard. (for example: a fishing man; a kite man; a dog) and then draw a big circle and draw a cross line in it. Let the students guess which things can't be done. Now, let the volunteered students come to the front, draw several pictures with circles and slashes, and let the other students guess which things can't be done.‎ Step 3. Practice Let's do it!‎ ‎1. Read and match.‎ Let the students turn to the third page of the textbook and look at the six pictures (International logo). Tell the student that when the picture is in a circle and there is a slash through it, it means not doing the picture. Look at each picture and ask for the meaning of the picture. For example: the feet on the grass and the swimmers. Tell the students first pictures meaning: Don 't walk on the grass.‎ Let the students finish the exercise. Explain to the students that they should look at the pictures first, read the sentences under the picture, and then fill the right letters into the small boxes in the lower right corner of each picture. Leave some time for the students to finish the exercises.‎ Answer: f-b-a-c-d-e Educational hints:‎ The students' homework is often posted on the walls of the classroom. Students feel proud when they find that their homework is considered valuable by the teacher and posted in the classroom. You can also use these assignments to constantly review and practice what students have learned.‎ ‎2. Look, say and write.‎ See who can tell the meaning of the pictures. Browse the first group of pictures with the whole class. Danny was sitting, but there is a crying face on the map, which means "don't do this". Say Please don 't sit down. now, look at the next picture. Danny was standing. There was a smiling face in the picture, meaning "stand up, please". Let the students finish the exercise.‎ Answer: B. Please don 't run. Please walk. C. Please don' t sing.‎ Step 4. Consolidation Let the students find out the words that match the words that the teacher says.‎ Teacher: Run!‎ Whole class: Walk.‎ Teacher: Sing!‎ Whole class: Dance.‎ Teacher: Stand up!‎ The whole class: Sit down!‎ ‎"Handbook of activities"‎ Help the students find the exercises they need to do, open the page and raise them together.‎ Teaching hints:‎ End the course with a positive atmosphere Try to get the students to succeed in doing something when they end the course. If a teacher can end the course with a smile or an interesting game, the students will be very interested and motivated. They will be willing to go to class and try to succeed in the class. Stand in the doorway and call out the students' names and say goodbye to them, which shows that you are interested in them and are very attentive to each child. It's easy for children to perceive this.‎ Step 5. Summary Key vocabulary:‎ Run, sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit down, stand up An imperative sentence with prohibition:‎ Please don’t jump!‎ Please don’t sing Please don’t dance!‎ ‎…‎ Step 6. Homework ‎1. correctly write the words that are learned in this lesson.‎ ‎2. preview Lesson2.‎ ◆ 教学反思

