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Unit 3 My school calendar PEP 人 教版(三年级起点 ) 五年级英语下册单元全套课件 目 录 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Part A 第 1 课时 Part A 第 2 课时 Part A 第 3 课时 Part B 第 1 课时 Part B 第 2 课时 Part B 第 3 课时 Unit 3 My school calendar PEP· 五年级下册 Part A Let’s learn & Read and say Lead-in There are ______ seasons in a year. four spring summer autumn winter There are ______ months in a year. twelve New words 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 Can you read? June April March May January February There are some festivals in every month. Can you speak out some festivals? New Year’s Day winter vacation winter vacation Tree Planting Day English party sports meet singing contest school trip May Day Mother’s Day Children’s Day Father’s Day New Year’s Day winter vacation Tree Planting Day English party sports meet singing contest school trip May Day Mother’s Day Children’s Day Father’s Day Let’s Learn When is Tree Planting Day? It’s in March. Summary — When + be 动词 + 活动? — It’s in + 时间 . 询问某活动的时间 — When is Tree Planting Day? — It’s in March. Activity _____________ Do you know the names of the festivals? ______________ New Year’s Day Tree Planting Day _____________ May Day _____________ winter vacation _____________ Children’s Day _____________ singing contest Make up conversations. When is …? It’s in … Read and say Tick or cross. Correct the names of the months when necessary. 1.( ) Tree Planting Day is in February . 2.( ) Winter vacation is in February and March. × × March 三月 January and February 一月和二月 3. ( ) Mother’s Day is in May. 4. ( ) The sports meet is in April. 5. ( ) Children’s Day is in January. × √ √ June 六月 When is ...? It’s in ... Game: 脱口而出 根据图片快速说出在几月。 Exercise 一、写出下列月份的缩写形式。 January February March April June Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jun. 二、选词填空。 1. The singing contest is ____ March. 2. I often clean my room _____ Tuesdays. 3. —_____ season do you like best? —Summer. 4. —____ is May day? —It's in May. in on When Which in on Which When Unit 3 My school calendar PEP· 五年级下册 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk Lead in Which season do you like best? Why? spring summer autumn winter spring In spring, we have a few fun things . few 不多;很少 一些 事情 一些 有趣的事情 thing a few We have a few fun things in spring. What can we do in spring? We can fly kites. go for a picnic. plant flowers. ... have a school trip trip 旅行 sports meet 运动会 meet 集会;开会 When is the sports meet in our school? In which season? Which month? Will you invite your parents to school? Let’s try Who will go to the sports meet next week? Listen and tick. March 24th Dear parents, Please come to the sports meet next Friday. Zhang Peng’s parents Mike’s parents √ Mike: What’s that, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: It’s an invitation for my mum and dad. Mike: What for? Zhang Peng: For the sports meet next week. I will run. Mike: I see. Good luck! Zhang Peng: Thank you! 听力原文 邀请函 Let’s talk Read and finish the tasks. Task 1: Which season are they talking about? spring summer autumn winter Task 2 Do you know which months are in spring? Task 3 What activities are they talking about? sports meet English party school trip Task 4 When are these activities? April May sports meet English party school trip Task 5 Mike: Zhang Peng: Read the conversation. We have a few fun things in spring. ① After the sports meet, we have an English party. When is the party? ② Mike: It’s in April. ③ We have a school trip, too. Zhang Peng: When is that? Mike: It’s in May. Zhang Peng: Cool! sports meet English party school trip April May Task 6 Fill in the blanks. Mike: We have ______ fun things in spring. After the _________, we have an English party. Zhang Peng: _____ is the party? a few sports meet When Mike: It’s _____ April. We have a __________, too. Zhang Peng: ______ is that? Mike: It’s in _____. Zhang Peng: Cool! in school trip When May Task 7 Write and talk. school trip sports meet Chinese/maths/…test singing contest April May singing contest When is the singing contest? It’s usually in May. Play roles Make up conversations. English party Chinese test sports meet school trip singing contest When is …? It’s in … April May Activity 1 三人一组,两人问答,另一个同学总结汇报。 