四年级下册英语课件-Unit2 There are forty students in our class

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四年级下册英语课件-Unit2 There are forty students in our class

Lesson 10 There are forty students in our class. Key Points: How many bags do you have? book 书 New Words: bag 书包 New Words: Review Words: 1. 二十 2. 十二 3. 铅笔 4. 十一 5. 书 Make Sentences: How many books? There are twelve. 有多少本书 ? Make Sentences: How many bags? There are eleven. 有多少个包 ? Make Sentences: How many bags are there in your bedroom? How many books are there in your bag? Make Sentences: How many books? There are twelve. How many teachers are there in your school ? There are 70 . seventy eighty How many … do you have ? We have … ① Hello, everyone! Let’s help children in need! 有需要的 ②How many bags do you have? ③We have seventy bags. ④How many books do you have ? ⑤We have eighty books. Let’s chant. Homework A. Recite the new words. B. Phonics. Thank You.

