冀教五上 教案 U4-L19

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冀教五上 教案 U4-L19

Unit 4 Jenny and Danny come to China Lesson 19 Meet Li Ming’s Family ‎【教学目标】‎ 知识和技能目标:‎ ‎1. 能听说读写四会单词。‎ ‎2. 能用句子When will you go to …来提问并回答。‎ 情感态度目标:‎ ‎ 使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极地用英语进行交流并通过讨论来激发学生的学习兴趣与合作意愿。‎ 学习策略目标:‎ 通过学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习的习惯。‎ ‎【教学重难点】‎ 重点:‎ 能听说读写四会单词。‎ 难点:‎ 能用句子When will you go to …来提问并回答。‎ ‎【课前准备】‎ 图片。‎ ‎【教学过程】‎ Step 1. Warming up.‎ T: Good morning, everyone. How are you today? ‎ Step 2. New Concepts.‎ ‎1. Free talk ‎ T: Let’s have a free talk. ‎ I love to travel, it is fun! I want to go to ______. I want ____ and ____to come, too. We will go there by ____. ____ is a big city. There are many ____ ____ in______. It is great.‎ T: Good job. Let’s review the months of the year.(read)‎ T: OK, When is your birthday?‎ S: My birthday is on …‎ ‎2. New concepts T: Can you help me to fill in the blanks?‎ The last question is when will they go to Shanghai? Make a sentence like this.(拓展第三人称)‎ Pair work : ask and answer with your friend.‎ ‎3. Group work Write a study plan on your holiday.‎ Step 3. Presentations.‎ ‎1. Read and answer the questions.‎ ‎2. Open your book and do the part 2.‎ Step 4.Role play.‎ Read the story with your friends. Role play.‎ Step 5. Homework.‎