school trip sports meet Chinese/maths/…test singing contest S1: When is …? S2: It’s in… S3: The … is in … Activity 2 Make our school calendar in spring. March April May Exercise ( ) 1. a few ( ) 2. sports meet ( ) 3. school trip ( ) 4. singing contest 一、英汉短语匹配。 A. 学校旅行 B. 一些 C. 歌唱比赛 D. 运动会 B D A C 1. are, a few, apples , there ________________________ 2. is, school, when, the, trip ________________________ 二、连词成句。 There are a few apples. When is the school trip ? 三、选择句子补全对话。 A. we have a singing contest, too. B. Cool! C. It's in March. D. When is that? A : Good morning. When is the English test? B: 1.______ A: After the English test, 2.______ B: 3.______ A: It's in April. B: 4.______ C A D B Unit 3 My school calendar PEP· 五年级下册 Part A Let’s spell Do you know him? He is a teacher . He is from China . He has chicken for lunch . Ch ina ch icken lun ch tea ch er What do you find? Ch ina ch icken lun ch tea ch er 仔细听,我可以发现 …… ch ch 的发音与 字母 h 的后半部分 的发音一样。 Fast word reading lunch chicken each China child teacher which March Let’s spell ch ildren ch air ch eap ¥ 5 This shirt is ch eap. He has a cheap shirt . He has shorts , too. He likes sheep and fish . sh eep fi sh sh irt sh orts What do you find? 仔细听,我可以发现 …… sh eep fi sh sh irt sh orts sh Who is faster? fish shirt she shorts shop shop shy sheep wash short shake fresh Can you chant? Sh , sh , sh eep. Fat fat sh eep. Sh , sh , fi sh . Big big fi sh . Sh , sh , sh irt. Sh ort sh ort sh irt. Let’s chant Tea ch er, tea ch er What’s for lun ch today? Ch icken or fi sh Ch icken or fi sh . I love ch icken, HOORAY! Listen, number and say. Chinese children an English teacher a short sheep fish for lunch a shirt and shorts 1 2 3 4 5 Can you say quickly? a/an ______ teacher short chicken short shorts Try to say more. English Chinese teacher lunch shirt fish shorts short children sheep chicken a/an ______ teacher a ______ sheep ______ children a _____ and _____ ________ for lunch Choose, write and say. The teacher chicken fish shirt is short. fresh. cheap. nice. 1._______________ 2.________________ 3._______________ 4.________________ The teacher is nice. The chicken is cheap. The fish is fresh. The shirt is short. Bingo shorts lunch teacher sheep fish watch dish fresh children shirt shop much wish such ship cheese Let’s do it! 1. A. ch ips B. ch eap C. sh ake 2. A. sh eep B. s ch ool C. sh orts 3. A. January B. Feb. C. May 4. A. when B. in C. on 5. A. Children’s Day B. May Day C. school trip Exercise 一、火眼金睛辨不同。 二、读一读,判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音 是( T )否( F )相同。 Ch ina lun ch s ch ool ch eap ( ) ( ) T F sh y sh eep wa sh ch ildren ( ) ( ) T F Part B Let’s learn & Ask and write Unit 3 My school calendar PEP· 五年级下册 A year before after New words 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 November December October July August September summer vacation summer vacation There are some festivals in every month. Can you speak out some festivals? Teachers’ Day Mid-Autumn Day China’s National Day American Thanksgiving Day Christmas summer vacation Teachers’ Day 暑假 教师节 Let’s learn Mid-Autumn Day China’s National Day 中秋节 中国国庆节 American Thanksgiving Day Christmas When is Mid-Autumn Day? It’s usually in September or October. I’ll eat mooncakes with my family. Summer vacation is in Teachers’ Day is in China’s National Day is in American Thanksgiving Day is in Christmas is in Let's chant July and August . Septem ber . Octo ber . Novem ber . Decem ber . Activity Make up conversations. A : When is ________? B: It’s in _______. I ______. Ask and write Teachers’ Day is in September . New Year’s Day is in ________. China’s National Day is in _______. American Thanksgiving Day is in ________. Christmas is in _________. Children's Day is in _______. January October November December June When is Teachers’ Day? It’s in September. 