2020人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 4 第二课时 精品课件

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2020人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 4 第二课时 精品课件

人教版(三年级起点 ) 五年级下册 Part A Let's learn Ask and answer Unit 4 When is Easter ? Let's learn 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Let's learn ● Ask and answer Practice Warm-up/Revision When is________? It’s on_____. 12 复活节 Presentation This is my first comic book. 这是我的第一本漫画书。 ( 序数词 ) 第 一 ( 的 ) first ( 序数词 ) 第二 ( 的 ) secend October 2nd is my grandma’s birthday. 10 月 2 日是我 奶奶 的生日。 ( 序数词 ) 第三 ( 的 ) third March is the third month of a year. 3 月是一年中的第三个月。 ( 序数词 ) 第四 ( 的 ) fourth Today is my sister’s fourth birthday. 今天是我妹妹的四岁生日。 ( 序数词 ) 第五 ( 的 ) fifth I am the fifth one. 我 是第五个 。 Let's learn 点击“ Let's learn ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 Let's learn When is the English test? It’s on April 3rd. Ask and answer Jul.1st singing contest Mar.5th school trip Dec.4th maths test Sept. 2nd Miss Chen's birthday Nov.2nd English test When is the English test? It’s on … Who is the first /second/…one? first second third fourth fifth This man is the first . Practice Test ( )1. Sunday is the _____ day of a week. A. first B. second C. third ( )2.The fifth day of a week is_______. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday ( )3. The third month of a year is_______. A January B. February C. March 一、单选选择。 A A C 1. Today is my brother's_________(five/fifth) birthday. 2. There are__________(four/fourth) seasons in a year. 3. Mother's Day is on the_________( two/second) Sunday in May. 4. My little brother is__________(three/third) years old. 二、根据句子意思选择恰当的单词填空。 fifth four second three 重点词汇 first 第一 (的) second 第二 ( 的 ) Sum-up third 第三(的) fourth 第四(的) fifth 第五 (的) 和同伴一起对 十月份要做的事情 制作一个计划表,然后相互询问做某事的时间。 Homework Thank you!