规则:点击数字,出现相应 图片,根据图片造句 并说出月份。 Guessing Time Let’s go! When is ____? It’s in _____. 1 2 3 5 6 4 Exercise 我会说:快速说出相邻月份。 _____ → Aug. May → _____ Mar. → _____ Nov. → _____ Jan. → _____ _____ → Sept. Jul. Jun. Apr. Dec. Feb. Aug. 帮节日找月份。 China’s National Day Teachers’ Day Children’s Day New Year’s Day Tree Planting Day June October September March January 情景交际。 ( ) 1. 当你想知道中秋节在什么时候时,应该问: A. When is New Year's Day? B. When is Mid-Autumn Day? ( ) 2. 中秋节即将来临,当你告诉朋友你将要做 某事时,可以说: A. I'll eat mooncakes with my family. B. I'll sing to my mother. B A Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 3 My school calendar PEP· 五年级下册 Let's play 月份 before after July August August September September October December November November December Let's sing Let’s try What will Oliver have? Listen and tick. A birthday party. A birthday cake. √ Oliver: Today is my birthday. Chen Jie: Really? Happy birthday! Oliver: Thanks. Chen Jie: What will you do today? Oliver: Chen Jie: I will. I will have a party. Please come. Let’s talk Task 1 What can you see in the picture? October the Great Wall Listen and fill in the blanks. I like ________. I really like the _______. autumn colours Task 2 I like _______, too. We usually have a _________. autumn school trip Task 3 When is the school trip? The school trip is in _______ this year. They will go to ______________. October the Great Wall Task 4 Read the passage in groups. Oliver: I like autumn. I really like the colours. Chen Jie: I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. 也 Oliver: Great! When is the trip this year? Chen Jie: It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall. ① Oliver: Cool! I love the Great Wall! 太棒了! 长城 Task 5 Listen and judge. 1.Summer is Oliver’s favourite season. ( ) 2.Oliver doesn’t like the colours in autumn. ( ) 3.Chen Jie likes autumn. ( ) 4.The trip is in September. ( ) 5.Oliver loves the Great Wall. ( ) √ × √ × × Task 6 Listen and number. ( ) Cool! I love the Great Wall! ( ) Great! When is the trip this year? ( ) I like autumn. I really like the colours. ( ) It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall. ( ) I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. 1 2 3 4 5 Role play 两人一组练习对话,随后表演出来吧! Task 7 Activity Which season do you like best? Talk with your partners. A: I like … best. I really like the … B: I like … We usually … in … cook make a card sing to her say ”Thank you” write her a letter tell her a story play the pipa for her What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day? I will _____________. _____ will__________. I’ll cook for my mother. What about you? ② I’ll make a card. What about you and your partner? I’ll ______ for my mother. Activity What will you do for your dad on Father’s Day? I’ll ______ for my father. What will you do for …? Children’s Day sports meet … Exercise 一、我会选。 1. I’ll cook _____ my mother and sing _____ her. A. to; for B. for; to C. for; for 2. — What will Oliver have? — _________. A. He will have a birthday party B. I will have a birthday party C. They will have a birthday party 二、读问句,选出正确的答句。 A. The trip is in September. B. I will say "Thank you" to him. C. It's in May. D. No, it isn't. ( ) 1. When is the trip this year? ( ) 2. When is Mother's Day? ( ) 3. What will you do for your dad? ( ) 4. Is the singing contest in June? A C B D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 我也喜欢秋天。 I like ______, too. 2. — 运动会在什么时候? — 在 10 月份。 — _____ is the sports meet? — It's in _______. autumn When October Unit 3 My school calendar PEP· 五年级下册 Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up Part C Story time Guess the festivals according to the following pictures( 看图猜节日 ). Tree Planting Day 植树节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节 Teachers' Day 教师节 New Year’s Day 春节 English party 英语聚会 There will be an English party in the gym. Here is an invitation ( 邀请函 ) from Robin. Let's have a look Reading in groups (小组读) English Party WHEN: April 12th, 7 p.m. WHERE: Gym WHAT: You will play games. You will read riddles. You will act out stories. You will meet Robin the Robot. He is a great English teacher! RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send an email by March 23rd. Task 1 Read and write Task 2 Read and choose the right answer. English party is in ______. A. B. Task 3 1. This passage is an _____. A. email B. invitation (邀请函) 2. The English party is in the _____. A. school B. gym 3. We will _____ on the English party. A. play games B. read riddles C. act out stories D. meet Robin the Robot E. eat candies Read and tick or cross. 1. ( ) The English party is on March 23rd. 2. ( ) The party will start at 7 p.m. 3. ( ) You’ll dance at the party. 4. ( ) You’ll meet a great English teacher at the party. √ × × √ What will you do if you have a birthday party? Write three sentences. dance play games make a wish sing the birthday song eat noodles/a birthday cake 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ I will dance. I will make a wish. I will eat noodles. Let’s check Listen and circle. What When school trip August March April December singing contest November March April May Teachers‘ Day September October May July Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What will the students do in May? ___________________________ 2. What will they do in December? ___________________________ They will visit a farm. They will have a party. 听力原文: 1. Miss White: We have lots of fun things this spring. In March there is the school trip. We’ll go to the Great Wall. In April, we’ll have a singing contest. In May, we’ll visit a farm. 2. John: Look at the calendar. In September, there is Teachers’ Day. In October, we’ll go to the zoo. In November, there is Thanksgiving Day. We’ll eat a big dinner. In December, there is Christmas. We will have a party! Let’s wrap it up Fill in the blanks. 1. We will have an English party ____ February. 2. I get up ____ 7 o’clock every day. 3. What do you have _____ Tuesdays? in at on Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Grammar 介词 at, in, on 的用法 ( 1 )表示时间的 某一点、某一时刻或年龄 等用 at 。 例句:我早上六点钟起床。 I get up at six in the morning. 表示时间 ( 2 )若表示 星期几或某一特定 的日期,则用 on 。 例句:他周一离开这儿。 He left here on Monday. ( 3 )泛指一般意义的 上午、下午、晚上以及月或年 等 较长的时间 ,一般用 in 。 例句:我们晚上看电视。 We watch TV in the evening. Story time Answer the questions. 1. It’s ______ now. April 2. What will Zoom do in summer? visit grandparents go to Grape Valley go to Huangshan Mountain Zoom: Look at my summer vacation plan! Zip: It’s April now. The summer vacation is still three months away. Zoom: Early planning is always good. Zoom: In July I’ll visit my grandparents. They live in Xinjiang. Zip: What will you do there? Zoom: We’ll go to Grape Valley. The grapes there are very sweet! Grapes are my favourite fruit! Zoom: In August, I’ll go to Huangshan Mountain. The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful! Zip: Sounds great! Zip: You have a great plan, but what will you do this weekend? Zoom: This weekend? Zip: There will be a maths test next Monday. So please study hard. Zoom: Oh my goodness! I forgot! 模块整理与复习 一月 二月 三月 四月 January February March April 月份 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 May July September November June August October December 一些 运动会 长城 a few sports meet the Great Wall 询问某活动的日期的句型及答语: —When is+ 活动 (the sports meet, the singing contest ...)? —It's in + 月份 .

